D&Z Players Guide
D&Z Players Guide
D&Z Players Guide
Introduction 3
Setting Up Your Character……….………........3 Driver……………………………………………..……19
Progression Table……………………………….…..4 First Aid…………………………………………..……19
Human Traits……………………………………........4 Fishing………………………………………………….19
Choose Your Background………………….…....4 Forager………………………………………………...19
Choose Your Alignment…………………….…....4 Gun Hunting…………………………………….….20
Choose Your First Hobby………………….…….4 Horseback Riding…………………………..…….20
Choose Your Body Type………………….……...4 Makeshift Crafting……………………………….20
Important Information…………………….……..5 Minstrel……………………………………………….20
Parkour ………………………………………….…....21
Part 1 9 Pyrotechnic……………………………….…………21
Sword Fighting…………………………..…………21
Backgrounds………………………….………....9 Thieving…………………………………………….….21
Car Mechanic…………………………...…….………9 Body Types………….……………….…………22
Chef………………………………………………….…...10 Skinny………………………………………..…………22
Computer Geek…………………………..…...……10 Average………………………………………….…..…22
Construction Worker………….…………....……11 Fit………………………………………………….……..22
Customer Service…………………………..………11 Heavy………………………………..…………….……22
Part 2 23
Musician…………………………………….…….....…14 Items…………………………………….………...…23
Office Worker…………………………..……….……14
Healing Items……………………………….………23
Melee Weapons……………………….………...…23
Ranged Weapons……………………………….…24
Ammo Types……………………...…………………24
Hobbies……………………….……..……...………17 Clothing…………………………………...…………..26
Credits 27
Bear Grylls…………….………..………...……………17
Boxing/Martial Arts………..………..……………18
Character Sheet 28
Artwork by Naughty Dog LLC
Progression Table 2. Choose Your Background
Backgrounds have replaced classes. You can
Level Prof. Features
choose one of these backgrounds (Page 7) for
1st +2 1st Hobby & Hobby Equipment your character. These affect your playstyle in
the same way classes would. Instead of being
2nd +2 Hit Point Increase a Barbarian, Wizard, or a Cleric from D&D, you
would be a Firefighter, Teacher, or Electrician.
3rd +2 Background Ability,
These represent the job your character had
Ability Score Improvement,
before the apocalypse.
Hit Point Increase
Important Information Lastly, Crafting can be used in situations such
as weaving a basket from reeds, or building a
There are a few other changes that have been makeshift fishing rod from a branch and
made that you must know about before string. Uses intelligence modifier.
starting your campaign.
The Inventory system has also changed.
First, most of the skills in D&D 5e (such as Depending on what type of backpack or bags
Investigation and Athletics) are being used in you are wearing, changes how much you can
the same way, except for Religion and Arcana, carry. On the D&Z Character Sheet, the Items
which have been replaced by Tinkering and column is broken into four parts: Pockets,
Technology. Additionally, the Melee Weapons, Small Pack (S), Medium Pack (M) and Large
Firearms, Crafting and Cooking skills have Pack (L). If you do not have any sort of
been introduced. backpack, You can only write down items in
the Pockets Section. The backpacks you
The Tinkering skill can be used for actions acquire during your adventures add more
such as repairing a car tire or building up a slots. For example: If you have a Medium
strong barricade. backpack, you may use the Pockets, Small
Pack, and Medium Pack inventory spaces but
A Technology check could be used to Plug in you cannot write in the Large Pack until you
solar panels to power a lightbulb, or attempt find one and put it on. Only 1 type of item can
to get a GPS signal working. be written in each inventory slot on the
character sheet. You may stack small items
The Firearms skill modifier is used while such as a granola bar or pencils in stacks of
shooting a gun (or another aimed ranged five at max. (Instead of writing down “Granola
weapon such as a bow) in place of a normal Bar” five times, write “Granola Bar x5”)
dexterity modifier. If you are proficient in
Firearms, you will add your proficiency bonus Clothing is broken up into Head, Face, Chest,
to your Firearms roll. (e.g. A Police Officer, Back, Hands, Belt, Legs, Feet and Holsters (If
being already skilled in firearms, would also be you have any). When you find a clothing item
proficient in firearms, giving them a more you may equip it in the specific slot. (e.g. Hat
accurate shot) goes in the Head slot, Mask goes in the Face
slot, etc) The specific clothing item may have
The Melee Weapons skill is just like Firearms, a modifier to your AC. (i.e. a T-Shirt has a +1,
except uses your strength modifier. (Like D&D whereas Tool items such as a flashlight or a
5e) If you are proficient in a skill, you add your hatchet could be placed in the belt slot. This
proficiency bonus to the skill check. enables you to equip the item as a bonus action
(Proficiency levels up at the same rate as D&D instead of using a full action to go through your
5e, e.g: level 1 is +2, level 5 is +3, etc) backpack or pockets during combat. All
character starter clothing is in the “Common”
Cooking, just as it sounds, would be used in category (+1AC per item)
cooking. For example: correctly heating a
fresh venison steak to kill the bacteria before
consuming. Uses wisdom modifier.
Hit Points are based on your Body Type. Hit Water. For simplicity's sake, each player,
Dice can be used in gaining back lost HP, as despite body type, is required to drink 1 Liter
can healing items. Hit dice information can be (¼ Gallon) of water per day. If the water is
found in the body types section. To find your dirty, they must make a Constitution saving
max HP, roll 1d20+10+Constitution modifier. throw with the difficulty class depending on
(reroll if lower than 10) Add your body type's how polluted the water is. An item like a water
base health modifier to get your starting HP. bottle can be considered ½ ration for the day,
Health increases per level detailed in the body aka, 0.5 Liters (1/8 Gallon).
type section.
A player also now must track their Insanity
Players Must Eat And Drink. The amount of Level. This is represented by eight bubbles on
food required depends on the player’s body the character sheet. All Players start out at the
type. Water is 1 Liter (¼ Gallon) per day lowest level called sane. If the Character
regardless of body type. One food ration comes into an intense or traumatic situation,
equals about one pound (0.5 kg). After 24 the GM may ask the player to increase their
hours without food and/or water, a player will insanity level. If a player has a peaceful night
make a DC 18 Constitution Saving Throw or rest, ate a nice meal, etc, the GM should grant
gain 1 level of exhaustion. Succeeding in the the player a lowered insanity. Drugs, such as
saving throw grants an additional day. (e.g. if a cigarettes, can also lower insanity levels, but
player goes an additional 24 hours without the could have other side effects as well. Reaching
required amount of food or water, they will Lvl 4 causes hallucinations (visual and
make a constitution saving throw again. If auditory). When reaching lvl 8 insanity, the
they fail, they will now have 2 levels of player gets disadvantage on all checks
exhaustion) Each following day without food (including attacks). Default insanity level is 1.
and/or water, the player must succeed in a
DC 18 constitution saving throw or add Gun Attachments can improve your firearm if
another level of exhaustion. When a player you can find any. Extended mags, scopes,
reaches 6 Levels of exhaustion they will be grips and many more are listed with their
brought to 0 hit points and must roll stats in the GM’s Guide To D&Z. Page two of
their death saves. the Character Sheet has slots for your guns or
other ranged weapons where you can list
On a success, the player will be brought back what you have on them and what its new stats
to life with 1 HP and their movement speed is are.
5 until they eat or drink or both (whichever is
affecting them). Medical items cannot heal Simple firearms such as a pistol shoot one
them while they are starving. Long rests do round per attack. For example: the Colt 1911
not cure starvation induced exhaustion while pistol holds 8 rounds in the magazine. If a
currently starving. Upon taking any damage player attacks with this weapon, there will be
during this, or using up the 24 hours, the one less bullet.
player will be permanently dead. Additionally,
over time, if the player constantly does not eat Once there are no bullets left, the player must
the required amount of food, their body type take an action to reload. This applies only if
may change at the will of the GM. (e.g. A there is another loaded magazine. If the
muscular player could become skinny, magazine itself must be reloaded, this
changing their stats) requires 2 turns [12 seconds]. If the weapon
does not use a magazine, like a bolt action or
pump shotgun, reloading is done in one action
(Like changing magazines)
Automatic weapons are different. For vomits, their food and water quantity is set to
example: The M16a4 holds 30 rounds. Each zero. A poisoned player also has disadvantage
attack fires 5 bullets. This means the M16 can on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.
attack 6 times before needing to reload.
Overdose: Per the GM’s discretion, a player
Automatic Firearms are different from a may overdose on medications or other drugs.
normal gun. They hold a set amount of If doneso, the player will roll a DC(x) CON
ammunition, but instead of firing 1 bullet per Saving Throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
turn, they fire a specified number.
For example: Starvation: After 24 hours without food, a
player gains the Starvation effect, they will
make a DC 18 Constitution Saving Throw or
Colt M4 Carbine: 30 rounds auto
gain 1 level of exhaustion. The saving throw is
(5 rounds) 3d6+firearms (100/200)
repeated again after an additional 24 hours
until the daily ration is satisfied. For more
The bolded area above shows the number of information, reference the Players Must Eat
bullets fired per action. This means this gun And Drink section above.
has 6 attacks before having to reload, even
though it’s clip capacity is 30 rounds. Each Thirst: After 24 hours without water, a player
time the weapon is shot, subtract the gains the Thirst effect, they will make a DC 18
specified (bolded) amount of ammo from the Constitution Saving Throw or gain 1 level of
inventory. If not enough ammo is left to shoot exhaustion. The saving throw is repeated
a full attack, damage will be halved for the again after an additional 24 hours until the
attack. daily ration is satisfied. For more information,
reference the Players Must Eat And Drink
Misfire: Whenever making an attack roll with section above.
a Firearm, if you roll a Natural 1 on the roll, the
weapon becomes Jammed. While Jammed, a The Infection: (Per GM Discretion)
weapon cannot be used to make a ranged Unfortunately, there’s no known cure for The
attack roll, you may use your action to Infection. (Unless specified by the GM) The
attempt a DC 10 tinkering check to unjam the Infection is typically given to a human if they
gun. If you fail this check, you cannot use your are bitten by a zombie or inhale spores.
action in this way again until the gun is (reference “The Infection” in the GM’s guide)
Unjammed. Saliva (or other fluids) from the zombie must
enter the bloodstream if from a bite. There is
Active Effects are tracked on the 2nd page of no immediate side effect from receiving the
the Character Sheet. These can include food infection. For 48 hours, the infected person
poisoning, starvation. etc. The list below shows no symptoms. Afterwhich, the human
describes some common effects: enters stage 1 and loses control of their body,
they are now an NPC.
Food Poisoning: A player may gain the food
poisoning condition by eating raw meat for Insane: Reaching Lvl 4 causes hallucinations
example. The GM has them roll a DC(x) CON (visual and auditory). When reaching lvl 8
Saving Throw or gain the effect. Antibiotics insanity, the player gets disadvantage on all
will cure the effect immediately, otherwise the checks (including attacks).
player must wait out the 12 hour effect. For Insanity can be lowered by eating a nice meal,
mild cases, the player will make DC5 CON getting a peaceful sleep, doing drugs, etc)
Saving Throws every hour or vomit. For more
severe cases, the player will make a higher DC
CON Saving Throw. Every time a player
Bleeding: If the player gets a hit that drops
them at or below 5 hp, or the damage is a
critical hit, they will start to bleed. This can be
stopped by using a medkit or a bandage. Every
round, (6 seconds) the player loses 5% of their
blood. After enough blood has been lost
(25% / 2 quarts) the player will also gain the
Hypovolemic Shock effect.
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Deception, Skills: Choose four from Deception, History,
Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Technology,
Tinkering, Melee Weapons
Bonuses: +2 Stealth, +1 Sleight of Hand
Bonuses: +2 Tinkering, +1 Technology
● (a) T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b) hoodie, EQUIPMENT
thin gloves, jeans, sneakers
● (a) T-shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b)
● (a) Small backpack or (b) 0.5 gallons of mechanic uniform (shirt, pants, shoes)
● (a) Toolbox with mechanic tools or (b) pipe
● (a) Crowbar or (b) 3 food rations wrench
● 1d6 $ Cash ● (a) 3 food rations or (b) armored boots
● (a) 1 gallon of water or (b) 1 gallon of gas
Leveling Progression ● 3d10 $ Cash
Chef Computer Geek
You really like food. Eating it AND preparing it. This When you aren't typing up code or fixing broken
is why you decided to become a cook. Your computers, you're typing up code, fixing broken
culinary skills far exceed the average frozen pizza computers and eating Doritos in your spare time.
dinner person. Most people would say you're a genius but you just
consider yourself not incompetent.
Quick Build
Make Wisdom your highest score followed by Quick Build
Intelligence and Charisma. Choose the Cooking Make Intelligence your highest score followed by
hobby. Wisdom and Charisma.
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Deception, History, Skills: Choose three from Deception, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception,
Persuasion, Cooking, Crafting. Performance, Persuasion, Technology, Tinkering
● (a) T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b) Chef ● T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers
coat, pants, shoes, chefs hat ● Laptop computer
● (a) Cleaver or (b) Frying pan ● 16gb flash drive with hacking software
● 6 food rations ● (a) 6 rations or (b) Cell phone
● (a) 1 gallon of water or (b) Recipe book ● 1d6 $ Cash
● 1d10 $ Cash
Leveling Progression
Leveling Progression
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement (same rules as D&D 5e)
(same rules as D&D 5e)
Level 3: Mainframe: Your hacking knowledge grants
Level 3: Improved Cooking: Your tasty artwork you access to security cameras, doors, or locked
checks gain double proficiency bonus. computers with double proficiency bonus.
Construction Worker Customer Service
Using your hands and tools you build homes and Those college plans didn't seem to go too well, but
other structures. This could become useful in you found a way to make a living by putting on a
creating bases and fortifying homes. fake smile. Who knows, maybe your charisma could
come in handy in the apocalypse?
Quick Build
Make Intelligence your highest score followed by Quick Build
Strength. Make Charisma your highest ability scores followed
by Intelligence and Constitution.
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Strength PROFICIENCIES
Skills: Choose three from Investigation, Nature, Saving Throws: Charisma, Constitution
Technology, Tinkering, Melee Weapons Skills: Choose four from Deception, History,
Intimidation, Investigation, Performance,
Bonuses: +3 Tinkering +1 Melee Weapons Persuasion, Technology
Level 8: Break This!: Your barricading techniques Level 3: Shelf Searcher: you gain double proficiency
have improved. Building barricades require half the in perception checks.
materials and are twice as sturdy.
Level 8: Repressed Emotions: Your trained ability
to resist yourself from violence has given you
immunity to the insanity effect.
Doctor Farmer
Prior to this crazy new world, you were a doctor. You used to spend your days in the fields. Tending
Spending your days taking care of people during to your crops and animals, working day after day.
the worst times of their lives. As a Doctor, you are
extremely knowledgeable in medicine. You also Quick Build
work well under pressure. These skills can Make Intelligence your highest score followed by
potentially be very useful in dire situations. Strength and Wisdom.
Firefighter/EMT Military
You’ve put out many blazes and saved countless Whether it was for the benefits, the thrill, or honor,
lives from disasters. So many people need help, but your skills in combat training will come in great use
you must also take care of yourself. for you.
Confirmed Blood: You know your own blood type. Confirmed Blood: You know your own blood type.
● (a) T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b) ● (a) T-shirt, pants, sneakers or (b) military
Firefighter/EMT Uniform (shirt, pants, uniform (shirt, pants, boots)
shoes) ● (a) Military hat or (b) Small Backpack
● (a) 1 Medkit or (b) Fire Axe ● (a) Beretta M9 with 16 rounds or (b) 1 gallon
● (a) 1 gallon of water or (b) 3 rations of food of water
● (a) 2 bandages or (b) radio transmitter ● (a) Armored gloves or (b) 5 food rations
● 2d8 $ Cash ● 2d10 $ Cash
Leveling Progression
Leveling Progression
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
(same rules as D&D 5e)
(same rules as D&D 5e)
Musician or Theater Kid Office Worker
Prior to the end of the world, you played an Before it all happened, you worked in a small
instrument for a living. Whether by yourself or in a cubicle in an office building. The work likely wasn't
band, you always loved music. too enjoyable, but it was a job.
Police Officer Scientist
In your past life, you spent every day helping the A Scientist conducts scientific research to advance
public, knowing that at any time you may be put knowledge in an area of interest. This area could be
into a very dangerous situation. Despite these in any of the three branches of science, but your
fears, you worked hard and did all that you could to specific study is unique to you. The apocalypse may
ensure your city was a safe place to live. But things be very interesting for you. You probably wonder
have changed. Now you must protect yourself. what the infection is. A pathogen? Bioweapon?
Maybe your family and friends as well. 19’s are
critical hits while using a firearm. Quick Build
Make Intelligence and Wisdom your highest scores.
Quick Build
Make Strength and Dexterity your highest ability PROFICIENCIES
scores, followed by Constitution. You could instead Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
substitute Dexterity for Charisma if you would like. Skills: Choose three from History, Insight,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
PROFICIENCIES Survival, Technology, Tinkering, Cooking, Crafting
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose one from Athletics, Deception, Bonuses: +2 Investigation, +1 (Nature or
Intimidation, Investigation, Firearms, Melee Technology)
Bonuses: +2 Firearms and +1 Investigation ● (a) T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b) Lab
Coat, pants, shoes
Confirmed Blood: You know your own blood type. ● (a) Box of 5 Test tubes or (b) Goggles
● (a) 3 food rations or (b) Rubber gloves
EQUIPMENT ● (a) 1 gallon of water or (b) Large syringe
● (a) T-Shirt, Shorts, and Sneakers or (b) ● 1d10 $ Cash
Officer Uniform (shirt, pants, shoes)
● (a) 3 food rations or (b) Pepper Spray
Leveling Progression
● (a) Glock 17 handgun or (b) 1 gallon of water
● (a) Handcuffs & key or (b) radio transmitter
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
● 2d8 $ Cash
(same rules as D&D 5e)
Leveling Progression
Level 3: Modern Artificer: Your knowledge of the
universe enables you to makeshift concoctions. You
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
can spend 2 hours (uninterrupted) crafting one of
(same rules as D&D 5e)
the following with materials found nearby:
1. Medkit
Level 3: Crowd Control: You are adept in dealing
2. Pepper spray
with enemies in large numbers. Gain a bonus to
3. Painkillers
your attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier on
4. Makeshift Bomb
a creature within 10 feet of 3 or more creatures.
Student Teacher
You haven’t even gotten the chance to be an adult You know things that others don’t, and devoted
yet, and now you have to deal with zombies? Oh your career to spreading that information.
man… good luck.
Quick Build:
Quick Build Make Intelligence and Wisdom your highest ability
Make Intelligence and Wisdom your highest scores scores, followed by Charisma.
followed by Charisma.
PROFICIENCIES Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom Skills: Choose Four from Animal Handling,
Skills: Choose three from Deception, History, Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Persuasion,
Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Technology, Survival, Technology and Tinkering.
Tinkering, Cooking, Crafting.
Bonuses: +2 to a Skill of your choice, +1 Insight
Bonuses: +2 History, +1 Investigation
EQUIPMENT ● (a) T-Shirt, shorts and sneakers or (b)
● (a) T-Shirt, shorts, sneakers or (b) Hoodie, Dress clothes (suit/dress, pants, shoes)
jeans, sneakers ● (a) 2 food rations or (b) Briefcase (Small)
● (a) Medium backpack or (b) Solar powered ● (a) A pencil and a notebook or (b) 1 gallon
phone charger of water
● (a) 4 packs of ramen or (b) Calculator ● (a) 2 large books or (b) Laptop computer.
● (a) 1 gallon of water or (b) Cell phone ● 2d6 $ Cash
● 1d10 $ Cash
Leveling Progression
Leveling Progression
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
(same rules as D&D 5e)
Levels 3,6,9,12,15,18: Ability Score Improvement
(same rules as D&D 5e)
Level 3: Tutor: For one hour during a long rest you
may teach one human a subject in your field.
Level 3: Algebra: They said it would be important
You choose one skill you are proficient in that the
one day… Your ability to memorize seemingly
target is not, The target must roll a skill check
worthless information may come in use. Any
using this skill with a DC equal to 12 minus your
checks made to recall information or answer a
Ability Modifier for that skill.
question you would know the answer to, succeeds
On a success, they gain proficiency in that skill, on
immediately without a roll.
a failure, they cannot be taught in this way until the
end of their next long rest.
Level 8: Chronic Depression: Insanity levels have
Once a human has succeeded in the skill check
no effect on you.
they cannot be affected by this feature again.
Archery Addict
As an Archer, you are skilled in the bow and You have something called an addiction, this
arrow. Using this weapon correctly can land used to be seen as a “problem” by your friends
you silent but deadly kills. Ideal for hunting and family, but after everything has gone to
animals for food or as a weapon to protect shit, who cares anymore?
from the undead. Any Check made using a
bow grants you advantage. Once per rest, whenever you consume
Cigarettes, Drugs, or Candy (chosen at
PROFICIENCIES character creation) your speed increases by
Skills: Firearms 10ft and you gain 1d8 temporary hit points for
Tools: None 1 hour. After the duration, you must roll a
DC14 constitution saving throw, on a failure
EQUIPMENT gain 1 level of exhaustion, on a success
● Compound Bow nothing happens. You must finish a rest
● Quiver of 10 Arrows before you may benefit from this feature
again. If you do not use this feature at least
once every 3 days, gain 1 level of exhaustion.
You love your craft. Drawing, painting, music, Skills: (Choose 1) Medicine, Intimidation
video, whatever it may be. Checks made to Tools: Syringes
your artistic abilities are done with advantage.
PROFICIENCIES ● (a) 2 Filled Syringes or (b) 2 packs of
Skills: (Choose 1) Performance, Sleight of Hand, cigarettes or (c) 2 candy packets
Technology, Tinkering
Tools: Any sort of musical instrument, artist
supplies, or camera equipment.
Bear Grylls
EQUIPMENT You have a strange fascination in eating
● (a) A musical instrument of your everything you find under a rock. Your
choice or (b) artist supplies or (c) video survival skills are far exceeding anything
camera with charger anyone has ever seen. Constitution saving
throws are done with advantage as well as any
other survival check you make.
Skills: Nature, Survival
Tools: Small Knives and Axes
● LifeStraw®
● Gerber® Bear Grylls Survival Hatchet
● 20 Feet Nylon Rope
Boxing / Martial Arts Cooking
You are now proficient in unarmed combat. Although it may look simple, good cooking is a
Using your feet and fists to land powerful valuable skill. Making sure that you have
blows on your foes. Although this may not be correctly heated the rabbit meat your party
an ideal form of fighting, it can definitely collected for you to ensure no one develops
come into use when you are without any food poisoning would be very important. Any
other weapons or options. You have advantage check made while cooking grants you
with unarmed attacks. Additionally, punches advantage.
and kicks now deal 1d4+str damage.
Skills: Athletics, Melee Weapons Tools: Any sort of cooking instrument
Tools: None
EQUIPMENT ● Set of four kitchen knives
● Running Shoes ● Thermos with a set of two metal cups
● Brass knuckles (1d4 +str) and a metal spork
Diving Fishing
You enjoy the water just as much as the land. You have what it’s got to reel in the big one.
Any checks made while swimming in water This hobby makes you especially good at
are done with advantage. fishing. Any check related to fishing gives you
an advantage.
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics PROFICIENCIES
Tools: None Skills: Nature, Survival
Tools: Fishing pole
● Wetsuit, flippers, oxygen tank with EQUIPMENT
diving mask ● Fishing pole
● Tackle box with 100 yards of fishing
line and an assortment of artificial
Driver lures.
● (a) Mechanic tools (b) Driving gloves, Skills: Nature, Medicine
driving helmet Tools: Small knives
● Any type of motor vehicle with a full
tank of gas EQUIPMENT
● Foraging book
● Small fabric bag for plants
First Aid ● Pocket knife
Skills: Medicine
Tools: Medkits, bandages, medications
● Medkit, 1 bandage
Gun Hunting Makeshift Crafting
You have the skills to hunt creatures with a You are far better at making basic weapons
firearm. In the old world before the and tools using materials you have scavenged.
apocalypse this would have been used for This could include a basic bow, spears, knives,
deer hunting, but now there are endless etc.
opportunities. Checks related to hunting
animals and other creatures give you PROFICIENCIES
advantage. Skills: Crafting, Nature
Tools: Cutting tools (knives, hatchets, etc)
Skills: Nature, Firearms EQUIPMENT
Tools: Traps, Compass, Maps ● Pocket knife
● Hatchet
EQUIPMENT ● 10 feet of nylon rope
● Sako 85 Hunting Rifle ● 1 roll of duct Tape
● 12 Large Bullets
● Compass
Your ability to play music or entertain people
is outstandingly good. Even at the toughest of
Horseback Riding times you can find good and get a laugh or a
You love animals, especially the ones that go smile out of someone. Checks made involving
neigh. You are good with animals and are a performance gives you advantage.
proficient in riding them. Additionally, playing music or doing an act can
lower the insanity levels of you and your party
PROFICIENCIES members when in a peaceful environment. (ex:
Skills: Animal Handling, Acrobatics, Nature sitting around a fire)
Tools: None
EQUIPMENT Skills: Performance, Acrobatics
● Horse with tack Tools: Any sort of musical instrument
● (a) A musical instrument of your
choice or (b) set of magic tricks (such
as a deck of cards) or (c) book of
stories, poems, or jokes
● Hat of your choice
Parkour Sports
The art of getting from point a to point b the Competition is a key part in your life, and it
most efficient way possible. Using running, forced you to make yourself the best you
jumping, climbing and flipping to overcome could possibly be. You are proficient in melee
any obstacle in your way. Checks made while weapon fighting.
running, jumping, climbing, or flipping are
done with advantage. PROFICIENCIES
Skills: Athletics, Melee Weapons
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics
● Running shoes
EQUIPMENT ● (a) Baseball bat or (b) hockey stick
● Running shoes, hoodie, bandana
Sword Fighting
Pyrotechnic You have learned the ways of the blade. These
For some reason you are obsessed with fire. giant knives are difficult to wield, but you are
You understand how it works and what is a pro. Ability checks made with a sword (or
required to harness its power and keep it other similar long-bladed weapons) will be
under control. You have advantage in dealing done with advantage.
with starting, controlling, and putting out
Skills: Melee Weapons,
Skills: Nature, Survival
Tools: Any fire starting tool/method (ex: flint EQUIPMENT
and steel, bow drill, matches, etc) ● Katana
● Flint and steel
● Small lighter (50 uses) Thieving
You have mastered the art of sneaky beaky.
You are lighter on your feet, quicker and
quieter. Checks made while sneaking or
stealing are done with advantage.
Skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Tools: Thieves tools (crowbar, lockpick, etc)
● Crowbar
● 1 lockpick
● Rubber gloves
Body Types
Skinny Fit
You are thinner and weaker than the average You are nimble and strong. In your past you
person, but this tiny build gives you an likely took frequent trips to the gym, but
advantage as well. keeping up this bod will require you to eat
more food.
Stat Modifiers
+4 Dex, -2 Str, +0 Con Stat Modifiers
Movement Speed Modifier +2 Dex, +3 Str, +0 Con
+5 feet Movement Speed Modifier
Food Rations +10 feet
1 ration per day Food Rations
Base Health Modifier 3 rations per day
+0 hp Base Health Modifier
Hit Dice +10 hp
1d6 per level Hit Dice
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d8 per level
1d4+Con per level Hit Points at Higher Levels
1d4+Con per level
Average Heavy
Not too strong, not too slow. Jack of all trades You can lift a lot and take some hits. It comes
you could say. at a cost though.
Items Melee Weapons
Below is a list of items that you may use while Name Damage Properties
playing your Post Apocalyptic RPG. These are
Baseball Bat 1d6+melee B -
broken down into multiple categories, each
including its statistics. Spiked Bat 1d8+melee P -
Crowbar 1d6+melee B -
Healing Items
Wooden Plank 1d4+melee B Reach
Name Description
Katana 1d12+melee S -
Medkit Takes 4 turns (uninterrupted) to bring
health back to 100%. Stops bleeding. Rapier 1d10+melee P -
Does not cure illnesses.
Hatchet 1d10+melee S Thrown
Painkillers Takes one action to bring back 2d6+5
health. Axe 1d12+melee S Two Handed
Antibiotics Takes one action. Cures illnesses. Roll Kitchen Knife 1d4+ melee S Thrown
1d10, depending on illness severity,
GM rules the effectiveness of the Pocket Knife 1d4+melee S Thrown
Sledgehammer 2d6+melee B Two Handed
Blood Bag If a lot of blood has been lost, the
player may need a blood transfusion Pipe Wrench 1d4+melee B -
to be stabilized. Blood types must be
compatible or the player will fall to 0 Lead Pipe 1d4+melee B -
hit points. (Includes blood test kit)
Shovel 2d4+melee B Two Handed
Explosives Pitchfork 1d8+melee P Two Handed
Name Description Garden Rake 1d6+melee P Two Handed
Ranged Weapons
Pistols (Small Ammo) Rifles (Large Ammo)
Name Damage Firemode Range Name Damage Firemode Range
Arrow Bows
Bolt Crossbows
Weapon Attachments
The clothing a player wears dictates what Armor
Class they have. Every clothing item can fall into
one of these four categories. The modifier number
listed to the right of the category name is how
much that specific clothing item adds to a player's
AC. Here is a list of some basic clothing.
Jay Gilbert does not own the copyright to any artwork by Sergio Suarez or Naughty Dog LLC, however, Jay Gilbert does not
collect any revenue from D&Z, as it will forever be an asset available to the public free of charge.
Much of the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons stats have been taken from the game No More Room In Hell
The Insanity effect was an idea from a Post-Apocalyptic RPG forum discussion, mentioned by an unknown user.
A few of the crafting recipes have been influenced by The Last of Us.
Many of the clothing items came from the video game Unturned
Special thanks to Jake, Jeremy, Kalvin, Cole, Christian, Brian and Ryan who helped with this project.
Thank you to all the beta testers and forum commenters for your help with debugging.