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Comparative Study of Post-Marriage Nationality Of Women in Legal Systems of Different Countries


International Journal of Multicultural editor@ijmmu.com

ISSN 2364-5369

and Multireligious Understanding

Volume 4, Issue 4
August, 2017
Pages: 15-28

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan

Bonang in Nation Character Building
M Haris Mahfudh*; Hermanu Joebagio; Mulyoto
Department of Teaching and Training Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Email: haris_mahfudh91@yahoo.co.id



This study examines the process of implementing the development of historical learning with the
values of Suluk Wujil to increase social solidarity. Transformation of an educational value can be done
through collaborative learning models with educational character values. Teachers play a role in
stimulating students to understand the values of Suluk Wujil. Local wisdom has an important role in
moral education. Suluk Wujil is a relic of Islamic history in the form of a manuscript containing the
discourse of Sunan Bonang to Wujil, a servant of the State of Majapahit. A social solidarity attitude is
needed in a heterogeneous society. Historical learning model of historical manuscripts that can facilitate
students in taking the values contained in the manuscript. Wujil's Wisdom values include loyalty,
sincerity, religion, responsibility, and self-identification.

Keywords: Character education; Wujil suluk; Social solidarity

1. Introduction

The principle of education is the process of cultivating students that lasts throughout life on the
basis of compassion. Teachers have multiple tasks and functions in the education process, ie as teachers
and second parents for students at school. Education is all effort and effort to make students can develop
the potential to have spirituals power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and possess
necessary skill as member of society and citizen (Majid, 2014). The purpose of education is not just to
teach science, but to establish a sense of personality to instill patriotism in the individual. Patriotism is a
solid foundation for encouraging people to establish a society that has a civilization. Al-Tahtawi was an
Egyptian who first advocated patriotism. The idea that the whole world of Islam is the homeland of
Muslims, but now has changed the meaning of the homeland. The homeland is now emphasized on one's
blood soil no longer means the whole Islamic world. So there are two fraternities, the fraternity of the
homeland and the Islamic brotherhood. For Al-Tahtawi which is more important than the two is not clear.
The development of the Islamic world makes the fraternity of the land more powerful. The word watan
and hub al-watan are always used by Al-Tahtawi in his book. This explains that one's duty to his / her
homeland involves union, submission to the law and the willingness to sacrifice property and self.
Independence can manifest a genuine unity of society and a strong sense of patriotism (Nasution, 1987).

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

Hurlock says that to achieve emotional maturity, adolescents must learn to get a picture of
situations that can generate emotional reactions and must learn to use emotional catharsis. According to
Yusuf to achieve emotional maturity is a very difficult development task for teenagers. The process of
achievement is strongly influenced by socioemosional scope, especially the family environment and peers
Adolescence has the task to prepare themselves to enter the next stage of development, namely adults.
Their future depends on the effectiveness of their preparation for entering into adulthood (Yusuf, 2012).
Emotional maturity or called emotional maturity is a state or condition that reaches the maturity level of
emotional development and therefore the person concerned does not come up with an appropriate
emotional pattern for the children. The term maturity or emotional maturity often brings the implications
of emotional control. Where some of the adults have the same emotions as children, they are able to better
control or control them, especially in the midst of social situations (Chaplin, J.P, 2011). This period is
higher when compared to when they were in kindergarten, elementary, junior high school when the role
of parents is much larger in planning and determining the steps to be taken to enter the next stage. In this
high school period they are required to be more independent in planning their future. The level of
education after high school usually has a pattern that directly educates to serious in one field of discipline
(Maria, 2008). Successfully complete the establishment In this development will assist the individual in
completing the next development task. Conversely, failure to achieve this priode development will hinder
the progress of the next period (Supriatna. Dkk, 2009).

A superior nation is a nation capable of maintaining identity as an independent and independent

nation. Maintaining, increasing social capital, considering togetherness, solidarity, solidarity, mutual
cooperation, trust (Trust) becomes the absolute requirement in realizing every sector of development
(Maryani, E &Syamsuddin, H 2009). In economics, capital is something that is profitable and productive.
This capital is divided into three namely, first, the capital in the form of money include money, goods or
buildings. Second, cultural capital in the form of quality education and local cultural wisdom. Third,
social capital in the form of togetherness, social obligations are instructed in the form of life together,
roles, authority, responsibility, reward system and other interests that result in collective action.

According Dilthey history as a science is divided into two namely Naturwissenschaften (natural
sciences) and Geisteswissenssenschaften (humanities, humanities, human studies and cultural sciences).
Ditley also explained that man can only be understood through the concept of life, not from the abstract
concepts of Naturwissenschaften and man is a historical being, because it can only be explained through
its history. Verstehen's concept is an experience in penetrating the soul and the whole Human experience.
Understanding of an institution, the laws of theory, art, values can be exposed through paper, ink, stone,
and all man-made cultural goods. Humans can understand the inner meaning of symbolic objects such as
crosses, flags, constitutions or rebellions, with reference to the meaning behind human life. The hidden
things are understandable though often unexplainable (Kuntowijoyo, 2008). According Widja Learning
history is a picture of past events under the educators into the classroom and not all historical events can
be taught to students the events that contribute to determine the course of history of mankind (Widja,
1989). This is according to research by Widia about LKS history of students which contains the history
lesson that memorize, thus making students quickly saturated with history lesson. The lesson of history
requires an appropriate learning concept to be able to give students the significance of a historical event
based on the values contained in the event (Widia, A.D, 2011). Kuntowijoyo argues that lessons
containing moral messages must have different approaches, so history is not boring because there are
many repetitions. Lessons in high school history lessons must begin to be transmitted, submitted must
develop a student's critical attitude. Students are required to be able to think why it can happen, what
exactly has happened, and where the direction of the incident. From the above understanding It can be
concluded that history is an event that has occurred about science containing moral messages in studying
it often using various approaches to explain a historical event (Kuntowijoyo, 2013).

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

According to Hermanu historical learning is the process of internalizing the values of past events,
in the form of origins, genealogy, collective experience, and exemplary history. The lesson is designed to
form a wise and wise person, therefore historical learning demands a design that will produce quality
output that includes understanding the events of the nation's history, imitating the wisdom, and the
wisdom of the offender. Exemplary wisdom and wisdom will be obtained through the deepening activities
of historical events, including the process of social-cultural, socio-economic, and socio-political
relationships between actors and community groups (Brian&Mary, 2015). Character is morality, or
personality formed from the internalization of various policies (virtues) that are believed and used as a
basis for the worldview, thinking, and acting (Hasan, S.H, dkk, 2010). Character education is a deliberate
effort to develop good character based on good core values For individuals and good for society (Wibowo,
A&Purnama, 2013). Pendidikan karakter saat ini sangat relevan diterapkan dalam lingkungan keluarga
dan sekolah sebagai wadah yang berpengaruh besar terhadap pembentukan karakter anak. Character
education is currently very relevant applied in the family and school environment as a container that has a
major impact on the formation of children's character. The lesson of history is a lesson that requires
understanding and analysis. But in reality history lessons are a lesson in memorizing important events and
dates. Research Kuban Seckin in 2015 on Bitig Irk is a manuscript or book of forecasts written by the
Uigur. The manuscript consists of 65 paragraphs each of which is a different prophecy. Written on 12
centuries ago in spoken language. Through this text they provide insight into the political life of the
ancient Turks, the governors of the kingdom, and religious beliefs. This study aims to determine the
analysis of a work that reflects Turkish culture is very useful, so to know the meaning of historical
transformation done more explicitly. In this case ideology, how the subject is positioned, which socially
creates a good and bad understanding (Kuban Seckin, 2015).

1.1 Transformation Character Education

Transformation is a scientific concept or analysis tool for understanding the world. Because by
understanding the changes at least two conditions / conditions that can be known that the state of pre-
change and post-change circumstances. Transformation is an effort done to preserve local wisdom in
order to survive and can be enjoyed by the next generation so that they have a strong character in
accordance with the character Implied by the ideology of Pancasila (Kuntowijoyo, 2006). Transformation
involves changes in the web of social and ecological relationships. If the structure of the web is changed,
there will be a transformation of social institutions, values and thoughts. Cultural transformation is related
to the evolution of human culture. This transformation is typically preceded by a variety of social
indicators. This cultural transformation is like an essential step in the development of civilization. All
civilizations run through the similarity of cycle processes of events, growth, wholeness and integrity
(Pujileksono, 2009). Local wisdom can be understood as a view of life and knowledge as well as various
life strategies that are tangible activities undertaken by local communities. Thanks to local wisdom, they
can live a life that can even grow sustainably (Permana 2010).

The formation of a character of social solidarity that needs to be built for the common good.
Emile Durkheim believes there are two solidarities: (1) Organic solidarity: a form of solidarity that binds
a complex society, that is, a society that recognizes a detailed division of labor united by interdependence
between parts. (2) Mechanical Solidarity: all members of society are bound by collective consciousness,
collective conscience that is a common consciousness that includes the whole beliefs and feelings of the
group, and is extreme and coercive (Kamanto 2004). Ibn Khaldun explains the concept of social solidarity
with the word Ashabiyah. Ashabiyah is a sense of social solidarity in which there are tribes or groups that
cooperate for the common good. Strong Ashabiyah is a must for the foundation of a country's building.
Rarely happens a country can stand in an area where there are various ethnic groups. Indonesia that has
tribal diversity is important to create social solidarity in society.

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

1.2 Suluk Wujil Values

The development of the history of religions will bring deep conviction for a person. It takes a
religious historical approach to understanding and analyzing Islamic traditions, and understanding
relationships between some elements such as structural relationships with other traditions (Ghazali, 2015).
Islam brought to Java at that time was Islam followed by Sufism. The existence of color equations,
namely Sufism ease the task of the preachers called walisongo in broadcast and teach Islam to the public
so tend to accept (Warsito, 2015). The existence of tolerance of Sufi people in dealing with different
views relating to local traditions and beliefs. The ancestors or Javanese ancestors who left the heritage of
cultural identity are not only proud, but also have symbols that are full of essential values of life and life.
In fact, the identity of Javanese culture also has usability (pragmatic), purpose, and symbolization
Philosophy, in addition to its ethical and aesthetic values (Susetya, 2007). Javanese customs in religious
ceremonies are not carried out with hustle and noise. The growing religion of Islam in Java seems to
emphasize only the appearance and execution. As a nation the Javanese did not intend to feel hatred for
Europeans whom they regarded as traitors as a simple example of where the teachings of Islam had
entered into them. Javanese literary works during its development have characteristic tend to be religious
mystical in the form of lyric prose or tembang Macapat. More complex works with Javanese-Hindu
adaptations that are colored by Islami. Javanese literary works in its development can be divided into
three characteristics of the group include: (1) works containing religious orthodox ethical themes and put
forward Islamic law, (2) works in the form of didactic narrative poems; And (3) mystical works (Raffles,

In Wujil Suluk, Macapat song that is used is Dhandanggulo tembang, Mijil tembang, and Old
Javanese song style is Aswawalita. It tells about a man named Wujil. Wujil was originally a royal servant
in the Majapahit Kingdom. Because thirst for the science of religion he traveled from the kingdom of
Majapahit then studied with Queen Wahdat (Another name of Sunan Bonang). Ten years of studying
Wujil has not been given the secret teaching of science as he wishes. Finally Wujil dared to ask Queen
Wahdat. Queen Wahdat explains that it is not yet time for the secret teachings studied by Wujil. Queen
Wahdat wants people who learn the science of secret must prepare by having honest nature, born Inner,
clean soul and body (Achmad, 2014). The following are the Values contained in Suluk Wujil:

1) Loyalty

The 2nd stanza in the Suluk Wujil script:

"Sadasa warsa sira even Wujil / Angasta padane Sangane Adiningrat / anantun warah
dikane / ing feelingjilanipun / sira Wujil ing Maospahit / amêng-amênganira / nateng
Majapahit / têlas sandining aksara / Wujil matur sira the adi gusti / anuwun Pangandika"

This Mean: Ten years of Wujil studied by the Great Panembahan, have not received the
important doctrine, while originally, Wujil came from Majapahit as the king's favorite
servant in Majapahit, graduated studied throughout the grammar, then Wujil said to the
greatly honored The Panembahan with beg for forgiveness.

In these two verses explain the meaning of faithfulness, in this verse describes a faithful person
waiting for the expectation of a teacher. Loyalty is a clear feeling to his mind or pure obedience to his
self-control and to all the universes in which man resides, as well as a sense of obedience to the prevailing
norms. It can be seen the loyalty of telling about Wujil who for ten years became a disciple of the great
and none of whom he can. Though Wujil is the favorite servant of Majapahit (Apriana, 2015).

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

2) Sincerity

The third verse in the Suluk Wujil script:

"Pun Wujil byate kang anuwun sih / ing têlapakan Teak Wati / ngaturkên pejah gêsange /
sampun wening pamuruk / aras panduka warti / wêkasane alodrang agêng among kayun /
sabên dina rêrakêtan / even bosên kawula kang aludjaga / ginawe alan-alan"

This mean: Wujil's servant sincerely pleads, in front of the teacher please be given a lesson,
slave surrender life and death servant, has graduated the teacher's teaching in arabic
language, still we searching, wandering following the will of heart, every day we are
together, I laughed, became a pedestal.

The third verse in the Suluk Wujil Fiber text contains sincerity meaning. Sincere is leaving riya in
various obedience with sincere feelings. Sincere contains the cleansing of the heart from the dirt that can
muddy its properties In this verse describes someone who sincerely waiting for something even though
boredom has hit, it is done because someone has the desire to achieve something desired. Despite having
to wait, Wujil still has a sincere sense of resignation to his Lord (Achmad, 2014).

3) Religious Values (Piety)

Piety is morals to the creator who means obedience and love to Him, obeying means carrying out
his commandments and avoiding his prohibitions which are accompanied by submission and submissive
to Him. The following is the meaning of religiosity in the matter of piety contained in the text of the
Suluk Wujil Fiber. The piety is contained in the Fiber Suluk Wujil as many as 18 indicators. Here's a
quote in the Suluk Wujil Fiber. The 6th verse in the Suluk Wujil Fiber text:

"Pun Wujil byate kang anuwun sih / ing têlapakan Teak Wati / ngaturkên pejah gêsange /
sampun wening pamuruk / literature arab panduka warti / wêkasane alodrang / agêng
among kayun / sabên dina rêrakêtan / even bosên kawula kang aludjaga / ginawe alan-alan

This Mean: The Wujil was indeed begging for mercy, before the feet of the Lord,
surrendering the life of the dead, increasingly overwhelmed by all the lessons, the Arabic
literature that you taught, finally gone to the will of the heart, always following the will of
the heart, every day playing mask, till the bored servant behave As a clown, has become a
cornerstone of ridicule.

It is explained that Wujil hopes that God always puts all about one's life. And always surrender to
God about all life and death that have been determined. Teaching about the steadiness of the heart of
Wujil undertakes all the creator's commands and is told that Wujil has always been the cornerstone of
ridicule from everyone. This can be categorized in the value of the religiosity of the creator towards the
creator(Apriana, 2015).

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

4) Responsibility

The eighth verse in the Suluk Wujil script:

"The Queen Wahdat lingira eyebrow / Hira ra Wujil mareng to den enggal / trus dencekel
kekucire / sarwi den elus-elus / tiniban sih ing sabadi wadi / ra wujil rungokene / sasmita
katengsun / seagrass sira kalebua / ing naraka ingsung dwewek angleboni / aja kang Rich
sira // "

This Mean: The Arif said softly. "Hai Wujil, come here", holding Wujil's ponytail. Then
also Stroked. Sign of affection. "Wujil, listen now! If you have to go to hell. Because of my
words. I will replace your place” (Apriana, 2015).

In this 8th verse contains the meaning of Responsibility that is about someone who does anything
should be based on Responsibility. Because this meaning teaches someone to take responsibility with
what he has done.

5) Honesty and Self Identification

The 22nd stanza in the Suluk Wujil script:

"Sayogyane heh sira ra Wujil / deku ta mangke sariranira / ya kantiya nyayangi sautuhe /
your neighbor iku / seaweed sira dera alah / sing kang real sarira / polahe ambesur /
amarang rêraganira / kang dadi tingal ananging keki iki / kang den liling netyama"

This Mean: You better, now Wujil, know yourself. Really like your outstretched body,
Wujil if you turn off who knows himself, his actions are not tired of imprisoning, which
imprisoned his body, the only thing to notice is his shortcomings, which are constantly

In the 22nd stanza it contains the meaning of honesty that is about a person who does anything
should be based with honesty, because the honesty can be seen from the circumstances that will be
experienced. In this case can be reinforced with a translation on this stanza that tells about the honesty
that Wujil did by likening to stretching the body and can be said to be honest with him (Purbatjaraka,

Suluk Wujil is one of the Javanese literature. Literature is very important in the life of the society,
because literature is a proof that it has emerged since ancient times. Literature can not be separated from
people who have a bureaucratic order society that can support the emergence of the very important
archive. Literature is a new thing, because in ancient times there is still no role model of literature that can
be used as a reference to create a literary work. Literature can be better understood as a historical relic.
Historical relics are not only for knowledge, but a relic should be understood and taken into account its
meaning. Historical relics can provide an understanding that the ancestral responsibilities in keeping the
nation. Suluk Wujil has educational values that include: loyalty, sincerity, religious, responsibility, and
honesty. The results of research on local wisdom conducted by Sariyatun (2012) about "IPS Learning
Model based on the local cultural values of classical batik to improve the identity of the study nation in
junior high school students in Surakarta" explained that by combining cooperative models with the values
contained in classical batik Proving there is an increase in students' attitudes towards awareness of their
nation (Sariyatun, 2012).

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

2. Methodology

Researchers in this case developed a model of learning using the Dick and Carey model simplify
into three phases of important, which starts from (1) an analysis learning needs, (2) developing learning
models and materials in research, and (3) final stages of revision and evaluation, so as to find a model of
history learning based on Suluk Wujil values for Increase students' social solidarity. Each step is done
based on the type of research from the data source, data collection techniques, data analysis, subject, and
time allocation of the study. The use of constructivism theory in the learning process of the students must
be actively involved construct their own knowledge based on the experience or all objects of knowledge
that exist in their environment. The learning steps of history based on Wujil's Wukil values to improve
Social Solidarity collaboration with the Numbered-Head Together (NHT) cooperative model include
several phases: (1) first: introduction; (2) second: Grouping; (3) third: plan and observe; (4) fourth:
organizing; (5) fifth: numbering, discussion of results, and evaluation; (6) sixth: conclusion and

Research and development (R & D) in the field of education is a development research model that
adapts the development of industrial products. The research findings are used to design new products and
procedures, which are then systematically tested, evaluated and refined until the results meet the criteria
in terms of the same effectiveness, quality, and standards (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2003). Research and
Development is defined as a method of research that systematically aims to discover, formulate, improve,
develop, produce, test the effectiveness of new, new, effective, efficient, productive, and meaningful
products, models, methods, services, certain procedures (Putra, 2012). Dick and Carey's model belongs to
the procedural model. The steps of instruction design according to Dick and Carey are: identify the
general objectives of learning, implement the learning analysis, identify the input behavior and
characteristics of the students, formulate the objectives of the performance, develop the benchmark
reference test, develop the learning strategy, develop and select the learning materials, Design and carry
out formative evaluations, revise learning materials, design and implement summative evaluations.
Researchers in this case develop a model of learning by using the Dick and Carey model to simplify into
3 important stages, which Starting with (1) analyzing the learning needs, (2) developing learning models
and materials in the research, and (3) the final stages of revision and evaluation, so as to find a model of
learning history of reinterpretation of Suluk Wujil values to improve students' social solidarity. Each step
is based on the type of research, from data sources, data collection techniques, data analysis, subject, and
time allocation (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007).

Quasi-experimental research or pseudo-experiments take the subject of research in humans. Quasi

experimental research by determining control class and experiment class using pretest value. In this
design the experimental class and control class get a one-time test, ie post-test. Both of these classes in the
learning process get the same treatment in terms of Purpose and content of the subject matter (Endang,
2012). The difference between the two classes is the use of historical model based on Wujil's Wukil
values of collaboration model Numbered-Head Together (NHT) in the experimental class, while the
control class learning using conventional learning.

Researchers made SMA Wahid Hasyim Model Karanggeneng Lamongan as a place of research
caused by Lamongan is one of the developing regions in Indonesia that still need the pattern of noble
values education of the nation. In addition, to support the theory that has been described by researchers at
the beginning with the perceptions of experience from students in Wahid Hasyim High School
Karanggeneng Lamongan model that comes from various regions that require historical learning based on
local wisdom values that are still rarely taught in formal schools.

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

2.1 Effectiveness Model-Based Learning History Values Approach Suluk Wujil with Model
Numbered- Head Together (NHT)

Supriatna (2009) the successful completion of the formation of this development will assist
individuals in completing the task development the next. Conversely, failure to achieve the development
of this period would hamper completion of the development in the next period. Kuntowijoyo (2013)
argues lessons contain moral messages that should have a different approach, so history is not boring
because a lot of repetition. Lessons in high school history lessons should start rationalized, delivered must
develop critical attitude of learners. Learners are required to be able to think why it happened, what
exactly happened, and where the incident.

Increased social solidarity learners obtained from questionnaires distributed prior to the
implementation of the model and after implementation of the model. While the level of effectiveness of
the learning model should perform statistical tests and use the help of SPSS 22. Prior to testing the
effectiveness of implemented, to determine the experimental class and control class has the same variant
test equality. The results of the SPSS statistical test shows F value of 1.775 with a significance level of
0.550 greater than 0.05 (0.550> 0.05), the conclusion experimental class and control have the same
variants. While the test results obtained by value t at 638 with a significance level of 1.513 greater than
0.05 (1.513> 0.05), the conclusion of competence mean value of the two classes together. Statistical
analysis showed there are differences between the mean attitude after the implementation of the
implementation of the experimental and control classes showed a mean value of post test experimental
class of 95,5 dan control class is 86.5. While the test results T obtained a value of 0.560 with a
significance level of 0.000 (0.000 <0.025) for the value of T test with significance level smaller mean the
conclusion there is a difference between the attitude of the experimental class and control class.

The effectiveness of the learning model based on historical values of Suluk Wujil in improving
learners' achievements known through statistical tests using the help of SPSS 22. dilakukkan equality test
to determine if the experimental class and the control class is derived from variants same. Based on
statistical test SPSS, F value of 2.436 with a significance level of 0,335 is greater than 0.05 (0.335> 0.05).
Class experimental and control have the same variants. While the t-test, obtained a value of 1.754 with a
significance level of 0.355 greater than 0.05 (0.335> 0.05), the results can be said to mean both classes of
equal competence. Based on the test results with the help of statistical program SPSS 22, obtained a mean
post test experimental class of post-test 88.65 and 79.5 big control of class. As for the T test obtained by
value of 5.689 with a significance level of 0.000 (0.000 <0.025), a result Ho is rejected or there is a mean
difference between experimental class and control class.

3. Discussion
3.1 The Concept of Transformation Values Education to Increase Social Solidarity Character

At this stage the researcher will test the implementation of the product development.
Implementation test is done at SMA Wahid Hasyim Model Lamongan. Implementation of history
learning based on Suluk Wujil values with Numbered-Head Together (NHT) model using Competency
Standards (SK): Analyzing the nation's journey in the time of traditional countries. 1.5 Basic Competence
(KD): Analyzing the process of interaction between local traditions, Hindhu, Buddhism and Islam in
Indonesia. The material used at this stage is the cultural interaction between local traditions, Hinduism-
Buddhism, and Islam in Indonesia. Selection Time of implementation implementation is adjusted with
syllabus which has been prepared by subject matter teacher, so that implementation of implementation
does not disturb material prepared by teacher and researcher only add information needed by student.
Implementation was carried out in the experimental class obtained from the two classes of pretest ie XI
IPS 1 and XI IPS 2. The results from Pretest showed class XI IPS 2 as experimental class, while class XI

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

IPS 1 as control class. Assessment of the results of the implementation of the implementation test carried
out during the learning process.

3.1.1 First: Introduction

Learning begins by praying first. The teacher can lead a prayer or ask one of the students to lead.
Teachers convey the purpose and model of learning so that students are able to understand the learning
process that will be done at each meeting. Teachers provide motivation and apperception that make
students enthusiastic about the material to be delivered. The teacher conveys the scope of the material to
be learned about the traditional, Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic development process in Indonesia and the
visual images of the material, so that students can know the material in outline. At the delivery stage of
material coverage, initial knowledge of Suluk Wujil is also explained to the students. The teacher gives a
pretest to know the level of students' understanding of the material to be submitted and to give a

3.1.2 Second: Grouping

Grouping is done so that students are ready to receive material from teachers. In each group each
consists of 4-5 students. With this grouping teachers can be easy to organize students in the delivery of
material. Teachers form groups performed randomly, and Review issues according to topics discussed
with exploration from various sources according to the group. Grouping also enables students to learn to
accept and cooperate with group members.

3.1.3 Third: Planning

The material given relates to the topic taught as a whole and the student chooses one of the
content values in Suluk Wujil. Teachers provide stimulus so that all students can learn together. The
material delivered is more emphasized on the meaning contained in Suluk Wujil, so as to enrich and
facilitate students' understanding on Suluk Wujil material. Students pay attention to the material
explanation of the cultural result of the interaction process between tradisilokal, Hindu-Buddhism and
Islam in Indonesia with enthusiasm. The student responds to the questions given by the teacher according
to the value he or she selects. Students select the Wujil Wisdom values and give an argument for their
choice. Students pay attention and receive problem solving problems from the teacher.

3.1.4 Fourth: Organizing and Rewarding

Guiding students in analyzing materials related to issues in discussion and observing the
interaction of all group members, as well as explanation of learning resources. The teacher guides the
group to analyze the issues discussed. Teachers encourage students to organize their small groups, and
appreciate the value they choose. Students each sought information, gathered learning resources, analyzed
the topics discussed and appreciated the opinions of all members of the group. Students seek information
from various sources. Students analyze the issues discussed. Students organize their small groups, and
appreciate the value that the whole group chooses.

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

3.1.5 Fifth: Numbering, Discussion of Results, Evaluation and Doing

Provide an opportunity for each group to answer the question of the results of the discussion
according to the number of questions with the number of individuals distributed. Numbering is shared at
this stage, as it keeps the atmosphere conducive to learning. Provide an opportunity for students to be
active in discussion activities. In the delivery of the results of the discussion all members of the group
have their respective roles in accordance with the number obtained by each individual in the group.
Guiding students to reflect, review, evaluate, and revise in the discussion process. Directs students to act
and repeat behavior according to the value of choice based on the Suluk Wujil value as a learning material
for daily life. Teachers provide evaluation of student learning and attitude assessment. Students answer
questions of their group work according to the number of questions with the number of individuals
distributed. Students are active in discussion activities and collect group work for teachers. Students
perform reflection, review, evaluation, and revision in the discussion process. Provide examples of
actions based on values that have been analyzed and formulated in discussions based on the Suluk Wujil
values as learning materials. Students work on learning evaluations and fill out an attitude assessment

3.1.6 Sixth: Summing up

Students conclude the material that has been learned at this meeting. Providing value strengthening
to implement the value of solidarity in social life. Provide feedback on learning processes and outcomes
with the hope of integrating the values contained in Suluk Wujil to have social solidarity and to provide
Appreciation of value appreciation. Lead the prayer. Students together conclude the material that has been
learned by showing the strengthening of the value to implement the value of solidarity in community life.
Students receive feedback by integrating the values contained in the values contained in the Suluk Wujil
to be applied in each of their personalities in social solidarity and awarded for value reinforcement.
Students pray according to their beliefs.

The overall results of the observations indicate that the teacher can provide stimulus to the student's
initial activities by displaying images that correspond to the material. Students from the beginning will
pay attention to the delivery process of the material, because it has been focused from the beginning of
the learning process. The teacher explains the outline of the material that can make students pay attention
to the learning process. Stages of learning model can be explained in more detail, so that students can
prepare the steps that will be used in the learning process.

At the core stage of the activity, the Teacher can condition all group members into a group
discussion. Through the observations made by researchers, teachers have understood the learning model
that is able to optimize the role of all members in the group. Teachers can guide and direct in order to
realize the creation of good cooperation between fellow students, as well as students with teachers. In the
process of elaboration students are able to explore their knowledge, so that the learning process that
researchers expected to have run in accordance with the purpose of research.

The process of closing learning appeared active students in giving conclusions and answer
questions The end given by the teacher about social solidarity can be answered well. Students are able to
explain the values of Suluk Wujil and its implementation in the life of society. Students begin to ask
about the material to be delivered at the upcoming meeting.

The Education of Wujil's Wisdom Values for promoting social solidarity is described as follows:
First, loyalty is a clear feeling to his mind and pure obedience to his ruler. Every process of learning in the
classroom, students should always listen and try to understand the material discussed. Curiosity provides

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

the motivation to always learn. According to Hasibuan loyalty is reflected by the individual's willingness
to maintain and defend the organization inside and outside the work of the irresponsible person
(Hasibuan, 2011). Loyalty keeps an individual on the go even if the burden he wears is heavier. Self
identity is the understanding and ability to adapt to oneself, its roles in social life (family or society),
workplace, and religious values (Desmita, 2006).

Second, actions that always want to provide assistance to others and communities in need. When
students follow learning activities should help each other in the process of understanding the discussion
material presented. When given the assignment by the teacher in the classroom, I try to actively
participate boldly to criticize the wrong answer. At the time of the student Conduct group discussion
activities, students should participate in group work actively and creatively by collecting various learning
resources. When in school will hold a perkitan, as a student should I always help activities with friends
for the implementation of the event well. Behavior helps also be interpreted as an act that benefits others
without having to benefit the helper directly (Sarwono & Meinarno, 2009).

Third, carry out his duties and obligations, which he should do, to himself, society, environment
(nature, social and culture), the state and God Almighty. At the time of the learning process in the
classroom, students should keep the spirit with a form of unyielding attitude in following matei all the
learning until the end of the learning process. In undergoing the process of school activities, students
should keep on vibrant, not lazy and never give up by always coming in every activity. When the teacher
assigns tasks related to the material discussed, I always try to keep the spirit and do not know give up in
doing all the lessons as a learning process. When my test score is not good, I should as a student keep
trying to learn every day. Responsibility is the attitude and behavior of a person to perform duties and
obligations, which he should do to self, society, environment, State and God AlmightyAnas (Salahudin,

Fourth, respect the differences of religion, ethnicity, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of
others different from himself. At the time of learning activities students should appreciate each other by
keeping the atmosphere of the class remains conducive. When conducting group discussion activities,
students should participate in group work actively and creatively by gathering various learning resources.
When students do discussion activities I should pay attention and appreciate by listening and participating
actively in discussions. When there is a division of members of the group discussion activities, I am
willing to accept the results of the division of group members. Tolerance as an appreciation of diversity or
diversity. Student indicator of the character of tolerance. First, can appreciate different opinions.
Secondly, it can interact with people from different cultural backgrounds, beliefs and tribes. Third, do not
judge people of differing opinions, beliefs or cultural background. Fourth, do not dominate or want to win
alone (Raka, 2011).

4. Conclusion

In developing the learning model by using 3 important steps, starting from (1) analyzing the learning
needs, (2) developing the learning model and the material in the research, and (3) the final stage of
revision and evaluation, - Suluk Wujil values to improve students' social solidarity. The following is the
result of reinterpretation of Suluk Wujil values:

1) Faithfulness is a clear feeling to his mind or pure obedience to his self-control and the entire universe
in which man resides, as well as a sense of obedience to the prevailing norms.

2) Sincerity is to leave riya in various obedience with sincere feelings. Sincere contains cleansing of the
liver from impurities that can muddle its properties

Manuscript Suluk Wujil: Values Tansformation of Tassawuf Education Sunan Bonang in Nation Character Building
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2017

3) The religious value (Piety) is morals to the creator who means obedience and love to Him, obeying
means carrying out his commandments and avoiding his prohibitions which are accompanied by
submission and submissive to Him.

4) Responsibility that is about someone who does anything should be based on Responsibility. Because
this meaning teaches someone to take responsibility with what he has done.

5) Honesty (Self Identification) is about someone who does anything should be based with honesty,
because honesty can be seen from the circumstances that will be experienced. In this case can be
reinforced with a translation on this stanza that tells about the honesty that Wujil did by likening to
stretching the body and can be said to be honest with him.

In learning history students should be more active and willing to learn independently various
cultural heritage of Indonesian society. Understanding the values contained in the Heritage by applying it
in everyday life. The attitude of social solidarity is the foundation of the life of nation and state, so that
students are expected to always maintain the attitude of social solidarity in life. The educational
transformations that have been related to Suluk Wujil are: first, loyalty is a clear feeling Against his
thoughts and pure obedience to his ruler. Second, actions that always want to provide assistance to others
and communities in need. Third, carry out his duties and obligations, which he should do, to himself,
society, environment (nature, social and culture), the state and God Almighty. And fourth, respect the
differences of religion, ethnicity, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of others different from

The use of innovative learning model can make the learning process more increase student
enthusiasm in implementing learning. Teachers are more creative in teaching history, because history
lessons still require an in-depth analysis to understand a historical event. With the use of creative learning
models students can learn new things, especially the themes of historical manuscripts that can be
developed in historical learning. Schools can accommodate the literary needs of historical relics. Student
insights on the history of the relics will be broad if supported by literature that can accommodate teachers
in the use of relic material to incorporate them into historical themes into the learning program.


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