Chapter - 24 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Chapter - 24 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Chapter - 24 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
REFLECTION OF LIGHT (iii) If two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at 90º, the
It is the turning back of light in the same medium. emergent ray is always antiparallel to incident ray if it suffers
one reflection from each whatever be the angle of incidence.
Normal The same is found to hold good for three-plane mirrors
forming the corner of a cube if the incident light suffers one
reflection from each of them.
(iv) If there are two plane mirrors inclined to each other at an
Incident ray angle q, the no. of images of a point object formed are
Reflected ray determined as follows :
i r
(a) If is even integer (say m), no. of images formed
Reflecting = (m – 1), for all positions of object.
i = angle of incidence æ 360° ö
(b) If çè ÷ is odd integer (say m), no. of images formed,
r = angle of reflection q ø
n = m, if the object is not on the bisector of mirrors and
Laws of Reflection n = (m – 1), if the object is on the bisector of mirrors.
(i) Angle of incidence (i) = angle of reflection (r)
æ 360° ö
(ii) The incident ray, reflected ray and normal are always in (c) If çè ÷ is a fraction, the no. of images formed will
same plane. q ø
be equal to its integral part.
A plane mirror always forms a virtual image if object is
Plane mirror has infinitely large radius of curvature. It produces
real and forms a real image if the object is virtual.
virtual image of same size but laterally inverted. Image is as much
behind the mirror as much is the object in front of it. MIRROR FORMULA
(i) If the direction of the incident ray is kept constant and the 1 1 1
+ =
mirror is rotated through an angle q about an axis in the v u f
plane mirror, then the reflected ray rotates through an where, u = distance of the object from the pole of mirror
angle 2q. v = distance of the image from the pole of mirror
f = focal length of the mirror.
Mirror formula is valid only when the following
q conditions are satisfied :
(a) Object is placed very near to the principal axis.
90° – q
M2 (b) Object is placed far from the mirror.
v v- f f I évù
m= = = or m = = – ê ú
u f u- f O ëu û
M1 where, I = size of the image and O = size of the object and negative
(ii) If an object moves towards (or away from) a plane mirror at
sign implies that image is inverted w.r.t the object.
a speed v, the image will also approach (or recede) at the
The above formulae are applicable only for paraxial rays (the rays
same speed v, i.e. the speed of image relative to object will
which makes very small angle with the principal axis).
be v – (–v) = 2v.
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 625
Areal magnification : When a two dimensional object is placed 1. Rays retrace their path when their direction is reversed.
with its plane perpendicular to the principal axis, its magnification 2. Focal length of a mirror depends only on the curvature of
called superficial magnification or aerial magnification and is given æ Rö
by the mirror ç f = ÷ . It does not depend on the material of
è 2ø
2 the mirror or on the wavelength of incident light.
Area of image æ vö 3. Focal length of concave mirror is always negative.
Ms = =m2 =ç ÷
Area of object è uø Focal length of convex mirror is always positive.
1 1
Sign Conventions for Mirror and Lenses 4. The graph of versus for a concave mirror, if real
v u
New cartesian sign conventions : image is formed.
1. All the distances are measured from pole of spherical mirror
and optical centre in case of lenses. 1/v
2. The distances measured in a direction opposite to the direction
of incident light is taken as negative and vice-versa.
3. The heights measured upward and perpendicular to the 1/f
principal axis of mirror are taken as positive and vice -versa.
4. Angle measured from the normal in the anticlockwise
1/f 1/u
direction is positive and vice-versa.
5. The graph shows variation of v with change in u for a
Incident ray
– ve +ve +ve
Object For plane mirror
P – ve For
(Pole) 2f spherical mirror
f 2f u
6. A person needs a plane mirror of minimum half of his height
Reflecting or refracting surface to see his full image.
IMAGE FORMED BY CONCAVE AND CONVEX MIRROR 7. A person standing in the middle of room can see complete
Image Formed by Concave Mirror wall behind him if the mirror in front of him is rd of height
of wall.
Pos ition of Pos ition of
Magnification Nature of image 8. A convex mirror is used as a rear view mirror (called driver
object image
Between P Behind the
+ve, m > 1 Virtual and erect 9. If two or more optical components produce magnification,
and F mirror
then overall magnification (m) is the product of magnification
– ve, Highly
At F At infinity Real and inverted due to each component,
i.e., m = m1 × m2× . . .
Between F • If m is negative, the image is inverted
Beyond C – ve, M agnified Real and inverted
and C
• If m is positive, the image is erect.
At C At C m = –1 Real and inverted 10. When an object moves with constant speed towards a
between F concave mirror from infinity to focus, the image will move
Beyond C Dis mished Real and inverted
and C away from the mirror slower in the beginning and with the
Highly speed of the object when it is at centre of curvature C and
At infinity At F Real and inverted
diminshed faster later on.
11. Concave mirrors are used as reflectors, as objective in
Image Formed by Convex Mirror
reflecting telescope and by doctors (ENT) to examine ears,
Position of Position of nose and throat. It is also used as shaving mirrors.
Magnification Nature of image 12. The inability of a spherical mirror (or lens) of large aperture
object image
Infront of Between P to focus the paraxial rays and marginal rays to the same
m < +1 Virual and erect
mirror and F point on the principal axis is called spherical aberration.
A t infinity At F m < < +1 Virtual and erect Due to this defect the image formed is blurred. This defect
can be removed by using parabolic mirror.
Keep in Memory 13. Chromatic aberration is absent in mirrors but present in
u = (f + x1) and v = (f + x2), the mirror formula 1 + 1 = 1 The focal length f = –f and u = –1.5f, we have
v u f
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = or - + =-
1 1 1 u v f 1.5f v f
reduces to + =
( f + x 2 ) ( f + x1 ) f 1 1 1 -1
or = - = or v = –3f
which on simplification gives x1 x2 = f 2 v 1.5f f 3f
v 3f h
Example 1. Now m = - = = -2 or 2 = -2
The focal length of a concave mirror is 30 cm. Find the u - 1.5f h1
position of the object in front of the mirror, so that the image or h 2 = -2 h1 = -5.0 cm
is three times the size of the object. The image is 5.0 cm long. The minus sign shows that it is
Solution : inverted.
Here image can be real or virtual. If the image is real
f = –30, u = ?, m = –3 REFRACTION
Whenever a wave is bounced back into same medium at an
f -30 interface reflection is said to have occurred. Transmission of a
m= Þ -3 = Þ u = –40 cm.
f -u -30 - u wave into the second medium at an interface is called refraction.
If the image is virtual When a ray of light is passing from denser to rarer medium, it
bends away from the normal and when passing from rarer to
f -30
m= Þ 3= Þ u = –20 cm. denser medium, it bends towards the normal.
f -u -30 - u • When a ray of light passing from one medium to another
Example 2. medium frequency and ph ase do not change while
A square ABCD of side 1mm is kept at distance 15 cm infront wavelength and velocity changes.
of the concave mirror as shown in the figure. The focal • Twinkling of stars, appearance of sun before actual sunrise
length of the mirror is 10 cm. Find the perimeter of its image. and after actual sunset etc. are due to atmospheric refraction.
Laws of Refraction
/ / ///
Lateral shift by a slab of uniform thickness t, is • It is important to note that the above relationship is
cos r
sin(i - r )
24.1 valid only when boundaries undeviated.
In case of refraction, if i = 0 then r = 0. This means that the
ray which strikes to a boundary at 90° passes through the
i boundary undeviated.
3. If an object moves towards a denser medium with a
velocity v then the image moves faster with speed of mv
r as seen by the observer in denser medium.
m mv Denser medium
I Ov
If an object moves towards a rarer medium with a velocity
The apparent shift through a glass slab is in the direction of light v then the image moves slower with a speed v/m as seen
t by the observer in rarer medium.
v/m Denser medium
æ 1ö I v
I I ¢ = S = t ç1 - ÷
m I I¢ è mø 4. Denser the medium, smaller is the wavelength.
5. When light travels from one medium to another the
wavelength and velocity changes proportionally but
TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION (TIR) frequency of rays remains the same
When the object is placed in an optically denser medium and if m2 a
2m = cm= a
the incident angle is greater than the critical angle then the ray 6. and (‘a’ for air/vacuum)
m1 mb
of light gets reflected back to the originating medium. This
7. When a parallel compound slab consists of two media of
phenomenon is called total internal reflection.
Critical angle (ic) : When a ray passes from an optically denser equal thickness and refractive indices m1 and m 2 then
medium to an optically rarer medium, the angle of refraction r is 2m1m 2
the equivalent refractive index m =
greater than the corresponding angle of incidence i. From Snell’s law m1 + m 2
û Incorrect : If a mirror or a lens is painted black on one
half, then half of image will be formed.
i ic i > ic ü Correct : If half of the mirror or lens is blackened, we get
full image but with half the intensity.
sin i m 2 For any curved spherical surfaces. Relation between u and v in
sin r m1 terms of refractive indices of the mediums and the radius of
Let m1 = m and m2 = 1 and let for i = ic, r = 90º then sin i c = 1/ m curvature of the curved spherical surface.
m 2 m1 m 2 - m1
1 - =
\ ic = sin -1 ; ic is called the critical angle v u R
This phenomenon takes place in shining of air bubble, sparkling P
of diamond, mirage and looming, in optical communication using i
optical fibre.
Keep in Memory
b g
1. On travelling through a series of parallel layers, light follows
the following formula
O m1 P m2 C I (Image)
m sin q = constant = m1 sin q1 = m 2 sin q 2 = m 3 sin q 3
l1 Spherical surface separating two media
q2 (i) The lateral magnification in case of refraction from curved
l2 m æ vö
q3 surfaces m = 1 ç ÷
l3 m2 è u ø
m 2
(ii) Longitudinal magnification m ' = 2 m
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 629
m1 is refractive index of medium 1 through which light It is important that in the above formula, we cannot apply the
sign conventions of cartesian system rather following sign
passes first before meeting the interface and m2 is the
conventions are followed.
refractive index of medium 2 to which light encounters after
Focal length of a converging lens / mirror is taken as positive
it passes through the interface. and focal length of diverging lens/mirror is taken as negative.
REFRACTION BY A LENS Focal Length by Displacement Method
The focus point of a lens is the point where image of an object
placed at infinity is formed. And its distance from optical centre D2 - d 2
f =
of the lens is called focal length. 4D
Focal length of convex lens is +ve, and of concave lens is –ve. where D = distance between an object and screen
(i) Lens formula or thin lens formula and d = distance between two positions of lens.
1 1 1
- = d
v u f
(ii) Lens maker's formula,
1 æ m2 ö æ 1 1ö é1 1 ù
=ç - 1÷ ç - ÷ = (m - 1) ê - ú I1
f è m1 ø è R1 R2 ø ë R1 R2 û
where 12 m = I2
m1 D
In the above formula m2 is refractive index of lens whereas m1 is Aperture of a lens : With reference to a lens, aperture means the
the refractive index of surrounding medium. effective diameter of its light transmitting area. So the brightness
R1 is the radius of curvature of the lens reached first by light and i.e. intensity of image formed by a lens which depends on the
R2 is the radius of curvature of the other surface. light passing through the lens will depend on the square of
Magnification : m = v/u aperture i.e. I µ (aperture)2
This relation holds for both convex and concave lenses for real COMBINATION OF LENSES
as well as virtual images. (i) If a lens of focal length f is cut in two equal parts as shown in
Power of a lens, P = reciprocal of focal length expressed in metres. figure, each part will have focal length = f
i.e., P = . Its unit : dioptre(D). L L¢
f (in metre)
(ii) If the above parts of lens are put in contact as shown then
To solve numerical problems use sign conventions
the resultant focal length will be,
while substituting values in above equations.
Equivalent focal length of two lenses separated by distance d
1 1 1 2 f
d = + = i.e. F = L
F f f f 2 L¢
1 1 1 d (iii) If the two parts are put as shown, then L will behave as
= + -
F f1 f 2 f1 f 2 convergent lens of focal length f while the other (L´)
divergent of same focal length,
f1 f2 1 1 1
\ = + or F =¥
Equivalent focal length of lens - mirror combination : F +f -f
In such a case, the ray of light suffers two refraction from the lens L L¢
and one reflection from the mirror. The combination behaves as a \ P=0
mirror whose focal length is given by
(iv) If a lens of focal length f is divided into equal parts as shown,
then each part will have focal length f',
1 1 1
i.e. = + or f ´= 2 f
f f´ f´
1 2 1
= + i.e., each part will have focal length 2f.
F fl fm
(v) If these parts are put as shown, then the resultant focal
f l = focal length of lens , fm = focal length of mirror length of the combination will be
Keep in Memory
or 1. A ray entering a prism of angle A will not emerge out of
prism if A > 2qc where qc = critical angle
1 1 1
= + or F = f i.e. initial value. 2. Maximum deviation through a prism will occur when angle
F 2f 2f of incidence is 90°.
REFRACTION THROUGH A PRISM For this prism d = (m - 1)A
Prism is a transparent medium whose refracting surfaces are This shows that for a small angled prism, deviation is
inclined to each other. independent of angle of incidence.
(i) The angle of deviation is given by d = i + i¢ – A 3. Angle of emergence of a prism is 90° (called grazing
where A= angle of prism. For d to be minimum, i = i¢ and emergence) when angle of incidence
r = r¢
dm = A(m – 1) i = sin -1[ (m 2 - 1) sin A - cos A]
4. A single prism produces deviation and dispersion
U simultaneously.
T 5. Dispersion without deviation : When white light is incident
d on a combination of two prisms of different materials and
i i´ of suitable angles placed opposite to each other, the
r r´
Q R emergent light may have only dispersion without any
deviation ( of mean colour yellow).
B C Flint
v Y
æ A + dm ö e ligh
sin ç Whit
è 2 ÷ø R
Refractive index of prism, m = Crown
æ Aö A¢
sin ç ÷
è 2ø For this to happen the conditions is
where dm = minimum angle of deviation A (m¢ - 1)
If angle of prism A is small, than dm is also small. =- ( For thin lenses)
A¢ (m - 1)
( A + dm ) / 2 The net angular dispersion produced
\ m=
A/2 q = (w - w¢)d ( For thin lenses)
Plot of angle of deviation (d) versus angle of incidence (i) 6. Deviation without dispersion
for a triangular prism.
t R
te ligh
dm A¢ -(m v - m r )
For this to happen A = (m ¢ - m ¢) .... (1)
v r
i i = i¢ i¢ i
æ wö
Net deviation d net = dç1 - ÷
Dispersion è w¢ ø
It is the breaking up of white ray of light into its constituents Equation (1) is said to be the condition of achromatism for
colours VIBGYOR. The band of seven constituents colours is combination of two prisms.
called spectrum. 7. Variation of refractive index of a medium with wavelength
Angular dispersion : It is defined as the difference of deviations causing incident light to split into constituent colours is
suffered by the extreme colours. dispersion.
i.e., q = dv - d r = (mv - m r ) A [For thin prism] b c
Cauchy’s equation : m = a + + , where a, b and c are
l 2 l 4
Dispersive power : It is defined as the ratio of angular dispersion constants.
to the mean deviation produced by the prism. 8. Rayleigh scattering law explains blue colour of sky. Intensity
d - d r mv - mr of scattered light is proportional to 1/l4. Hence the red
i.e., w = v = [For thin prism] light having highest value of lR scatters less.
d m
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 631
Solution :
B The critical angle for this case is
1 4 4
11. When a lens made up of glass is immersed in water, its q ' ' = sin -1 = sin -1 or sin q ' ' =
1 .25 5 5
focal length changes.
p 3
Since q '' = - q ' , we have sin q ' = cos q '' =
= ( a
g m -1) æçè R1 - R1 ö÷ø
1 2
= ( w
) æçè R1 - R1 ö÷ø
g m -1
1 2
From Snell's law,
sin q 3 3
= 1.25 or sin q = 1.25 ´ sin q' = 1.25 ´ =
g m -1 g m / ma -1 ( g m - a m)m w sin q' 5 4
= w
= =
g m / mw -1 ( g m - w m)m a
f g m -1
or q = sin -1
12. For achromatic combination of these lenses in contact, the
If q² is greater than the critical angle, q will be smaller than
w1 w2 this value. Thus, the maximum value of q¢ for which total
necessary condition is + =0
f1 f 2 internal reflection takes place at the vertical surface is
sin–1 (3/4).
13. For two lenses separated by distance d, spherical aberration
is minimum when d = f1 – f2. BO 1 AB + AO 1 t + mx
= m or, = m or =m
14. A convex lens forms a real image when the object is placed BI BI BI
beyond focus. When the object is placed between optical t
centre and focus, convex lens forms a virtual image. or BI = x +
15. A concave lens always form a virtual image for a real object.
The net shift is
16. A lens is called thin when the thickness of the lens is small
compared to the object distance, image distance, radii of æ tö æ 1ö
OI = OB - BI = ( x + t ) - çç x + ÷÷ = t çç1 - ÷÷
curvatures of the lens. è m ø è m ø
In the case of thick lens, the problem has to be solved
which is independent of x.
using formula for each interface one by one.
Example 5.
17. Real image (inverted) Virtual image (erect) A tank is filled with water to a height of 12.5 cm. The
Real image is formed by Virtual image is formed by actual apparent depth of a needle lying at the bottom of full tank
intersection of rays. extending the rays in the is measured by a microscope to be 9.4 cm. What is the
back direction. refractive index of water? If water is replaced by a liquid
This image can be brought This image cannot be of refractive index 1.63 upto the same height, by what
on a screen. brought on screen.
distance would the microscope have to be moved to focus
25 cm 20 cm The focal length of the lens is 10 cm. The situation with the
glass plate inserted is shown in figure. The object is placed
at O. The lens would form the image at I1 but the glass plate
intercepts the rays and forms the image at I on the screen.
Solution : The shift
m 2 m1 m 2 - m1 æ 1ö æ 1 ö
We have, - = ....(1) I1I = t çç1 - ÷÷ = (1 .5 cm ) ç1 - ÷ = 0 .5 cm .
v u R è m ø è 1 .5 ø
Here u = –25 cm, R = 20 cm, m1 = 1.0 and m2 = 1.5 Thus, the lens forms the image at a distance of 9.5 cm from
Putting the values in (1), itself. Using
1 .5 1 .0 1 .5 - 1 .0 1. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = or, = - - = Þ = - = -
v 25 cm 20 cm v 40 cm 25 cm v u f u v f 9.5 cm 10 cm
or, v = –100 cm. Þ u = 190 cm
As v is negative, the image is formed to the left of the
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 633
Thus, the object should be placed at a distance of 190 cm \ Distance of image from the fish is mH + H +H/2 = H
from the lens. (m + 3/2) below the fish.
(b) Here we have to find the images of fish as seen by the
Example 10. eye.
A lens is cut into two equal pieces and they are placed as Let happarent be the apparent distance of the fish from
shown in figure. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm the surface
left from the first half lens. The focal length of original
lens was 30 cm. Find the position of final image. h app. 1 mH
\ = ; h app =
h real m 2m
\ Image formed is (H + H/2m) below the, eye,
æ 1ö
i.e, H ç1 + ÷ below the eye.
è 2m ø
Also image of fish, formed by plane mirror is H/2 below
the mirror.
Solution : \ h real = H + H / 2 = 3H / 2
Focal length of each lens is 30 cm
(Q hreal is distance of fish image formed by the mirror
For first lens u = – 12, f = 30 cm
from the surface)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- = Þ = + =- + h app 1 3H
v1 u f v1 u f 12 30 Now = Þ h app =
h real. m 2m
or, v1 = – 20 cm.
For the second half lens image formed at v1 acts as object. æ 3Hö
Therefore object distance from second lens is = 20 + 20 = 40 \ Image formed is ç H + ÷ below the eye i.e,
è 2mø
cm or v1' = –40 cm
f of this lens = 30 cm æ 3ö
H ç1 + ÷ below the eye.
è 2m ø
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
\ - = Þ = + Þ =- + = Example 12.
v v'1 f v v '1 f v 40 30 120 A lens has a power of +5 diopter in air. What will be its
or v = 120 cm. power if completely immersed in water ?
Final image is 120 cm right from second lens.
3 4
Example 11. Given m g = ; mw =
2 3
Consider the situation in figure. The bottom of the plot is Solution :
a reflecting plane mirror. S is a small fish and T is a human Let fa and fw be the focal lengths of the lens in air water
eye, refractive index of water is m (a) At what distance (s) respectively, then
from itself, will the fish see the image (s) of the eye (b) At
what distance (s) from itself will the eye see the image (s) 1 mw
Pa = and Pw = f ; fa = 0.2 m = 20 cm
of the fish. fa w
Using lens maker’s formula
1 é 1 1 ù
Pa = = (mg - 1) ê - ú ...(i)
fa ë R1 R 2 û
S 1 æ mg öé 1 1 ù
H/2 =ç - 1÷ ê - ú
f w è m w ø ë R1 R 2 û
Solution :
(a) We have the formula mw é 1 1 ù
h app Þ Pw = f = (m g - m w ) ê R - R ú ...(ii)
m w ë 1 2û
= = h app = mH (from the surface of water)
h real 1 Dividing equation (ii) by equation (i), we get,
Now distance of fish from surface is H/2
Pw (m g - m w ) 1 P + 5 10
\ Image of eye as seen by fish is = H(m + ½) above the = = or Pw = a + = D
Pa (m g - 1) 3 3 3 3
also the apparent image of eye, again makes an image
with the plane mirror, the apparent distance of eye is OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS
mH + H from the plane mirror (i) Simple Microscope
\ Now image formed is mH + H below the plane mirror. It is known as simple magnifier & consist of a convergent
Distance of fish from the mirror is H/2
lens with object between its focus & optical centre & eye h
close to it. where q 0 = , q = h1
D ue
h1 D æ h1 öæ D ö
so M.P. = ´ = ç ÷ç ÷
u e h è h øçè u e ÷ø
T v h1 v
(since for objective m = = Þ = - , as u is –ive)
o u h u
-v æ D ö
so M .P. =
u çè ue ÷ø
(a) When image is formed at least distance of distinct
v0 æ Dö
vision, M =ç1 + ÷ = M 0 ´ M e
u0 è fe ø
(b) When the final image is formed at infinity
-v0 æ D ö
M = ç ÷
u0 è f e ø
The magnifying power of a simple microscope (M.P.) is (iii) Astronomical Telescope
visual angle with instrument q (a) If the final image is formed at a distance D,
M.P. = =
max visual angle for unaided eye q0 - f0 æ f ö
M = ç 1+ e ÷
fe è Dø
h h h q h D D
Here q 0 = , q = 1 = so M.P. = = ´ =
D v u q0 v h u fe D
and length of tube is L = f 0 +
(a) If image is at infinity [far point] then from lens formula fe + D
1 1 1 1 1 1 D (b) If the final image is formed at infinity then
- = Þ - = i.e., u = f & M.P. =
v u f a -u f f f0
M = and the length of tube is l = f 0 + f e
In this case M.P. is minimum if eye is least strained. fe
(b) If image is at D [near point] then u = –D
1 1 1
(iv) Galilean Telescope
and from lens formula - =
v u f f0
M = ; Length of tube L = fo – fe
D D æ Dö fe
we get = (1 + ) so, M .P = ç1 + ÷
u f è fø
(v) Terrestrial Telescope
In this case M.P. is maximum and as final image is
close to eye, eye is under maximum strain. f0
M = ;
(ii) Compound Microscope fe
Length of tube L = fo + fe+ 4f, where f is the focal length of
erecting lens, which is used in this telescope.
Example 21. DA
An angular magnification (magnifying power) of 30 × is
desired using an objective of focal length 1.25 cm. and an w
eyepiece of focal length 5 cm. in a compound microscope.
What is the separation between objective and the eyepiece ? o r
Solution :
Let final image be formed at lease distance of distinct vision
Isotropic point source
æ 25 ö
For eyepiece, Me = ç1 + ÷ = æç1 + ö÷ = 6
25 f
è fe ø è 5ø so I= or f = 4p. I
Now, M = M0 × Me Solid angle : We know that arc of a circle subtends an angle q on
M -30 the centre of circle O
For objective, M 0 = = = -5 ,
Me 6
For objective, if u0 = – x cm, v0 = 5x cm.
o q s
1 1 1 1 1 1 r
Again, - = or - =
v u f 5x - x 1.25
On simplification, x = 1.5 S Arc of circle
i.e., q = = ...(i)
\ u0 = – 1.5 cm, v0 = 7.5 cm. r Radius of circle
v (a) The unit of q (plane angle) is radian.
For eyepiece, Me = e
ue Similarly in the case of a sphere, the surface area of sphere
v -25 subtends an angle on the centre of sphere O, which is called
or u e = e = = - 4.17 cm.
Me 6 solid angle & is denoted by w.
Distance between objective and eyepiece Let radius of sphere is r and a small area DA on its surface
subtends a solid angle w at the centre then
= vobjective + | u eyepiece | = 7.5 + 4.17 = 11.67 cm.
Example 22. w= = constant ..(ii)
A small telescope has an objective lens of focal length r2
144 cm. and eye-piece of focal length 6.0 cm. What is the
magnifying power of the telescope ? What is the separation
between objective and eye-piece ? Assume normal
Solution : (b)
f0 144
M= = = 24
fe 6
The unit of solid angle is steradian. If in eq (ii)
L = f0 + fe = (144 + 6) cm. = 150 cm.
DA = r2 , then w = 1 steradian
If DA = 4pr2 (total surface area of sphere)
then w = 4p steradian.
Ray optics is based on the assumption that light travels along
straight line. (iii) Illuminance (E) of a surface is the luminous flux incident
(i) Luminous flux (f) of a source of light = amount of visible normally on unit area of the surface.
light energy emitted per second from the source. Its unit is lux.
The SI unit of luminous fulx (f) is lumen. Df
(ii) Luminous intensity (I) of a light source = luminous flux E=
emitted per unit solid angle in any direction.
Its SI unit is candela. For point source, the total normal area will be 4pr2,
Df f f 1
Luminous intensity, I = so E= = 2
Þ Eµ 2
Dw A 4pr r
For isotropic point source, (iv) Luminance or brightness of a surface is the luminous flux
Solid angle, reflected into our eyes from unit area of the surface.
The unit of Brightness is lambert.
DA(surface area) 4pr 2
w= = = 4p steradian (v) Inverse square law for illuminance : Let S is a unidirectional
r2 r2 point source, whose luminous intensity is I. It has some
( where DA = 4pr2 = total surface area of sphere of radius r ) surface DA at distance r from source S.
From figure. cos q =
(h + r 2 )
According to definition of luminous intensity : \E =
Df = I × Dw
DA' DAcos q
Þ Df =
I ´ DA cos q 24.2 (h + r 2 )3
index, µ =
Reflection of Ray optics rear depth
Refraction of =
Relation between light Turning back Optics - branch of study of apparent depth
R of light in the same light (EM waves wavelength light Bending of light
f and R f = ray while passing
2 medium after striking 400 nm to 750 nm). The path
the reflecting surface of light (always travel in straight from one medium to
another medium Refraction at
or mirror line is ray of light a single spherical
Magnification m 2 m1 m 2 - m1
Refraction by lens v u R
v height of image OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS
m= =
u height of object
f f -v Focal length of lens-lens Lens formula
m= = Optical Instruments
f -u f maker’s formula
1 1 1
1 æ 1 1 ö = -
= (m - 1) ç - ÷ f v u
Telescope f è R1 R 2 ø
Magnification Microscope
provide angular
produced by Forms large
magnification of
simple microscope image of tiny objects Power of a lens
distant objects
Refraction through Prism P=
f (in metre)
Image formed Image formed Magnification by When image When image
at near point at infinity compound microscope at near point at infinity
D D f æ f ö f
M = 1+ M= M = 0 ç1 + e ÷ m=- 0
f f fe è D ø fe
Angle of deviation Prism Formula Dispersive power
When image When final image d = A(µ – 1) æ A + dm ö
sin ç ÷ æ m – mr ö
at near point at in finity µ= è 2 ø w=ç v ÷
sin A / 2 è m -1 ø
v æ Dö æv Dö
M = 0 ç1 + ÷ M=ç 0 ´ ÷
m0 è fe ø è u0 fe ø
1. What will be the colour of the sky as seen from the earth if (c) the eye is not able to decrease the distance between
there were no atmosphere? the eye-lens and the retina beyond a limit
(a) Black (b) Blue (d) the eye is not able to decrease the focal length beyond a limit
(c) Orange (d) Red 9. The one parameter that determines the brightness of a light
2. Monochromatic light of wavelength l1 travelling in a medium source sensed by an eye is
of refractive index m1 enters a denser medium of refractive (a) energy of light entering the eye per second
index m2. The wavelength in the second medium is (b) wavelength of the light
(a) l1 (m1/m2) (b) l1 (m2/m1) (c) total radiant flux entering the eye
(c) l1 (m2 – m1)/m2 (d) l1 (m2 – m1)/m1 (d) total luminous flux entering the eye
3. A vessel of depth 2d cm is half filled with a liquid of refractive 10. In vacuum the speed of light depends upon
index m1 and the upper half with a liquid of refractive index m2.
(a) frequency
The apparent depth of the vessel seen perpendicularly is
(b) wavelength
æ m1 m 2 ö æ 1 1 ö (c) velocity of light sources
ç ÷d ç ÷
(a) çm +m ÷ (b) ç m + m ÷d (d) None of these
è 1 2 ø è 1 2ø
11. The intensity produced by a long cylindrical light source at
æ 1 1 ö æ 1 ö a small distance r from the source is proportional to
ç ÷ ç ÷
(c) ç m + m ÷ 2d (d) ç m m ÷ 2d
è 1 2ø è 1 2ø 1 1
4. In a room containing smoke particles, the intensity due to a (a) 2 (b)
r r3
source of light will
(a) obey the inverse square law 1
(c) (d) None of these
(b) be constant at all distances r
(c) increase with distance from the source than the 12. The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz is the
inverse fourth power law greatest for
(d) fall faster with distance from the source than the
inverse fourth power law (a) violet light (b) red light
5. What causes chromatic aberration?
(c) green light (d) yellow light
(a) Non - paraxial rays
(b) Paraxial rays 13. Light travels through a glass plate of thickness t and having
refractive index m. If c be the velocity of light in vacuum, the
(c) Variation of focal length with colour
time taken by the light to travel this thickness of glass is
(d) Difference in radii of curvature of the bounding surfaces
of the lens t mt tc
6. Which of the following is not the case with the image formed (a) (b) t mc (c) (d)
mc c m
by a concave lens?
14. A convex mirror of focal length f produces an image
(a) It may be erect or inverted
(1/n)th of the size of the object. The distance of the object
(b) It may be magnified or diminished from the mirror is
(c) It may be real or virtual (a) (n – 1) f (b) f/n
(d) Real image may be between the pole and focus or beyond (c) (n + 1) f (d) nf
15. Amount of light entering into the camera depends upon.
7. Critical angle of light passing from glass to water is minimum
for (a) focal length of objective lens
(a) red colour (b) green colour (b) product of focal length and diameter of the objective lens
(c) yellow colour (d) violet colour (c) distance of object from camera
8. A normal eye is not able to see objects closer than 25 cm (d) aperture setting of the camera
because 16. In optical fibres, propagation of light is due to
(a) the focal length of the eye is 25 cm (a) diffraction (b) total internal reflection
(b) the distance of the retina from the eye-lens is 25 cm (c) reflection (d) refraction
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 641
17. Rectilinear motion of light in a medium is caused due to (a) remain unchanged
(a) high frequency (b) become zero
(c) become infinite
(b) short wavelength (d) become small, but non-zero
(c) velocity of light 22. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are in contact and
(d) uniform refractive index of the medium coaxial. Its power is same as power of a single lens given by
18. Resolving power of a telescope increases with f1 + f 2 æ f1 ö æ f2 ö f1 + f 2
(a) (b) ç ÷ (c) ç ÷ (d)
(a) increase in focal length of eye-piece f1f 2 çf ÷ çf ÷ 2
è 2ø è 1ø
(b) increase in focal length of objective
23. For the angle of minimum deviation of a prism to be equal to
(c) increase in aperture of eye piece
its refracting angle, the prism must be made of a material
(d) increase in apeture of objective whose refractive index
19. The distance between an object and its real image formed (a) lies between 2 and 1
by a convex lens cannot be
(a) greater than 2 f (b) less than 2 f (b) lies between 2 and 2
(c) greater than 4 f (d) less than 4 f (c) is less than 1
(d) is greater than 2
20. An electromagnetic radiation of frequency n, wavelength l,
24. Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection?
travelling with velocity v in air enters in a glass slab of
(a) Working of optical fibre
refractive index (m). The frequency, wavelength and velocity
(b) Difference between apparent and real depth of pond
of light in the glass slab will be respectively
(c) Mirage on hot summer days
l v v
(a) n, and (b) n, 2l and (d) Brilliance of diamond
m m m 25. An astronomical telescope has a large aperture to
n l v 2p l (a) reduce spherical aberration
(c) , and (d) , and v
m m m m m (b) have high resolution
(c) increase span of observation
21. A convex lens is dipped in a liquid whose refractive index is
equal to the refractive index of the lens. Then its focal length will (d) have low dispersion
1. A lamp of 250 candle power is hanging at a distance of 6 m 5. The critical angle for light going from medium X into medium
from a wall. The illuminance at a point on the wall at a Y is q. The speed of light in medium X is v, then speed of
minimum distance from lamp will be light in medium Y is
(a) 9.64 lux (b) 4.69 lux (a) v(1 – cos q) (b) v/sin q
(c) 6.94 lux (d) None of these
(c) v/cos q (d) v cos q
2. An electric bulb illuminates a plane surface. The intensity
of illumination on the surface at a point 2 m away from the 6. A man wants to see two poles, separately, situated at 11 km.
bulb is 5 × 10–4 phot (lumen/cm2). The line joining the bulb The minimum distance (approximately) between these poles
to the point makes an angle of 60º with the normal to the will be
surface. The luminous intensity of the bulb in candela (a) 5 m (b) 0.5 m
(candle power) is
(c) 1 m (d) 3 m
(a) 40 3 (b) 40 7. The index of refraction of diamond is 2.0. The velocity of
(c) 20 (d) 40 × 10–4 light in diamond is approximately
3. If two mirrors are kept at 60º to each other, then the number (a) 1.5 × 1010 cm/sec (b) 2 × 1010 cm/sec
of images formed by them is
(c) 3.0 × 1010 cm/sec (d) 6 × 1010 cm/sec
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
8. The luminous intensity of 100 W unidirectional bulb is 100
4. Wavelength of light used in an optical instrument are
candela. The total luminous flux emitted from bulb will be
l1 = 4000Å and l2 = 5000 Å, then ratio of their respective
resolving powers (corresponding to l1 and l2) is (a) 100 p lumen (b) 200 p lumen
(a) 16 : 25 (b) 9 : 1 (c) 4 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 (c) 300 p lumen (d) 400 p lumen
9. The refractive index of water is 1.33. What will be speed of 18. An achromatic convergent doublet of two lenses in contact
light in water ? has a power of + 2D. The convex lens has power + 5D. What
(a) 3 × 108 m/s (b) 2.25 × 108 m/s is the ratio of dispersive powers of convergent and divergent
lenses ?
(c) 4 × 108 m/s (d) 1.33 × 108 m/s
(a) 2 : 5 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 5 : 2 (d) 5 : 3
10. A concave mirror of focal length f produces an image n
19. The dispersive power of material of a lens of focal length 20
times the size of object. If image is real, then distance of
cm is 0.08. What is the longitudinal chromatic aberration of
object from mirror, is
the lens ?
(a) (n – 1) f (b) { (n – 1)/n} f
(a) 0.08 cm (b) 0.08/20 cm
(c) { (n + 1)/n} f (d) (n + 1) f
11. In a concave mirror, an object is placed at a distance x1 from (c) 1.6 cm (d) 0.16 cm
focus, and image is formed at a distance x2 from focus. Then 20. The magnifying power of a telescope is 9. When it is
focal length of mirror is adjusted for parallel rays, the distance between the objective
and the eye piece is found to be 20 cm. The focal length of
x1 - x 2
(a) x1 x 2 (b) lenses are
(a) 18 cm, 2 cm (b) 11 cm, 9 cm
x1 + x 2 x1 (c) 10 cm, 10 cm (d) 15 cm, 5 cm
(c) (d) x
2 2 21. The focal length of the objective of a telescope is 60 cm. To
12. A convex lens of focal length f1 and a concave lens of focal obtain a magnification of 20, the focal length of the eye
length f2 are placed in contact. The focal length of the piece should be
combination is (a) 2 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 5 cm
(a) (f1 + f2) (b) (f1 – f2) 22. The focal lengths of objective and eye lens of an
f1f 2 f1f 2 astronomical telelscope are respectively 2 meter and 5 cm.
(c) f 2 - f1 (d) f1 + f 2 Final image is formed at (i) least distance of distinct vision
(ii) infinity Magnifying power in two cases will be
13. A lens of power + 2 diopter is placed in contact with a lens (a) – 48, – 40 (b) – 40, – 48
of power – 1 diopter. The combination will behave like
(c) – 40, + 48 (d) – 48, + 40
(a) a convergent lens of focal length 50 cm
23. We wish to see inside an atom. Assume the atom to have a
(b) a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm
diameter of 100 pm. This means that one must be able to
(c) a convergent lens of focal length 100 cm
resolve a width of say 10 pm. If an electron microscope is
(d) a convergent lens of focal length 200 cm
14. Light takes t1 sec to travel a distance x in vacuum and the used the energy required should be
same light takes t2 sec to travel 10 cm in a medium. Critical (a) 1.5 keV (b) 50 keV
angle for corresponding medium will be (c) 150 keV (d) 1.5 MeV
24. Which of the following is false ?
æ 10 t 2 ö -1 æç t 2x ö (a) Convex lens always forms image with m < 1
(a) sin -1 çç ÷÷ (b) sin ç 10 t ÷÷
è t1x ø è 1ø (b) A simple mirror produces virtual, erect and same-sized
æ 10 t 1 ö æ t x ö (c) A concave mirror produces virtual, erect and magnified
(c) sin -1 çç ÷÷ (d) sin -1 çç 1 ÷÷
è t 2x ø è 10 t 2 ø
(d) A convex lens can produce real and same-sized image
15. A double convex lens of focal length 6 cm is made of glass 25. A plane mirror reflects a beam of light to form a real image.
of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of one surface The incident beam is
is double that of other surface. The value of small radius of
(a) parallel (b) convergent
curvature is
(c) divergent (d) any one of the above
(a) 6 cm (b) 4.5 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 4 cm 26. An object is placed at a distance 2f from the pole of a convex
16. A prism has a refracting angle of 60º. When placed in the mirror of focal length f. The linear magnification is
position of minimum deviation, it produces a deviation of
30º. The angle of incidence is 1 2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d) 1
(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 15º (d) 60º 3 3 4
17. A ray of light passes through an equilateral prism such that 27. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is
the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence incident on a right-angled prism as shown. The refractive
and the latter is equal to 3/4th of the angle of prism. The index of the material of the prism for the above red, green
angle of deviation is and blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively.
(a) 45º (b) 39º (c) 20º (d) 30º The prism will
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 643
45. A rectangular block of glass is placed on a mark made on the 55. Two lenses in contact form an achromatic lens. Their focal
surface of the table and it is viewed from the vertical position lengths are in the ratio 2 : 3. Their dispersive powers must
of eye. If refractive index of glass be m and its thickness d, be in the ratio of
then the mark will appear to be raised up by (a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 3 : 1
(m + 1)d (m - 1)d 56. A combination is made of two lenses of focal length f and f'
(a) (b) in contact, the dispersive powers of the materials of the
m m
lenses are w and w'. The combination is achromatic, when
(m + 1) (m - 1) m (a) w = w0, w' = 2w0 f ¢ = 2f
(c) (d)
md d (b) w = w0, w' = 2w0 f ¢ = f/2
46. Light passes through a glass plate of thickness d and (c) w = w0, w' = 2w0 f ¢ = –f/2
refractive index m. For small angle of incidence i, the lateral (d) w = w0, w' = 2w0 f ¢ = –2f
displacement is 57. An achromatic convergent lens of focal length 20 cms is
(a) id (b) id (m – 1) made of two lenses (in contact) of materials having dispersive
i d (m - 1) id m powers in the ratio of 1 : 2 and having focal lengths f1 and f2.
(c) (d) Which of the following is true ?
m m –1
(a) f1 = 10 cms, f2 = –20 cms
47. A glass slab of thickness 4 cm contains the same number of
(b) f1 = 20 cms, f2 = 10cms
waves as 5 cm of water when both are traversed by the same
monochromatic light. If the refractive index of water is 4/3, (c) f1 = –10 cms, f2 = –20 cms
what is that of glass? (d) f1 = 20 cms, f2 = –20 cms
(a) 5/3 (b) 5/4 (c) 16/15 (d) 1.5 58. A simple telescope, consisting of an objective of focal length
48. An air bubble in glass slab (m = 1.5) from one side is 6 cm 60 cm and a single eye lens of focal length 5 cm is focussed on
and from other side is 4 cm. The thickness of glass slab is a distant object in such a way that parallel rays emerge from
(a) 10 cm (b) 6.67 cm the eye lens. If the object subtends an angle of 2º at the
(c) 15 cm (d) None of these objective, the angular width of the image is
49. A vessel is half filled with a liquid of refractive index m. The (a) 10º (b) 24º (c) 50º (d) (1/6)º
other half of the vessel is filled with an immiscible liquid of 59. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of
refrative index 1.5 m. The apparent depth of the vessel is magnitude 5 for distant objects. The separation between
50% of the actual depth. Then m is the objective and the eye-piece is 36 cms and the final image
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.6 (d) 1.67 is formed at infinity. The focal length f0 of the objective and
50. A man 160 cm high stands in front of a plane mirror. His eyes are fe of the eye piece are
at a height of 150 cm from the floor. Then the minimum length of (a) f0 = 45 cm and f2 = –9 cm
the plane mirror for him to see his full length image is (b) f0 = 50 cm and fe = 10 cm
(a) 85 cm (b) 170 cm (c) 80 cm (d) 340 cm (c) f0 = 7.2 cm and fe = 5 cm
51. It is desired to photograph the image of an object placed at (d) f0 = 30 cm and fe = 6 cm
a distance of 3 m from plane mirror. The camera, which is at 60. Two lens of focal length f1 and f2 are kept in contact coaxially.
a distance of 4.5 m from mirror should be focussed for a The resultant power of combination will be
distance of
f1f 2 f1 + f 2
(a) 3 m (b) 4.5 m (c) 6 m (d) 7.5 m (a) (b)
52. Two thin lenses are in contact and the focal length of the f1 - f 2 f1f 2
combination is 80 cm. If the focal length of one lens is 20 cm, f1 f 2
(c ) f1 + f 2 (d) +
then the power of the other lens will be f 2 f1
(a) 1.66 D (b) 4.00 D 61. When white light enters a prism, its gets split into its
(c) – 100 D (d) – 3.75 D constituent colours. This is due to
53. A thin convergent glass lens (mg = 1.5) has a power of (a) high density of prism material
+ 5.0 D. When this lens is immersed in a liquid of refractive (b) because m is different for different wavelength
index m, it acts as a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm. (c) diffraction of light
The value of m must be (d) velocity changes for different frequency
(a) 4/3 (b) 5/3 (c) 5/4 (d) 6/5 62. A pencil of light rays falls on a plane mirror and form a real
54. A ray of light passes through an equilateral prism image, so the incident rays are
(m = 1.5). The angle of minimum deviation is (a) parallel (b) diverging
(a) 45º (b) 37º 12' (c) 20º (d) 30º (c) converging (d) statement is false
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 645
63. Astronauts look down on earth surface from a space ship 71. The layered lens as shown is made of two types of
parked at an altitude of 500 km. They can resolve objects of transparent materials-one indicated by horizontal lines and
the earth of the size (It can be assumed that the pupils the other by vertical lines. The number of images formed of
diameter is 5mm and wavelength of light is 500 nm) an object will be
(a) 0.5 m (b) 5 m (c) 50 m (d) 500 m
64. Spherical aberration in a thin lens can be reduced by
(a) using a monochromatic light
(b) using a doublet combination
(c) using a circular annular mark over the lens
(d) increasing the size of the lens
65. A lens produces an image of an object on a screen. If a slab
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6
of refractive index n is placed in between lens and screen,
72. In the displacement method, a concave lens is placed in
the screen has to be moved by distance d behind. The
between an object and a screen. If the magnification in the
thickness of slab is
two positions are m1 and m2 (m1 > m2), and the distance
n -1 (n - 1) d nd between the two positions of the lens is x, the focal length
(a) nd (b) (c) (d) of the lens is
nd n n -1
66. An object is moved along the principal axis of a converging x x
(a) (b)
lens from a position 5 focal lengths from the lens to a position m1 + m 2 m1 - m 2
that is 2 focal lengths from the lens. Which statement about
the resulting image is most accurate? x x
(c) (d)
(a) The image increases in size and decreases in distance (m1 + m 2 ) 2 (m1 - m 2 ) 2
from the lens
73. A thin lens has focal length f, and its aperture has diameter
(b) The image increases in size and increases in distance D. It forms an image of intensity I. If the central part of the
from the lens D
(c) The image decreases in size and decreases in distance aperture, of diameter , is blocked by an opaque paper,,
from the lens the focal length of the lens and the intensity of image will
(d) The image decreases in size and increases in distance become
from the lens 3f I 3I
f I I
67. An object is placed upright on the axis of a thin convex lens (a) , (b) f, (c) , (d) f,
2 2 4 4 2 4
at a distance of four focal lengths (4f) from the center of the
74. The graph shows the variation of magnification m produced
lens. An inverted image appears at a distance of 4/3 f on the
by a convex lens with the image distance v. The focal length
other side of the lens. What is the ratio of the height of he
of the lens is
image of the height of the object?
(a) 1/3 (b) 3/4 (c) 4/3 (d) 3/1 ( a + c, b )
68. A paper, with two marks having separation d, is held normal
to the line of sight of an observer at a distance of 50m. The
diameter of the eye-lens of the observer is 2 mm. Which of b
the following is the least value of d, so that the marks can be
a c v
seen as separate ? (The mean wavelength of visible light
(a , b)
may be taken as 5000 Å)
(a) 1.25 m (b) 12.5 cm (c) 1.25 cm (d) 2.5 mm b c ab
(a) (b) (c) b (d)
69. A diver inside water sees the setting sun at c b c
(a) 41° to the horizon (b) 49° to the horizon 75. A ray of light traveling in water is incident on its surface
(c) 0° to the horizon (d) 45° to the horizon open to air. The angle of incidence is q, which is less than
70. A concave mirror forms the image of an object on a screen. the critical angle. Then there will be
If the lower half of the mirror is covered with an opaque (a) only a reflected ray and no refracted ray
card, the effect would be to make the (b) only a refracted ray and no reflected ray
(a) image less bright. (c) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between
(b) lower half of the image disappear. them would be less than 180°–2q
(c) upper half of the image disappear. (d) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between
(d) image blurred. them would be greater than 180°–2q
76. Air has refractive index 1.0003. The thickness of air column, 84. Light enters at an angle of incidence in a transparent rod of
which will have one more wavelength of yellow light (6000 refractive index n. For what value of the refractive index of
Å) than in the same thickness of vacuum is the material of the rod the light once entered into it will not
(a) 2 mm (b) 2 cm (c) 2 m (d) 2 km. leave it through its lateral face whatsoever be the value of
77. The position of final image formed by the given lens angle of incidence?
combination from the third lens will be at a distance of
(f1 = + 10 cm, f2 = – 10 cm and f3 = + 30 cm). (a) n > 2 (b) n = 1 (c) n = 1.1 (d) n = 1.3
85. The radius of curvature of a thin plano-convex lens is 10 cm
(of curved surface) and the refractive index is 1.5. If the
plane surface is silvered, then it behaves like a concave
mirror of focal length
(a) 10 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 5 cm
30 cm 5 cm 10 cm 86. An air bubble in a glass slab (m = 1.5) is 5 cm deep when
viewed from one face and 2 cm deep when viewed from the
opposite face. The thickness of the slab is
(a) 15 cm (b) infinity (c) 45 cm (d) 30 cm (a) 7.5 cm (b) 10.5 cm (c) 7 cm (d) 10 cm
78. A ray of light is travelling from glass to air. (Refractive
87. A light ray falls on a rectangular glass slab as shown. The
index of glass = 1.5). The angle of incidence is 50°.
index of refraction of the glass, if total internal reflection is
The deviation of the ray is
to occur at the vertical face, is
(a) 0° (b) 80°
-1 é sin 50° ù -1 é sin 50° ù
(c) 50° - sin ê 1.5 ú (d)
sin ê ú - 50°
ë û ë 1.5 û
79. If fV and fR are the focal lengths of a convex lens for violet
and red light respectively and FV and FR are the focal lengths
of concave lens for violet and red light respectively, then we
(a) fV < fR and FV > FR (b) fV < fR and FV < FR
(a) 3 / 2 (b)
( 3 + 1) (c)
( 2 + 1) (d) 5 /2
(c) fV > fR and FV > FR (d) fV > fR and FV < FR 2 2
80. A ray is incident at an angle of incidence i on one surface of
88. An equiconvex lens is cut into two halves along (i) XOX'
a prism of small angle A and emerges normally from the
and (ii) YOY' as shown in the figure. Let f, f', f'' be the focal
opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of
lengths of the complete lens, of each half in case (i), and of
prism is m, the angle of incidence i is nearly equal to
each half in case (ii), respectively
(a) (b)
m 2m
(c) m A (d)
81. One face of a rectangular glass plate 6 cm thick is silvered. An
object held 8 cm in front of the first face, forms an image 12 cm
behind the silvered face. The refractive index of the glass is
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.8 (c) 1.2 (d) 1.6
82. A convex lens of focal length 80 cm and a concave lens of
focal length 50 cm are combined together. What will be their
resulting power?
(a) + 6.5 D (b) –6.5 D (c) + 7.5 D (d) –0.75 D Choose the correct statement from the following
83. A luminous object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the (a) f ' = 2f, f '' = 2f (b) f ' = f, f '' = 2f
convex lens of focal length 20 cm. On the other side of the (c) f ' = 2f, f '' = f (d) f ' = f, f '' = f
lens, at what distance from the lens a convex mirror of radius 89. A plano-convex lens is made of material of refractive index
of curvature 10 cm be placed in order to have an upright 1.6. The radius of curvature of the curved surface is 60 cm.
image of the object coincident with it? The focal length of the lens is
(a) 12 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 50 cm (d) 60 cm
(a) 50 cm (b) 100 cm (c) 200 cm (d) 400 cm
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 647
90. The refractive index of the material of a prism is Ö2 and its Directions for Qs. (97 to 100) : Each question contains
refracting angle is 30º. One of the refracting surfaces of the STATEMENT-1 and STATEMENT-2. Choose the correct answer
prism is made a mirror inwards. A beam of monochromatic (ONLY ONE option is correct ) from the following-
light enters the prism from the mirrored surface if its angle
(a) Statement -1 is false, Statement-2 is true
of incidence of the prism is
(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 60º (d) 0º (b) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is a
91. A telescope has an objective lens of 10 cm diameter and is correct explanation for Statement-1
situated at a distance of one kilometer from two objects. (c) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not
The minimum distance between these two objects, which a correct explanation for Statement-1
can be resolved by th e telescope, when the mean
(d) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is false
wavelength of light is 5000 Å, is of the order of
(a) 5 cm (b) 0.5 m (c) 5 m (d) 5mm 97. Statement 1: Two convex lenses joined together cannot
produce an achromatic combination.
92. The refractive index of the material of the prism is 3 ; then
Statement 2 : The condition for achromatism is
the angle of minimum deviation of the prism is
w1 w2
(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 60º (d) 75º + = 0 where symbols have their usual meaning.
f1 f 2
93. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium of refractive
index m , falls on a surface separating the medium from air at 98. Statement 1: Critical angle is minimum for violet colour.
an angle of incidence of 45°. For which of the following
value of m the ray can undergo total internal reflection? -1 æ 1 ö
Statement 2 : Because critical angle qc = sin ç ÷ and
(a) m = 1.33 (b) m = 1.40 (c) m = 1.50 (d) m = 1.25 èmø
94. A biconvex lens has a radius of curvature of magnitude 20
cm. Which one of the following options best describe the 1
mµ .
image formed of an object of height 2 cm placed 30 cm from l
the lens?
99. Statement 1: Optical fibres are used to transmit light without
(a) Virtual, upright, height = 1 cm
(b) Virtual, upright, height = 0.5 cm any appreciable loss in its intensity over distance of several
(c) Real, inverted, height = 4 cm kilometers.
(d) Real, inverted, height = 1cm Statement 2 : Optical fibres are very thick and all the light is
95. A thin prism of angle 15º made of glass of refractive index passed through it without any loss.
µ1 = 1.5 is combined with another prism of glass of refractive 100. Statement 1 : If P1 and P2 be the powers of two thin lenses
index µ2 = 1.75. The combination of the prism produces
located coaxially in a medium of refractive index µ at a
dispersion without deviation. The angle of the second prism
distance d, then the power P of the combination is
should be
(a) 7° (b) 10° (c) 12° (d) 5° P = P1 + P2 – P1P2d/µ
96. A person is six feet tall. How tall must a vertical mirror be if Statement 2 : Because for above given system equivalent
he is able to see his entire length?
f1f 2 1
(a) 3 ft (b) 4.5 ft (c) 7.5 ft (d) 6 ft focal length is given by F = and P = .
f1 + f2 - d / m F
4. A passenger in an aeroplane shall 9. The optical density of turpentine is higher than tnat of water
(a) never see a rainbow while its mass density is lower. Figure shows a layer of
(b) may see a primary and a secondary rainbow as turpentine floating over water in a container. For which one
concentric circles of the four rays incident on turpentine in figure, the path
(c) may see a primary and a secondary rainbow as shown is correct?
concentric arcs (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(d) shall never see a secondary rainbow 1 2 3 4
5. You are given four sources of light each one providing a
light of a single colour - red, blue, green and yellow. Suppose Air
the angle of refraction for a beam of yellow light T
corresponding to a particular angle of incidence at the interface
of two media is 90°. Which of the following statements is W G
correct if the source of yellow light is replaced with that of
other lights without changing the angle of incidence? 10. A car is moving with at a constant speed of
60 km h–1 on a straight road. Looking at the rear view mirror,
(a) The beam of red light would undergo total internal
the driver finds that the car following him is at a distance of
100 m and is approaching with a speed of 5 kmh –1.
(b) The beam of red light would bend towards normal while
In order to keep track of the car in the rear, the driver begins
it gets refracted through the second medium
to glance alternatively at the rear and side mirror of his car
(c) The beam of blue light would undergo total internal
after every 2 s till the other car overtakes. If the two cars
reflection were maintaining their speeds, which of the following
(d) The beam of green light would bend away from the statement (s) is/are correct?
normal as it gets refracted through the second medium
(a) The speed of the car in the rear is 65 km h –1
6. The radius of curvature of the curved surface of a plano-
(b) In the side mirror, the car in the rear would appear to
convex lens is 20 cm. If the refractive index of the material of
approach with a speed of 5 kmh –1 to the driver of the
the lens be 1.5, it will leading car
(a) act as a convex lens only for the objects that lie on its
(c) In the rear view mirror, the speed of the approaching car
curved side
would appear to decrease as the distance between the
(b) act as a concave lens for the objects that lie on its curved cars decreases
(d) In the side mirror, the speed of the approaching car would
(c) act as a convex lens irrespective of the side on which appear to increase as the distance between the cars decreases
the object lies
11. There are certain material developed in laboratories which
(d) act as a concave lens irrespective of side on which the
have a negative refractive index figure. A ray incident from
object lies air (Medium 1) into such a medium (Medium 2) shall follow a
7. The phenomena involved in the reflection of radiowaves by path given by
ionosphere is similar to
(a) reflection of light by a plane mirror
i 1
(b) total internal reflection of light in air during a mirage
(c) dispersion of light by water molecules during the
formation of a rainbow r 2
(d) scattering of light by the particles of air
8. The direction of ray of light incident on a concave mirror is
shown by PQ while directions in which the ray would travel 1
after reflection is shown by four rays marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b)
(figure). Which of the four rays correctly shows the direction r
of reflected ray? 1
2 4
i r 1
C F 2
3 P 1
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 649
13. For a normal eye, the cornea of eye provides a converging 45°
power of 40D and the least converging power of the eye
lens behind the cornea is 20D. Using this information, the The prism will:
(a) separate all the three colours from one another
distance between the retina and the eye lens of the eye can
(b) not separate the three colours at all
be estimated to be [2013]
(c) separate the red colour part from the green and blue
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 1.67 cm colours
(c) 1.5 cm (d) 5 cm (d) separate the blue colour part from the red and green
14. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 70°. A ray incident on one colours
mirror at angle q after reflection falls on second mirror and is 21. In an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment a straight
reflected from there parallel to first mirror. The value of q is black line of lenght L is drawn on inside part of objective
[NEET Kar. 2013] lens. The eye-piece forms a real image of this line. The length
(a) 50° (b) 45° of this image is l. The magnification of the telescope is :
(c) 30° (d) 55° L L+I
(a) -1 (b) [2015 RS]
15. The reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset is I L-I
due to [NEET Kar. 2013]
(a) the colour of the sky (c) (d) +1
(b) the scattering of light
22. The angle of incidence for a ray of light at a refracting surface
(c) the polarisation of light of a prism is 45° . The angle of prism is 60°. If the ray suffers
(d) the colour of the sun minimum deviation through the prism, the angle of minimum
16. If the focal length of objective lens is increased then deviation and refractive index of the material of the prism
magnifying power of : [2014] respectively, are : [2016]
(a) microscope will increase but that of telescope decrease.
(b) microscope and telescope both will increase. (a) 45°, (b) 30°, 2
(c) microscope and telescope both will decrease 2
(d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope increase. 1
17. The angle of a prism is ‘A’. One of its refracting surfaces is (c) 45°, 2 (d) 30°,
silvered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence 2A on
the first surface returns back through the same path after 23. A astronomical telescope has objective and eyepiece of focal
suffering reflection at the silvered surface. The refractive lengths 40 cm and 4 cm respectively. To view an object 200
index m, of the prism is : [2014] cm away from the objective, the lenses must be separated
by a distance : [2016]
(a) 2 sin A (b) 2 cos A
(a) 37.3 cm (b) 46.0 cm
1 (c) 50.0 cm (d) 54.0 cm
(c) cos A (d) tan A 24. Match the corresponding entries of column-1 with column-2
18. The refracting angle of a prism is ‘A’, and refractive index of (Where m is the magnification produced by the mirror):
the material of the prism is cot(A/2). The angle of minimum Column-1 Column-2 [2016]
(A) m = –2 (a) Convex mirror
deviation is : [2015]
(a) 180° – 2A (b) 90° – A 1
(B) m = - (b) Concave mirror
(c) 180° + 2A (d) 180° – 3A 2
19. Two identical thin plano-convex glass lenses (refractive (C) m = +2 (c) Real image
index 1.5) each having radius of curvature of 20 cm are placed
with their convex surfaces in contact at the centre. The 1
(D) m = + (d) Virtual image
intervening space is filled with oil of refractive index 1.7. 2
A A A un
2 sin cos = n sin use f = and solve to get f = x 1x 2
2 2 2 u+n
2 cos = n 1 1 1 f -f f1f 2
2 12. (c) = + = 2 1; f=
when A = 90° = imin f f1 - f 2 f1f 2 f 2 - f1
then nmin = 2 13. (c) P = P1 + P2 = + 2 – 1 = + 1 dioptre, lens behaves as
i = A = 0 nmax = 2 1 1
F= = = 1 m = 100 cm
24. (b) Difference between apparent and real depth of a pond P 1
is due to the refraction of light, not due to the total
x 10
internal reflection. Other three phenomena are due to 14. (c) c= , v=
the total internal reflection. t1 t2
25. (b) Large aperture increases the amount of light gathered
1 v 10 t 1 æ 10 t 1 ö
by the telescope increasing the resolution. sin i c = = = ´ ; i c = sin -1 çç ÷
m c t2 x è t 2x ø
EXERCISE - 2 15. (b) If R1 = R, R2 = –2 R
1. (c) At minimum distance, incidence is normal. Therefore, 1 æ 1 1 ö
= (m - 1) çç - ÷
I 250 f R
è 1 R 2 ø
E= = 2 = 6.94 lux
r2 6 1 æ1 1 ö 0 .5 ´ 3
= (1.5 - 1) çç + ÷=
2. (b) r = 2 m = 200 cm 6 è R 2 R ÷ø 2R
E = 5 × 10–4 phot, q = 60º
From, R = 4.5 cm
A + d m 60 + 30
I cos q E r 2 5 ´ 10 -4 (200)2 16. (b) i= = = 45 º
E= , I= = = 40 C.P 2 2
r2 cos q cos 60
17. (d) i1 = i 2 = A
360 º 4
3. (a) Number of images ( n 1 ) = -1
q As A + d = i1 + i 2
where q = angle between mirrors 3 3 A 60 º
Here, q = 60º \ d = i1 + i 2 - A = A+ A-A = = = 30 º
4 4 2 2
360 º 18. (b) Here, P1 = 5 D
So, number of images n 1 = -1 = 5 P2 = P – P1 = 2 – 5 = –3 D
60 º
w1 f - P2 3
1 =- 1 = =
4. (d) Resolving power of an optical instrument µ w2 f2 P1 5
l 19. (c) Longitudinal chromatic aberration = w f
Resolving power at λ1 l = 0.08 × 20 = 1.6 cm
= 2
Resolving power at l 2 l1 f0
20. (a) =9, \ f0 = 9 fe
æ 1 ö fe
çç Limit of resolution µ ÷
è resolving power ÷ø Also f0 + fe = 20 (Q final image is at infinity)
9 fe + fe = 20, fe = 2 cm, \ f0 = 18 cm
5000 5
\ Ratio of resolving power = = =5:4 21. (b) In normal adjustment,
4000 4 f 60
5. (b) M = 0 = 20 , f e = 0 = = 3 cm
fe 20 20
6 (d) 7. (a)
8. (d) f = 4 p I = 4 p (100) = 400 p lumen. f 0 æ f e ö - 200 æ 1 + 5 ö = - 48
22. (a) (i) M = - ç1 + ÷ = ç ÷
fe è dø 5 è 25 ø
v2 m 1 v 8
9. (b) = 1 = or v 2 = 1 = 2.25 ´ 10 m / s (since least distance d = 25cm)
v1 m 2 1 .33 1.33
f0 200
1 1 1 (ii) M = - =- = -40
10. (c) Given v = nu As + = fe 5
v u f
23. (b)
1 1 1 24. (a) Convex lens can form image with m < 1, m > 1 and
\ + = or u = ( n + 1) f
nu u f n m = 1 depending upon the position of the object.
11. (a) Here, u = f + x1, n = f + x2 Convex lens forms magnified image (m > 1) when the
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 653
æ rö f1 w 2
or x » i d ç1 - ÷ \ = - 1 = (leaving sign)
è iø f2 w2 3
56. (d) The necessary condition is
sin i i æ 1ö
Now sin r = r = m \ x » i d çç1 - ÷÷ w f
è mø = - which is satisfied by (d)
w¢ f¢
5 4
47. (a) Given that w mg = and a m w = f1 w 1
4 3 57. (a) =- 1 =- \ f 2 = -2 f1
f2 w2 2
5 4 5
\ a mg = w mg ´a m w = ´ =
4 3 3 1 1 1
As = +
real depth F f1 f 2
48. (c) We know that m = apparent depth
1 1 1 1
\ = - = \ f1 = 10 cm
Let the thickness of the slab be t and real depth of the 20 f1 2 f1 2 f1
bubble from one side be x. Then f2 = –20 cm
x (t - x) x t-x b f0 f0 60
m= = or 1 .5 = = . 58. (b) M= = \ b= µ= ´ 2° = 24°
6 4 6 4 µ fe fe 5
t-9 f0
This gives x = 9 and 1 . 5 = or t = 15 cm 59. (d) M= = 5 , L = f0 + fe = 36
4 fe
49. (d) Let d be the depth of two liquids.
\ fe = 6 cm, f0 = 30 cm
Then apparant depth
60. (b) When two lenses are placed coaxially then their
( d / 2) ( d / 2) d equivalent focal length F is given as
+ = or 1 + 2 = 1
m 1. 5 m 2 m 3m 1 1 1 ff
Solving we get m = 1.671 = + ÞF= 1 2
F1 f1 f 2 f1 + f 2
50. (c) The minimum length of the mirror is half the length of
the man. This can be proved from the fact that Ði = Ðr. f1 f2
51. (d) Distance of image from plane mirror = 3 m at the back.
To photograph the image, camera must be focussed
for a distance of 4.5 + 3 = 7.5 m.
100 100
52. (d) P2 = P - P1 = - = - 3 .75 D 1 f +f
80 20 Now power = = 1 2
focal length f1f 2
æ mg ö 61. (b) Refractive index of medium is given by
ç - 1÷÷
Pa è m a +5
ø= B
53. (b) =
P1 æ m g ö - 100 / 100
= -5 m =A+ 2 ( where A and Bareconstant ) .
ç ÷ l
ç m - 1÷ Light has seven different colour, so its each colour has
è 1 ø
different wavelength and so different refractive index.
æ m g ö mg Due to difference in refractive index different refractive
- 5 çç - 1÷÷ = -1
è m1 ø m a æ sin i ö
1 .5 -1 angle ç m = ÷.
1 .5 5 è sin r ø
-1 = (1 .5 - 1) = -0 .1 ; m1 = =
m1 5 0.9 3 So this is due to dependence on wavelength of
refractive index.
sin (A + d m ) / 2 62. (c) When a object is real plane mirror form a virtual image
54. (b) m=
sin A / 2 and when object is virtual image will be real. Thus in this
question object is virtual. Virtual object means object is
sin ( A + d m ) at infinity. So rays (incident) converge on the mirror.
Þ = m sin A / 2` = 1.5 × sin 30º = 0.75
A + dm
= sin -1 (0 .75 ) = 48 º 3 6 ¢ \ dm = 37º12'
w1 w 2
55. (b) Condition for achromatism is + =0
f1 f2
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 655
1 1 1 1 1 1
- = ; - = Þ v = 60 cm
v u f v - 30 20
Coincidence is possible when the image is formed at
the centre of curvature of the mirror. Only then the rays
refracting through the lens will fall normally on the
convex mirror and retrace their path to form the image
at O. So the distance between lens and mirror = 60 – 10
= 50 cm.
84. (a) Let a ray of light enter at A and refracted beam is AB.
This is incident at an angle q. For no refraction at the
78. (b) aµ = 1.5 lateral face q > C
\ 1.5 = cosecC or C = 42°. Critical angle for glass sin q > sin C But q + r = (90°)
= 42°. Hence a ray of light incident at 50° in glass B
medium undergoes total internal reflection. d denotes
the deviation of the ray. q
\ d = 180° – (50° + 50°) or d = 80°. A r
1 æ 1 1 ö
79. (b) = (m - 1)çç - ÷÷
f è R1 R 2 ø
B C \ sin (90° – r) > sin C or cos r > sin C ..(1)
According to Cauchy relation m = A + 2
l l sin i sin i
From Snell’s law n = Þ sin r =
Hence f µ l . sin r n
Hence red light having maximum wavelength has
maximum focal length. æ sin 2 i ö
\ cos r = 1 - sin 2 r = ç1 - 2 ÷
fV < fR and also FV < FR è n ø
80. (c) As refracted ray emerges normally from oppostite
surface, r2 = 0 sin 2 i
\ equation (1) gives, 1 – > sin C
As A = r1 + r2 \ r1 = A n2
sin i1 i1 i sin 2 i
Now, m = sin r = r = A ; i = mA Þ1– > sin 2 C
1 1 2
(where t = thickness of glass plate)
81. (c) Thickness of glass plate (t) = 6 cm; Also sin C =
Distance of the object (u) = 8 cm. and n
distance of the image (v) = 12 cm. sin 2 i 1 sin 2 i 1
Let x = Apparent position of the silvered surface in cm. \1 – 2
> 2
or 1 > 2
Since the image is formed due to relfection at the silvered n n n n2
face and by the property of mirror image distance of object
from the mirror = Distance of image from the mirror or 2
(sin 2 i + 1) < 1 or n 2 > sin 2 i + 1
or x + 8 = 12 + 6 – x or x = 5 cm. n
Therefore refractive index of glass Maximum value of sin i = 1
Re al depth 6 \ n2 > 2 Þ n > 2
= Apparent depth = 5 = 1.2 .
85. (c) The silvered plano convex lens behaves as a concave
n mirror; whose focal length is given by
1 1
82. (d) We know that f = å fi 1 2
= +
i =1 F f1 f m
1 1 1 If plane surface is silvered
= +
f f1 f 2 R2 ¥
fm = = =¥
f1 = 80 cm, f2 = –50 cm 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 æ 1 1 ö
= - Þ P = = 1.25 – 2 = – 0.75D \ = (m – 1)çç – ÷
f 80 50 f f1 R
è 1 R 2ø
100 100
æ 1 1 ö m –1
f = 20 cm = (m – 1)ç – ÷ =
83. (c) èR ¥ø R
30 cm 10 cm
60 cm
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 657
1 2(m – 1) 1 2(m – 1) 1 1 1
\ = + = = +
F R ¥ R f f1 f 2
R This is combination of two lenses
2(m – 1) of equal focal length
Here R = 20 cm, m = 1.5 é1 1 1 2 ù
20 \ ê = ¢ + ¢ = ¢ ú Þ f '' = 2f
\ F= = 20cm ëf f f f û
2(1.5 – 1) 89. (b) R1 = 60 cm, R2 = µ , m = 1.6
Re al depth (R1 ) 1 æ 1 1 ö
86. (b) 1.5 = = (m - 1)çç - ÷
Apparent depth (5 cm) f R R ÷
è 1 2ø
\ R1 = 1.5 × 5 = 7.5 cm
1 æ 1 ö
= (1.6 - 1)ç ÷ Þ f = 100 cm.
R1 5 cm f è 60 ø
90. (b) The angle must be equal to the critical angle,
air bubble
æ1ö æ 1 ö
R2 C = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = sin -1 çç ÷÷ = 45º
2 cm m
è ø è 2ø
hi v 5. (c) Among all given sources of light, the bule light have
m= = Þ hi = v ´ h 0 = 60 ´ 2 = – 4 cm smallest wavelength.According to Cauchy
h0 u u 30 relationship, smaller the wavelength higher the
So, image is inverted. refractive index and consequently smaller the critical
95. (b) Deviation = zero 1
So, d = d1 + d2 = 0 Þ (m1 – 1)A1 + (m2 – 1) A2 = 0 angle as µ = .
sin c
Þ A2 (1.75 – 1) = – (1.5 – 1) 15°
Hence, corresponding to blue colour, the critical angle
0.5 is least which facilitates total internal reflection for the
Þ A2 = - ´ 15° or A2 = – 10°.
0.75 beam of blue light and the beam of green light would
Negative sign shows that the second prism is inverted also undergo total internal reflection.
with respect to the first. 6. (c) Using lens maker’s formula for plano-convex lens, so
96. (a) To see his full image in a plane mirror a person requires focal length is
a mirror of at least half of his height.
( m 2 - m1 ) æç
1 1 1 ö
= - ÷
H f R
è 1 R 2 ø
If object on curved suface
H 2 so, R2 = ¥
M' R1
then, f =
L ( m 2 - m1 )
Lens placed in air, µ1 = 1.
97. (b) 98. (b) 99. (d) 100. (b)
(As given that, R = 20cm, µ2 = 1.5, on substituting the
EXERCISE - 3 values in)
Exemplar Questions R1
m -1
1. (a) As we know that the deviation
d = (µ – 1) A ..... (i) =
1.5 - 1
By geometry, the angle of refraction by first surface is = 40 cm
5° and given µ = 1.5
So, f is converging nature, as f > 0. Hence, lens will
So, d = (1.5 – 1) × 5° always act as a convex lens irrespective of the side on
= 2.5° which the object lies.
also, d = q – r, ..... (ii) 7. (b) The reflection of radiowaves by ionosphere is similar
to total internal reflection of light in air during a mirage
By putting the value of d and r in equation (ii)
because angle of incidence is greater than critical angle
2.5° = q – 5° so that internal reflection of radio wave, take place.
So, q = 5 + 2.5 = 7.5° 8. (b) The incident PQ ray of light passes through focus F on
2. (d) As we know that when light ray goes from one medium the concave mirror, after reflection should become
to other medium, the frequency of light remains parallel to the principal axis, i.e., ray-2.
unchanged. 9. (b) As we know, when the ray goes from rarer medium air
And, c = nl to optically denser turpentine, then it bends towards
So, c µ l the light of red colour is of highest wavelength the normal i.e., i > r whereas when it goes from optically
and therefore of highest speed. Thus, after travelling denser medium turpentine to rarer medium water, then
through the slab, the red colour emerge first, it bends away from normal i.e., i < r.
3. (c) According to the question, when object is at different So, the path of ray 2 is correct.
position, and if an object approaches towards a
convergent lens from the left of the lens with a uniform 10. (d) As we know that, the image formed by convex mirror
speed of 5 m/s, the image move away from the lens to does not depend on the relative position of object w.r.t.
infinity with a non-uniform acceleration. mirror.
4. (b) When a passenger in an aeroplane then he may see So, when the car approaches in the rear side, initially it
primary and secondary rainbow such as concentric appear at rest as images is formed at focus. Hence the
circles. speed of the image of the car would appear to increase
as the distance between the cars decreases.
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 659
11. (a) When the negative refractive index materials are those Distance between retina and cornea-eye lens
in which incident ray from air (Medium 1) to them refract 5
or bend differently to that of positive refractive index = = 1.67 m
medium. 14. (a)
Incident ray
Air 20°
2 q q
70° 40°
( m1 - 1) ( m 2 - 1) 1 m - m2
= – Þ = 1
R R f R
m1 - m 2
sin i
According to Snell’s law m =
R sin r
Hence, focal length of the combination is .
m1 - m 2 Þ (1) sin 2A = (m) sin A Þ m = 2 cos A
13. (b) Pcornea = + 40 D 18. (a) As we know, the refractive index of the material of the
Pe = + 20 D prism
Total power of combination = 40 + 20 = 60 D
æ d + Aö
1 sin ç m
Focal length of combination = ´ 100 cm è 2 ÷ø
60 m=
sin (A/ 2)
= cm æ A + dm ö
3 sin ç
For minimum converging state of eye lens, è 2 ÷ø cos (A/ 2)
cot A/2 = =
sin A / 2 sin (A / 2)
u = -¥ v =? f= [Q µ = cot (A/2)]
From lens formula, æ dm + A ö
Þ Sin çè ÷ = sin(90° + A/2)
1 1 1 5 2 ø
= – Þ v = cm Þ dmin = 180° – 2A
f v u 3
1 1 1 +5 - 1
Þ = + =
v0 40 -200 200
Þ v0 = 50 cm
i=45° Tube length l = |v0| + fe = 50 + 4 = 54 cm.
24. (a) Magnitude m = +ve Þ virtual image
m = –ve Þ real image
magnitude of magnification,
So, sin i > sin ic | m | > 1 Þ magnified image
1 | m | < 1 Þ diminished image
sin 45° > Þ m > 2 Þ 1.414
m 25. (d) When mirror is rotated by angle q reflected ray will be
Since refractive index m of green and voilet are greater rotated by 2q.
than 1.414 so they will total internal reflected. But red light
colour will be refracted. y spot q
= 2q
21. (c) Objective lens x y
L y source 2q
Þq= (L) x
26. (a) For dispersion without deviation
(m - 1)A1 + (m '- 1)A 2 = 0
d=f0+fe (m - 1)A1 = (m '- 1)A 2
Magnification by eye piece (1.42–1) × 10° = (1.7–1)A2
4.2 = 0.7A2
A2 = 6°