Existing TM Topic Nomination Template For Existing Traditional Medicine 22 March 2022

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Topic Nomination Template of Existing Traditional Medicines

Purpose of the form

The Topic Nomination Template for Existing Traditional Medicines* for Public Funding contains the
detailed information that the Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) requires from
proponents. Existing health technologies refer to those which are currently covered by DOH or
PhilHealth to proceed to HTA for rationalization or optimization.

The detailed information shall allow the determination as to whether the proposed traditional
medicine, practice, or product should be prioritized in the assessment process and the identification
of the potential role of the health technology in the management of the disease as well as the
resources needed for its deployment and use in the health system.

Nominations can be submitted by the following possible proponents: (1) DOH offices and national
health programs (NHPs); (2) PhilHealth; (3) hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees (PTCs);
(4) professional medical, paramedical, and scientific organizations; (5) industry; (6) local government
units (LGUs); (7) civil society organizations (CSOs) or patient groups and (8) academic or research

*Based on Administrative Order No. 2020-0041 (Section IV. Definition of Terms), Traditional and
Complementary Medicines are defined as follows:

Traditional and Complementary medicine (T&CM) — merges the terms Traditional Medicine
(TM) and Complementary Medicine (CM), encompassing products, practices and practitioners.

The definition of traditional and complementary medicine is as follows:

1. Traditional Medicine - refers to the sum total of knowledge, skills and practice on health
care, not necessarily explicable in the context of modern, scientific, philosophical
framework, but recognized by the people to help maintain and improve their health
towards the wholeness of their being, the community, and society, and their
interrelations based on culture, history, heritage and consciousness. (adopted from
World Health Organization)
2. Complementary Medicine - refers to a broad set of health care practices that are not part
of the country’s own tradition or conventional medicine and are not fully integrated into
the dominant health care system. Complementary medicine shall be used
interchangeably with the terms alternative medicine and integrative medicine (adopted
from World Health Organization).

Topic Nomination Template of Existing Traditional Medicine version 2 (as of March 2022)
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General instructions

● The document is subdivided into SIX (6) sections.

● Topic proponents are requested to fill up the entire form. If the requested information is not
relevant to the health technology of interest, please state NA (not applicable).
● For those questions requiring evidence in the form of illustrations, attach the evidence as separate
items when submitting this form.
● All submitted evidence/documents are subject to review and appraisal of the HTAC.

● Proponents are asked to identify in their submission commercially-sensitive information that

should not be made publicly available. It must be noted, however, that data publication shall still
be in accordance with existing laws and policies of the country which require transparency in all
government transactions.

Section Details

- Letter of Request

- Letter of Undertaking

- Executive Summary

1 Proponent details and contact information

2 Detailed description of the proposed Health Technology

3 Background on the clinical or public health use of the HT

4 Details of supporting evidence on the use of the proposed HT

(detailed description)

5 Ethical, legal, social, and health systems impact

6 Additional information

7 Data inputs on Prioritization Criteria

- References

Annex List of Acronyms Used

Should you have any other queries or concerns or should you require assistance in accomplishing this
form, please contact the Technical Secretariat of the Health Technology Assessment Division (HTAD)
at telephone numbers (02) 8875-7734 local 260 or 8937-5314 or email at [email protected].

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Honorable ______________________
Secretary of Health
Department of Health

ATTENTION: ____________________
Chair, Core Committee
Health Technology Assessment Council


Dear Secretary ___________________:

The [indicate name of hospital/society/organization/facility/unit/office] proposes the
reassessment of [indicate name of proposed health technology] for coverage of the
Department of Health and/or PhilHealth.
Please find attached electronic copy and two (2) hard copies each of the following
1. Accomplished proposal form, including all appropriate tables;
2. Copies of all cited studies and published articles;
3. FDA-approved product information;
4. Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) certification
for standards and procedures;
5. Approved indication in source country and/or stringent regulatory bodies (e.g., US
6. Other relevant documents (e.g., a. local or adopted Clinical Practice Guidelines
(CPG) indicating the potential place of the proposed intervention with the proposed
dosing schedule in the treatment pathway; (if not available, provide a locally adopted
international CPG with a certification from PITAHC and other relevant medical
society or the hospital’s Pharmacy & Therapeutic Committee as proof of the local
adoption), b. a letter from the society or PTC justifying the intended benefits, safety
and cost, c. excerpts from WHO documents or other formularies, etc., including
photocopies of such).
We acknowledge that incomplete and/ or late submissions will not be processed.
[Indicate any additional remark]

Respectfully yours,
Name of Health Facility/ Institution/ Organization/ Company

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Chair, Core Committee
Health Technology Assessment Council

Dear ________________:

I, the undersigned, representing [NAME OF COMPANY/ INSTITUTION/ORGANIZATION

REPRESENTED], confirm that, in connection with this application for health technology
assessment, have disclosed all published and unpublished studies related to this health
technology as of [DATE], and that the information given in this form is true and accurate to
the best of my knowledge.

Furthermore, should I thereafter learn that new studies become available, I commit to
submit the same to the HTAC within 30 days from my knowledge.

I understand that any false or misleading information provided in this submission may lead to
appropriate legal actions by the Department of Health.

Lastly, I understand and agree that all disclosed information in this submission may be
included in the published report, in accordance with the existing laws and policies of the

Truly yours,

Name of Health Facility/ Institution/ Organization/ Company

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Documentary Requirements for *Traditionally-used Herbal Products, **Herbal

Medicines and ***Traditional Medicine Devices

If as local manufacturer, provide valid Government Certificate/Permit attesting to the

local operations/activities related to the health technology

If the manufacturer contracts a local distributor/importer of the technology, provide

● Government Certificate/Permit attesting to the local operations/activities of the local

distributor/importer related to the health technology

● Certificate of Agreement between the Manufacturer and Distributor/Importer

regarding the health technology

Valid Government Certificate/Permit issued by the Food and Drug Administration attesting
to the regulatory status of the technology

Documentary Requirements for **** Complementary Medicine Practices

Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) Certification

*Traditionally-used herbal products refer to preparations from plant materials whose claimed application/s is/are
based only on traditional experience of long usage which should be at least five (5) or more decades as
documented in medical, historical and ethnological literature. Such products have been evaluated to show
efficacy for the intended indication and are subject to regulatory provisions of the FDA Administrative Order No.
172 s. 2004 or the Guidelines on the Registration of Herbal Medicines.

**Herbal medicines refer to finished, labeled, medicinal products that contain as active ingredient/s serial or
underground part/s of plant or other materials or combination thereof, whether in the crude state or as plant
preparations. Such products have been evaluated to show efficacy for the intended indication and are subject to
regulatory provisions of the FDA Administrative Order No. 184 s. 2004 or the Guidelines on the Registration of
Traditionally Used Herbal Products.

***Traditional medicine devices refer to any device used by T&CM practitioners for treatment, diagnosis and
management of disease

****Complementary medicine practices refer to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of the
country’s own tradition or conventional medicine and are not fully integrated into the dominant health care
system. Within these rules, complementary medicine shall be used interchangeably with the terms alternative
medicine and integrative medicine.

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Executive Summary
Please include below the summarized major key points of the nominated Health Technology for HTAC
assessment. It must include the following information (maximum of 3 pages, 1.5 line spacing, Arial 12 ):
● Burden of disease
● Current standard of care and Place of the proposed intervention in the standard of care
● Summary of results for clinical impact (including the length of time in years the practice or product
has been used as a modality of intervention or complementation); economic evaluation; and
ethical, legal, social and health system impact

*Indications of burden of disease may include but not limited to prevalence, incidence, case fatality rate
(CFR), disability-adjusted life year (DALY), size of population at risk, distribution in the population (e.g.,
economic status)

*Economic evaluation including cost effectiveness and cost benefit analyses

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Section 1.
Proponent details and contact information

Name of Organization/


License to operate / Registration no.


Email address:
Landline no.:
Mobile no.:
Postal address:


Email address:
Landline no.:
Mobile no.:
Postal address:


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Brief description of the company / institution (e.g., number of years in the market, previous projects,
engagements with other local or international government agencies). Provide additional attachments
as necessary.

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Section 2.
Description of the proposed health technology
For health technologies with multiple indications, kindly specify the dosage regimen for each respective indication or use a
separate form for each indication.

2.1 Proposed Health Technology

Herbal Product/ Traditionally-used

Herbal Product/ Traditional
Medicine Devices/
Complementary Medicine Practice
Domain of Traditional and
Complementary Medicine
(e.g. manipulative and body-based
approaches, mind-body medicine, herbalism,
energy therapies, alternative medical systems)
Generic one-sentence description
of the technology
(e.g., pain relief through chiropractic treatment)
Target population of the health
(e.g. elder population with lower back pain)
Method/s of access to the health
[How will its intended users be able to access
the health technology (e.g. through visits to the
health center, through house to house visits of
health workers, through town hall meetings)]
Level of Care General Hospital
Level I Hospital
Indicate the proposed setting(s) in Level II hospital
which the proposed medical Level III hospital
service will be delivered (Select Specialty Hospital
ALL relevant settings): Primary Care Facility
Refer to Department of Health
Custodial Care Facility
Administrative Order 2012-0012 Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility
Specialized Out-Patient Facility
Description of the proposed HT in
terms of market authorization
(e.g., in what countries these were
approved or disapproved by their
national regulatory agency)

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2.2 Technical Characteristics and Requirements
How will the technology be used: ☐ Promotion of health and wellness
☐ Prevention of Disease
☐ Diagnosis of Disease
☐ Treatment of Disease
☐ Symptomatic Management of Disease
☐ Rehabilitation of Disease
☐ Others, please specify: _______________
Frequency and length of use of
the intervention
Expected provider/implementer of
the intervention
(Who will deliver or implement the proposed
health technology or intervention)
Is there additional training Yes, please specify:
required in addition to the
expected skill level of the
extended user?
If yes, please specify who delivered training,
the training tools, and the duration of training

No training required

Health setting or level of care Home or community

where the health technology is Ambulatory care
currently being used Primary (health post, health center)
In what particular health setting or level of care Secondary (general hospital)
the health technology is used (e.g., home or
community, primary care, general hospital, Tertiary (Specialty hospital)
specialty hospital, inpatient/outpatient care, Outpatient care
ambulatory care)? Others, please specify: _______________

2.3 Co-dependent health technology

Is the proposed HT co-dependent of another health technology? Yes No
Health technologies are co-dependent where the patient health outcomes related to the use of one health technology (e.g. a
medicine) are improved using an additional health technology (e.g. a pathology test or an imaging technology). The use of the
technologies needs to be combined (either sequentially or simultaneously) to achieve or enhance the intended clinical effect of
either technology.

If Yes, kindly answer the following. If No, please write NA then proceed to Section 3.

Briefly describe the co-dependent technology in terms of achievement or enhancement of the intended clinical effect of either
health technology. Cite the mechanism of co-dependency.

2.4 Nature of Health Technology

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Is the proposed health technology locally-developed, locally introduced or a foreign product?
locally-developed locally-introduced foreign product
*locally-developed – The product/practice is Filipino in origin
**locally-introduced- The product/practice has been used in the Philippines for more than 50 years.
***foreign-product – The product/ practice has been used in the Philippines for less than 50 years.

Section 3.
Background on the clinical or public health use of
the HT

3.1. Description of the disease, condition, or situation

Overview of the disease or condition that can be averted/ treated by the proposed HT


Parameter Description Reference

(Provide Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if
published source and indicate specific
page and headings of the reference)

Disease frequency
Local data on prevalence or
incidence is recommended;
provide subgrouping by age
and sex, or geographical area,
if available.
Severity of disease
Cite quality of life studies if
available. Provide local
morbidity or mortality data.
Risk factors
Include related genetic
markers, if available

3.2. Description of current standard of care

Current clinical management option

Please provide context on where the proposed health technology will be placed in the current clinical practice guidelines.
Sources could be (in order of priority): 1. Local guidelines*; 2. International guidelines*

*If current clinical management guidelines are not available, cite an expert panel and/or a well-designed survey. Present
details of who the survey was sent to, who responded, and the survey questions and responses in an attachment to the
3.3. Relevant existing national government policy, programs and reimbursement
mechanisms on the use of the proposed technology.
Cite applicable Republic Acts, Administrative orders, or any other official government issuance.

3.4. Rationale for topic nomination

Explain why the proposed HT is nominated for reassessment. Some guide questions to answer:

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● Is there new evidence that prompts changes on the current use of the proposed HT? If yes, how so?

● Who will be directly affected if the funding of proposed HT is continued or reallocated?

● What would be the potential impact to the current situation if the funding of proposed HT is continued or reallocated?

3.5. Additional information for the assessment

Who is/are the user/s of the proposed HT?

Briefly state the target disease, condition, or situation and the target user, size of the population; disability-adjusted life year
(DALY),incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER ) of condition and in what population, as well as the economic model
references, if available.

What other HT can this be compared to?

Comparator: HT that will most likely replace, complement or modify the administration of the existing HT that is being proposed
for HTA
In detail, describe the dosage form, strength, and route of administration.

Is the comparator currently covered by DOH/ PhilHealth? Yes No

What clinically meaningful outcomes can be measured with the use of the proposed HT?
For disease-targeted technologies, briefly state the patient-relevant clinical effectiveness and safety outcomes. Outcomes
should be directly related to the quality (e.g., an estimate of the ICER, if available), and/or length of a patient’s life.

For disease-agnostic technologies, provide all outcomes (e.g., efficiency) that are used to evaluate the health technology.

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Section 4.
Details of supporting evidence on the use of the proposed existing health
technology versus currently used HT (detailed description)

4.1. Population Intervention Comparator Outcome (PICO) Table

Proposed Health

Proposed indication:
Disease, Stage of Disease, Population

FDA Approved indication:

Disease, Stage of Disease, Population

Fill in the blanks, when applicable. This section is only applicable to those HTAs with WHO recommendation (e.g., public health program-related health
technologies). Quote the specific recommendation and indicate the page number in the document being referred to. Comparator may be one of the following,
in order of priority:

Proposed Research Current national DOH WHO treatment Systematic Review Issues
Question program guidelines that was referenced in
(e.g. DOH actual
implementation policy the WHO treatment implementation does not
guidelines match the DOH issuance, no
supporting SR for the
included guidelines)

References DOH issuance number, Title Title and Year Title, Author and Year Leave blank
Leave blank

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existing HT that is being
proposed for HTA Leave blank

HT that will likely replace the
existing HT being proposed
Leave blank
for HTA


Leave blank Leave blank

4.2. Clinical evidence

This section includes studies (e.g., systematic reviews or primary clinical studies)establishing evidence on the comparative clinical efficacy/effectiveness and safety of the proposed HT in terms of
consequences on health outcomes (safety and clinical effectiveness). Add more rows as necessary.

[Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if
Author Year Study Design Population Intervention Comparator Outcome published, and indicate specific page
and headings of the reference]



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4.3. Costing data
Annual direct costs per patient will only be considered. Costs should be in Philippine pesos. Add more rows as necessary.

(DOI if published, and
Parameter Proposed HT Comparator indicate specific page
and headings of the

(A) Unit cost of HT

(B) Number of units per treatment course

if applicable

(C) Duration of treatment

if applicable

(D) Annual intervention cost per unit

Formula: A x B x C

(E) Other direct costs associated with the

implementation of the proposed HT

Include costs related to the use of the co-dependent technology.

Present breakdown of:

Cost item = number of units X item cost

Cost item examples (as applicable):

1. Cost of administration (e.g. human resource, medical supplies,
2. Laboratory/ diagnostic services (e.g. PT, PTT, x-ray, CT scan)
3. Additional equipment/machine used
4. Management of adverse drug reaction or complications
5. Length of stay in hospital
6. Other cost data (e.g. licensing cost, purchasing cost, cost for
subscription, maintenance cost) relevant to effectively implement
the health technology.

(F) Annual cost of delivering/implementing the proposed

HT per unit
Formula: D + E

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(G) Total number of users of the HT
Possible References:
● Burden of disease

● If no local epidemiological study, current volume of use in the

Philippines based on market data

(H) Actual budget impact

Formula: F x G

(I) Cost of transportation and meals incurred by the

patient and/or caregiver to and from the health care
facility or physician
Present breakdown of:
Cost item = number of visits X number of units per visit X unit cost

Cost item examples (if applicable):

1. Transportation of patient
2. Meals of patient

4.4. Cost-Effectiveness evidence

This section includes economic evaluations conducted in comparable settings that show evidence on the cost-effectiveness of the proposed HT. Add more rows as necessary.

Author Year Country Population Intervention Control Cost-effective? Reference





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4.5. Budget impact analysis

Note: To be filled out only if the proponent is from DOH or PhilHealth.
Kindly provide an actual utilized and approved budget by the government in implementing the proposed HT.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Utilized budget (Php)

Total cost
(Unit cost * No. of users/ doses)

Approved budget (Php)

Note: To be filled out only if the proponent is from DOH.

Kindly indicate if the provided utilized budget in implementing the proposed HT has incurred LOW, MODERATE or HIGH BUDGET IMPACT to the government. Please supplement with a
justification for indicating LOW, MODERATE or HIGH BUDGET IMPACT.

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Section 5.
Ethical, Legal, Social, and Health System Impact
Describe the possible implications of the proposed HT on ethical, legal, social aspects, as well as, the foreseen health system
impact. Refer to the guide questions stated and provide no more than 300 words for each question..

Give basis for your answers (e.g., focus group discussion, specific contact person, or other references, published or

5.1. Ethical aspects

What are the health equity issues which may have an impact on the use of the proposed HT among all eligible patients and
consequently the fair distribution of health outcomes across the Philippine population?

Does the proposed HT benefit any marginalized populations?

❏ Yes, kindly check below:

❏ Socio-economic status
❏ Sexual orientation and gender identity expression
❏ Age (young and elderly)
❏ Geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas
❏ Ethnicity
❏ Persons with disabilities

❏ No

5.2. Legal aspects

What are the legal and policy statutes in the Philippines and relevant international treaties/agreements which promote, facilitate
or prohibit the adoption and use of the proposed HT?

5.3. Social aspects

What are the social, cultural, religious and other factors which may affect the acceptability of the adoption and use of the
proposed HT in the Philippines for the general population and/or specific subgroups of the population?

5.4. Health system impact

What are the likely impacts on the health system and affiliated organizations which may influence the adoption or
implementation of the health technology in the national context or in particular localities of the country (e.g., infrastructure,
human resource needs, training requirements, changes in benefit schedule of PhilHealth)?

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Section 6.
Additional information
Please include any additional information you believe would be helpful to the HTA Council and assessors.

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Section 7.
Data inputs on Prioritization Criteria
The number of health technologies needing assessment far outweighs available
resources.Thus, there is a need to set priority topics to efficiently manage these demands.
kindly provide information on the excel files (Sheets are arranged by criteria):

The proponents are asked to accomplish the self-scoring sheet so that they will become familiar with
how HTAC prioritizes topics for assessment. This exercise aims to help the proponents gauge the
likelihood that their nominated health technology will be prioritized, based on the total scores.

The HTAC will conduct its own prioritization of nominated topics for HTA. The Council reserves the right
to make the decision on the final recommendation based on the HTAC prioritization matrix, and a
holistic and judicious assessment of the impact of the inputs of the proponents and the general public
upon subjecting the list of priority topics to appeals.

Self-scoring sheet for Existing Traditional Medicine: Download here.

Topic Nomination Template of Existing Traditional Medicine version 2 (as of March 2022)
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Australian Government Department of Health - Medical Services Advisory Committee.
Technical Guidelines for preparing assessment reports for the Medical Services
Advisory Committee – Service Type: Investigative (Version 3.0). 2017 July; 230 p.
Medical Services Advisory Committee, Australian Government Department of Health.

Australian Government Department of Health - Medical Services Advisory Committee.

Technical Guidelines for preparing assessment reports for the Medical Services
Advisory Committee – Medical Service Type: Therapeutic (Version 2.0). 2016 Mar;
206 p. Available from:

Australian Government Department of Health, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory

Committee. Procedure guidance for listing medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits
Scheme (including consideration of vaccines for the National Immunisation Program)
version 1.9. 2020 July. Available from:

Department of Health - Philippines. Administrative Order 2020-0041: The New

Implementing Guidelines on Health Technology Assessment to Guide Funding
Allocation and Coverage Decisions in support of Universal Health Care; 2020 Sep 08;
15 p. Available from: https://hta.doh.gov.ph/administrative-order-on-hta/.

Department of Health - Philippines, Health Technology Assessment Unit. Philippine

HTA Methods Guide, First Edition. 2020 Sep 08; 355 p. Available from:

Department of Health - Philippines, Health Technology Assessment Unit. Philippine

HTA Process Guide, First Edition. 2020 Sep 08; 98 p. Available from:

Philippine Statistics Authority. 2018 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES),
National and Regional Estimates. 2019 Dec 04; 1 (1): 1-80. Available from:
https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/FIES 2018 Final Report.pdf

Philippine Statistics Authority. Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index

(2018=100): 2022 Feb 04; 5 p. Available from:

Republic Act No. 11223. An Act Instituting Universal Healthcare for all Filipinos,
Prescribing Reforms in the Health Care System, and Appropriating Funds Therefore
also known as the Universal Health Care Act. 2019 Feb 20; 18p. Available from:

Xu K, Evans DB, Kawabata K, Zeramdini R, Klavus J, and Murray CJ. Household

catastrophic health expenditure: a multicountry analysis. 2003 Jul. The Lancet; 362:

Topic Nomination Template of Existing Traditional Medicine version 2 (as of March 2022)
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11-117: Available from: https://www.who.int/health_financing/documents/lancet-
catastrophic_expenditure.pdf. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(03)13861-5.

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CFR Case Fatality Rate

CM Complementary Medicine
CPG Clinical Practice Guideline
CSO Civil society organization
CT Computer Tomography
DALY Disability-Adjusted Life Year
DOH Department of Health
DOI Digital Object Identifier
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FIES Family Income and Expenditure Survey
HT Health Technology
HTA Health Technology Assessment
HTAC Health Technology Assessment Council
HTAU Health Technology Assessment Unit
ICER Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratio
LGU Local Government Unit
NHP National Health Program
PITAHC Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
PT Prothrombin Time
PTC Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
PTT Prothrombin Time Test
TM Traditional Medicine
WHO World Health Organization

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