U2 Travel-Canada
U2 Travel-Canada
U2 Travel-Canada
m Choose the correct words from the box to complete the following list of
things which irritate people when flying.
1:1 �)>> CD1.7 listen to three people talking about their travel experiences.
Tick the problems in Exercise B that they mention.
m Which of the things in Exercise B irritate you most? Which irritate you least?
Discuss your ideas with a different partner.
VOCABULARY m Match the words and phrases which have the same meaning_ For each pair,
decide which is British English and which is American English_
British and
American 1 subway a) line
English 2 city centre b) lift
3 carry-on baggage c) public toilet
4 one way d) schedule
5 return e) economy class
6 freeway f) single
7 rest room g) first floor
8 elevator h) bill
9 coach class i) booking
10 timetable D round trip
11 car park k) downtown
12 queue I) motorway
13 check m) underground
14 reservation n) hand luggage
15 ground floor 0) parking lot
Il Work i n pairs_ Use the American English words or phrases from Exercise A
to complete this text.
My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all, there
was a delay on the way to the airport, as there was an accident on the f��� ��y I. When I . . .
got there, I found the lower level of the airport . . . . . . . . . . . . 'was flooded. Next, my . . . . . . . . . . 1 .
was too big and heavy, so I had to check it in. When we arrived, the
. . . . . . . . . ' was closed, and there were no cabs at all. After a long time trying to figure out
the . . . . ' and waiting in . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 for 40 minutes, we finally got a bus .. .
and found the hotel. Then there was a problem with our room .
. . . .
. .
.8 and, would you
believe it, the . . . . . . . . . . . ' wasn't working, and our rooms were on the fifth floor.
See the OVO-ROM A
for the i-Glossary.
�I» CD1.8 Listen to the recording and check your answers to Exercise B_
Hyatt Hotels
�)>> (01.9 Listen to Sholto Smith, Area Sales Director for Hyatt H otels, talking
about how the company meets the needs of business travellers. Listen to
the first part and tick which of the following he mentions.
Location of hotels Good links with Close to the airport
underground networks
Totally non·smoking Good restaurant Close to client's office
Technology Internet Business centre
Swimming pool Translation services Free transport to hotel
III �)>> (01.10 Listen to the second part and complete the notes on the ways
hotels are adding value to their guests' stay.
Sholto Smith
B �)>> (D1.11 Listen to the third part and summarise the future developments in
the business travel market that Sholto mentions.
Watch the
interview on
the OVO-ROM. m In groups, discuss what is important for you when staying in a hotel, for
either work or pleasure.
As morc carriers open up more routes, by British Airways and Air France .
travelling to and arollnd the Middle He always travels with his wife.
East has never been easier. Liliane, who worked with him
Edmond Moutran, the 63-year-old 30 until very recently, and prefers to
5 Chairman and Chief Executive travel first class. He also uses business
of Memac Ogilvy & Mather, the class . He says he will travel economy
multinational advertising and 'in an emergency' .
communications company, should He uses airline lounges. '1 want
know. The Lebanese execut.ive 35 good chairs, plenty of newspapers and
10 reckons he spends 60% of his television. Airlines that spend millions
working week in the air. 'I spend on decor and have uncomfortable
200 days in Beirut, 40 days in Dubai, chairs really need to look at
40 days in Bahrain and 25 in the themselves.' staff sometimes,' he says. ' I f they're
UK. I also spend one week in each 40 'MEA gets me a car to the airport tired of their jobs, they should
15 of Cairo, Jordan, Jeddah, Riyadh, and they open a special counter for
55 give il up. I also dislike the casual
Kuwait, Tunis and Algeria. I go to me as an individual,' he says. 'Staff
attitude of ground staff. Employees
South Africa once a year, Barcelona take your boarding pass. check you in
should be trained to cope with
once or twice a year for conferences and walk you through to the lounge.
customers who have problems.'
and I go to Paris four times a year.' 45 The airline saves me abollt an hour o f
Mr Moutran says that problems with
He says his choice of airline is standing i n line. I t shows real respecl.
dictated by convenience, but his You don't really get this extra 60 ground staff are one of the reasons he
preference is for Middle East Airlines special treatment on other airlines. hales (ravelling to the US. 'No one
and its 'new aircraft and equipment, With MEA, it's the whole process 4 ever has time 10 answer a queslion
and well-trained, fresh and energetic 50 - that's why I ' m so loyal to them.' there,' he says . He also doesn't like
staff'. His second choice is Gulf So what annoys him most about the lack of openness shown by airlines
Air, with Emirates third, followed Hying? 'The attitude of crew and 65 when there are problems and delays.
B In pairs, share information about the two articles. Compare the attitudes of
the two travellers. Whose point of view is closest to yours?
m Match the sentence halves to complete the definitions of the words in bold.
1 Peak travel happens a) a change to a better seat or level of service.
2 When you check in, b) a room in a hotel/airport where people can sit and
3 Frequent-flyer points are c) a card you must show in order to get on a plane.
4 An upgrade is d) all the people who work at an airport, but not the
pilots or cabin crew.
S A lounge is e) awarded by airlines to reward customer loyalty.
6 A boarding pass is f) at times when the largest number of people are
7 Ground staff are g) you go to desk at a hotel/airport to say you have arrived.
We can use different language forms to talk about the future.
Talking about • We use going to to talk about what we intend to do and have already decided to do.
the future My col/eague and I are going to attend our Chairman's wedding in Seattle next month.
Some airlines are going to increase fuel surcharges this week.
• We use will or '/I to talk about something we have decided to do at the time of
The deal's off. I'll call the travel agent to cancel the flights.
• We use the present continuous to talk about a fixed arrangement.
I'm travelling from Australia to Europe in September.
• We use the present simple to talk about a timetable or programme.
The flight/eaves Ho Chi Minh City at 11 :30 on Tuesday. It arrives in Danang at 12:40.
II In pairs, take turns to complete the sentences below. Use going to, will, the
present continuous or the present simple.
1 The flight's delayed, so . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 OK, I've decided. I .
3 Let's check the timetable. The flight . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 It's OK, I don't need a lift. I . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S Friday afternoon? I'll just check my diary. I . . . . . . . . . . . .
SKILLS III �)>> CD1.12, 1.13 Jennifer North, Sales Director at Madison i n New York, makes
Telephoning: two telephone calls to Cristina Verdi, a fashion buyer in london. listen and
note a) the purpose of each call and b) the result.
[] �)>> CD1.12 listen to the first call again and complete this extract.
Jennifer I'm calling because I'll be in london next week and . .. ........ . .
......... ............ ............ ' t o see you. I want to tell you about
our new collection.
II �)>> CD1.13 listen to the second call again and complete this extract.
Receptionist Thank you. I'm putting you through ... Hello, I'm afraid she's engaged at
the moment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' or can I put you through to her
Jennifer Would you be able to take a message for me, please? I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Receptionist Yes, certainly.
Jennifer The thing is, I should be meeting Ms Verdi at 2 p.m., .......... .
A specia list travel agent has to work hard to ret a i n a key client.
Business Travel Services (BTS) is based in Philadelphia, USA. One of its most important clients is the large
multinational corporation NeoTech, whose head office is also in Philadelphia. Recently, NeoTech's senior
executives have had problems when they have been on business trips organised by BTS.
• •
Who we are
BTS provides a full range of corporate travel
services. We are highly experienced in handling
the requirements of teday's business traveller.
Among our many clients are multinational
companies which are household names.
What we do
Our travel consultants work to produce top value
Stage 1 Stage 2
The Head of Travel at N eoTech phones the Account NeoTech's Head ofTravel phones BTS's Account
Manager of BTS to set up a meeting, so that they Manager to change the time of the meeting. Some
can discuss the problems that executives have had equipment has been stolen from their office, and the
while on business trips. police are investigating. The Head ofTravel suggests
meeting in two weeks' time on a Wednesday.
In pairs. role-play the telephone conversation to
set up the meeting. BTS's Account Manager cannot meet on the
Wednesday - he / she is giving a speech at an
Student A:
international travel conference. He / She suggests
You are Head of Travel at NeoTech. Turn to page
an alternative day and time.
1 3 5 to read the information in your diary and check
when you are available for a meeting. Role-play the telephone conversation.
Student B:
You are the Account Manager for BTS. Turn to page Stage 3
140 to read the information in your diary and check Following a request from BTS's Account Manager,
when you are available for a meeting. NeoTech's Head of Travel sends summaries of four
problems which senior executives at NeoTech had
during recent business trips (see page 21).
Hotat Pf"obtart'l
into the Excelsior Hotel.
Last Thursday, I checked and
me I had been upgraded
The receptionist told there
16'" floor. Well, l
my room was on the
asked to move to anot
her Three 1110l1ths ago
I travel led to Atl .
for an hour or so, then ama, Georgia . Two
room had no safe for
my of Ju ggaoeo didn', �rrl· v e . pieces
I reported Ihe loss
room. The 'upgraded' t0 Ile
. .
prom ised 10 nd the aJrllll e. They
there I
bags and send Ih.
was very bad. Also,
moneY, and the lighti ng em to me Some
was a group of noisy
people next door.
�:� � : � � :�� �� �� �
I t h
� l fi YO l
r I
' e cOll l� n'l find
Ihe bags and aS ke
I , dldn l hea� from
The new room was no
bette r. I could n't take
monlh, Ihen Ihey aske Ihem 1'01 another
d m�. I0 send receip
ts for aJJ the missino
there was no water for anicles . I didn 't h ave
a shower becau se receipts for the lost
items .
ne didn't work, the Ice
hours . The coffe e machi It's Ihree months
and the desk was too .
I ater, and sl l. l i no news
machi ne was out of order from the air . r me. My
e-mal l s and 'cUefs "
e actio n, get no response.
receptionist to get som The alrlme has recen
small. I called the merged with anolhe
, tly
r company and I .
. IS
busy to do anyth·mg. wond er If · Ihls part
but she seem ed too Ihe problem. Can ' of
can you help?
up to standa rd. What
This hotel simply isn't
you do about it for
passenger s to the
e very aggressive
Some passengers becam
I was expecting a free upgrade, but the clerk on Ihe desk m. I had to share
refused 10 when they tried to get a roo
do Ihat. His attitude was 'take i l or leave it . So I hired Ihe senger. The hotel
' bigger car. a room with another pas
When Ihe company billed me, I ended up paying $490 for their r�oms.
Ihe car. made all passengers pay for
to walt SIX hours
The next morning, we had
ht to MoscoW.
in a cold terminal for the flig