All About DGR Exercises-OBU-17A-23MAY2022
All About DGR Exercises-OBU-17A-23MAY2022
All About DGR Exercises-OBU-17A-23MAY2022
By Muhammad Rifni
Exerceise 1
1. Where in the DGR will you find information on the following?
Section(s) and/or Subsection (s)
a. Air Waybill ___________
b. Special Provision ___________
c. Definition of Dangerous Goods ___________
d. Selecting proper shipping name ___________
e. Label Specification ___________
f. Hidden Dangerous Goods ___________
g. Packing Instruction- Class 1 Explosives ___________
2. Which organization developed the Technical Instruction for the Safe Transport of Dangerous
Goods by Air? _________________________________________ DGR _____________
3. Which Regulation contain all the requirements of the Technical Instructions and reflect
____________________________________________DGR _____________
4. Who has the responsibility for the following procedures regarding dangerous goods?
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Purpose Responsible DGR
a. Acceptance
b. Identification
c. Loading
d. Completion of required
5. Using the Glosary (appendix), give the definition of the following terms, which are commonly
used in DGR
a) Net Quantity
b) Carbon Dioxide,Solid (dry ice)
c) Overpack
d) Passsenger Aircraft
e) Packing Group
f) Lithium Battery
g) Lithium Cells
6. What is the meaning the following symbols, abbreviations and code used in the DGR
a) CAO __________________________________________________________________
b) n.o.s __________________________________________________________________
c) PI __________________________________________________________________
d) RLI __________________________________________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
f) Y __________________________________________________________________
g) __________________________________________________________________
h) EQ __________________________________________________________________
i) PG __________________________________________________________________
j) NEW __________________________________________________________________
7. Where in DGR can the information “How to use the Regulations” be found? __________
8. What are the characteristics of a substance which is forbidden in aircraft under any
circumstances? DGR
Exercise 2
1. What kind of hazard might be hidden in following items?
a) Automobile parts
b) Cylinders
c) Electrical equipment
d) Frozen fruit
e) Battery-powered device/ equipment
f) Torches
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
b) India YES/NO DGR _______
c) Egypt YES/NO DGR _______
d) China YES/NO DGR _______
e) Romania YES/NO DGR _______
3. Do the following States require an emergency telephone number (24hrs) to be entered on the
Shipper’s Declaration
a) France YES/NO DGR _______
b) Germany YES/NO DGR _______
c) Hong Kong YES/NO DGR _______
d) United States YES/NO DGR _______
5. List below the classes and divisions and packing group of dangerous goods which are
acceptable as “excepted quantities”
6. Refer to the List of Dangerous Goods (DGR 4.2) and check if the items listed below may be
shipped as excepted quantities
(a) Allyltrichlorosilane, stabilized: _______________________________________________
(b) Ammonium picrate, wetted _______________________________________________
(c) Pentachlorophenol _______________________________________________
7. Use DGR Table 2.6.A and Subsection 4.2 to determine the excepted quanity code and
maximum quantities permitted for the items listed below:
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
UN Number Packing Group Excepted Quantity Each inner Each outer
code packaging packaging
UN 1088 II
UN 1390 III
UN 1712 II
8. Lengkapi Dan Isilah Kolom Dibwah Ini, Apabila Setiap Material Dangerous Goods Akan Diangkut
Dengan Pesawat Penumpang (Pax & Cargo Aircraft) (DGR 4.2 & DGR 2.6.A)
b. UN 1910
c. UN 1203
d. UN 1558
e. UN 1654
11. Complete the mark reproduced below for “Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities” for the
following shipment
Shipper : John Smith, Shipping Manager
Company’s name : J S. Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Address : 32 Bean Street, London SW1 ESC, England
Commodity : Ferrosilicon
Packing Group : III
Outer Packaging : One fibreboard box
Actual net quantity : 200g
Date of despatch : 19 January 2019
12. The following of air waybill and Shipper’s Declaration are to be checked against the
applicable State and Operator Variations. List all the errors
The shipment content of 0,5 L of Hydriodic acid solution, UN 1787, Packing Group III. It is
packed in a fibreboard box meeting the limited quantity provision DGR 2.7
The Shipment is routed as follows:
Origin- Destination Operator
Cologne to Frankfurt Lufthansa
Frankfurt to Mumbai Lufthansa
Mumbai to New Delhi Blue Dart Aviation
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
MAYA CHEMICALS 020 123 5675
1 1
050644 COLOGNE 22
8 JANUARY 2019
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
List all errors:
State Variation:
Operator Variations:
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Exercise 3
1. What Class or division are the following substance?
a) Articles and substances having a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or minor
projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard, class________
b) Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, class _______
c) Readily combustible solids and solids may cause fire through frictions. Class _______
d) Oxidizing substances are substances which, in themselves are not necessarily
combustible, but may generally cause or contribute to the combustion of other material
by yielding oxygen. Such substances may be contained in an article.
e) substances which are known or are reasonably expected to contain pathogens.
f) are ignitable when in a mixture of 13% or less by volume with air, or have a flammable
range with air or at least 12 percentage points regardless of the lower flammable limit, in
form of Gases, class ___________
2. Refer to Section 3 of the DGR and state the applicable class or division number and name for
these items.
No Characteristics Class / Name
a Substance—dangerous if
inhaled, swallowed or absorbed
through the skin.
3. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) of some products give the information below.
Complete the missing information below.
No. Characteristics of substance Class / Packing
Div. Group
a Full thickness destruction of skin tissue within an
observation time of 35 minutes and an exposure
time of 2 minutes. (DGR 3.8.A)
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
b Solid having a LD50 value (dermal application) of
c Liquid with a closed cup flash point of 25°C and a
boiling point of 86°C.
d Solid substance giving off flammable gases when
in contact with water at a rate of 1.5L/hour per
kilogram of substance.
Exercise 4
1. State the applicable UN or ID number for the following items:
No. Substance UN / ID Number Class
A Calcium oxide
b Dry ice
c 4-Methoxy-4-methylpentan-2-one
d Printing ink
f Consumer commodity
g Nicotine
h Adhesive
I Germane
J Heptanes
k Benzoyl chloride
l Ferric nitrate
2. The following articles or substances are also known by other names. State their proper shipping
names and UN numbers:
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
No. Substance Proper Shipping Name UN Class
a. Camping gas
b. Cement, flammable
c. Liquor
d. Varnish
e. Quicksilver
f. Butter of antimony
g. Lead tetramethyl
h. Film scrap
I Formalin
3. State the applicable proper shipping name for the following item:
a. UN 1088
b. UN 1400
c. UN 1148
d. UN 2037
4. A mixture contains 15% Ethylene oxide and 85% Carbon dioxide. What is its UN Number?
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
c. Barium alloys, 2 kg
d. Sodium chlorate 30 kg
e. Mercaptan mixture, 3L
liquid, toxic,
flammable n.o.s *
f. Consumer commodity 30 kg
g. Oil gas, compressed 17 kg
h. Mercury nucleate 20 kg
i. Cotton, wet 25 kg
j. Adhesive, having a 5L
flash point of 75ºC
(Closed cup).
8. Which special provision apply to UN 3491 – Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment?
9. Can damaged lithium ion batteries be transported by air? YES/ NO, DGR _______________
10. Match the following substance in the left column (in 1.2…) with corresponding answer in the
right column (in a.b….)
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Acetone 15L carried by cargo approved by State concerned as per
aircraft S.P A1
4 Acrolein, unstabilized 5L. d. Forbidden for transport. However it
Aerosol, non-flammable, may be possible to be shipped under
containing substances in Div an Exemption (see 1.2.6)
6.1, Packing Group I 5L
11. n-Propoxypropanol amyl is an alcohol with a flash point of 58°C and an initial boiling point of
87°C. What is the appropriate proper shipping name. Packing Group and UN Number?
12. A solid inorganic mercuric acetate compound has an oral toxicity LD50 of 60 mg/kg. What is
the appropriate proper shipping name. Packing Group and UN Number?
13. A liquid mixture of Benzene and a substance not subject to these Regulation, has a closed
cup flash point of 23°C and an initial boiling point of 40°C
(a). the proper shipping name and the Packing Group?
(b). the Packing Instruction number for passenger aircraft?
14. A solid mixture of Arsenic and substance not subject to these Regulations, has an oral toxicity
LD50 of 45 mg/kg. What is
(a). the proper shipping name and the Packing Group?
(b). the Packing Instruction number for passenger aircraft?
15. A liquid mixture of 2-Ethylfuran and a substance, not subject to these Regulation, has a
closed cup flash point of 18°C and an initial boiling point of 40°C. What is
(a). the proper shipping name and the Packing Group?
(b). the Packing Instruction numbers for passenger aircraft?
16. Refer to DGR Table 3.10.A and state to appropriate primary hazard , the subsidiary hazard
and the packing group for the mixtures having the following characteristics:
Class/ Div Packing Class/ Div Packing Primary Subsidiary/ Packing
Group Group Class/ Div Hazard Group
3 I and 8(l) II
6.1(i) II and 8(l) I
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
4.3 III and 6.1 III
3 II and 6.1 II
4.1 II and 5.1 II
6.1 III 3 III
(b) A substance meets the criteria of Class 8(l), Packing Group II and Division 5.2 which of
these two hazards will take precedence?
(c) If radioactive material also exhibits corrosive properties, which hazard will take
Exercise 5
1. The Item is : Potassium Hydroxide, solid
Net quantity : 7.5 Kg
Inner packaging : 15 glasses packaging x 0.5 kg each
Outer packaging : UN Specification wooden box (4C1)
Aircraft type : Passenger Aircraft
(a) What is the applicable
1. UN Number : ___________________________________
2. Packing Group : ___________________________________
3. Packing Instruction : ___________________________________
4. Maximum net quantity per package : ___________________________________
(b) What is the maximum quantity allowed for each inner glass packaging? _______________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
1. Proper Shipping Name : ___________________________________
2. Class or Division : ___________________________________
3. Packing Instruction : ___________________________________
4. Maximum net quantity per package : ___________________________________
(b) How many outer packaging will be required? : ___________________________________
(c) How many inner packaging will be required? : ___________________________________
(d) Are single packaging permitted for this item? : ___________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Net Quantity : 30 kg
Inner packaging : Six plastic bags 5 kg
Outer packaging : UN Specification wooden box (4C1)
The shipment will be transported on a passenger aircraft
8. The item is Lithium ion batteries damaged, being returned with a Watt-hour rating of 65 Wh
Net quantity : 4kg
Outer packaging : UN Specification plywood box (4D)
The destination is served only by passenger aircraft
(a) What is the applicable UN Number : __________________________________________
(b) Class or division : __________________________________________
(c) Packing Instruction : __________________________________________
(d) Is this shipment acceptable : __________________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
9. Is the following package acceptable for transport on a passenger aircraft?
The inner and outer packagings comply with the DGR.
For the purposes of the exercise, the dangerous goods will not react dangerously with each
other and do not require segregation according to DGR Table 9.3.A
Item B
Proper shipping name : Benzyl chloride
UN Number : UN 1738
Net quantity : 0.5 Kg
Division/ Subsidiary hazard : 6.1 (8)
Packing Group : II
Packing Instruction : 653
Calculation and answer:
Item B
Proper shipping name : Nitrostarch, wetted
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
UN Number : UN 1337
Net quantity : 11 Kg
Division : 4.1 (8)
Packing Group :I
Packing Instruction : 451
Calculation and answer:
Item B
Proper shipping name : Acetyl bromide
UN Number : UN 1716
Net quantity : 11 Kg
Inner packaging : one plastic bottle 0.1 L
Packing Instruction : Y840
Item C
Proper shipping name : Adhesive
UN Number : UN 1133
Packing Group : III
Inner packaging : one plastic bottle 1.0 L
Packing Instruction : Y344
12. The following items do not require segregation according to DGR Table 9.3.A and are all
packed in one Limited Quantity outer packaging which has 20 Kg gross weight, the package is
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
properly marked and labels are properly affixed. Is this shipment it acceptable for transport on
a passenger aircraft?
UN 1090 : Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s 14 kg
UN 2653 : Benzyl iode 0.3 L
UN 2049 : Diethylbenzene 5 L
Each package has been correctly packed, marked and labelled, and the overpack bears the labels
and marks required by the Regulations
(a) Does the shipment meet all the requirements for overpack?
(b) Explain your answer given under (a)
Exercise 6
1. A single packaging containing liquid with the following mark ,
Decode the following UN specification mark
2 1A1
3 X
4 1.4
5 300
6 19
7 D
8 BAM/7929KHV
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
2. A Shipper has the following UN Specification Packages available: (Note the inner’s where
applicable, were included in the testing)
2.1. 4G/Z13/S/19/GB/2234
2.2. 4C2/Y4/S/19/USA/+00123
2.3. 1A1/Y1.6/150/19/A/WESER
2.4. 3A2/Y10/S/19/F/BVT
2.5. 1A2/Y30/S/19/CH/3344D
Which package(s) may the shipper use for the following shipments:
a. 5 L UN 2285, Isocyanatobenzotrifluorides, for passenger aircraft ___________________
b. 2 kg UN 0278, Cartriges, oil well, for cargo aircraft only ___________________
c. 20 kg UN 2940, Cyclooctadiene phosphines, in single packaging ___________________
d. 5 L UN 1719, Caustic alkali liquid, n.o.s Packing Group III in ___________________
combination packaging
1. 4N/Z33/S/19/NL/MIE 03 ___________________________________________
2. 1A1/Y1.6/150/19/A/WESER01 ___________________________________________
3. 3H2/Y30/S/13/NL/MIE 09 ___________________________________________
4. 1A2/Y30/S/17/NL/MIE 07 ___________________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Cobalt naphthenates, powder in 2 plastic bottles each containing 10 kg, Caesium nitrate
2kg in 1 plastic bottle. The gross of the fibreboard box is 27 kg.
If not, explain the reasons:
(b) Assuming the same substances are repacked into a suitable UN specification
fibreboard box, determine.
1) the applicable packing group ___________________________________________
2) the “Q” value ___________________________________________
(c) How would the inclusion of 10 kg of Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), affect the Q-value?
Exercise 7
1. As a minimum, what marks are required on all packages containing dangerous goods?
(a) _________________________________________________________________________
(b) _________________________________________________________________________
(c) _________________________________________________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
No. Item Primary hazard label Subsidiary hazard label (if
1) Benzene, UN 1114
2) Chemical Kit, UN 3316
3) Ethyl chloroacetate, UN
4) Flammable liquid, toxic,
n.o.s, UN 1992
5. A package of flammable liquid and a package of corrosive material are in an overpack where
labels are not visible.
Indicate which hazard label(s) must appear on the overpack, and give the reference where the
answer can be found.
______________________________________________________________ (DGR _________)
6. When is the quantity of dangerous goods not required to be marked on the outside of a
7. Answer True or False and given the reference where your answer has been found.
(a) A single hazard label must be folded so that it appears on two different faces of a package
True (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
False (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
(b) Subsidiary hazard labels must be affixed adjacent and on the same surface as the primary
hazard label.
True (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
False (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
(c) Which handling label must be affixed on the same surface near the hazard label?
_____________________________________________________________ (Ref DGR _______ )
(d) UN 3480 Section IB of PI965 requires “Class 9-Lithium battery hazard label” & “Lithium
Battery Mark” and both must be affixed adjacent and on the same surface of the package.
True (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
False (Ref) ___________________________________________________________________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
8. The following package is one non-identical part of a consignment of multiple packages of
dangerous goods. This open cryogenic receptacle meets the requirements of PI202 and has
been marked in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (i), however it has not been
correctly marked (package use) and labelled. Correct the errors and add the missing marks or
label(s), Proper shipping name: Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid, net quantity 100 Kg
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Exercise 8
1. Prepare the following shipment correctly, by completing the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, the Air Waybill extract, and the marking and labelling of the package(s).
Date Today
Shipper ABC Chemicals
JI Daan Mogot KM 18
Jakarta, Indonesia
Consignee H. Robinson Co. Ltd
549 Kingsbury Road
London NW9 9EN, England
Operator Garuda Indonesia
Item 1 Methyl sulphide, 10L
The item is packed in a UN Specification plywood box.
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
2. Prepare the following shipment correctly, by completing the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, the Air Waybill extract, and the marking and labelling of the package(s).
Date Today
Shipper Lion Air Logistics Department
Komplek Bandara Mas Blok X No.123,
Tangerang, Indonesia
Consignee The Boeing Company
100 Riverside
Seattle, Washington 98124, USA
Operator Singapore Airlines
Item One self-inflating life-raft, gross weight 200 kg.
• 1 cylinder carbon dioxide
• 2 illumination signal flares
• 1 repair kit
• 25 strike anywhere matches
• 2 lithium batteries
• 2 first aid kits
The item is packed in a strong, non-UN specification
fibreboard box.
Air Waybill 618-3456 7823
Mr. Syahrul is the Logistics Manager of Lion Air, mobile: 0822 5678 9999
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
3. Prepare the following shipment correctly, by completing the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, the Air Waybill extract, and the marking and labelling of the package(s).
Date Today
Shipper Rose Manufacturer Co.Ltd
JL.Sudirman No.28
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Consignee Al-Khumaira Dept.Store
Ballad Shopping Center, Ground Floor A/54
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Operator Emirates Airlines
Item Perfumery products, 5L, PG III
The item is packed in one strong fibreboard boxes
(Limited Quantity Packaging).
Air Waybill 222-1234 5678
You are the Export Manager. & your mobile number
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
4. Prepare the following shipment correctly, by completing the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, the Air Waybill extract, and the marking and labelling of the package(s).
SHIPMENT 4 : Q-value
Date Today
JL.Daan Mogot Raya No. 145
Jakarta, Indonesia
Princess Road, 27th
Jurong, Singapore
Operator Thai Airways
Items • Ferrosilicon, in 2 glass bottles (IP1) 5 kg each.
• Heating oil, light, in 1 plastic bottle (IP2) 10 kg
All packed one UN-Specification fibreboard box.
Air Waybill number 550 -1234 5678
You are the Shipping Manager. & your mobile number
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
5. Prepare the following shipment correctly, by completing the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, the Air Waybill extract, and the marking and labelling of the package(s).
SHIPMENT 5: Overpack
Date Today
Shipper Doyok Chemicals, Co.Ltd
JL.Pahlawan No.52
Surabaya, Indonesia
Consignee Wild West Manufacturer
Oak Road, 240
Los Angeles, USA
Operator Trans World Airlines
Items Using an overpack which contains the following packages:
Package 1: 5 litre UN 1219 Isopropanol packed in one
UN fibreboard box.
Package 2: 12 kg UN 1712 Zinc arsenate packed in one
UN steel drum.
Package 3: 20 kg UN 0405 Cartridges, signal packed in
one UN plywood box, gross weight 24
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Exercise 9
Checklist & correction: Shipper Declaration, air waybill, marking, labelling, packing
Checklist 1
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Checklist 2
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Checklist 3
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Checklist 4
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Exercise 10
1. Refer to Table DGR 10.3.A.. Check if activity of the following Radioactive material is within
the limits of Either A1 or A2 as appropriate for the Four Type A‖ packages shown below
(Answer Yes or No)
Symbol Form Activity Answer
Package 1 : Ar-39 Special Form 43 Tbq
Package 2 : 67 Ga Other Form 9 Tbq
Package 3 : Kr 85m Special Form 8700 Gbq
Package 4 : 89 Sr Other Form 500 Gbq
2. Radioactive Package are planned to be on boarded on Passenger Aircraft, see the Packages
below and find the minimum distance vertically (a & b) as the safest distance between
Radioactive and Passenger, and find also minimum distance horizontally (c) as the proper
distance between package R1 and R2. (Use Table 10.9.C)
7.3 6.3
a,_________________, b._______________, c._____________ ___________
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
▪ International Civil Aviation Organization, ANNEX 18 – The Safe Transport Dangerous Goods
by Air, DOC 9284 –AN/905 Technical Instructions For The Safe Transport Dangerous Goods by
Air, DOC 9481-AN/928 Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Accident/Incident
Involving Dangerous Goods
▪ International Air Transport Association, IATA Dangerous goods Regulation Book 2019 & 2020
▪ UU RI No 1 Th 2009 Tentang Penerbangan Bagian Ke-7 Pengangkutan Barang Khusus Dan
Berbahaya Pasal 136,137,138 Dan 139
• PP No 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Keamanan Dan Keselamatan Penerbangan
• PM 90 Tahun 2013 dan KP 412 tahun 2014 yang dikeluarkan oleh DGCA (Directorate General
Civil Aviation) atau Dirjen Perhubungan Udara merupakan petunjuk bersifat teknis bagi staff
yang bekerja atau staff yang bertugas menangani barang berbahaya pada anggota NON IATA.
• Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM. 90 Tahun 2013 Tentang Keselamatan
Pengangkutan Barang Berbahaya Dengan Pesawat Udara
• Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KP 26 Tahun 2014 tentang Lisensi Personel
Penanganan Pengangkutan Barang Berbahaya;
• Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 127 Tahun 2015 tentang Program Keamanan
Penerbangan Nasional
• Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor 546 Tahun 2015 Tentang Program
Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Personel Penanganan Pengangkutan Barang Berbahaya
• Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor : SKEP/275/XII/1998 Tentang
Pengangkutan Barang Berbahaya Dengan Pesawat Udara
• Peraturan Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Nomor: KP 152 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengamanan Kargo
Dan Pos Yang Diangkut Dengan Pesawat Udara.
• Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan PM 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemberitahuan dan Pelaporan
Kecelakaan dan Kejadian Serius pesawat udara sipil serta prosedur investigasi kecelakaan dan
kejadian serius pesawat udara sipil
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020
Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr
0813 1453 1749. 0857 7172 3922
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
For Training Purposes Only, Prepared by Muhammad Rifni, SE, M.MTr, 150920020