Role of Human Resource Management in The Productivity of Private Employees
Role of Human Resource Management in The Productivity of Private Employees
Role of Human Resource Management in The Productivity of Private Employees
Volume 7 Issue 4, July-August 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Human resource management (HRM) is the 2021, Piroșcă et al. An employee's inaccurate or
administration of people through analysing jobs, subpar work habits must be changed if they are
planning staffing, employing the best candidates, transferred to a new position in a new setting. Since a
providing ongoing education and professional company's vision and purpose are to achieve shared
development opportunities, evaluating employee objectives, its human resources are essential to its
output, and fairly compensating them. Hasibuan success. However, achieving those goals needs
defines human resource management as "the science effective and appropriate management (Ellitan, 2020).
and art of managing people and organizations to
The Human Resources management team's role
maximize individual and organizational performance
within upper management is to advise on the best
in service of shared goals" (Adillah, 2022). The
methods to attract and retain top talent, as well as to
company has to put money into its people if it wants coordinate employee benefits, training, and
to meet the demands of its current operations and,
development programmes. In this sense, HR performs
more importantly, the problems it will face in the a different business role as a consultant rather than an
future. Numerous instances from the real world
employee. They provide guidance to unit/department
demonstrate that even a comprehensive orientation managers on a variety of issues involving workers
process cannot guarantee that workers will perform
and how they might assist the company in achieving
their tasks effectively. This suggests that workers, its objectives (Collins, 2021).
especially new ones, still need training in many
aspects of the positions they have been given Objectives: The objectives of the current study are-
(Davidescu et al., 2020). To study significance of Human Resource
Even skilled workers will need to learn new To study the Human Resource Management and
knowledge, skills, and talents since there are always Performance of organization
more effective methods to increase productivity. In
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
To find out the challenges Emerging Challenges Finds the right people for the job in the future: -
of HRM in 21st Century Thanks to regular training, workers always have the
Method: The nature of the current research is skills they need to do their jobs. In addition, the
descriptive. As a result, the research is based on company can identify potential rising stars who might
secondary sources of data. Information needed has one day take on leadership roles. One of HRM's
been acquired from the books and periodicals listed advantages is that it helps people become ready for
below. Information has also been gathered through the future.
using online resources. Appropriately assigning tasks: If proper hiring
practices are implemented, companies may choose
the most qualified individuals for available jobs.
Facilitates professional growth:- Employees get When this happens, less people will switch
quality training as a result of sound human resource employment since they are happy where they are
practices, which prepares them for upcoming already employed.
advancements. Their expertise may find value not just Improves the economy: - The ability to expand into
in their current company, but in others they may new markets and start new businesses is directly
choose to join in the future. correlated to the success of a company's human
Improved labor-management relations:- The resource practices. Industrialization and economic
organization may sustain cooperative relationships expansion both benefit from this.
with the unions with the support of sound human HR AND PERFORMANCE:
resource management practices. Union members The HR field has struggled for years with the
begin to understand that the employer shares their challenge of providing evidence that good HR
concerns and would not discriminate against them, practices really improve business results rather than
which significantly reduces the likelihood that they just being a pleasant thing to do. This is necessary to
will strike. show how human resources "adds value" to the
company, rather than just costing money. This line of
Facilitates group/team work by a person: Human
thinking is founded on the premise that productive
resource practices that really work teach workers to
HR practices boost employee dedication and
collaborate and adapt. People are becoming used to
motivation, which in turn improves productivity and
working in teams, which boosts their ability to work
together effectively.
It has been difficult to provide solid evidence for this, performance, it is challenging to pinpoint the specific
however. Instinct tells that HR practices important, practices or elements that are crucial as well as the
and survey results support this, as Ulrich (1997:54) HR outcomes that contribute to higher organizational
observed. However, there are often ambiguous links performance.
between performance and adherence to HR practices.
The six key work practices in descending order of
Even more bluntly, Guest (2011:11) states that "we
importance are:
are still in no position to assert with any confidence
that good HRM has an impact on organization Possibilities for professional growth and
performance" despite the thousands of research promotion
papers that have been conducted. Therefore, despite The ability to improve in one's career is a powerful
the fact that research may demonstrate an empirical retention and incentive tool. But being promoted isn't
relationship between HR practices and organizational essential if you want to grow in your career.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59714 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 486
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Employees place a high importance on increased The significance of efficiently executing HR rules is
opportunities for autonomy, variety in their job, and another crucial conclusion of Purcell and his team's
skill development. Considerations for organizations study. According to the authors, workers are more
include the value of offering career advancement likely to have unfavourable attitudes about poorly
opportunities to all workers, regardless of their implemented HR regulations than they are towards
current position, and the need to communicate this the lack of a specific practice, even one that can be
opportunity in a way that is both appropriate and seen as crucial, like performance reviews.
Work-life balance
Training opportunities; The results demonstrate the significance of work-life
Training is the systematic application of well-planned balance in shaping workers' opinions of their
learning and growth activities. Training opportunities employers. Work-life balance and desired degrees of
boost morale and productivity when they're flexibility are important considerations for all
determined by an honest assessment of staff's actual employees, not just those with young children. Many
needs. In most cases, employees learn more through workers believe that more flexibility in setting work
"on the job" mentoring or "stretch" initiatives than schedules to account for personal obligations would
from classroom instruction. be preferable than a reduction in overall working
Job Influence and Challenge:
The impact and difficulty of employment is HRM Future Influencing Factors: Several
significantly impacted by the job itself. When contemporary elements have a role in shaping the
employees have discretion over their work labour demographics:
environment and perceive their work to be
Organisations in today's market might acquire an
challenging, they are far more likely to report high
advantage via the employment of qualified people.
job satisfaction. Excellent job design may be
Companies that invest in human resources and
facilitated by a variety of methods, including task
develop concrete, measurable, or useful human
rotation, job enlargement, task enrichment, and self-
capital that boosts production capacity will be in a
managed teams.
stronger position to compete. Human resources, as
Involvement and Communication: defined by Beatty and Schneier (1997), play a crucial
Employees, in general, like opportunities to provide strategic role in determining an organization's
input and feel like their opinions matter. In order for viability.
businesses to increase productivity, tapping into the
According to Ruona and Gibson (2004), the first
knowledge held by their employees is a smart
factor is the increased value placed on people as a
economic move. Managers that encourage
driver of organizational success. The rising value of
participation tend to have more satisfied employees.
employees has a major bearing on how we evaluate
The method also relies heavily on clear and concise
HRM's contribution to organizational success. As a
communication. The greatest intentions of leaders
consequence of resource growth, intellectual and
may be thwarted and mutual trust can be eroded if social capitals are increasingly crucial.
managers fail to communicate, misunderstand the
message they receive, or neglect to offer feedback on The second component is proactive HRM's focus on
what they have heard from employees. Companies whole-system and integrated solutions. Human
use methods including employee surveys, suggestion resource management has the challenge of developing
programmes, town hall meetings, partnership innovative methods while also directing attention to
committees, and works councils to increase employee the interconnected structures and processes of
engagement and involvement. businesses. Third, efforts and expectations have
integrated strategic alignment and the effect of human
Performance management and appraisal processes: resources for the twenty-first century, suggesting that
Tolerance for poor performance typically shows up as
these factors will likewise grow in importance over
a significant cause of employee unhappiness in
time. Adaptability is taken into account only as a final
studies of employee opinions. Organizations must,
resort. Organizations nowadays must adapt to a
however, define what constitutes an acceptable level
complex and ever-changing environment, so they
of performance for managers and personnel in order
work hard to create systems and strategies that can
to be able to spot underperformance. Furthermore,
keep up with the environment's natural, incremental
performance planning and improvement should take
changes. Human resource specialists need
precedence over retrospective evaluation in encouragement from their employers. They need to be
performance evaluations. assuming an increasing amount of initiative by
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59714 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 487
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
offering tools and approaches to develop crucial industrial model to an information-based one. In the
abilities via ongoing learning. According to knowledge-based economy, the manager's focus has
Schoonover (2010), "HR professionals need to lead shifted from efficiency alone to effectiveness and
flatter organizations by encouraging people to efficiency in the workplace. Knowledgeable workers
exercise more initiative, autonomy, and who can think outside the box and build successful
accountability through provision of concerned tools businesses are in high demand today.
and techniques that improve their effectiveness while Improvements in creativity and innovation: In
having acquisition of critical competencies through order to keep up with the ever-changing business
continuous learning opportunities." landscape, reputable companies place a premium on
Emerging Challenges of HRM in 21st Century: the skills and teamwork of their employees.
Due to significant changes in the global economy, Companies like Apple have research centres all
HRM strategies as a whole have been restructured throughout the world to learn more about customer
and now include new elements. The employee- tastes. By keeping up with the times, their output is
employer relationship has changed as a result of the consistently innovative.
shifting business climate, necessitating new Gaining the largest possible market share: Due to
approaches to employee motivation and management. variety, it is important to concentrate on the market
Organizational success requires hiring people and and market expertise in order to understand client
giving them opportunities to learn new skills, be more demands and desires and to create items that will
adaptable and flexible, and think more broadly. garner the largest possible market share. Teamwork
Significant difficulties in human resource and team abilities have increased in value as a result
management include: of drawing experiences, making it easier to respond
Demographic shift: As a consequence of quickly to possibilities in a new market.
environmental changes, the demographic transition is Connection between employee and employer: In
more challenging than ever. The terms "demographic the twenty-first century, there is also a shift in this
category" and "demographic subgroup" are often used connection. Organizations function in a flexible
interchangeably. Increases in female labour force environment without centralization. The working
participation mean that by 2008, women will make up atmosphere is pleasant. Employees are devoted to
48% of the labour force. As urbanization rose, so did their employers and give their jobs their all in the
the number of employment available to women. In highly competitive global economy. They may
America, women make up five out of every six new readily discuss new market strategies and trends with
employees. 10,000 "baby boomers" reach retirement the senior management. Through the exchange of
age every day, yet many organizations continue to ideas, they arrive at fresh, inventive solutions that are
hire workers over retirement age owing to the value very beneficial for accomplishing organizational
of their job or financial considerations. These days, objectives.
businesses recruit people from other nations, creating
a distinct work atmosphere due to their diverse Conclusion: The significance of human resource
languages and cultures. Organizations each have a management in ensuring worker happiness, increased
unique culture that encourages open communication corporate productivity, and performance is critical. As
between staff members and with upper management. a consequence, this may provide the company a
distinct competitive advantage and directly contribute
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workforce transformation is work arrangements. The new employees is the top HRM concern for
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