Demo 30 Arihant Computer Awareness Book English Edition
Demo 30 Arihant Computer Awareness Book English Edition
Demo 30 Arihant Computer Awareness Book English Edition
The word ‘computer’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘computare’, which means ‘to calculate’. A
computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data according to the set of instructions
called programs. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data.
Functions of Computer
1. Input Information or data that is entered into a computer is called input. It sends data and
instructions to the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
2. Processing It is the sequence of actions taken on data to convert it into information which is
meaningful to the user. It can be calculations, comparisons or decisions taken by the computer.
3. Output It makes processed data available to the user. It is mainly used to display the desired result to
the user as per input instructions.
4. Storage It stores data and programs permanently. It is used to store information during the time of
program execution and possible to get any type of information from it.
Features of Computer
1. Speed The computer can process data very fast at the rate of millions of instructions per second.
2. Accuracy Computers provide a high degree of accuracy. They respond to the user as per the input
3. Storage Capacity Computers are capable to store huge amount of data, which depends on the
capacity of hard disk.
4. Versatility Computers can do different types of work simultaneously. They can perform multiple
tasks at a same time.
5. Diligence Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration,
etc., and can work for hours without creating any errors.
2 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
6. Secrecy Leakage of information is reduced by creating login system with password protection.
7. Reliability Computers are more reliable than human beings. Computers always produce exact results.
The possibility of errors occur only if the input is wrong, i.e. the computers never make mistakes of
their own accord.
8. Plug and Play Computers have the ability to automatically configure a new hardware and software
History of Computer
Computer is not the creation of one day, rather it took a long period for the development of modern
History of computer is described in this table
Inventions Inventors Characteristics Applications
■ First mechanical calculating device. ■ Used for addition and subtraction
Abacus operations.
■ A horizontal rod represents the one, tens,
1602 China
hundred, etc. ■ Calculation of square roots can also
be performed.
■ Three dimensional structure. ■ Perform multiplication of numbers.
■ Holding numbers from 0 to 9 only.
Napier’s John Napier
■ Represent graphical structure of calculating
(Scotland) result.
1617 ■ Technology used for calculation called
■ First mechanical adding machine. ■ Perform addition and subtraction of
■ This machine worked on the principle of two numbers.
Pascaline Blaise Pascal
(France) odometer and watch.
1642 ■ Mainly designed with regard to the
pressure of liquid.
Jacquard’s Joseph Marie ■ It was first mechanical loom. ■ Simplified the process of textiles.
Loom Jacquard ■ Used punched card for the sequence of
1801 (France) operation.
Analytical Charles ■ First general-purpose computer. ■ It was a decimal machine used sign
Engine Babbage ■ Stored program in the form of ‘pegs’ also and magnitude for representation of
1837 (London) called barrels. a number.
Tabulating Herman ■ It used punched cards for reading numbers. ■ It was used in the 1890 census.
Machine Hollerith ■ It was the first electromechanical machine.
1890 (America)
MARK-1 Howard ■ Consists of interlocking panels of small ■ Mainly used in the war effort during
1944 Aiken glass, counters, switches and control World War-II.
(America) circuits. ■ Magnetic drums are used for
■ Data can be entered manually. storage.
■ It is a combination of twenty accumulators.
■ Used for weather prediction, atomic
JP Eckert and
ENIAC energy calculation and other
JW Mauchly ■ First electronic digital computer. scientific uses.
1946 (America) ■ Used in IBM and other.
Introduction to Computer 3
Generations of Computer
A generation refers to the state of improvement in the development of system. Each generation of
computer is characterised by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way,
computers operate.
Generations Switching Storage Operating Systems/ Characteristics Applications
Devices Devices/Speed Programming
First Vacuum tubes Magnetic drums Batch operating system ■ Fastest computing ■ Used for scientific
(1940-56) (milli seconds) /Machine language device. purpose.
(Binary numbers 0’s ■ Generate large amount e.g. ENIAC,
and 1’s) of heat. UNIVAC, MARK-1,
■ Non-portable.
Second Transistors Magnetic core Time sharing OS, ■ More reliable and less ■ Used for commercial
(1956-63) (Made up of technology Multitasking OS/ prone to hardware production.
semiconductors) (micro seconds) Assembly language, failure. e.g. PDP-8,
high level language ■ Portable and generate IBM-1401, etc.
less amount of heat.
Third Integrated Magnetic core Real-time system/ ■ Consumed less power. ■ Database
(1964-71) Circuits (ICs) as primary storage High level language ■ Highly sophisticated management system
(Made up of medium (nano (FORTRAN, COBOL, technology required. e.g. NCR-395, B6500,
silicon) seconds) ALGOL) etc.
Fourth Large Scale Semi conductor Time sharing ■ More reliable and ■ Electronic fund
(1971- Integrated (LSI) memory, /PASCAL, ADA, portable. transfer, Distributed
Present) circuit, Winchester disc COBOL-74, ■ This generation leads to system,
microprocessor (pico seconds) FORTRAN IV better communication e.g. Intel 4004 chip,
and resource sharing. Macintosh.
Fifth Super Large Scale Optical disc Knowledge ■ Parallel processing. ■ Artificial intelligence
(Present and Integrated (SLSI) Information Processing ■ Intel core e.g. Robotics.
Beyond) chips System microprocessor is
■ Enables mega chips.
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Classification of Computer
Classification of Computer
1. The word ‘computer’ has been derived from 10. Which among the following cycle consists
which of the following language? of input, processing, output and storage as
(1) Greek (2) English its constituents? [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017]
(3) Hindi (4) Latin (1) Processing (2) Output
(3) Input (4) Storage
2. Input, output and processing devices (5) Data
grouped together represent a(n)
(1) mobile device 11. ……… is data that has been organised and
(2) information processing cycle presented in a meaningful fashion.
(3) circuit board [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017]
(4) computer system (1) A process (2) Software
(3) Storage (4) Information
3. Which of the following is the correct order (5) Data
of the four major functions of a computer?
(1) Process, Output, Input, Storage 12. Data or information used to run the
(2) Input, Output, Process, Storage computer is called
(3) Process, Storage, Input, Output (1) hardware (2) CPU
(4) Input, Process, Output, Storage (3) peripheral (4) None of these
4. Collecting the data and converting it into 13. The steps and tasks needed to process data,
information is called such as responses to questions or clicking
(1) processing (2) compiling an icon, are called [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017]
(3) importing (4) exporting (1) instructions
5. Computer cannot perform (2) the operating system
(3) application software
(1) input (2) output
(3) thinking (4) processing (4) the system unit
(5) the hardware unit
6. A computer cannot perform which of the
following functions? 14. The earliest calculating device is
(1) Addition (2) Subtraction (1) calculator (2) abacus
(3) Bake a cake (4) Division (3) difference engine (4) analytical engine
7. Part number, description and number of parts 15. Abacus can perform
ordered are examples of (1) addition (2) subtraction
(1) control (2) output (3) multiplication (4) Both (1) and (2)
(3) processing (4) feedback
16. The Napier’s technology used for
8. Benefit(s) of computer is/are calculation is called
(1) very fast and can store huge amount of data (1) Naptologia (2) Vibologia
(2) provide accurate output either input is correct (3) Semiconductor (4) Rabdologia
or not
(3) think about the processing 17. Pascaline is also known as
(4) All of the above (1) abacus (2) adding machine
(3) division machine (4) difference machine
9. A collection of unprocessed items is
(1) information (2) data [SBI PO 2015] 18. Punched cards were first introduced by
(3) memory (4) reports (1) Powers (2) Pascal
(5) None of these (3) Jacquard (4) Herman Hollerith
Introduction to Computer 7
19. Punched card is also called [RRB NTPC 2016] 28. Computer size was very large in
A. Hollerith card B. Video Card (1) first generation
C. Sound Card D. Accelerator Card (2) second generation
Codes (3) third generation
(1) B (2) C (4) fourth generation
(3) A (4) D 29. First generation computers were based on
20. Which of the following is known as father (1) transistors (2) conductors
of computer? [SSC CGL 2015, UPSSSC 2016] (3) ICs (4) vacuum tubes
(1) Dennis Ritchie (2) Napier 30. Computer built before the first generation
(3) Charles Babbage (4) Alan Turing computer was
21. Who is known as the father of the modern (1) mechanical
computer? (2) electromechanical
(1) Charles Babbage (2) Alan Turing (3) electrical
(3) Blaise Pascal (4) Jordan Murn (4) electronics
22. Analytical engine developed by 31. First generation computers used .........
(1) Blaise Pascal (2) Charles Babbage language(s).
(3) Dennis Ritchie (4) Alan Turing (1) machine (2) assembly
23. The analytical engine developed during first (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) high level
generation of computers used ......... as a 32. The second generation of computers was
memory unit. witnessed in the years from [UPSSSC 2018]
(1) RAM (2) floppies (1) 1940-1956 (2) 1963-1972
(3) cards (4) counter wheels (3) 1957-1962 (4) 1973-Present
24. Tabulating machine was the first 33. Second generation computers can be
electromechanical machine developed by characterised largely by their use of
(1) Herman Hollerith (2) Howard Aiken [SSC CGL 2018]
(3) Blaise Pascal (4) John Napier (1) integrated circuits (2) vaccum tubes
25. Who among the following created the (3) microprocessors (4) transistors
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic 34. Speed of first generation computer was in
Computer (EDVAC) with a memory to hold (1) nano seconds
both, a stored program as well as data? (2) milli seconds
[SSC CGL 2018]
(3) nano-milli seconds
(1) Thomas H Flowers (2) Arthur Samuel (4) micro seconds
(3) Bletchley Park (4) John Von Neumann
35. Time sharing became possible in .........
26. The first computer which provides storage generation of computers.
is (1) first (2) second
(1) EDSAC (2) EDVAC (3) third (4) fourth
(3) MARK-I (4) ACE 36. Third generation of computers was
27. Name the first general purpose electronic witnessed in the years from……
computer. [UPSSSC 2018]
(1) ADVAC (2) ADSAC (1) 1940-1956 (2) 1963-1972
(3) UNIVAC (4) EDVAC (3) 1957-1962 (4) 1973-Present
8 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
37. Integrated Circuits or ICs were started to be 45. Small and cheap computers built into
used from which generation of computers? several home appliances are of which type?
[IBPS PO 2016] [SSC (10+2) 2011]
(1) First generation (2) Second generation (1) Mainframes (2) Mini computers
(3) Third generation (4) Fourth generation (3) Micro computers (4) None of these
(5) Fifth generation
46. Desktop and personal computers are also
38. Chip is a common nickname for a(n) known as
[IBPS Clerk 2014, 15]
(1) supercomputers (2) servers
(1) transistor (2) resistor
(3) mainframes (4) microcomputers
(3) integrated circuit (4) semiconductor
(5) None of these 47. Computers that are portable and convenient
39. Integrated Circuit (IC) or chips used in to use for users who travel, are known as
computers are made with [IBPS Clerk 2014] (1) supercomputers
(2) minicomputers
(1) copper (2) aluminium
(3) gold (4) silicon (3) mainframe computers
(5) silver (4) laptops
40. Who developed integrated chip? 48. Which of the following uses a handheld
operating system?
(1) Robert Nayak (2) C Babbage
(1) A supercomputer
(3) JS Kilby (4) CV Raman
(2) A personal computer
41. A complete electronic circuit with (3) A laptop
transistors and other electronic components (4) A PDA
on a small silicon chip is called a(n) 49. Palmtop computer is also known as
(1) workstation (2) CPU (1) personal computer
(3) magnetic disc (4) integrated circuit
(2) notebook computer
42. PCs are considered fourth generation and (3) tablet PC
contain [SBI PO 2014] (4) handheld computer
(1) information (2) data
(3) vacuum tubes (4) microprocessors
50. Which of the following is a small
(5) transistors microprocessor based computer designed to
be used by one person at a time?
43. Fifth generation computers do not have [SBI Clerk 2014]
[SSC MTS 2012] (1) Netbook (2) Supercomputer
(1) speech recognition (3) All-in-one (4) Notebook
(2) artificial intelligence (5) Personal computer
(3) very large scale integration
(4) vacuum tubes 51. Which of the following options correctly
44. Match the following. expresses the meaning of the term ‘PCs’?
[IBPS PO 2012]
List I List II (1) Independent computers for all working staff.
A First generation 1. Transistor (2) Personal computers widely available to
B Second generation 2. VLSI microprocessor individual workers with which they can access
C Third generation 3. Vacuum tube information from layer systems and increase
D Fourth generation 4. Integrated circuit their personal productivity.
[UGC NET June 2019] (3) Packed computers system formed by joining
Codes together of various computer terminals.
A B C D A B C D (4) Computer manufactured by the Pentium
(1) 3 4 1 2 (2) 3 1 4 2 Company.
(3) 3 1 2 4 (4) 1 3 4 2 (5) None of the above
Introduction to Computer 9
70. The …… computer is the most common type 73. Which of the following is not the example
of computer. It is used to process of special purpose computer?
information with quantities usually using (1) Automatic aircraft landing
the binary number system. [UPSSSC 2018] (2) Word processor
(1) Hybrid (2) Digital (3) Multimedia computer
(3) Analog (4) Complex (4) All of the above
71. Calculator works on which type of 74. Which type of computer is used in
computer’s work method? [UPSSSC 2015] automatic aircraft landing?
(1) Hybrid computer (1) General purpose computer
(2) Analog computer (2) Supercomputer
(3) Digital computer (3) Special purpose computer
(4) None of the above (4) Microcomputer
72. Which of the following computer is mainly 75. Which of the following is the smallest and
related to convert analog output into digital fastest computer imitating brain working?
form? [UPSSSC 2016] (1) Supercomputer [IBPS PO 2016]
(1) Digital computer (2) Quantum computer
(2) Analog computer (3) Param-10000
(3) Hybrid computer (4) IBM chips
(4) Mainframe computer (5) None of the above
1. (4) 2. (4) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6. (3) 7. (3) 8. (1) 9. (2) 10. (5)
11. (4) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14. (2) 15. (4) 16. (4) 17. (2) 18. (3) 19. (3) 20. (3)
21. (2) 22. (2) 23. (4) 24. (1) 25. (4) 26. (1) 27. (3) 28. (1) 29. (4) 30. (2)
31. (1) 32. (3) 33. (4) 34. (2) 35. (2) 36. (2) 37. (3) 38. (3) 39. (4) 40. (3)
41. (4) 42. (4) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (3) 46. (4) 47. (4) 48. (4) 49. (4) 50. (5)
51. (2) 52. (3) 53. (2) 54. (4) 55. (1) 56. (5) 57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (1)
61. (4) 62. (4) 63. (1) 64. (3) 65. (3) 66. (3) 67. (4) 68. (3) 69. (2) 70. (2)
71. (3) 72. (3) 73. (2) 74. (3) 75. (2)
Computer Architecture 11
Computer architecture deals with the functional behaviour of a computer system as viewed by a
programmer. It can also be described as the logical structure of the system unit that housed electronic
components. The first computer architecture was introduced in 1970, by John Von Neumann.
Control Unit (CU)
Logic Unit (ALU)
Input Memory Unit Output Control flow
Unit Unit Data flow
Computer Architecture
Components of Computer
1. Input Unit 2. Output Unit
3. Central Processing Unit 4. Memory Unit
Note System unit is a metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer.
The components that process data are located in it.
Input Unit
The computer accepts coded information through input unit by the user. This unit is used to give required
information to the computer. For example, keyboard, mouse, etc.
An input unit performs the following functions
It accepts the instructions and data from the user.
It converts these instructions and data to computer acceptable format.
It supplies the converted instructions and data to the computer system for further processing.
12 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
1. ............. forms the backbone for building 8. A(n) ......... device is any device that provides
successful computer system. information, which is sent to the CPU.
(1) Computer architecture (1) input (2) output
(2) Computer model (3) CPU (4) memory
(3) Computer instructions 9. Which of the following includes as a type of
(4) None of the above input?
2. The first computer architecture was (1) Data (2) Programs
introduced in (3) Commands (4) User response
(1) 1970 (2) 1968 (3) 1971 (4) 1973 (5) All of these
3. Which circuit board is used in all electronic 10. Information that comes from external
systems such as computer, calculators, source and fed into computer software is
digital system? called [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(1) Architecture (2) Printer (1) output (2) input
(3) Value (4) Register (3) throughout (4) reports
4. The system unit (5) process
(1) coordinates input and output devices
(2) is the container that houses electronic 11. Input unit converts data in computer in ........
components form.
(3) is a combination of hardware and software (1) suitable (2) acceptable
(4) controls and manipulates data (3) understandable (4) rejectable
5. Which of the following is metal or plastic 12. This unit sends the processed results to the
case that holds all the physical parts of the user.
computer? [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017] (1) Input (2) Output
(1) System unit (2) CPU (3) Memory (4) CPU
(3) Mainframe (4) Platform
(5) Microprocessor
13. Output unit includes
(1) plotter (2) printer
6. The components that process data are (3) monitor (4) All of these
located in which of the following?
[IBPS Clerk Mains 2017] 14. This component is required to process data
(1) Input devices (2) Output devices into information and consists of integrated
(3) System unit (4) Storage component circuits.
(5) Expansion board (1) Hard disk (2) RAM
(3) CPU (4) ROM
7. Which of the following is not responsible
for the performance of the computer? 15. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a
[IBPS Clerk Mains 2017] computer consists of
(1) Number of keys in the keyboard (1) input, output and processing
(2) Format of the video/graphics word (2) control unit, primary storage and secondary
(3) Memory in the video/graphics word storage
(4) The clock speed of the processor (3) control unit, arithmetic logic unit, memory unit
(5) Number of cores available in the processor (4) All of the above
Computer Architecture 15
16. Which instruction is used for loading data 25. Which part of the computer is used for
into CPU accumulator register from memory? calculating and comparing?
(1) Load (2) Storage (1) ALU (2) Control unit
(3) Machine (4) Access (3) Disc unit (4) Modem
17. Where does computer add and compare data? 26. Pick the one that is used for logical
(1) Hard disc (2) Floppy disc operations or comparisons such as less than,
(3) CPU (4) Memory chip equal to or greater than etc.
18. In computer, which of the following unit is (1) ALU (2) CU (3) Input unit (4) MU
responsible for processing and also known 27. What does ALU in computing denote?
as brain of computer? [SSC CGL 2019] [UPSSSC 2016, IBPS Clerk 2014]
(1) CPU (2) Keyboard (1) Application and Logic Unit
(3) Hard disk (4) RAM (2) Algorithm Logic Unit
19. The main job of a CPU is to (3) Arithmetic Layered Unit
(1) carry out program instructions (4) Arithmetic Legal Unit
(2) store data/information for further use (5) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(3) process data and information 28. How many types of arithmetic operations
(4) Both (1) and (3) does the ALU of computer perform?
20. The main purpose of time-sharing (1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 8
techniques used in computers is to make the 29. Processors contain a control unit and a/an
best use of the [SSC CGL 2016]
(1) CPU (2) peripherals (1) Control unit
(3) secondary storage (4) floppy discs (2) Primary storage unit
(3) Input unit
21. The CPU is made up of two smaller (4) Arithmetic logic unit
components 30. Which of the following executes the
(1) ALU and CU (2) ALU and RAM computer commands?
(3) RAM and ROM (4) RAM and CU
(1) Arithmetic unit (2) Logic unit
22. The CPU comprises of control, memory and (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Control unit
..... units. 31. Which unit is a combinational digital
(1) microprocessor (2) arithmetic/logic electronic circuit that performs arithmetic
(3) output (4) ROM and bitwise operations on integer binary
23. What is the responsibility of the logical unit numbers? [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
in the CPU of a computer? [IBPS Clerk 2015] (1) BOU (2) AEU (3) CPU (4) ALU
(5) UPS
(1) To produce result
(2) To compare numbers 32. Internal memory in a CPU is nothing but
(3) To control flow of information (1) a set of registers (2) a set of ALU
(4) To do maths work (3) microprocessor (4) bus
(5) None of the above 33. Which among the following is a small set of
24. Which unit of computer helps in data holding place that is a part of the
communication between the memory and computer processor and may hold an
the arithmetic logical unit? instruction, a storage address, or any kind
[IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017] of data? [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(1) CMU (2) CCU (1) Register (2) WAN
(3) UPS (4) CPU (3) Bus (4) Address
(5) ALU (5) Processor
16 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
34. The portion of the CPU that coordinates the 43. The word ‘computer’ usually refers to the
activities of all the other computer central processing unit plus
components is the [SBI PO 2015] (1) external memory (2) internal memory
(1) motherboard (2) coordination board (3) input devices (4) output devices
(3) control unit (4) arithmetic logic unit 44. Who invent the first microprocessor?
(5) None of these (1) Vint Cerf (2) Terence Percival
35. Which among the following is an important (3) John Mauchly (4) Ted Hoff
circuitry in a computer system that directs 45. A microprocessor is the brain of the
the operation of the processor? computer and is also called a
[IBPS PO 2016] [RBI Grade B 2014]
(1) Memory (2) Address Bus (1) microchip (2) macrochip
(3) Accumulator (4) ALU (3) macroprocessor (4) calculator
(5) Control unit (5) software
36. The part of a computer that coordinates all its 46. Microprocessors can be used to make
functions, is called [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017] (1) computer (2) digital system
(1) ROM program (2) System board (3) calculators (4) All of these
(3) Arithmetic logic unit (4) Control unit 47. High power microprocessor is
(5) None of these (1) Pentium, Pentium pro [UPSSSC 2019]
37. The control unit controls other units by (2) Pentium II and III
generating (3) Pentium II
(1) control signal (2) timing signal (4) All of the above
(3) transfer signal (4) command signal 48. The microprocessor of a computer
38. Control unit of a digital computer is often (1) does not understand machine language
(2) understands machine language and high level
called the language
(1) clock (2) nerve centre (3) understands only machine language
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) IC (4) understands only high level languages
39. Memory unit that communicates directly 49. The CPU and memory are located in which
with the CPU is called the of the following devices?
(1) main memory (2) secondary memory [IBPS Clerk Mains 2017]
(3) auxiliary memory (4) register (1) Motherboard (2) Expansion board
40. CPU retrieves its data and instructions from (3) Storage device (4) Output device
(1) secondary memory (2) auxiliary memory (5) System unit
(3) main memory (4) All of these 50. Personal computers use a number of chips
41. Which computer memory is used for storing mounted on a main circuit board. What is
programs and data currently being the common name for such boards?
processed by the CPU? (1) Daughterboard
(1) Mass memory (2) Internal memory (2) Motherboard
(3) Non-volatile memory (4) PROM (3) Broadboard
42. The I/O processor has a direct access to …… (4) None of the above
and contains a number of independent data 51. Which of the following are the components
channels. that reside on motherboard?
(1) main memory (2) secondary memory (1) CMOS battery (2) Fan
(3) cache (4) flash memory (3) PCI slot (4) All of these
Computer Architecture 17
52. A …… is the main Printed Circuit Board (PCB) 59. A computer executes program in the
in a computer. [SSC CGL 2018] sequence of [RRB NTPC 2016]
(1) ROM (Read Only Memory) A. Execute, Fetch, Decode
(2) CPU (Central Processing Unit) B. Store, Fetch, Execute
(3) RAM (Random Access Memory) C. Fetch, Decode, Excecute
(4) Motherboard D. Decode, Fetch, Execute
53. Which one among the following is a main (1) D (2) A
system board of a computer? [SSC CGL 2017] (3) C (4) B
(1) CPU (2) Keyboard 60. Which is not an integral part of computer?
(3) Microchip (4) Motherboard [SBI Clerk 2012]
(1) CPU (2) Mouse
54. The communication line between CPU, (3) Monitor (4) UPS
memory and peripherals is called a (5) None of these
(1) bus (2) line (3) media (4) All of these
61. A device that not only provides surge
55. A physical connection between the protection, but also furnishes the computer
microprocessor memory and other parts of
with battery backup power during a power
the micro computer is known as
outage is [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(1) path (2) address bus
(1) battery strip
(3) route (4) All of these
(2) UPS
56. The read/write line belongs to (3) surge strip
(1) the data bus (2) the control bus (4) USB
(3) the address bus (4) CPU bus (5) memory
57. The name of the location of a particular 62. What is a power strip? [UPSSSC 2019]
piece of data is its (1) It is an electrical device that is used to expand
(1) address (2) memory name the capacity of a wall outlet which can
accommodate the devices.
(3) storage (4) data location
(2) It plugs multiple components into one power
58. Which of the following is used to connect outlet.
the different external devices? (3) It provides power supply for electronic devices.
(1) Address bus (2) Data bus (4) It is used to increase the magnitude of voltage/
(3) Control bus (4) External bus current/power of an input signal.
1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (1) 8. (1) 9. (5) 10. (2)
11. (2) 12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (3) 15. (3) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (1)
21. (1) 22. (2) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (1) 26. (1) 27. (5) 28. (1) 29. (4) 30. (3)
31. (4) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (3) 35. (5) 36. (4) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (3)
41. (2) 42. (1) 43. (1) 44. (4) 45. (1) 46. (4) 47. (4) 48. (3) 49. (1) 50. (2)
51. (4) 52. (4) 53. (4) 54. (1) 55. (2) 56. (2) 57. (1) 58. (4) 59. (3) 60. (4)
61. (2) 62. (1)
18 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
Computer hardware refers to the physical components of a computer that can be seen and touched by the
user. The hardware component could be an electronic, electrical and mechanical devices used in the
computer system.
Input Devices
An input device can be defined as an electro-mechanical device that allows the user to feed data into the
computer. This data is useful for analysis and storage and to give commands to the computer.
The data is entered into the main memory through these input devices. They accept instructions from the
user and convert these accepted instructions into machine language.
Some of the commonly used input devices are described below
Keyboard is used to enter data or information in a Function Keys
computer system, which may be in numeric form
or alphabetic form. When key is pressed, keyboard
interacts with a keyboard controller and keyboard
buffer. Keyboard controller stores the code of pressed
key in keyboard buffer. The user can type text and
command using this device. The layout of the keyboard
Alphanumeric Cursor Control Numeric
was borrowed from the regular typewriter with some Keys Keys keypad
additional keys.
There are different types of keyboard such as QWERTY,
Computer Hardware 19
It provides to input data and commands in graphic moving the mouse. But with a joystick, the pointer
form through moving an arrow called pointer on continues moving in the previously pointing
monitor. direction. Joystick allows movements in all
The mouse may be used to position the cursor on directions (360°).
screen, move an object by dragging or select an
Light Pen
object by clicking.
Light pen is a handheld electro-optical pointing
Three types of mouse are as follows
device. It is used for making drawings, graphics
(i) Wireless mouse
and menu selection.
(ii) Mechanical mouse
The pen contains a photocell in a small tube. It
(iii) Optical mouse
senses the light from the screen when it becomes
Four actions of mouse are as follows closer and generates a pulse.
1. Click or Left Click It selects an item on the Light pen is used especially in Personal Digital
screen. Assistants (PDA). It is very useful in identifying a
2. Double Click It is used to open a document specific location on the screen. However, it does
or program. not provide any information when held over a
3. Right Click It displays a list of commands on blank part of the screen.
the screen. Right click is used to access the
properties of the selected object. Touch Screen
4. Drag and Drop It is used to move an item on Touch screen is an input device that accepts input
the screen. when the user places a fingertip on the computer
screen. Touch screens have an infrared beam that
Trackball criss-cross the surface of screen. Touch screen is
Trackball is another pointing generally used in applications like ATM, hospitals,
device which is an alternative airline reservation, supermarkets, etc.
to a mouse. Trackball is also
used to control cursor Barcode Reader
movements and actions on a Barcode reader is an input device
computer screen. used for reading printed barcodes
It is used on CAD/CAM workstations and (Universal Product Code) available
sometimes seen on computerised special purpose on products to be sold. A light
workstations such as radar consoles in an air-traffic sensitive detector in the barcode
control room and sonar equipment on a ship or reader identifies the barcode
submarine. image by recognising special bars Barcode Reader
at both the ends of the image.
A perfect example of a barcode reader is, to use it
Joystick is a device that moves in
in a super market where barcode scanner reads the
all directions and controls the
price of a product which is in the form of barcode.
movement of the cursor. Joysticks
A barcode is a machine readable representation of
are used in flight simulators,
Computer Aided Design/Computer information in the form of stripes of dark and light
Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ink.
system, etc.
A joystick is similar to a mouse Joystick
except that the movement of the 5050574807678
cursor on screen stops as soon as the user stops Barcode
Computer Hardware 21
storing the documents in their original form that Some of the commonly used output devices are
can be modified and manipulated later on. described below
Scanner stores images in both gray scale and color
mode. The most common types of scanners are as Monitor
follows It is also known as Visual Display Unit (VDU). The
(i) Handheld scanners monitor is provided alongwith the computer to
(ii) Flatbed scanners view display the result.
(iii) Drum scanners An image on the monitor is created by a
configuration of dots, also known as pixels.
Microphone (Mic) A monitor is of two kinds; monochrome display
We can send input to the computer through a monitor and colour display monitor.
special manual input device called microphone or A monochrome display monitor uses only one
mic. A mic converts the received sound into colour to display text and colour display monitor
computer’s format, which is called Digitised can display 256 colours at a time.
Sound or Digital Audio.
The clarity of image depends on three factors which
To convert a voice into digital form, you need an
are as follows
additional hardware known as Sound Card. Sound
is used most often in multimedia. For example, we 1. Resolution of Screen Resolution refers to
can make our presentations more attractive using the number of pixels in horizontal and vertical
recorded narration, music or sound effects. directions. The resolution of a monitor is
higher when the pixels are closer together.
Now-a-days, microphones are also used with
speech recognition software. This means that we 2. Dot Pitch It refers to the diagonal distance
do not have to type, rather just have to speak and between two coloured pixels. The smaller the
the spoken words appear in our document. dot pitch, the better the resolution.
3. Refresh Rate The refresh rate of your display
Webcam (Web Camera) refers to how many times per second the
It is a video capturing device. Webcam is a digital display is able to draw a new image. The higher
camera attached to computer and can be used for the refresh rate, the more solid the image looks
video conferencing, online chatting, etc. on the screen. The refresh rate of monitor is
Webcam measured in Hertz (Hz).
The popular types of monitor are as follows
1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) It is a typical
rectangular shaped monitor that you see on a
desktop computer. The CRT works in a same
way as a television. CRT has a vacuum tube.
Webcam with Computer Webcam
The screen of CRT is covered with a fine layer
of phosphorescent elements, called phosphores.
Now-a-days, webcams are either embedded into
2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) These screens
the display with laptop/computer or connected via
are used in laptops and notebook sized PCs. A
USB or firewire port or Wi-Fi to the computer.
special type of liquid is sandwiched between
Output Devices two plates. It is a thin, flat and light weight
An output device is a piece of computer hardware screen made up of any number of color or
that receives data from a computer and then monochrome pixels arranged in front of a
translates that data into another form. That form light source.
may be audio, visual, textual or hard copy such as 3. Light Emitting Diode (LED) It is an electronic
printed document. device that emits light when electrical current
Computer Hardware 23
is passed through it. LEDs usually produce red 2. Daisy Wheel Printer In daisy wheel
light, but today’s LEDs can produce RGB (Red, printers, characters are fully formed on the
Green and Blue) light, and white light as well. petals, like typewriter keys. These printers
4. 3-D Monitor It is a television that conveys produce high resolution output and are more
depth perception to the viewer. When 3-D reliable than dot matrix.
images are made interactive then user feels 3. Line Printer It is a high-speed printer
involved with the scene and this experience is capable of printing an entire line of a text at
called virtual reality. once instead of one or more characters at a
5. Thin Film Transistor (TFT) It is a type of time. Print quality of line printer is not high.
field effect transistor that is usually used in a 4. Drum Printer It uses a drum to hold paper in
LCD. This type of display features a TFT for place. It receives an image from the laser and
each individual pixel. transfers it onto the paper. The drum is coated
These TFTs act as individual switches that with photoreceptor materials.
allow the pixels to change state rapidly, making Non-Impact Printer
them turn ON and OFF much more quickly. This type of printer uses electrostatic chemicals
and inkjet technologies. They do not hit or impact a
Printers ribbon to print. It can produce high quality
A printer prints information and data from the graphics and often a wide variety of fonts than
computer onto a paper. It can print documents in impact printer.
colour as well as in black and white. The quality of
The types of non-impact printer are as follows
a printer is determined by the clarity of the print.
1. Inkjet Printer It is a printer that places
The speed of a printer is measured in Characters
extremely small droplets of ink onto paper to
Per Second (CPS), Lines Per Minute (LPM) and
create an image. It sprays ink onto paper to
Pages Per Minute (PPM). Printer resolution is a
form characters and prints high quality text
numerical measure of print quality that is
and graphics.
measured in Dots Per Inch (DPI).
2. Thermal Printer It uses heat on chemically
Printers are divided into two basic categories which
treated paper to form characters.
are as follows
3. Laser Printer They can print in different
Impact Printer fonts that is, type, styles and sizes. Laser printer
This type of printer strikes paper and ribbon uses laser beam onto photo sensitive surface for
together to form a character, like a typewriter. printing. It prints high quality graphics.
Impact printer can print a character or an entire 4. Electromagnetic Printer These printers
line at a time. They use pins or hammers that are also known as Electrographic or electro-
pressed an inked ribbon against the paper. They are photographic printers. These are very fast
less expensive, fast and can make multiple copies printers and fall under the category of page
with multipart paper.
printers. The electrographic technology have
There are four types of impact printer which are developed from the paper copier technology.
described below
5. Electrostatic Printer These printers are
1. Dot Matrix Printer It forms characters generally used for large format printing.
using rows of pins which impact the ribbon on They are favoured by large printing shops
top of the paper therefore also called pin because of their ability to print fast and making
printers. Dot matrix printer prints one character low cost.
at a time. It prints characters and images as a Note Chuck Hull, the engineer designed and created
pattern of dots. Many dot matrix printers are the first 3D printer in 1984. These printers can be
bi-directional, that is they can print the used to print almost anything into a real life
characters from either direction, i.e. left or right. model.
24 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
1. Any component of the computer you can 9. To move to the beginning of a line of text,
see and touch is [IBPS Clerk 2015] press the ...... key.
(1) software (2) peripheral (1) Page up (2) Shift
(3) storage (4) CPU (3) Home (4) Enter
(5) hardware 10. In a keyboard, left-right-up-down set of
2. Which of the following is not a hardware? keys facilitates which among the following
[SSC FCI 2012] functions? [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(1) Processor chip (2) Printer (1) Deleting data or modification
(3) Mouse (4) Java (2) Page scrolling to view a document
(3) Launching Start Menu
3. A(n) …… device is any hardware component (4) Initiating Search and Help
that allows you to enter data and instructions (5) Controlling RAM or process execution
into a computer. [SBI Clerk 2014]
11. Shift, Ctrl, Alt are examples of which among
(1) interaction (2) input the following category?
(3) communication (4) output
[IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(5) terminal
(1) Modifier keys (2) Primary keys
4. Computer gets …… with the help of mouse, (3) Function keys (4) Alternate keys
joystick or keyboard. (5) Candidate keys
(1) insert (2) delete
(3) input (4) output 12. Pointing device includes the following except
(1) mouse (2) joystick
5. Computer keyboard is an example of (3) trackball (4) keyboard
(1) memory device
(2) input device
13. What type of device is a computer mouse?
[IBPS Clerk 2013]
(3) output device
(1) Storage (2) Output
(4) Both (2) and (3)
(3) Input (4) Input/output
6. The most common method of entering text (5) Software
and numerical data into a computer system
14. Which of these is a pointing and draw
is through the use of a [SBI PO 2015]
device? [IBPS Clerk 2013]
(1) plotter (2) scanner
(1) Mouse (2) Scanner
(3) printer (4) keyboard
(3) Printer (4) CD-ROM
(5) None of these (5) Keyboard
7. Which key is also known as toggle keys?
15. First computer mouse was built by
(1) Caps lock (2) Num lock [SSC CGL 2016, RRB NTPC 2016]
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of these
(1) Douglas Engelbart (2) William English
8. You can use the Tab key to [SBI Clerk 2013] (3) Oaniel Coogher (4) Robert Zawacki
(1) move a cursor across the screen 16. Keyboard and …… are the examples of input
(2) indent a paragraph device. [SBI Clerk 2014]
(3) move the cursor down the screen (1) monitor (2) modem
(4) Both (1) and (2) (3) printer (4) mouse
(5) None of the above (5) CPU
26 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
17. Which is the best position for operating the 25. .......... is generally used in applications like
mouse? ATM, hospitals, airline reservation, etc.
(1) Tail away from the user (1) Light pen (2) Touch screen
(2) Tail towards the user (3) Joystick (4) Trackball
(3) Tail facing the right
(4) Tail facing the left 26. Which one does not related to mobile phone
touch panel sensing methods?
18. Which button is called as middle button [RRB NTPC 2016]
used as third mouse button by pressing on A. Finger touch
it? [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017] B. Voice recognition
(1) Right button (2) Scroll wheel C. Gloved touch
(3) Touch bar (4) Light bar D. Light transmittance
(5) Left button (1) B (2) A
19. Trackball is an example of a/an (3) D (4) C
(1) programming device (2) pointing device 27. The pattern of printed lines on most
(3) output device (4) software device products are called
20. Which of the following is an input device (1) prices (2) OCR
used to enter motion data into computers or (3) scanners (4) barcodes
other electronic devices? [SSC CHSL 2019] 28. A barcode reader is an example of
(1) Plotter (2) Trackball (1) processing device (2) storage device
(3) Monitor (4) Joystick (3) input device (4) output device
21. A joystick is primarily used to/for …… . 29. An optical input device that interprets
[SBI PO 2013]
pencil marks on paper media is ………
(1) control sound on the screen [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
(2) computer gaming
(1) OMR (2) punch card reader
(3) enter text
(3) optical scanners (4) magnetic tapes
(4) draw pictures
(5) print text (5) stylus
22. Which of the following is a lever that can be 30. The OCR is used for the preparation of
[IBPS Clerk 2013]
moved in several directions to control the
movement of an image on a computer (1) electricity bills (2) insurance premium
monitor or similar display screen? (3) telephone bills (4) All of these
[SSC CHSL 2019] (5) None of these
(1) MIDI devices (2) Optical mark reader 31. The OCR recognises the …… of the
(3) Visual display unit (4) Joystick characters with the help of light source.
23. Which one of the following is not an output (1) size (2) shape
device? [SSC CGL 2018] (3) colour (4) used ink
(1) Projector (2) Headphones 32. What does MICR stand for?
(3) Plotter (4) Joystick [IBPS Clerk 2014, RBI Grade B 2014]
24. CAD stands for [SSC CGL 2014] (1) Magnetic Ink Character Register
(1) Computer Automatic Design (2) Magnetic Ink Code Reader
(2) Computer Aided Decode (3) Magnetic Ink Code Register
(3) Computer Automatic Decode (4) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
(4) Computer Aided Design (5) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
Computer Hardware 27
33. Large amounts of cheques are processed by 42. Which of the following could be digital
using input devices for computers?
(1) OCR (2) MICR [RBI Grade B 2014]
(3) OMR (4) All of these (1) Digital camcorder
(2) Microphone
34. Which of the following device recognises (3) Scanner
physical traits of an individual? (4) All of the above
(1) Smart card (2) Biometric sensor (5) None of the above
(3) Barcode (4) MICR 43. Which of the following groups consists of
35. Which of the following consists of an only input devices?
electronic writing area and a special pen (1) Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
that works with it? [SSC CHSL 2019] (2) Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
(1) Trackball (2) Plotters (3) Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
(3) Abacus (4) Graphics tablet (4) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
36. Which of the following converts analog 44. Results are obtained from computer through
information into digital form? its
(1) Barcode reader [SSC CHSL 2019] (1) input unit (2) ALU unit
(2) Optical mark reading (3) CU unit (4) output unit
(3) Digitizer 45. After a picture has been taken with a digital
(4) Gamepad camera and processed appropriately, the
37. A........ is used to read handwritten or actual print of the picture is considered as
printed text to make a digital image that is (1) data (2) output
stored in memory. (3) input (4) the process
(1) printer (2) laser beam
46. Using output device one can ………
(3) scanner (4) touchpad [IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
38. The input device to be used to get a printed (1) view or print data (2) modify data
diagram into a computer is the (3) store data (4) replicate data
[IBPS Clerk 2013, IBPS Clerk 2015] (5) enter data
(1) printer (2) mouse
47. Which among the following is the smallest
(3) keyboard (4) touchpad
unit in an image in a computer screen?
(5) scanner
[IBPS RRB PO Mains 2017]
39. A scanner scans [SBI PO 2015] (1) Unit (2) Pixel
(1) pictures (3) Array (4) Resolution
(2) text (5) Clip
(3) both pictures and text
(4) neither pictures nor text 48. What type of device is a computer monitor?
(5) None of the above [SBI Clerk 2014]
(1) Software (2) Processing
40. It is a video capturing device
(3) Storage (4) Input
(1) webcam (2) microphone
(3) monitor (4) mouse (5) Output
41. An example of an input device is 49. Soft copy refers to …… . [IBPS Clerk 2013]
[SSC CGL 2018] (1) printed output (2) digitising
(1) soundcard (2) headphones (3) music sounds (4) screen output
(3) projector (4) webcam (5) None of these
28 Learn, Revise & Practice ~ Computer Awareness
50. The higher the resolution of a monitor, the 60. An example of peripheral equipment is
(1) larger the pixels (1) printer
(2) less clear the screen is (2) CPU
(3) further apart the pixels (3) spreadsheet
(4) closer together the pixels (4) microcomputer
51. Screen or monitor device is [UPSSSC 2016] 61. Dot matrix printer is
(1) hard copy (2) soft copy (1) unidirectional (2) bi-directional
(3) input device (4) display device (3) sequential (4) random
52. The CRT is ……… in shape. 62. The impact printers are
[RBI Grade B 2013] (1) dot matrix (2) drum
(1) circular (2) rectangular (3) inkjet (4) Both (1) and (2)
(3) eclipse (4) conical
63. Drum printer is an example of
(5) None of these
(1) input (2) output
53. CRT has a [RBI Grade B 2013] (3) processing (4) storage
(1) hollow tube (2) vacuum tube
64. The example of non-impact printers are
(3) long tube (4) round tube [RBI Grade B 2013]
(5) None of these (1) Laser-Dot matrix (2) Inkjet-Laser
54. The rate at which scanning is repeated in a (3) Inkjet-Dot matrix (4) Dot matrix
CRT is called (5) None of these
(1) refresh rate (2) resolution 65. Line printer speed is specified in terms of
(3) pitch (4) bandwidth (1) LPM (Lines Per Minute) [RBI Grade B 2013]
55. …… provides hard copy output on paper. (2) CPM (Characters Per Minute)
[SBI Clerk 2015] (3) DPM
(1) Mouse (2) Keyboard (4) Any of the above
(3) LCD monitor (4) Scanner (5) None of the above
(5) Printer 66. In laser printers, printing is achieved by
56. Printer is an example of [SBI Clerk 2014] deflecting laser beam on to …… surface of a
(1) output device (2) input device drum. [SBI PO 2013]
(3) processing device (4) storage device (1) magnetised (2) photosensitive
(5) None of the above (3) magnetic (4) Either (1) or (2)
(5) None of these
57. What are the units used to count the speed
of a printer? [IBPS Clerk 2013]
67. Which of the following printers, are you
sure, will not to use if your objective is to
(1) CPM (2) DPI (3) PPM (4) BIT
print on multi carbon forms?
(5) None of these
(1) Daisy wheel (2) Dot matrix
58. …… printer cannot print more than one (3) Laser (4) Thermal
character at a time. [SSC CHSL 2013]
68. Laser printers belong to
(1) Line (2) Daisy wheel
(1) line printer (2) page printer
(3) Laser (4) Dot matrix
(3) band printer (4) dot matrix printer
59. Speed of line printer is limited by the speed
69. A hard copy would prepared on a
of [Clerk 2013]
[SBI Clerk 2013]
(1) paper movements (2) cartridge used (1) line printer (2) dot matrix printer
(3) length of paper (4) All of these (3) plotter (4) type writer terminal
(5) None of these (5) All of these