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EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II

On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017




5.1.1 General

Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Tan & Tan Development Sdn Bhd, is the developer
responsible for the planning, construction and management of the above-mentioned Project.
Nova Pesona is committed to meet all statutory requirements relevant to the development
which includeds environmental aspects prescribed under the Environmental Quality Act, 1974
and related regulations.

5.1.2 History

In 1983, the Bandar Baru Ladang Hawthornden project masterplan was approved by DBKL.
The owner was Landmarks Land & Properties Sdn Bhd and the developer was Peremba
Berhad. Our proposed Project is located in a portion of the R-12 section of that approved
masterplan. Refer to Figure 3.1A in Chapter 3 for the approved masterplan for Bandar Baru
Ladang Hawthornden

In 2003, Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd was formed in an agreement between Landmarks Land &
Properties Sdn Bhd and Tan & Tan Developments Bhd. Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd, was given
the responsibility for the planning, construction and management of this Project.

The chronology of activities and approvals from March 2003 until June 2015 is provided in
Appendix 3.4D.

A summary of the key approvals is provided in Figure 5.1.2A: Timeline Flowchart of Key

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-1

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

(a) Landuse Zoning

In the KL Structure Plan 2020, the R12 area was gazetted as “Undeveloped Land”. In the
KL City Plan 2020, the R12 area was zoned for residential development with varying
population densities.

(b) DEIA 2004

The Project site is located on 54 ha of hill land. Since 50% of the area is categorised as
slopes of gradient 25o or more, a EIA is required for this project. A DEIA was prepared by
Messrs YES Enviro Management Sdn Bhd, and approved by the DOE vide letter Ref.No.
AS50/011/100/1115(16) dated 1st April 2004. The DEIA approval letter was valid for 2
years and listed 45 conditions of approval. An EMP for the project was prepared and
approved by DOE on 5th July 2006. In 2010, after site visit by DOE officials and due
consideration of new environmental requirements, a fresh set of 49 approval conditions
were issued vide letter Ref. No. AS 50/011/100/1115 Jld 3( ) dated 29 June 2010. Refer
to Appendix 3.4A for DOE approval letters for the DEIA (2004), EMP (2006) and extension
of DEIA (2010).

(c) KM Approval and Issue of Development Order, 2004 & 2005

The Planning Approval or Kebenaran Merancang (KM) for the proposed Masterplan
Layout was issued by DBKL on 11th October 2004, DEIA approval was obtained on
1/4/2004. (Refer Appendix 3.4B).

On 6th October 2005, the DO approval was obtained for development in Parcel 3 (Refer
Appendix 3.4C)

(d) Hillslope Guidelines 2010

As a result of several major slope failure events in 2008 and 2009, new guidelines for
development on hill slopes were published in 2010. In order to comply with these
guidelines, technical reports were re-submitted and revisions made to the Masterplan

(e) Other Technical Approvals

In the interim period from the time the DEIA was first approved, and especially after the
Hillslope Guidelines 2010, Nova Pesona proceeded to obtain all the necessary technical
approvals from the various approving authorities such as
 Slope Classification Map from JMG;

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-2

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) and Storm Drainage (MSMA) from
 Geotechnology Report from JKR Cerun and IKRAM

(f) Amended Masterplan Layout 2015

In general the Master Layout plan 2015 conceptual and density (1,212 units or 9 units per
acre) remain the same as in the approved Master Layout 2004, only minor changes has
been made to comply with the new regulation in Hillslope Guideline 2010, and
requirements by IKRAM, JKR, JPS and DBKL. Nevertheless the development concept and
density were concept and density were maintained as per the approved DEIA of April 2004,
and the approved Master Layout Plan of October 2004.

The Amended Masterplan Layout 2015 is attached in Appendix 5.1.2A.

(g) Rule 5 (Public Hearing)

In early 2015, the Rule 5 process was carried out by DBKL. Rule 5 involves getting
feedback from the public regarding the proposed development, and is a requirement by
JKPP KSAS / DBKL. In July 2015, after the Rule 5 was completed, DBKL agreed to the
latest Masterplan Layout, having incorporated requirements from the various technical

Thus the amended Master Plan Layout obtained conditional approval from DBKL in July
2015. One of the conditions stated that the extension to the DEIA approval conditions be
obtained before any earthworks can be carried out.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-3

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017


The Project site is located on Lot 26413, Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538, Mukim Ulu Kelang,
Kuala Lumpur. This area is known as Sector R12, Bandar Baru Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur.
It is approximately geo-referenced at 3o 11’ 40” N and longitude 101o 44’ 59” E.

Approximate distances (“as the crow flies”) to nearby major urban centres are:
 Kuala Lumpur (Dataran Merdeka): 8 km, southwest of the site
 Petaling Jaya (Menara MBPJ): 15 km, southwest of the site
 Shah Alam (Stadium Malawati): 25 km, southwest of the site
 Rawang: 23 km, northwest of the site

The Project site can be accessed along its western boundary, via Jalan 1/27c, from Jalan
34/26 in Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju. Major roads and highways leading to the site include:
 Jalan Genting Kelang, to the west of the site
 Lebuhraya Duta – Ulu Kelang (DUKE), to the south of the site
 Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2), to the east and north of the site

Figure 5.2A shows the major roads surrounding the project site.

The project area is under the jurisdiction of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) as the
Local Authority.


Approximately 54 hectares of hilly terrain will be developed under this project located in Sector
R12 of Projek Pusat Pertumbuhan Bandar Baru. The hill slope development project
comprising 1,212 high-end residential and commercial units adopts a “landed strata residential
development within a gated community” concept.

As an aesthetically luxurious residential estate, the project is creatively designed for houses
on slopes, suspended car parks and cascading drainage. A gated community enhances
security and privacy for the contentment of its residents. Ambient landscaping and retention
of existing vegetation as green lungs and buffers is an important inclusion for the project.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-4

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Due to the sensitive hilly terrain, and after much study and recommendation by the
geotechnical consultants, the original concept of strata housing was maintained.

The development will therefore follow the topography of the site, involve minimal earthworks,
and minimal clearing (clear only the building plinth area and build on stilts).

A larger portion of the site will remain green with the incorporation of a Linear Park, Green
Area to the east of the Telecom road to be surrendered to DBKL, and green areas around the
strata buildings. The Linear Green Park will provide vegetated buffer of up to 200m as well
as hiking trail and viewing decks for recreation.

Figure 5.3A shows the overall extent of green area including landscaped open spaces within
building lots.


The development is designed with a density of 9 units/acre or 45 persons per acre. This is
lower than the norm for development within DBKL of 12 units/acre or 60 persons per acre.
The plot ratio for commercial and recreation area is 1:3. This is relatively lower than the
standard of 1:1.25 as outlined by the Town and Country Planning Department. The layout of
the development takes into consideration factors such as the sensitive topography and
landform of the area, access roads and existing surrounding development in Wangsa Maju.


The components of the development is provided in Table 5.5a. and the Layout Plan is shown
in Figure 5.5A and also attached in Appendix 5.1.2A.

The Project comprises 1,212 residential units, including low and medium rise condominium
units, strata villas, strata town houses, strata terrace houses, and a bungalow unit; a
commercial village near the entrance, Linear Recreational Park, green area and related

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-5

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Table 5.5a: Breakdown of Development Components


Acre Hectare %

2 Condominium 6-12 storey 300 6.04 2.44 4.66
3 Bungalow & Guard House 1 0.26 0.11 0.20
4 Strata Town House 5-6 storey 136 9.43 3.82 7.27
5 Strata Town House 5-6 storey 130 6.84 2.77 5.27
6 Strata Town House 6-7 storey 178 7.79 3.15 6.00
7 Strata Link House 3-4 storey 42 5.80 2.35 4.47
8 Strata Town House 6-7 storey 93 14.99 6.07 11.56
9A Condominium 5-6 storey 137
20.35 8.23 15.69
9B Villa Strata 21
10 Strata Town House 5-6 storey 174 10.35 4.19 7.98
Sub-Total Residential 1,212 81.85 33.12 63.10

1 Commercial Plot
(Clubhouse, Sales, Management, 1 3.54 1.43 2.73
Security and Recreation)
Sub-Total Commercial 1 3.54 1.43 2.73

Linear Recreation Park (surrendered) 25.87 10.47 19.95
Green Area (surrendered) 6.26 2.53 4.83
Sub-Total Open Space 32.13 13.00 24.78

Main Distribution Substation (PPU) 1 - - -
Electrical Substation (PE) 12 - - -
Detention Pond (Wet) 1 0.29 0.12 0.23
Water Tank & Pump House 4 1.58 0.64 1.22
Drainage Reserve 1.26 0.51 0.97
Utilities and Service Corridor 9m 0.17 0.07 0.13
Road Reserve 8.88 3.59 6.85
Sub-Total Infrastructure /Utilities 18 12.18 4.93 9.40

GRAND TOTAL 1,231 129.70 52.48 100.0

Source: GDP Planners Sdn Bhd, Layout Plan 2015

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-6

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

5.5.1 Condominium Units

The proposed residential units are located based on terrain and and land suitability. The
highrise condominiums are located in the western portion of the site (Parcel 2), next to the
Commercial Plot. The plot density for the highrise condominium is 39.27 units/acre and 157
persons per acre. The lowrise condomium units (137 units) are located in Parcel 9, near the
Villa Strata units at the southern portion of the site.

The lowrise (5-6 storey) condominiums will be located along the higher contours, while the
highrise (6-12 storey) will be located along the lower elevations. The rationale for this relative
placement of lowrise and highrise buildings is as follows:

a) The lowrise condominiums have a smaller building plinth and require less earthworks.

b) The placement of the various condominium blocks based on density and contour
heights will provide a building layout that is consistent with the slopes, and provide the
units with unimpeded views

c) Apart from enhancing the aesthetic value of the proposed project, the proposed layout
has better marketing potential as the comfort of the residents have been considered in
the design.

5.5.2 Villa Strata / Detached Houses

A 3-storey Bungalow and Guard house will be located in Parcel 3 next to the highrise
condominium units of Parcel 2.

The Villa Strata (21 units) or detached houses will be located in the southern portion of the
site (Parcel 9B), at the higher contour levels. The Villa Strata units are located near the lowrise
condominium units. The Villa Strata in Parcel 9B will be sold as individual lots, and the design
for the detached houses in each of the lots has not been decided as yet. Hence, the building
plinth of the Villa Strata have not been drawn in the Development Layout Plan at this time.

5.5.3 Strata Town Houses

Strata Town Houses of 5, 6 and 7 storey height, will be spread out along the main road in
Parcels 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10. In all there will be 711 units of Strata Town Houses. Plot densities
for the Strata Town Houses will range from 6.62 units/acre to 23 units/acre.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-7

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

5.5.4 Strata Link Houses

Strata Link Houses (42 units) of 3-storey height, are located in Parcel 7. This type of residential
units have been included to provide diversity and added marketability to this Project.

5.5.5 Commercial Plot

The commercial plot is located within a plot of 3.54 acres, with gross floor area of 322,011
sq.ft. and plot ratio of 1:3. The commercial plot is situated at the entrance of the site, in Parcel
1 which is in the western portion of the site. The commercial buildings in this plot will house
the following:
a) Sales Office
b) Management Office
c) Guard house
d) Club house
e) Recreational Club
f) Retail shops to serve the community needs

Some of the recreational facilities that would be provided here are gymnasium, swimming pool
and landscaped park. The Club House and Recreational Club will help to enhance positive
social interaction amongst the community within the proposed development. At the same time
this would encourage the residents to maintain a healthy lifestyle by participating in
recreational activities, both active and passive.

5.5.6 Open Spaces and Landscaping Concept

Open spaces within the development can be categorised as follows:

a) Linear Recreational Park, located along the northern boundary of the project, covers
an area of 25.87 acres. This park will be surrendered to the DBKL for public
recreational activities. As far as possible the existing vegetation will be preserved. A
combination of nature trails and boardwalks will be provided to enable users to walk
from one part of the park to another. Other recreational components that will be
provided included viewing tower, park benches and gazebo.
b) Green Area, located to the south of the Menara Telekom road reserve, covers an area
of 6.26 acres. This area will be surrendered to DBKL to be maintained as a green lung

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-8

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

in Wangsa Maju, and joined with the adjacent green area of Bukit Dinding. Nature
trails will be provided to enable residents and other users to enjoy the natural beauty
of the hill slopes.
c) Private Open spaces situated within the strata development plots. The developer will
provide park benches and shelters, children’s playground, recreational centre, park
lighting, nature trail and boardwalk. ‘

The overall the open spaces provided will exceed the minimum requirement of 10% stipulated
by DBKL. Not including the landscaped green area within the building plots, the open spaces
provided by the developer comprise 24.78% of the overall project site area.

The provision of open spaces is an important factor in the development as it balances the
natural vegetation with the building structures. Besides providing pleasing aesthetical value,
the open spaces act as green lung for the Project and surrounding development.

All road junctions and dead ends will be treated as open space or private garden to the nearest
residential unit. The landscape plan for treating these open spaces seek to beautify the areas,
ensure that that no portion of the site is neglected, provide temperature equilibrium and
diversity of plant life.

Some of the original flora observed on the project site, such as Alstonia sp. (Pulai), Artocarpus
altilis (Sukun), Artocarpus elsticus (Terap) and Leucaena leucofephala (Petai Belalang) will
be replanted at road intersections and other appropriate locations within the project site.

Figure 5.5.6A shows the type and distribution of the open spaces within the project site.

5.5.7 Infrastructure And Utilities Roads

The proposed project will be equipped with an internal road system connecting the
developmet to the existing roads surrounding the project site. The proposed Project, when
fully operational, is expected to generate and attract additional traffic volume as shown in

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5-9

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Table Summary of Generated and Attracted Trips

Generated and Attracted Trips (PCU/hour)
Proposed Project AM Peak PM Peak
In Out Total In Out Total
Proposed Project 341 600 941 561 354 915
Total Trips 341 600 941 561 354 915
Source: Perunding Atur Sdn Bhd, Final TIA Report, December 2014, Updated May 2016

It is envisaged that all traffic from the the proposed project will use Jalan 1/27c which provides
the connection to the main arterial road (Jalan 8/27a and Jalan 34/26) as the main access
road and the primary entry and exit point to the project site at the northwest corner of Parcel
1 (Figure A second access point provides the linkage to Jalan Bukit Setiawangsa
at the south portion of the Parcel 1. Finally, the third access point is via the road to the Telekom
Tower at the southeast portion of the site.

The second and third access junctions are expected to be used by only a limited number of
vehicles due to the physical features on-site and the layout planning. Intra circulation and
movement within the proejct site will be based on the road breaches determined from land use
considerations and subject to DBKL’s approval. Drainage

The drainage system has been designed to follow the natural course. The main drains withint
he development will be designed as lined channels to permit better hydraulic conveyance
capacities within a limited reserve width. These are either of the form of pre-fabricated pre-
cast U or L sections or as rubble liined trapezoidal drains.

The drainage system has been designed according to the Urban Stormwater Management
Manual published by the Drainage and Irrigation Department, and discussions with the
relevant officer. About 100 on-site detention tanks (OSD) of various sizes have been provided
for the development, whereby small OSD tanks are provided for Strata Terrace and Villa Strata
units, while large OSD tanks are provided for a group of Strata Town House blocks or
Condominium blocks. The indicative locations of the OSDs are shown in Figure

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 10

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Surface runoff from the northern portion of the project site will be channelised drains that
discharge into the main drains of Seksyen 6 Wangsa Maju, finally discharging into Sg. Gisir
located to the north of the site. Surface runoff from the south, west and east will be conveyed
to the main drains in Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju, which also discharge into Sg. Gisir. (Figure

The Drainage Layout Plan showing the various components of the drainage system is
attached in Appendix – MASMA Report.

On-Site Detention (OSD) tanks – Stormwater Control

The main purpose of the OSD is to slowdown stormwater discharge as per MSMA
requirement. Big detention pond is not suitable for hilly area as it is not practical and
dangerous to be placed on a hillslope that is surrounded by other residential properties. Thus,
the OSD tanks will be used to control stormwater discharge from the site, as it is the best
technical and safe approach to fulfill MSMA requirement and approved by JPS. The OSD will
ensure that the post development drainage discharge from the site is less than the average
drainage flow at pre-development conditions. Some of the runoff such as in the roadside drain
and over green areas, cannot be detained and will be discharged directly to the downstream
area. However from calculation it is shown that the overall rainfall runoff (undetained and
detained), will not exceed the total pre-development discharge. Refer to Section 6.3 for more
detailed discussion on stormwater control.

On-Site Detention (OSD) tanks – Rainwater Harvesting

The OSD tanks will also be used as rainwater harvesting storage. The design of the the OSD
tank for dual function with rainwater harvesting must comply with DBKL requirements. This
water can be used within the site for irrigation of landscape vegetation, street cleansing and
other non-potable uses. The OSD tank is compartmentalised, and designed such that 30% of
the storage is for Rainwater Harvesting, while the balance will be stored for stormwater control
and released slowly as per MSMA requirement. Sewerage

The population equivalent from the proposed Project is estimated to be 6,958 PE. Thus it is
estimated that the proposed Project will generate about 1,600 m3/day of sewage.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 11

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Based on guideline provided by the Central Planning Unit, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd,
all sewage generated from the proposed Project shall be conveyed to the Bunus Regional
Sewage Treatment Plant, before discharge to Sg. Gombak. The Bunus Regional STP is also
referred to as the Bunus Centralized STP or CSTP. The Bunus CSTP is undergoing upgrading
works and is expected to be completed by year 2020. The Bunus Rationalization project under
the Greater Kuala Lumpur Package D44, which involves the main sewerage network and
network pumping stations, is also under construction and expeced to be completed by year
2020. The Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) has no objection to the development to be
connected to the Bunus CSTP, subject to some conditions. The “no-objection” letter from
IWK, dated 28 June 2017, is attached in APPENDIX

River of Life (ROL) Project

The proposed Project is located in the Greater Kuala Lumpur (GKL) area where the River of
Life (ROL) Project is being implemented. The ROL Project seeks to change certain areas in
Kuala Lumpur overlooking the Klang river that have high commercial and economic value.
The project is divided into three sections:
i. River Clean up – over 110km of Klang River will be cleaned so that water quality can
be enhanced to Water Quality Class IIB (suitable for body-contact recreational use)
ii. River Beautification
iii. Land Development

Under the River Cleanup section, the main objectives are:

 Enhancing, rehabilitating and preserving the river and its environment compatible with
the envisaged Greater Kuala Lumpur City status for the project area including
improving and sustaining the water quality of Klang River its tributaries within the study
area to Class IIB (suitable for body-contact recreational usage) by year 2020.
 Providing adequate level of flood mitigation protection to the project area in support of
achieving the Greater Kuala Lumpur City status.

Transforming and cleaning up the Klang river requires an intergrated approach that stops
pollution at the source. Effluent from sewage contributes to more than 50% of the pollutants
in the rivers, thus two of the initiatives that focus on the STPs include:
 Upgrading existing sewerage facilities to reduce pollution in the Klang river
 Existing regional sewage treatments must be expanded to cater for future growth.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 12

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

The rationalization of existing small STPs to Network Pumping Stations and the upgrading of
regional CSTPs (in terms of size and capacity) are components of the ROL project focusing
on the cleanup of the Klang River. This includes the rationalization of assets in the Bunus
Sewerage Catchment and the upgrading of the Bunus CSTP.

Bunus CSTP
The information regarding the Bunus CSTP is based on discussion with Mr Eng Wee Ean of
Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn Bhd (SSP), the Senior Engineer in charge of the design for the
upgrading of the Bunus CSTP. Reference is also made to the Terms of Reference in the
“Dokumen Pelawaan untuk Perkhidmatan Perundingan Bagi Projek Pembinaan Loji Rawatan
Kumbahan Serantau Bujus, Kuala Lumpur” by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan (JPP),
December 2015.

The Bunus CSTP covers a total sewerage catchment of 70 km2 comprising Gombak, Bunus
and the Ampang-Ulu Kelang areas including TAR College, Wardieburn Camp and Wangsa
Maju. The Bunus CSTP is currently being upgraded to cater for an ultimate PE of 1.1 million
PE by year 2035. This upgrading project is one of the River of Life (ROL) projects under the
Greater Kuala Lumpur / Klang Vally (GKL/KV) Economic Transformation Programme.

The Bunus CSTP is located on Lot Nos. 28099, 28100 and 30129 Mukim Wilayah
Persekutuan, at 3o11’06.3” N and longitude 101o42’53.6 E. The area allocated for the Bunus
CSTP is approximately 19.387 hectares. The Bunus CSTP is located at Jalan Chan Chin Mooi,
adjacent to the PDRM Golf Course in Taman Titiwangsa. It is approximately 4 km to the west
of the Project site (Figure

The sewerage catchment area served by the Bunus CSTP, is shown in Figure, and
is denoted as Zone 3 in the ROL Project. Under the ROL sewerage masterplan, about 70 to
80 smaller STPs in Zone 3 are being rationalised and converted to Network Pumping Stations
(NPS), conveying sewage to the Bunus CSTP.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 13

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017





KLR124 & KLR347

Figure Bunus Sewerage Catchment and Sub-Zones (Schematic)

Source: “River of Life Project (ROL): River Cleaning” presentation by Dr Hj Mohd Nasir bin Mohd Noh,
Deputy Director General II, Jabatan Pengairan & Saliran, June 2014.

The Bunus sewerage catchment is further divided into 3 sub-catchments, described in Table The proposed Wangsa Maju (R-12) project site is located in Zone 3C.

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 14

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Table Zone Division of Bunus Sewerage Catchment

Zone Location Description
Zone 3A This sub-catchment is situated in the northern High density residential
(Gombak) portion of the catchment. This zone comprizes and commercial area
residential areas such as Taman Melewar,
Gombak Setia, Taman Desa Gombak, Taman
Koperasi Polis. Taman Pelangi Jaya, Kg.
Chubadak, Kg. Sungai Mulia, Taman Ibukota,
danau Kota and Desa Gombak
Zone 3B This sub-cathcment comprises the relatively Mixed development areas
(Bunus) establised developments Taman Bunga Raya, comprising residential
Wangsa Melawati, Wangsa Maju, Taman Setapak commercial, recreational
Jaya, Ayer Panas, UNITAR, UTM and PULAPOL. and light industrial area
Zone 3C This sub-catchment comprises residential and Mixed development areas
(Ampang-Ulu light industrial area of Lembah Keramat, Taman comprising residential,
Kelang) Keramat, Taman Melawati, Ukay Perdana, commercial, recreational
Wangsa Ukay, Taman Kosas, Ukay Height, Sri and light industrial area
Ukay, Ampang Jaya, Taman Tun Abdul Razak.

Source: Terms of Reference for C&S Engineering and M&E Engineering Consultancy Services for
Pembinaan Loji Rawatan Kumbahan Serantau Bunus, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2015

The Bunus CSTP comprises two treatment plants – known as KLR124 and KLR347. These
two treatment plants are located side by side, as shown in Figure The details of
the Bunus CSTP is summarised in Table

Table Details of Bunus CSTP

Asset No Type Design PE Current PE Ultimate PE
KLR124 AL 50,000 0
(old – since 1994) KLR124 is being upgraded, 1,100,00
KLR124 SBR 750,000 and the new plant has not for overall
(new – 2018) been commissioned yet Bunus
Construction of new JBIC Plant in year 2007
KLR347 CAS 352,000 398,121
(JBIC – 2007) (as at year 2015)

Source: Terms of Reference for C&S Engineering and M&E Engineering Consultancy Services for
Pembinaan Loji Rawatan Kumbahan Serantau Bunus, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2015

All sewage collected via the sewerage networks in the Bunus sewerage catchment will be
conveyed to the final Network Pumping Station (NPS) at KLR289, before being pumped to the
Bunus CSTP (KLR124 and KLR347).

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 15

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

From the final NPS at KLR289, raw sewage from Zone 3 catchment is pumped via two parallel
force mains to the Bunus CSTP main inlet distribution chamber. From the main inlet dstribution
chamber, appropriate quantities of the raw sewage will be distributed to KLR124 and KLR347
respectively. (For now, all incoming sewage flows into KLR347 for treatment, as KLR124 is
undergoing upgrading work.)

Treated effluent from KLR124 and KLR347 will combine in a common Final Effluent Chamber
before discharging to Sg. Gombak. Monitoring of treated effluent at the Final Effluent Chamber
will be conducted every month, and the results submited to Jabatan Alam Sekitar.

The KLR347 is a Conventional

Activated Sludge (CAS) system,
designed to cater for 352,000 PE,
and was built in 2007 under the
National Sewage Treatment Plant
Project funded by Japan Bank of
International Cooperation (JBIC). At
present, KLR347 receives a
volumetric inflow equivalent to about
400,000 PE. KLR 347 – CAS
(photo source:

Entrance to KLR 347 portion of Bunus Regional STP from Jalan Chin Chin Mooi

Bunus CSTP (Asset No KLR 347)

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 16

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

The KLR124 was formerly an Aerated Lagoon (AL) system, catering for 50,000 PE and was
taken over by IWK in 1994. At present the KLR124 does not receive any inflow as it is being
upgraded to a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) system. The SBR system is capable of
ensuring enhanced treated levels while requiring smaller spatial footprint compared to
convential systems. The upgraded KLR124 (SBR system) will have a treatment capacity of
750,000 PE (ultimate design PE in 2035), and construction work is expected to be fully
completed by year 2020. The operation and maintenance of the overall Bunus CSTP will be
undertaken by IWK Unit Operations.

Entrance to construction site from Lorong Ayer Jernih 1 (off Jalan Ayer Jerneh)

Signage near entrance to the construction site

Bunus CSTP (Asset No KLR 124) – under construction

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 17

EIA of Proposed Residential and Commercial Development Schedule II
On Lot 26413 Mukim Setapak and Lot 3538 Mukim Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
For Nova Pesona Sdn Bhd July 2017

Based on the Terms of Reference information from JPP, the effluent discharged from the
overall CSTP is required to comply with a more stringent standard compared with the
regulatory Standard A (see Table below).

Table Design Effluent Value for Bunus CSTP

No Parameter Effluent Value for Standard A – Effluent
Bunus STP (mg/L) 1 discharge to river 2
Absolute Design Absolute Design
1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 5 2 20 10
2 Suspended Solids (SS) 50 20 50 20
3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 60 30 120 60
4 Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) 2 1 10 5
5 Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) 20 10 20 10
6 Oil & Grease (O&G) 5 2 5 2

1. JPP KeTTHA, Dec 2015. “Dokumen Pelawaan untuk Perkhidmatan Perundingan Bagi
Projek Pembinaan Loji Rawatan Kumbahan Serantau Bunus, Kuala Lumpur.” Dec. 2015
2. SPAN, January 2009. “Malaysian Sewerage Industry Guidelines, Volume 4: Sewage
Treatment Plants”. 3rd Edition.

Network Pumping Stations (NPS)

As mentioned earlier, several smaller STPs in the Bunus catchment are being be rationalised
and converted to network pumping stations (NPS). Sewage from the proposed Project will be
conveyed via gravity sewer pipes to the nearest appropriate NPS, as advised by IWK CPU.

The NPS (KLR 145) at Jalan

Wangsa Perdana 3 in Wangsa Maju
Seksyen 4, located to the northwest
of the site, is one of the small STPs
that was rationlized and converted
to a network pumping station. This
NPS has a design PE of 50,000 and
current PE of 9576 (refer to
Information Sheets, 19th May 2017).
Signboard for KLR 145

ERINCO Sdn Bhd 5 - 18

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