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Advanced Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways using GPS and GSM
PG Scholar, Dept of ECE, K U, Warangal, Telangana, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, K U, Warangal Telangana, India.
Abstract: Technological approaches for detecting and monitoring fatigue levels of driver fatigue continue to emerge and many
are now in the development, validation testing, or early implementation stages. Previous studies have reviewed available fatigue
detection and prediction technologies and methodologies. As the name indicates this project is about advanced technologies in
cars for making it more intelligent and interactive for avoiding accidents on roads. By using ARM7 this system becomes more
efficient, reliable & effective. There are very less number of systems implemented on human behavior detection in or with cars. In
this paper, we describe a real-time online safety prototype that controls the vehicle speed under driver fatigue. The purpose of
such a model is to advance a system to detect fatigue symptoms in drivers and control the speed of vehicle to avoid accidents. The
main components of the system consist of number of real time sensors like gas, eye blink, alcohol, fuel, impact sensors and a
software interface with GPS and Google Maps APIs for location.
Keywords: GPS, GSM, ARM7, Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System Research Association (AHSRA).
I. INTRODUCTION reason for driving drunk is that the police are not able to
A. An Overview of Existing System check each and every car and even if they catch any one the
When you think of work-related safety hazards, you police can be easily bribed. So there is a need for an effective
probably think about what goes on inside the workplace. But system to check drunken drivers.
one of the greatest threats to your safety is not in the
workplace, but rather on the road. Someone is injured every
18 seconds. Over 2 million of those injuries turn out to be
disabling. A person dies in a crash on U.S. roads every 11
minutes. In fact, motor vehicle accidents are the most
common cause of death in the United States more than cancer
or heart attacks. When we think about the serious accident, it
could change your life- and not for the better. As of now
most of the research and implementation on with mechanical
behaviour of the car, its safety and passengers, but what if the
driver mis-behaviours what can be done? Each year, car
enthusiasts salivate at the prospect of seeing what bleeding-
edge designs automakers will unveil on the car show circuit.
Those same enthusiasts are often disappointed when the
amazing concepts still haven't made it to the auto dealer's
showroom floor several years later. But before any new car
model can ever go on sale to the public, it must first undergo Fig.1.
a battery of testing to make sure it'll be safe, reliable and
B. Proposed System
reasonably in tune with the demands of the motoring public.
Intelligent systems are in used with every aspect of
The government demands some of this testing, while systems, CARs are the critical systems which are real time
other major components of it are devised by the car and lives are involved. This System not only deals with
companies themselves in an effort to ensure they meet component monitoring, does even more than that like
specific standards for performance, fuel economy, comfort Passenger activity monitoring, Behaviour analysis, System
and other measures, but those which don‟t are axed. By behaviour, Notification & co-ordinate. Eye blink Sensor &
observing above chart we are able to conclude that there are Alcohol detection are the vital and of great importance from
three dominant causes of road accidents- Negligence, the perspective of passenger safety and traffic safety. Impact
Overtaking, Use of alcohols are related to driver. The main detection and notification is also one of the life saving and
critical information provider system.
D. Immobilizer
An immobilizer is an electronic device fitted to an
automobile which prevents the engine from running unless
the correct key (or other token) is present. This prevents the
car from being “hot wired” after entry has been achieved.
E. Parking Sensors
Parking sensors are proximity sensors for road vehicles
which can alert the driver to unseen obstacles during parking
man oeuvres. Parking sensors generally fall into two
Electromagnetic parking sensors.
Ultrasonic parking sensors.
Fig.3. Potential system.
Fig.4. Applications:
B. Software Overview Personal/Portable Navigation (PDA)
The software selection is the backbone of the entire project. Geographic Surveying
Software development includes programs written for the
Sports and Recreation
interfacing of the Microcontroller with LCD display,
keyboard, ADC, Auto-dialing circuit and the mobile D. Benefits to User
interface. The codes written for the Microcontroller are best Ultra low power consumption
explained with the help of the flow charts included in this
Easy and fast to install
Superior urban canyon performance
Having had a look at the software and hardware
Low cost with high performance
fundamentals of the system, the next step is to
understand the software programming incorporated in VI. RESULT
the microcontroller to achieve the given task. While We continuously scan for various parameters of car, such
performing its calculations and control, the as fuel, engine temperature, speed, steering position, eye
microcontroller need to be human friendly both in blink and alcohol sensors, as soon as impact id detected more
terms of data input and display. impact related sensors comes in pictures. The μC stores all
The software has been written in structured manner in this data in the internal memory. If the driver is found to have
which all the subroutines are linked to a single main alcohol in the breath, it warns and then turns the ignition off
program. Each subroutine is further divided into sub- (if μC is set with threshold values is set. Also applicable to
sub routine as per the requirement. When complete other sensors too) and hence possibility of accident is
PCB with assembling is finished it comes to software avoided. Also we have designed an eye blink sensor which
where both assembly and c language is used. Arm continuously monitors the number of times the eye blinks, if
controller is programmed for performing various the eye blinks count decreases that means the driver is sleepy,
operations. Whole coding is divided into different in that case a buzzer is operated. If accident happened by
modules. The main code consists of initialization of all using impact sensors we are able to found out on which side
ports. Then in sub modules LCD initialization, ADC the impact occurred. After collecting all information which is
initialization, writing into the memory and reading the stored in internal memory, μC send this data to base or
memory is done. surveillance unit via SMS using GSM modem. On the base
side we receive the data such as engine temperature, fuel,
V. IMPLEMENTATION speed, eye blink status, alcohol level, impact etc. and also the
A. MQ-3 Gas Sensor GPS co-ordinates on the online Google maps. The PC unit
MQ-3 gas sensor has high sensitivity to Alcohol, and has
has the online VB software which graphically shows all the
good resistance to disturb of gasoline, smoke and vapour.
data to the analyst so that the reasons of crash or accident can
The sensor could be used to detect alcohol with different
be understood better.
concentration; it is with low cost and suitable for different
application. Also it has Long life and low cost and simple
drive circuit.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.04, IssueNo.16, June-2015, Pages: 2916-2919
It is due to the driver‟s fatigue, traffic accidents keep with
a yearly increasing of a high rate. This paper shows the new
fatigue detection algorithms & techniques using eye blink,
alcohol, impact, gas, etc. sensors. In this technique the
fatigue will be detected immediately and regular traps the
events driver and third party. Through research presented in
this paper, we propose an intelligent car system for accident
prevention and making the world a much better and safe
place to live.
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Author’s Profile:
Gugulavath Swetha has completed the graduation in vasavi
college of Engineering Hyderabad, Telangana and pursuing
M.Tech in K U Warangal, Telangana, interested to do
research in Robotics and Embedded systems
Mr. Asim Iqbal received the M.Tech Degree & B.Tech and
working as Assoct Prof in K U Warangal, Telangana with
teaching experience of 4 years interested to do research in
image processing.