Pulwama Shadimarg Below - Qasbayar-A-done

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People's Bio-diversity Register (PBR) General Details

Name of Panchayat Samiti Qasbayar-A Block Shadimarg

Taluk/Tehsil Rajpora

District Pulwama

State/UT Jammu & Kashmir

Geographical area of the Panchayat 2.75 sq kms

Population of Panchayat Samiti (Total) 2536

Male 1328

Female 1208

Habitat and topography Partly Hilly

Climate/Rainfall/Temperature Temperate with moderate rainfall/Snow

Land use Agriculture /Horticuture

Date/month and year of PBR Prepration 8/6/2020

Email.Id [email protected]
Details of Bio-diversity Management Committee

Area of
S.No Name of Member Age Adress Gender

1 Masooda Akhter 51 Rajpora Secretary Pyt.

Manzoor Ahmad
2 39 Q-Yar-A Member

3 Gulzar Ahmad Bhat 38 Q-Yar-A Member

Mukhtar Ahmad
4 33 Q-Yar-A Member

5 Javid Ahmad Dar 42 Q-Yar-A Member

6 Jameelan Bano 40 Q-Yar-A Member

List of Vaids, Hakims and traditional health care (Human and livestock)

Name of Area of
Sno Age Adress Gender
Hakim/vaids specialization

Shamim Ahmad Traditional Health

1 35 Qabayar Male
Magray care

Traditional Health
2 Raqib Bashir 29 Qabayar Male
List of individuals perceived by the villagers to posess Traditional Knowledge related
to biodiversity in agriculture, forestry etc

Name of Area of
Sno Age Adress Gender
Hakim/vaids specialization

1 Shabir Ahmad Dar 40 Qabayar Male Agriculture

2 Sajad Ahmad Bhat 38 Qabayar Male Horticulrue

Details of Schools colleges, departments, Universities etc involved in
the prepration of the PBR

S.NO Name and adress

1 Govt Degree College Pulwama

2 Agriculture Department

3 Horticulture Department

4 Animal Husbandry

5 Fisheries Department
Details of access to biological resourcers and traditional knowledge granted, details of collection fee imposed and details of benefit

Name and Adress of the Local and sceintific name of

Date and resolution of BMC Details of collection of fee Anticipated mode of sharing
S.No person/institution/company/ot biological material and
and endorsment by Panchayat imposed benefits
hers quantity

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil


Format 1: Crop Plants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Scientific Local Landscape Approx area Special Cropping Associated Other Source of Community/
Crop Variety Local Status Uses
Name Name / Habitat shown features season TK details Seeds/ Plants Knowledge

Past Present Holder

Brassica High JKAPD/ COMMON

Mustard phal KOS1 Medium 5hc rare plenty Rabi Food
compestris yielding private MAN

Solanum High JKAPD/ COMMON

Potato aalu Kufri Jyoti Medium 3hc plenty plenty kharief Food
tuberosum yielding private MAN

Food and COMMON
Rice Oryza sativa Dhani SR4 medium 15 hc nil Medium to blast, high kharief JKAPD
fodder MAN

Tall, high Food and JKAPD/ COMMON

Maize Zea mays makai Hybrid Medium 5hc rare plenty kharief
yielding fodder local market MAN

Medium Food and local market/ COMMON

Maize Zea mays makai C6 medium 5hc plenty Rare kharief
height fodder APD MAN


Peas mattar Arkel Medium 2hc Rare plenty Summer/rabi Food
sativum yielding private MAN

Onion Allium cepa gande local Medium 4hc plenty plenty Rabi food Private/APD
yielding MAN
Phasolus French High Private/ COMMON
Beans razma Medium 4hc plenty plenty kharief food
vulgaris yellow yielding JKAPD MAN

Legenaria High Private/ COMMON

Bottle gourd aael -- everywhere 2hc plenty plenty kharief food
siceraria yielding JKAPD MAN

Lycopersico High COMMON

tomato ruwagun hybrid everywhere 3hc rare plenty kharief food Private/APD
n esculentum yielding MAN

Cucumis High COMMON

cucumber laer hybrid everywhere 1hc Rare plenty kharief food Private/APD
sativus yielding MAN

Cucumis High COMMON

cucumber laer Local everywhere 1hc plenty plenty kharief food Private/APD
sativus yielding MAN
Format 2: Fruit plants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Scientific Local Landscape Source of Season of Associated details/
Plant Variety Local Status Uses knowledge
Name Name / Habitat seeds/plants fruiting TK Market/ own

Pyrus william,nakh,v
Pear tang temprate 10% 20% -do- july-august nakh -do- -do- 100%
communis icar

Plum aer sa,tarkol,maur temperate 15% 25% -do- jun-july plum -do- -do- 100%

Prunus kaisha,quetta,c
Apricot cxear temperate 10% 20% -do- jun-july cher local -do- -do- 100%
armenicaca haram

Walnut Juglans regia doon temprate 20% 35% seeds sep-oct doun wount -do- -do- 100%

Prunus makhdoom,
Almond badam temprate 40% 30% seeds/grafting july-august badam -do- -do- 100%
amygdalus waris,shalimar
american seeds/
Malus maharaji ambri national
Apple cxounth trel,red temperate 50% 80% grafting /on sept-oct edible fruit 100%
domestica apple market/export
delicious,maha root stock

Peach Prunus persica cxenen albert temprate 10% 20% -do- july-august chunun local -do- -do- 100%

Grapes Vitis venifera dach ruby,sahibo,hu temprate 2% 2% hard wood oct-nov dach -do- -do- 80%

Cherry Prunus avium glass makhmali,dou temprate 15% 25% seed/grafting jun-july cherry -do- -do- 100%
ble glass
Format 3: Fodder Crops / Species

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Landscape Source of
Plant Scientific Name Local Name Local Status Associated TK Part Used Other details /Knowledge
/Habitat Plants /Seeds

Past Present

higher and lower WHOLE PLANT COMMON

Maize Zeya mays kandi makai Abundant Abundant Local market


Oats Avena sativa khasil/jai Higher/lower area Abundant Abundant


Lolium Perenne Kheri gass plains rare rare


Berseem Bersim lower Nil rare
Red clover T. Pretanse tripater plains nil rare
Format 4: Weeds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Community /
Scientific Landscape Management Associated Other details
Plant Local Name Affected crop Impact Local Status Uses if any Knowledge
Name /Habitat options TK like exotic

Past Present

Marsilea Decrease in common
Water clover soli paddy Lower plenty rare weed hand weeding
quadrifolia yield farmers

Barnyard Echonchloa Decrease in
Hama Paddy Lower ABUNDANT Fodder weed hand weeding holder
grass crus-gali yield

Annual blue Decrease in common
Poa annua Mahi gasse Maize abundant abundant weed hand weeding
grass yield farmers

Cyperus cereals and Decrease in common
nut grass Mosti plains plenty plenty weed hand weeding
rotundus vegetables yield farmers

Anaglis Decrease in common
Pimpernel Charisaban maize Lower Plenty plenty weed hand weeding
arvensis yield farmers
Cynodon maize and Decrease in common
Bermuda grass dramun everywhere abundant abundant weed hand weeding
dactylon vegetables yield farmers
Form 5: Pests of crops

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Insect / Scientific Local Time / season Management Associated Other Community

Host Habitat
Animal name name of attack mechanism TK details knowledge holder

maize Army worm On leaves summer Chemical Insectides

Potato Cutworm Agrotis ipsilon Darz In the soil summer Fumigants

Vegetable/mustard Aphid Aphis spp. Soi On plants summer Chemical Insectides

Vegetable Catter pillar Pieris brassicae muhoor On plant summer Chemical Insectides

Paddy Grasshopper Hallow On plants summer Chemical Insectides

beans Cutworm Agrotis ipsilon Darz In the soil summer Fumigants

Moong Cutworm Agrotis ipsilon Darz In the soil summer Fumigants

Format 6: Markets for Domesticatedanimals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Weekly (D)/
Types of
Fortnightly (D) / Places from
Name of the animals Types and Average Places to which Name and Types of
Monthly (D) / which Source
market & bought and Number of animals the animals are location of fishes
Biannual (M) / animals are of fish
location sold transacted in a day sold / transported fish market sold
Annual (M) brought

The organised market

is not available in the
Distric for for consumption meat
brought from local
consumption purpose sellers bring 2-3
local breed,cross adjacent areas like
and animals are animls/day or 12 NA NA NA NA NA
breed(sheep,goat) murran,urwan,wugurg
brought from adjacent animals/week or 250-
areas of Shadimarg eg 300/month
Rajpora, Drabgam &
other adjacent villages
Format 7: People scaoe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

major resources landscape resource

Community and families and Depending nature of
sub- occupation accessed and management managment Cast/tribe social conditions No. of HHs
population major population landscap inhibitants
season of access practices practices

Grains,vegetables Traditional as well Traditional as well Natural and

Agriculture/ Govt or private Fields and
Muslim and fruits in as modern as scientific Muslim/multi cast average influenced by 564
Horticulture jobs orchards
autumn equipments practice external world

Format 8: Landscape

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sub Features and Management Community

Major landscape Owner ship General flora General fauna User groups General uses Associated TK Other details
landscape approx area practices accessed

Agricultural Fallow
land land

Format 9: Waterscape

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Waterscape Features and General Management Community

Sub-type Ownership General Flora Major uses User groups General uses Associated TK Other details
element type approx. area Fauna practices accessed

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Format 10: Soil type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Soil type Color and texture Features SOIL Management Plants/crops suitable Flora and fauna Associated TK other information

integreted nutrient
karewa soil light texture well drained almond ,saffron weeds

clayey soil dark less drained do rice
potamageton typha

sandy soil light loose soil do vegetables vegetables and weeds


Format 11: Fruit trees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Scientific Local Landscape Source of Season of Associated details/
Plant Variety Local Status Uses knowledge
Name Name / Habitat seeds/plants fruiting TK Market/own
Past Present

red delicious,
Malus temperate indegenous root own use+local
apple cxounth maharaji, 50% 40% sept-oct maharaji edible fruit 74%
domestica cultivated stock market

pear tang nakh -do- 10% 10% -do- july-august nakh -do- -do- 77%

plum aer aaerak -do- 15% 15% -do- jun-july plum local -do- -do- 70%

aapricot cxear quetta -do- 10% 10% -do- jun-july cher local -do- -do- 70%

peach Prunus persica cxenen albert -do- 10% 10% -do- july-august chunun local -do- -do- 70%

walnut Juglans regia doon kagzi -do- 20% 20% -do- sep-oct doun wount -do- -do- 80%
almond badam makhdoom -do- 40% 40% -do- july-august badam -do- -do- 80%

grapes Vitis venifera dach local dach -do- 2% 2% -do- oct-nov dach -do- -do- 80%
Format 12: Medicinal Plants (Herbs, Shrubs, Trees etc.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Local status
Other details
Scientific Landscape/ Source of Community/
Plant Type Local Name Variety Uses (usage) Part used Associated TK market/own
Name Habitat plant/seeds Know. Holder
Past Present

indigestion, hakims
tree brimij Celtis australis Cannabaceae rocky soils natural common rare Fruit, Root edible fruit own use
blood impurity foresters

woody edges,
shruby areas, boil, pimples, hakims
herb mazar mund Iris napelensis Iridaceae natural common common rhizome ………. own use
sunny grass rheumatism foresters

Malva stomach hakims
herb suchel Malvaceae hedge grows, seed common common leaf extract edible plant own use
sylvestris cramps foresters
fallow fields
Boil, Hair fall, Market and hakims
Herb Gande Allium cepa Liliaceae all over world seed common common bulb pimple
Diarrhea own use foresters

temperate Alopecia Market and hakims
Herb Rhoon Allium sativum Amaryllidaceae seed common common Cloves heart diseases
climate aerate, own use foresters

Mentha hakims
Herb pudina Lamiaceae moist places seedlimgs common common asthama, cough leaf extract edible plant own use
arvensis foresters

Ocimum canum Market and hakims
herb baber LABIATAE gardens seed common common skin problems, seed, aerial part ………..
sims own juse foresters

sedative.halluci flower,top,lea hakims

herb bhang Canabis sativa Cannabaceae wastelands seed common common ………. own use
nating es foresters
diabetes, Market and hakims
herb makai Zea mays Poaceae gardens seed common common flower, corn ……….
urethritis own juse foresters

Celosia jaundice, hakims

herb mawal Amaranthaceae gardens/parks seed common common seeds Ornamental own use
argentia diarrhea, fever foresters

Coyula fractures, nasal hakims

Herb thol babul Asteraceae open fielda natural common common whole plant ………….. own use
anthemoids congestion foresters

Euphorbia warts, worms, hakims

herb gur sochal Euphorbiaceae wastelands natural common common aerial portion ……….. own use
helioscopia constipation foresters

Foenculm cough, cold, hakims

Herb badiyan Apiaceae gardens seed common common seeds edible own use
vulgare eyesight foresters locals
Rumex hakims
Herb abhuj Polygonaceae gardens natural common common stomach pain, roots & leaves edible own use
naplensis foresters locals
abdominal pain

cough, cold,
Zizyphus hakims
shrub brai Rhamnaceae plains/slopes natural common common fever, blood fruit/leaves edible own use
maurtiana foresters locals

Cydonia cough, cold, hakims

shrub Bumchuon Rosaceae plains/slopes seed common common fruit edible own use
oblonga asthma foresters locals

Herb Nuner Portulacaceae plains natural common common For cough leaves edible own use locals
Format 13 Ornamental Plants

Source of Commercial/Non- Community/

S. No. Type of plant Common Name Scientific Name Uses Associated TK Other details
plant/seeds commercial Know. holder

Avenue plantation,
as specimen tree Gardener, Nursery
1. Tree Ornamental plum Prunus domestica Private nursery Non-commercial - -
for adding colour man
to the landscape

Avenue plantation
and as specimen
Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
2 Tree Judas tree Cercis siliquastrum Non-commercial tree - -
Private nursery man

Sothern Magnolia Gardener, Nursery

3 Tree Private nursery Non-commercial Specimen tree - -
Magnolia/Bull bay grandiflora man

Cryptomeria Gardener, Nursery

4 Tree Cryptomeria Private nursery Non-commercial Avenue plantation - -
japonica man

Crape Myrtle Lagestroemia Departmental/ Group plantation, Gardener, Nursery

5 Tree Non-commercial - -
indica Private nursery avenue plantation man
Specimen or
Acer Gardener, Nursery
6 Tree Green Mapple Private nursery Non-commercial avenue tree - -
pseudoplatanus man

Avenue plantation,
Weeping Willow Shade tree in Gardener, Nursery
7 Tree Salix babylonica Private nursery Non-commercial - -
gardens man
and parks

Oriental Plane
Departmental Specimen tree for Gardener, Nursery
8 Tree (Chinar) Platinus orientalis Non-commercial - -
nursery providing shade man

Avenue plantation,
Ornamental peach Specimen tree for Gardener, Nursery
9 Tree Private nursery Non-commercial - -
adding colour to man
the landscape

Robinia Gardener, Nursery

10. Tree Black Locust Private nursery Non-commercial Avenue tree - -
pseudoacacia man

Avenue plantation Gardener, Nursery

11. Tree Red Maple Acer rubrum Private nursery Non-commercial - -
and specimen tree man

Ornamental Fig Avenue plantation Gardener, Nursery

12. Tree Ficus carica Private nursery Non-commercial - -
Tree and specimen tree man
Solitary plantation Gardener, Nursery
13. Tree Pagoda Tree Sophora Japonica Private nursery Non-commercial - -
for shade purpose man

Avenue plantation
Cupressus Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
14. Tree Italian Cypress Non-commercial - -
simpervirens Private nursery man

Departmental/ Avenue plantation Gardener, Nursery

15. Tree Himalayan Cypress Cupressustorulosa Non-commercial - -
Private nursery man

Broad Leaved
Departmental/ Group plantation Gardener, Nursery
16. Tree Privet/Glossy Ligustrumlucidum Non-commercial - -
Private nursery and for topiary man

Used as shade tree

Indian Horse Chest Gardener, Nursery
17. Tree Aesculus indica Private nursery Non-commercial and as specimen - -
Nut man

Chinese Wind Mill Trachycarpus Gardener, Nursery

18. Tree Private nursery Non-commercial Avenue tree - -
palm fortunei man

For group
plantation and also
Hydrangea Hydrangea Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
19. Shrub Non-commercial as edging and - -
macrophylla Private nursery man
hedging plant
along the shade
Departmental/ Edging and Gardener, Nursery
20. Shrub Rose Spiraea Spiraea rosea Non-commercial - -
Private nursery hedging man

Edging and
hedging also as
ground cover. The
Lavandula Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
21. Shrub Lavender Non-commercial - -
offcinalis Private nursery man
are source of
essential oil

Departmental/ Group and avenue Gardener, Nursery

22. Shrub Weigela Weigela florida Non-commercial - -
Private nursery plantation man

Hedging, Group
Forsythia /Easter Forsythia x Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
23. Shrub Non-commercial plantation and as - -
Tree intermedia Private nursery man
specimen plant

Hedging, Group
Hibiscus/Rose of Hibiscus rosa- Departmental/ plantion Gardener, Nursery
24. Shrub Non-commercial - -
Sharon sinensis Private nursery and as man
specimen plant

Hedging, group
Departmental/ plantation Gardener, Nursery
25. Shrub Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus Non-commercial - -
Private nursery and as man
specimen plant

Summer Hedging, group

Gardener, Nursery
26. Shrub Lilac/Butterfly Buddleia davidii Departmental Non-commercial plantation and as - -
Bush specimen plant
Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
27. Shrub Oleander Nerium indicum Non-commercial Group plantation - -
Private nursery man

Floribunda Rose Departmental/ Commercial/Non- Gardener, Nursery

28. Shrub Rosa floribunda Group plantation - -
Private nursery commercial man

Grandiflora rose Departmental/ Commercial/Non- Gardener, Nursery

29. Shrub Rosa grandiflora Group plantation - -
Private nursery commercial man

Gardener, Nursery
30. Shrub Miniature Rose Rosa spp. Private nursery Non-commercial Group plantation - -

Japanese Marigold Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery

31. Shrub Kerria japonica Non-commercial Group plantation - -
Bush Private nursery man

Ground cover,
Santolina/ Santolina Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
32. Shrub Non-commercial edging and as pot - -
Lavender-Cotton chamaecyparissus Private nursery man

Group plantation
Ornamental Gardener, Nursery
33. Shrub Punica granatum Private nursery Non-commercial and as specimen - -
pomegranate man
Group plantation
Gardener, Nursery
34. Shrub Juniper Juniperus erecta Private nursery Non-commercial and avenue - -

Juniperus Gardener, Nursery
35. Shrub Juniper/Creeping Private nursery Non-commercial Ground cover - -
horizontallis man

Edging, hedging
Euonymous Gardener, Nursery
36. Shrub Evergreen Spindle Private nursery Non-commercial and as topiary - -
japonicus man

Albomarginatus Edging, hedging Gardener, Nursery
37. Shrub japonicus var. Private nursery Non-commercial - -
spindle tree and topiary plant man

Euonymous Edging, hedging

Gardener, Nursery
38. Shrub Japanese Spindle japonicus var. Private nursery Non-commercial and as topiary - -
aureopictus plant

Euonymous Gardener, Nursery

39. Shrub Fortune’s Spindle Private nursery Non-commercial Ground cover - -
fortunei man

Edging, hedging
Box Leaf Euonymous Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
40. Shrub Non-commercial and for topiary - -
Euonymous microphylla Private nursery man
Edging, hedging
Buxus Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
41. Shrub Box wood Non-commercial and for topiary - -
sempervirens Private nursery man

Group plantation,
Gardener, Nursery
42. Shrub Thuja Thuja compacta Private nursery Non-commercial topiary and avenue - -

Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery

43. Shrub Common privet Ligustrum vulgare Non-commercial Edge and hedge - -
Private nursery man

Edging, hedging
Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery
44. Shrub Box Honey Suckle Lonicera nitida Non-commercial and for topiary - -
Private nursery man

Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery

45. Creeper Climbing Rose Rosa setigera Non-commercial Climber - -
Private nursery man

Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery

46. Creeper English Ivy Hedera helix Non-commercial Climber - -
Private nursery man

Departmental/ Gardener, Nursery

47. Creeper Himalayan Ivy Hedera nepalensis Non-commercial Climber - -
Private nursery man
Gardener, Nursery
48. Creeper Trumpet Vine Campsis radicens Private nursery Non-commercial Flowering climber - -
Format 14: Timber Plants / Trees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Local status
Wild/ home- Other uses Community/
Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Associated TK Other details
garden (multi) Know. holder
Past Present

The wood is fine

and close-
grained and
Mulbery (Tuell
Tree Morus alba plains common common wild useful in making - market and own farmers
furniture and

The wood is used

for construction,
plywood and
Tree Chinar (booen) plains and hilly common common wild board, cabinet - market and own locals
making, furniture
and general
It is in great
demand for
making furniture,
Walnut (doon
Tree Juglans regia plains and hilly common common wild cabinet making - market and own farmer
and wood
carvings in

Tree Poplar (Fraess) moist places common common Wild soft wood - market and own farmers

Tree Willow (Veer) Salix alba moist places common common wild basket making - market and own farmers

Nettle Tree
Tree Celtis australis sacred places common rare wild fuel wood - locals

Tree ELM (Brenn) shady places common common wild fuel wood - market and own farmers

Mesquite Tree Robinia Pseudo

Tree hilly and plains common common wild fuel wood - market and own farmers
(Kikar Kul) acacia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Other details
Local Scientific Breed(Local/ Method of Association Commercial including Community
Animal type Features Local Status uses
Animal Name Hybrid ) Keeping TK rearing products and know. Holders

Past Present

Black & white coat most of the

here was scarce
color , high milk cows in
Cow Gaw Bos indicus HF Cross Semi Intensive population of Milk Yes Yes Yes
yield, Large planes are
capacious breed CB HF

most of the
The coat color here was scarce
cows in
Jersy Cross varies from light Semi Intensive population of Milk Yes Yes Yes
planes are
gray to dark fawn CBJ

Short and stout

cows with low milk Most of the
Non scarce
yield colur varies Semi Intensive cows were non Milk No No Yes
Discriptive population
from light black to discriptive

Bubalus Non scarce No

Buffalo Mansh Black colored, grey Semi Intensive Milk,Meat Yes No Leather No
bubalus Discriptive population Population
Equus Non Grey Black colured scarce
Horse Gur Semi Intensive Abundent Draught Yes No Fully available Yes
caballus Discriptive skin coat, long tail population

Dark grey coat colur

Non No
Donkey Kher Equus asinus to white coured, Semi Intensive Abundent Draught Yes No Not available No
Discriptive Population
small sized body

Tuft of feathers on
Kashirr Kashmiri Scarce Meat and
Poultry Gallus gallus head, feathered Semi Intensive Abundent Yes Yes Fully available Yes
Kukkar favorolla, population Egg

Depletion of Community
Anas Non Domesticated / Past-Majority present- meat and
Duck Batook Land and Water No water bodies linving around
planiticus Discriptive free range local, Scarce eggs
major threat water bodies

Columbilivis Non Ornamental Hobby/

Pigeon Kotur No
domestica Discriptive purpose ornamental

Reased by
Reased by some sheep
Cannis lupus Non Guard/
Dog Hoon Varies with breed Stray some sheep breeders and Sheep breeders
familiaris Discriptive Hobby
breeders Security
Format 16

Fisheries Culture:Nil

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LocalName Scientific Name Variety Features Habitat Local Status Uses Associated TK Other details Knowledge

Past Present

Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not
Format 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Weekly/firtnightly Month in case of bi- Places to where thw

Nam e of the weekly Type of animal Number of animals Places from where
Location & others Day held annual or annual animals are
market/fair bought and sold transacted in a day animals are arrived
Biannual/annual fair transported


Format 18: Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Tubers, Grasses, Climbers etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Local status
Commercial /
Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Habit Habitat Part collected Associated TK Other details Knowledge
own use
Past Present

used as Farmer,
Grass liveseed grass _ moist grasslands and lakesides
common common Own use whole plant a fodder for cattl Fodder Grass traibals , Local
e and horses and Foresters

Bromus winter annual
Grass cheat grass _ all types of soils common common Own use whole plant Fodder Grass traibals , Local
tectorum grass
and Foresters

Dactyloctenium heavy soils &
Grass cow foot grass _ common common Own use whole plant _ Fodder Grass traibals , Local
aegyptium damp sites
and Foresters

Grass tussock grass _ on grasslands common common Own use whole plant _ Fodder Grass traibals , Local
and Foresters
used to prevent Farmer,
Grass rye grass Lolium perenne _ wastelands common common Own use whole plant erosion and to Fodder Grass traibals , Local
stabilise soils, and Foresters

Grass bandh grass _ _ common common Own use nodes medicinal traibals , Local
and Foresters

Grass khus khus grass _ _ common common Own use whole plant anti fungal Fodder Grass traibals , Local
and Foresters

tree doon juglans regia _ plains & hills common common both fruit/seed commercial medicinal traibals , Local
and Foresters

tuber narkon wet/dry places common common Own use whole plant _ _ traibals , Local
and Foresters

Grass wheat grass _ _ common common Own use whole plant _ Fodder Grass traibals , Local
and Foresters

herb suchel Malva sylvestris _ _ common common own use leaf extract edible plant _ traibals , Local
and Foresters
Ocimum canum
herb baber _ _ common common Own use seed, aerial part _ traibals , Local
and Foresters

Herb pudina Mentha arvensis _ moist places common common own use leaf extract edible plant _ traibals , Local
and Foresters

tree brimij Celtis australis _ rocky soils common rare Own use Fruit, Root edible fruit _ traibals , Local
and Foresters

woody edges,
shruby areas,
herb mazar mund Iris napelensis _ common _ Own use rhizome _ _ traibals , Local
sunny grass
and Foresters

herb thol babul _ open fields common common whole plant medicinal fractures traibals , Local
and Foresters

Brassica Leaves are taken

herb Hakh _ garden common common Own use whole plant _ Farmers
oleracea as vegetable
Format 19: Wild Plant Species of Importance

1 2 3 4 5 6

Importance (as economic,

S.No Local Name Scientific Name Variety Status
social, cultural etc.)

Tree vir Salix alba alba used for manufacturing of bats Good

its ised as timber and also used

Tree brenn Ulmus wallichiana ulmus for manufacturing of apple Good

it has both timber value as well

Tree kikar Robinia pseudoacacia robinia Good
as used as fuel wood
Format 20: Aquatic Biodiversity

Waterscape Community
Scientific Associated Commercial
S. No. Type of Fish Local Name Variety Features (Pond/bheri / Local Status Uses Other Details Knowledge
Name TK Rearing
talao) Holders

Past Present

Elongate, fusiform Mode Fisheries

with short blunt & catching-cast degree
slightly prognathous Almost Present in nets, breeding holders &
Schizothroxcu Lakes, rivers breeding,
1 Do Satter Gad Indigenous upper jaw, body Present in all rivers, Food Fish No season-- Feb.- Department
rvifromis & streams natural
overall dark, lips thin water bodies streams June, of Fisheries
not expanded into omnivorous &Mahigir
wide folds. fish, Community.

Elongate, fusiform
with short snout, body
usually very dark, Lakes, Mostly in
2 Do Ale Gad Do mouth is sub-terminal streams & Do Rivers & Food Fish -do- No -do- -do-
& slightly rivers streams.
prognathous, barbs &
lower lip folds thick.
Elongate, fusiform
with a prognathous
upper jaw, a round
Schizothroxla Lakes, Lakes,
3 Do Chush Do lower jaw with a Do Food Fish -do- No -do- -do-
biatus rivers,Streams rivers,Streams
narrow & wide lip
folds usually separated
by a raised pad

Seed is
Deep, laterally
produced in
compressed body
which is dark brown
Culturing is
or grey dorsally,
Govt. &Pvt. Present in all done
lighter on sides & Food Fish Mode
Cyprinus fish farms, water bodies inearthen
4 Do Punjab Gad Exotic whitish underside, Not available (Animal Yes catching-cast -do-
carpio rivers, lakes, &Govt&Pvt. ponds of
mouth sub terminal protein), nets,
wetlands. fish farms dimension 3-
with thick lips, Rostral
kanals area,
& maxillary Barbels
water of pond
present, scales in
is replaced
lateral series 33-36
after 15 days,
Format 21: Wild Aquatic Plant Species of Importance

S. No. Local Name Scientific Name Variety Importance

1 Tape Grass Vallisneria spirallis -do- Food of aquatic life

2 Large Duck weed Lemna gibba -do- Habitate for aquatic life

3 Yellow water lilly Neymphaea maxicana -do- Habitate for aquatic life

4 Pond weed Potamogeton filiformis -do- Food of aquatic life

5 Winter Cress Barbarea internemedia Boreau aquatic Habitate for aquatic life

6 Saw Grass Cladium marious -do- -do-

7 Hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata -do- Food of aquatic life

8 Water Cress Nasturtium officinale -do- -do-

9 Cat Tail Typha augustata -do- Habitate for aquatic life

10 Duckweed Lemna minor -do- -do-

11 TrapaNatans Water Chestnut -do- Food

Format 22: Wild Plants of Medicinal Importance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Local Status Other details

Plant (Herb, Landscape / Community/
Local Name Scientific Name Variety Associated TK Uses (usage) Part used market/ own
Shrub, Tree) Habitat Know.holder
Past Present use

leaves, root
Herb mazar mund Iris napelensis Iridaceae grave yards common common rheumatic pain locals

Lavatera urinary
Herb saz posh Malvaceae wild common common ornamental root extract own use locals
cashmeriana irritation

seddative. flower, top,

Herb Bhang Canabis sativa Cannabaceae waste land common common market use locals
Hallucinating leaves

skin petals
Datura pain
Herb Datur Solanaceae waste land common common eruption,wound, decoction/leaf market use locals
stramonium management
asthama poluttice

Herb soi Urtica dioca Urticaceae waste land common common skin infections leaf locals

czech chen Oxalis

Herb Oxalidaceae wilds common common edible dysentary leaf own use locals
(khati bati) corniculata
Format 23: Wild relatives of Crops

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Local Status
Landscape / Community /
Local Name Scientific Name Associated crop Uses (usage) Part Used Associated TK Other details
Habitat Know holder
Past Present

plains and hilly

doon Juglans regia juglans common common dry fruit fruit medicinal timber locals

plains and hilly

hund Lycopsis arvensis lycopsis common common edible leaves medicinal locals

brenn ulmus hills/plains common common timber whole tree ………. hard wood locals

Robinia plains and hilly

kikar robinia common common timber whole tree fuel wood timber locals
pseudoacacia areas
Format 24: Ornamental Plants

Commercial/ Non- Community/Know.

S. No. Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Associated TK Any other detail
commercial uses holder

Summer annuals

1 Cock’s comb Celosia cristata Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

2 Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

3 Zinnia Zinnia elegans Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

4 Globe amaranth Gomphrena globosa Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
5 Salvia/Scarlet sage Salvia splendens Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Garden decoration/dye
6 Marigold Tagetes erecta Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

7 Petunia Petunia hybrida Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

8 Portulaca Portulaca grandiflora Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

9 Floss flower Ageratum houstonianum Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

10. China aster Callistephus chinensis Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
11. Garden nasturtium Tropaeolum majus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Garden decoration/Oil
12. Sunflower Helianthus annus Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

13. Spider flower/Cloeme Cleome hassleriana Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

14. Balsam Impatiens balsamina Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

15. Love lies bleeding Amaranthus caudatus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

16. Joseph’s coat Amaranthus tricolour Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
17. Bedding dahlia Dahlia spp. Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Winter annuals

Viola tricolor var

18. Pansy Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

Garden decoration/dye
19. Pot marigold Calendula officinalis Terrestrial - - -

20. Candytuft Iberis umbellata Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

21. Larkspur Delphenium ajacis Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

22. Corn flower Centaurea cyanus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

23. California poppy Echscholtzia california Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

24. Shirely poppy Papaver rhoeas Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

25. Satin flower Godetia grandiflora Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

26. Sweet william Dianthus barbatus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -

Cut flower/Garden
27. Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
28. Snapdragon Antirhinum majus Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

29. Fairy primrose Primula malacoides Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man


30. Chrysanths Chrysanthemum indicum Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Treasure flower/African
31. Gazania splendens Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

32. Canterbury bell Campanula medium Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
33. Verbena Verbena hybrida Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

34. Calliopsis/Tick seed Coreopsis tinctoria Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Bulbous plants

35. Dahlia/Pompons Dahlia pinnata Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

36. Day Lily Hemerocillis fulva Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Narcissus pseudo
37. Daffodils Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
38. Calla lily Zantedeschia aethiopica Terrestrial/moist shady Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

39. Asiatic lily Lilium auratum Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

40. Canna Canna indica Terrestrial/shady Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man

Garden decoration/Cut
41. Gerbera Gerbera jamsoni Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

Pot plants

42. Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man
43. Zabrina Tradescantia zebrina Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man

44. Rosemarry Salvia rosmarius Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man

45. Cactus Cactus spp. Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man


Avenue plantation, as
46. Ornamental plum Prunus domestica Terrestrial specimen tree for adding - - Gardener, Nursery man
colour to the landscape

Crape Myrtle Group plantation, avenue

47. Lagestroemia indica Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Specimen or avenue tree
48. Green Mapple Acer pseudoplatanus Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

Avenue plantation,
Weeping Willow
49. Salix babylonica Terrestrial Shade tree in gardens - - Gardener, Nursery man
and parks

Oriental Plane (Chinar) Specimen tree for

50. Platinus orientalis Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
providing shade

Avenue plantation,
Ornamental peach Specimen tree for adding
51. Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
colour to the

Avenue plantation and as

52. Judas tree Cercis siliquastrum Terrestrial specimen tree - - Gardener, Nursery man

Southern Magnolia/Bull
53. Magnolia grandiflora Terrestrial Specimen tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
54. Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica Terrestrial Avenue plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man

55. Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Terrestrial Avenue tree - - Gardener, Nursery man

Avenue plantation and

56. Red Maple Acer rubrum Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen tree

Avenue plantation and

57. Ornamental Fig Tree Ficus carica Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen tree

Solitary plantation for

58. Pagoda Tree Sophora Japonica Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
shade purpose

Avenue plantation
59. Italian Cypress Cupressus simper virens Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation
60. Himalayan Cypress Cupressus torulosa Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

Broad Leaved Group plantation and for

61. Ligustrum lucidum Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Privet/Glossy Privet topiary

Used as shade tree and

62. Indian Horse Chest Nut Aesculus indica Terrestrial as specimen - - Gardener, Nursery man

63. Chinese Wind Mill palm Trachycarpus fortunei Terrestrial Avenue tree - - Gardener, Nursery man


For group plantation and

Hydrangea also as edging and
64. Hydrangea macrophylla Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
hedging plant along the
65. Rose Spiraea Spiraea rosea Terrestrial Edging and hedging - - Gardener, Nursery man

Edging and hedging also

as ground cover. The
66. Lavender Lavandula offcinalis Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
flowers are source of
essential oil

Group and avenue

67. Weigela Weigela florida Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man

Hedging, Group
Forsythia /Easter Tree
68. Forsythia x intermedia Terrestrial plantation and as - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen plant

Hedging, Group plantion

69. Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Terrestrial and as - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen plant

Hedging, group
70. Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
and as specimen
Hedging, group
Summer Lilac/Butterfly
71. Buddleia davidii Terrestrial plantation and as - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen plant

72. Oleander Nerium indicum Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man

Floribunda Rose
73. Rosa floribunda Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man

74. Grandiflora rose Rosa grandiflora Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man

75. Miniature Rose Rosa spp. Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man

76. Japanese Marigold Bush Kerria japonica Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Santolina/Lavender- Santolina Ground cover, edging
77. Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Cotton chamaecyparissus and as pot plant

Group plantation and as

78. Ornamental pomegranate Punica granatum Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen tree

Group plantation and

79. Juniper Juniperus erecta Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
avenue plantation

80. Juniperus horizontallis Terrestrial Ground cover - - Gardener, Nursery man
Juniper/Creeping Cedar

Edging, hedging and for

81. Box Honey Suckle Lonicera nitida Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
topiary work

82. Climbing Rose Rosa setigera Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man

83. English Ivy Hedera helix Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man

84. Himalayan Ivy Hedera nepalensis Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man

85. Trumpet Vine Campsis radicens Terrestrial Flowering climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Format 25: Fumigate / Chewing Plants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Local status

Plant Community knowledge

Local Name Scientific Name Variety Habitat uses Part used Ass.TK Other details
(herb,shrub,Tree) holder
Past Present

Metricaria every
Shrub Faki gassi abundant abundant insect repellent leaves age old persons
chamomilla where

shrub Pahel gassi Achillia millifolia abundant abundant insect repellent leaves age old persons
Format 26: Timber Plants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Local Status
Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Other Uses, if any Associated TK Other Details
Knowledge Holder
Past Present

Mesquite Tree (Kikar Robinia

hilly and plains common common fuel wood - market and own farmers
Kul) pseudoacacia

Chinar (booen) Platinus orientalis plains and hilly common common timber/fuel wood - market and own farmers

Poplar (Fraess) Populus deltoides moist places common common soft wood - market and own farmers

Willow (Veer) Salix alba moist places common common basket making - market and own farmers

ELM (Brenn) Ulmus wallichiana shady places common common fuel wood - market and own farmers
Walnut (doon Kul) Juglans regia plains and hilly common common timber - market and own farmers
Format 27 A: Coastal and Marine Flora

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Local Status

Parts Collected Commercial Uses Community/

Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Other Uses Associated TK
(if any) (if any) Knowledge Holder
Past Present

Format 27 B: Coastal and Marine Fauna

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Local Status
Parts collected Commercial Uses Associated Community/ Knowledge
Animal Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Other Uses
(if any) (if any) TK Holder
Past Present

Format 28: Wild Animals (Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, Insects, others)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Local Status
Mode of
Scientific Season when hunting Community/
Animal Type Local Name Habitat Description Uses (if any) Associated TK Other details
Name seen (collection if Know. Holder
Past Present any)

reptile Snake - - - Common Common - - - - -

dogs come in a
found in
Canis lupus association if gets vopilent
mammal dog variety of round the year Common Common - - dustbin hunter -
familiaris with humans may bite
shapes and

found in frog is spotted

produce sound
ponds, tanks olive green and during crop
amphibia frog Rana tigrina Common Common - - during crop -
pools, ditches ventral pale season
etc yellow
absent from
It is a compact
bird with a full
Passer woodlands,
bird House sparrow chest and a round the year Common Common - - - - -
domesticus deserts,
large, rounded
forests, and

are stocky
birds & have
ornamentation Pigeons and
terrestrial (such as crests were used as
habitats from and colorful messengers
bird pigeon temperate eye rings) and round the year Common Common - during war - - -
areas to the iridescent times and are
tropics feathers on the sometimes
neck, breast, kept as pets
back, wings
and face

eat carrion,
large, black which helps by
found in most
birds with a removing dead
bird crow Corvus corax types of round the year Common Common - - - -
wedge-shaped animals that
tail may harbor
found in open
and semi-open They are dark
Golden eagles
Aquila habitats from brown raptors
bird golden eagle round the year Common Common - occasionally - - -
chrysaetos sea level to with long,
kill livestock
3600 m broad wings

Its head,
bulbul throat, and feeds on
frequents crest are black insects and
forests and and white. The other small
bird bulbul shrubland and back, side, and round the year Common Common - - - invertebrates, -
also comes lengthy tail are as well as
into gardens brown, the berries, fruits,
and parks underside is etc
pale yellow.

mynas have
mynas may be
yellow bills,
helpful in
legs, and eye
Acridotheres reducing insect
bird common myna temperate tropical
They are round the year Common Common - - - -
tristis populations in
dark brown
with a black

rocky large rodents

bird parcupine outcrops, hill with coats of round the year Common rare - - - - -
sides sharp spines
splashed with
brown and
grey, and has a
Bubo illy and rocky
bird Owl white throat round the year Common Common - - - - -
bengalensis scrub forests
patch with
black small
Format 29 Flora

Remarks (Rare/Common
S. No. Local Name Scientific Name Type of plants Habitat Flowering season

1 Verbena Verbena hybrida Perennial Terrestrial June-October Rare

2 Calliopsis/Tick seed Coreopsis tinctoria Perennial Terrestrial April-July Rare

3 Dahlia/Pompons Dahlia pinnata Tuberous Terrestrial Early Spring Common

4 Day Lily Hemerocallis fulva Bulbous Terrestrial May-June Rare

5 Daffodils Narcissus pseudo narcissus Bulbous Terrestrial March-April Common

6 Calla lily Zantedeschia aethiopica Rhizomatous Terrestrial/moist shady May-July Rare

7 Asiatic lily Lilium auratum Bulbous Terrestrial April-August Common

8 Canna Canna indica Rhizomatous Terrestrial/shady July-August Rare

9 Salvia/Scarlet sage Salvia splendens Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

10 Marigold Tagetes erecta Summer annual Terrestrial April-October Common

11 Petunia Petunia hybrida Summer annual Terrestrial June-October Common

12 Portulaca Portulaca grandiflora Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

13 Floss flower Ageratum houstonianum Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

14 Cock’s comb Celosia cristata Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

15 Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus Summer annual Terrestrial June-October Common

16 Zinnia Zinnia elegans Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

17 Globe amaranth Gomphrena globosa Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

18 China aster Callistephus chinensis Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

19 Garden nasturtium Tropaeolum majus Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

20 Sunflower Helianthus annus Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

21 Spider flower/Cloeme Cleome hassleriana Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

22 Balsam Impatiens balsamina Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

23 Love lies bleeding Amaranthus caudatus Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

24 Joseph’s coat Amaranthus tricolour Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Rare

25 Bedding dahlia Dahlia spp. Summer annual Terrestrial August-October Common

26 Pansy Viola tricolor var hortensis Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Common

27 Pot marigold Calendula officinalis Winter annual Terrestrial April-October Common

28 Candytuft Iberis umbellata Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Rare

29 Larkspur Delphenium ajacis Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Rare

30 Corn flower Centaurea cyanus Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Rare

31 California poppy Echscholtzia california Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Common

32 Shirely poppy Papaver rhoeas Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Common

31 Satin flower Godetia grandiflora Winter annual Terrestrial April-June Rare

32 Sweet william Dianthus barbatus Winter annual Terrestrial March-June Common

33 Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus Winter annual Terrestrial May-October Rare

34 Snapdragon Antirhinum majus Winter annual Terrestrial May-October Common

35 Fairy primrose Primula malacoides Winter annual Terrestrial March-May Common

36 Chrysanths Chrysanthemum indicum Perennial Terrestrial October-December Common

Treasure flower/African
37 Gazania splendens Perennial Terrestrial May-August Rare

38 Canterbury bell Campanula medium Perennial Terrestrial April-July Rare

39 Gerbera Gerbera jamsoni - Terrestrial April-October Common

40 Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens Pot plant Terrestrial April-October Rare

41 Zabrina Tradescantia zebrina Pot plant Terrestrial April-October Rare

42 Rosemarry Salvia rosmarius Pot plant Terrestrial May-October Rare

43 Cactus Cactus spp. Pot plant Terrestrial Evergreen Common

44 Ornamental plum Prunus domestica Ornamental tree Terrestrial Spring Rare

Crape Myrtle Mid-summer i.e. June,

45 Lagestroemia indica Ornamental tree Terrestrial Rare

46 Green Mapple Acer pseudo platanus Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Rare

Weeping Willow
47 Salix babylonica Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Rare

Oriental Plane (Chinar)

48 Platinus orientalis Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Common

Ornamental peach
49 Ornamental tree Terrestrial Early spring Rare

50 Judas tree Cercis siliquastrum Ornamental tree Terrestrial April-May Rare

Southern Magnolia/Bull
51 Magnolia grandiflora Ornamental tree Terrestrial April-May Rare
52 Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Rare

53 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Ornamental tree Terrestrial March-April Common

54 Red Maple Acer rubrum Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Rare

55 Ornamental Fig Tree Ficus carica Ornamental tree Terrestrial March-April Rare

56 Pagoda Tree Sophora Japonica Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Common

57 Italian Cypress Cupressus simpervirens Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Common

58 Himalayan Cypress Cupressus torulosa Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Common

Broad Leaved
59 Ligustrum lucidum Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Common
Privet/Glossy Privet

60 Indian Horse Chest Nut Aesculus indica Ornamental tree Terrestrial May-June Common

61 Chinese Wind Mill palm Trachycarpus fortunei Ornamental tree Terrestrial - Rare

62 Hydrangea macrophylla Ornamental shrub Terrestrial Mid- summer Rare
63 Rose Spiraea Spiraea rosea Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Rare

64 Lavender Lavandula offcinalis Ornamental shrub Terrestrial June-July Common

65 Weigela Weigela florida Ornamental shrub Terrestrial June-July Rare

Forsythia /Easter Tree

66 Forsythia x intermedia Ornamental shrub Terrestrial March-April Rare

67 Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Common

68 Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus Ornamental shrub Terrestrial March-April Common

Summer Lilac/Butterfly
69 Buddleia davidii Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Rare

70 Oleander Neriumindicum Ornamental shrub Terrestrial June-August Rare

Floribunda Rose
71 Rosa floribunda Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Common

72 Grandiflora rose Rosa grandiflora Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Common

73 Miniature Rose Rosa spp. Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Rare

74 Japanese Marigold Bush Kerria japonica Ornamental shrub Terrestrial May-June Rare

75 Santolina chamaecyparissus Ornamental shrub Terrestrial June-July Rare

76 Ornamental pomegranate Punica granatum Ornamental shrub Terrestrial July-August Rare

77 Juniper Juniperus erecta Ornamental shrub Terrestrial - Common

78 Juniperus horizontallis Ornamental shrub Terrestrial - Common
Juniper/Creeping Cedar

79 Box Honey Suckle Lonicera nitida Ornamental shrub Terrestrial - Rare

80 Climbing Rose Rosa setigera Ornamental creeper Terrestrial May-June Common

81 English Ivy Hedera helix Ornamental creeper Terrestrial - Common

82 Himalayan Ivy Hedera nepalensis Ornamental creeper Terrestrial - Common

83 Trumpet Vine Campsis radicens Ornamental creeper Terrestrial June-July Common

Format 30: Fauna

1 2 3 4 5 6

Type of Animals (Mammals /

Sr. No. Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Remarks (Rare / Common etc.)
Birds / Fish / Insect etc.)

found in association with humans

1 dog Canis lupus familiaris mammal common

absent from uninhabited

2 House sparrow Passer domesticus bird woodlands, deserts, forests, and common

bulbul frequents forests and

3 bulbul Pycnonotus leucogenys bird shrubland and also comes into common
gardens and parks
Format 31: Any other information of local importance

1 2 3

S. No. Information of local importance Remarks


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