Performance of Shallow Reinforced Concrete Beams With Externally Bonded Steel-Reinforced Polymer
Performance of Shallow Reinforced Concrete Beams With Externally Bonded Steel-Reinforced Polymer
Performance of Shallow Reinforced Concrete Beams With Externally Bonded Steel-Reinforced Polymer
The application of steel-reinforced polymer (SRP) composites in mechanics of materials using micromechanical models. The
structural strengthening is a new concept based on the use of high- transverse tensile modulus and Poisson’s ratio could also be
strength steel cord. This paper presents the results of an experi- estimated analytically, though with less accuracy. The trans-
mental program on the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete verse compressive modulus could not be accurately deter-
(RC) beams strengthened with SRP, including the performance of
mined from micromechanics.
epoxy resin versus cementitious grout to impregnate and bond SRP
to concrete, as well as the feasibility of nailing the SRP to prevent Experimental studies have been carried out on the use of
peeling. The use of cementitious grout is highly relevant as it could fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems for flexural
overcome the issue of fire resistance and further reduce the cost of strengthening (Fanning and Kelly 2001; Breña et al. 2003;
the strengthening system. Test results were compared to those from Shin and Lee 2003). No systematic testing has been
beams strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) conducted yet on concrete elements strengthened using SRP
under the same experimental program. This preliminary work laminates. To investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced
shows the high potential of SRP strengthening systems and identifies concrete (RC) beams strengthened with SRP composites,
some critical issues that should be investigated next in order to
two different types of steel tape with medium and high densities,
optimize the effectiveness of the proposed strengthening solution.
respectively, were used at University of Naples, Italy, to
Keywords: anchorage; epoxy; fibers; flexure; grout; polymer; steel;
strengthen seven RC beams using cementitious grout and
strength. epoxy resin and tested to failure under a quasi-static loading.
Arrays of nail anchors were used on two of these beams to
INTRODUCTION fasten the steel tape adhered with cementitious grout to
The steel cord of piano wire used as the reinforcement for prevent peeling. Two additional RC beams, strengthened
radial tires is among the strongest of industrial materials. It with a comparable amount of unidirectional carbon FRP
comprises twisted pearlite steel filaments that have been (CFRP) laminates, were tested and compared with those
strengthened by drawing to an ultra-fine diameter (0.20 to strengthened with SRP composites.
0.35 mm) and its strength is higher than alloyed steel. The
use of steel cord to upgrade steel, wood, or concrete members RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
in both new construction and retrofit applications is an The research demonstrates the feasibility of strengthening
emerging concept in composite reinforcement. This reinforce- RC beams using externally bonded SRP and represents a
ment is varied between the highly twisted cords, for optimum first step toward the development of a novel strengthening
ductility, and slightly twisted cords, which are more open to material system for structural upgrade.
allow resin penetration, yet maintain cable-like properties
(Hardwire LLC 2002). The shape of the steel cord functions
the way the threads act on a screw, forming a mechanical
interlock to the matrix, resulting in short development lengths. A total of 11 RC shallow beams, 400 x 200 x 3700 mm in
The steel cords are coated with either zinc or brass and size, were cast. The stirrups were 8 mm-diameter steel bars
then aligned to form a steel tape that has very high strength spaced at 100 mm center-to-center. For all specimens, two
and stiffness and is economical to produce (Hardwire LLC 8 mm-diameter steel bars were used as compression reinforce-
2002). The density of the steel tape ranges from 1.6 to 9.0 ment. Five 18 mm-diameter bars were used as tensile reinforce-
cords per centimeter to meet the requirement of reinforce- ment for the reference beam (Beam U) (Table 1); for the
ment, viscosity of resin, and cosmetic application. No remaining ten, a deficiency in steel reinforcement area (due
special resin is required for wetting steel cord reinforcement, for example to a construction or design error, or to structural
as is required for glass and carbon fiber where fiber sizing deterioration) was simulated by using five 10 mm-diameter
plays a critical role. Once the steel tape is impregnated with steel bars as tensile reinforcement. Apart from a second
resin and turns into steel-reinforced polymer (SRP), it is well beam left as a control specimen (Beam D), the potential of
protected and it is expected to have satisfactory corrosion emerging strengthening techniques was assessed by
resistance (Tashito et al. 1999); however, this aspect requires upgrading the nine remaining beams using two different
more careful investigation. types of steel tape, namely 3X2 cord (Type A) and 12X cord
Huang et al. (2004) reported on a series of ASTM standard (Type B), and CFRP laminates (Type C) (Table 1).
tests of representative SRP specimens. The work included a
comparison between theoretical and experimental results. ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, No. 2, March-April 2006.
MS No. 03-320 received February 22, 2005, and reviewed under Institute publication
They found that the tensile and compressive moduli in the policies. Copyright © 2006, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
direction of the steel cord, the in-plane shear modulus, and the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent
discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the January-February
the tensile axial strength could be accurately predicted by 2007 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by September 1, 2006.
Before testing the beam specimens, characteristics of the
traditional materials were verified and found to be consistent
with the design assumption. Concrete cubes (with side of
150 mm) showed an average compressive strength of
approximately 40.1 MPa. For the reinforcing steel bars
(three samples per diameter), average values of 500 MPa,
600 MPa, and 12% were found for the yield strength, the
Fig. 4—Geometry and reinforcement of strengthened beams ultimate strength, and the ultimate strain, respectively.
(dimensions in mm). The load-midspan deflection curves of tested beams are
depicted in Fig. 6 to 8, which show the trends of each group
INSTRUMENTATION of beams strengthened with same material systems
All beams were instrumented to record global and local compared with the response of the two unstrengthened
parameters. The midspan deflection was measured by a beams. Values of loads and midspan deflections at first
vertical linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT). cracking (Fcr and δcr), yielding of tensile steel bars (Fy and
Three horizontal LVDTs were placed on one side of the δy) and ultimate (Fu and δu) are summarized in Table 1. The
specimen to record displacements over a length of 0.35 m first cracking of Beam U occurred at a load of 13.6 kN, while
across the midspan at depths of 5, 55, and 175 mm from the Beam D showed the first crack at a load of approximately
compressive fiber, respectively. On the opposite side, crack 9.2 kN. After first cracking, a loss of stiffness occurred for
width and concrete shortening were measured using demec both beams; curves highlight a change in slope that is more
targets placed 50 mm center-to-center on a total length of significant for Beam D than for U (Fig. 6). The shapes of the
0.55 m at the same depth of the LVDTs on the other side of load-deflection curves indicate another loss of stiffness at
the beam. Readings were taken at selected load levels. A loads of 141.4 and 43.3 kN for Beams U and D, respectively.
total of 20 strain gauges were used during each test to This is due to yielding of the tensile reinforcement that
measure strains on the externally bonded reinforcement. occurred at midspan deflections of 35.7 and 25.1 mm,
Depending on width and number of plies, the strain gauge respectively. After these thresholds, the behavior of both
arrangement slightly changed for each beam. In general, beams was characterized by large flexural cracks and then
The analysis of the test results is conducted first with
respect to beams strengthened with the same external
reinforcement (3X2 tape, 12X tape, or CFRP laminate); and
then, beams using similar ρeq with different materials are
compared. Remarks on the influence of different reinforcement
type and layout on crack widths are also presented while
experimental-theoretical comparison in terms of strength,
crack widths, and deflections are reported elsewhere (Prota et al.
2004; Ceroni et al. 2004).
Fig. 13—Nail bearing in Beam B-3. For each group of beams strengthened with the same
system, the following can be highlighted:
1. Up to the yielding of the internal steel reinforcing bars,
(Teng et al. 2001). The epoxy allowed Beam B1 a better the slope of the load-deflection curve of Beam A-3 was very
engagement of the concrete substrate than that provided by similar to that of A-1, which had an external tape area of only
the cementitious grout on Beam B2; this can be observed by half of that in A-3. Beam A-2, equivalent to A-3 in terms of
comparing Fig. 11 and 12. The failure of Beams B-3 and B-4 tape area, exhibited a stiffer behavior before steel yielding.
was also due to interfacial debonding after nail-bearing This is also evidenced by the fact that average crack widths
failure (Fig. 13). were almost identical for Beams A-1 and A-3, but were
CFRP laminates increased cracking loads of Beams C-1 wider than those exhibited by Beam A-2. Considering that
and C-2 (13.8 and 15.6 kN, respectively) when compared crack spacing was similar for all tested beams and approximately
with reference Beam D (Fig. 8). The loss of stiffness due to equal to the stirrup spacing (100 mm), outcomes provided by
cracking was more significant for Beam C-1 than that of C-2, Group A beams suggest that the capability of the externally
having twice the external FRP area. This determined also bonded SRP to reduce crack width and to stiffen the member