Transcript DVD13-01 David Mundy Genus Epidemicus
Transcript DVD13-01 David Mundy Genus Epidemicus
Transcript DVD13-01 David Mundy Genus Epidemicus
Student: Yes.
Student: We discovered that there was a homework set in Year 2 on Genus Epidemicus with a slightly
different angle on it.
Student: You were here on Saturday 14th May, well not here, in the other classes. This was ’05. Starts with
a quote from paragraph 99. Acute cases are easy, you said. Everything in the patient is novel and striking
no digging necessary so lots easier to take acute cases.
Student: I remember you gave an example of a carcinoma attack for the immune system- oh no sorry…!
Student: Is it a group?
Student: Give Carcinosin to Jehovah’s Witness when they come to your door!
I know. What do you give Roman Catholics or Rastafarians?! Yes, Genus Epidemicus . Do you know
how the term came about? You know what it is basically – what is Genus Epidemicus , someone tell
Student: Its when there’s an epidemic of a disease. Like Cholera. And the symptoms everyone has fit pretty
much one picture, or maybe two or three. And so you can treat, you can decide on a small group of
remedies to treat the epidemic rather than having to individualise each case.
All the symptoms of all the individual sufferers are added to together…
Student: Yes.
Student: Yes.
There will be characteristics of that particular epidemic. We call it the flu but some flu’s are gastric,
some flu’s are whatever. They have different characteristics about them. So you take a group of
people, as many of possible, and you add all the symptoms together and you see the common
symptoms. But you know how it came about? You know how Hanhemann came to this idea, which
greatly increased is popularity in the are where he was working?
Student: Cholera?
No, that came later. He was treating a family and then after a while the whole family went down
with Scarlet fever so he went to treat them. And the remedy for Scarlet Fever in Hahnemann’s day
was what?
Student: Belladonna.
He noticed that the one child who didn’t get Scarlet Fever was the one he gave Belladonna to for
something else. So he put two and two together and figured that seeing that this child had had
Belladonna it had actually provided him with some immunity. So he was able to go and use the
Genus Epidemicus in a prophylactic way. So once he discovered the main remedy for the epidemic
he could give that remedy to people who weren’t’ suffering but it would act in a preventative way.
Pretty cool, eh? Good discovery. And he found about 75% of people in an epidemic would need the
main remedy, the Genus Epidemicus remedy if you like. About 75%. And then 15% would need
another remedy. And then the final 10% would need any remedy; there’d be a wide range of
remedies just for that 10%. So maybe in an outbreak of measles the main remedy is Pulsatilla. Do
you remember treating measles, Misha?
Misha: I do.
Pulsatilla and Byronia. So 75% would need say Pulsatilla, 15% would Byronia, and 10% would need
Antarda Cruda or whatever. This was the idea and very useful for a homeopath because once you
can identify the main remedies in an E, it makes your work a lot easier. A few quick calls on the
phone to differentiate.
Student: How do you differentiate if you’re giving it prophylactically though? If you’re giving it
prophylactically and say you’ve got cholera and you’ve got three, how do you decide which one to give as a
Student: How’s it indicated if you’re giving it prophylatically. Oh I see, the main one.
Lets say cholera, let’s say Camphor is the main remedy, then you give everyone Camphor.
Student: And if someone’s been given Camphor and they get in then you give the second one.
If you give someone the main remedy and they get you treat the symptoms of course. But it’s
Student: Is that right? What if you see someone who has a general susceptibility more like the second or
third remedy, wouldn’t you... if they’ve generally indicated a remedy that say the 15% remedy has more
affinity for, wouldn’t you most likely give them that prophylactically?
I’m not quite understanding what you’re saying. There’s an epidemic going on
Student: Right.
And at that point, when you realise that, then you give Camphor to everyone.
You have to give it to everyone because you don’t know what that 15% are going to manifest. But
after you’ve been treating it for a while you may decide that as well as Camphor, Cuprum is well
indicated as well.
Student: Okay.
Now I mean you could give both if you like, but the most sensible one is to give the most likely one,
which is Camphor. But then if the poor unfortunate individual is given the prophylactic and
succumbs then you treat the symptoms. Unlikely if you’ve given them the Camphor because they
should have been immune to the Camphor type of cholera. I remember Jeremy said he had a child
with whopping cough once and the mother said that the child had caught the whooping cough off
his friend. So he took the symptoms of the patient but he also phoned the mother of the other
child and said, "What are the symptoms?" And he added them together and that helped him find
the remedy, because he wasn’t sure what to give but when he spoke to the mother of the other
child she gave him additional information. So he added it to what he had got on his patient and
was able to cure the patient. Cool. My favourite word today.
Childhood disease are another type of epidemic aren’t they, they’re a separate category, called by
Hahnemann, outbreaks of Psora. Acute outbreaks. Following more or less defined patterns I
remember once I had a mother who phoned me up whose child had measles. I said, "Give me the
symptoms." She said, "He’s lying in his bed, he doesn’t want to be disturbed, he’s got his back to
the door and every so often he’ll just shout, Water!" We give him a glass of water, he guzzles it all
down and then he turns his back and goes back to sleep. Wonderful picture, eh? Very clear picture.
And she said, "He’s very delirious." Last night he was ranting and raving about his toys. So I
thought, delirium, talks of business, in a child’s way. So what am I going to give him?
Student: Byronia?
Yep, Byronia. So they had Byronia 1m in the house, so they gave him Byronia 1m and then they
settled down to watch TV and about half an hour later the door suddenly opened and he was fully
dressed with his favourite toy under his arm saying he was going to go out and play with his best
friend. This was about 12 o’clock at night! So they put him back to bed. These remarkable cures
stay in your head. Very quick.
How are things changed these days, because in the last 50 or 60 years modern medicine has
systematically vaccinated most of the population so we don’t hear of measles – very rarely. And
whooping cough is rare. What tends to happen – a sort of mutation takes place.
Student: You get people getting sort of measles or sort of whooping cough, maybe whooping cough
without the whoop.
Yes, coughs that can drag on for months sometimes. Personally, every few years I would get the flu.
And my flu would consist of high temperature, couldn’t move, would go to bed and after about a
week you recover and that’s it. But for the past 6 or 7 years, every year or every other year I get a
type of flu that gives me the symptoms of flu but in a milder form. I feel achy, I feel shivery, and I
take my temperature – its normal. I develop a mild cough and it just drags on and on for 6 weeks or
so. The last one I had was like that. Maybe it’s just me!
Student: I remember last winter, you were here and you were unwell.
I’m not vaccinating myself no, but I have been vaccinated when I was younger. When I was in my
thirties or forties I got full blown flu and things. What about your experience, Misha?
Misha: Flu’s?
Misha: Yeah. Limp. And I get achy in my body, especially my legs, and I take Bear up the hill with
But it’s interesting you can go up the hill with Bear. Because if it was a real flu you wouldn’t be able
Misha: Sorry!
Student: Is it fair to say, when I’ve noticed my health and my children’s health, when I’ve had colds and flu
in the past they’d fit a more generic pattern and how people would perceive them…
Student: …and then after years and years of working with homeopathy and being more my own person in
terms of health and disease, I have my own patch of symptoms, as it were.
Student: Well, I don’t do traditional flu or traditional colds anymore, like I used to, because I seem to have
cleared my systems of all the vaccinations and muck that used to go in.
Student: But I notice the difference between the children between different levels of vaccination that
they’ve had. So the one that’s the youngest that’s had no vaccination at all seems to seek out childhood
disease even in their mutant form. Her measles was Rhus Tox, was the only thing that would hit it on the
head. But I knew that if I took her to a doctor it would be, Well that’s kind of measles like. But it wasn’t…
I went to Ireland last weekend and one of the participants was a parent who had a child who caught
measles but they were living a sort of alternative lifestyle and refusing to vaccinate – interesting
that that came up again, reared its head up –
Student: There’s supposed to be an epidemic again in the south of England, there was a programme on
about a month ago, encouraging people to get the m vaccinated, so you speed up the vaccination process
so you start them younger and repeat more often.
With a big emphasis on responsible parents are – because of the MMR scandal – sort of, getting lots of
people on saying its perfectly safe and you must get your children vaccinated.
I talked about Hahnemann's day when 75% needed one remedy, 15% need – I don’t think that’s
true today. We need more remedies. I personally find it difficult to give one remedy. Because you
can always phone the homeopathic helpline because they deal with acutes all the time. So they
would know, hopefully, the most likely remedy in an epidemic if you were a bit stuck.
Student: What – you can ring them up and ask what’s the remedy for this E?
Yes. Don’t worry, you’ll pay £1.50 per minute. They’re very happy to talk to you for hours about it!
Yes, Frances and David Needleham. Open every day from 9 til 12 including Christmas Day. It’s
amazing isn’t it? I’d hate to be that available.
Student: It’s not just them, though; surely, there must be more people?
I don’t know how many others are there. I think they take it in turns. Shifts.
Chapter 2 of 3
Student: Its amazing the difference this year to last year, in…
There was a programme on Horizon, did you see it? I meant to watch it, I recorded it but I didn’t get
a chance to watch it. An hour and a half on we’re all going to die, basically. Typical Horizon.
Pictures of deserted streets in London taken at 1 o’clock in the morning on a Sunday, people
wearing masks, you know. Corpses being wheeled out and burned in huge piles.
Student: I was just listening to something on the radio saying they’re not worried anymore and its not as
Student: We don’t know what it will look like if it does transmute and there hasn’t been a human-to-
human transfer case yet, that requires a transmutation. Hasn’t happened yet.
Student: Yeah.
I’ve got a suggestion – if we take all the bird remedies together and potentise them and take them
as a prophylactic!
Its very interesting isn’t it, if there was bird flu and lots of people died it would be ironic that snakes
and spiders that should kill you don’t and birds do. Chickens kill you. It’s like Steve Irvine, playing
with crocodiles for years, playing with poisonous snakes; he goes for a swim with a relatively
harmless stingray, and it stabs him in the heart. There’s a bit of irony for you. I must watch this
Horizon programme. What was that? You don’t have a television? Its like a radio, you see there’s a
screen, and you plug it into the mains…
Student: I only worked out who he was recently – he’s dead? Wow. And he got killed by a stingray?
He did, and nobody knows what happened, he was swimming over it and nobody knows if he
irritated it but the stingray didn’t like him and anyway the word got round that Steve Irvine’s
having a swim, the crocodiles spoke to the stingrays and that was it. Telegram.
Student: Australia.
Probably Australia. The most deadly place in the world to live. More deadly animals per square
metre than anywhere else in the world.
Student: Wow.Blimey.
We’ve brought it on ourselves, sociologically and economically. By trying to make food cheaper and
cheaper you mass-produce animals, so we have mass-produced meat and mass-produced chickens
so it’s not surprising that they’re going to get sick eventually. All shot full of antibiotics anyway,
and eventually they stop working. So in a way when we’re reaping the result of this. I remember a
time when I was young when chicken was like a luxury. Chicken for Sunday lunch – fantastic. And
now it’s cheaper than any other meat.
Student: What’s your theory on why your getting flu’s that last 6 weeks now – personally?
Student: I don’t know. Whether it’s working in the health industry, whether that has an impact. Or
whether its society as a whole, lifestyle.
I’ve noticed that other people also suffer from these, not just me. My patients suffer from these
subdued flu’s rather than have a full blow, get it all over. That’s what children do, isn’t it, when they
get acutes, it’s a storm and then its over because they have much more vitality, Also in children the
thymus gland is active, in adults its shrunk. It’s all part of the immune system that enables them to
react in that way.
Student: Also the scenario you describe, the long, lingering semi-chronic is in very general terms it mirrors
the progression of disease in society. It was more do or die with TB, syphilis and all of those, without so
much interference, but nowadays the population is suffering with longer disease.
Also, weak people used to die in their youth in the past and now they don’t.
In the past 10, 15 years I purposely haven’t taken on more children patients. Before, when my life
was more settled and I lived in one place for more than 2 years I used to treat families and kids,
used to treat a lot of kids, but in the past 10, 15 years because of my nomadic lifestyle I’ve tended
to not to take on children because if you have a practice full of children you have to be in one place,
you have to be there for acutes, that’s where the phone calls come from, mostly. Young patients.
Not adults. So I haven’t had the experience in recent years of treating these big epidemics in
children because children tend to get again, acute diseases more frequently than adults. Have you
found anything, Mish, in terms - do you treat young people?
Misha: Yes I do, stable as I am. Children tend to get more acutes than adults, they certainly do.
Misha: It’s a great theory. In practice I’ve not been helped by it.
This 75%...
Misha: I think Dave’s idea of contacting the homeopathic helpline is rally good, because lets say I have a
caseload of two dozen children, can’t find anything for that, have to take each one individually, so it’s a
great theory but I can’t apply it.
Misha: You see? And getting in touch with the homeopathic helpline is a good plan but I have a small
caseload, which in a sense is great because I can take the case of each individual child. In depth, and
question, and find that….
Student: Last year at my son’s school, 40% of the school were off with the same thing. Actually in one
week. Including the teachers.
Student: Yes, like a gastric flu. And it went round about 10 to 12 schools in the area. And between 30 and
40% of each school was shut. And in the end there were schools that didn’t even open because there
weren’t enough children going in. There was one particularly bad week and it lasted a couple of weeks
altogether. So I treated my son individually for that, because he was off and he was ill. But that, I suppose
is a sort of Genus Epidemicus because so many children were effected, same sort of thing. So could you
have conceivably then taken a number of cases to try to get…
Looking for reference works, I found a really interesting article that I’d like to read – or some of it.
This is an article by Greg Bedayn who practices in California. And so he says here:
“Six years ago there was an article in a San Francisco Chronicle about an epidemic that was killing
the northern Californian sheep population. They referred to it as ergot poison. One of the finest
schools of veterinary science in the country, the University of California, threw up their hands in
frustration and declare it an Act of God.”
“I dialled the operator and asked for the phone number of the two ranchers named in the article. I
called both. The second one had many sheep that were effected and we had a long conversation. I
was told that ergot smut is a seasonal mould that grows on the autumn grass found in the typically
foggy Californian coast. But only grows in the absence of rain which would otherwise wash off the
So if there’s a shortage of rain for sometime the mould builds up and the sheep come down with
this problem.
“The sheep’s symptoms were of a neuralgic convulsive sort. The stricken animals would quaver and
shake and go so stiff they could no longer balance their bodies on the feet and they would topple
An almost humorous image there isn’t it. Sorry about that, poor sheep.
“The anxiety mounting, the seizure would only worsen if approached by man or beast. They would
die within an hour or two if not rescued. Interestingly when the ranchers found sheep in this state
they would hold their hand over the animals eyes and slowly the animal would clam down and
allow itself to be lifted to its feet, at which point it would gallop off…”
Yeah, but then it might run and jump over a cliff because they don’t see where they’re going
because they’re all in a state.
“Ten thousand animals…many dying daily…a rancher videotaped the evening feeding process and
mailed it to me, saying he’d be interested if homeopathy could help his animals. The video showed
some of the symptoms very clearly, so I packed a field kit of remedies.”
So any idea what he took with him? Of course not, because you haven’t seen the video – sorry
about that! Anyway they were sort of convulsing and heads going back and eyes rolling and tongue
lolling out.
Student: Cuprum?
One remedy he didn’t take was Cuprum. He took Lolium, Ustilago, which is actually made from the
smut Strychnimum, Nux Vomica and Solanium Nigrum that’s potato. He didn’t take Solanium
Nigrutin Agitans which would have been better I would of thought but anyway – Secale, and a few
others. And he also telephoned late great George McCloud in Scotland who suggested Belladonna
followed by Strychnimum. But before he could apply his remedies the rains came. But, it doesn’t
matter because something happened next where he managed to go again.
“A few days later I gathered my travel kit, we drove to the ranch located a few miles 1 hour from
north San Francisco. He arrived and inspected the herd.” This is a new epidemic. “There were two
distinctive problem groups. For example, some of the lambs were suffering form failure to thrive
and a marasmus, which we repertorised as general emaciation. The lambs were from just a few
hours to five days old and they all looked emaciated. Some appeared as if they didn’t know how to
suckle. Many of the lambs were gaunt, back arched up, head hanging down with droopy ears. The
sheep on the other hand had no emaciation but instead had a transient ataxia made worse from
any touch or loud noises. These shakers would become anxious when approached and when we
moved closer to them their shaking was suddenly much worse and trying to run away they would
usually fall down in a position of – this is a word I can’t pronounce – opisthotonus. Is that right?
Head thrown back, chest bowed out, limbs straight and rigid. Once they had fallen down their
breathing would normally get faster and faster. In extreme cases the mouth would open, the
tongue would appear thickened, the air passage was cut off with an accelerated heart rate and
death would follow. Just before death they would go into a frenzied fit, eyes bulging, lips pulled
back tight on the teeth. The body in totemic rigidity. Repeatedly I asked the ranchers if there were
any cases of gangrene, bleeding, discharges from the sheep in trying to confirm the remedy Secale.
Repeatedly I was told, “No mate, they don’t get that”. I read everything I could on ergot and
ergotism. The source has an interesting history, being the substance from which lysergic acid, LSD,
is made.” Isn’t this interesting? This is Northern California. “These ranchers happened to be in the
county where much of the acid generation of the 1960s was spawned and I grew excited,
anticipating a case of metamorphic naturalism.
Chapter 3 of 3
Where the in nature characteristics of the similimum are reflected in the characteristics of the
patient, I also uncovered stories of how during the American colonial period the Salem witch trials
involved people who had been surreptitiously poisoned by ergot, causing a convulsive,
hallucinogenic state which was often the sole reason they were burned at the stake as witches.”
Another interesting thins is the connection between Solanium Tuberosum Agitans and witches
because that remedy relating to the Solanaceae family and Belladonna, one of the themes of the
Solanaceae family is witches. Hence a relevance to children. In fact if you compare the symptoms of
rotten potato with Belladonna you’ll see remarkable similarities. Um – not going to read all of this.
“The repertorisation of the sheep’s general symptoms brought up two rubrics. Stiffening out of the
body and fear of touch, which seemed to be at the crux of the problem.”
So Genus Epidemicus, yeah, almost all the animals were frightened by approach of anybody and
also convulsed, this particular type of convulsion. He put these in the repertory and he found
remedies like Arnica, Ignatia, Ipecac, Chamomilla, Cuprum, Angusta Vera coming up. What happens
in a case like this, instead of repertorising down to one or two remedies you take two absolutely
characteristic symptoms, you repertories them and come up with say, 15 remedies, yeah? Gives you
a very broad palette. Then you systematically go through these remedies seeing if any of them
actually fit he case. It’s a method I use quite a lot, even in chronic cases, narrow it down to two or
three rubrics, repertorise twenty remedies and then go through those remedies, throwing out that
one, throwing out that one and gradually narrowing it down. So, he did this and his discovery was –
of there’s more here: Ferr Phos, Stramonium, Phosphorous, Plumbum and Camphor. So a lot of
these are remedies are fairly well known remedies with big provings. So he eliminated most of
them because he wanted the remedy that was really characteristic of these spasms and worse for
touch. SO he studies Angusta Vera, which is called bitters. They put it in alcoholic drinks I think.
And indeed, the patient who needs Angusta Vera is embittered, that’s why it’s in the rubric. So
bitterness and hatred are in the remedy. But also in the general section of the repertory it is bold
type for touch, aggravates and also in low type, in mental rubric, there are about 42 remedies for
touch aggravates. So a definite aggravation for touch. And then he studied the convulsive
symptoms of Angusta Vera and low and behold they fitted perfectly. So he gave the remedy to all
the sheep in classic Genus Epidemicus method. What he did was put 12c in the drinking water, in
the water troughs. “The lambs that had been suffering from marasmus had leapt back to the land
of the living. Remarkable growth and renewed vitality. It amazed the ranchers who had been
hopeful and yet sceptical. The sheep stopped shaking or falling over.” Then it rained, washing off
the existing mould and then of course everyone got better anyway. He would have liked it to not
have rained for a bit longer to make more dramatic the cure. “This process showed the genius of
the Genus Epidemicus – in that same period cured both the lambs and the seep, each with a
different pathology. Only the lambs had emaciation. The sheep had totally different symptoms –
the shaking, stiffness, worse for touch. By finding a remedy that was indicated for both sets of
symptoms and by treating the entire population as one patient,” - or as one sheep!
Lost my place. “We discovered Hahnemann's Genus Epidemicus interesting the sick lambs were
mostly orphans, that had not had mother’s milk. It is possible that they were exposed to the toxin
in utero. Sarah found Augusta Vera listed in the rubric Trismus Neonatorum, which might have
explained the lambs’ inability to suckle. Then something else unexpected happened. Two weeks
later after the sheep were given the first dose of Augusta Vera an unusually violent storm swept
over northern California, devastating the suspect ranch.” The winds clocked 100mph plus. They
found lots of newborn lambs dead. And then they found one lamb that they thought was dead
then they saw a little movement and they brought it back into the house and they gave it a few
remedies that you would give someone close to death and nothing happened and then they
tapped a few pellets of Arsenicum 45m (Finke). I like that don’t you? Rubbed in against the gum.
Presently she opened her eyes and looked at me as I bent over… and then another one – she came
back to life. Another one, they gave Angusta Vera and it leapt back to life. Interesting isn’t it?
Anyway, I’m telling you that story so if ever you happened to be in a locality were sheep were
dropping like sheep…
Student: Do you approach potency in the same way that you would normally or is there a potency for an
Well, if the epidemic is going to go on for a reasonable time then it might be prudent to give a dose
of 30 once a week.
People who go to Africa and India who are frightened of malaria and who didn’t want to take the
drug, its quite horrendous side effects sometimes, um, I’ve given a China, sometimes China
Arsenicosum and sometimes China Sulph. I’ve given it in a 30 and told them to take it once a week,
and even possibly to take a dose of the nosode Malarium 1m or 200 before they go. And then one
more when the come back. I’ve done that.
Student: And what if someone comes to you with the epidemic, say measles?
Student: Say flu, bird flu. The potency is that dependent on the vitality of that individual or is there a
potency of the epidemic?
I don’t know. I have to confess with potency I’m a very intuitive prescriber. I don’t have nay rules –
well, I do have general rules but you know, I …
Student: Did Hahnemann say anything about potency and Genus Epidemicus?
No, but he tended to use loads of medium potencies didn’t he? I mean in the sheep epidemic they
put 12c in the drinking water, so they were getting that several times a day, presumably.
Student: Just to recap, was that say for example, 30c as a nosode before they travel.
I gave it higher, 200 or a 1m and then I gave China 30 weekly. The people I did it for no one got
malaria but that doesn’t say much because I haven’t done it that often.
Um, yellow fever. There are a few remedies I think. One is Arsenicum, and then there’s Bactesia
maybe. I don’t know. You know Ebola, is a terrible disease. And usually in Africa.
Yes, basically the person just sort of dissolves from the inside. There is a sort of specific
homeopathic remedy for that which is Crotalus Horridus
… which is the snake, which has the keynote bleeding from every orifice. I was in Ireland when there
was an outbreak so I got a map.
No, I was in Ireland, as far away from it as I could be! I was in Ireland, and the outbreak was Africa.
So the discussion came up in the group and I got a map out, of the area where – I got a phial. Is the
tape still running? I got a phial of Crotalus Horridus and we all sat round meditating for ten minutes
and low and behold the outbreak just vanished. Why not?
Student: I thought you were going to say it was an area I Africa where they have lots of – do they have
rattlesnakes in Africa?
Student: It was caused by monkeys wasn’t it, by eating diseased monkeys, because the particular areas
where it started, the people used to eat a monkeys and there was one particular type of monkey that
carried the virus. And if you eat the monkey meat then you got the virus and the virus passed very quickly
human-to-human. And then its also their burial rites that made it pass – because they cleanse the body
and came in contact with the bodily fluids and that’s how it sort of started. I just read an article on it last
night actually, very synchronistic.
As you do.