Report - Internship Parth

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WEB DEVELOPMENT is the main objective of this internship. To develop a web based

application or software there are several programing languages that are in use. Some of them are

only used for the frontend and backend design of the software. For example-HTML3, HTML4,

HTMLS, CSS, Bootstrap Framework etc. There are also some other programming languages that are

used to develop the dynamic functions of the software or application. For example-PAP, Java etc.

Nowadays there are a ]also some framework's that use vastly. Frameworks are basically structured

programing by using Mode ,View, and Controller. It is also called as MVC. If we develop web

based application that is very use fu l for us because we can access it from anywhere of the

world. It is very he l full for our daily life. That is why I choose subject of my report is "WEB



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I declare that the report entitled "A INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT ON WEB
DEVELOPMENT" submitted by me for the diploma computer Engineering is the record of
the internship work carried out by me under the guidance of "Lubna shaikh” and this work
has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowshi p
,titled in this or any University or other similar institution of higher learning.

(Vaish Dharmesh )
(enrolment . No.226178307021 )




Company Profile
I .I Introduct ion of Domain
1.2 Objective of the Problem
1.3 Scope of the proj ect
2. 1Problem Statement
2.3System Architecture
3. 1. Day I Report
3.2. Day x Report
Internship Offer Letter
Internship Certificate

1.1 Introduction of
Domain 1.1Introduction
Pl-IP was developed by Ramus Ledford. It is a freeware. It is also a weakly typed, free from
language. Pl-IP has since evolved into a powerful se1ver-side markup language wi th syntax
that resembles a mix between Perl and C. PHP is a server side scripting language designed
specifically for the web. Withi n an HTML page, we can embed PHP code that will be
executed each time the page is visited.HTML generate the web page with the static text
and images. However, the need evolved for dynamic web base usage. These dynamic
usages are facili ties by PHP.

Other tasks that Pl-IP is especially good at are database access, disk access,
networking and text manipulation. Pl-IP is an excellent alternative to such similar
programming solutions as Microsoft's proprieta1y Scripting ng engine ASP and Allayer's
rather expensive Cold fusion. As mentioned before, Pl-IP is a cross platform language.

Finally, PHP i s easy. If you know C or Perl, learning Pl-IP is a cinch. The language is a
mix between the two, taking the best features from both. Plus, PHP adds features to solve
common problems that programmers often encounter when programming for the web.
1.2 Objectives
The objective of the web development is to handle the entire activity of a webs ite.
The software keeps track of all the information about theentire website. The system conta
ins database where all the information will be stored safely.

1.2.1 To save the time and resources

The website system will take less time in entering the data processing t and getting
i its output. Fewer resources will be used as no large registers, fi les, ledgers, pens;
correctors wiIl be needed or used.

1.2.2 To reduce the number of workers

After the system wi ll be computerized only a single computer operator will be needed to
operate the system while now more than one workers work in the system.
1.2.3 To red uce the space being used
Every data will be stored in the com puter memory whereas now it is stored in regi sters and files
wh ich then stored in bookshelves or cupboards and they need a large space.

1.2.4 To red uce the work load

As the new system will be com puterized, the database wil l be automatically upda ted at the
time of entry. Everyth i ng will be done automatically just by click i ng few buttons.
There wi ll be no need to maintain any files or registers.

1.2.5 To make it easy to search any record

It will be much easier to find pa11icular record rather than opening such huge files
and finding a single record from them

1.2.6 To edit record' and update the database easily

Records will be easily edited and the database will easily be updated at the time of entering
a record.
1.2.7 To make the system user friendly
The system will be much more easy to use and the operator will feel no difficulty.

1 .3 Scope of the project

I n desktop base website creati ng system is easy to understand. Since I accept I
internship it seems to me I am beginner and primary level to learn web
development ,so it is easy and interested to learn and create. Fu1ther this project is
related of student and I am introducing to its circumstances so it service
technology i s under of the understand mine . Its technology is so interested and
charming and easy to build a project by fully PHP, HTM L,CSS, M YSQL.
2.1problem statement
There are more problems to create when I working with CSS. It is very easy but sometimes
it's not matched with my expectation, and placed i n appropriate place. Web designing is not
an easy task. It takes a lot of creativity, uniqueness and bra instorming sessions to come.
Up with a nice web design .Only a web designer can tell about the. challenges they go through
on regular basis. Web designs which are
liked and appreciated by target market and Cl ients are mostly the result of constant
developmen t and regressive critical thinking. Websi te's sync with multiple apps along with
its ability to be responsive are just a few factors which are. ponde red by the web designer. This
is makes web designing a challenging role.

On the. contra1y, there are some other challenges wh ich are. faced by web designers.
These challenges are. about keepi ng a website responsive enough so that it can be viewed and
accessed on all devices. Sometimes websites take time to load, so in order to provide a better
user experience, one of the toughest challenges for web design is to make. website load faster.
Clients often encounter issues with their website and turn to the designer/developer to
correct them , but when they check the. site, it looks fine from their end. Sometimes, these
issues are caused by out-of date web servers or changes made
incorrectly by the customer. Ti me spent detecti ng the source of a problem means a delay i n
tackling the problem itself.

incon-ectly by the customer. Time spent detect ing the source of a problem means a delay in tack
ling the problem itself.


 Basic concept (\¥'W W& HTTP, HTTPS, Clien t Server Comm unication) Basic

HTML (Tags, Element, Attributes, Paragraphs, Head ings, Line Breaks, Horizonta l
R u le, Lists, Table, Color Codes, Font, Text Link ing,
Email, Images, Background, Comments, Meta, Media, Charset)

 HTML Forms (Input, Text Fields, Password, Checkbox, Combo Box, Radio,Tex t
Areas, Files, Bullons)

 HTMLS features

 Basic CSS (selector, interna l, externa l, l nli ne, Class, Id, Background, fon t,Text, Paddi ng,
Margin, Border, list CSS, hovering and elements)
Advance CSS (border-radius, opacity,cursor, layers, position,display, float
gradient, and multiple-column)
 Concept of Menus (single menu, dropdown menu) •Template, design using CSS div.

 Environment
 Grid System

 Typography
 Tables, Fo1111s, Buttons, Images
 Dropdown, Button group
Navigation Element
 Bootstrap plug-ins (Transition, Modal, Dropdown , Tab, Tooltip, Ale11, Button)

 Control Structures (if, else, else if, wh i le, do-while, for, for each, break,
continue, switch)
 Include (require, include, requi re_ once, i nclude_ once)
 Function (User-defined Function, Function arguments, return i ng values,
variables fonction)

 Array (array declaration, mergi ng, so1ting,deleting, inserti ng)

Date & Time Function

 What is timestamp?

 Getting the current Date and Time using PH P function.

 Checki ng date validity.
 Converting String to timestamps.

 Findi ng the number of Days in a month .

 Findi ng che number of Days or week in a year.
 Findi ng che day name for a date. Converting local time
to GMT.
 Comparing Dates.

 Converting Minutes to hours.

Number Functions
 Generating a Number Range.
 Rounding a floating poi nt number.
 Findi ng the Smallest or largest number i n an array.

 Formatting Nmnbers with com mas.

 Rounding a floating poi nt number.
 Findi ng the Smallest or largest number i n an array. Formatting with com mas.
 Padding Numberswith Zeroes.
Convening Between Bases.
 Generating Random Numbers.

Forms, Session, Cookie, Rag

 Generating forms.
 Processing form input. Validating form in
put. Validating numbers.
 Validating Alphabetic strings.
 Validating Alphanumeric String. Validating credit
card numbers. Validating Telephone Number.
 Shari ng Session Data Storing objects i n a session. Protecti ng Data with
 Deleti ng Session data. Validating Email

File Operation
 Testing Fi les and Direction •Retrievi ng ti le i nformation. Reading

 Writing files.
 Counting words, lines,and characters in a file.

 Deleti ng files.
 Altering file extensions.
 So1ting files.
 Searching and replacing patterns within fi les. Searching for fi les i n a
 Renam i ng files and di rection .

 Findi ng Di fferences Between Files.

2.3System Architechre

I. Home Page
2. About Us Page
3. Product Page
4. Order Us Page

5. Contact Us Page

6.Admin Page


3.1day 1 to 3 report:
DAY I :web development i ntroduction, Obj ecti ve.Objective include some facility about
internship as savethetime and resource, reduce the number of workers, reduce the work load,
easy to search and record. Motivation to web development as inheritance, implement,
object declare and so on opportu n ity. Goals of web development project PHP is more
effoctive and choice foll and ultimate for fruitful program mer.
DAY 3 to 6: Studied about a web design template or a website design template is a
template wh ich is i n most cases used to present some information in the Internet. A web
design template is a catchall name for several types of templates I ike:
HTML templates -website design tem plates represented with HTML code only

PSD templates -templates wh ich contain only .psd files, graphics only, with no code

Flash templates -website design templates developed with Flash

DAY 7 to 11: A framewor k is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a suppo11 or

gu ide for the building of something that expands the structure into something usefol. I n com
puter systems,a framework is often a layered structure i ndicating what kind of programs can or
should be built and how they would interrelate. Some com puter system frameworks also include acrual
programs, specify program m i ng interfaces, or ofter programm ing tools for using the frameworks
DAY 12 thi 15: Resource Description Framework, a set of mies from the World Wide Web Consortium
for how to describe any Internet resource such as a Web site and its content.
Internet Business Framework, a group of programs that form the technological basis for my SAP product
from SAP, the German com pany that markets an ente1vrise resource management I ine of products

Sender Policy Framewor k, a defined approach and progra mm i ng for making e mail more
Zach man framework, a logical strucnire intended to provide a com prehensive representation
ofan information technology enterprise chat is independent of the tools and methodsused i n
any pa 1ticular IT business.

DAY 16 to 22: Staned the development of the project with basic methodologies and web
development tem plates
DAY 23 to 26: i m plementation of project with back end tools of web development are
staned with php i ncroduction,so far it explained about how and whats che process is siniated
behind the web page
DAY 27 to 33: creation of main page about i ncro,reg, details enteri ng are created

DAY 34- 37: Extensibi l ity: New capabilities can be added to the software without
major changes to the underlying architecture. Faulc-Tolerance: The software is
resi stam to and able to recover from component failure
.Maincai nabil ity: The software can be restored co a SJ}eci fied condition within a specified
period of time.
Modularity: The resulting softwarecomprises well defi ned, i ndependent com1}onent. That
leadsto better maintainabi l ity.
Reliability: The software is able co perform a requ i red function under stated conditions
for a specified period of time.
Security: The software is able to withstand hostile acts and influences. Usability: The
sofhvare user interface m ust be usable for itstarget user/audience.

day 37-42: the process came to end really qu ickly,whole development of project is
completed with the help of team and thier guidence,the web is build with the htm l and

As a conclusion, I can say that this internship was a great experience.Thanks to
this project, I acqu i red deeper knowledge concerning my technical ski lls but I also
personally benefited. Currently PH P pages are a common pai1of web appl ications, and
one of the most popular language for web development used by developers
worldwide.Jf we surf i nternet we can see m i llions of websites built with PJ-J P and
MYSQL. I learn to J ive in a different environment from the one I am used to.
Indeed, I grew more inde1}endent in work and also i n everyday life. I real ized that I
could do more th ings than I thought l ike learn ing new thi ngs by myself.

There are huge Opf}01tunities available for the students who want to work i n this
field. Many private and public organizations h i re web designer for their online work
and website development. With the rapid advent of online indust1y, the demand
ofweb development professionalsis increasing and thishas created a huge job oppornm
ity for the aspi rants in the U f}Coming days.

Also an experienced person i n th is field can also work as a freelancer; there are many
online com pan ies which provide online projects to the ind ividuals.

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