Demo Lesson Plan English
Demo Lesson Plan English
Demo Lesson Plan English
I. Objectives
A. Preliminaries
Checking of Attendance
Rules & Regulations
B. Drill
Let the pupils read the words.
C. Review
What is an adjective? Can you give an example?
D. Lesson Proper
2. Motivation
• Perform a song entitled, “There’s an Old Woman Who Swallow a Fly.”
3. Motive Question
• Have you experienced swallowing an insect? What did you feel?
4. Presentation/ During Reading
Answer the following questions: Integration of HOTS
Reality- is an event that actually happens in real life. It is what you see, hear,
and experience.
Direction: Based on the story given, tell whether the sentence is a reality or fantasy. Reality
if it can happen in real life and fantasy if it can't be.
1. The old man live with his dog Fetch.
2. Fetch got a banduria from a man in the village
3. Fetch told the village people one thing that would amuse the old man.
4. The village people build their houses around the old man's home.
5. The old man was very happy when people lived near his house.
6. Generalization
What is the video all about?
Reality- is an event that actually happens in life. It’s what you see, hear, and experience.
Fantasy-- A fantasy is an event that is impossible to happen. It is not real. It is just a product
of imagination.
Can you give me an example of fantasy and reality?
7. Application: Independent Practice
Group work: Divide the class into four groups. Let each group choose their own leader.
They will be given 10 minutes to do the activity. Let each group do the following tasks:
Develops a culture of thinking
Points Indicators
5 Show eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, participation actively, do great help to
the group
4 Show eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, participation actively, good followers
3 Participated but late, with teacher’s
2 Activity was done but does not show
eagerness to participate or cooperate
1 No interest in participating the activities
Tell whether the following sentences is a Reality or a Fantasy. Reality if the sentence
tells it can happen in real life, Fantasy if it cannot happen in real life. Integration of HOTs
• Write at least 5 sentences for each Reality and Fantasy. (10 pts)
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