No.96.TT (I) .10.ACC - NR.36 Dt. 23.10.97

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Eo 096/TT(1 )/1 O/ACC/lffi/35 NeH ])elhi7 dt.. 23 -10097

1. iheGMs (VIorl<J3),

I 2. IDt=;)G~fS (CcDITjercia 1),

All 1hclian r,zihl~..iYS"

3. J:he G2DjEas t (!o~s t Railway ~ BhQbaneshw~r ~

.1r. The OSDjForth (!en tra 1. Rsi Iltlay ~ AllahabdcL

5. Tne 08LjEast Central Rail-HE.Y~ Hajipl1.r.
6. The OSD/!-Torth i1'1/estern. Rai IHay 9 Jaip':u".
7.. The CSD/SoQth Hester;.!- Bsilv:c'Y9 B21Lgalora.
8" ',llie CBD/vJest Central R2ilv:&y~ Jabalplll'.

SL1.b~ Policy regarding (ievelpp:;nent uf'

goods sheds/sidings by private
inv8st!!l8:1t. in raihmy p!'emises.'
. " .... .

- As a Barket strategy ai~ed at retaining alide~h8ncing

R2:ilway's bLminess i~terest9 Board h379 decided that railusers
may l)e allowed to ill-vest in the deve lopm::.n:.t of goods ahed./
facilities sl1bject to tr~e follovling c:)::.:.(litioL2~-

(1 ) Bf:i:l""Jay wi 11 a IlvVl investment

by private parties in
development of goods shed/sidings. B2ih~y wOl1ld9 '

hOltTever,reserve the right to close the goods shed/

siding if the same be,comesfinanci8l1y or operationally
ansQStainable at som~ stage by giving a notice of 90 days.
(2) Bail\ol~y It/ill allow investruent by private parties at"s pe;r R?il...vay's operE:tional convenience. On
receipt of an applicati~n from the concerned party, the
decision on the developEent of these facilities will be
;Jersona 11y taken&y the Genere.l IvJanager of the R&.il..."ay i:.l cons111tation
wi th I'A&OAO. '

(3 ) Before approval of any sQch proposal of invest~nt is

conveyed~ the Railway rJ1e.y ensure thc."G the!'e is little
or no like lihood of the area/land being reql1ired for
any project/requirement of the Railways.

, . '

:-:t- 2 -..
(4) The fa,ciLt ties so crecd~ed \'lou.lcl be tlSed not only
by the p2r'Giss It/ho have finEtXJ.ced them bu.t, E:Iso by
others~ ond assets so created wou.ld belong to the
Indian Railways and wou.ld be msintained and u.sed
as any other Railway Etssets Hi th absolu.te 8 Llthori ty.
ilie s to:::,(8) vlou.ld not be eligible for any retu.rn/
con88ssicn in lieu. of such ' of these assets by the
Raih!8.ys or other railu.sers 1> The investor (s) I'Till .
alsO not qt1dLi..fy for any preferential treatrn.ent in the-
matter of u.tilisation of,these assets.

(5) land IP.ay be licensel as per E;X'~[~ntrlJ.les for

cons trLlc tion of temporary s torRge sheds to investir~
parties su.'bject to the stiPL'!.12.'~ion that land wou.ld be
licensed onl;y- Ivhen goods arE. to lJe transported by rail.*
. .

(6) The facili ty(goods shed/siding) and all i tsequ.ipnents.

~nd appu.rten2l1.CeS will become the property _of the Railway
Administration a::''ld the inv8stor(s) will have no claim
to these assets Investment
0 in assets will not
enti tIe' the investor (s) to &.ny rights \<ills.t-so-ever \'li th
reg2rds to the Baih/ay l2.nd on which they are created.

(7) 'All de~lelopEents for the proposed facility \vill be as

per apProved.~.ilwGY d8sig~s~ an~ constrQ0ted to .~
F.lpproved stan1ards ar..d specifications. Esti-
~-ltea for ccnstrLlction and d8'.-elormcnt of t::e i'2cilities '-
to these specific&tions will be prep2red7 B.nd Hi'll .;
- 211 departmental
and other
The investorCs.)
as per

to deposit the fu.ll cast of constrl1ction so calcu.lated

with the Railw2J AdDinistration ~n advance before
cOII1Iilencemen't of tLe work.

(8) For main tei.12n.ce and opera tion of the;se assets > crea tion
of additional staff .shall be nGed-based~

(9) 1he proposed gODdsjshed/siding shou.ldnot in any way

hamper or obstract the existing users of rail facilites
:;;t the. concer:::ed station.

(10) Freight charges 7 demurr2ge charges and placement/siding

, will be leviable as per the extC\n t ru.les .

+his viith the conctITrenc8 of F'incmce Dte'Q

of the fKnistry of ~ilwaysQ
./ :!- C f j /l /: (~- .~.
.' C-'..-' . '.~.. .-' .'(,1 I.) c-: j"
('1.K. Bahm.eni) ~'-,-,-':' "
Exec .Direc tor ~ (tivil Eng[. CG )
Railway Board.

*In the event of the land being u.tilisedfor any ptITpose

other the,n. thE.t for Itlhich it was licen3ed~ the said license.
maybe cancelled/revoked at the abso lu.tedj,scretion of the
Railway Administration.

:- ) - ~

1%\\!"lJelhi~ cl:~. 2:]010.97

OoS6/TT(I )/1 O/AC'C/}TR/')~

Copy to ~ (1 ) A:DAI(D.lys)9 }:-. })e lhi (vIi th 11,.0spares ),.

(2) Tne l;ireetor of A\J.ctit? AJ.l Ino.iEn :s.lyso
{3) TIl~ ]"pJi:Cit9~ tbl1 Indian Rlis 0

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Copy to~ 1.A!e8(III)l~Y(~:~)I/FC~)I1, Vig. (I) ,'lith 5 Sp2.res.

, 2 3IY'r(R )jBIi(H )/EDLl."l/B:D38fSD( Tr8e k )/11~EJJ0E (B&:J)(KO( 'Iraddo
3 , Al\I(CB )1 AlvI(vr), 'Lr'I(3&T)/ Al:[(Comml )/B.1'i(S-c,or8S )/AHOI3)j
AH(B ) jA}5(E lee )/AE(HTPjAH(meeh) - R3ilitlsy BOEtrcL

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