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Land use can be defined as the ‘activity or socio-economic function for which
land is used’1, p.2. Barnsley et al.2 note that the terms ‘land cover’ and ‘land use’ are
often used interchangeably within a single classification scheme and provide the
distinct definitions of land cover referring to the ‘physical materials on the surface
of a given parcel of land’ and land use being the ‘human activity that takes place
upon it’. Although the increased availability of high-resolution remotely-sensed
imagery offers the potential for the regular update of land cover data, land use
information cannot be derived solely from identification of land surface
characteristics. This is because land use is defined in terms of function rather than
physical form3, and consequently has a high dependency on in situ manual survey.
With the release of the Ordnance Survey (OS) MasterMap® Topography Layer4,
a national feature-based topographic dataset for Great Britain, there are
opportunities to integrate and associate a diverse range of data sources, and also to
infer the socio-economic function of topographic objects based upon their context
and relationships to other objects. This chapter outlines a methodology for
populating a land-use dataset based on the OS MasterMap® Topography Layer,
using object-based analysis techniques and information derived from existing
Ordnance Survey and third-party datasets. The aim of the research was to further
classify the land use of topographic objects in terms of their morphology and
spatial relationships using an object-based approach.
2.2 DATA
The research in this paper is based upon Great Britain’s large-scale geographic
information. Responsible for Great Britain’s National Geographic Database,
Ordnance Survey maintains digital topographic datasets that are surveyed at the
basic scales of 1:1250 in urban areas, 1:2500 in rural areas and 1:10000 in
mountain and moor land environments. In 1991, Ordnance Survey released Land-
Line®, a digital vector topographic dataset (composed of a ‘spaghetti’ vector data
structure, i.e., only points and lines) produced at these scales5.
• The scale at which the products are delivered: 1:25000 and 1:10000, for
the Swiss and Dutch products respectively.
• The associated simplification of their data models. For example, both the
Swiss and Dutch products contain a less detailed range of topographic
feature types relative to the OS MasterMap® Topography Layer.
It should be noted that the OS MasterMap® Topography Layer also differs from
the UK Land Cover Map 2000 developed by the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology9. This is a parcel-based vector dataset derived through the processing of
satellite imagery that depicts land cover classes and was designed to provide a
census of broad habitat types in the United Kingdom10.
Additional Ordnance Survey data used in this work includes ADDRESS-
POINT®, a point-based dataset that identifies the precise geographical location of
residential, business and public postal addresses11, and OSCAR®, a national large-
scale vector dataset depicting road information12.
As described by Wyatt13, between the mid 1980s and early 1990s, the (then)
Department of the Environment commissioned a series of studies14,15 to assess the
feasibility of a national land-use stock survey (interests in land use information are
now being taken forward by Communities and Local Government16). The main
conclusion from these studies was that land use should be collected and maintained
in collaboration with Ordnance Survey’s large-scale digital mapping. Following the
further recommendation by Dunn and Harrison17 that a national land-use stock
system should be created, additional evaluation by the Ordnance Survey18 in 1996
concluded that a desk-based method that used surveyors’ local knowledge, together
with large-scale Ordnance Survey data would be the most appropriate approach in
It was recognized, however, that these were relatively primitive methods and
Infoterra25 concluded that there was scope for more sophisticated contextual
analysis that was beyond the remit of their study.
A fundamental weakness in only using a ‘data integration’ approach to land-use
classification is that features are treated in a very individualistic manner, i.e.,
polygons will be classified only if a point from another data source falls within
them. Curtilage (i.e., land surrounding a building26) or other buildings on a large
site such as a hospital complex may be left unclassified. As a result, a number of
approaches have been adopted in remote sensing research to mimic the rules used
by a manual photo-interpreter to infer land use based upon relationships between
objects in the landscape.
At their simplest level, these image-based approaches have involved focusing
upon the immediate relationships between pixel values in an image. These ‘kernel-
based’ approaches involve studying pixel values within a convolution kernel and
investigating the spatial pattern of pixel values in terms of edge and vertex
adjacency events2. If pixel values are classified to represent land cover or material
types, the land use is then inferred from the spatial relationships between those
surface categories. However, capturing the spatial composition of high-resolution
imagery (< 5 m) using this method of analysis appears to be problematic. Large
kernels are required to better capture the spatial structure within such imagery, but
their application introduces the unwanted effects of blurring and smoothing and so
constrains the use of such techniques. A refinement, implemented upon medium-
resolution SPOT-HRV and Landsat-TM satellite data by Barnsley et al.2, is a
‘higher-level’ approach that takes into account better functional relationships
between pixels, combined with image texture models.
Increasingly sophisticated approaches have been used to identify contiguous
objects in imagery and then assess the relationships between them (as opposed to
pixel-by-pixel analyses). Initial attempts to analyze the contextual relationships
between objects included the application of graph-based structural pattern
recognition techniques. For instance, Barnsley and Barr3 developed the eXtended
Relational Attribute Graph (XRAG) that analyzed structural properties and the
relationships between parcels in rasterized digital maps, with the objective that the
methodology could also be applied to parcels in high-resolution satellite imagery.
Further research at Ordnance Survey27,28 studied the relationships between land
use and the morphological characteristics of objects in a topographic database.
Rules were constructed that examined both the shape of objects and the patterns in
the immediate vicinity of the objects. A qualitative assessment of the results
indicated that when discriminating between uses such as residential, roads, fields of
crops and field margins, a 60-70% attribution could be achieved28. However, the
rule base used in this case was considered inappropriate for classifying all land uses
since it concentrated upon the geometrical properties of individual polygons, rather
than also considering the spatial pattern of those features around the entity of
interest. It was concluded from this study, as well as the experience of being
involved in research such as the CLEVER-mapping project19,29, that the integration
of raster and vector data and the attributes of third-party datasets all show potential
for classifying land use.
In recent years commercially available object-oriented image analysis software
such as eCognition30 has enabled imagery to be easily segmented and facilitated the
implementation of more complex classification rules based upon a range of
morphological and relational characteristics. This type of methodology has been
applied to land-use classification (e.g., Bauer and Steinnocher31). The main
difficulty in applying a segmentation-based technique in a mapping context is the
likelihood of incompatibilities between objects in the imagery and those in existing
topographic data. These limitations in image-led object-based methodologies
primarily result from the characteristics of image-dependent segmentation
algorithms. By their very nature, segmentation routines are usually based upon low-
level image analysis techniques designed to be an initial step in object
recognition32. As such, due to the inherent heterogeneity of remotely-sensed data,
factors such as differences in illumination (e.g., across a roof apex) will result in
segments that do not fully match the desired topographic features. Indeed, with
respect to applying segmentation routines for large-scale mapping purposes,
although there has been over two decades of research in this area, there is no
universal routine available that can extract the geometries of specific types of
topographic feature in a variety of contexts33. That said, methods for deriving
information from imagery for mapping purposes are increasing in their
sophistication, and in their use of additional knowledge (such as other spatial
information), to better target processing routines34. This is especially true if these
routines are applied to the revision of existing information. Nevertheless, despite
these advances, drawing upon initial experimentation in work that used the outline
of topographic features in the OS MasterMap® Topography Layer to segment
recently flown aerial photography, it became apparent that there were too many
factors affecting the integrity of the resulting land-use dataset. As a consequence,
the methodology outlined below does not depend upon remotely-sensed data.
Figure 2.1 The structure of the Ordnance Survey land-use classification methodology (OSLUM).
Within the OOLUC component, polygons that have not been classified using
SADDA are populated according to the following sequence of rules:
1. Direct attribution.
2. Adjacent to directly-attributed object and fulfills certain morphological
3. Within a defined distance of a directly-attributed object and fulfills certain
morphological criteria.
4. Fulfills defined morphological criteria and adjacent to another object of
defined morphological criteria.
5. Fulfills defined morphological criteria and within a defined distance of
another object of defined morphological criteria.
6. Fulfills defined morphological criteria.
Figure 2.2 A land-use classification of central Sheffield using the SADDA methodology. Polygons
depicted in white are unclassified. Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
Figure 2.3 A land-use classification of central Sheffield using the OSLUM methodology. Polygons
depicted in white are unclassified. Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
Classification Pixel or Rules to Take
Methodology Input Data Object-Based Account of Context
Manual Remotely-sensed Intuitively object- Intuitive assumptions
interpretation imagery based
Data integration Feature-based vector Object-based None
data, raster land cover
data, and a range of
point-based spatial
Kernel-based Remotely-sensed Pixel-based Vertex and edge
imagery adjacency events
Graph-based Rasterized digital map Object-based Distance and direction
imagery relationships
Early morphological Polygonized vector Object-based Immediate adjacency
techniques data counts
Image-based Remotely-sensed Object-based Morphological and
object-oriented imagery spatial relationship rules
methodologies between objects derived
solely from imagery
Ordnance Survey Feature-based vector Object-based Morphological and
land-use data, raster land cover spatial relationship rules
classification data, and a range of between objects derived
methodology point-based spatial from object-based data.
(OSLUM) datasets Non-visual prior
information from point-
based data
On a per-class basis, Table 2.2 (urban sites) and Table 2.3 (rural sites)
summarize accuracy values for both the SADDA (using only direct attribution and
then this followed by inferred methods) and the OSLUM methodologies. The
accuracy values listed represent percentages of total areas. Based upon the original
SADDA results from Infoterra25, there are two types of accuracy value provided:
Table 2.2 Total per-class accuracy figures for urban reference sites
The land-use classification scheme employed in the assessment was the NLUD
Classification v4.1 (see Harrison1 for further information). In Tables 2.2 and 2.3, if
no accuracy value is shown then there was no population of the class in question,
while if a value of 0.00 is listed then that class was populated with entirely
incorrect classifications.
Table 2.3 Total per-class accuracy figures for rural reference sites
The results for urban areas in Table 2.2 indicate that including inferred methods
improved the Class Completeness for several NLUD categories characterized by
relatively large ‘blocks’ with multiple buildings and surrounding land. For
example, using both the ‘full’ SADDA approach and the OSLUM methodology
dramatically increased the Class Completeness of the 6.1 Residential category
when compared to the solely data-driven method. This trend is further
demonstrated in the case of OSLUM with higher completeness values for 7.1.1
Institutional Building, 7.1.2 Educational Building and 7.1.3 Religious Building,
along with commercial classes such as 8.3 Retailing and 8.4 Storage and
Warehousing. For classes 8.1 Industry, 8.3 Retailing and 8.4 Storage and
Warehousing, the OSLUM confidence value is lower than those produced by both
SADDA methods. Even when compared to the full SADDA method, this is
explained by even more inferred rules being used in OSLUM to associate
topographic objects with others in order to assign a classification in situations
where associated data are sparse.
In the rural environment, Table 2.3 shows that the Class Completeness for 6.1
Residential and 8.3 Retailing was improved through the association of polygons
with surrounding land uses that had already been identified. A particular increase in
Class Completeness is also apparent for 1.2 Agricultural Buildings using OSLUM.
The difference between the full SADDA and OSLUM results for this category
reflects a better representation of the context within which such buildings are set in
the rules of the latter. In OSLUM, an agricultural building is differentiated from a
residential one by stipulating that it should not be adjacent to a garden and that it
should be surrounded by a high proportion of natural land cover.
The rules that contribute to increased Class Completeness within the rural
setting also tend to produce a slight fall in the corresponding Confidence levels
(e.g., see the results for 8.3 Retailing). One exception is the 5.3 Utilities class
where the Confidence level actually increases when using OSLUM. This could be
due to improved contextual rules (e.g., land owned by a water company being close
to a reservoir). However mistakes in SADDA, such as classifying reservoirs into
category 2.3 Water (derived directly from the land-cover attribute) and not 5.3
Utilities, are also propagated into OSLUM. This helps to explain the extremely low
values of Class Completeness for the 5.3 Utilities category in all methodologies. In
addition, it suggests that a future version of the rule base may need to include an
extra condition that classifies 2.3 Water as 5.3 Utilities if it is adjacent to a 5.3
Utilities object in a previous classification cycle.
Other features of the results generated by OSLUM are as follows:
• A vacant building in a rural environment was usually put into class 1.2
Agricultural Building by OSLUM. In an urban area it was usually
classified as 8.1 Industry or 8.4 Storage and Warehousing.
Table 2.4 presents the overall accuracies of the methods tested in this study.
The higher accuracy values in both urban and rural environments indicate that
applying the OOLUC rule base after the data-driven component of SADDA really
does add extra value to a method that only directly populates polygons with
existing data. In addition, the results illustrate the effect of the more sophisticated
contextual inference rules in OSLUM, compared to those in the full version of
SADDA. For example, OSLUM leaves fewer polygons unclassified and the better
accounting for curtilage contributes to the higher overall accuracy of the method in
urban areas. The very small differences between the results in rural areas can be
attributed to the presence of a higher proportion of classes that can be more reliably
populated using existing land-cover classifications (e.g., 1.1 Agriculture).
Table 2.4 Overall accuracies of the SADDA and OSLUM classification methodologies
(data-driven (including inference
approach only) techniques) OSLUM
Urban 46.87% 53.25% 59.87%
Rural 87.55% 88.04% 88.34%
approach, higher classification accuracies are bound to arise. In addition, unlike the
inference rules employed in the full version of SADDA, the contextual rules in
OSLUM are applied in a fully automatic manner in all types of environment.
OSLUM’s shortcomings include the expense and availability of data required in
the data-driven component and its dependence upon the detail that is present in
large-scale topographic data for morphological modelling. Although, in theory, a
similar methodology could be applied to other countries that possess a national
feature-based topographic dataset, it is likely that the use of a generalized base
dataset could have a detrimental effect upon the accuracy and completeness of the
results. For some users, the Class Completeness and Confidence values of some
individual classes in OSLUM might be too low and this may present a further
disadvantage of the methodology. However, this could be improved with
subsequent manual interpretation and intervention. The value of OSLUM lies in
maximizing the accuracy of a land-use dataset that has been populated using
automated methods, thereby minimizing cost in any subsequent intervention or
maintenance processes.
The analysis of results produced by OSLUM indicates that the method provides
improvements in the overall accuracy and completeness of a land-use dataset
produced using close to fully automatic methods, most notably within the urban
environment. OSLUM therefore offers one way forward to solve the inherently
multi-faceted problem of effective and complete population of a land-use dataset.
Harrison, A., Extending the dimensionality of OS MasterMap™: land use and land cover, Presented at
the AGI Conference at GIS 2002, Available at http://www.nlud.org.uk/draft_one/key_docs/pdf/
Harrison_AGI02.pdf, 2002.
Barnsley, M.J., Moller-Jensen, L., and Barr, S.L., Inferring urban land-use by spatial and structural
pattern recognition, in Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis, Donnay, J-P., Barnsley, M.J., and Longley,
P.A., Eds., Taylor and Francis, London, 2000, 115-144.