Syllabus CS-0000 V Sem All Subject

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CS-501 – Data Communication

Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V Semester

Course: CS 501 Data Communication
The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in Data
Communication. In this subject , various principles, standards for communication over different type
of Communication Media are discussed.
The students should have general idea about the analog and digital communication.
Data Communication: Introduction, Components, data representation ,data flow and basic model ,
Serial & Parallel transmission , Modes of data transmission, Encoding: Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar,
Line & Block codes.
Data compression: Lossy & Lossless techniques. Review of analog & digital transmission methods.
Multiplexing: Introduction & History, FDM, TDM, WDM, Synchronous & Statistical TDM. Spread
spectrum: Frequency Hopping & Direct Sequence. Terminal handling & Polling. Network
Switching Techniques: Circuit, Message, Packet & Hybrid. X.25, ISDN.
Physical Layer: Introduction, Interface, Standards, EIA-232-D, RJ-45, RJ-11, BNC connector &
EIA-449 digital Interface: Connection, specifications & configuration. Modem: Types, features,
signal constellation, block schematic. Connecting Devices: Active and Passive Hubs, Repeaters,
Bridges, Two & Three layer switches & Gateway. Network Topologies and their comparative study.
Transmission Media: Transmission line characteristics, distortions, Crosstalk. Guided Media:
Twisted Pair, Baseband & Broadband Coaxial, Fiber Optic Cable. Unguided media: Electromagnetic
polarization , Rays and waves front , Electromagnetic spectrum, Radiation & Propagation of Waves,
Inverse square law , Wave attenuation and absorption, Terrestrial Propagation, Skip distance , Radio
waves, Microwave , Infrared & Satellite Communication system .Telephone Network: Components,
LATAs, signaling and Services, Digital Subscriber Line: ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL, Cable TV
network for data transfer.
Transmission Errors : Content Error , Flow integrity error , Error detection ,Error correction , Bit
error rate.
Error detection & Correction methods: Parity checking, Checksum Error Detection, Cyclic
Redundancy Check , Hamming Distance , Interleaved codes , Block Parity , Convolution code,
Hardware Implementation, Checksum .
Suggested Text Books:
1. Gupta Prakash C. “Data communication”, PHI Learning
2. Forouzan, “Data communication and Networking”, 5e, TATA Mc Graw
3. Godbole A., “Data Communication & Network” , TMH
4. Miller, “ Data Network and Comunication”, Cengage Delmar Learning
5. Stallings William , “Data & Computer Communication”, Pearson Education

Suggested Reference Books:

1. Tanenbum A.S. “Computer Network”, Pearson Education.

2. Kennedy G., “Communication Systems” MGH downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

CS-502 – Operating System
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V Semester
Course: CS 502 Operating System
The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts Operating System .This syllabus
provides a comprehensive introduction of Operating System, Process Management, Memory
Management, File Management and I/O management.
The students should have general idea about Operating System Concept, types of Operating System
and their functionality.
Unit I
Introduction to System Programs & Operating Systems, Evolution of Operating System (mainframe,
desktop, multiprocessor, Distributed, Network Operating System, Clustered & Handheld System),
Operating system services, Operating system structure, System Call & System Boots, Operating
system design & Implementations, System protection, Buffering & Spooling . Types of Operating
System: Bare machine, Batch Processing, Real Time, Multitasking & Multiprogramming, time-
sharing system.
Unit II
File: concepts, access methods, free space managements, allocation methods, directory systems,
protection, organization ,sharing & implementation issues, Disk & Drum Scheduling, I/0 devices
organization, I/0 devices organization, I/0 buffering, I/O Hardware, Kernel I/O subsystem,
Transforming I/O request to hardware operations.
Device Driver: Path managements, Sub module, Procedure, Scheduler, Handler, Interrupt Service
Routine. File system in Linux & Windows
Unit III
Process: Concept, Process Control Blocks(PCB), Scheduling criteria Preemptive & non Preemptive
process scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation, multiple processor scheduling, real
time scheduling, operations on processes, threads, inter process communication, precedence graphs,
critical section problem, semaphores, classical problems of synchronization. Deadlock:
Characterization, Methods for deadlock handling, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance,
deadlock detection, recovery from deadlock, Process Management in Linux.
Unit IV
Memory Hierarchy, Concepts of memory management, MFT & MVT, logical and physical address
space, swapping, contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging
combined with segmentation. Structure & implementation of Page table.Concepts of virtual memory,
Cache Memory Organization, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames,
thrashing, demand segmentation.
Unit V
Distributed operating system:-Types, Design issues, File system, Remote file access, RPC, RMI,
Distributed Shared Memory(DSM), Basic Concept of Parallel Processing & Concurent
Programming Security & threats protection: Security violation through Parameter, Computer
Worms & Virus, Security Design Principle, Authentications, Protection Mechanisms. introduction to
Sensor network and parallel operating system. Case study of Unix, Linux & Windows,
Suggested Reading:
1. Silberschatz ,”Operating system”, Willey Pub.
2. Stuart,”Operating System Principles, Design & Applications”,Cengage Learning
3. Tannanbaum, “Modern operating system”,PHI Learning
4. Dhamdhere, ”Operating System”,TMH.
5. Achyut S Godbole,”Operating System”, TMH.
6. William stalling, “operating system” Pearson Edu.
7. Deitel & Deitel, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Edu.
8. Flynn & Mchoes, “Operating Systems”, Cengage Learning downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

9. Haldar, “Operating System”, Pearson Edu. downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

List of Experiment
1. Write a program to implement FCFS CPU scheduling algorithm.
2. Write a program to implement SJF CPU scheduling algorithm.
3. Write a program to implement Priority CPU Scheduling algorithm.
4. Write a program to implement Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm.
5. Write a program to compare various CPU Scheduling Algorithms over different Scheduling
6. Write a program to implement classical inter process communication problem(producer
7. Write a program to implement classical inter process communication problem(Reader Writers).
8. Write a program to implement classical inter process communication problem
9. Write a program to implement & Compare various page replacement algorithm.
10. Write a program to implement & Compare various Disk & Drum scheduling Algorithms
11. Write a program to implement Banker’s algorithms.
12. Write a program to implement Remote Proccedure Call(RPC).
13. Write a Devices Drivers for any Device or pheriperal. downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

CS-503 – Database Management System
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V Semester
Course: CS 503 Data Base Management System
The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in creating a
Data Base System. These techniques can be used in Software Developments.
The students should have a general idea about data base concept, data models and sql statements.
Unit I
DBMS Concepts and architecture Introduction, Database approach v/s Traditional file accessing
approach, Advantages, of database systems, Data models, Schemas and instances, Data
independence, Data Base Language and interfaces, Overall Database Structure, Functions of DBA
and designer, ER data model:Entitles and attributes, Entity types, Defining the E-R diagram,Concept
of Generalization, Aggregation and Specialization. transforming ER diagram into the tables. Various
other data models object oriented data Model, Network data model, and Relational data model,
Comparison between the three types of models.
Unit II
Relational Data models: Domains, Tuples, Attributes, Relations, Characteristics of relations, Keys,
Key attributes of relation, Relational database, Schemas, Integrity constraints.
Referential integrity, Intension and Extension, Relational Query languages:SQL-DDL, DML,
integrity constraints, Complex queries, various joins, indexing, triggers, ssertions,Relational algebra
and relational calculus, Relational algebra operations like select, Project,Join, Division, outer union.
Types of relational calculus i.e. Tuple oriented and domain oriented relational calculus and its
Unit III
Data Base Design: Introduction to normalization, Normal forms, Functional dependency,
Decomposition, Dependency preservation and losless join, problems with null valued and dangling
tuples, multivalued dependencies.Query Optimization: Introduction, steps of optimization, various
algorithms to implement select, project and join operations of relational algebra, optimization
methods: heuristic based, cost estimation based.
Unit IV
Transaction Processing Concepts: - Transaction System, Testing of Serilizability, Serializability of
schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery from transaction failures.
Log based recovery. Checkpoints deadlock handling.Concurrency Control Techniques: -
Concurrency Control, locking Techniques for concurrency control, time stamping protocols for
concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity. Multi version schemes,
Recovery with concurrent transaction. Introduction to Distributed databases, datamining,
datawarehousing, Object Technology and DBMS, Comparative study of OODBMS Vs DBMS .
Temporal, Deductive, Multimedia, Web & Mobile database .
Unit V
Study of Relational Database Management Systems through Oracle/Postgres SQL/MySQL:
Architecture, physical files, memory structures, background process. Concept of table spaces,
segments, extents and block. Dedicated server, multi threaded server. Distributed database, database
links, and snapshot. Data dictionary, dynamic performance view.Security, role management,
privilege management, profiles, invoker defined security model. SQL queries, Data extraction from
single, multiple tables equi-join, non equi-join, self-join, outer join. Usage of like, any, all, exists, in
Special operators. Hierarchical queries, inline queries, flashback queries. Introduction of ANSI SQL,
anonymous block, nested anonymous block, branching and looping constructs in ANSI SQL. Cursor
management: nested and parameterized cursors, Oracle exception handling mechanism. Stored
procedures, in, out, in out type parameters,usage of parameters in procedures. User defined functions
their limitations. Triggers, mutating errors, instead of triggers. downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

Suggested list of experiments: - Lab Assignments:

1. Delete duplicate row from the table.

2. Display the alternate row from table.
3. Delete alternate row from table.
4. Update multiple rows in using single update statement.
5. Find the third highest paid and third lowest paid salary.
6. Display the 3rd, 4th, 9th rows from table.
7. Display the ename, which is start with j, k, l or m.
8. Show all employees who were hired the first half of the month.
9. Display the three record in the first row and two records in the second row and one record in the
third row in a single sql statements.
10. Write a sql statements for rollback commit and save points.
11. Write a pl/sql for select, insert, update and delete statements.
12. Write a pl/sql block to delete a record. If delete operation is successful return 1 else return 0.
13. Display name, hire date of all employees using cursors.
14. Display details of first 5 highly paid employees using cursors.
15. Write a database trigger which fires if you try to insert, update, or delete after 7’o’ clock.
16. Write a data base trigger, which acts just like primary key and does not allow duplicate values.
17. Create a data base trigger, which performs the action of the on delete cascade.
18. Write a data base trigger, which should not delete from emp table if the day is Sunday.
19. In this subject the students are supposed to prepare a small database application in complete
semester like financial accounting system, Railway reservation system, institute timetable
management system. Student record system, library management system, hospital
management system etc. in RDBMS as follows:
Section A:
Solving the case studies using ER datamodel (design of the database)
Section B:
Implement a miniproject for the problem taken in section A.

Suggested Reading:-
1. Date C J, “An Introduction To Database System”, Pearson Educations
2. Korth, Silbertz,Sudarshan, “Fundamental of Database System”, McGraw Hill
3. Rob, “ Data Base System:Design Implementation & Management”, Cengage Learninig
4. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Pearson Educations
5 . Atul Kahate , “ Introduction to Database Management System”, Pearson Educations
6. Oracle 9i Database Administration Fundamental-I, Volume I, Oracle Press,TMH.
7. Paneerselvam,”DataBase Management System”, PHI Learning downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

CS-504 – Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V semester

Course: CS 5512/ CS504 Computer Graphics & Multimedia RATIONALE:
The purpose of this subject is to introduce the concepts and techniques used in Computer Graphics ,
Animations & Multimedia.

The students should have general idea about input/output devices and computing fundamentals. In
addition, a familiarity with general mathematical transformations is required.

Introduction to Raster Scan displays, Pixels, Frame buffer, Vector & Character generation, Random
Scan systems, Display devices, Scan Conversion techniques, Line Drawing: simple DDA,
Bresenham’s Algorithm, Circle Drawing Algorithms: Midpoint Circle drawing and Bresenham’s
Algorithm, Polygon fill algorithm: Boundary-fill and Flood-fill algorithms

2-D Transformation: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Shearing, Reflection. Inverse Transformation,
Homogenous coordinate system, Matrices Transformation, Composite Transformation. Windowing
& Clipping: World Coordinate System, Screen Coordinate System, Viewing Transformation, Line
Clipping & Polygon Clipping Algorithms

3-D Transformations: Translation, Rotation and Scaling. Parallel & Perspective Projection:
Types of Parallel & Perspective Projection, Hidden Surface elimination: Depth comparison, Back
face detection algorithm, Painter’s Algorithm, Z-Buffer Algorithm. Curve generation, Bezier and B-
spline methods. Basic Illumination Model: Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection, Phong Shading,
Gouraud shading, Ray Tracing, Color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV.

Multimedia : Characteristics of a multimedia presentation , Uses of Multimedia, Text –Types,
Unicode Standard ,text Compression, Text file formats, Audio- Components of an audio system,
Digital Audio, Digital Audio processing, Sound cards, Audio file formats ,Audio Processing
software ,Video-Video color spaces, Digital Video, Digital Video processing, Video file formats.

Unit –V
Animation: Uses of Animation, Principles of Animation, Computer based animation, 3D Animation,
Animation file formats, Animation softwares.
Compression: Lossless/Lossy Compression techniques, Image, Audio & Video Compressions,
MPEG Standards ,Multimedia Architecture, Multimedia databases

Recommended Text:
1. Rogers, "Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics", Tata McGraw Hill
2. Donald Hearn and M.P. Becker “Computer Graphics” Pearson Pub.
3. Parekh “Principles of Multimedia” Tata McGraw Hill
4. Maurya, “Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality System “ , Wiley India
5. Pakhira,”Computer Graphics ,Multimedia & Animation”,PHI learning
6. Andleigh, Thakral , “Multimedia System Design “ PHI Learning downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

CS-505 – Theory of Computation
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V Semester
Course: CS 505 Theory of Computation
The purpose of this subject is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in Theory of
Computation. In this syllabus we cover finite automata, pushdown automata, Context free grammars
and Turing machines.
The students should have general idea about computing and mathematical concepts , Transition
graph, Transition matrix.
Basic machine, FSM , Transition graph, Transition matrix, Deterministic and nondeterministic
FSM’S, Equivalence of DFA and NDFA, Mealy & Moore machines, minimization of finite
automata, Two-way finite automata.
Regular Sets and Regular Grammars: Alphabet, words, Operations, Regular sets, Finite automata
and regular expression, Myhill- Nerode theorem Pumping lemma and regular sets, Application of
pumping lemma, closure properties of regular sets.
Context –Free Grammars:Introduction to CFG, Regular Grammars, Derivation trees and Ambiguity,
Simplification of Context free grammars, Normal Forms (Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach
Normal forms).
Pushdown Automata:Definition of PDA, Deterministic Pushdown Automata, PDA corresponding to
given CFG, CFG corresponding to a given PDA.
Context Free Languages:The pumping lemma for CFL’s, Closure properties of CFL’s, Decision
problems involving CFL’s.
Turing Machines:
Introduction, TM model, representation and languages acceptability of TM Design of TM,Universal
TM & Other modification, Church’s hypothesis, composite & iterated TM. Turing machine as
enumerators.Properties of recursive & recursively enumerable languages,Universal Turing machine
Tractable and Untractable Problems:P, NP, NP complete and NP hard problems, examples of these
problems like satisfy ability problems, vertex cover problem, Hamiltonian path problem, traveling
sales man problem, Partition problem etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. John E. Hopcroft, Jeffery Ullman, “Introduction to Automata theory, Langauges & computation” ,
Narosa Publishers.
2. K.L.P Mishra & N.Chandrasekaran,“Theory of Computer Science”, PHI Learning
3. Michael Sipsev,“Theory of Computation”,Cenage Learning
4. John C Martin, “Introdution to languages and theory of computation”, McGraw Hill
5. Daniel I.A. Cohen,“Introduction to Computer Theory”,Wiley India. downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

6. Kohavi, “Switching & Finite Automata Theory”,TMH downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

CS-506 – Computer Programming V (Unix/Linux-Lab.)
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering V Semester
Course: CS 5305/ CS506 Computer Programming V (Unix/Linux-Lab).
The purpose of this subject is to cover the concepts, Installation Process, Hardware Requirements
and features of Unix/Linux. Basic Commands & Shell Programming.
The students should have general Idea about computing fundamentals & operating system and at
least one year of experience in programming .
Overview of Unix/Linux: -
Concepts, Unix/Linux Installation Process, Hardware Requirements for Unix/Linux, Advantages of
Unix/Linux, Reasons for Popularity and Success of Linux/Unix Operating System, Features of
Linux/Unix Operating System, Kernel, Kernel Functions, The Shell Basic Commands, Shell
Programming:-Shell Variables, Branching Control Structures, Loop-Control Structure, Continue and
break Statements, Sleep Command, Debugging Script. Use of Linux as web-server, file server,
directory server, application server, DNS server, SMTP server, Firewall, Proxy server.
File System: -
Definition of File System, Defining Geometry, Disk Controller, Solaris File System, Disk Based File
Systems, Network-Based File Systems, Virtual File systems, UFS File System, The Boot Block, The
Super Block, The Inode, Tuning File System, Repairing File System.
Process Control: -
Viewing a Process, Command to display Process, Process Attributes, Process States, Process Fields,
PS Commands options, PGREP, PRSTAT, CDE Process Manager, Scheduling Process, Scheduling
Priorities, Changing the Priority of a time-sharing process, Killing Process.
System Security: -
Physical Security, Controlling System Access, Restricted Shells Controlling File Access, File Access
Commands, Access Control List(ACLs), Setting ACL Entries, Modifying ACL entries on a file,
Deleting ACL entries on a file, Restricting FTP, Securing Super User Access, Restricting Root
Access, Monitoring super user Access, TCP Wrappers.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: -
Introduction, DHCP Leased Time, DHCP Scopes, DHCP IP Address, Allocation Types, Planning
DHCP Deployment, DHCP Configuration files, Automatic Startup of DHCP Server, Configuration
of DHCP Clients, Manually Configuring the DHCP.
Case Study: -
Installation of Linux, Customization of Linux, Installation of SAMBA, APACHE, TOMCAT, Send
MAIL, Postfix, Implementation of DNS, LDAP services, Firewall, Proxy server
Suggested Reading:
1. Venkatesh Murthy, “Introduction to Unix &Shell”, Pearson Edu
2. Forouzan, “Unix &Shell Programming”, Cengage Learning
3. Sumitab Das,”Unix Concept & Application”,TMH
4. Gopalan, Shivaselvan,”Beginners Guide to Unix ” PHI Learning
5. Venkateshwavle,”Linux Programming Tools Unveil`ed”, BS Publication.
6. Richard Peterson,”Linux Complete Reference”,TMH downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

7. Richard Peterson,”Unix Complete Reference”,TMH
List of Experiments:-

1. To Study basic & User status Unix/Linux Commands.

2. Study & use of commands for performing arithmetic operations with Unix/Linux.
3. Create a file called wlcc.txt with some lines and display how many lines, words and characters
are present in that file.
4. Append ten more simple lines to the wlcc.txt file created above and split the appended file into
3 parts. What will be the names of these split files? Display the contents of each of these files.
How many lines will be there on the last file?
5. Given two files each of which contains names of students. Create a program to display only those
names that are found on both the files.
6. Create a program to find out the inode number of any desired file.
7. Study & use of the Command for changing file permissions.
8. Write a pipeline of commands, which displays on the monitor as well as saves the information
about the number of users using the system at present on a file called usere.ux.
9. Execute shell commands through vi editor.
10. Installation, Configuration & Customizations of Unix/Linux.
11. Write a shell script that accepts any number of arguments and prints them in the reverse order.
12. Write a shell script to find the smallest of three numbers that are read from the keyboard.
13. Write a shell script that reports the logging in of a specified user within one minute after he/she
logs in. The script automatically terminates if the specified user does not login during a specified
period of time.
14. Installation of SAMBA, APACHE, TOMCAT.
15. Implementation of DNS, LDAP services,
16. Study & installation of Firewall & Proxy server downloaded from dt. 02/07/2015

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