Coursle Outline-Fundamentals of Marketing - 2023

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Fundamentals of Marketing

(MKT 201)

Department of International Business

and Marketing
NUST Business School

National University of Sciences & Technology


Course Details:
Course Title: Fundamentals of Marketing Credit Hours: 3
Course Code: MKT 201 Pre-requisite: None
Program: BSAF 2K21 Sections: A

Course Faculty:
Office: Room 304, NUST Business School, NUST H-12, Islamabad
Contact: 051-90853118
Hours: Monday 10:25-11:40
Thursday: 9:00-10:15
Email: [email protected]

Course Description:
Marketing begins and ends with the customer. Marketing is not just a series of tactical
actions; rather, it is a way of thinking about how to incorporate the customers’ views into all
organizational decisions. The goal of marketing is also to gain a sustainable competitive
advantage. This course illustrates these dual roles of marketing by:

 Provide a clear understanding of the customer decision process when making a

 Examining ways to determine wants, needs and problems through consumer research.
 Exploring the impact on information on attitude and belief formation.
 Detailing the various tactics that businesses can use to build a competitive advantage.

We do this by not only examining the strategies and tactics of large multinational firms, but
also examining the independent entities that make up much of the business industry and legal
environments. Consumer behavior and market research are emphasized.

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. CLO 1 Define fundamental marketing concepts and theories. C1
2. CLO 2 Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing process in order to create an
effective marketing plan. C2
3. CLO 3 Identify ethical issues in marketing practices. C3
4. CLO 4 Analyze marketing environments to suggest appropriate marketing
strategies. C4

Program Goals & Learning Objectives:

Goals & learning objectives of the BASF Program are:

Goal 1: Students will acquire knowledge to analyze business problems

LO 1.1: Students will be able to understand problems in a business setting
LO 1.2: Students will be able to analyze problems using business knowledge
Goal 2: Students will work in team settings
LO 2.1: Students will be able to work towards achieving team goals
LO 2.2: Students will be able to demonstrate effective team behavior

Goal 3: Students will learn to communicate effectively

LO 3.1: Students will be able to communicate effectively in oral presentations
LO 3.2: Student will be able to create professional reports

Goal 4: Students will deal with the ethical dilemmas that arise in a business environment
LO 4.1: Students will be able to identify ethical concerns emanating from a business
LO 4.2.: Students will be able to apply ethical guidelines to address business problems by
examining set of alternatives

Mapping - CLOs with Los

Learning L L L L L L L L Not Evaluation Item
Objectiv O O O O O O O O mapp
e 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 ed
CLO 1  Quiz/Exam/Assignment
CLO 2  Project/Quiz/Exam
CLO 3  Assignment/Project
CLO 4 Project/Assignment/Exam
Note:  indicates mapped and assessed CLO, indicates mapped but not assessed CLO
and X indicates unmapped

Required Course Material:

Textbook (s):

Principles and Practice of Marketing 9/e, Jobber, David/ Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona, McGraw-
Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa, 2019, ISBN 10: 152684723X / ISBN
13: 9781526847232

Reference Book (s):

Principles of Marketing (2020), Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong, Pearson, Year: ISBN:
0135766591, 9780135766590.

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 7th edition by Kotler, Bowen, Makens & Baloglu:
Prentice Hall.

Other Material:
Will be uploaded on LMS for each lecture accordingly

Course Evaluation:
Grading will be done as per NBS criteria. The breakup is as follows:
Final Exam 30%
Midterm 25%
Final Project 20% (15% document, 5% presentation)
Class Activities 5%
Quizzes 10%
Assignments 10% (20 marks for each assignment)

Weekly Schedule:
Lecture No. and Preparation Session Outcomes (Students should be able
Topic Material to…)
Student  Student Introductions
Week 1: Introductions  Define the marketing concept and its key
Introduction to Chapter # 1 components
1 Marketing (Kotler)  A 5- step marketing process model
Marketing Chapter # 1
Process (Jobber) CLO 1, 4

 Describe the process of marketing

Chapter # 18
Week 2: (Jobber)  Understand the concept of business
2 Marketing mission
Planning Project Groups  Marketing Audit and SWOT analysis

CLO 1, 2
 Marketing Objectives and marketing mix
 BCG matrix
Week 3:
Chapter # 18  Ansoff Growth Strategy/product
3 Marketing
(Jobber) expansion grid

CLO 1, 2
Chapter # 6
(Kotler)  Outline the major factors affecting
Week 4: Chapter # 3 consumer behavior, and discuss some of
Consumer (Jobber) the specific cultural, social, personal and
4 Markets and
psychological factors that influence
Consumer Buying
Behavior Assignment 1: consumers.
Snakes and
Latte’s CLO 1, 2
Week 5: Chapter # 6
Consumer (Kotler)  5-stage buyer decision process
5 Markets and Chapter # 3
Consumer Buying (Jobber) CLO 1, 2
 Market segmentation, targeting, and
Week 6: Chapter # 7 positioning
Market (Jobber)  Explain how companies identify attractive
6 Segmentation, Chapter # 8 market segments and choose a market-
Targeting and (Kotler) targeting strategy.
CLO 1, 2
Week 7: Chapter # 7  Illustrate the concept of positioning for
Market (Jobber) competitive advantage by offering
7 Segmentation, Chapter # 8 specific examples
Targeting and
CLO 1, 2
Chapter#5  Explain the meaning of ethics, and
Week 8: (Jobber) business and marketing ethics
8 Ethics in  Describe ethical issues in marketing
marketing Project Part 1
Due CLO 3
Chapter # 8  Define the term product
Week 10: (Jobber)  Understand the new product development
Product and Chapter # 9 process
Brands (Kotler)  Understand how the PLC can be applied
to a company.
 Describe service culture.
Week 11: Chapter # 2
 Understand the difference between
Service (Kotler)
internal marketing and external
11 Characteristics of Chapter # 9
Marketing (Jobber)

12 Week 12:  Identify the three basic pricing strategies.
Pricing Products Chapter # 12  Understand the concept of Price
(Jobber) Elasticity
Chapter # 11 CLO 1, 2
Assignment 2:
Does Mattel
Iconic Barbie
Doll need a
 Describe the functions and types of
channels of distribution
Week 13:
 Discuss the three components of channel
Distribution Chapter # 17
13 strategy: channel selection, intensity and
Channels (Jobber)

CLO 1, 2

Project Part 2:
14 Presentation CLO 2, 4

Delivery of
Students’ Project
15 CLO 2, 4
presentations Presentations

Delivery of
16 Project CLO 2, 4

Details of Assessments:
Assignments and Case studies:
 There are 2 assignments for this course with a weightage of 5% each.
 All assignments will be performed in groups.
 All assignments should be submitted electronically by the due date. 20% of your
marks will be deducted for any late submissions. If submitting a hard copy, please
make sure that you also send me an electronic version of the assignment by the
assigned date and time. Your submissions will be checked through plagiarism
 You have been assigned two HBR Cases for this course as assignments for this
course. Each case accounts for 5% of your grade. You will be required to submit a
write up for each case and participate in its case discussion.

Create A Marketing Plan For A New Product Or Service
For your term project for this course, you are to create a marketing plan for a new product or
a service of your choice. As a marketing manager for the company (a hypothetical one), you
have been charged with the responsibility for developing the strategic marketing program for
the next year. Please note that existing brand names cannot be used; and existing
businesses cannot be extended or diversified.

The objective of this project is to make you experienced in applying the concepts and
methods of marketing to a real-world marketing opportunity. The project will be done in
teams. Your job is to prepare a marketing plan which displays your ability to understand and
use major areas of marketing that we are studying throughout this course. The project is
divided into two parts:
 Part 1 focuses on the consumer needs, company’s mission statement and marketing
objectives, product/service being offered, major existing competitors’ product/service,
analysis of competitors- strength and weakness. Position each against your
product/service. You will also be conducting segmentation and selecting target
markets for your product. Describe the marketing strategy for each marketing 4P mix
element (product/ service, price, place and promotion). This will be delivered in the
form of a report in week 8.
 Based on your part 1 report, evaluate whether the company’s current marketing
strategy worked and why. Mention about marketing mix elements: product, price,
place and promotion. The core element of this part is developing an integrated
marketing communications plan for your business. This will be delivered in the form
of a presentation at the end of the semester.

Course Policies:
 In the event of a missed session, it is the student’s responsibility to consult LMS and
their classmates for missed content.
 Class attendance will be taken in first 5 minutes of the class. Do not be late for class
otherwise you will be marked absent for the session(s). If you are away on official
NUST duty, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor on time with an
official note.
 It is the student’s responsibility to continuously monitor his/her attendance. Do Not
ask the instructor to change/modify the attendance, unless there has been an
accidental oversight. In such an event, the student should inform the instructor of the
error (with proof) before the month ends.

Discipline / Deadline Extension Policy:

Students are intimated in advance that there is no room for deadline extensions in this module
for individual as well as for group activities/ submissions. The sole reason for this is the
provision of similar grounds to each Student. Therefore do not ask for any such favours.
Prove yourself as educated, well groomed individual during your stay.
Class Participation, Activities and Discussion:
This is a discussion-based course; therefore, students are encouraged to participate and
present their own ideas/views during the module in a respectable manner. Credit for
participation includes, but is not limited to, contributing to class discussions, small group
discussions, and in-class activities. Each week some discussion questions, small assignments
and/or class activities will be provided. Every student must prepare for them and participate
in class discussions. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer, so try to share your
perspective freely and confidently. However always remember that speak only when you be
given a turn, always raise your hand before speaking to grab audience attention.

The course will have two exams to measure Student’s understanding of the subject, mid-term
in the 9th and final in the 18th week of the course. Students are required to present their
arguments in a systematic and well-balanced approach. Use of headings will be highly
appreciated. The students are encouraged to read and reference from a variety of material to
present a thorough understanding of the module.
Academic Integrity:
Students are required not to indulge in plagiarism and dishonesty which will be dealt strictly
in accordance with the plagiarism policy. Students are free to discuss with their peers and
allowed to study in groups; however, on account of individual submissions, whether be it
assignments/ projects, you are required to submit your own reflection on the assigned topic.
Missed Classes:
Students are encouraged not to miss classes, however in the case of such eventuality they are
required to follow-up from peers and come up well prepared in the classes to come. Make
sure it is the sole responsibility of the student to compensate for the losses incurred and No
excuses will be dealt with on this account.

Consultation & Contact:

I am available in my office on Monday and Friday but you need to seek appointment through
my official email [email protected] at least a day in advance other than in
emergency cases.
Cell Phone Policy:
When cell phones ring and students respond in class or leave class to respond, it disrupts the
class. The use by students of cell phones or similar communication devices during scheduled
classes is prohibited. All such devices must be turned off. At the discretion of the instructor,
exception to this policy is possible, in special circumstances.
Reading Policy:
Students are responsible for coming prepared to class. The required reading material
assigned for each class must be prepared before the session as this is necessary for
conducting a discussion based interactive session.
In addition to the portfolio assignments, we will use at least 4-5 HBR cases during this
course. Students will be required to read some of the articles as and when assigned by the
instructor via MS Teams, and present a response within their respective group.

Dos and Don’ts:

Come to class on time and having Submit assignments, quizzes late. Such
completed the reading material. assignments and quizzes will not be accepted.
Take notes during the lectures. Cause disturbance in class.
Research topics and news items for
constructive (and respectful) in-class Eat/Drink food in class.
Let the lecturer know in advance if you
Ask the lecturer to reschedule deadlines.
need to miss a class.
Constantly monitor the course outline and Ask the lecturer to change attendance
have it with you at all times. details.
Forget to write some form of identification
Switch off/Put your phones on silent
on each document that is due for
during class.
submission of any kind.
Make up your own format of labelling /
Follow submission instructions for any
submission of assessed material – you will
assessment content
lose marks for this
Sample Front Page:

NUST Business School

MKT 201 – Rabeel Khan
Topic of Report/Assignment

Submitted to;
Submitted by;

Date: xx Month, 2022.

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