Publisher 2013
Publisher 2013
Publisher 2013
Publisher 2013
Microsoft Publisher 2013 Manual
Rev 6/2014
[email protected]
Microsoft Publisher 2013
The KCLS Tech Tutor Program offers free One-on-One Computer Help and Computer Classes. Go to for upcoming Tech Tutor sessions, learning online and class manuals. This manual
is for Microsoft Publisher 2013 class held on library computers running Windows 7.
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Publisher 2013 Organization – User Interface
The way the tools and menus are organized in Publisher 2013 is known as the user interface.
You will learn about The Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, File Menu and other key parts of Publisher.
The Ribbon
The Ribbon runs along the top, has all the Publisher tools, and is organized into three parts:
!! Tabs – represent a general activity area
!! Groups – show related tools (commands) together
!! Commands – a button, expandable menu, or a box for entering related information
Click the various Tabs: observe how the Groups and Commands change based on the selected Tab.
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File Menu
The File Menu contains actions at the file level. Click the green “File” tab to the far left of the tabs.
What you’ll see is the “backstage” area. From here, you can create a New document, Open an existing
one, Save changes to the current document, Save As a different file with a different name, Print the
current document, and other options. Click the “back arrow” at the top to exit the backstage area.
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Boundaries are dark blue dashed borders that appear around objects. Viewing object boundaries can
be useful to align objects or view text.
Rulers are on the left and top of the publication to help line up text, images, and other objects. When
an object is selected, a white space will appear on the rulers to show the object’s location.
Guides are thin lines that help to align objects. There are two types of guides:
!! Margin guides are blue lines that mark the edges, or margins, of a printable area; they are
automatically created when page margins are set.
!! Customizable guides are green lines that can be added anywhere in a publication. To add them:
1.! Left-click and hold the horizontal or vertical ruler
2.! Drag the mouse to the publication
3.! Release to add the guide to a location
The guide will be placed, and it can be moved at any time by clicking and dragging it.
Page Navigation is a pane to the left that displays an image of each page in the publication.
Scratch Area is the grey area outside the white page area. It shows objects or portions of objects
located outside page boundaries; anything in the scratch area will not print. You can think of it as a
holding space while you decide what to place and how to place it in your publication.
Diagram of organization tools in Publisher
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Save Your Work
To make sure you don’t lose your work on a document, you should “save early and save often.” Let’s
start by saving the document you have open in Publisher 2013:
1.! Click the green File Button near the Tabs. Learn more about “File Menu” on page 4.
2.! Click Save As. This option is for saving, or naming, a file for the first time. You may create different
versions of a file by “saving as” a new name. Learn more in “Quick Access Toolbar” on page 3.
3.! Click “Computer”. See TIP below and “Saving With OneDrive” (page 11) for “cloud” storage info.
4.! Click “My Documents” folder. On KCLS computers, files saved to “My Documents” folder are
erased at the end of your session. Consider a USB drive, or OneDrive for long-term storage.
5.! Name file “My Practice Document”. Generally, choose a name that is easy to remember.
6.! Click Save.
! TIP: Have a Microsoft account with, or Microsoft Office 2013
Programs offer “cloud” file storage through OneDrive. Click OneDrive instead of “Computer” to
log in, save the file and access anyplace through the Internet. Learn more at
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Working With a Publication
Page Layout
Creating a publication from a template takes care of many choices for you, but if you use a blank
template or decide to modify a built-In template, consider important components of page layout:
Size: Publications like flyers can be large or small. A
standard sheet of paper is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches
tall. Larger sheets of paper can be expensive and difficult
to print, so consider your paper size. Select paper size on
Templates Screen (see page 2 of this manual), when you
click “New” in the File Menu, or under Page Design Tab.
Orientation: Do you want the publication to have
landscape orientation (wider than tall) or portrait
Page Setup options under Page Design Tab
orientation (taller than wide)?!
Margins: Margins are areas of blank space that line the edges of a printed document, so the width of
page margins can affect the look and feel of the publication. Wide margins can look sophisticated but
do not leave much space for images and text. Narrow margins can provide much more space with
which to work. You may also need to consider the following:
!! Paper type – If you need assistance for what type of paper you should use, employees at your local
office supply store may be able to help.
!! Paper Color – Usually white or cream-colored paper is the best choice, but if you are printing in
grayscale or black and white, colored paper is attention-grabbing and visually appealing.
!! Delivery – Consider what type of packaging you will use and how you will add an address.
!! Post printing needs - Will your publication need cutting, folding, stapling, or assembling?
!! Printing options and settings – Before you print your publication, review Publisher printing
options and settings by clicking the File menu.
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How to re-size a picture:
1.! Click into the picture.
2.! Look for squares around the frame.
3.! Click and drag a frame square.
a.! Drag a corner out to enlarge proportionally.
b.! Drag a corner in to shrink proportionally.
Add a couple more pictures, and try re-sizing them.
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! TIP: Remember, you can also make a few changes and click the Undo icon on the Quick Access
Toolbar to remove changes.
1.! In the first section, click inside the
text placeholder that contains the
word ‘Homework’ to see the Format
tab on the WordArt Tools ribbon
appear. Click the tab to view the
WordArt Styles group on the ribbon.
2.! With the cursor in the placeholder, click the dropdown arrow in the lower right hand corner of the
group and select a different style from either the Plain WordArt Styles section or the WordArt
Transform Styles section of the dropdown.
3.! With the Format tab still in focus, change the style of the placeholders for ‘Online Teen Zone’ and
! TIP: Click the File button and in the Backstage View, click Print to see a preview of how a printed
brochure will look. Click Close to close the publication only.
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