ASSIGNMENT Organicanalysisnew 20230929150340
ASSIGNMENT Organicanalysisnew 20230929150340
ASSIGNMENT Organicanalysisnew 20230929150340
3. Test with Litmus paper: i) Blue litmus turns red May be carboxylic acid or phenol
Touch the moist litmus paper ii) Red litmus turns blue May be an amine
with organic compound iii) No colour change is Absence of carboxylic acid,
noted phenol and amine.
5. Test for carbonyl group: Orange yellow precipitate Presence of carbonyl group.
Shake 0.2 ml of organic formed. (may be an aldehydic or ketonic
compound with 2-3 ml of group.)
2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine.
2.Carboxylic group
Ester test: Take about 1 g of
carboxylic acid, 1ml of ethyl
alcohol and 1-2 drops dil. H2SO4 A deep blue or green Presence of phenol confirmed.
in a test tube. Heat the reaction colouration developed.
mixture in a water bath for
about 5 minutes. Pour the
reaction mixture in a beaker
with aqueous sodium
3. Phenols
Liebermann’s Test: Take 2-3 A fruity smell. Presence of alcohol confirmed.
crystals of sodium nitrite in a ROH + R’ COOH R’ COOR +
test tube and add about 1mL of H2O
phenol. Heat for half a minute
and cool it. Then add about 1ml
of Conc. Sulphuric acid and
shake the content.
4. Aldehydes
Fehling’s test: Take 1ml each of A red precipitate Presence of aldehyde confirmed.
Fehling’s solution A and B in a RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 5OH-
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of Cu2O + RCOO- + 3H2O.
aldehyde and warm it in a water
bath for 4-5 minutes.
5. Ketones
m – dinitrobenzene test: Take A violet colour appears Presence of ketonic group
0.5 ml of ketone in a test tube and slowly fades. confirmed.
and add about 0.1g of finely
powdered m-dinitrobenzene.
Add about 1ml of dil.NaOH
solution and shake.
6. Amines
Azo dye test:Dissolve organic Red or Orange dye. Presence of amino group
compound in 2 ml of dilute confirmed.
hydrochloric acid and cool it in
ice. Then add cold sodium
nitrite solution to it followed by
beta naphthol in NaOH.
Tollen’s test: Take 1 mL of freshly prepared (~ 2 %) silver nitrate solution in a test tube. Add 1-2
drops of sodium hydroxide solution to it and shake, a dark brown precipitate of silver oxide
appears. Dissolve the precipitate by adding ammonium hydroxide solution drop-wise.