Segmentation Errors in Macular Ganglion Cell Analysis As Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography in Eyes With Macular Pathology
Segmentation Errors in Macular Ganglion Cell Analysis As Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography in Eyes With Macular Pathology
Segmentation Errors in Macular Ganglion Cell Analysis As Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography in Eyes With Macular Pathology
Background: To evaluate artifacts in macular ganglion cell inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) thickness measurement in
eyes with retinal pathology using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD OCT).
Methods: Retrospective analysis of color-coded maps, infrared images and 128 horizontal B-scans (acquired in the
macular ganglion cell inner plexiform layer scans), using the Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA). The study
population included 105 eyes with various macular conditions compared to 30 eyes of 30 age-matched healthy
volunteers. The overall frequency of image artifacts and the relative frequency of artifacts were stratified by macular
Results: Scan errors and artifacts were found in 55.1% of the 13,440 B-scans in eyes with macular pathology and
26.8% of the 3840 scans in normal eyes. Segmentation errors were the most common scan error in both groups, with
more common involvement of both segmentation borders in diseased eyes and anterior segmentation border in
normal eyes.
Conclusion: Segmentation errors and artifacts in SD OCT GCA are common in conditions involving the macula.
These findings should be considered when assessing macular GCIPL thickness and careful assessment of scans is
Keywords: Artifacts, Errors, Ganglion cell algorithm, Ganglion cell inner plexiform layer, Spectral domain optical
coherence tomography
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Alshareef et al. Int J Retin Vitr (2017) 3:25 Page 2 of 8
All 128 horizontal OCT B-scans acquired in the macu- Each error was further described according to its loca-
lar cube 512 × 128 protocol were examined by one evalu- tion on the scan. Each scan was divided into central
ator (AG) with an intraclass correlation of 0.93 for the 1000 μm, temporal 2500 μm and nasal 2500 μm. Seg-
presence of artifacts. mentation error affecting the central part of the scan was
Analysis of scans was performed as described in specifically noted, as thickness measures from this sub-
our previous publication [19]. Analysis of the images field are commonly used to guide retreatment in patients
included infrared image, color-coded map and all indi- with nAMD and DME. In addition, the central area of
vidual 128 scans in an eye. Each B scan of the volume was line scans may have a higher frequency of segmentation
reviewed to identify the potential cause of an artifact pre- errors than more peripheral areas, as most patients might
sent in that B scan. Any form of segmentation error or have fovea involving lesions with more disruption of the
artifacts was noted. Artifacts were identified and classi- retinal ganglion cell RGC complex in this central zone.
fied, and the number of B-scans containing artifacts was Furthermore, the total scan area was divided in three
noted for each artifact type. zones: upper zone included 1st to 41st scan, central zone
included 42nd to 84th scan and lower zone included 85th
Boundary line errors to 128th scan. Overall occurrence of the artifacts was
Inner/outer segmentation line misidentification described in these zones.
The GCA algorithm software locates the outer boundary Motion artifact was detected as misalignment of reti-
of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) presented as a solid nal vessels on rendered fundus infrared image. Figure 1
purple line and the outer boundary of the inner plexiform shows various artifacts in macular conditions. Other arti-
layer (IPL) presented as a solid yellow line. Subsequently, facts including defocus, out of register, shadowing, mir-
all images acquired within each scan pattern (for exam- ror artifact, and blink artifact were also evaluated.
ple, 128 raster scans in Cirrus macular cube 512 × 128)
were reviewed to check for segmentation breakdown in Statistical analysis
the inner and outer segmentation lines. The presence of a Descriptive statistics included mean and standard devia-
macular GCIPL segmentation error was defined as when tion. Statistical analyses were performed using commer-
these 2 lines were not located in the proper positions cial software (Stata data analysis and statistical software,
between the retinal layers in at least 1 cross- sectional version 12.1, StataCorp, College Station, TX). A P value
image. If segmentation algorithm abnormality was noted of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
in the outer boundary of the RNFL, it was recorded as
inner segmentation line misidentification. If a segmen- Results
tation abnormality was noted in the outer boundary of Eyes with macular related pathologies
the inner plexiform layer (IPL), it was recorded as outer The various retinal pathologies included were as follows:
segmentation line misidentification. If a segmentation 30 eyes with RP, 15 eyes with wet AMD, 15 eyes with idi-
abnormality occurred in both lines in a single B scan, it opathic ERM, 15 eyes with DME secondary to type II dia-
was only recorded once as a segmentation error involving betes, 15 eyes with dry AMD, 15 eyes with CSCR. The
both borders of the GCIPL. mean age of the subjects was 49.54 ± 16.32 years (range
15–85). Gender distribution was 31 females and 74
Missing segmentation line males. Thirteen eyes were pseudophakic.
Inner segmentation line absence was recorded in cases
where a visible absence of the outer boundary of the Overall frequency of scan line artifacts
RNFL line existed. In cases where an outer boundary of A total of 13,440 scans from 105 OCT macular cube
the inner plexiform layer (IPL) was missing, an outer seg- scans of 105 eyes were reviewed. Artifacts were noted
mentation line absence was recorded. Absence of both in 7410 scans of 13,440 scans, equivalent to a frequency
lines bordering the GCIPL was recorded as well. of 55.1%. Artifacts were mostly observed in B scans of
patients with RP 95.5% followed by neovascular AMD
Severity parameters related to boundary errors 64.47% and least in patients with ERM 19.7%.
To grade the severity of segmentation error, each scan
was noted for segmentation deviation (inner or outer or Frequency of artifacts by type of artifacts
both). Deviation of the segmentation line was classified For ganglion cell algorithm scans, misidentification of
into mild (<10 μm), moderate (10–50 μm) and severe both lines was the most common segmentation line
(more than 50 μm). Each deviation, if present, was noted error (50%) observed. Segmentation line absence was
as upward or downward deviation. the second most common segmentation line error (7.8%)
Alshareef et al. Int J Retin Vitr (2017) 3:25 Page 4 of 8
Fig. 1 Composite figure shows various artifacts on ganglion cell analysis of Cirrus® spectral domain optical coherence tomography. a Correct seg-
mentation of ganglion cell inner plexiform layer in an eyes central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR); b blink artifact on infrared image (arrow shows
the missing information due to blink artifact); c outer segmentation artifact due to hard exudate (arrow) in diabetic macular edema; d misalignment
of both segmentation lines along with mirror artifact in an eye with retinitis pigmentosa; e downward deviation of both segmentation lines; f outer
segmentation artifact in an eye with diabetic macular edema; misalignment of both segmentation lines along with mirror artifact in an eye with
scarred age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (g); CSCR (h); dry AMD (i)
observed, and it more likely involved the inner segmenta- errors were located in the nasal 2500 μm area of the scan.
tion line (7.8%) Motion artifacts were the most common When reviewing cross-sectional scans with errors, loca-
artifacts noted on IR images. Table 1 summarizes types of tion of errors was not correlated with location of pathol-
artifacts observed. ogy. Upward Deviation of the segmentation line occurred
Percentage of B scans with inner and outer GCIPL more commonly then downward segmentation line devia-
misidentification was calculated for each of the disease tion. Upward deviation occurred more in RP (92.1%) and
states. Highest average percentage of an isolated outer dry AMD 93.9%. Downward deviation occurred more fre-
GCIPL misidentification occurred in DME (20.8%), and quently in DME 26.35% and RP (23.5%). Among all disease
CSCR (12.2%), whereas highest average percentage of categories, ERM had the least amount of deviations. When
an isolated inner retina misidentification occurred in comparing the degree of segmentation line deviation, mild
wet AMD (30%), and dry AMD (15.4%). Furthermore, deviation was more often noted in all disease groups.
the highest average percentage of B scans with com-
bined inner and outer GCIPL boundary misidentification Causes of artifacts in disease categories (Table 2)
occurred in RP (99.5%) and CSCR (86.9%). Retinitis pigmentosa
When comparing the proportion of cross-sectional ret- The majority of errors observed was misidentification
ina scans with errors, nearly all artifact types were more of layers secondary to hyper-reflectivity of the RNFL
common in the center 1000 micron area of the scan in all 92.36%, where the algorithm misinterpreted the highly
disease categories but RP and ERM, where most of the reflective RNFL as the inner border of the GCIPL, other
Alshareef et al. Int J Retin Vitr (2017) 3:25 Page 5 of 8
Table 1 Demographic variables and percentage and characteristics of segmentation errors identified using the ganglion
cell algorithm analysis in macular diseases and healthy eyes
Healthy eyes RP CSCR Dry AMD DME Wet AMD ERM
N (eyes) 30 30 15 15 15 15 15
Age (years) 56.3 ± 4.5 31.1 ± 11.81 37.6 ± 9.74 62.49 ± 11.49 68.0 ± 7.7 58.0 ± 14.2 53.6 ± 15.4
Mean signal strength 6.76 ± 0.81 8.36 8.17 6.60 6.80 6.46 6.86
Mean number of 35.84 122.9 52.6 20.5 61.5 75.8 25.26
scans with error in one eye
Mean overall 26.8 95.5 41.0 20.5 48.0 64.47 19.7
number of scans with errors (%)
Affected zone (%)
Upper (1st–41st) 20 31.27 9.27 6.92 14.16 18.54 6.30
Central (42nd–84th) 30 31.32 16.04 9.01 18.33 25.98 5.20
Lower (85th–125th) 47 33.43 15.78 4.58 15.62 19.94 8.22
Affected scan area (%)
Nasal 2500 μm 11.2 94.27 43.07 39.33 56.39 45.29 88.65
Central 16.8 86.06 79.48 46.15 77.42 85.02 88.15
Temporal 2500 μm 11.4 91.40 75.78 37.52 58.56 42.66 77.00
Layer affected (%)
Inner 62 1.0 0.76 15.48 0 8.64 30.07
Outer 17.2 0.02 12.29 3.55 20.82 6.70 0
Both 20.79 99.59 86.94 80.96 78.95 84.65 69.92
Deviation (%)
Upward 47.91 92.16 85.93 93.90 73.86 84.65 66.49
Downward 33.43 23.56 17.36 6.09 26.35 15.58 0
Both 18.65 2.52 0 0 0 0 33.50
Degree of deviation (%)
Mild 38.6 77.81 88.97 94.41 98.59 94.91 96.04
Moderate 20.9 14.31 11.02 3.80 2.49 4.52 3.95
Severe 40.3 9.49 0 2.02 0 0.56 0
Type (%)
Segmentation error 20.79 95.8 40.0 20.5 48.0 58.0 16
Segmentation loss 2.91 0.0.78 1.1 0.8 1 1.2 2
Defocus 6.70 4.4 0 0 0 0 0
Out-of-register 3.3 10.9 0 0 0 0 0
Shadowing 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0
Mirror artifact 0 4.5 0 0 0 0 0
Blink artifact 0.09 0.4 0 0 0 0 0
Artifacts on IR image (%)
Motion 53.3 33.33 6.6 20 26 23 6.6
Blink 0.09 6.66 0 0 0 0 0
RP retinitis pigmentosa, CSCR central serous chorioretinopathy, AMD age-related macular degeneration, DME diabetic macular edema, ERM epiretinal membrane
artifacts involving the inner and outer GCIPL segmenta- be related to the macular involvement, which may cause
tion line. Overall, misidentification of both boundary lines a higher frequency of artifacts.
of the GCIPL were most common (50%), followed by outer The vast majority of patients exhibited inner segmenta-
boundary misidentification, which occured in 2.9% of eyes. tion error, and this was common across all pathologies.
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