Fu Hu Gong
Fu Hu Gong
Fu Hu Gong
Caterpillar: from standing, break fall to forearms; like a jackhammer, alternate between
fists and forearms while advancing and staying on toes
Alligator (or Walk the Dog): from standing, break fall to forearms; hands in vertical fist,
body parallel with ground; weight supported on toes and fists only; keep body at same
level--just a few inches above ground; advance right hand/right foot, left hand/left foot,
and so on; working the rib cage one side at a time
Twisting Snake: rear breakfall with forearms--turn to one side, hands together and down
by lap-pike toes to fingers by lifting hips off of floor (weight is supported on the side of
the shoulder), let hips drop then do a full circle open then closed as the body rotates to
other side; this is like a sidewinder--body twists but direction of travel remains linear
Lying Snake: rock and roll; create space for the shoulder to roll, one at a time, pulling the
back down the floor with the muscles of the ribcage and upper back; feet drag and there
is no pushing or pulling with feet or elbows or hands, all the work is done by pulling
Leaping frog: squat down to prayer position on balls of feet; hands pressed together to
keep the knife edge and the forearms solid for impact;
leap forward and land on knife edge/forearms first, with lower body lagging slightly
behind---impact on shins-instep tucked (top of foot hits and tucks under butt) ; this
visually is like a tiger catching a lamb--upper body followed by lower in a wave; spring
back on toes w/out use of hands (beginners can first place hands down before springing
back onto toes)
Jumping Frog: All 4 limbs contacts at same time; leave the ground and land on the
ground all 4 simultaneouly;
palms-fingers turned into each other to open the scapula and emphasize extra point
between shoulders, feet are wide and weight is centered directly under
load the spring by bending the arms and legs a little, drawing into the ground;
explode vigorously up by pressing all 4 into the ground, most of the power will be issued
by the pelvis
Water Skipper: like the break dancing move; leg out to side to start, it circles
continuously as the hands move around the spinning leg; use fists or fingertips and move
forward with each; I have modified to include all directions and spinning as advancing or
retreating; also much like the "Thomas Flair" gymnastic move
Lizard: 2-person; partner holds ABOVE knees (to stay close to your center); the lizard
sets the pace and the partner follows, stabilizing;
you advance by withdrawing one side of your body--your fist follows with the turn and as
you turn your body back to start position/center, the heavy hand drops the fist into and
through the ground; alternate sides in a walking fashion; like a wheelbarrel except you
are not crawling, your doing a bow and arrow movement
Tiger Stretch/Tiger Pushups: like a divebomber pushup with some modifications; feet
stay flat and wider and works the groin and lower body more; main cat stretch to extend
and flex the entire spine; lead with the eyes
Crane dips: one leg outstretched grab foot with same side hand. Extend other side hand
out to side palm out. Dip down on one leg then raise up. Same as pistol.