17 Kimteng vs. Atty. Young, G.R. No. 210554, August 5, 2015
17 Kimteng vs. Atty. Young, G.R. No. 210554, August 5, 2015
17 Kimteng vs. Atty. Young, G.R. No. 210554, August 5, 2015
Private respondents point out that the a) Respondents Atty. Walter T. Young and
Balgos Law Firm is derailing the liquidation of Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat are found in
Ruby Industrial Corporation by filing this Petition contempt of court for using a disbarred
for contempt because the Balgos Law Firm lawyer's name in their firm name and are
resents that its nominee was not elected as meted a fine of P30,000.00 each.
liquidator. Private respondents add that Rule 71, Section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
petitioners have continuously blocked Ruby Procedure provides:
Industrial Corporation's unsecured creditors from
obtaining relief, as shown by the number of times SEC. 3. Indirect contempt to be punished
that Ruby Industrial Corporation's cases have after charge and hearing. After charge in
reached this court. writing has been filed, and an opportunity
given to the respondent to comment thereon
Moreover, Private respondents also within such period as may be fixed by the
raise the issue of forum shopping in their court and to be heard by himself or counsel, a
person guilty of any of the following acts may Rule 4, Section 3(a) of the Internal Rules of
be punished for indirect contempt. the Supreme Court, provides that the
administrative functions of this court
In this case, respondents committed acts
include "disciplinary and administrative
that are considered indirect contempt
matters involving justices, judges, and court
under Section 3 of Rule 71. In addition,
respondents disregarded the Code of
Professional Responsibility when they e) As to the allegation of forum shopping,
retained the name of respondent Revilla in petitioners do not deny that they filed a
their firm name. Complaint for disbarment. They argue,
however, that they did not mention the
Canon 3, Rule 3.02 states:
disbarment proceedings against
Rule 3.02. In the choice of a firm name, respondents in view of Rule 139-B,
no false, misleading or assumed name shall be Section 18 of the Rules of Court, which
used. The continued use of the name of a states that disbarment proceedings are
deceased partner is permissible provided that private and confidential.
the firm indicates in all its communications that
In addition, a Petition for contempt under
said partner is deceased.
Rule 71 and a Complaint for disbarment are
Respondents argue that the use of different from each other. The filing of a
respondent Revilla's name is "no more Complaint for disbarment before the
misleading than including the names of dead or Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the filing
retired partners in a law firm's name." of the Petition for contempt under Rule 71 do
not constitute forum shopping. Forum
Maintaining a disbarred lawyer's name in shopping has been defined as: when a party
the firm name is different from using a deceased repetitively avails of several judicial
partner's name in the firm name. Canon 3, remedies in different courts, simultaneously
Rule 3.02 allows the use of a deceased or successively, all substantially founded on
partner's name as long as there is an indication the same transactions and the same essential
that the partner is deceased. This ensures that facts and circumstances, and all raising
the public is not misled. On the other hand, the substantially the same issues either pending
retention of a disbarred lawyer's name in the firm in or already resolved adversely by some
name may mislead the public into believing that other court.
the lawyer is still authorized to practice law.
The elements of forum shopping are:
b) The Complaint against Atty. Jovito
Gambol is DISMISSED. This is without i. identity of parties, or at least such
prejudice to any disciplinary liabilities parties as representthe same
of respondents Atty. Walter T. Young, interests in both actions.
Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat, and Judge ii. identity of rights asserted and relief
Ofelia L. Calo. prayed for, the relief being founded
c) The counsels are ordered to make the on the same facts.
necessary amendments in relation to the iii. the identity of the two preceding
use of the disbarred lawyer's name particulars, such that any judgment
including changes in their signage, rendered in the other action will,
notice of appearances, stationeries, and regardless of which party is
like material within a period of five (5) successful, amount tores judicatain
days from receipt. the action under consideration.
d) The Complaint against respondent
The Supreme court has explained that
Judge Ofelia L. Calo is also ordered re-
disbarment proceedings are sui generis, and
docketed as an administrative matter.
are not akin to civil or criminal cases. A
Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution provides: disbarment proceeding "is intended to cleanse
the ranks of the legal profession of its undesirable
SECTION 11. . .The Supreme Court en bane members in order to protect the public and the
shall have the power to discipline judges of courts. "Also, the Integrated Bar of the
lower courts, or order their dismissal by a Philippines' findings are recommendatory, and
vote of a majority of the Members who the power to sanction erring members of the bar
actually took part in the deliberations on the lies with Supreme court.
issues in the case and voted thereon. Also,