Emerging Technologies, Emerging Minds - Digital Innovations Within The Primary Sector
Emerging Technologies, Emerging Minds - Digital Innovations Within The Primary Sector
Emerging Technologies, Emerging Minds - Digital Innovations Within The Primary Sector
5. What are some different terms used to describe the process of learning English, and
how do they reflect the context in which English is taught?
There are numerous terms to describe the process of learning English.
- In many English speaking countries it is often referred to as ‘English as an additional
language’ or ‘English language learning’. The distinctive position in these contexts is
for learners to acquire English alongside other subjects. This approach has proved
very popular in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.
- In the Middle East, the term ‘English as another language’ has been coined to reflect
the notion of children from minority ethnic backgrounds, who already have
experience of using their own home languages and are learning the official language
of the country, as well as learning English.
- ‘English as a foreign language’ refers to the learning of English that takes place in a
non-English speaking context. In EFL classrooms there is a general aspiration for
exposing learners to English as a ‘living language’, providing natural opportunities to
practise target language through the use of authentic texts and exposure to real
models of spoken English.
6. How can technology, particularly the internet, enhance English language learning in
non-English speaking contexts, as mentioned in the text?
Technologies like the internet can provide access to large quantities of authentic
input material and can provide opportunities for practice. Teachers and learners are
no longer isolated from the target language or culture and can ‘… participate in the
socially mediated practices of [the target language] community.’ (Kirsch, 2008: 46).
7. What major shift in technology integration has occurred over the last 20 years, and
how has it affected the educational sector?
In the past, technology has been used to source and consume information, whereas
today’s learners have become adept at creating and collaboratively developing
content for a wide variety of purposes, for example so-called Web 2.0 tools such as
blogs, forums and wikis.
The change from a ‘read Web’ to a ‘read/write Web’ has encouraged teachers to
become increasingly inventive in their approach to engaging technologically savvy
learners who want to publish their work within an ever expanding arena.
Supporting Writing
26. How can modern word processors with built-in tools support emergent writers,
according to the text?
27. Analyse Case Study 1.6: WriteOnline