Reading 1

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1. Read a magazine article about the history of tourism. When did tourism begin?

Who were the first

2. Now read the article and list the key events mentioned for each of these periods.

- ancient Greece - early Christianity - 19th century

- the Romans -17th and 18th centuries - post-World War Two
3. Read the article again and answer these questions.
1 What reasons are given for people wanting to travel?
2 Find four examples of improvements in transport.
3 What were the Canterbury Tales?
4 What did Thomas Cook do?
5 Why was the introduction of hotel vouchers and traveller’s cheques so important?
6 Why were holiday camps so popular?
7 What technical development helped the expansion of package
holidays abroad?
8 Explain these expressions:
a travelling to relax and get away from it all
(paragraph 1)
b more alld more people caught the travel bug
(paragraph 4)
c the idea of foreign holidays really took off
(paragraph 7)
d trying to forget your worldly cares
(paragraph 8)

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