Monthly Report 2022-23

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Dhaka Electric Supply Co.

Training & Development Division
Month-Wise Progress Report FY2022-23
Reported Month: April'23
Table: 01 Training Information (In-House + Out-House)
Man-Hr Calculation
Reporting Local Foreign Total Man-
Month Hr.
Total Man-
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Man-Hr. Man-Hr. Man-Hr. Hr. (Out-
Training Trainee Training Trainee Training Trainee
Jul'22 21 674 4511 1 6 2520 1 2 144 2664 7175
Aug'22 40 1203 8411 7 23 1465.5 1 12 960 2425.5 10836.5
Sep'22 37 1200 7800 6 43 1893 1 1 49 1942 9742
Oct'22 30 1847 12005.5 5 16 2687.5 0 0 0 2687.5 14693
Nov'22 41 2146 13949 5 25 1943.5 4 8 392 2335.5 16284.5
Dec'22 33 1957 12720.5 7 43 8646 3 15 511 9157 21877.5
Jan'23 17 1224 7956 8 71 7924 0 0 0 7924 15880
Feb'23 7 556 3614 7 18 529 1 3 105 634 4248
Mar'23 1 72 468 11 33 286 4 6 301 587 1055
Apr'23 5 15 697.5 2 3 147 844.5 844.5
May'23 0 0
Jun'23 0 0
Total (YtoD)
227 10879 71435 62 293 28592 17 50 2609 31201 102636

Table: 02 Progress Information

April'23 Cumulative Man-Hr per Emp.
Percentage of
Reporting Number of % of Achieved in Hr
Month employee Achieved Cumulative Achieved Cumulative Target Achievement on last (Target: Avg. 60 Hr per
Man-Hr Man-Hr (FY22-23) (%) year (FY 2021-22) Employee)

Jul'22 1883 7175 7175 6.35 5.00 0.82 3.81

Aug'22 1879 10836.5 18011.5 15.96 15.00 1.72 9.57
Sep'22 1877 9742 27753.5 24.6 25.00 6.13 14.76
Oct'22 1875 14693 42446.5 37.65 35.00 25.55 22.59
Nov'22 1872 16284.5 58731 52.15 50.00 45.58 31.29
Dec'22 1856 21877.5 80608.5 71.69 65.00 67.52 43.01
Jan'23 1969 15880 96488.5 85.22 75.00 84.51 51.13
Feb'23 1965 4248 100736.5 88.5 85.00 88.03 53.10
Mar'23 1965 1055 101791.5 89.06 90.00 104.31 53.43
Apr'23 1964 844.5 102636 89.51 95.00 109.98 53.71
May'23 100.00
Jun'23 103.00
Total (YtoD) 1911 102636

Prepared by Checked by Certified by Approved by

A. M. Shahria Forrukh Abdullah Golam Samdani Md. Rezwanul Hoque Md. Mamunor Rashid
Asstt. Manager(T&D) Sub-Divisional Engineer (T&D) Deputy Manager(T&D) Executive Engineer (T&D) DGM (HRM)

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