An EOA Identity Tracing System (AITS) On Ethereum Blockchain
An EOA Identity Tracing System (AITS) On Ethereum Blockchain
An EOA Identity Tracing System (AITS) On Ethereum Blockchain
Ethereum Blockchain
Sawanya Rattanabunno, Warodom Werapun, Jakapan Suaboot, Tanakorn Karode, Maneenate Puongmanee
College of Computing, Prince of Songkla University, Kathu, Phuket 83120, Thailand
{s6430621003, warodom.w,, s6230622001, maneenate.p}
Abstract—Ethereum, one of the most popular known, it is difficult or sometimes impossible to reveal the
cryptocurrencies, allows for anonymous transactions and is identities of scammers.
frequently used for money laundering and scams. Although
advanced scammers are hard to trace as they use sophisticated In order to thwart misused behaviors, most centralized
coin-mixing techniques, we argue that many generic scams only exchanges, including Binance1, require users to establish a
involve amateurs who manually mix transactions to avoid police customer’s identity using Know-Your-Customer (KYC)2
detection. To counter this, centralized exchanges require users to processes before swapping any token to fiat currency, i.e., a
go through Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes before currency that is issued and backed by the government. However,
exchanging tokens for fiat currency. This paper extends the anti- the sophisticated scammer could still mix many transactions
money laundering further by proposing An EOA Identity Tracing involving non-KYC wallets before cashing out.
System (AITS), which traces the flow of crypto tokens from the thief
wallet to the exchange and backtracking from the KYC's identities Fig. 1 depicts a process of tracing a scammer’s real identity.
to the thief's real identity. The proposed AITS also aids Say, the scammer manipulated the victim to get his tokens either
investigators with the token-transferring graph that is useful for by hacking or using social engineering tricks. The process
off-chain investigation. The experimental results on the 1,045 begins with the address of the victim wallet , which was used
thieves’ transactions recorded over 290 days reveal behaviors that to transfer tokens to the thief wallet . In step , the scammer
the scammers used to evade police detection. used tokens mixing technique involving transactions of several
non-KYC wallets to evade the investigation. After that, , many
Keywords— identity trace, blockchain, romance, scam, KYC wallets will be used to cash out the fiat currency from the
Ethereum exchange . In step , the investigator collects all real users’
identities from the KYC wallets. A step is the most difficult
I. INTRODUCTION part. Here, an investigator needs to gather information from
Bitcoin [1] is a decentralized digital currency that has gained various data sources (i.e., both on-chain and off-chain). If
popularity over the last decade. It allows for direct transactions enough evidence is obtained, the real identity of the thief can be
between users without a middleman, such as banks or brokers. revealed in step .
Bitcoin has two defining features: transparency, as all 4
Non-KYC wallet
of users to keep their identity private while participating in a Non-KYC wallet
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the full-feature Chainalysis platform is expensive. Hence, not browsers, and it plays a significant role in the cybercrime world.
many regions have enough funds for this platform. Bitcoin is a commonly used cryptocurrency in the dark web
marketplaces because it offers a high degree of flexibility and
In reality, a huge number of scams involve amateur anonymity. It allows users to conceal both their activities and
scammers. Take a romance scam case for an example, a thief identities. K. Soska, and N. Christin [12] found that the black
uses the romance scam [8][9] strategy to trick the victim's trust. market on the dark web is growing, with a long-term analysis of
Then, the thief asks for a small amount of investment and pays 35 markets over two years detailing the expansion of this
back with real profits. When the victim trusts the thief either market. Their study also estimates that the black market on the
because of love or a small amount of profit returned, the victim dark web will generate $100M USD annually and reach a new
will invest a large amount of money. The thief then uses revenue record by 2021 with a total of $2.1 billion in
cryptocurrency for money transferring, including peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies. Due to the anonymity property,
trading. After the thief gets enough money, he/she disconnects cryptocurrencies can indeed be used as a tool to do money
from the victim and is gone forever. Most of the time, the victim laundering, for instance, Bitcoin mixing services [15][16]. Even
knows only the crypto wallet address of the scammer. In fact, though most exchanges impose the KYC process, malicious
many victims have very limited knowledge about users can still mix a number of transactions with many
cryptocurrency, hence it is a popular tool for scammers. As a
unverified parties. [13] offers a mixing transaction
result, for such cases, the thief wallet address is the only service for privacy on the Ethereum blockchain. However, to
evidence the police officer receives from the victim. prevent criminal activity, mixing several transactions such as
Therefore, in this paper, we propose an approach to help the service is blacklisted by U.S. Department of the
police officer identifies the real identity of the thief by tracing Treasury.
from the thief wallet address (i.e., EOA) that committed the
C. Related work
scam. Our proposed work helps the investigator to visualize the
flow of the crypto tokens from the thief’s wallet to the exchange Fortunately, due to the ban on the mixing or tumbling
and backtrack from the KYC’s identities to the thief’s real service, the scammer must manually mix his/her coins before
identity. Contributions of this work are summarized as follows: cashing out. However, not many thieves are smart enough to
(i) we propose a system to find addresses of wallets between the create a complex mixing. In fact, some of them do not aware that
thief and the exchange wallet, which are useful for tracing the the process of converting the cryptocurrency to fiat could reveal
thief’s real identity; and (ii) we implement software to visualize their real identities. Specifically, when they cash out their token
thief and exchange wallets relationship and investigate token to fiat with not many mixing transactions or leave other off-
transferring behaviors of thieves over the Ethereum platform. chain pieces of evidence. Hence, catching this type of thief is
still possible, and the investigation cost is not too expensive.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
background and related work. Section 3 describes our proposed Several researchers investigate anti-money laundering
system. The experiment result is illustrated in Section 4. challenges on Bitcoin mixing or tumbling services, such as
Eventually, we conclude our work in Section 5. [14][15]. J. Seo, M. Park, H. Oh and K. Lee [16] suggest a
method to detect the abnormal coin mixing event. Chainalysis
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK experts [7] have followed the path of the money that was taken
during the hack on an exchange. They have traced it to places
A. Cryptocurrencies where the stolen funds were converted to fiat or other digital
Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital currencies that utilize currencies. D. Goldsmith, K. Grauer, and Y. Shmalo [17] look
cryptography and blockchain to function. Blockchain is a at six groups of Bitcoin transactions that are believed to be
decentralized ledger that records all transactions. Bitcoin [1] is connected to two well-known hacking groups. Methods for
the first digital currency that operates without a central authority. using graphical [18] representations to examine blockchain
It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. It is considered a transactions using a graph-based visualization technique. H.
decentralized system among other digital currencies. There are Kanezashi, T. Suzumura, X. Liu, and T. Hirofuchi [19] use a
several benefits to using cryptocurrency as a form of payment or combination of different types of graph neural networks to
investment. Many cryptocurrencies offer great benefits such as identify fraudulent activities on the Ethereum blockchain.
decentralization, security, borderless, lower transaction costs,
immutable, accessibility, and anonymity. One interesting P. Li, H. Xu, and T. Ma [20] propose an identity tracing
feature of cryptocurrency is privacy, specifically, users can scheme and evaluates it using a simple and efficient proof
create wallets without revealing their identities. This feature method. Their scheme is appropriate for blockchain systems that
benefits a user who has a privacy constraint, e.g., donating a utilize public/private key pairs and would not disrupt the
large amount of money. However, thieves (i.e., scammers) take anonymity feature of the original system. However, their work
advantage of the privacy to ask their victims to send them money is only a mathematically proven concept, and the real
using cryptocurrency wallets, that leads to blockchain crime implementation is not available.
B. Money laundering using cryptocurrencies This section presents An EOA Identity Tracing System
The dark web [11] is an online marketplace that sells illegal (AITS), which is designed and implemented to trace Ethereum
products and services, as well as information obtained from blockchain transactions in order to identify the real thief’s
illegal activities. The dark web is accessed through special
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identity. Details of components and implementations are Algorithm 1: Reaching Exchange DFS (RE_DFS)
discussed below. Input: G: The wallet graph stored in an adjacency list
A. AITS Architecture Output: All wallet addresses inside G in the DFS order until
reaching exchange wallets or the maximum depth D.
Fig. 2 illustrates the architecture of AITS. Basically, it
consists of backend and frontend, API, Etherscan, and Function RE_DFS(wallet, search_level):
databases (i.e., SQL and graph). Programming APIs of each if wallet.visit = true or
wallet.address = exchange.address or
component are as follows: search_level > maximum_depth then
(i). Backend and frontend: Nestjs is used for the backend- return;
server to obtain blockchain information from end
Etherscan, whereas Nextjs is chosen for the web print(wallet.address);
wallet.visit <= true;
frontend to visualize graphical illustrations to users and
for next_wallet ∊ G[wallet].neighbors() do
to support REST API queries. RE_DFS(next_wallet, search_level+1);
(ii). API: the proposed algorithm is implemented in the end
block-tracer-api. This component is responsible for end
querying data from Etherscan, caching the raw
blockchain data in the SQL database, generating graph The output wallet graph G is stored in the neo4j graph
models, storing the graph models in the graph database. database, which is useful for generating the graph illustration
(iii). Etherscan: Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source for investigators or other users. The transaction queries and
blockchain with smart contract functionality, used to visualization of AITS are implemented using NextJS. These
request transaction from blockchain networks via web features will link to the backend API, called block-tracer-
Etherscan APIs with related wallet addresses from api to search in the graph database and SQL database. To make
transaction history. searching more efficient, AITS schedules data-snapshot by
(iv). Databases: PostgreSQL is used for the SQL database, querying blockchain transactions via Etherscan APIs regarding
while neo4j is used for storing the generated graph an initial thief wallet to any wallet and following the next
models. Specifically, neo4j is used to pull graph data transactions until reaching one of the exchange wallets or the
consisting of user wallet nodes and their respective maximum searching depth level. Then, storing them in the
relationships from the Etherscan. databases.
Pulling transactions via EtherScan is faster than directly
reading from a block in the blockchain or searching for a
transaction relating to a wallet address because EtherScan aids
in filtering transactions with an initial wallet (i.e., with a
specific source address). However, a free account in EtherScan
has a condition about API rate limit, we must cache some
previous transaction searching before re-synchronize it again as
a checkpoint. AITS uses reaching exchange depth-first-search
(Algorithm 1) to traverse all destination wallets (i.e., graph
nodes) until reaching exchange wallets or stopping at the
maximum depth level.
All fetched transactions related to the thief wallet address
are stored in a database (i.e., PostgreSQL). They are later put
into the neo4j graph database, for the purpose of faster and
Fig. 2. AITS architecture simpler gathering all nodes between a thief wallet address and
Binance (i.e., exchange).
B. Reaching Exchange DFS algorithm
This section describes the core engine of AITS, named
Reaching Exchange DFS algorithm. First, AITS queries
transactions Τ𝐷 that are related to the thief wallet address from 0x17cof8...
the Ethereum blockchain network and stores them in the SQL
database. Formally, Τ𝐷 ∈ {𝛼, 𝛽𝑖 }, where α denotes transactions
that contain a thief wallet address, and 𝛽 defines transactions
that contain α or 𝛽𝑖 . Here, 2 ≤ 𝑖 ≤ 𝐷 represents the number of
hops from the thief wallet address, which limits at maximum D 0x199686... Thief 0x485of8...
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After AITS gets the thief wallet address, called Thief. It
fetches all related transactions, as shown in Fig 3. The Thief
(initial wallet address) is linked to different wallets (i.e.,
0x1999, 0x17c0f8, 0xd0046) until reaching the Binance wallet.
AITS extract all related wallet path that can be used to identify
user identity starting from the exchange.
A. Experiment settings
We gathered thief wallet addresses from the local regional
police service, consisting of 10 wallet addresses. We put these
wallets in the system and searched until the exchange wallet Fig. 5. The number of transactions in a day thieves transferred money
address was found in a transaction. We obtained all related
We observed 3 different patterns of the thieves transferring
centralized exchange wallets collected from EtherScan in AITS the stolen USDT. The first group was Thief1 and Thief2. They
database. The maximum number of searching hops was set to 4 behaved similarly transferring large amounts of USDT at the
to prevent the search results explosion issue, so-called NP- beginning and decreasing the amount after that. The second
complete problem, as the memory consumption will grow group was Thief3, who transferred small USDT every day over
exponentially. a short period of around 3 weeks. The third group was Thief4,
Since this project was a collaboration with the local who transferred a large amount of USDT over a short period but
regional police service, the outcome from this research, i.e., postponed his/her activity for a very long period, around 8
months after the fraud. This result gave the police insight into
wallet addresses that participated in the centralized exchanges,
the different types of behavior of the thieves.
was given to the police. Hence, the police can contact the
exchanges to acquire data on individuals’ identities who cashed Fig. 5 compares the number of transactions in a day the
out from exchanges. However, this paper does not cover the scammers transferred the USDT to an exchange. We sorted
process of the police investigation to trace back to the thief’s transactions of token amounts descending and selected the top
real identity using information gathered from the off-chain. 15 transactions for each thief wallet. Then we examined how
many transactions were used to transfer in a day. Thief1 used 3
B. Experimental results
transactions (with 22,400 USDT, sent less transactions with
We analyzed related transactions gathered from AITS using high token amounts) on the first date. He/she took 160 days to
4 hops limit, and found 4 out of total 10 thieves, which were distribute his/her tokens. On the other hand, Thief2 used 5
connected to an exchange. Fig 4 depicts behavior of the thieves transactions to transfer 22,000 USDT. Thief3 used 15
transferring USDT during the period of 290 days. transactions to transfer approximately 2,800 USDT. Thief4
used 4 transactions to transfer 20,505 USDT. Additionally,
Thief2, Thief3, and Thief4 waited for 49, 14, and 148 days
before doing 15 transactions, respectively. Although thieves
took several days to move their assets to other wallets, they
often transferred a high token amount at the beginning. The
reason could be that some of them may be needing to get the
money, or they simply did not aware of the police observation.
Fig 6 demonstrates the number of USDT and hops thieves
used in our dataset. We took a sampling of 400 wallet addresses
from a total of 1,045 transactions related to 4 thief wallet
addresses that transfer tokens at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hops to see how
many hops the scammers used to transfer most of their money.
According to our observation, a total of 22,400 USDT was
transferred using 4 hops, 14,000 USDT using 3 hops, and 7,100
Fig. 4. The number of days thieves used to transfer the amount of USDT USDT using 2 hops. There was no direct transfer observed.
after the fraud Intuitively, when thieves transferred a large amount of USDT,
they tried to distribute it using more hops before reaching an
exchange to evade detection from the police.
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