Process Instrumentation and Analytics: Reliable Processes Thanks To Perfect Integration of All Components

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Process Instrumentation

and Analytics
Reliable processes thanks to perfect integration of all components

Food & Beverage

Answers for industry.

Table of Contents

Your challenge is our passion 03

Your partner for best quality 04

Sugar 06

Dairy 08

Brewing 10

Soft drinks 12

Selected technologies 14

Level, flow, pressure, temperature,

valve positioning, weighing and dosing,
liquid analytics
Process Instrumentation 24
and Analytics product range
Totally Integrated Automation 28

Industrial Identification 30

Services and support 31

Your challenge is our passion
Changing demographics, new consumer tastes, quality expectations, evolving regulation and price constraints

pressure on profit margins. The food and beverage sector faces a range of challenges. The demands of big retail-

ers are increasing. Concerns about food safety are always present. The need for faster and more flexible supply

lines is intensifying. Product tracking and tracing are becoming increasingly important.

In this environment, competitive advantage is the number When you partner with Siemens, you have the right
one priority: minimizing the total cost of ownership while ingredients for success:
maintaining flexible offers. With the right automation in • A perfectly coordinated and harmonized portfolio of
place, companies can turn competition and pressure to products and solutions for every process step in the
their advantage. value chain
• A single concept for seamless integration of the entire
Gaining control with measurements is right at the heart of company to master productivity, quality and supply
food and beverage manufacturing. It is key to unlocking challenges
value, enhancing quality, leveraging flexibility, boosting • Fewer different components – simplifying the inventory
profitability and maintaining reliability. Whether it is the of spare parts and ensuring highly efficient maintenance
technology to break through bottlenecks, improve quality • The assurance of a world-class brand delivering leading-
or to provide early warning of failure, we have the knowl- edge automation technology
edge of industry processes and the applications to keep • People who understand your industry needs and can
customers on the road to success. configure solutions to match your operating conditions
Siemens delivers world-class capabilities to meet the chal-
lenges faced by the food and beverage industry. Siemens
is able to address the full range of process instrumenta-
tion and analytics requirements. Our global reach and ex-
tensive product portfolio enables us to meet your devel-
opment needs and requirements.

Your partner for efficient processes
Food is the energy of life. That is why trust and confidence play such an important part in the food and beverage

market. Yet the issue of trust and confidence is not confined to questions about quality and safety. Product

availability is also crucial in winning the battle for shelf space.

Whatever your sector of the market is – whether you are a Customer benefits:
food and beverage company or an original equipment • Fast commissioning, short ramp-up times
manufacturer (OEM) – you can be assured that Siemens • Low total cost of ownership
quality and results will help you meet your business and • Continuous process through innovative service
customer goals. and support concepts
• Traceability to ensure manufacturing quality through
The Siemens approach:
completely integrated production
• An emphasis on user-friendly products – for safer,
• Maximum compatibility and innovation providing
faultless operation
you with confidence in the future
• A high degree of product safety – through maximum
process transparency
• Optimal resource efficiency – through innovative
platform concepts
• More flexibility – for faster and safer production
• Increased productivity – with optimal solutions
for the operating phase







Liquid analytics


A wide range of competitive and manufacturing challenges face the sugar industry. Demand for sugar is steadily

increasing but also shifting from domestic use to its application in terms of raw materials in processed food and

beverages. This has increased the importance of supply chain logistics. Higher energy, water and utility costs

have also added pressure to the cost base, intensifying the need for manufacturing efficiency.

Companies need to be able to manage high energy and the sugar solution are vital qualitative factors. Successful
utility demands. Buildings automation and manufacturing sugar manufacturing demands a high level of automation
controls are becoming more important. Continuous 24 / 7 and precise control over process parameters, saving time
plant operation is critical for sugar plants with zero sched- and increasing output.
uled downtime. The size and colour of the microcrystal in
Sugar Dairy Brewing Soft drinks


Fresh water

Slicer Cossettes
Sugar beets mash
Raw juice

Cossettes 70 °C
Raw juice


Lime Thin juice


Carbonation Thin juice

Evaporation station
Raw juice CO2

Thick juice

Thin juice
Lime treatment

Thick juice Crystallizer
Cooling and
drying drum
Crystal sugar


Screening / Bagging
Thick juice hopper Blender Storage / Shipping

Level Flow Pressure Temperature Identification Weighing

The importance of dairy products in daily nutritional
requirements means that continuous availability and

high quality are paramount considerations for manu-

facturers. Hygiene is also critical, given that milk is an


ideal culture in which micro-organisms can grow. Dairy

production is subject to close government regulation

and consumer scrutiny. Measurement and control of

temperature and of fat and protein content are vitally Pump

important to the dairy manufacturing process.

Milk, cheese and fermented products, such as yoghurt, all maintenance
require precise production control parameters. The cul-
tures used in cheese and fermented products make tem-
perature control exceedingly important. Pure cultures
must be produced very carefully according to hygienic
principles. A poor or mismatched culture can lead to sub-
stantial product deficits. Tight control over storage times
for cheese is essential. Cheese can last from several weeks
to many months depending on temperature and humidity,
both of which must be monitored precisely and adapted Heat
to each brand. maintenance



Level Flow

Sugar Dairy Brewing Soft drinks



Raw milk
storage Standardized milk


Raw milk cooler

Cheese production milk
Whey tank

Pressing tubs
Green cheese Starting
store culture Rennet
Whey Salt bath

Standardized milk STANDARDIZATION

Culture tank
Low-fat milk
Fruit pre-
Bactofuge paration
& flavours
Fermentation tanks
Buffer tanks
Excess control
Cream cream


Buffer tank
Filling of
fresh milk
UHT plant

Filling & packaging

Pressure Temperature Valve positioning Identification Weighing

Brewers operate in intensely competitive product markets. Reputation, quality, customer loyalty and trust are

everything. Price is king in key sectors of the marketplace. Companies operate in a highly dynamic customer-

driven environment. In addition, seasonality heightens the importance of being able to utilize the brewery in a

fast and flexible way but, always, with a focus on quality.

Whatever the marketplace, the ability to arrive at a fin- and turbidity is vital to the brewing process. Breweries
ished, consistent beer quality is paramount. From milling also require access to an integrated view of the produc-
and mashing, boiling and fermentation, filtration and con- tion and supply chain, enabling them to incorporate man-
ditioning, right through to the keg or the bottle, accurate ufacturing controls and automation into their overall
measurement in terms of volume, weight, temperature management systems.

Sugar Dairy Brewing Soft drinks


Malt silos

Milling Yeast cellar

Water Mashing


Fermentation CO2

Lauter tun
Hop addition

Wort cooker

Wort cooler



Maturation tanks
Bright beer



Loading / transport


Level Flow Pressure Temperature Positioning

Liquid analytics Identification Weighing

Soft drinks
Whether sports or energy beverages, the more traditional and well-established carbonated drinks or the new tea

and coffee-based cold beverages, the soft drinks market is experiencing significant growth. Product innovation

and diversification are key drivers in this expansion, putting more pressure on the use of production plants.

In common with other sectors of the food and beverage need to prevent the interaction of elements in the water
market, hygiene is critical. Most soft drinks are very sus- with flavourings. Accurate flow measurement and precise
ceptible to microbiological spoilage due to their high dosing of the ingredients are vital to a consistent and
sugar content. Water quality must be consistent with the high-end quality product.

Sugar Dairy Brewing Soft drinks

Crystal sugar Liquid sugar


sugar silo Dissolved sugar Filtration





Sterilized Gravel filter Additives




Batch mixing plant
Buffer tanks mixing plant

Water storage


Level Flow Pressure Temperature Positioning

Liquid analytics Identification Weighing

The quality of food and beverage products relies on precise and accurate level measurements that ensure

reliability in process controls, overflow prevention and protection against dry-running pumps. Such criteria are

also used to balance and check stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished goods. Inventory

management must be implemented with the utmost precision to allow for the adequate demarcation and

retracing of individual batches. The entire production planning process and supporting logistics depend upon

ready availability of the correct stock.

Ice cream Grain silos

Glucose is a central ingredient in ice cream production. It Beer is made from malt, water, hops and yeast. The key to
has a very high specific gravity and must be maintained at efficiency and quality in beer production lies in the qual-
a temperature of 50 °C (122 °F) to ensure consistent flow. ity, purity and continuous availability of these raw materi-
The supply of glucose must be ready to meet typical als. Malt is produced in malt houses, whence it is deliv-
16-hour and five-week plant production schedules. Effec- ered to the breweries and stored in silos. Dust can
tive storage and inventory control is therefore a priority. accumulate once the barley or other grains are transferred
Ultrasonic technology provides for an ideal solution to the silo. The problems this creates for level measure-
because it is non-invasive, and thus non-contaminating. ment can be compounded by the shape and design of the
grain silo.
Echomax transducer with SITRANS LUT400 controller
• An ultrasonic level measurement system. The SITRANS radar technology
SITRANS LUT400 controller processes the signals • SITRANS LR560 78 GHz radar transmitter allows for
from the Echomax sensor, providing a continuous measurement through dust within enclosed silos
readout of data relating to the tank level • An exceptionally narrow 4-degree beam angle can
• High-performance instrumentation provides con- cope with complicated silo geometry
tinuous level measurement for virtually any short or • Sealed lens cavity is highly resistant to dust build-up
medium range application up to 60 m (200 ft)
• Built-in Sonic Intelligence prevents interference from
agitators and other obstructions commonly found in
SITRANS ultrasonic technology
• SITRANS LU10 is a highly cost-effective ultrasonic so-
• Easy installation, set-up and operability
lution with up to ten sensors on one transmitter
• The high-frequency, non-contact ultrasonic transduc-
er is free of additional electronics and is fully potted
to provide long-term reliability
• Process intelligence and Auto False Echo Suppression
is standard, delivering superior performance with a
high degree of accuracy

Level Flow Pressure, temperature and valve positioning Weighing and dosing Liquid analytics

Raw milk tank Carrot juice and other foaming liquids

Raw milk delivery and quality-controlled handling is signif- The capture of all operational data relating to fill quantity,
icant for every dairy. Raw milk is delivered by tanker, so level and pressure is necessary to secure consistent prod-
the milk has to be stored to guarantee continuous running uct quality and to monitor production efficiency. Carrot
of the plant. Accurate level measurement is crucial in juice, when added to other liquids, tends to foam exces-
ensuring proper processing and the prevention of over- sively during storage tank filling. High process tempera-
spill. The filling process creates turbulence and foam. The tures make it difficult to reliably monitor the filling level
shape of the tank, the use of agitators and the presence and product volume using conventional level measuring
of Clean-In-Place (CIP) equipment makes measurement principles.
difficult. Earlier measurement technologies were unreli-
able and tended to break down completely during clean-
SITRANS LR200 and LR250 radar technology
ing cycles that made use of caustic soda and nitric acid at
• Radar is virtually unaffected by process conditions
very high temperatures.
such as foam, steam, temperature and dust
• Process intelligence for advanced echo processing for
Echomax XCT-8 transducer with a SITRANS LUT400 unparalleled performance
controller • Compact and easy-to-install transmitters
• This combination provides accurate and reliable tank
• The transducer has a PTFE-coated sensor to resist
build-up and withstand the clean-in-place process
• The controller is connected to the main PLC using
the HART protocol to display readings on the SIMATIC
PCS 7 plant control system interface
• Sonic Intelligence differentiates between true echoes
emanating from the target material and false echoes
stemming from obstructions or caused by electrical
Juice Food Grade Oils
Non-concentrate orange juice is growing in popularity, When it comes to the production of spaghetti sauce or
creating a need for worldwide shipping of fresh orange any number of other foodstuffs that contain edible oils
juice. This presents technical challenges. Ships are fitted such as olive oil, canola oil or sunflower oil, Siemens ultra-
with highgrade steel tanks. The juice must be kept at a sonics are top performers. Food oils have very low dielec-
defined low temperature and the tank must be germ-free tric constants and can render radar and guided wave radar
and air-tight. This is achieved by vectoring nitrogen. Both unreliable. Ultrasonic devices work on a change in den-
the temperature and the nitrogen pressure must be mea- sity. Dielectric of the medium being measured has no
sured precisely, monitored continuously and regulated. effect on the ultrasonic measurement. Ultrasonics are per-
fect for outdoor storage tanks for monitoring just-in-time
delivery. They are equally effective for the monitoring of
SITRANS LR radar level transmitter
indoor process vessels / hoppers or day tanks. If the appli-
• Uses Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)
cation requires a simple-level measurement or complete
technology to provide high accuracy
control including relays and advanced communications to
• Easy installation and commissioning, low mainte-
be integrated to a PLC, Siemens ultrasonics have you
• Self-calibration with internal reference
• Built-in diagnostics
• Auto False Echo Suppression and advanced echo pro- SITRANS ultrasonic level devices
cessing • Use high frequency ultrasonic transducers for reliable
• Communications using HART® or PROFIBUS PA measurement performance
• Supplied standard with Sonic Intelligence for top per-
formance in all process conditions
• Built-in diagnostics
• Auto false-echo suppression
• Communications options using PROFIBUS, HART, AB
RIO, and DeviceNet

Level Flow Pressure, temperature and valve positioning Weighing and dosing Liquid analytics

Whisky distilling Product purity

Quality ingredients and careful process monitoring are Many food and beverage products are created from highly
vital to the art and science of whisky production. Prior to bio-dynamic ingredients and processes. Quality and purity
distillation, wort (a mix of barley and water) is cooled and is essential. Irrespective of the type of ingredients used,
pumped into pear-shaped fermenting vessels (wash stills). food safety is a paramount consideration for food produc-
Operators then add yeast and the mixture produces wash ers and Siemens alike.
(weak spirit). Foam is produced which can result in boiling
high levels of froth mixing with the ‘low wines’ from the
SITRANS LR technology
first stages of distillation. To control the foam, the burners
• Tested and certified by the Institute of Food Process
must be turned off and restarted as the foam dissipates. It
Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe
is desirable to automate the wash still operation to control
• The microwave emissions have been shown to have
the foam. However, because foam is neither liquid nor air,
no general thermal or physical influences on liquid or
it is impossible to detect with traditional level measure-
dry solid foodstuffs
ment devices such as floats or vibrating forks.
• A maximum transmitting power of 0.32 W / cm2 en-
sures no effect on organisms in liquids such as beer
Pointek CLS200 and milk
• Enables foam detection as well as automatic burner
turn-off and restart
• Accurate, reliable and repeatable level detection
• Uses a unique inverse-frequency approach to capaci-
tance technology, unlike traditional capacitance de-
vices. Pointek switches monitor the effect of capaci-
tance by frequency change rather than voltage drop
or current flow
• The result is better accuracy and resolution because
even small level changes create large shifts in fre-
• Contains a high-frequency oscillator with the sensor
encapsulated in the probe tip. The probe is unaffected
by the build-up of material, humidity or moisture

Storage, pumping, and dosing. All three activities lie at the heart of food and bev-

erage production and require highly accurate flow measurement. Whether it is a

strawberry ingredient added to yoghurt or the syrup, or carbon dioxide injected

into water for a soft drink, flow measurement is vital to quality assurance and

product consistency. It is also essential to ensure compliance with environmental

regulations, food safety and, in the case of alcohol, fiscal regulatory requirements.

Sugar Dressing
The first stage of processing the raw sugar is to soften the Dressings may contain very salty and spicy ingredients
cane by removing the unrefined liquor surrounding the with significant corrosive properties. As a non-sour prod-
crystals. The raw sugar is then mixed with warm and con- uct, dressings also provide an ideal culture medium for
centrated high-purity syrup to prevent the crystals from germs. Flow meters have direct contact with the product
dissolving. To optimize the extraction of crystallized and it is therefore critical that coating and inliner materi-
sugar, the flow of liquor needs to be accurately measured als are resistant to corrosion and comply with the most
at various points in the process. stringent hygiene standards.

SITRANS FUS1010 clamp-on flow meter SITRANS F M MAG 1100 F

• Dual mode allows for transit time and Doppler opera- • Magnetic-inductive flow technology and flexible com-
tion at the same time on the same pipe munication (HART®, PROFIBUS, MODBUS, DeviceNet
• External transducers are easily mounted to the out- NET, FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
side of the pipe, there is no contact with the medium • Ceramic (Al2O3) or PFA liners
• Accuracy up to ± 0.5 % of flow rate • Maximum measuring error ± 0.2 % ± 1 mm / s
• Degree of protection (enclosure) IP67 (IP68)

Tomato Paste
When making tomato paste, raw tomatoes are first turned
into pulp, which is then concentrated to a paste in an Many dairy plants pour the treated milk in tin containers.
open steel vessel / steam kettle. Lastly, the preservatives These containers must be coated to prevent the milk from
are added and the paste is packed and stored. Flow interacting with the tin. Health and safety considerations
meters are used to measure both the input to the kettle govern how much coating is used. The SITRANS F C is able
and the output of the thickened paste. to measure and control the coating process so that the
exact quantity and thickness is applied.
SITRANS FUS1010 clamp-on flow meter
• Minimal maintenance; external transducers do SITRANS F C
not require periodic cleaning • Digital input for dosing control, remote zero adjust or
• No moving parts to foul or wear forced output mode
• No pressure drop or energy loss • High front-end resolution improves zero point stability
and enhances dynamic turn-down on flow and density
• Fully stainless steel sensor enclosure
• EHEDG-approved programme available from DN 15 – DN 80

Level Flow Pressure, temperature and valve positioning Weighing and dosing Liquid analytics

Hygiene Brewery
Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) and Sanitization-In-Place (SIP) are A field test of the SITRANS FC 430 to quantify the concen-
central to milk processing. The flow meters must ensure tration of sugar in unfermented beer was conducted with
that the cleaning agents are accurately dosed, the circu- an international beverage manufacturer. Over the course
lating velocity is correct and the system is completely of eight months, the meter demonstrated stability in fluc-
empty. The process conditions – temperature, velocity tuating conditions and reliability in long-running scenar-
and used cleaning agents – fluctuate quickly, making ios. It also produced highly accurate readings in both sta-
long-term stability and high measurement accuracy ble and dynamic flow.
SITRANS F M • The market’s most compact Coriolis solution
• Sanitary design for SIP / CIP cleaning • Provides flow density and temperature readings
• Hygienic connections accurately, reliably and with fast response times
• 3 A-approved and EHEDG-certified construction • Complies with all major industry standards including
• Stainless steel enclosure 3 A, EHEDG, FDA
• Self-draining installation for optimum hygiene and
food safety. Suitable for CIP/SIP cleaning
• High-speed 100 Hz signal processing means reliability
even under dynamic conditions
Soft drinks • HART® communication
• Multiconfigurable I/O with up to 4 outputs
The production of soft drinks revolves around mixing. Typ-
ically, four to five components are mixed. Measuring
quantity on its own is not accurate enough. The measure-
ment must also be performed inline. The process
demands a momentary accuracy of 0.1 %.

• Large dynamic turn-down ratio better than 500:1
• Densitometer performance typically better than
0.0005 g / cm3 with repeatability better than
0.0001 g / cm3
• Brix measurement

Pressure, temperature
and valve positioning
Pressure measurement plays a vital role in food production plants. Besides measuring pressure for process-con-

trol purposes or for safety reasons, pressure-measuring instruments can be used to measure flow (orifice plate),

level (hydrostatics) and differential pressure (filtration and heating processes) to determine parameters such as

the extract content. Temperature is one of the most important parameters of all in the food-manufacturing pro-

cess – both from a safety viewpoint and for process control and quality. Food safety methodologies, such as Haz-

ard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), highlight the importance not just of accurate temperature measure-

ment but also its data capture. Valve positioners play an important role in the storage, pumping and mixing of

liquids for food and beverage production. A valve positioner enables the precise control of a valve, providing the

added benefit of a diagnostic capability.

Sugar Milk
The extraction of sugar from cane or beet is a key stage in Hygiene is a top priority in dairies. Measurement devices
sugar production. The extraction is performed in two must satisfy high standards and be compatible with SIP
steps. First, the beet or cane is cut so that the sucrose can and CIP processes.
be removed in an extraction tower. Temperature control
is critical. There is an optimal relationship between tem-
perature and the energy needed to obtain the best yield
• A pressure transmitter that has been specially
of extracted sugar.
designed to suit the requirements of the food and
beverage industry
SITRANS T resistance thermometer • Offers an optimal relationship between price and
• Communication (4..20 mA, HART®, PROFIBUS, performance
• FOUNDATION Fieldbus) and maintenance functions • Stainless steel housing and measuring cell is flush
enable optimization of the maintenance circle with the tank or pipe wall making it easy to clean
• Hygienic design complies with EHEDG and sterilize
recommendations • Suitable for process temperatures of up to 200 °C
• High-accuracy temperature measurement without (392 °F)
disturbance of the process – clamp-on • Available with the full range of hygiene connections

Level Flow Pressure, temperature and valve positioning Weighing and dosing Liquid analytics

Brewery Fermentation
In the fermentation process wort becomes beer, but a lot Valves control the filling and draining of fermentation
heat is produced with temperatures of up to 70 °C vessels in breweries. The fermentation process can last
(158 °F). Before the beer is poured into bottles, cans or several days. The Siemens SIPART PS 2 positioner provides
kegs it must be stabilized. Both stabilization and fermen- precise valve monitoring and diagnosis of events even
tation are achieved in a number of large tanks. Level mea- before problems arise.
surement is important and the most common approach is
hydrostatic measurement with an accuracy of up to 6 mm
SIPART PS2 valve positioner
in 12 m (36 ft) tanks.
• Compatible with both rotary and linear actuators, en-
abling standardization on one device, saving costs on
SITRANS P300 training and spare parts
• A digital pressure transmitter offering ‘three push • Requires very little system energy, providing a rapid
button’ handling and extensive diagnostics as well return on investment
as simulation functions • Considerable cost savings and control optimization
• The stainless steel housing and measuring cell is thanks to air consumption, advanced diagnostics that
designed according to hygienic requirements pinpoint sediment in pipes and abrasion of valve
• Suitable for CIP and SIP processes seat / cones, and automated fast and easy commis-
• Broad range of communication (HART®, PROFIBUS, sioning
FOUNDATION Fieldbus) options
• Exact and stable measurements over a long period,
e. g. the deviation in measured value is less than
0.075 % with a long-term stability up to 0.125 % over
five years

and dosing
Weighing, blending and dosing are of significant im-

portance to the food and beverage industry. The filling

process and the packaging of food products require

highly accurate and automated systems to ensure

compliance with the strict quality and hygiene regula-

tions of a very competitive market.

Raw materials handling and blending Malt dosing

Maintaining accurate inventory is required to control The demands in a process such as malt dosing are
costs. To track inventory accurately, the customer mea- immense, particularly where continuous dosage is the
sures the grain as it is put into storage silos. Certain mills norm. For example, for 50 kg (110 lb) of malt at a daily
often blend various wheat varieties to produce branded capacity of 200 tons (197 LT) and 450 batches per hour,
products. Continuous flow metering with SITRANS WF100 metering precision needs to be less than 10 g (0.3 oz) and
series flowmeters, along with Siemens Milltronics SF500 batch error below 20 g (0.6 oz).
flowmeter integrators, improves quality and reduces pro-
cess inefficiencies such as material costs and time loss.
SIWAREX weighing system
• Ideal for integration into automation solutions be-
SITRANS WF100 series flowmeter cause no additional interfacing modules are required
• High accuracy for monitoring a wide range of grain and the same engineering tools can be used
product ingredients and animal-feed blending • The module response (e. g. diagnostic messages) is
• Compact, reliable solution for applications with system-compatible
limited installation space • An event recorder with time stamp records the course
• Stainless steel option meets USDA and FDA require- and status of weighing: a crucial tool for plant optimi-
ments for food processing zation
• Load cells and cables are permanently monitored for
predictive maintenance to prevent downtime
• Snap-on methodologies make installation very easy
• Can be totally integrated into the SIMATIC PCS 7 con-
trol system, thus providing a complete automation

Level Flow Pressure, temperature and valve positioning Weighing and dosing Liquid analytics

Liquid analytics
During every step of beverage production quality con-

trol analytics are essential. Dissolved gases analysis is

important for the quality of the end product, as are

specific analytics such as turbidity in beer and brix in

soft drinks. Effective analytics also aid optimization of

operation costs, for example in monitoring CIP pro-

cesses using pH and conductivity.

Brewery An important step in the production of beer is the filtering

which is determinant for the quality.
Brewers know the dissolved gas levels of their products
can affect both shelf stability and consumer appeal. Oxy-
Züllig Cosmos XL
gen levels are closely controlled at low levels to assure
• This turbidity sensor can be installed directly in the
they deliver fresh tasting and shelf-stable products. Car-
pipe, making the set-up easy and cost-effective. The
bon dioxide concentrations are kept within well-defined
sensor has been designed to be cleaned easily and to
limits, so product appearance and mouth feel are
be scratch-resistant
In nitrogenated products, nitrogen and carbon dioxide
values are monitored to give the products the correct bal-
ance of gases to deliver a smooth, creamy head.
The Hach Lange portfolio of highly accurate dissolved gas
analyzers gives brewers confidence that they are deliver-
ing the highest-quality product possible.

Orbisphere M1100 O2 LDO

• Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen for process measure-
ments in the ppb range, with low drift, fast response
time and low maintenance
Orbisphere A1100 O2
• Robust and accurate electro-chemical sensor for gas-
phase measurement in the CO2 recovery systems or
for monitoring high O2 levels during fermentation
Orbisphere 314xx CO2 / 315xx N2
• Selective sensors for CO2 or N2 measurement in a con-
tinuous mode, needing only an annual maintenance
and calibration

Process Instrumentation
and Analytics product range
Siemens offers the most comprehensive product range for the food & beverage industry

and has a solution for even the most difficult measurements.

Continuous level

Liquids level Solids level

measurement measurement
SITRANS LR200 and SITRANS LR250 offer continu- SITRANS LR260 and SITRANS LR560 offer continu- 2-wire, guided wave radar transmitter for short- to
ous monitoring of liquids and slurries in stor- ous monitoring of solids in a variety of silos or medium-range level, level / interface, and volume
age / process vessels. SITRANS LR250 is available storage bins. measurement of liquids and solids.
with fully resistive PVDF antenna design for use in
sanitary environments.


Coriolis flowmeters Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters
Siemens full series of flowmeters for One of the most accurate flow measurement technologies, mea- The key feature of the clamp-on ultrasonic flow
liquids and slurries gives a wide range suring true mass flow unaffected by variations in pressure, tem- technology is the externally-mounted sensor. They
of customer-specified process connec- perature, density, electrical conductivity and viscosity. It is a multi- are quickly and easily installed on the outside of
tions. variable device delivering reliable information on mass flow, the pipe. The technology provides highly accurate
volume flow, temperature, density and concentration (e. g. Brix measurement on pipes with different sizes, making
or Baume). SITRANS FC430 is the market’s most compact Coriolis them suitable for a wide range of applications.
solution. The small size facilitates installation and replacement,
and makes it possible to fit multiple units into tight spaces.

Process Instrumentation and Analytics product range

Point level


Level controllers and

SITRANS Probe LU Point level switches
2-wire, loop-powered ultrasonic SITRANS LUT400 can be used in a SITRANS LPS200, SITRANS LVS200, Pointek CLS200, SITRANS LVL200 and
transmitter for level, volume and variety of applications in combina- Pointek ULS200 offer a range of level detection options for liquids and solids
flow monitoring of liquids in tion with Echomax transducers. applications.
storage vessels, simple process ves-
sels and open channels.

Pressure Temperature Positioning

Pressure measurement SITRANS T SIPART PS2

SITRANS P offers a complete range of instruments The clamp-on thermometer offers quick and highly Positioner for linear and rotary actuators. Particu-
for measuring relative, differential and absolute accurate measurement without disturbance of the larly flexible stroke range, intelligent diagnostics
pressure. The SITRANS P300 has a hygienic stain- process and provides easy recalibration. Equipped and communication either via HART, PROFIBUS PA
less steel housing with laser-etched nameplate. with our unique SITRANS TH or TR transmitters, we or Foundation Fieldbus
The SITRANS P300 meets the requirements of offer the turnkey solution. Classical wetted tem-
EHEDG, FDA and 3 A. Cleaning and sterilization are perature sensors complete the temperature mea-
standard practice. surement portfolio.



Milltronics belt scales SITRANS weighfeeders
flowmeters weighing systems

Accurate measurement and control Heavy-duty, High-accuracy single Control and monitor feed rates and Provide optimum integration into
of flow rates of product so that qual- idler belt scales used for process and blending in cereals, seeds or miner- the automation structure of the pro-
ity and plant efficiency are consis- load-out control. Milltronics belt als; easy belt removal for replace- cess. Ideal for users familiar with the
tently maintained. Dust-tight, ensur- scales provide continuous inline ment or cleaning, fast installation, SIMATIC PCS 7 process control
ing a healthier work environment, weighing for monitoring such prod- easy to clean and maintain.
especially during hazardous sub- ucts as flour, grain or sugar.
stance monitoring.

Process protection Liquid analytics

Motion sensors Acoustic monitoring Orbisphere M1100 O2 LDO Orbisphere A1100 O2

Most MFA 4p motion sensing SITRANS AS100 detects changes in Specifically designed for brewery appli- This electro-chemical oxygen sensor
probes as well as the Millpulse 600 high-frequency sound waves result- cations, this sensor uses luminescent measuring in liquid or gas phase
can be mounted up to 100 mm (4”) ing from particle impacts on equip- measurement technology to monitor from ppb level to saturation is the
from the ferrous target, reducing ment. In combination with SITRANS very low oxygen levels with a quick re- reference on the market in terms of
the chance of damage to the probe CU02 alarm control unit, it detects sponse time, offering ‘peace of mind’ accuracy and longevity.
and the equipment. SITRANS and reacts instantly to changes in and cost benefits to every quality con-
WM100 zero-speed alarm switch solids flow. trol manager.
provides equipment protection

Process Instrumentation and Analytics product range

Remote monitoring
and displays

Speed sensors Weighing integrators Remote displays

Speed sensors operate in conjunction with a con- Milltronics BW500 and BW500 / L integrators work SITRANS RD100 / 200 are remote displays for pro-
veyor belt scale, providing a signal to an integra- with single or dual strain gauge load cell-based cess instrumentation. SITRANS RD500 provides in-
tor (Milltronics BW100 or BW500, or SIWAREX FTC belt scales. Milltronics SF500 operates with any tegrated web access, alarm event handling, and
module), which computes the rate of material be- solids flowmeter with up to two strain-gauge load data capture.
ing conveyed. cells or LVDT sensor.

Process Analytics

Orbisphere 314xx CO2 / 315xx N2 Orbisphere 410 / 510 controller Continuous gas analyzer
Thermal conductivity sensors measuring carbon The Orbisphere sensors are connected via easy- The ULTRAMAT 23 is a continuous gas analyzer
dioxide or nitrogen in dissolved mode or gas to-use colour touchscreens. The stainless steel designed for emission monitoring applications.
phase, directly inline with a short response for a enclosure conforming to IP65 defines a robust The integrated automatic calibration function us-
quick reaction to process change. unit built to handle industrial environments. Tra- ing ambient air is a unique advantage.
ditional analogue outputs with 3 alarm relais and
the digital communication via RS485, USB and
Profibus provide multiple data exchange.

Totally Integrated Automation
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

PLM – Product Lifecycle Management • Product Design

• Production Planning and Simulation
• Data Management

Management Level MES – Manufacturing Execution Systems


Operations Level SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance/ Engineering

Operation System Asset Management Station

TIA Portal

Control Level


Automation Computer Numeric Control Motion Control Industrial
Systems Communication

Field Level


Process Instrumentation SIMATIC Ident

Industrial Identification

Totally HART

Products from the controller level to the field level Totally Integrated Automation integrates not only the pro-
With Totally Integrated Automation (TIA), Siemens is the duction process but all parts of the company – from the
only provider of an end-to-end integrated portfolio of field level to the management level. The result: a perfectly
products and systems for the automation of the entire coordinated overall concept that enables higher
production workflow. From the goods receiving area to productivity.
the finished goods warehouse.
Totally Integrated Automation reduces the complexity of
the automation solution and enables what really counts:
the practical combination of optimally coordinated indi-
vidual components – without interface problems.

Totally Integrated Automation Industrial Identification Services and support

Plant Engineering



Management SCADA-System

Industrial Ethernet

SIMATIC Controllers SIMATIC HMI SIRIUS Industrial Controls

Modular / PC-based Human Machine Interface


Industrial Ethernet

SIMATIC Distributed I / O SINAMICS Drive Systems Low-Voltage Distribution AS-Interface

KNX GAMMA instabus



Example: SIMATIC PCS 7. The innovative

process control system offers numerous
options for connecting I / Os as well as for
sending and receiving process signals via
sensors and actuators.

Industrial Identification
Identification systems assist companies in keeping their positions in ever more dynamic markets: Automatic data

acquisition via RFID or 1D and 2D codes will help you meet the continuously growing demands made on control

of production and material flows, asset management, tracking & tracing as well as supply chain management.

Siemens provides the key technology for this purpose. As the global market leader for identification systems

with more than 25 years of experience and industry expertise in the field, Siemens offers a comprehensive

range of RFID systems and code reading systems from one supplier.

Radio Frequency Identification and SIMATIC Ident: industrial identification from a single
Code Reading Systems source
The right solution for every identification job from just-in- • Broad range of identification systems (RFID, 1D/2D code-
sequence production to safe and complete traceability of reading systems, OCR), interface modules and software
products or batches: Data Matrix Codes (DMC) or Radio • Fully automatic and high-speed identification, with
Frequency Identification (RFID) convince through their 100 % transmission reliability
high level of data security and have proven themselves in • Components with a high degree of protection for indus-
many applications – even in rough industrial environ- trial use, insensitive to temperature fluctuations and
ments. They offer a serious reduction in time and effort contamination
when compared to manual identification and acquisition • Wide range of tags – from smart labels to 64 KB
techniques. transponders
• Flexible communication with the automation system:
serial, via PROFIBUS, PROFINET or Ethernet
• High-performance integration into higher-level
IT systems

Management level Ethernet

Manufacturing Execution Enterprise Resource

Systems (MES) Planning (ERP)

Industrial Ethernet

SIMATIC connection Connection to PC

Control level
S7-300/ASM 475 ET 200pro/RF170C RFID Middleware

Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet


Acquisition level
RF620A ANT 18

ASM MV420 RF180C/
Reader 456/ RF182C
RF220R RF340R RF350R RF210R MV440 RF240R
RF630R RF640R

Totally Integrated Automation Industrial Identification Services and support

Services and support

Siemens offers field-proven concepts for process instrumentation and analytics from a single source, providing

you with development continuity and a high level of security.

Our services range from consulting and engineering, Service around the clock
connection to the control system and comprehensive Our online support system offers rapid, comprehensive
after-sales services: assistance regardless of time or location. From product
support to service information, the online support of
• System and schedule planning
Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies is
• Complete design planning and engineering of
your first choice – around the clock, 365 days a year.
the field devices
• Consultation on the selection of process instruments / automation / service&support
and analytics
• System documentation
• Installation, testing and commissioning
• Comprehensive after-sales service
Service around the world
Plants must function reliably around the clock. Efficient
and effective process instrumentation and analytics are an
indispensable prerequisite to this end. You also need to be
certain of fast and competent service from your supplier.
Siemens is a global company that reacts locally. Whether
you require consulting, quick delivery or installation of
new devices, the Siemens network of specialists is avail-
able to you around the world, whatever your location.

More information: / sensors / food-beverage

Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice 06/12 The information provided in this brochure contains merely
Industry Sector Order No.: E20001-A180-P780-X-7600 general descriptions or characteristics of performance which
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Sensors and Communication DISPO 27900
may change as a result of further development of the prod-
76181 KARLSRUHE o2e MI.SC.IM.XXXX.52.2.05 ucts. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics
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