Assignment - 1 HMT
Assignment - 1 HMT
Assignment - 1 HMT
2. The wall of a cold storage consists of three layers: an outer layer of ordinary bricks, 25
cm thick, a middle layer of cork, 10 cm thick and an inner layer of cement, 6 cm thick.
The thermal conductivities of the materials are 0.7, 0.043 and 0.72 W/m-K, respectively.
The temperature of the outer surface of the wall is 30°C and that of inner is – 15°C.
Calculate :
(a) Steady state rate of heat gain per unit area,
(b) Temperature at the interfaces of composite wall,
(c) The percentage of total heat resistance offered by individual layers, and
(d) What additional thickness of cork should be provided to reduce the heat gain 30% less than
the present value ?
3. A hollow cylinder with inner radius 30 mm and outer radius 50 mm is heated at the inner
surface at a rate of 105 W/m2 and dissipated heat by convection from outer surface into a
fluid at 80°C with heat transfer coefficient of 400 W/m2-K. There is no energy generation
and thermal conductivity of the material is constant at 15 W/m-K. Calculate the
temperatures of inside and outside surfaces of the cylinder.
4. A steam pipe of 5 cm inside diameter and 6.5 cm outside diameter is covered with a 2.75
cm radial thickness of high temperature insulation (k = 1.1 W/m-K). The surface heat
transfer coefficient for inside and outside surfaces are 4650 W/m2.-K and 11.5 W/m2-K,
respectively. The thermal conductivity of the pipe material is 45 W/m-K. If the steam
temperature is 200°C and ambient air temperature is 25°C,
Determine :(i) Heat loss per metre length of pipe. (ii) Temperature at the interface.
(iii) Overall heat transfer coefficient.
5. A 3 cm outer diameter steam pipe is to be covered with two layers of insulation each
having thickness of 2.5 cm. The average thermal conductivity of one material is five
times of the other. Determine the percentage decrease in heat transfer, if better insulating
material is kept next to pipe surface than it is as outer layer. Assume that the outside and
inside temperatures are fixed
6. .A steam pipe, 10 cm in outer diameter is covered with two layers of insulation material
each 2.5 cm thick, one having thermal conductivity thrice the other. Show that the
effective thermal conductivity of two layers is approximately 15% less when better
insulation material is placed as inside layer, than when it is on the outside.