RIG - The Ultimate Sales Machine Graphic Summary
RIG - The Ultimate Sales Machine Graphic Summary
RIG - The Ultimate Sales Machine Graphic Summary
Productivity Training
To be a great strategist, you must be able to see the big picture and
implement the strategies at the tactical level.
At any point in time, only 3+7% of prospects are ready For any product/service, there’s a group of ideal clients
to consider your products/services. If you focus only who will buy more, and buy more frequently. The best
on selling your product, you miss out the remaining way to grow your business is to capture these buyers.
90% who’re not yet ready for your products/services. Define your ideal B-to-B or B-to-C clients and your
dream affiliates.
now “Dream 100 Strategy”
Open to
6-7% buying Secure your ideal buyers with these steps: Identify &
research on your dream client. Select great gifts &
develop accompanying letters with creative messages
30% to grab attention. Map out what to send every 2 weeks
Not thinking about it for the next 3-6 months. Follow up with phone calls to
get an appointment.
Not interested
Firmly disinterested
Education-based marketing
Use compelling visual aids, keep it simple and
To reach the entire pyramid, you must use market fast-paced, use WOW facts/stats and stories. Sell
data (not product data). Use education-based your slides with your headlines, be authoritative,
marketing to (a) capture their interest, build keep the audience curious and build rapport. Focus
rapport and add value, and (b) reset their buying on them, not you.
criteria in your favor.
Smoking Gun & Core Story Do not apologize/thank them for their time, present
sitting down or with hands in your pockets, lose
Invest time and effort to find your “smoking control, read off the slides, or fail to prepare.
gun”—facts that will position you as the obvious
choice—and build your core story about the
benefits to your prospects, supported by Sales Engine
properly-researched market data.