RIG - The Ultimate Sales Machine Text Summary

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Turbocharge Your Business
With Relentless Focus On 12 Key Strategies


The Big “So What”

To succeed in business, you must master 3 vital areas: management, “The promise of this book is
marketing and sales. This book breaks down exactly how to do that that you will learn how to
with 12 proven strategies which Holmes has used to build various create mastery in your business
resulting in the finest, most
businesses and to train business owners and employees. These tips profitable, and best-run business
are useful for anyone involved in sales, marketing or operating a you can have.”


Ideas alone, no matter how good, are useless if they’re not “Mastery is not about being
implemented. To master something, you must practice the same special or more gifted…Mastery
is a direct result of pigheaded
thing consistently until it becomes second-nature to you. To build
discipline and determination.”
the Ultimate Sales Machine, you must apply the 12 strategies in this
book with “pigheaded discipline”, honing and perfecting them until
they become an integral part of how your organization operates.

The book is organized into 12 chapters on time management, “It is the same with any business;
there are basics that you can do
training, meetings, talent management, strategy, marketing, over and over again until every
sales, ideal buyers, presentations, closing skills, follow-ups, and aspect runs like a machine.”
implementation. By mastering all of these areas, you can ensure
the success of any business.

In this summary, we’ve organized the inter-related strategies and

tips into 4 key parts: Management, Marketing, Sales, and Operating
your Ultimate Sales Machine.

Part 1: Management

Every company has finite resources. To build an effective


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organization, you must gain control of your time, maximize your
productivity, and help your team to do the same.

Improve Productivity with Key Impact Areas

Rather than react to issues as they surface, gain control of your

time by managing key “impact areas”.
Identify your key impact areas, i.e. areas that directly affect the
bottomline, e.g. customer service, inventory control, external
sales, internal telemarketing, technology, partner relations.
The number of impact areas will depend on the size and nature
of your business.

Set aside 1-hour weekly for focused meetings to improve

each impact area, with the goal of making incremental
improvements that add up to massive progress.

Instead of spending 70-80 hours a week tackling ad-hoc issues,

you can now spend several hours focused on upgrading the key
aspects of your business, thus multiplying your impact with
less time. To do this, you must say “no” to ad-hoc requests and
insist on focusing your time only on vital issues in your weekly

Improve Productivity with Great Time Management

These 6 steps can be done in just 5 minutes—apply them in your “Good time management
whole organization to significantly increase your productivity. shouldn’t take a lot of time.”

Touch it once. Only touch something if you’re prepared to act “Email is there for your
convenience. If it’s not
on it, so you don’t waste time revisiting issues or rereading
convenient, don’t answer it.”
material. Insist that your staff use specific and descriptive titles
for their emails and update the titles as the content changes—
that way, you can choose to only open emails that you can
deal with immediately.

Make daily lists of your 6 most important tasks, and make sure
you finish them. This is better than having a long list of items
and feeling bad about not completing them.

Allocate time to each task in advance, to ensure you can

complete all 6 tasks. Ideally, you should spend about 6 hours

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for the 6 tasks; if a task requires too much time, break it down
into smaller parts.
Plan your day: assign specific time slots for each task and stick
to it.

Prioritize the most important and difficult projects first in

your schedule, so you have enough time and energy for them.

• If you’re a salesperson or 1-man team, make sure you spend

at least 2.5 hours a day growing your business. “Master these six steps and you
won’t believe the difference.
• Even if you’re in a “reactive” role like a receptionist or Implement them companywide
and you will be operating at
personal assistant, you can still dedicate time daily to
maximum productivity before
improve the company rather than wait passively for you know it.”

About 80% of our files and stored information is never used

again. Ask yourself “will it hurt me to throw this away?” and
remove what you don’t need.

Reprogram your Organization with Effective Training

Your training system is robust only if (a) all your staff define “great
performance” the same way and can perform their jobs consistently
well, and (b) all your clients receive a similar experience.

Unfortunately, 90% of people won’t actively seek to improve

themselves unless it’s a job requirement. To ensure your team
performs well and constantly improves, make continuing
education mandatory.

Use these tips to make your training effective:

• Design regular programs to (a) train new employees, (b)

upgrade the skills/effectiveness of existing employees, (c)
provide professional development, and (d) solve problems.

• Prepare people in advance, by letting them know what to

expect (training duration, objective, takeaways etc).

• Use a blend of methods (e.g. lectures, discussions, role-plays,

quizzes, demos, case studies). Keep it fun and stimulating
so people will look forward to it and retain the learning.

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• It’s better to teach a few items and reinforce it with practice/
application, than to teach a lot of new things each time. Use
regular training to reinforce the same skills and information
repeatedly until it is permanent.

Use “Workshop Meetings” to Improve your Company

To grow a large company, you must be able to hire 50 new people KEY QUOTES
in a week and help them perform at their peak quickly. Structured “No one gets good at anything
workshop-style meetings are one of the best ways to concurrently without repetition.”
train people and improve your business.

During workshops, you work with your staff to jointly develop

ideas to improve your business, rather than give instructions
on what to do. This provides a platform for people to solve
problems, improve outcomes and deliver a shared vision.

To run effective workshops:

• Run workshops weekly. Each workshop should have up to

30 people and focus on 1 small part of the business. For
large companies, hold separate weekly workshops for each

• Define a key challenge to solve at each workshop. You can

get participants to brainstorm key challenges, giving them 3
minutes to list down 3 areas to be improved in the company/
department, then get everyone to share their ideas on a
whiteboard. A good topic is: “What else can we offer the
buyer at the point of sale?”

• Next, prioritize the list of issues. Give the participants 30

seconds to write to down their top 3 choices in order of
priority, then add up the scores to identify the top 5 issues.

• Tackle each issue in a separate workshop. After each

session, summarize the solutions in 1-2 page memos (e.g.
“9 ways to handle an angry customer”, “7 ways to improve
product consistency”). Compile them and use them as
training manuals.

• Test and refine the procedures over time, removing

ineffective solutions and finalizing the proven ones as your
standing policies.

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Use these 10 steps to implement a new policy effectively:

• To get buy-in and motivate learning, you must get people to

feel the pain. Get people to discuss and vote for their top 3
problems. Then, ask questions like, “what if you could put in
extra work now but remove most of these issues?” Amplify
the pain with questions like “what are the drawbacks of not
addressing this issue?” and get them to write down their
answers. KEY QUOTES
“I had learned the secret to
• Generate solutions through a workshop, using the tips earlier. creating change: you have to put
people in pain.”
• From the list of solutions generated, define a conceptual
solution to be tested.

• Get your top leaders or talents to test and improve the

solutions before training others.

• Set a deadline to complete the testing, with updates at your “I always recommend testing
new ideas with your top
weekly meetings. performers.”

• Document the step-by-step processes, including scripts,

activities, procedures, expected outcomes etc.

• Get your top performers to teach others using show-and-tell

and role-play.

• Hold another workshop with your staff to refine and perfect

the solution before rolling it out.

• Monitor the procedures weekly (or even daily) so you can

observe and make corrections immediately.

• Set specific criteria, measure results and reward your team for
“People respect what you
the desired new behaviors or outcomes, until they become
second nature to every employee.

Hiring and Managing Superstars

As an employer, you must be able to attract and manage top

producers. As an employee, you must know how to be a top producer.

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Top producers take the initiative to do more, excel and keep
learning. They can turn around a bad situation, outperform all
your staff and deliver results beyond expectations. The tips
below relate to sales positions, but you can adapt them for
other positions.

To hire superstars, be prepared to share the wealth if they

successfully build your company.
• Estimate how much you can afford to pay if they perform. For
“(You can) grow any company or
SMEs or 1-person armies, estimate the monetary rewards/ area faster if you’re wise enough
value of your top 3 initiatives if they’re executed well. For to share the wealth.”
medium to large companies, list up to 3 core positions
which are not currently filled by superstars, and estimate
the value that a superstar could generate. If you can share
30% of a $100,000 sales target, that means an attractive
$30,000 monthly income for that superstar.

• Hire for personal qualities, not background. Identify the “If you want to have the
personality profile of someone who’d succeed in the job, Ultimate Sales Machine, you
need to have the ultimate
then find tools to assess the desired profiles. For example, a salespeople.”
good salesperson is likely to have high scores in “Dominance”
and “Influence” using DISC personality profiling—such
people can relate to and influence customers, dare to make
decisions and deal with rejections.

• Design your ads, using the highest possible income figure

and word it to attract confident people, e.g. “Superstars
only. $180-$300k. Don’t call unless you’re an overachiever
and can prove it.”

• Pre-screen the applicants: Explain your objectives over the

phone, and say something like “Our ad says we’re only hiring
superstars. Tell me why we should hire you.” After they’ve
done their pitch, reject them just to see their response
(e.g. “That’s great, but I don’t hear a top producer”). A
true superstar will challenge and persuade you, instead of
accepting the rejection.

After shortlisting your potential candidates, use this 3-step

process to interview your superstars:

oo Relax. Start by being friendly so they’ll relax and be at their


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oo Probe. Explain that your company hires based on personality
profile, and that you’ll be asking a series of personal questions
to understand them. Probe to see if they offer details and
stories to win you over. Some areas to cover include:

(a) Childhood, e.g. “What aspects of your childhood have

shaped who you are today?” or “What was the biggest
challenge you’ve faced in your life?”;
(b) Areas of accomplishment e.g. “Tell me 2-3 things
you’re most proud about yourself” or “Can you share
an area in life where you’ve reached a high level of

(c) Commitment to self-improvement, e.g. “How do you

improve yourself?” or “What’s the last self-help book
you’ve read?”;

(d) Benchmark against the best: e.g. “Who is the best

salesperson you’ve ever met?”—see if they name
themselves, or can differentiate themselves from the
person they’ve named;

(e) Their resume, e.g. “Why did you leave your last job?”,
“Tell me about a disagreement you’ve had with a boss
and what happened.” Look for those who can identify
gaps in their previous jobs without complaining.

• Attack. By now, you have a good idea of how they think. “Superstars never crumble.
They have tremendous faith in
Launch a strong but tactful attack to assess their response.
Say something like, “This has been great, but I don’t really
get the impression you’re a superstar.” A real superstar will
remain confident and present his/her case.

Managing superstars. To retain top producers:

• Never say “no”. Instead, redirect their energy or throw them

a challenge, e.g. get 30% more sales to grant their request,
or challenge them to solve a problem they’ve raised.

• Compliment them when they meet and exceed your


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Part 2: Marketing

Multiply your Impact with Sound Strategies

To be a great strategist, you must be able to see the big picture and KEY QUOTES
implement the strategies at the tactical level.

One of the biggest challenges in business is to catch and retain “The hardest thing we need to
the attention of your prospects. Use the “buyers pyramid” do today is grab the attention of
to look at your market strategically. Based on 20 years of potential buyers and keep their
research, Holmes found that at any one time, for any product attention long enough to help
or “service” them buy your product.”

• 3% of the market are buying now; Buying

• 7% are open to the idea of buying; Open to
• 90% are currently not interested 6-7% buying

in your product: 1/3 are simply 30%

not considering it, 1/3 are not
Not thinking about it

interested, and 1/3 are strongly Not interested

disinterested and want to stay with 30%

the status quo.
Firmly disinterested

Most businesses focus only on the first 2 categories. It’s more

strategic to concurrently nurture the other 90%.

Focus on market data instead of product data. A headline “One of the most strategic things
like “5 ways to benefit from our video-conferencing services” you can do is to find market
will only appeal to the 3%+7%, while “5 reasons why 96% of data that makes your product or
service more important.”
businesses fail” could appeal to a much bigger prospect base.

Education-based marketing is one of the most effective ways “When you sell, you break
to reach the entire buyers pyramid. rapport. When you educate, you
build it.”
• Most people are not experts in the products they’re buying,
“You will attract way more
and you can “reset” customers’ buying criteria by teaching buyers if you are offering to
them how to be better customers of your product/services. teach them something of value
to them than you will ever
• For the 90% who’re not currently considering your products, attract by simply trying to sell
them your product or service.”
your goal is to capture their interest, build rapport, add
value and position yourself as an expert, so you become the
obvious choice when they’re ready to buy in the future. For

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example, you may offer a free course on “5 Reasons Why
Businesses Fail”, with useful insights on business challenges
like customer service, management or communication.
This allows you to incorporate case studies of how certain
companies used your video-conferencing solutions to
deepen relationships with customers and staff.

Find your marketing angle using the “stadium pitch” exercise:

• If you could fill a stadium with your ideal prospects, who
will be in that stadium (i.e. what’s the profile of your buyers

• In order to get everyone in the stadium to stay and listen to

you, what must the title of your talk be?

• Invest time and resources to develop your stadium pitch,

supporting it with data that set the buying criteria in your
favor. This will become the your “core story” and the anchor
of your marketing strategy.
“No matter who you are or what
There will always be some fact that will position you as the you sell, you need to take the
indisputable choice for your prospects—this is your “smoking time to collect market data and
gun”, and it’s your job to find it. For example, the smoking gun build your core story or your
for selling art to hospitals could be the evidence that certain stadium pitch.”
types of art can drastically improve patients’ rate of recovery.

It takes time and persistent effort to find your smoking gun

and develop a great core story. Use workshop meetings to
develop ideas with your team and dedicate some time weekly
to do market research until you find your smoking gun.

Master the 7 Marketing Essentials

These are the key marketing tools you’d need to build your Ultimate “Tell a story that intrigues the
Sales Machine. Identify the ones that will give you the best returns imagination and you stand a
better chance of people actually
on investment, run workshops with your team to master these tools watching your commercial.”
and keep finding ways to incorporate your core story.

Advertising. To have a big impact, your ads must meet these “Like the headline, the body
criteria: copy should be benefit-oriented.
Don’t tell me what it is. Tell me
why it is valuable.”
• Be distinctive, i.e. they stand out and stop people in their

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• Have an attention-grabbing headline with a self-explanatory
benefit focused on “you” (the buyer).

• Have a body copy that holds the prospects’ interest and

focuses on the key benefits for them.

• Include a call-to-action, e.g. a number to call or a coupon for

the first X callers. KEY QUOTES
Direct mail. Use your stadium pitch as the foundation for your
direct mails. Entice people to open your mail with benefits-
oriented messages on the envelope, bright colours and even
creative gifts (see Part 3 for more ideas). You’ll need to send
your direct mail frequently and follow up with a phone call.

Brochures. Your corporate brochures should summarize the

key points from your core story. Remember to focus on the
buyers and how they can benefit, not on how great your
company is.

Personal contact with your clients (be it a phone call or a “None of your marketing efforts
meeting) by your salespeople and customer service staff can will have as much impact on
be one of the most powerful marketing opportunities. your client as personal contact
with your salespeople or
Market education can be delivered in many ways, e.g. trade customer service reps.”
shows, speaking engagements and education-based marketing.

Public Relations (PR) can include trade shows, press parties,

speaking-engagements, press releases or articles about you.

• A good PR piece should cover a broad issue that affects many

people, with mention of your company without focusing
on it. You should include credible/mainstream sources of
information, and cite a Fortune 500 company if you have
good reason to do so. Include data from your core story
that would interest your target readers, and follow up on
each press release with a phone call. Even if you’re brushed
off initially, you can build a relationship over time with the
editor, and position yourself as a domain expert.

• Charity events and award ceremonies can also generate great

publicity, especially if you can invite market influencers,
notable people and/or your dream clients.


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Use the internet—including email, websites, and affiliate
marketing—to capture leads, build relationships, interact with
prospects, offer webinars, and convert leads to sales. You
can build databases by having many microsites that focus on
just 1 thing—e.g. www.howtodoublesales.com—then connect
subscribers with the rest of your content. You can also build a
community around your websites, e.g. if you sell filtered water,
your sites can educate people about water, discuss how to KEY QUOTES
protect our natural water sources etc. “Every product or service can
create a community—even
bottled water or shaving cream.”
Part 3: Sales

Getting your Ideal Buyers

“The fastest way to grow any

For any product/service, there’s always a small group of ideal clients
company is to focus a special
who will buy more, and buy more frequently, than all other clients. and dedicated effort on your
Capturing this segment is the fastest and most cost-effective way dream clients.”
to grow your business. Holmes call this the “Dream 100 strategy”.

The best way to secure your ideal buyers is through sheer


• When you consistently add value, they’ll eventually notice “The more they become familiar
you, and even feel obligated to do business with you. Once with your name, the better
you’ve sold to an ideal buyer (e.g. a Fortune 500 company), it your chance of gaining them as
becomes easier to convince others to do business with you.

• For example, a real estate broker was able to serve the bulk
of an upscale neighborhood after she consistently marketed
to the neighbourhood for years. With the same perseverance,
Holmes made himself visible to the top names in Hollywood
until his screenplay was noticed and eventually bought by
Warner Bros.

The same principle applies to getting your dream affiliates, i.e. “To build the Ultimate Sales
Machine, you must devote
people who don’t sell your product/services, but have access
machinelike precision to
to your customers and can help to promote your solutions. For chase and tackle those dream
2 years, Holmes called and wrote to Jay Abraham every other prospects.”
week to pitch for a collaboration, before Jay decided to meet
him. This meeting led to sales worth over $15mil, with profits
shared by both sides.

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6 Steps to implement your “Dream 100 strategy”
6 Steps to implement your “Dream 100 strategy”

Identify your dream clients. List down your ideal buyers, then
refine your criteria. Collect as much information as possible
about the companies that meet these criteria—through their
websites, phone calls or research sites like Hoovers.
Select great gifts. One of the best ways to get noticed is to
“Build that list, organize your
send small gifts every 2 weeks. Choose useful but inexpensive
approach, and never say die.”
gifts that are relevant to your pitch—these won’t seem like
bribes, and will likely be used by the prospects.

Create your letters to go with the gifts. Keep it short and link the
message creatively to your gift, e.g. flashlight (“don’t be kept in
the dark…”), Rubik’s Cube (“don’t be puzzled by….”), calculator
(“calculate your savings…”). Always include a call-to-action
that focuses on your offer (e.g. free course or consultation).

Map out your calendar and what you’ll send for the next 3-6
months. You should send something minimally once a month,
and ideally every 2 weeks. You can combine these with
marketing tools like cards, surveys, coupons, PR articles etc.

Follow up with phone calls. Your goal is to secure an “Massive and diligent follow-up
can penetrate just about any
appointment to get the core story in front of them.
company if you are determined.”

• For B-to-B sales, it can be hard to reach the decision maker.

Use an authoritative tone, sound important and stay in
charge of the conversation. For example, don’t start your
call with “how are you today?”. Instead, say “Hi, this is Bill
Allen. Is Tom in?”.

• During the appointment, use the earlier tips to present your

core story: educate them using market data, target their pain
points, set the buying criteria in your favour, and use the
“smoking gun”.

Mastering your Presentations

Use these tips for effective presentations.

• Use compelling visual aids. 85% of information to our


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brain comes through our eyes. The right visual aids (e.g.
using specific colours, pictures of human figures) can help
to capture attention, communicate more and improve

• K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple, Stupid): Limit each slide to 1 big

heading and 3-4 bullet points.

• K.I.F.P. (Keep it Fast Paced): Cover 2-3 slides per minute, with KEY QUOTES
a new point appearing visually every 15s. For webinars, flash
new images across the screen constantly.

• Use WOW Facts or stats that your audience will remember

and share with others.

• Use stories to illustrate a point and make it stick.

• Maintain curiosity: offer facts followed by explanations, and

keep telling them what else is coming up.

• Use every headline to sell the slide and keep things interesting. “Don’t be lazy. Work to make
every headline work hard for
• Be confident but not arrogant. Convey authority using your
words, tone of voice and body language. Try to build a “Misery loves company, so
rapport with everyone in your audience, e.g. getting them engaging (your prospects) on
to talk about their problems. problems creates an instant
• Always focus on them, not on you.

Avoid these common presentation mistakes:

• Don’t thank them or apologize for taking up their time. “Never apologize or thank them
for their time. If you do a good
job, then they will thank you.”
• Don’t present sitting down or with your hands in your
pockets. Stand up and keep your hands outside, above your

• Don’t lose control, e.g. let questions to disrupt your


• Don’t read off your slides.

“Often, a great education can
• Don’t be too serious. A little humor always helps.
make people realize they need
your product.”
• Don’t underprepare. Always rehearse out-loud before every

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presentation. Know your whole presentation so you can
insert criteria and ideas to presell what’s coming up.

Perfecting your Sales Engine

Master the 7 Steps in Selling. Get your entire team to

memorize and practice these steps until they are ingrained in
their “subconscious competence”. Use workshops to teach,
practice and perfect your sales process. KEY QUOTES
• Establish rapport. The better your rapport with a client, the “The secret to building an
more secure the account. You should minimally know their excellent sales force (or team
background, family, interests and personal goals, and ideally of any kind) is in repeating core
training on basic sales skills
become friends with them. Role play with your team on how again and again.”
to ask great questions, find common ground and build trust.

• Discover their buying criteria, and concurrently work to reset

it so your solutions become the obvious choice. Work with
your team to develop questions that they can use to know
the prospects better.

• Build value around your product/service, e.g. teach your

customers about manufacturing and how to identify a good
vs bad product.

• Create desire. Develop a series of questions and killer data to “Your job is to set up systems,
help your prospects see why the status quo is unacceptable. procedures, and training that
create a machine where every
salesperson gets deep with your
• Overcome objections. Learn your buyers’ criteria and pain
points with questions like: “What is your biggest marketing
challenge?” or “What would it cost you to not fix this
problem?”. Seek to isolate an objection, e.g., “That’s a good
reason not to invest in this today. [Add a meaningful pause.]
I’m just curious: is money the only thing standing between
you and the purchase of this solution?”. If there are no
other objections, then ask, “So, if we can make this product
affordable for you, you will buy it?”

• Close the sale. If you truly believe that your prospect will
benefit from your product or service, go ahead with the

• Follow-up. Even after closing a sale, you need to constantly

remind your buyers why they bought from you, and find
new ways to keep educating them and adding value. The

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more you focus on the prospect during the 6 steps above,
the more information you’ll have for your follow up.

10 steps to great follow up. Systemize your processes to

strengthen client bonds and keep them happy.

• Send your first letter within 1-2 hours of your meeting. Start
with something personal, include a compliment, push the
hot buttons, recap the benefits you can offer and end with KEY QUOTES
a personal close.
“If you are friends with your
clients, it is very hard for another
• Follow up with a call, focusing on providing value such as salesperson to take them away
ideas or information for their challenge. from you.”

• Each month, share something of personal interest to the client.

• Ease into their personal lives with bonding events like parties
or meals.

• Follow up from each event with a letter/card/fax/email,

keeping it short and personal. Reinforce what else you’ll do
for the relationship.

• Plan something fun that can involve their family. “Become involved in (your
clients’) lives and in the success
• Offer ways to help your client succeed, e.g. connect them to of their businesses. Make it your
personal mission to help them
other potential clients or bring them to a useful seminar.

• Stay top of mind with more cards/letters/emails.

• Keep offering your help to become an asset and confidant.

• Aim to eventually invite them to your home or be invited to


Part 4: Operating your Ultimate “Implementation, not ideas, is

the key to real success.”
Sales Machine (USM)

To build your USM, you need to apply, track and consistently improve
the strategies above until it comes naturally to you.

Your Organizational USM. Identify the measures of

effectiveness for your key goals (e.g. the number of calls or
presentations made), track them and reward performance

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until these are part of your organization’s DNA.

Your Personal USM. You can use the same approach to train
yourself to naturally focus on opportunities around you.

• Your brain’s reticular activating system (RAS) scans the

environment based on the often-subconscious instructions
that you give it. Focus your mind on success and keep KEY QUOTES
demanding your brain to find solutions.
“Attitude is the only thing we can
control in life, yet it’s also the
• Use workshops to define your goals (e.g. lifetime goals, most powerful.”
annual goals), or find ways to create success (e.g. 3 things
to do each month to improve your life, 3 things to do each
month to make your team more effective).

The idea is to have the discipline and determination to stay focused

on what matters, until it’s second-nature for you to achieve your

Other Details in the Book

to Look out For

This book is packed with resources and detailed examples to help “If you make this book
you understand and apply the strategies outlined in this summary. your sales, marketing and
management bible and study
These include:
it again and again, you’ll never
need to know anything else
• Examples, scripts and tips for workshop training, recruitment, to rule your market. That and
interviews, advertising/marketing campaigns, pitches, letters pigheaded determination.”
and follow-up;

• Stories and anecdotes from a wide range of businesses, based

on Holmes’ and his clients’ experiences; and

• Exercises (including reflections, assessments etc.) to help you

apply and customize the tips for your business.

For more details and resources, please visit www.chetholmes.com.


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About the Author

Chet Holmes (1957-2012) is an

author, trainer, consultant, lecturer
and film producer, and the founder
of Chet Holmes International. He
has helped hundreds of companies KEY QUOTES
to grow their businesses, and
designed hundreds of advertising
campaigns and sales systems across
many industries. His clients include
60 of the Fortune 600 companies
and numerous small businesses.

About ReadinGraphics

ReadinGraphics captures pearls of wisdom

from the best books around the world, chunks
down concepts into simple, actionable steps,
and presents them in graphics that you can
absorb at a glance.

We cut through the clutter to bring ideas to life, making it easier to

see, organize and apply insights to create breakthroughs.

Find out more about us at https://readingraphics.com

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