BP Oil Spill in Gulf
BP Oil Spill in Gulf
BP Oil Spill in Gulf
aforementioned oil spill or other similar situations.
British Petroleum is the third largest global energy company and the 4th
largest company in the world. In 2009 their revenue was US $246 billion and
just want to point out at the current planets transit events in this horoscope.
Currently the company has lost huge amount of money and nobody can
predict the future losses the company will suffer to clean up the US offshore,
If you look deep into the astrological picture of this event, you will find some
G aj-SO1 J"Y
¥ U*41IU*Y
9 20* 1,3L"Y
\ ii*aiaiL"Y
3 21s I'SJ-SJ
3 14*24'«"«
t 24* 2' 3-E
V \ Ua u'ai'st'rf
1 ^ o'SL-nT1
9 is'ao'sa"^
J 3* I'SJ-K
is T'ao'as-Hi
Das waj'ss'ss
The company horoscope is built on 14 April 1909, when the Anglo-Persian Oil
this horoscope natal Saturn is located in Aries near the border with Pisces.
Natal Mars located at the beginning of Aquarius. These 2, malefic planets are
usually responsible for such force majeure situations. And now we combine
this natal chart with this transit on 2,0 April 2010. At this time transit Mars
Transit Saturn was very close to opposition to natal Saturn. I consider the
opposition not only as an aspect with 8-10 degrees border, but as the location
of our planets in opposite signs. From my experience, this factor always work.
In this horoscope Mars is the natal Saturn ruler, and Mars is located in
Aquarius. This means that Uranus is the Mars ruler. Uranus was in
opposition to transit Saturn. As you see, there was a chain reaction between
In addition to that, we need to point out at the following fact: In March 2006,
a leak in one of BP's pipelines on the North Slope in Alaska caused a spill of
oil into the tundra, leading BP to commit to replace over 16 miles of federally
regulated Oil Transit Lines. At that time transit Saturn was located in the
spot of current Mars location in Leo. It was again in opposition to natal Mars.
This is the answer to the question of what was the cause of this tragedy.
Now let's take a look at the following horoscope. British Petroleum merged
becoming BP Amoco pic. This new horoscope that was created as a result of
IB1 2
« Sl'O
1 6"*
s as* a,
a IB" air
H *11-
• B-K
Firstly, there was transit Saturn finishing his cycle in Aries in this natal chart.
Secondly, natal Mars located in Libra in opposition to natal Saturn. I'm sorry
but I feel that smart people would not establish the company at this hard time.
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Oil Spill
Transit Saturn was on natal Mars more than half a year in zoio in the
horoscopes 1909 and 1998. This factor should he considered carefully in astrological