RC Slabs.
RC Slabs.
RC Slabs.
tv = Mpa 0.43 0.38 0.49 0.17 0.14 0.09
*tc= Mpa 0.62 0.45 0.52 0.35 0.44 0.36
tc max= Mpa 3.16 3.16 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82
Shear Check OK OK OK OK OK OK
Deflection Check
Basic-span/depth ratio 20 20 20 20 20 20
Corrected-span/depth ratio 9.35 Err:502 23.16 16.82 53.64 90.46
Effective depth reqd. mm 920 Err:502 131 263 30 20
Effective depth provided mm 172 120 172 131 76 91
Deflection Check Revise Err:502 OK Revise OK OK
Program Features
Spacing of bars restricted to 3*d or 300mm
Tv shall not be more than 50% of Tc max
* Ref Com. On IS-456
** Ref IS-456-1978-p-115
*** Ref SP 24 1983 Page 55
Short Span Coeff. αx 0.0620 0.0740 0.0840 0.0930 0.0990 0.1040 0.1076
Long Span Coeff. αy 0.0620 0.0610 0.0590 0.0550 0.0510 0.0460 0.0424
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Interior Panel 1
One Short Edge Discontinuous 2
One Long Edge Discontinuous 3
Two Adj Edges Discontinuous 4
Two Short Edges Discontinuous 5
Two Long Edges Discontinuous 6
Three Edges Discontinuous-One Long Edge Continuous 7
Three Edges Discontinuous-One Short Edge Continuous 8
Four Edges Discontinuous 9
Deflection Check
*Basic-span/depth ratio 20
Net Modification (multification) factor 1.33
Depth reqd. mm 237
Depth provided mm 169
Deflection Check Revise
Program Features
Moment coeff are from IS-456
Spacing of bars restricted to 3*d or 300mm
*If Lx is <= 3.5M and LL is <= 3KN/Sqm then if Fy=250 then L/D=35
*If Lx is <= 3.5M and LL is <= 3KN/Sqm then if Fy=415 then L/D==0.8*35
*If Lx is > 3.5M and or LL is > 3KN/Sqm then L/deff=20
# Not considered in this program
# Modification factor taken from Page 55 of SP24-1983
Modified to suit fig 5 on page 39 of IS 456-2000
Width By
BM is calculated when load is at centre of span & near the un ay
* Slab self weight is calculated automatically; Slab can be doub ey
# Shear force at left support when load is at a dist of d from left supp. ex
For tc calculations full area of tension steel at bottom is considered. ax
Span LX
Design Data
Clear Span of slab m 3.52 0.45 0.60 0.75
Eff. Span of slab, Lx m 3.68 0.51 0.66 0.81
Width of slab By m 5.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
Concentrated Load, F KN 60.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Width of load along span, ax m 3.20 0.05 0.05 0.05
Width of load at right angles to span, ay m 1.60 0.05 0.05 0.05
Dist. of load CG from nearest supporting edge, ex m 1.84 0.26 0.33 0.41
Dist.of load CG from nearest unsupported edge ey m 0.80 0.03 0.03 0.03
BM due to point load (Converted to 1M width) KNM/m 11.54 1.49 1.60 1.67
Overall depth Doverall of slab mm 160 60 60 60
Weight of slab Kg 7360 38 49 61
fM-Main Steel mm 10 6 6 6
fD-Dist. Steel mm 8 6 6 6
fck Mpa 20 20 20 20
FF on slab (unfactored), w2 KN/m2 2.00
Mu-Factored moment due to DL+Point load KNM/m 32.54 2.31 2.52 2.70
Live load on slab (unfactored), w3 KN/m2 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Mu-Factored moment due to LL on slab KNM/m 0.00 0.49 0.82 1.23
Mu-total KNM/m 32.54 2.80 3.34 3.93
Deflection Dheck
Basic-span/depth ratio 20 20 20 20
Corrected-span/depth ratio 27.88 29.35 28.04 24.30
Effective depth reqd. 131.98 17.38 23.53 33.34
Effective depth provided 140 42 42 42
Deflection Check OK OK OK OK
Concentrated load F 30 30 30 288 KN
Lx-Short Span 6 6 6 6 M
Ly-Long Span 6 6 6 6 M
ax1-Loaded length along X 1.35 1.35 1.35 6 M y Ly
ay1-Loaded length along Y 1.35 1.35 1.35 6 M ay1
x- Dist from Y axis -0.675 1.175 -2.525 -3 M
y- Dist from X axis 0.5 0.5 0.5 -3 M x
I Lx
ax1+x 0.675 2.525 -1.175 3
ay1+y 1.85 1.85 1.85 3
ax=2x -1.35 2.35 -5.05 -6
ay=2y 1 1 1 -6
xy -0.3375 0.5875 -1.2625 9
ax=2*(ax1+x) 1.35 5.05 -2.35 6
ay=2y 1 1 1 -6
y*(ax1+x) 0.3375 1.2625 -0.5875 -9
ax=2x -1.35 2.35 -5.05 -6
ay=2*(ay1+y) 3.7 3.7 3.7 6
x*(ay1+y) -1.24875 2.17375 -4.67125 -9
ax/lx -0.225 0.391667 -0.841667 -1
ay/ly 0.616667 0.616667 0.616667 1
Coeff ax4 0.128 0.095 0.058 0.0625 *
Coeff ay4 0.088 0.082 0.062 0.0625 *
ax4*[x*(ay1+y)] -0.15984 0.206506 -0.270933 -0.5625
ay4*[x*(ay1+y)] -0.10989 0.178248 -0.289617 -0.5625
Xu max 62
Mu limit = 46.7
Ptmin 0.12
Ast = 856 814
Pt % 0.570738 0.542965
Provide f 92 96
Vu/m = 11.2 12.2
Ptp= 0.29 0.27
β= 8.14 8.55
Tc= 0.38 0.37
k 1.30 1.30
Vuc = 64.22 62.87
Coeff- ax4 & ay4 to be selected from page No. 229 of Reynolds Handbook
ax4 & ay4 shall be always +ve irrespective of +ve or -ve a/l
Associated Engineering Consultants 10/05/2023
Design of Staircase
Project Divgi Warner
Building Office Block
Stair No.
Inclined Slab
Slab self (Waist slab)= 7.69 KN/m
Steps self= 1.88 KN/m
Floor Finish= 1.50 KN/m
Other Loads= 0 KN/m
Live Load= 4.00 KN/m
UDL2-Total UDL on inclined portion 15.06 KN/m
RB = 43.85 KN
RA = 48.36 KN
PZS-Dist of point of zero Shear= 3.21 M
Bmax (unfact) 77.63 KNM
fM-Main Steel 16 mm
fD-Dist. Steel 8 mm
fck = 35 Mpa
dc1 = 25 mm
Load Factor 1.50
B= 1000 mm
fyM = 415 Mpa
fyD = 415 Mpa
Mu/m = 116.44 KNM
d= 250 mm
Xu max 120 mm
Mu limit = 302 kN-mts
PtminM 0.12 %
PtminD 0.12 %
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Vu/m = 72.5349 KN/m
tv = 0.29 Mpa
*tc= 0.39 Mpa
tc max= 3.73 Mpa
Shear Check OK
Program Features
Spacing of bars restricted to 3*d or 300mm
Tv shall not be more than 50% of Tc max
* Ref Com. On IS-456
** Ref IS-456-1978-p-115
*** Ref SP 24 1983- Page 55
Program limitations
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Slab No.
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200 SUNK WL2/8
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