Pearson Global - GC - iPLS - Curric - SOW
Pearson Global - GC - iPLS - Curric - SOW
Pearson Global - GC - iPLS - Curric - SOW
n d i L o w
iPrimary a D o c u m e n ts
u r r i c u l u m
Sample C c h e m e o f W o r k
p l e S
and Sam
Wealth and poverty in Appreciate that greater wealth does not make Students can recognise that just because someone is rich it does not mean they are more
society you a better person. important.
Appreciate that not everyone likes the same Students can recognise that people like different things and may like to be treated
SJE1.1C Equality of opportunity
things or wants to be treated the same. differently.
SJE1.1D Challenging injustice Awareness of right and wrong. Students can recognise right from wrong.
Challenging prejudice
ID1.2C Know how to be a good listener. Students learn how to listen well.
and discrimination
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of work
Conflicts around the Knowledge that sometimes people fight and that Students can understand that falling out with a friend does not necessarily mean the end of
world they can become friends again. a friendship.
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of work
Students can explain why appearances do not reveal anything about what a person is like
Understand that it is not possible to know what a
SJE4.1D Challenging injustice inside and that they should not judge a person by their appearance, nor should others
person is like inside, simply by their appearance.
make assumptions about them on how they look.
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of work
Resolving conflicts Students can explain how they might agree to differ with others whilst maintaining
PC4.4B Know how to disagree whilst remaining friends.
peacefully friendships.
Conflicts around the Know about the Nobel Peace Prize and some of Students can explain what the Nobel Peace Prize is and name those who have won the
world its winners. prize.
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of work
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1 of work
Understand the legacy of colonisation, which Students can explain the impact of colonisation on both those who were colonised and the
SJE9.1A Justice and injustice made some people rich and caused exploitation coloniser, including the creation of wealth for some and the exploitation and denial of rights
and degradation to others. of others.
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of work
Year 2
Cross-curricular links: Students can recognise when they How did each situation make them feel?
English, PSHE, have treated someone fairly and
Citizenship, Drama when they have been unfair. Describe this scenario to students: You are alone on the playground and you ask
to join in with a game. Some of the students agree to allow you to join in, but
others refuse.
Ask the students what gift they would put in their special box. Students can draw a
picture showing their gift. The teacher can provide a ‘special box’ in which
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students can place their pictures.
Ask the students in turn to say what is special about their gift as they place it in
the box.
Year 2 Term 1: Power and Governance
Session 3 PG2.6A Ability to work Remind students of the rights they have already looked at and learnt about in
Good governance collaboratively to create and follow a Year 1 Term 3. List the rights that they can remember.
class agreement based on rights
Cross-curricular links: and respect. Work together with students to create a Class Charter of Rights.
English, PSHE, Use the following guidance from UNICEF to support setting it up:
Citizenship Students can work together to
create and follow school rules content/uploads/sites/4/2018/08/A-complete-guide-to-creating-charters_1.1.pdf
based on the rights and respect of
the self and others. Display the Class Charter in the classroom and encourage every class to do this
by sharing with the School Council.
Year 2 Term 1: Social Justice and Equity
Session 4 SJE2.1D Interest in doing the right Ask the students what makes a Global Citizen.
Challenging injustice thing. Is it:
Cross-curricular links: Students are willing to do the right • Someone who throws litter?
English, PSHE, thing. • Someone who is kind to new students that join the school?
Citizenship, Art • Someone who shares skipping ropes at playtime?
• Someone who loves nature?
• Someone who is interested in other people?
• Someone who takes things that don’t belong to them?
• Someone who tidies the classroom?
• Someone who throws rulers and pens in the classroom?
• Someone who listens to adults in the school?
• Someone who is able to say sorry?
• Someone who tries to do the right thing?
Cut out an outline of one of the students on paper and stick it on the wall.
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Ask the students to write a sentence or draw a picture showing one aspect of a
Global Citizen and stick it onto the cut out. Discuss students’ responses.
Year 2 Term 1: Peace and Conflict
Session 5 PC2.4A Know why it is important to How difficult is it to tell the truth when it might mean you get into trouble?
Conflicts in the community tell the truth and be able to Why is it important to tell the truth even when we are worried about it?
recognise a mistake.
Cross-curricular links: Share the book The Boy Who Cried Wolf or an alternative and discuss what the
English, PSHE, Drama, Students can understand the boy did in the story.
Citizenship importance of telling the truth and
admitting when they have done Why was it hard to believe what he said?
something wrong. What would have been the right thing to do?
Ask the students to write a question to ask either the boy, his mother or one of the
villagers about the boy’s behaviour. Hot seat the role of the boy and his mother
and invite students to ask their questions.
Session 6 PC2.4B Know what to do when Remind students of the scenario from Term 1 Session 1.
Resolving conflicts someone hurts you in some way.
peacefully Set up a role play between two adults (or an adult and a student) where the
Students know how and when to teacher pretends to have a dispute with another adult or student. This can be
Cross-curricular links: say sorry and what to do if someone overplayed for effect!
English, PSHE, Drama, hurts them.
Citizenship Ask the students to give suggestions as to what should happen next. Discuss
words and phrases that could be used in order to resolve the situation.
Working in Talk Partners, ask the students to role play a conversation between Ramsay
MacDonald (the Prime Minister of the UK at the time) and Gandhi.
If accessible, the following two website links might be useful for research:
Session 2 SJE9.1B Ability to critique the Choose an initiative, group or individual whose is in charge of addressing poverty. This
Wealth and poverty efficacy of initiatives, groups and could be something local, national or international.
in society individuals who are addressing
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Using their choice of initiative, group or individual, ask the students to fill in the following
Students can critique the report card in order to decide how effective the initiative, group or individual is at addressing
effectiveness of the approaches of poverty:
various different initiatives, groups
and individuals working to
alleviate poverty.
Name of the organisation,
initiative or individual
What do other
people/reports say about the
effectiveness of its work?
Session 3 SJE9.1C Know about some of the Find out about some of the causes, impacts and complexities of global inequalities of
Equality of causes, impacts and complexities opportunity in education.
opportunity of global inequalities of
opportunity and attempts to Research Goal 4 of the UN SDGs:
address them. development-goals/goal-4-quality-education.html
Now, ask the students to explore an initiative from around the world that aims to make
education more accessible. For example, the solar-powered floating schools in Bangladesh
(so teaching can be continued during monsoon season). More information can be found in
the following links:
Working in Talk Partners or groups, ask the students to find out as much as possible about
the chosen initiative. Students could look at:
Now, looking specifically at the impact of floating classrooms, ask the students to explore
the following:
Write each question on a large sheet of paper and place them around the classroom. Each
Talk Partner pair, or group, should add their responses to the corresponding sheet.
As a reflection exercise, ask the students how this could be used in the context of climate
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