Safari 3
Safari 3
Safari 3
Competency-based modular IR(A) (CB IR) for holders of a 3rd country ICAO IR(A)
Minimum total flying hours experience according Part-FCL Annex I Appendix 6, (Aa) (8);
Proof of English language proficiency in accordance with FCL.055 (minimum level 4);
Enclose evidence according to the Procedure for acceptance of Language proficiency tests
taken outside of Switzerland published on FOCA homepage.
Proof of the radiotelephony qualification entered in the foreign licence or equivalent document;
Skill test CB-IR with examiner on SP aeroplane in accordance with Part-FCL and FOCA
GM/INFO Examination Guide Aeroplane (FOCA Form 60.420), including the demonstration of an
adequate level of theoretical knowledge of air law, meteorology and flight planning and perfor-
mance (IR);
The class or type rating and the IR for the above skill test must still be valid in the foreign licence
at the time of this skill test.
Copies of all pages of the current foreign pilot’s licence with entry of the valid class or type and
instrument rating for the aeroplane to be used (pending licence is not accepted);
Copies of the relevant logbook pages showing at least 50h of instrument flight time as PIC after
the issue of the 3rd country IR(A);
Confirmation of night rating training within an EASA ATO or DTO, including FOCA Form 60.611;
Credit may be granted by FOCA based on a recommendation from an ATO. If no night rating is
obtained, IR privileges will be limited to “day only”.
By filling the application form, the applicant will authorise the issuing Civil Aviation Authorities of his for-
eign licences and medical certificates to provide all relevant information for the corresponding applica-
tion to the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA).
Legal references