Did They Know Each Other? Lindy Sue Beichler Murder Jan. 29, 2023
Did They Know Each Other? Lindy Sue Beichler Murder Jan. 29, 2023
Did They Know Each Other? Lindy Sue Beichler Murder Jan. 29, 2023
Golden time
Hempfield’s Braden Edwards comes
away with a title at the L-L League
wrestling championships
TM n Sports, Page C1
Former President Donald How They Voted, the weekly Today’s coupon value
Trump kicks off his push to column featuring congressional n See
regain the White House with voting records of Pennsylvania Page A2
campaign stops in two states. lawmakers, is back by demand. for details.
n Page A10 n Page A4
Home rule
would not
be cure-all
Lancaster mayor seeks commission to
study tax options; voters get final say
JADE CAMPOS AND to remove the state-set cap
MICHAEL LONG on the earned income tax
[email protected];
[email protected] it charges residents, cur-
rently set at 0.6%.
When it comes to fixing The rationale behind do-
the financial problems of ing so, Sorace said, is to
counties and municipali- shift the tax burden away
ties in Pennsylvania, home from property taxes to the
rule has been anything but more “progressive” earned
1971 MCCASKEY HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK a home run. income tax, which is scaled
Two images taken from the 1971 McCaskey High School yearbook show Lindy Sue Little (later Biechler), left, and Lancaster Mayor Danene to wages. People who earn
David V. Sinopoli, both circled in red, in their respective homeroom photos. A half-century later, Sinopoli would be Sorace understands the more would pay more un-
sitting in Lancaster County Prison charged with her death. shortcomings of home rule der this approach.
— an option laid out in the But would such a change
Pennsylvania Constitu- completely fix the city’s
L I N DY S U E B I E C H L E R A N D DAV I D V. S I N O P O L I B OT H W E N T tion that allows local gov- structural deficit? No.
ernments to take greater Budget projections
TO M C C A S K E Y A N D L I V E D W I T H I N A M I L E O F E AC H OT H E R . control of their finances by through the next five years
L A S T Y E A R , H E WA S C H A R G E D W I T H H E R K I L L I N G I N 1 9 7 5 . operating without some of show the city will be $10
the constraints of state law. million in the red by 2026,
life was already over.
[email protected];
Just down the hall, junior Da-
[email protected] vid Sinopoli, an athletic, civic-
minded kid with an interest in
indy Sue Little smiled flying planes, took his seat each
at the camera. morning in Room 221.
The McCaskey High A half-century later, he’d be
School sophomore, sitting in Lancaster County
who began each day in Room Prison charged with killing In any case where time
202, stood shoulder to shoulder Lindy Sue. has passed, a witness’s CHRIS KNIGHT | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
with the rest of her homeroom
class for a snapshot that would Building a case memory may fade, but Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace gives her State of the City
address Thursday at The Ware Center in Lancaster, where
live forever in the school’s 1971 we have found that Sorace introduced the idea of Lancaster city adopting a home
yearbook. It’s been nearly a year since the unique nature of rule charter.
Packed into four ascending investigators rooted through
rows, Lindy Sue’s classmates a trash can in Philadelphia In- these cases often stays
registered looks ranging from ternational Airport and pulled with the officers who ! -
boredom and indifference to out the coffee cup that landed originally worked them
the clear optimism of teens Sinopoli behind bars.
who have their whole lives That cup, discarded by Si- long after the event
ahead of them. On that day, nopoli, contained the DNA happened.”
Lindy Sue had no way of know- sample investigators say links — Lancaster County District Attorney
ing three-quarters of her own HOMICIDE, page A6 Heather Adams, on the recent investigation
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INDEX LOTTERY ....................................A2 PERSPECTIVE ............................ F1 TODAY’S WEATHER 228th Year, No. 227
CLASSIFIEDS ............................CL1 MONEY.........................................D1 REAL ESTATE .......................... RE1 COPYRIGHT © LNP MEDIA GROUP, INC.
DEATHS REPORTED .............. B11 NATION & WORLD ..................A9 SPORTS........................................C1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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