14 1963 CH-Body
14 1963 CH-Body
14 1963 CH-Body
1963 BODY
Page Page
General Description 14- 1 Rear Compartment 14-49
Service Operations 14- 2 Tail Gate 14-54
Cleaning Soft Trim 14- 2 Front Seats 14-61
Front End 14- 6 Front Seat Assembly Six-Way 14-61
Windshield Assembly 14- 6 Bucket Type Front Seats 14-61
Body Ventilating System 14- 6 Headlining Assembly 14-63
Instrument Panel Assembly 14- 7 Roof Panel Fabric Cover 14-67
Front and Rear Doors 14- 8 Folding Top 14-70
Front Doors 14-11 Folding Top Adjustment 14-70
Rear Doors 14-22 Service Diagnosis 14-74
Side Roof Rail Weatherstrip 14-33 Folding Top Trim Assembly 14-76
Rear Quarter 14-35 Hydro-lectric System 14-76
Trim and Hardware 14-35 Exterior Moldings 14-78
Rear End 14-47 Special Tools 14-87
Back Window Assembly 14-47
Throughout this section, the various body styles will SERIES NUMBER DESCRIPTION
be referred to by number. The following chart lists Biscayne Bel Air Impala
these numbers and relates them to body descriptions. 1100 1200 1500 1600 1700 1800
6 Cyl 8 Cyl 6 Cyl 8 Cyl 6 Cyl 8 Cyl
If service information refers only to one particular
1111 1211 1511 1611 2 Dr. Sedan-
body style, or group of body styles, it will be so stated 6 Pass.
in the headings large size type preceding each serv 4 Dr. Sedan-
1169 1269 1569 1669 1769 1869 6 Pass.
ice outline. Service procedures not covered herein may
be performed as outlined in the 1961 Shop Manual. 1739 1839 4 Dr. Sport Sedan-
6 Pass.
1747* 1847* Sport Coupe-
5 Pass.
1767* 1867* Convertible-
5 Pass.
There are four general types of trim materials used 3. Coated fabrics vinyl or mylar.
in automotive bodies: 4. Polyurethane foam.
1. Fabrics that may be either plain fabrics broad
cloth, gabardine, etc. or pattern fabrics which Dust and dirt particles that accumulate on the up
are manufactured with natural or snythetic nylon holstery of a car should be removed every few weeks,
orion, rayon, viscose, etc. fabrics. or oftener if the car is given constant hard use. This is
2. Genuine leather. done with a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner.
BODY 14-3
CAUTION: Do not use a whisk broom on fabrics 6. If a ring should form on the fabric when removing
having raised tapestry patterns since damage a stain, the entire area of the trim assembly should
to the fine threads may result. On polyurethane be cleaned as described in the preceding steps.
foam material use only a soft bristle brush-do 7. The cleaned upholstery should be allowed to dry
not use a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner. completely before using.
Before attempting to remove spots or stains from Some volatile cleaners are toxic and harmful; there
upholstery fabrics, determine as accurately as pos fore, the following safety precautions should be used:
sible: 1. Always use in a well ventilated area. Car windows
1. Nature and age of the spot or stain. and garage doors must be open when such cleaners
2. The effect of stain removing agents on the color are used.
structure and general appearance of the fabric. 2. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapors
For best results, stains should be removed from from cleaner.
upholstery as soon as possible after they have been 3. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with the skin.
made. If they are allowed to stand for some time, they 4. Keep away from eyes and mouth.
often become set, and removal becomes more difficult
-frequently, impossible. 5. Some cleaners are flammable, and every precau
There are three basic types of acceptable cleaners tion and care must be exercised in handling these
available: cleaners.
1. Volatile cleaners colorless liquids
3. Neutral soap nonalkaline
1. Make a solution of the synthetic detergent in luke
The volatile cleaners are recommended since they
warm water, working up a thick, frothy suds.
have great solvent powers for grease, oils and general
road grime. Synthetic detergents generally loosen up 2. With a clean cloth or sponge, dampened with luke
stains satisfactorily; however, the use of improper type warm water, apply suds only to the surface of the
detergents involves risk of damage to the color or fin upholstery using light to medium pressure, repeat
ish of fabrics. ing several times, applying more suds with a clean
portion of the cloth or sponge.
PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING FABRICS WITH 3. With a second clean cloth, dampened with luke
VOLATILE CLEANERS warm water, rub over the area with medium pres
sure to remove excess detergent and loose mate
Care should be taken not to use too much solvent rial.
and to apply it only with clean cloths. It is the solvent
that does the work-so only a minimum of pressure 4. With a clean dry cloth, wipe off all excess mois
should be applied. ture. A vacuum cleaner may also be used.
1. Brush away all loose particles of dirt and soil. 5. Allow the upholstery to dry partially; then repeat
2. Dampen a clean cloth cheese cloth may be used the above treatment if necessary to remove stain.
with the volatile cleaner. Open the cloth and allow 6. When the upholstery is satisfactorily cleaned, al
a portion of the cleaner to evaporate so that the low to dry completely before using.
cloth is just slightly damp.
3. Using very light pressure and circular lifting PRECAUTIONS FOR CLEANING FABRICS
motion, rub the stained area, starting at the outer
edge and working toward the center until the en 1. Solutions containing water are not recommended
tire area has been covered. Change to a clean por for general cleaning of broadcloths. Water has
tion of the cloth every few strokes. great destructive powers on the high face or high
gloss finish of broadcloths, causing the nap to curl
4. Before proceeding, wait several minutes to allow and roughen to such an extent that the finish is
most of the volatile cleaner to evaporate. This will destroyed or made very unsightly. However, in
avoid the danger of the cleaner penetrating to the some cases where it is necessary to use a solution
padding under the upholstery. Certain cleaners containing water to remove a stain, the resultant
will deteriorate sponge rubber which is often used disturbance to the finish of material may be pref
as padding. erable to the stain.
5. It may be necessary to repeat Steps No. 2, 3, and
4 several times before the stain has been satisfac 2. Do not use as a cleaning solvent any gasoline
which is colored or which contains tetraethyl lead.
torily removed. Each time a clean cloth should be
used. 3. Do not use solvents such as acetone, lacquer thin-
ners, enamel reducers and nail polish remover, as PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING VICODEC
a cleaning solvent. FOLDING TOP MATERIAL
4. Do not use laundry soaps, bleaches or reducing The top should be washed frequently with neutral
agents, such as the following: chloride of lime, soap suds, lukewarm water and a brush with soft
javelle water, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydro bristles. Rinse top with sufficient quantities of clear
sulphite, potassium permanganate, chlorine or water to remove all traces of soap.
chlorine water, sulphurous acid sulphur dioxide, If the top requires additional cleaning after using
sodium thiosulphate Photographers’ hypo. The soap and water, a mild foaming cleanser can be used.
use of these agents tends to weaken fabric and to Rinse the whole top with water; then apply a mild
change its color. foaming type cleanser on an area of approximately two
5. Do not use too much cleaning fluid; some interior square feet. Scrub area with a small soft bristle hand
trim assemblies are padded with rubber, and vola brush, adding water as necessary until the cleanser
tile cleaners are generally solvents for rubber. The foams to a soapy consistency. Remove the first accu
application of too much cleaner may destroy these mulated soilage with a cloth or sponge before it can be
rubber pads. ground into the top material. Apply additional cleanser
to the area and scrub until the top is clean. Care must
be exercised to keep the cleanser from running onto
PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING GENUINE body finish as it may cause streaks if allowed to run
LEATHER AND COATED FABRICS down and dry. After the entire top has been cleaned,
rinse the top generously with clear water to remove
Care of genuine leather and coated fabrics includes all traces of cleanser. If desired, the top can be sup
vinyl coated formed headlining is a relatively simple ported from the underside during the scrubbing oper
but important matter. The surface should be wiped ations.
occasionally with a dry cloth, and whenever dirt accu After cleaning always be sure the top is thoroughly
mulates, the following cleaning instructions should be dry before it is lowered. Lowering the top while it
used: is still wet or damp may cause mildew and unsightly
1. Lukewarm water and a neutral soap should be wrinkles.
used. Apply a thick suds, worked up on a piece of Do not use volatile cleaners or household bleaching
gauze or cheesecloth, to the surface. agents on the top material.
for most satisfactory results. For these, and other lukewarm water. After the spot is dry, rub it lightly
stains, specific instructions are outlined in succeeding with a cloth dipped in a volatile cleaner.
paragraphs. It must be expected, particularly where
water treatment is specified, that discoloration and Chewing Gum
finish disturbance may occur. In some cases fabric dis
turbance may be considered preferable to the stain Harden the gum with an ice cube, and scrape off
itself. By following the procedures outlined with nor particles with a dull knife. If gum cannot be removed
mal care and caution, reasonably satisfactory results completely by this method, moisten it with a volatile
can be expected. cleaner and work it from the fabric with a dull knife,
while gum is still moist.
Battery Acids
Fruit, Fruit Stains, Liquor and Wine
Apply ordinary household ammonia water with a
brush or cloth to the affected area, saturating it thor Practically all fruit stains can be removed by treat
oughly. Permit the ammonia water to remain on the ment with very hot water. Wet the stain well by apply
spot about a minute, so that it will have ample time to ing hot water to the spot with a clean cloth. Scrape all
neutralize the acid. Then rinse the spot by rubbing excess pulp, if present, off the fabric with a dull knife;
with a clean cloth saturated with cold water. then rub vigorously with a cloth wet with very hot
This treatment will suffice for both old and new water. If the stain is very old or deep, it may be neces
stains. However, no type of treatment will repair dam sary to pour very hot water directly on the spot, fol
age to fibers resulting from the action of the acids on lowing this treatment with the scraping and rubbing.
the fibers-particularly after the spot has dried. Direct application of hot water to fabrics is not recom
mended for general use since discoloration usually
Blood If the above treatments do not remove stain, allow
Do not use hot water or soap and water on blood fabric to dry thoroughly; then rub lightly with a clean
stains since they will set the stain, thereby making its cloth dipped in a volatile cleaner. This is the only
removal practically impossible. further treatment recommended.
Rub the stain with a clean cloth saturated with cold Soap and water are not recommended since they will
water until no more of the stain will come out. Care probably set the -stain and cause a permanent discolor
must be taken so that clean portions of cloth are used ation. Drying the fabric by means of heat such as the
for rubbing the stain. use of an iron is not recommended.
This treatment should remove all of the stain. If it
does not, apply a small amount of household ammonia Grease and Oil
water to the stain with a cloth or brush. After a lapse
If grease has been spilled on the material, as much
of about one minute, continue to rub the stain with a
as possible should be removed by scraping with a dull
clean cloth dipped in clear water.
knife or spatula before further treatment is attempted.
If the stain remains after the use of water and am
Grease and oil stains may be removed by rubbing
monia, a thick paste of corn starch and cold water may
lightly with a clean cloth saturated with a volatile
be applied to the stained area. Allow the paste to re
cleaner. Be sure all motions are toward the center of
main until it has dried and absorbed the stain. Then
the stained area to decrease the possibility of spreading
pick off the dry starch. Brush the surface to remove
starch particles that remain. For bad stains, several the stain.
applications of starch paste may be necessary.
Ice Cream
Candy The same procedure is recommended for the re
moval of ice cream stains as that used in removing
Candy stains, other than candy containing choco fruit stains.
late, can be removed by rubbing the affected area with If the stain is persistent, rubbing the spot with a
a cloth soaked with very hot water. If the stain is not cloth wet with warm soap suds mild neutral soap
completely removed, rub area lightly after drying may be used to some advantage after the initial treat
with a cloth wet with a volatile cleaner. This will usu ment with hot water. This soap treament should be
ally remove the stain. followed with a rinsing, by rubbing with a clean cloth
Candy stains resulting from cream and fruit-ifiled wet with cold water. After this dries, rubbing lightly
chocolates can be removed more easily by rubbing with a cloth wet with volatile cleaner will clear up
with a cloth soaked in lukewarm soap-suds mild neu the last of the stain, by removing fatty or oily matter:
tral soap and scraping, while wet, with a dull knife.
This treatment is followed with a rinsing by rubbing
the spot with a cloth dipped in cold water. Nausea
Stains resulting from chocolate or milk chocolate can Sponge with a clean cloth, dipped in clear cold water.
be removed by rubbing the stain with a cloth wet with After most of the stain has been removed in this way,
wash lightly with soap mild neutral, using a clean then remove as much of the tar as possible with a dull
cloth and lukewarm water. Then rub with another knife. Follow this operation by rubbing the spot lightly
clean cloth dipped in cold water. If any of the stain with a cloth wet with the cleaner until the stain is
remains after this treatment, gently rub clean with a removed.
cloth moistened with a volatile cleaner.
Shoe Polish and Dressings Sponge the stain with a clean cloth saturated with
On types of shoe dressings which contain starch or lukewarm soap suds mild neutral soap and then
dextrine or some water soluble vehicle, allow the pol rinse well by rubbing the stain with a clean cloth
ish to dry; then brush the spot vigorously with a brush. dipped in cold water. Then saturate a clean cloth with
This will probably be all the treatment that is neces a solution of one part household ammonia water and
sary. If further treatment is required moisten the spot five parts water. Apply the cloth to the stain and allow
with cold water and after it has dried, repeat the brush solution to remain on affected area for one minute;
ing operation. then rinse by rubbing with a clean wet cloth.
Paste or wax type shoe polishes may require using
a volatile cleaner. Rub the stain gently with a cloth lipstick
wet with a volatile cleaner until the polish is removed.
Use a clean portion of the cloth for each rubbing oper The compositions of different brands of lipstick
ation and rub the stained area from outside to center. vary, making the stains very difficult to remove. In
some instances a volatile cleaner may remove the
stain. If some stain remains after repeated applications
Tar of the volatile cleaner, it is best to leave it rather than
Moisten the spot slightly with a volatile cleaner, and try other measures.
1961 service information is applicable to 1963 vehi
cles. Note, however, that the windshield garnish mold
ing removal and installation procedure differs from
The windshield checking blocks J-8372 have been
replaced by the new J-8942 blocks which are designed
to fit over the new, deeper pinchweld flange. The new
blocks may also be used in place of the older style on
earlier vehicles.
flEW B
mation to perform any necessary service on the instru Removal and Installation
ment panel. 1. Remove side and lower garnish moldings.
The instrument panel cover attachment differs from
that covered in the 1961 manual and will be covered 2. Loosen or remove any necessary instrument
here. items, glove box, etc.
3. From underside of instrument panel remove the
ten 10 attaching stud nuts and carefully remove
Instrument Panel Cover the cover assembly.
The instrument panel cover is secured to the instru 4. To install, reverse the removal procedure making
ment panel by studs and nuts fig. 9. certain cover is properly aligned before securing
The studs are an integral part of the cover assembly. in place.
for removal of manually operated door ventilator
and window inside handles, proceed as follows:
1. Depress door trim assembly at handle sufficient
ly to install tool J-7797 between handle and
bearing plate.
Fig. 11-Door Window Glass Run Channel Outer Strip Assemblies 2. Push handle retaining spring out of engagement
With Belt Reveal Molding and remove handle and bearing plate from door.
3. To install, position retaining spring on handle
5. On styles equipped with a belt reveal molding, the
and bearing plate over regulator spindle. Posi
outer strip assembly and molding can now be
tion handle on spindle at same angle as handle
on opposite door and push handle until spring is
6. On all other styles, firmly press outer strip assem engaged fig. 13.
NOTE: Handles are installed in a horizontal
OUTER STRIP..... ATTACHING CLIP position with open end forward when glass
is in a full up position.
,,,-- ‘P1- H
TOOL J-7797
4. Position water deflector to door inner panel with Fig. 1 6-Front-Rear Door Outside Handle Disassembled
polyethylene coated side black of deflector
against inner panel. Insert lower edge of deflector FRONT DOORS
in retaining slot and firmly roll or press sealed
areas to obtain a good bond between deflector and Front Door Weatherstrip
door inner panel.
A new type of front door weatherstrip assembly has
g. Seal lower corners of water deflector with 2" or been designed which incorporates nylon component
2½" waterproof body sealing tape. fasteners. This new fastener takes the place of wire
6. Clean off any excessive cement or caulking com clips and attaching clip sealing plugs used on rear door
pound and install previously removed door trim weatherstrip assemblies.
and inside hardware. A significant change is the incorporation of the com
ponent nylon fastener. This fastener is the same size
at all locations 3/" diameter and is available as a
Spring Clips service part.
A spring clip is used to secure remote control con Tool J-21104 is designed for removal of the new
necting rods and inside locking rod connecting links to weatherstrip. If this tool is not available, it can be
door levers. A slot in the clip provides for disengage fabricated from any other comparable metal tool as
ment of the clips, thereby, facilitating detachment of shown in Figure 17.
linkage. When a removal tool is fabricated, make sure all
To disengage a spring clip, use a screwdriver, or sharp edges or metal burrs are removed so as not to
other suitable tool, to slide clip out of engagement. damage weatherstrip or paint finish during its usage.
C; :C
L = -
1. Carefully break cement bond securing weather
strip to door. If necessary, a flat-bladed tool, such
as a putty knife, can be used to help break cement
bond fig. 21.
2. To adjust upper front portion of window assembly 6. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check win
in or out for proper contact with side roof rail dow for proper operation before installing inner
weatherstrip, adjust ventilator assembly in or out panel water deflector. Prior to installation, lubri
as described under "FRONT DOOR VENTILA cate entire length of lower sash channel cam
TOR ADJUSTMENTS." with 630 AAW Lubriplate or equivalent.
3. To adjust lower portion of ventilator division
channel for alignment with window assembly, Front Door Window Adjustments
lower door window and loosen ventilator division
channel adjusting stud nut. Turn adjusting stud in 11-35-45-69 Styles
or out or position lower end of channel fore or aft, Adjustments
as required; then, retighten adjusting stud nut
fig. 29. 1. To correct a condition where glass is "cocked" in
glass run channels, loosen inner panel cam attach
4. To adjust upper rear of window assembly in or ing screws, adjust cam up or down as required
out for proper contact with side roof rail weather and tighten screws fig. 30.
strip, or to adjust rear of window assembly in
or out at belt line, loosen rear glass run channel 2. To adjust lower portion of ventilator division
attaching screws at lock pillar facing of door and channel for proper alignment with door window
screw at top of door inner panel. Position channel assembly, lower door window and loosen venti
in or out as required and tighten screws fig. 28. lator adjusting stud nut. Turn adjusting stud in
or out or position lower end of channel fore or
NOTE: Adjustments 2, 3 and 4 must be coordi aft as required; then tighten adjusting stud nut
nated to provide a properly operating front fig. 30.
door window. 3. To adjust lower portion of window glass run
channel in or out for proper alignment with door
5. To adjust limit of "up" travel of window assembly
window, raise door window. From inside door,
for proper contact with side roof rail weather loosen glass run channel lower attaching nut or
strip, raise door window and through inner panel screw, adjust channel as required and tighten
access holes loosen door window front and rear nut or screw fig. 30.
stop assembly attaching bolts. Adjust stops up or
down as required, then tighten attaching bolts
fig. 27. Front Door Window Regulator Assembly
39-47-67 Styles
Front Door Window Assembly-
Manual and Electric Manual and Eeiectric
Removal and Installation:
11-35-45-69 Styles
1. Remove door trim assembly and detach inner
Removal and Installation panel water deflector.
1. Lower door window. Remove door trim assembly 2. Remove ventilator division channel lower adjust
and detach inner panel water deflector. ing stud and nut fig. 29.
2. Remove door ventilator assembly as previously 3. On styles equipped with manual window reg
described under "FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ulators, lower window. Remove window lower
-REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION." sash channel cam attaching screws and disengage
sash channel cam from window lower sash chan
3. On styles equipped with electric window regu nel; then raise window and prop in full up posi
lators, disconnect wiring harness feed wires from tion. Disengage sash channel cam from window
regulator motor at connector. regulator arm rollers.
CAUTION: DO NOT OPERATE REGULATOR MO 4. On styles equipped with electric window reg
TOR after window assembly is disengaged ulators, remove door ventilator assembly and
from regulator. Operation of motor with load front door window.
removed may damage unit.
5. On styles equipped with electric window regula
4. Remove screws securing window lower sash chan tors, disconnect wire harness feed wires from reg
nel cam to window assembly and carefully disen ulator motor at connector.
gage cam from window lower sash channel. CAUTION: DO NOT OPERATE REGULATOR
5. Rotate rear edge of window assembly upward and MOTOR after window assembly is disengaged
remove window assembly from between inner and from regulator. Operation of motor with load
outer panels. removed may damage unit.
Rear Door Weatherstrips Fig. 33-Rear Door Weatherstrip Attaching Clip Screw
39 Styles
The rear door weatherstrip is a one-piece mechani
cal retained type. Mechanical retention consists of a 1. Remove snap fasteners securing ends of weather
series of weatherstrip attaching clips which fit into strip at belt line of door hinge and lock pillar
individual sealing plugs along door bottom and sides. panels fig. 32.
The weatherstrip is also mechanically retained by 2. On "39" style rear doors, remove the single
nylon snap fasteners at belt line of hinge and lock weatherstrip attaching clip screw located at upper
pillar panels. In addition, "39" style rear door weather- radius of lock pillar fig. 33.
strips are further retained by a single weatherstrip
attaching clip and screw at upper radius of lock pillar 3. Carefully break cement bond securing weather
panel. Cement usage is limited to door lock pillar strip to door. A flat-bladed tool, such as a putty
panels at belt line and at forward lower corners of knife, will prove helpful in breaking cement bond
door. Cement, however, can be applied at any point fig. 34.
where additional retention of weatherstrip is needed.
39-89 STYLES
Fig. 32-Rear Door Weatherstrip Attaching Clips Fig. 34-Rear Door Weatherstrip Adhesive Application
Fig. 39-Rear Door Weatherstrip Adhesive Application
Figure 42 is typical of "69" style rear doors. This
illustration indicates a fully lowered door window in
K proper position for maximum glass stability.
1. With a scraper and mineral spirits, clean off old
sealing compound at hinge attaching areas. This
operation should be performed carefully to avoid
Fig. 44-Rear Door to Center Hinge Pillar Attachment the possibility of soiling adjacent trim material.
BODY 14-27
5. To install door lock, reverse removal procedure. Dimensional Specifications For Use of Door Lock
Check all operations of door lock before installing
door trim and inside hardware. Striker Service Spacers
The door lock striker spacer information previously
provided under the "FRONT DOORS" heading ap
Rear Door Lock Strikers plies as well to the rear doors.
Removal and Installation
1. With a pencil, mark position of striker on body Rear Door Inner Panel Cam
pillar. The inner panel cam is attached to the door inner
2. Remove three door lock striker attaching screws panel by two /16" attaching bolts and is designed as
and remove striker and adjusting plates from a guide for the door window regulator balance arm.
Removal and Installation
3. To install, seal all striker plate attaching screw 1. Raise door window, remove door trim pad and
clearance holes with body caulking compound. detach inner panel water deflector sufficiently to
4. Apply a W’ bead of body caulking compound expose inner panel cam attaching bolts fig. 48.
around entire back surface of striker plate; skips 2. Remove inner panel cam attaching bolts and dis
must not exist in caulking compound. Place strik engage cam from window regulator balance arm
er and adjusting plates within marks on pillar and roller and remove cam from door.
install striker plate attaching screws. 3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Prior to
installation of inner panel cam, lubricate entire
NOTE: Whenever a door has been removed length of cam with 630 AAW Lubricate or equiv
and installed or realigned, the door should not alent.
be closed completely until a visual check is
made to determine if lock extension will en NOTE: The forward end of the inner panel cam
gage in striker notch. Where required, door is adjustable up or down. This adjustment can
lock striker service spacers should be installed be used to help correct a rotated or cocked door
so that door can be closed and an accurate window.
check made to determine proper spacer re
quirements. Rear Door Lock To Locking Lever Rod
Removal and Installation
5. Clean off all excessive body caulking compound.
1. Raise door window, remove door trim pad and
Adjustments detach inner panel water deflector sufficiently to
expose locking rod assembly.
To adjust striker up or down or in or out, loosen 2. Remove inside locking rod knob from rod.
striker plate attaching screws and shift striker and
adjusting plates as required and tighten screws. 3. On 35-45-69 styles, remove screw securing lower
end of glass run channel at door hinge pillar to
gain access to spring clip securing rod to lock
fig. 47.
4. Disengage spring clip securing inside locking rod
assembly to door lock and disengage rod from
5. Disengage rod from spring clip on door inner panel.
Remove inside locking rod attaching bolt and re
move assembly from door fig. 48.
6. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check oper
ation of inside locking rod assembly before install
ing water deflector and door trim pad.
2. Remove remote control attaching bolts and remove Rear Door Window Regulator Assembly
control from connecting rod fig. 48. Manual and Electric
3. On 35-45-69 styles, remove glass run channel lower
attaching screw to gain access to spring clip secur Removal and Installation
ing rod to lock fig. 47. 1. Lower door window. Remove door trim assembly
4. Disengage remote control connecting rod from lock and detach inner panel water deflector.
and remove rod from door. 2. Remove door window lower sash channel cam.
Then carefully raise window and prop in a raised
5. To install remote control and connecting rod,
reverse removal procedure. Position remote control
rearward sufficiently to take up slack in linkage so 3. On styles equipped with electric window regu
that all clearances are taken out of linkage in lators, disconnect wiring harness feed wires from
a rearward position. Check all operations of door regulator motor at connector.
lock before installing door inner panel water 4. On 39 styles, equipped with electric window
deflector and trim pad. regulators, loosen rear guide cam upper attaching
screw and bolt and remove lower adjusting stud
Rear Door Window Lower Sash Channel Cam and nut. This is necessary to move lower section
of rear guide cam rearward far enough to permit
Removal and Installation
removal of electric window regulator and motor
1. Remove door trim pad and detach inner panel assembly. Figure 50 shows the rear guide cam
water deflector. attachments and is typical of rear guide cams
2. Lower door window sufficiently to gain access to equipped with power windows.
sash channel cam two attaching screws through
access holes in door inner panel and remove
screws fig. 49.
3. While supporting window by hand, carefully dis Fig. 50-Rear Door Hardware
engage cam from window lower sash channel and
rollers on window regulator arms and remove CAUTION: Do not operate regulator motor after
cam from door. window assembly is disengaged from regula
CAUTION: After removal of lower sash channel tor. Operation of motor with load removed
cam, carefully lower door window to bottom may damage unit.
of door to prevent damage to glass. 4. Remove regulator attaching bolts four, disen
4. To install, reverse removal procedure. Prior to gage balance arm from inner panel cam and
installation, lubricate entire length of window remove regulator assembly through large access
lower sash channel cam with 630 AAW Lubriplate hole fig. 50.
or its equivalent. Check operation of window 5. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check
prior to installing inner panel water deflector and operation of window before installing inner panel
door trim pad. water deflector and rear door trim pad.
Rear Door Window Regulator Electric may be moved up or down manually so that
Motor Assembly motor pinion gear will mesh with teeth on reg
ulator sector, and regulator attaching holes will
The electric motor assembly which powers the win line up.
dow regulator on electrically-operated windows is a
12-volt reversible motor with a built-in type circuit NOTE: Be sure to remove temporary nut and
breaker and a self-locking gear drive. The motor is bolt from regulator before installing it into
attached to the regulator assembly with bolts. door or rear quarter panel.
/ and disengage cam from sash channel fig. 52.
CHANNEL RUN Fig. 54-Rear Door Window Glass Run Channel-35 and 45 Styles
5. Lower door window. Disengage run channel
attaching clips along lock pillar portion of window
frame. Then carefully raise rear run channel and
BOLT remove from door.
6. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check op
eration of rear door window and adjust rear glass
Fig. 53-Rear Door Window Glass Run Channel-69 Styles run channel as required before installing water
4. Carefully disengage glass run channel attaching
clips. Beginning along front of door window frame,
pull glass run channel inboard and upward and
remove channel from between inner and outer
5. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check op
eration of rear door window and, where required, ATTACH ING
adjust glass run channel for proper operation of SCREWS
window assembly.
Rear Door Window Front Glass Run Channel Rear Door Window Guide Front Cam Support
35-45 Styles 39 Styles
Removal and Installation
Removal and Installation
1. Remove rear door window rear glass run channel 1. Remove door trim assembly and detach inner
and remove rear door window assembly. panel water deflector.
2. Remove glass run channel lower attaching bolts 2. Raise door window. Through inner panel access
from hinge pillar facing of door. hole remove front guide cam upper attaching bolt
3. Carefully disengage glass run channel attaching fig. 50.
clips along top and hinge pillar portion of window 3. At door hinge pillar facing, remove two screws
frame. Then pull glass run channel inboard and securing guide cam support and remove support
upward and remove from door. through access hole.
4. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check 4. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check op
operation of rear door window and adjust chan eration of window assembly and, where required,
nel as required. adjust window as described under "REAR DOOR
Rear Door Window Glass Run
Channel Adjustments Rear Door Window Guide Rear Cam Assembly
35-45-69 Styles 39 Styles
Removal and Installation
To adjust front or rear glass run channel in or out
or up or down, loosen channel attaching screws, 1. Raise door window. Remove door trim assembly
adjust channel as required and tighten screws. After and detach inner panel water deflector.
any adjustments, check window for proper operation. 2. Remove rear cam upper attaching screws and
lower adjusting stud and nut fig. 50.
NOTE: Adustment of both channels must be
coordinated to provide proper operation of the 3. Carefully disengage cam from roller on window
rear door window assembly. guide assembly and remove rear cam through
large access hole.
4. To install, reverse removal procedure. Prior to
Rear Door Window Guide Front Cam Assembly installation, lubricate entire length of cam with
39 Styles 630 AAW Lubriplate or equivalent. If exposed,
seal cam lower adjusting stud and nut with body
The window guide front cam assembly incorpor caulking compound.
ates an attaching support bracket at the upper edge
of the guide cam which is attached to the door hinge 5. Check operation of window assembly and, where
pillar facing by two bolts. The front cam can be required, adjust window as described under
removed without removing this attaching bracket. "REAR DOOR WINDOW ADJUSTMENTS."
CAUTION: DO NOT OPERATE REGULATOR MO NOTE: On styles where lower adjusting stud
TOR after window assembly is disengaged and nut are not covered by a water de
from regulator. Operation of motor with load flector, seal stud and nut with body caulk
removed may damage unit. ing compound.
4. Carefully raise door window and remove from 3. The in and out adjustment of the rear door win
door. dow assembly can be obtained by adjusting the
5. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check win front and rear guide cams in or out as required.
dow for proper alignment and, where necessary, It is desirable, however, to adjust only one guide
align window as described under "REAR DOOR cam at a time in order to maintain the fore and
WINDOW ADJUSTMENTS." Prior to installa aft adjustment of the window assembly.
tion of window lower sash channel cam, lubricate a. To adjust front of window* assembly in or out
entire length of cam with 630 AAW Lubriplate or proceed as follows:
equivalent. Also lubricate lower sash channel 1 With window in full up position, loosen
cam rollers and pivot area of rear door window front guide cam adjusting stud nut fig.
rear guide. 50.
Adjustments 2 Loosen front female wedge plate attaching
IMPORTANT: The rear door assembly should screw.
be properly aligned in the body opening be 3 Loosen two front guide cam support at
fore adjusting the rear door window. taching screws on door hinge pillar facing.
Adjustments have been provided to insure proper 4 Position front of window assembly in or
contact of the rear door window with the side roof out as required and adjust front female
rail weatherstrip and the rear door window front wedge plate accordingly; then tighten
frame weatherstrip. Unless otherwise specified, the wedge plate attaching screw.
following window adjustments are for both manually 5 Adjust front guide cam lower adjusting
and electrically-operated windows. stud in or out as required and tighten nut.
Tighten front guide cam support attaching
NOTE: To perform the following rear door
window adjustments, remove door trim assem screws on door hinge pillar facing.
bly and detach inner panel water deflector. 6 Reseal lower adjusting stud and nut with
caulking compound.
1. Up and down adjustment of door window as
sembly. 7 Position window assembly in or out as
required; then tighten screws.
a. Through inner panel access holes, loosen
screws securing front and rear male wedge 8 Adjust lower adjusting stud in or out as
plates to window lower sash channel. required and tighten stud nut. Check win
dow for proper operation.
b. Reposition window assembly as required, ad
just front and rear male wedge plates up or NOTE: On styles where lower adjusting
down as required; then tighten wedge plate stud and nut are not covered by a
attaching screws. Check operation of window water deflector, seal stud and nut with
assembly. body caulking compound.
IMPORTANT: The front or rear of window
assembly may be adjusted up or down by SIDE ROOF RAIL WEATHERSTRIP
adjusting either front or rear male wedge The side roof rail weatherstrip assembly is a one-
plate up or down as required. In cases of piece type which is secured to the front body hinge
malor adjustment, however, both wedge pillar with a snap fastener. The remainder of the
plates should be adjusted. weatherstrip is secured to the side roof rail by weath
2. Fore or aft adjustment of rear door window as erstrip adhesive and a weatherstrip retainer and re
sembly. veal molding assembly.
a. Loosen lower adjusting stud nut on both front
and rear guide cams fig. 50. Side Roof Rail Weatherstrips-47 Styles
b. Loosen screws securing upper end of front Removal
and rear guide cams, position window fore or 1. Remove snap fastener securing weatherstrip at
aft as required, then tighten screws and front body hinge pillar.
lower stud nut on each cam. 2. Carefully disengage inner lip of side roof rail
c. Check window for proper operation and, if weatherstrip from retainer. Using a flat-bladed
necessary, readjust rear door window front tool, carefully break cement bond between weath
and/or rear male wedge plates fore or aft to erstrip and weatherstrip retainer and reveal mold
insure proper contact with female wedge plates ing assembly.
on door inner panel. 3. Remove side roof rail weatherstrip from body.
1. Clean off old cement from side roof rail weather
strip retainer to insure a clean cementing surface.
2. Apply a continuous bead approximately 3/"
diameter of weatherstrip adhesive along entire
outboard surface of side roof rail weatherstrip
retainer See Section "B-B" in Figure 56.
Fig. 56-Side Roof Rail Weatherstrip Assembly-47 Styles Side Roof Rail Weatherstrip Adjustments
39-47 Styles
3. With a flat-bladed tool, engage inboard edge of With doors and windows closed, front door window
weatherstrip and then outboard edge of weather and rear door or rear quarter window upper frames
strip into weatherstrip retainer. should make an even continuous contact with the side
4. Install snap fastener at front body hinge pillar and roof rail weatherstrip. If necessary, adjust weather
clean off all excessive weatherstrip cement. strip, ventilator assembly, front door window and rear
door or rear quarter window to obtain proper weath
Side Roof Rail Weatherstrip erstrip contact.
39 Styles The attaching holes in the side roof rail weather
strip retainer are elongated, allowing in and out ad
The side roof rail weatherstrip assembly is a one- justment of the side roof rail weatherstrip; however,
piece type which is secured to the front body hinge the amount of adjustment is small and is not intended
pillar with a snap fastener. The remainder of the to correct improper ventilator or door window align
weatherstrip is secured to the side roof rail by weath ment. It is necessary to remove the weatherstrip to
erstrip adhesive and a weatherstrip retainer and re adjust the retainer.
veal molding assembly.
IMPORTANT: Before attempting to adjust the
side roof rail weatherstrip, first check that the
1. Remove snap fastener securing weatherstrip at body side glass is properly aligned and,
front body hinge pillar. where necessary, adjust for proper alignment
2. Carefully disengage inner lip of side roof rail as directed under Ventilator, Front Door Win
weatherstrip from retainer. Using a flat-bladed dow, Rear Door Window and Rear Quarter
tool, carefully break cement bond between weath Window Alignment.
erstrip and weatherstrip retainer and reveal mold
1. To adjust the side roof rail weatherstrip "in or
ing assembly.
out," first determine and mark retainer at area
3. Remove side roof rail weatherstrip from body. or areas to be adjusted.
Installation 2. Remove side roof rail weatherstrip.
1. Clean off old cement from side roof rail weather 3. Loosen retainer attaching screws slightly in area
strip and weatherstrip retainer to insure a clean to be adjusted and adjust retainer in or out as
cementing surface. required.
2. Apply a continuous bead approximately /16" 4. Tighten retainer attaching screws and install side
diameter of weatherstrip adhesive along entire roof rail weatherstrip.
Service procedures are arranged according to body
style in the following sequence:
Two Door Sedans "11" Styles
Two Door Coupes "47" Styles
Convertibles "67" Styles
Four Door Sedans "39" and "69" Styles
Station Wagons "35" and "45" Styles
Trim Assembly
11 Styles
Removal and Installation
1. Remove rear seat cushion and seat back assem
2. Remove rear quarter garnish moldings and rear Fig. 60-47 Style Rear Quarter
quarter arm rest assembly. On styles with manu A. Rear Quarter Window E. Rear Quarter Window
ally operated windows, remove window regulator Assembly Front Guide
B. Rear Quarter Window Lower F. Rear Quarter Window
handle. Sash Channel Cam Regulator-Manual
C. Rear Quarter Window Upper G. Rear Quarter Window
3. Using a trim panel removing tool No. J-6335, Stop Regulator-Electric
carefully pry rear quarter trim assembly retaining D. Rear Quarter Window Rear H. Rar Quarter Window
Guide Lower Stop
2. Remove snap ring retainer securing regulator lift a. Loosen rear glass run channel attaching screw
arm to pivot pin on window lower sash channel fig. 62.
fig. 62. b. Operate window to full down position.
3. Disengage rear of window from rear glass run c. Adjust rear glass run channel lower end so
channel. Lower window sufficiently to disengage that it makes slight contact with window as
nylon guide on window front sash channel from sembly and tighten glass run channel attaching
window front glass run channel. screw.
1. Remove rear quarter trim assembly and inner
panel access hole cover.
2. Remove window lower stop attaching screws and
operate window to full down position.
3. Remove screws at front and rear of sealing strip.
Disengage sealing strip clips from quarter outer
panel return flange by forcing strip downward at
clip locations. Remove sealing strip from body.
NOTE: Use care not to damage strip assembly
or adjacent painted surfaces.
1. Remove rear quarter trim assembly. 1. Remove rear seat cushion, seat back, and seat back
filler panel.
2. Remove large access hole cover from inner panel. 2. Remove attaching screws at front and rear of arm
3. Remove rear guide attaching screws fig. 63. rest.
4. Disengage rear guide from roller on window lower 3. On styles with electrical devices in arm rest assem
sash channel and remove rear guide from body. bly carefully detach arm rest from rear quarter
inner panel sufficiently to disconnect wire harness
5. To install rear guide assembly, reverse removal connectors.
procedure. Prior to installation of guide, lubricate
4. Remove arm rest assembly from rear quarter
channel of guide with Lubriplate or its equivalent.
Seal inner panel access hole cover and rear guide
attaching screws as specified under "Rear Quarter 5. To install arm rest assembly, reverse removal pro
Inner Panel Sealing." cedure. Check operation of any electrical devices.
Window Adjustments
47 Styles
1. Remove rear seat cushion and seat back assem
blies. Remove rear quarter arm rest and trim
2. To adjust the window fore or aft, loosen the front
and rear guide attaching stud nuts fig. 64. Posi
tion the window and guides fore or aft as required;
then tighten the attaching stud nuts.
3. To adjust the rear quarter window in or out,
loosen the front guide upper attaching stud nuts
fig. 64. Adjust the studs in or out as required;
then tighten the stud nuts.
4. To adjust the top of the rear quarter window in
or out, loosen the front guide lower attaching stud
nut fig. 64. Adjust the stud in or out as required
then tighten the stud nut.
5. To relieve a binding condition between the chan
nels of the front and rear guide, loosen the front
Fig. 64-Rear Quarter Hardware-47 Style-Manual and rear guide adjusting stud nuts fig. 64. Oper
ate window to full up position and tighten upper
2. Remove rear quarter window rear guide attaching stud nuts on the front guide and forward attach
screw fig. 64. Disengage rear guide from roller ing screw on rear guide. Operate window to full
on window lower sash channel and remove guide. down and tighten remaining nuts.
3. With the rear quarter window in the half-down 6. To limit the forward and upward travel of the
position, remove the lower sash channel cam at rear quarter window, adjust the regulator lift arm
taching screws fig. 64. Detach cam from roller stop as required fig. 64.
on regulator arm and remove cam. 7. To limit the down travel of the rear quarter win
dow, remove the inner panel large access hole
4. Remove rear quarter window front guide adjust cover, loosen the lower stop assembly attaching
ing stud nuts fig. 64. bolt located at the lower end of the window front
guide cam and adjust stop up or down as re
5. With the rear quarter window in the half down quired.
position, disengage the front guide adjusting studs
from the adjusting stud holes in the rear quarter NOTE: After performing window adjustments,
inner panel, then disengage front guide from roll seal hardware attaching screws which have
ers on rear quarter window. Remove rear quarter been disturbed, as specified under "Rear Quar
window from between the panels by lifting up ter Inner Panel Sealing" for 47 styles.
ward and inward.
6. To install rear quarter window, insert the window Window Regulator Assembly-Manual or Electric
between the panels and prop in the "up" position. 47 Styles
Engage front guide channels to rollers on window Removal and Installation
lower sash channel frame. Allow window to drop
to the half down position and insert front guide 1. Remove rear quarter window as described under
adjusting studs into the adjusting stud holes in the "Window Assembly Manual or Electric
- Re- -
NOTE: The procedure for removing the electric 3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Prior to
motor from the rear quarter window regulator installation of the rear guide lubricate the entire
is described and illustrated under "Rear Door length of the channel with Lubriplate or its
and/or Rear Quarter Window Regulator Elec equivalent.
tric Motor Assembly" in the Door Section. Adjust rear guide for proper window alignment
3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Seal all and operation as described under "Rear Quarter
hardware attaching locations that have been dis Window Adjustments" for 47 styles.
turbed as specified under "Rear Quarter Inner Seal rear guide attaching screws as specified
Panel Sealing" for 47 styles. under "Rear Quarter Inner Panel Sealing" for 47
Window Regulator Electric Motor Assembly
47 Styles Folding Top Compartment
Side Trim Panel Assembly
Removal and Installation
See "Rear Door and/or Rear Quarter Window Regu 67 Styles
lator Electric Motor Assembly" in the Door Section. Removal and Installation
1. Remove rear seat cushion and seat back.
Window Front Guide Assembly 2. Remove attaching screws securing front and rear
47 Styles of side trim panel.
Removal and Installation 3. Raise trim panel and move it inboard.
1. Remove rear seat cushion and seat back. Remove 4. Disconnect electrical leads, where present, and
rear quarter arm rest and trim assemblies. Re remove side trim panel.
move rear quarter inner panel large access hole 5. To install folding top compartment side trim panel,
cover. reverse removal procedure.
2. With window in "up" position, remove the win
dow front guide upper and lower attaching stud Rear Quarter T-rim Assembly
nuts fig. 64.
3. Maneuver guide assembly between rear quarter 67 Styles
panels so that upper end of guide can be started Removal and Installation
out of large access hole; then remove guide as 1. Remove folding top compartment side trim panel
sembly. assembly.
4. To install rear quarter window front guide assem
bly, reverse removal procedure. Prior to installa 2. On styles with manually-operated windows, re
tion of the front guide assembly, lubricate chan move window regulator handle and anti-fr.iction
nels of guide with Lubriplate or its equivalent washer.
along full length of channels. 3. Using a trim panel removing tool No. J-6335
Adjust front guide assembly for proper window carefully pry trim assembly retaining nails from
alignment and operation as described under "Rear tacking strips; then lift assembly upward to dis
Quarter Window Adjustments" for 47 styles. engage from retainers at top of rear quarter inner
Seal front guide attaching screws as specified panel and remove assembly from body.
under "Rear Quarter Inner Panel Sealing" for 4. To install rear quarter trim assembly, reverse re
"47" styles. moval procedure.
NOTE: If any retaining nails are broken off,
Window Rear Guide Assembly they can be replaced with door trim assembly
47 Styles nailing strip replacement tabs which are avail
able as a service part.
Removal and Installation
1. Remove rear seat cushion and back assemblies. Quarter Window Assembly-Manual or Electric
Remove rear quarter arm rest and trim assem 67 Styles
blies. Remove rear quarter inner panel large ac
cess hole cover. Removal and Installation
2. With the window in the "up" position remove the 1. Lower folding top and operate rear quarter win
window rear guide attaching screws fig. 64. dow to half down position. Remove rear seat cush
Disengage guide from roller on window lower ion and seat back. Remove folding top compart
sash channel and remove guide through access ment side trim panel and rear quarter trim as
hole. sembly.
Rear Quarter Rear Trim Panel Left Side Spare Tire Cover Panel
35-45 Styles 35-45 Styles
Removal and Installation The spare tire cover panel is secured to a retainer
1. On "45" styles, remove screws securing courtesy at the belt line by a folding catch type handle. To re
lamp and switch assembly to trim panel and care move the panel disengage the catch and lift the panel
fully remove assembly sufficiently to disengage upward. To install, reverse removal procedure.
wires at rear of lamp and switch. Remove rear The handle can be adjusted "in" or "out" to increase
finishing panel fig. 71. or decrease closing effort. To adjust, loosen the handle
2. Remove top screw in rear quarter front trim panel attaching screws; position the handle as desired and
and all screws in rear quarter rear trim panel. tighten the screws.
3. Lift panel slightly upward to disengage from
quarter inner panel and rearward to disengage
from rearward section of rear quarter front trim Rear Quarter Stationary Window Assembly
panel fig. 70. 35-45 Styles
4. On 1235 and 1635 styles, the rear quarter rear Removal
trim panel and wheelhouse covering are all one
panel. To remove, remove all attaching screws 1. Remove rear quarter stationary window garnish
and lift panel upward to disengage from quaiter moldings.
inner panel.
2. Remove rear quarter front trim panels, rear
5. To install, reverse removal procedure. quarter rear trim panel, rear quarter wheelhouse
panel cover, spare tire cover, and spare tire cover
Rear Quarter Wheelhouse Panel Cover
Right Side 3. Remove rear quarter stationary window channel
lower retainers one 1 required for right side,
35-45 Styles two 2 required for left side, fig. 73.
Removal and Installation
1. Remove spare tire cover.
2. Remove attaching screw securing trim panel to
quarter inner panel and spare tire cover support.
1. Clean off old sealer from rubber channel and body
opening to insure a smooth sealing surface. WEATHERSTRIP ADHESIVE BLACK
2. Apply a ribbon of medium-bodied sealer com
pletely around window opening.
3. Install window assembly and window channel OUTER PANEL
lower retainers. RUBBER
4. Using a plews oiler or any other suitable applica
tor, apply an approved weatherstrip adhesive MEDIUM BODIED SEALER
black between glass and outer wall of rubber
channel completely around window. Clean off
excess sealer fig. 74.
5. Replace all previously removed parts. Fig. 74-Stationary Window Sealing
BACK WINDOW ASSEMBLY Back Window Reveal Molding Retention
The back window, made of solid tempered safety All Styles
plate glass, is retained in the back body opening by a The back window reveal moldings are retained by
conventional rubber channel that has one cavity to clips which snap over the back window pinchweld or
accept the glass and another cavity which "lips over" retaining flange and engage, by means of barbed
and accepts the back window opening pinchweld or prongs, a flange on the molding, or, as in the case of
retaining flange. the lower reveal molding on "47" styles, another clip
To remove the back window and rubber channel in the molding.
Figures 75 and 76 illustrate the manner in which
assembly, it is necessary to first remove the reveal
the various types of attachment retain the molding.
moldings around the periphery of the back window. Figure 75 also illustrates the tool to be used and
Following are the procedures for servicing the entire the proper method for disengaging the molding from
back window assembly, beginning with molding re the pinchweld type clip.
moval, then back window removal, and, finally, back
window installation. Back Window Reveal Moldings
All Styles
Removal and Installation
With the exception of the lower reveal molding on
"47" styles, the back window reveal moldings are re
Fig. 75-Removing Molding With Tool J-7898-O1 Fig. 76-Back Window Reveal Molding Retention
tamed entirely by pinchweld type clips. The procedure 4. Carefully push back window and rubber channel
for removing a molding secured in this manner is de assembly outward until lip of rubber channel is
scribed under "Pinchweld Clip Disengagement". disengaged from body pinchweld flange.
5. With the aid of a helper, lift complete assembly
Pinchweld Clip Disengagement from body opening and place on a protected sur
face. Remove rubber channel from glass.
Insert point of tool J-7898-O1 between back window
rubber channel and reveal molding. Slide tool along IMPORTANT: Care should be exercised to make
molding until a clip is contacted, then engage point certain glass does not strike body metal during
of tool between retaining clip and molding fig. 75. installation as edge chips can cause solid
Swing tool slightly to disengage prongs of clip from tempered safety plate glass to shatter. DO
moldings and lift molding free of clip. Repeat this NOT attempt to grind glass.
operation at each clip location. Installation
NOTE: Do not lift excessively on molding. If 1. Clean original sealer from back window body
clip is disengaged, molding will lift free of clip opening and rubber channel and install rubber
easily. If clip is not disengaged, any excessive channel to glass.
lift on molding will cause prongs of clip to
IMPORTANT: Before installing back window
bite harder into molding making disengage
glass, check the back window body opening
ment more difficult. If difficulty is being exper
ienced in disengaging clip, push molding at and pinchweld flange for any irregularities and
clip location to relieve pressure of clip prongs correct, where necessary.
while continuing efforts to disengage clip. 2. Check installation of reveal molding clips at pinch-
weld and retaining flanges and replace clips, where
An occasional application of silicone lubricant to end
necessary. If replacing clips, apply medium-bodied
of tool will help to slide tool between molding and
sealer to opening rabbet, prior to installing clips
rubber channel.
see "1" in View "A" Figure 77.
3. Apply a continuous ribbon of medium-bodied seal
Lower Reveal Molding er approximately ‘/2 inch wide by ¼ inch thick
1847 Styles on wall of rabbet, completely around opening see
"2" in Section "B-B" Figure 77.
Removal and Installat ion
4. Insert a strong cord into pinchweld cavity of rub
Remove belt reveal moldings as described in "Ex ber channel; tie ends together at bottom center
terior Moldings". Using reveal molding tool J-7898-O1 and tape to inside surface of glass.
insert point of tool between molding and rubber chan 5. Apply a continuous ribbon of medium-bodied seal
nel and push or pull molding clip sideways to slide er approximately 1/2 inch wide by ¼ inch thick
it out of engagement from pinchweld retaining clip to base of rubber channel across top and down
fig. 76. Perform this operation at each molding clip sides see "3" in Section "B-B" Figure 77.
location and remove molding from body.
6. With aid of a helper, position back window assem
To install, first slide molding clips in molding so bly into body opening. While helper is applying
that they will be in position to engage retaining clips hand pressure to outside surface of glass, use a
on body; then position molding to body and engage hooked tool or other suitable tool to pull inner lip
clips. of rubber channel located along lower portion of
channel over retaining flanges along bottom open
Back Window Assembly ing.
All Styles 7. With aid of helper applying hand pressure to out
side surface of glass, pull cords in rubber channel
Removal and, where necessary, use a hooked tool to seat
1. Place protective coverings over rear seat cushion lip of rubber channel over body flanges across
and seat back, over parcel shelf trim and over bottom, up sides and across top of window opening.
painted surfaces around back window. On all
IMPORTANT: If, during the string-pulling op
styles but "11"-"69" styles, remove back window
eration, the rubber lip is not seating properly
garnish moldings. On "11" and "69" styles remove
over the body flange, check for locations
headlining retainer finishing lace around back
where rubber channel is tight against the body
flange preventing forward movement of the
2. Remove back window reveal moldings. glass and channel assembly into the opening.
3. From inside body carefully break seal between Using a hooked tool, seat the rubber lip over
lip of rubber channel and pinchweld flange com the body flange at any tight locations before
pletely around back window. proceeding with the cord-pulling sequence.
4 2
8. Using a pressure-type applicator, apply sufficient to act as a counterbalance and hold-open for the lid.
medium-bodied sealer to completely fill any open Notches at the hinge end of the rods allow for adjust
ings between rubber channel and body completely ment of the rods to increase or decrease operating
around rubber channel see "4" in Section "C-C" effort of the lid.
Figure 77. The rear compartment lid lock employs a side-action
9. Using a pressure-type applicator Pistol-type snap-bolt mechanism that has provisions at the attach
oiler apply weatherstrip adhesive black be ing locations for lateral adjustment. Up and down
tween rubber channel and glass on inside and out adjustment is available at the striker attaching loca
side of glass around entire perimeter of glass see tions.
"5" in Section "C-C" Figure 77. Application of
All styles use a single section cement-on type weath
adhesive should be continuous with no skips.
erstrip which is cemented to the rear compartment
10. Install back window moldings as described under gutter completely around the lid opening.
"Back Window Reveal Moldings."
11. Clean off excess sealer and cement; install previ
ously removed parts and remove protective cover Rear Compartment Lid
ings. All Styles
Removal and Installation
1. Open lid and place protective covering along edges
The rear compartment lid employs two torsion rods of rear compartment opening to prevent damage
that are mounted between the lid and hinge assemblies to painted surface.
NOTE: It is not necessary to adjust the left and 3. To install, position striker within scribed marks
right hand torque rods at the same time or to and install attaching screws. Check for proper
the same final position notch. alignment.
Rear Compartment Lid Lock Cylinder Rear Compartment Lid Lock Striker Engagement
All Styles All Styles
The rear compartment lid lock cylinder is secured to IMPORTANT: Since the rear compartment lock
the rear compartment lid by a metal retainer that must frame acts as a guide when entering the strik
be removed before the rear compartment lid lock as er, make sure rear compartment lid is properly
sembly can be removed. positioned in body opening before performing
Removal and Installation striker engagement check. To check for proper
1. Open rear compartment lid. Blow lock cylinder engagement of rear compartment lid lock bolt
and adjacent to rear compartment lid hemming with striker, use the following procedure:
flange, remove lock cylinder retainer attaching a. Insert a small quantity of modeling clay on
screws and remove retainer and lock cylinder as frame of lock at both sides of the lock bolt fig.
sembly. 79. Close lid with moderate force.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Make cer b. Open lid and check amount of engagement of
tain that lock cylinder gasket seals to the rear striker with lock frame as indicated by the com
compartment lid outer panel. Check lock cylinder pression of the clay. The striker bar impressions
for proper operation. in the clay should be even on both sides of the
/ lock frame. Where required, loosen striker or
Rear Compartment Lid Lock lock attaching screws; adjust lock sideways or
All Styles striker up or down to obtain proper engage
ment; then, tighten screws.
Removal and Installation
1. Remove lock cylinder retainer and lock cylinder
assembly. TAIL GATE
2. Remove lid lock attaching screws fig. 79 and re 35-45 Styles
move lock assembly. All tail gates incorporate either a manually operated
3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check for or electrically operated tail gate window which can be
proper operation of lock and lock cylinder. lowered into the tail gate or raised into the upper por
tion of the back body opening. The manually operated
Rear Compartment Lid Lock Striker tail gate window is operated by means of a window
regulator control handle folding type located in the
All Styles tail gate outer panel. The electrically operated tail
Removal and Installation gate window can be operated from any one of two
1. Open rear compartment lid. Mark vertical posi control switches: 1 control switch located on instru
tion of striker by scribing line on striker at top of ment panel; 2 lock cylinder control switch key
striker support. Mark horizontal position of striker operated located in tail gate outer panel. In addition,
on striker support. on nine passenger station wagon styles, the window
2. Remove striker attaching screws fig. 79 and re can be operated by a control switch located in the
move striker. upper portion of the left rear quarter trim assembly.
A switch located at the right tail gate lock prevents
the up cycle operation of the electrically operated tail
gate window when the tail gate is not completely
After lowering the tail gate window the tail gate can
be opened by means of a tail gate lock remote control
inside handle located at the tail gate belt finishing
molding. On styles with the electrically operated tail
gate window the tail gate lock remote control incor
porates a safety feature which prevents operation of
the inside handle unless the tail gate window is in the
full down position.
The tail gate hinges are secured to the body rear
cross bar and the tail gate inner panel by screws,
which are accessible upon removal of the cross bar
Fig. 79-Rear Compartment Lid Lock and Striker hinge cover plate and tail gate inner cover panel.
proper alignment in body opening as described 3. Remove lower sash channel cam attaching screws
under "Tail Gate Adjustments." and lower window assembly into tail gate. Open
tail gate.
Tail Gate Window Assembly- In the event the window is inoperative in the full
Manual and Electric "up" position, the window regulator attaching screws
can be removed and the window and regulator lowered
Removal and Installation sufficiently to allow removal of the window lower sash
1. Remove inner cover panel lower retainer and in channel cam attaching screws.
ner cover panel.
Tail Gate Window Adjustments
2. Detach tail gate inner panel water deflector suffi
ciently to gain access to window lower sash chan 1. To adjust the tail gate window forward or rear
nel attaching bolts fig. 83. Remove tail gate inner ward for proper alignment with the window glass
panel access hole covers. run channels on the body and/or to eliminate a
3 Carefully operate window upward until the win binding condition of the window in the tail gate
dow lower sash right and left cam attaching bolts glass run side channels, loosen lower attaching
are accessible through access holes fig. 83. bolt at tail gate lock pillar; move lower end of
channel forward or rearward, as required, and
4. Remove window lower sash channel right and tighten lower attaching bolts.
left cam attaching bolts fig. 83 and disengage
cams from window lower sash channel. Remove NOTE: The vertical portion of the tail gate win
window assembly from tail gate. dow glass upper run channels are adjustable
forward or rearward for proper alignment with
NOTE: To open the tail gate on styles with the tail gate glass.
electric windows when window assembly is 2. To correct a condition where the glass is "cocked"
removed, depress tail gate lock remote control in the glass run channels, loosen window regu
locking lever through access hole at location lator attaching screws fig. 85, rotate regulator
"A," fig. 83 and at the same time operate the assembly clockwise or counterclockwise, as re
quired, to eliminate "cocked" condition.
tail gate remote control inside handle.
5. To install tail gate window assembly, reverse re Tail Gate Window Regulator Assembly-
moval procedure. Prior to installing window lower Manual or Electric
sash channel cams, lubricate channel portion of Removal and Installation
cams with "Lubriplate" or its equivalent. Prior to 1. Remove tail gate window assembly, as described
resealing tail gate inner panel water deflector, under "Tail Gate Window Assembly-Removal
check operation of window and tail gate locking and Installation."
mechanisms. Where necessary, adjust tail gate
window, tail gate lock strikers or tail gate lock 2. Detach tail gate lock remote control right con
remote control for proper operation. Reseal tail necting rod from remote control at "A" fig. 85.
gate inner panel water deflector as specified under 3. On styles equipped with electrically operated tail
"Tail Gate Inner Panel Sealing." gate window; disconnect tail gate harness connect
or from regulator motor.
If the tail gate cannot be opened due to the window
becoming inoperative while in an up position, proceed
as follows:
1. Using an offset screwdriver, remove tail gate inner
cover panel attaching screws. Lift panel upward
to disengage it from lower retainer.
CAUTION: Do not operate regulator motor after NOTE: Do not locate hole less than ½ inch
window assembly is disengaged from the regu away from edge of backplate, sector or holes
lator or after the regulator is removed from the in backplate and sector. Do not use holes in
tail gate. Operation of the motor with the load backplate or sector as they are too large and
removed may damage the unit and make it locking bolt can slip out.
4. Insert a inch bolt through hole in backplate
4. Remove regulator attaching screws through ac
and sector and install nut to bolt. Do not tighten
cess holes at locations shown in Figure 85. Remove
regulator assembly through large access hole.
NOTE: To remove electric motor from regulator 5. Remove three 3 motor attaching bolts, at loca
tions shown in Figure 86, and remove motor as
assembly see "Tail Gate Window Regulator
sembly from regulator.
Electric Motor Assembly-Removal and Instal
lation." NOTE: Clean off steel chips from the regulator
5. To install tail gate window regulator assembly, sectors and motor pinion gear after drilling
reverse removal procedure. Prior to installing operation.
regulator, lubricate the teeth on the regulator sec
tors with "Lubriplate" or its equivalent. 6. To install regulator electric motor assembly, re
verse removal procedure.
Prior to resealing tail gate inner panel water de
flector, check operation of window and tail gate lock NOTE: Be sure to remove nut and bolt locking
ing mechanism. Where necessary, adjust tail gate sector after motor is installed.
window, tail gate lock strikers or tail gate lock remote
control for proper operation.
Tail Gate Window Regulator
Tail Gate Window Regulator Electric Outside Handle Assembly
Motor Assembly Removal and Installation
1. Remove inner cover panel lower retainer and in
Removal and Installation
ner cover panel.
1. Remove tail gate window regulator and electric
motor assembly as described under "Tail Gate 2. Detach tail gate inner panel water deflector suffi
Window Regulator Assembly-Removal and In ciently to gain access to holes "A" for removal of
stallation." handle attaching nuts fig. 87.
2. Place regulator assembly in a vise as shown in
Figure 86.
3. Carefully raise window until holes in window ESCUTCHEON LOCK PAWL & SPRING
regulator are aligned with holes "A" in inner
Through holes "A," remove outside handle attach HANDLE
ing nuts and remove outside handle and gasket HINGE PIN
from tail gate.
To disassemble tail gate handle assembly, see "Tail HANDLE SPRING
Gate Handle Assembly-Disassembly and Assem
4. To install tail gate handle, assembly, reverse re
Tail Gate Electric Window Lock Cylinder, der and switch assembly into escutcheon and en
Switch and Escutcheon Assembly gage retainer.
Disassembly and Assembly
1. Remove tail gate electric window lock cylinder, Tail Gate Support Assembly
switch and escutcheon assembly, as previously Removal and Installation
1. Lower tail gate.
2. Disengage lock cylinder and switch retainer fig.
89 and remove lock cylinder and switch assembly 2. Suitably support tail gate to prevent damage to
from escutcheon. tail gate outer panel.
3. Remove tail gate support attaching screws secur
ing support plates to body and tail gate figs. 81
LOCK CYLINDER and 82 and remove support assembly.
4. To install tail gate support assembly, reverse re
moval procedure. Install support plate to body
with positioning dimple towards front of body
fig. 81.
NOTE: Obiectionable slack in either tail gate
support when tail gate is open can be elimi
nated by rotating one or both support attach
ing plates at the body pillars. The following
adjustments can be obtained by rotating the
Fig. 89-Tail Gate Electric Lock Cylinder, Switch and Escutcheon Assembly support plate.
3. Using a pointed tool inserted through hole in lock 1. Positioning dimple towards bottom shortens sup
cylinder case, depress tab of switch retainer and port approximately ¾ inch from production in
remove retainer and switch fig. 89. stallation.
4. Using suitable pliers, grasp pin of switch cam
2. Positioning dimple towards top shortens support
firmly and pull switch cam straight out from lock
approximately 3/4 inch from production installa
cylinder fig. 89.
NOTE: Pin is pressed into lock cylinder and may
require a firm pull to release.
5. Using a suitable tool, bend out crimped flange of Tail Gate Lock Assembly-Right or Left
lock cylinder cap sufficiently to remove cap; then, Removal and Installation
remove lock cylinder cap and springs. 1. Remove tail gate window assembly.
NOTE: The crimped flange on production lock
cylinder cap necessitates damaging cap during 2. Remove tail gate window glass run side channel
removal from lock cylinder case; however, attaching screws fig. 82 and remove channel
service replacement caps are available which
have four 4 bend over tabs for installation.
6. Prior to assembly of lock cylinder and switch,
lubricate frictional surfaces with "Lubriplate" or TAIL__GATE
its equivalent. LOCK
To assemble lock cylinder and switch, first insert
lock cylinder in lock cylinder case, place cap and
springs in position and install a new service re
placement lock cylinder case cap.
Insert key in lock cylinder and turn key to off
position straight up and down. Carefully insert
switch cam into lock cylinder making sure notch
in switch cam is engaged with pawl on end of lock
cylinder and ends of spring are in cut-out of lock
cylinder case. Holding switch cam in position
check operation of key lock cylinder. If lock
cylinder operates properly, apply a small amount
of cement on serrated end of switch cam pin to
assure that pin will be securely retained to lock
cylinder; then install pin-press or tap pin in unifi
shoulder of pin is flush against switch cam. Install
switch into lock cylinder case. Position lock cylin Fig. 90-Tail Gate Lock Sealing
1. Engage inside handle push rod into hole in remote
control lever.
2. Adjust remote control assembly up or down until
tabs on push rod fig. 91 just contact remote con
trol lever.
3. To attach lock connecting rods to remote control
lever, first, loosen connecting rod adjustment lock
ing bolt fig. 91; then, install rods to levers and
tighten locking bolt.
NOTE: Check clips at ends of remote control
levers for proper retention of connecting rods
and replace if necessary.
IMPORTANT: If installing a new remote control
assembly, remove cotter key fig. 91 after ad
justment, to free locking lever.
4. Check operation of tail gate locking mechanism.
To open tail gate when window assembly is re
moved, depress tail gate lock remote control lock
ing lever and at the same time operate the tail
gate remote control inside handle.
Fig. 92-Tail Gate Lock Striker Engagement Check
5. Install tail gate window assembly as described
NOTE: In some instances it may be necessary under "Tail Gate Window Assembly-Installation."
to reach into tail gate and actuate remote con 6. Lower window to approximately ½ inch up from
trol lever to disengage push rod from lever. full down position; then adjust remote control
3. Remove handle attaching screws located under locking lever adjusting screw fig. 91 so that lever
handle and remove handle assembly includes is just contacting window lower sash channel
push rod from tail gate. frame. Check operation of remote control inside
handle-handle should remain locked until win
4. To install tail gate lock remote control handle as dow is lowered to within 1/4 inch of the full down
sembly, reverse removal procedure. Lubricate position.
frictional points of inside handle assembly with
"Lubriplate" or its equivalent.
Tail Gate Inner Panel Water Deflector
NOTE: To engage end of handle push rod into
hole in remote control lever, it may be neces On all station wagon styles a waterproof paper tail
sary to raise window in tail gate to gain ac gate inner panel water deflector is sealed to the tail
cess to lever. Adjust remote control upward gate inner panel and deflects water into the bottom
until tabs on handle push rod fig. 91 just con of the tail gate where it can drain out the bottom drain
tact remote control lever. holes. The bottom of the water deflector is sealed to
the inner panel in a manner that will deflect water
Prior to resealing tail gate inner panel water de towards designated access holes where the water can
flector check operation of tail gate lock mechanism readily enter into the bottom of the tail gate.
and, where necessary, adjust door lock strikers or re IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WHENEVER ANY
mote control for proper operation. WORK IS PERFORMED ON THE TAIL GATE
Tail Gate Lock Remote Control Assembly DISTURBED, THE DEFLECTOR MUST BE PROP
Removal PANEL.
1. Remove tail gate window assembly.
Removal and Installation
2. Disengage clips securing lock connecting rods to 1. Remove tail gate inner cover panel lower retainer
remote control fig. 91 and detach connecting and inner cover panel.
rods from remote control.
2. Using a sharp scraper or other suitable tool care
3. Remove tail gate lock remote control attaching fully lift up edge of deflector and detach sealer
screws fig. 87. Disengage remote control from and water deflector as required.
inside handle push rod and remove remote con
trol from tail gate. NOTE: DO NOT TEAR WATER DEFLECTOR.
1. Remove tail gate belt finishing molding.
Fig. 93-Tail Gate Inner Panel Sealing 2. At both sides of tail gate, disengage button type
snap fasteners and screw securing upper ends of
Installation or Resealing Procedure weatherstrip.
1. If installing old deflector or resealing partially 3. With a sharp scraper, carefully break cement bond
detached deflector first inspect water deflector securing weatherstrip along tail gate lock pillars.
for any tears or holes and, where necessary, re
pair any tears or holes with waterproof body tape 4. Slide tool J-21104, or other suitable tool under
applied to both sides of deflector. weatherstrip at fastener locations and carefully
pry fasteners out of holes See Figure 20 in
2. If installing new deflector use old deflector or "FRONT OR REAR DOOR WEATHERSTRIP"
tail gate inner panel to trim new deflector to Section.
proper size.
CAUTION: Exercise care not to damage serra
3. Apply a bead of body caulking compound ap lions on fasteners during removal as they are
proximately /16 diameter to tail gate inner necessary to maintain a good weatherseal.
panel fig. 93.
IMPORTANT: The body caulking compound
1. Check weatherstrip nylon fasteners for damage
should be applied along the lower portion of
and replace, if necessary.
the tail gate exactly as shown in illustration
to assure proper drainage of water through 2. Clean off old cement from tail gate to insure a
designated inner panel access holes into bot clean cementing surface. Apply a bead of approved
tom of tail gate. weatherstrip adhesive to lock pillar facing of tail
gate starting at belt line and continuing down
4. Position water deflector to tail gate inner panel lock pillar for approximately 18 inches.
with polyethylene coated side of deflector against
inner panel. Firmly press or roll sealed areas to NOTE: Weatherstrip adhesive usage is usually
obtain a good bond between deflector and tail gate limited to lock pillar area; however, weather
inner panel. strip adhesive can be applied at any location
where additional retention of weatherstrip is
5. Clean off all excess caulking compound; then, in required.
stall previously removed tail gate inner cover
panel. 3. Install button type fasteners and screw securing
upper end of weatherstrip.
Tail Gate Weatherstrip 4. Install snap fasteners by pressing fasteners into
A new type tail gate weatherstrip assembly is be holes in tail gate panel. A protected hammer can
ing used which incorporates nylon component fasteners also be used, where necessary.
NOTE: In the event the weatherstrip becomes Electric Tail Gate Window Circuit
damaged at a fastener location and will not
The electric tail gate window circuit information
properly retain the fastener, remove fastener found on pages 9-115 through 9-117 of the 1961 Pas
and cement weatherstrip in place. If, however, senger Car Shop Manual apply as well to the 1963
two or more consecutive fasteners will not re vehicle. Only wiring installation and routing have
main engaged in the weatherstrip, replacement changed. Figures 94, 95 and 96 illustrate these changes.
of the weatherstrip will probably be necessary.
Fig. 94-Rear Body Wiring-Station Wagon Fig. 96-Tail Gate Power Window Wiring
Procedures covered under this heading in the 1961
All seat adjusters are bolted to the seat bottom
Passenger Car Shop Manual may be followed when
servicing a 1963 vehicle. Figure 97 illustrates the 1963 frame; however, a combination of bolts and/or nuts
electrical harness routing which differs slightly from are used to retain the adjusters to the floor pan
that shown on page 14-62 of the 1961 manual. assembly.
2. If adjuster to be replaced is equipped with an remove retainer from outer hinge pin fig. 98.
assist spring, remove spring from adjuster. 2. On all styles, tilt seat back forward and remove
3. Operate adjuster so that both front and rear retainer from inner hinge pin fig. 98.
attaching bolts are accessible. 3. On all styles, carefully disengage front seat back
4. Remove adjuster-to-seat bottom frame front and outer hinge arm from pin.
rear attaching bolts and remove adjuster from seat
4. Move entire seat back assembly inboard until
assembly. inner hinge pin is disengaged from extension on
5. To install, reverse removal procedure. seat assembly; then, remove seat back from body.
Front Seat Back Assembly 5. To install, reverse removal procedure. Prior to
installation of back assembly, be sure inner and
Removal and Installation
outer washers are installed over the hinge pins.
1. On all styles, using a flat-bladed tool, carefully fig. 98.
1839 STYLE
1. Rear quarter trim, where necessary. 5. On "11", "35", and "45" styles, remove tacks or
m. Back window finishing lace "11" and "69" staples securing headlining at rear quarter win
styles. dows View "D", fig. 102 and View "G", fig. 100.
3. Carefully remove tacks or staples securing head 6. Remove tacks or staples at roof panel extension
lining at windshield and back window or back body areas, as required.
opening. 7. Carefully detach cemented edge of headlining
4. On "11", "69", "35" and "45" styles, use headlining around entire perimeter.
inserting tool J-2772 or similar wide-bladed tool 8. Working from front to rear of body, disengage
and carefully disengage headlining from pronged headlining listing wires from side roof rails, gather
retainer on side roof rails over door openings ing or folding headlining with listing wires on
View "C", fig. 100 and fig. 102. outside to keep headlining clean.
On "47" style, remove tacks or staples along
side roof rails and rear quarter areas View "K", IMPORTANT: Note in which holes ends of list
fig. 101. ing wires are installed in side roof inner rails.
On "39" style, remove plastic retainer from side Listing wires should be placed in same hole
roof rail pinchweld flange View "P", fig. 99. when replacing headlining.
9. At front roof bow, bend down metal tabs securing tam cement is applied to both sides of retainer
listing wire View "F", fig. 99, fig. 100, fig. 101, Views "D" and "J", fig. 102.
fig. 102. 3. Lift entire headlining assembly into body and in
10. Remove rear listing wire and pocket from rear stall rear listing wire into side roof rails. On "39"
listing wire support on "39" styles View "T", fig. styles, install rear listing wire and pocket on rear
99. listing wire support View "T", fig. 99.
11. Remove headlining assembly from body. 4. Center and align rearward end of headlining and
12. If replacing headlining, remove listing wires from where possible, stay tack headlining at center of
pockets of headlining. back window or back body opening.
IMPORTANT: Listing wires removed from old 5. Working forward, install ends of listing wires into
headlining must be installed in corresponding listing wire holes in side roof rails.
pockets of new headlining.
NOTE: Each listing wire should rest against
Installation roof panel deadener after it is installed. Listing
wires may be adjusted up or down by placing
1. If previously removed, install listing wires into
in appropriate holes in side roof inner rails.
pockets of new headlining assembly.
2. Apply approved trim cement to headlining attach 6. At front roof bow, bend up metal tabs securing
ing surface at windshield, side roof rail and back listing wire and listing wire pocket View "F",
window opening. On "11" and "69" styles, be cer figs. 99 through 102.
7. Using headlining inserting or suitable wide-bladed windshield, back window, back body, and rear
tool, install headlining around back window re quarter areas.
tainer on "11" and "69" styles. On all other styles, 10. On "11", "69", "35" and "45" styles, use headlining
stretch and stay tack headlining at back window inserting tool, J-2772, or similar wide-bladed tool
or back body opening. Stay tack headlining in rear and carefully tuck edge of headlining under
quarter area where required View "R", fig. 99, pronged retainer along both side roof rails View
View "G", fig. 100, View "D" and "J", fig. 102 and "C", fig. 100 and fig. 102. Permanently tack or
View "L", fig. 101. staple headlining at side roof rails on "47" styles
View "K", fig. 101. On "39" style, use headlining
8. Apply approved trim cement to side roof rail edge inserting tool and permanently install edge of
of headlining except where headlining is secured headlining around side roof rail pinchweld and
by pronged retainer. Remove all "fullness" or replace plastic retainer View "D", fig. 99.
"draws" from headlining material and secure to
11. Trim excess material from edge of headlining
side roof rails.
around entire perimeter.
9. Recheck for any "fullness" or "draws" in headlin 12. Install all previously removed hardware and trim
ing material and permanently tack headlining at assemblies and remove protective coverings.
back window openings by drive nails. Screws or NOTE: A cleaner such as 3M Adhesive Cleaner
drive nails are used at the belt line of the rear quarter or equivalent, should be used to remove or
area. A flexible retainer secures the fabric cover inside smooth out excess old cement. Apply solvent
the right and left drip moldings. In addition, the roof and allow to soak before rubbing.
panel fabric cover is cemented to the entire surface of
the roof panel with a nitrile type non-staining cement. CAUTION: Be certain to follow manufacturer’s
directions when using cleaner.
Removal 2. To permit easier fitting and removing of wrinkles
1. The following parts must be removed prior to re from new cover assembly, where possible, install
moving the roof panel fabric cover: new cover at room temperature approximately
a. Windshield assembly
b. Back window assembly NOTE: Where new cover is installed at tem
peratures below 72°, pliers fabricated as
c. Windshield pillar finishing moldings shown in Figure 104 will aid in removing
d. Roof drip molding scalps wrinkles.
e. Rear quarter reveal moldings at belt
f. Roof extension panel emblem and/or plate
2. Clean off all excess sealer from windshield and
back window openings.
3. Remove drive nails from edge of fabric cover at
windshield and back window opening. At roof OLD FILE
panel extension at belt remove screws or drive ‘l’
NOTE: Drive nails can best be removed by
first driving a screwdriver or suitable tool under
the heads of the nails to loosen them. Diagonal
cutters or similar tool can then be used to grasp
nails and twist them out. Unnecessary enlarge
ment of holes in roof panel should be avoided.
FOLDING TOP ADJUSTMENT by two hook type locks which are an integral part of
the two locking handles.
The folding top linkage consists of three sections of
right and left side roof rails and a front roof rail The following information outlines and illustrates
connected by bolts, hinges, and a series of connecting procedures which may be used to correct misaligned
links and bows. The top linkage is attached to the folding top linkage. To correct some top variations,
body at the rear quarter area by a male hinge. The only a single adjustment is required; other top varia
hinge is attached directly to the quarter panel brace. tions require a combination of adjustments. In con
The front roof rail is locked at the windshield header junction with adjustment of the folding top, it may
be necessary to adjust the door, door glass, rear countered at the front roof rail proceed as follows:
quarter glass, trim sticks or side roof rail weatherstrips.
1. Unlatch top and raise it above windshield header.
2. Loosen corner brace attaching bolts and adjust 2. To reduce locking effort of top, turn hook lever
front roof rail fore or aft as required. Repeat on counterclockwise.
opposite side if necessary fig. 108.
NOTE: Hook lever may be adjusted with finger
pressure, no tools are required.
3. When front roof rail corner brace is properly ad Fig. 1 09-Front Roof Rail Adjustment
The following procedure describes and illustrates their apparent causes and the recommended procedure
various types of folding top misalignment conditions, for their correction.
A. Difficult locking action 1. Sunshade support mia1igned. Adjust sunshade support laterally.
at front roof rail. 2. Lock hook lever improperly Adjust lock hook lever counterclock
* adjusted. wise.
3. Misaligned front roof rail front Loosen, realign and retack front roof
weatherstrip, rail front weatherstrip.
4. Front roof rail misaligned. Adjust front roof rail.
B. Top does not lock tight 1. Sunshade support misaligned Adjust sunshade support laterally.
enough to windshield 2. Lock hook lever improperly Adjust lock hook lever clockwise.
header. adjusted.
3. Misaligned front roof rail frozit Loosen, realign and retack front roof
weatherstrip, rail front weatherstrip.
4. Front roof rail misaligned. Adjust front roof rail.
C. Top travels too far 1. Front roof rail misaligned. Adjust front roof rail rearward
forward. fig. 108.
2. Male hinge assembly misaligned. Adjust male hinge assembly rear
ward fig. 110
D. Top does not travel for- 1. Front roof rail misaligned. Adjust front roof rail forward
ward far enough. fig. 108.
2. Male hinge assembly misaligned. Adjust male hinge assembly forward
fig. 110.
3. Improper spacing between rear Install an additional spacer between
trim stick and body metal. rear trim stick and body metal at
each attaching bolt location.
E. Side roof rail rear 1. Male hinge assembly misaligned. Adjust male hinge assembly rear-
weatherstrip too tight ward fig. 110.
against rear of rear
quarter window.
F. Gap between side roof 1. Male hinge assembly misaligned. Adjust male hinge assembly forward
rail rear weatherstrip fig. 110 and/or shim side roof rail
and rear of rear quar- rear weatherstrip forward as re
ter window. quired.
G. Side roof rail rear 1. Male hinge misaligned. Adjust male hinge upward fig. 110.
weatherstrip too tight
against top of rear
quarter window.
H. Gap between side roof 1. Male hinge misaligned. Adjust male hinge downward and/or
rail rear weatherstrip shim side roof rail weatherstrip down-
and top of rear quarter ward as required.
I. Sag at front to center 1. Control link adjusting plate mis- Adjust control link adjusting plate
side roof rail joint. aligned, downward fig. 110.
2. Center side roof rail hinge adjust- Adjust screw counterclockwise fig.
ing screw improperly adjusted. 111.
J. Front and center side 1. Control link adjusting plate mis- Adjust control link adjusting plate
roof rail bows upward aligned, upward fig. 110.
at hinge joint. 2. Center side roof rail hinge adjust- Adjust screw clockwise fig. 111.
ing screw improperly adjusted.
BODY 14-75
FOLDING TOP TRIM ASSEMBLY and rear quarter trim sticks on the vinyl surface of the
top material. These marks should be transferred to the
All 1963 convertible top trim cover assemblies incor new top material upon installation.
porate a top material hold-down cable along the right
Folding of excess back curtain upper valance mate
and left side roof rails. The cables are installed through
rial rearward and tacking to rear bow is shown in Fig
a retaining pocket in the top material and are fastened
ure 115.
at the front and rear side rails by attaching screws.
The cables are designed to hold the top material tight
against the side roof rail stay pads, thus minimizing HYDRO-LECTRIC SYSTEM
air leakage between the top material and the stay pads. The new high pressure hydro-lectric unit used in
Folding top service operations remain much the 1963 convertible bodies consists of a 12 volt reversible
same as covered in the 1961 Passenger Car Shop Man type motor, a rotor type pump, two hydraulic lift cyl
ual. The following illustrations show minor variations. inders, and an upper and lower hydraulic hose as
Front and rear attaching screws for the hold-down sembly.
cable are shown in Figure 113. Figure 116 illustrates and identifies the parts of the
Figure 114 illustrates marking of both ends of rear motor and pump assemblies.
Fig. 1 16-Hydro-Lectric Pump Explode
A. Motor Assembly. E. Outer Pump Rotor. I. Reservoir Tube and Bracket Assembly. M. Reservoir Filler Plug.
B. Motor Shaft ‘0’ Ring Seal. F. Inner Pump Rotor. J. Reservoir Seal. N. Reservoir End Plate Attaching Bolt "0" Ring Seal.
C. Fluid Control Valve Balls. G. Pump Cover Plate Assembly. K. Reservoir End Plate. 0. Reservoir End Plate Attaching Bolt Washer.
D. Reservoir Seal. H. Pump Cover Attaching Screws. L. Reservoir Filler Plug ‘0" Ring Seal. P. Reservoir End Plate Attuching Bolt.
The exterior moldings are identified in Figures 118, 2. When a molding is overlapped the overlapping
119, 120 and 121. The moldings are secured to the body molding is indicated in the "Engages with other
by any one or a combination of the following attach- molding" column and must be removed first.
a attaching screws General Precautions
b bolt and clip assemblies with attaching nuts When removing or installing any body exterior
moldings certain precautions should be exercised.
c integral studs with attaching nuts
d bath tube type snap-on clips 1. Adjacent finishes should be protected with mask
ing tape to prevent damage to finish.
e snap-in studs to pre-installed retainers
2. Proper tools and care should be employed to guard
f snap-in clips
against molding damage.
Figure 122 illustrates typical attachments for body
side moldings. Sealing Operation
Before using the molding charts, the following in Detailed sealing operations for each individual mold
formation will be helpful when installing or removing ing are not described on the "Molding Removal Chart,"
exterior moldings. but the following information is given to permit a
1. Screw locations-the exact location for each screw satisfactory sealing operation when necessary.
is not shown or mentioned, but when hidden, the Medium-bodied sealer or body caulking compound
general location is indicated by naming the mold are the sealers most frequently used to provide a
ing or other part which conceals the screw and, watertight seal or for anti-rattle measures. Washers
therefore, must be removed to gain access to the and gaskets are also used and should be replaced if
screw. damaged.
Holes in body panels for screws, bolts or clips that Tools and Care
would permit water to enter the interior of the body
For ease of molding removal, it is sometimes impor
should be sealed with body caulking compound or pre
tant to start the removal at a particular location which
sealed screws, nuts or clips.
is generally the "front" or "rear" of the molding. This
Drip moldings require a ¼" bead of medium-bodied
position is indicated when necessary in the "Starting
sealer along the full length of the inner attaching sur
Location" column of the molding chart.
face. Door window scalps and center pillar scalps re
quire a 1/8" x ¼" x ¼" bead of caulking compound at The following groups of moldings are listed with the
5" intervals for anti-rattle purposes. Pinchwelds re name or description of the tool which is suitable for
quire medium-bodied sealer on both sides when pinch- molding removal.
weld clips are used. The exception is the rear quarter Roof Drip Scalps-pointed hook tool
pinchweld on convertible styles which requires water Door Window Scalps-thin flat-bladed tool
proof tape over the entire pinchweld, prior to clip putty knife
installation. Snap-on Clips-thin flat-bladed tool putty knife
A. Windshield Pillar Drip Molding Scalp. I. Quarter Window Upper Reveal Molding. Q. Rear Fender Emblem.
B. Roof Drip Molding Front Scalp. J. Roof Drip Molding Rear Scalp. R. Rear of Rear Fender Molding.
C. Front Door Window Frame Upper Scalp Molding. K. Quarter Window Rear Reveal Molding. S. Rear of Rear Fender Insert Molding.
D. Front Door Window Reveal at Vent Molding. L. Back Body Opening Upper Pinchweld Finishing Molding. T. Tail Gate Outer Panel Upper Molding.
E. Front Door Window Reveal Molding. M. Back Body Opening Side Pinchweld Finishing Molding. U. Tail Gate Outer Panel Insert Molding.
F. Rear Door Window Reveal Molding. N. Front Door Outer Panel Lower Molding. V. Tail Gate Outer Panel Lower Molding.
G. Rear Door Window Frame Upper Scalp Molding. 0. Rear Door Outer Panel Lower Molding. W. Rear Body Emblem.
H. Quarter Window Lower Reveal Molding. P. Rear Fender Lower Molding.
A. Door Window Reveal at Vent Molding. F. Door Outer Panel Lower Molding. K. Rear Comportment Lid Outer Panel Upper Molding.
B. Door Window Reveal Molding. G. Rear Fender Lower Molding. L. Rear Comportment Lid Outer Panel Insert Molding.
C. Roof Drip Molding Scalp. H. Rear Fender Emblem. M. Rear Compartment Lid Outer Panel Lower Molding.
D. Quarter Window Lower Reveal Molding. I. Rear of Rear Fender Molding. N. Rear Body Emblem.
E. Quarter Belt Reveal Molding. J. Rear of Rear Fender Insert Molding.
Method of Retention
Snap-On Studs
Spring Clips or Snap-On With Remove
Sell- Retainers Clips Attaching Engages With Hardware Starting
Molding Name Styles Screws Retained On Panel On Molding Nuts Other Moldings Or Trim Location
View E
Rear Door Window 1835, 45, 69 x - - - - - Door Upper -
Lower View A
1800 x x
Quarter Window Upper 1211, 1611 x - - - - - Quarter -
Method of Retention
Snap-On Studs
Spring Clips or Snap-On With Remove
Self- Retainers Clips Attaching Engages With Hardware Starting
Molding Name Styles Screws Retained On Panel On Molding Nuts Other Moldings Or Trim Location
Reveal Window
Quarter Window Rear 1835, 45 x - - - - Rear Quarter Rear Quarter -
View B
1669, 1869 x x
ViewB - - - -
1847 x
View C Quarter
1839 x x B/W Lower Reveal Upper Trim
Rear Quarter Pinch- 1867 x - x - - Quarter Window Lower Top At
weld Finishing Lower Reveal to remove radius
tension on
Rear Fender Lower 1200, 1600 - - - x x - Spare. tire -
Except Cover-
3445 3545..
1800 - - - x
Except View A x - Spare tire
35-45 Cover-
Left side
1635, 45
1835,45 - - - x - - - -
1635,45 x - x - - - - -
1835, 45 View F
Method of Retention
Snap-On Studs
Spring Clips or Snap-On With Remove
Self- Retainers Clips Attaching Engages With Hardware Starting
Molding Name Styles Screws Retained On Panel On Molding Nuts Other Moldings Or Trim Location
Rear Compartment Lid 1600, 1800 x - - - - - - -
Rear Compartment Lid 1839, 47, - - - - - - - -
1835 Left - - x - - - - -
Rear Compartment Lid 1211, 69 - - - - x - - -
1611, 69
1839, 47,
67, 69
1235 - - - - x - Tailgate -
1. J-7797 Door Handle Remover 2. J-6335 Trim Panel Removing Tool 3. J-7898-O1 Molding Removing Tool
Page Page
General Description Removal 14-93
Maintenance and Adjustments... 14-88 Repairs 14-94
Hood Adjustment 14-88 Installation 14-94
Hood Hinge 14-88 Battery Tray 14-94
Hood Bumpers 14-89 Removal 14-94
Hood Catch 14-89 Installation 14-94
Sheet Metal Adjustments. 14-90 Radiator Support. 14-94
Service Operations 14-91 Removal 14-94
Front Bumper Assembly 14-91 Installation 14-94
Removal 14-91 Front Fender Assembly 14-95
Disassembly 14-91 Removal 14-95
Assembly 14-91 Installation 14-95
Installation 14-92 Front Fender Trim 14-95
Rear Bumper 14-92 Front Fender Skirt Assembly.. 14-95
Removal 14-92 Removal 14-95
Disassembly 14-92 Installation 14-96
Assembly 14-92 Hood Assembly 14-96
Installation 14-93 Hood Lock Assembly 14-97
Bumper Filler Panel... 14-93 Removal 14-97
Removal 14-93 Installation 14-97
Installation 14-93 Hood Trim and Insulation. 14-97
Grille Assembly 14-93 Special Tools
The distinctive break-line extending across the for parking and turn signal lamp, centered below each
ward area of the hood and front fenders is again a headlamp group, features an amber lens for improved
prominent feature of the front end styling. Twin wind- contrast against the illuminated headlamps.
splits, widely spaced, relieve the broad expanse of A bright metal moulding surrounds the grille with
hood. an upper segment, on the leading edge of the hood,
A new radiator grille, extending the full width of displaying the Chevrolet name in depress block letters.
the vehicle houses the individually mounted dual A deep-section front bumper contains a recessed
headlamps at the outer ends of the grille. An oblong license area, flanked by integral guards.
1. Radiator Support 5. Radiator Shroud 8. Skirt Rear Seal 11. Hood Hinge
2. Fender Tie Bar 6. Skirt Forward Seal 9. Left and Right Skirt 12. Left and Right Fender
3. Hood Catch Assembly 7. Skirt Intermediate Seal 10. Hood Hinge Support 13. Hood Assembly
4. Radiator
hood mounted end is slotted to provide fore and 2. Scribe a mark around the entire hinge plate which
aft movement. will be involved in the adjustment.
3. Loosen the appropriate screws and shift the posi
tion of the hood on the hinge plate the approxi
mate amount to correct misalignment using the
scribed marks to check amount of movement.
Check condition of adjustment by tightening cap
screws and closing hood.
Hood Bumpers
Hood bumpers must be adjusted so that the hood
top surface is flush with the fender top surface.
Fig. 1 27-Sheet Metal Adjustment Related Parts Fig. 129-Frame to Radiator Support Shimming
The fender-to-cowl and rocker panel shimming al should be loosened before raising or lowering radiator
lows adjustment of fender surfaces to door surface and support.
upper cowl surface. Note that it is possible and sometimes desirable to
The radiator support shimming provides a means shift entire front sheet metal assembly to the left or
of raising or lowering the forward part of front sheet right by loosening these shimmed mounts and applying
metal assembly to correct faulty sheet metal-to-front the necessary force. Cases of extremely poor hood fit,
bumper relationship and fender trailing edge-to-door overly wide fender-to-door gap, etc., will often be cor
parallelism cowl and rocker panel shimmed mounts rected by this method more quickly than by any other.
FRONT BUMPER ASSEMBLY fig. 130 Disassembly
1. Remove bolts retaining bumper mounting braces,
to bumper mounting bar.
1. Raise vehicle from floor.
2. Remove bolts retaining center bracket assembly to
2. Remove six bolts three per side retaining bump mounting bar.
er brackets and mounting braces to front end of 3. Remove remaining bolts attaching mounting bar to
frame. left and right hand mounting brackets. Remove
3. Remove lower bolts retaining fender braces to mounting bar from bumper assembly.
bumper tips. 4. Separate face bar sections by removing three bolts
at each joint.
4. Remove screw retaining latch support bracket to
bumper center brace. From under hood, remove Assembly
latch support brace retaining nut from lower end
Assemble following disassembly procedure in re
of lock support.
verse order. Install all bolts loosely do not tighten any
5. Remove bumper from vehicle. bolts until all bolts are installed.
1. Position bumper assembly on vehicle. Align holes Fig. 1 34-Bumper Filler Panel
and brackets with holes in frame horn. Install all
bolts, nuts and washer assemblies loosely. BUMPER FILLER PANEL fig. 134
Hood may be removed either with or without hinges.
To shorten aligning time, hood hinge plates may be
located by scribing a mark on hood and/or hood
mounting bracket which outlines entire plate. See
"Maintenance and Adjustments-Hood Hinge" for hood
adjustment procedure. Hood hinge springs may be
easily and safely removed and installed through the
use of Tool J-9559 as follows:
1. With hood opened only far enough to allow pas
sage of mechanic’s arm between hood and fender,
insert ends of J-9559 through bolt removed be
tween coils of spring until barrel of tool contacts
outer diameter of spring.
2. Open hood full while still holding spring with
tool installed in hand; when hood is near fully Fig. 142-Installing J-9559 in New Spring