Canvetj00141 0066
Canvetj00141 0066
Canvetj00141 0066
Watson T, ed. Metabolic and Endocrine Problems of the tise. Subsequent editions would be more complete with
Horse. WB Saunders, Toronto, Ontario, 1998. 227 pp. discussions of hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, and
0-7020-2241-1. $117.00 CDN. anhidrosis.
This is a good quality publication, hardbound and
this recent publication covers laminitis, hyperlipemia, 227 pages. The price and selective scope of the book will
I pituitary gland disorders, adrenal gland disorders, not make it essential or practical for all practitioners and
thyroid gland disorders, rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemic students of veterinary medicine to own. It is an excellent
periodic paralysis, hepatobiliary disease, renal disease, resource of reference material. It is particularly useful for
endotoxemia, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, and teachers, specialists in equine internal medicine, and any-
assessment of nutritional status in horses. The subjects one with an interest in equine medicine in general.
are covered thoroughly, with current understanding of
pathophysiological mechanisms, treatment recommen- Reviewed by Wendy M. Duckett, DVM, MSc, Dipl.
dations, and therapeutic approaches. The references ACVIM, Associate Professor, Atlantic Veterinary
are extensive and current. The contributing authors are College, University of Prince Edward, 550 University
excellent and internationally recognized for their exper- Avenue, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island CIA 4P3.
594 Can Vot J Volumo 40, August 1999