Cambridge International Examinations: Chemistry 9701/22 May/June 2017

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions May/June 2017
Maximum Mark: 60


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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

1(a) number of number of 2

atomic number nucleon number number of protons symbol
electrons neutrons
6 3 3 1
58 3+
26 Fe 1

1(b)(i) EITHER 2
mass of an atom / isotope 1
relative / compared to 1/12 (the mass) of (an atom of) C-12 OR
on a scale in which a C-12 (atom / isotope) has (a mass of exactly) 12 (units) 1

mass of one mol (of atoms) of an isotope
relative / compared to 1/12 (the mass) of 1 mol of C-12 OR
on a scale in which one mol C-12 (atom / isotope) has a mass of (exactly) 12 g

1(b)(ii) (10.0129 × 19.78) + (80.22x) 1

= 10.8

x = 10.9941 1

Total: 6

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

2(a) strong triple bond 1

non-polar / no dipole 1

2(b)(i) Any 2 points covered correctly scores 2 marks Any 1 point covered correctly scores 1 mark 2

• nitrogen (and oxygen) from the air / atmosphere (react):

• high temperature (of internal combustion engine) / (engine) produces enough OR a lot of heat (energy) :

• (so) breaks (strong) bond(s) in nitrogen (and oxygen) :

2(b)(ii) reduction / decomposition of NOx using a catalyst / catalytic convertor 1

2NO2 + 4CO → 4CO2 + N2 1

2NO + 2CO → 2CO2 + N2

2(b)(iii) (acts as a homogeneous) catalyst OR oxidising agent 1

SO2 + NO2 → SO3 + NO 1

NO + ½O2 → NO2 OR SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 1

2(b)(iv) 2NO2 + H2O → HNO2 + HNO3 1

4NO2 + 2H2O + O2 → 4HNO3

2(c) fertiliser / nitrates dissolve in (river water) 1

fertiliser / nitrates are washed / leached out / flows into (river water)

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

algal bloom / promote algal growth / explosion of plant growth 1

sunlight is blocked out (preventing photosynthesis) / plants can no longer carry out photosynthesis (and die)
bacteria break down or decay dead organisms / plants / algae

drop in oxygen (concentration) 1

Total: 13

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

3(a) (+) 103 1

3(b)(i) general shape of the curve and peak are displaced to right of original and starts at origin 1

the peak is lower and curve crosses once only finishing above original 1

3(b)(ii) rate increases AND correct explanation in terms of ‘more collisions’ 1

at higher T area above Ea is greater / more molecules with E ⩾ Ea 1

higher frequency of successful collisions OR more successful collisions per unit time / higher chance of successful collisions 1
per unit time / higher proportion of successful collisions per unit time

3(b)(iii) increases (%) decomposition (of HBr) 1

(increasing T) shifts equilibrium to the right / in the forward direction / endothermic direction / towards H2 + Br2 1

to oppose the change or oppose the increase in temperature OR to absorb (additional) energy / heat OR to decrease the 1

3(b)(iv) H-I bond strength less than H-Br OR 1

less energy needed to break H-I ora

I (atom) is big(ger) (than Br) OR 1

I (atom) has more shielding (than Br) ora

Br (atom) has greater (%) orbital / outer shell overlap 1

attraction (of nucleus in iodine) for shared (pair of) electrons is weak(er)
attraction (of nucleus in iodine) for bonding pair (or electrons) is weak(er) ora

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

3(c)(i) H2 = 0.015 (mol) 1

HCl = 0.27 (mol) 1

3(c)(ii) HCl = 9/10 AND xH2 = 1/20 AND Cl2 = 1/20 OR 1

HCl = 0.9(0) AND H2 = 0.05 AND Cl2 = 0.05

3(d)(i) pH2 × pCl 2 1

(Kp =)
pHCl 2

3(d)(ii) equal number of moles (of gas) on either side (of equation) / (total) pressure cancels 1

3(d)(iii) 4.649 × 10–3 1

Total: 18

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

4(a)(i) 1
(A = )

4(a)(ii) (A / straight chain) has strong(er) (temporary dipole-) induced dipole (attractions) ora 1

(because A / straight chain has) bigger (surface) area / more (points of) contact (in unbranched isomer) ora 1
(so) more energy required to break the intermolecular forces ora

4(a)(iii) CH3CHCHCH3 OR CH3CH=CHCH3 1

4(a)(iv) No rotation / restricted / limited rotation of C=C / (carbon) double bond 1

One (of the two) methyl groups / one (of the two) H (atoms) is on each C (of C=C) 1


arrow from the C=C double bond drawn to the bromine


dipole on Br2 in correct orientation AND arrow from the Br-Br bond to the Brδ– 1

correct carbocation / bromonium ion from the structure with C=C drawn 1

Br– with lone pair, negative charge AND arrow from lone pair to the carbon atom of intermediate 1
using both arrows shown (in alternative diagram)

4(a)(vi) electrons in pi bond induce it (the dipole) OR 1

(high) electron density in pi bond / double bond / C=C repels electrons (away from nearest Br)
polarised by (high) electron density in pi bond / double bond / C=C
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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

4(b)(i) C = (2-)methylpropan-2-ol / (CH3)3COH / any unambiguous structure 1

D = (2-)methylpropan-1-ol / (CH3)2CHCH2OH / any unambiguous structure 1

E = (2-)methylpropanoic acid /(CH3)2CHCO2H / any unambiguous structure 1

4(b)(ii) 2C4H8O2 + Na2CO3 → 2C4H7O2Na + H2O + CO2 1

4(c)(i) triiodomethane 1

4(c)(ii) F = CH3CH2CH2COCH3 1

G = C2H5CH(CH3)CHO 1

4(c)(iii) a (tetrahedral) atom with four different groups / atoms / substituents attached 1
a carbon (atom) with four different groups / atoms / substituents attached

4(d)(i) H C=O (group / bond) AND O–H (group / bond) 1

I C=O (group / bond) AND C–H (group / bond) 1

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9701/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks

4(d)(ii) H = ethanoic acid 1

I = methyl methanoate 1

Total: 23

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