DJ2022 Advertisement
DJ2022 Advertisement
DJ2022 Advertisement
Eligibility Criteria
1) A candidate must be
(a) a citizen of India.
(b) a holder of Degree in Law.
CO practising as an Advocate in the High Court of Bombay or Courts
subordinate thereto for not less than seven years on the date of
publication of Advertisement and while computing the period for
practising as an Advocate, the period during which he/she has held
the post of Public Prosecutor or Government Advocate or Judicial
Officer shall be included ;
A candidate must be working or must have worked as Public
Prosecutor or Government Advocate for not less than 7 years in the
post or posts on the date of publication of the Advertisement, and
while computing the period of 7 years, the period during which the
candidate has practised as an Advocate shall be included.
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(d) Age A candidate must have attained the age of thirty-five years
and must not have attained the age of forty-eight years in the case of
candidates belonging to communities recognized as backward by the
Government for the purpose of recruitment and forty-five years in the
case of others, as on the date of publication of Advertisement.
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mentioned in the on-line application form. Such certificate
must have been issued on or after the date of publication of
Advertisement. [As per prescribed Format No. -1].
v) certifying that he/she has sufficient knowledge of
Marathi to enable him/her to speak, read, write and
translate with facility from Marathi into English and vice
vi) The copies of mark lists of all Semesters/Academic
Years and Degree Certificate of LL.B. Examination.
vii) The copies of mark lists and Degree Certificates other
than LL.B, of all academic years.
viii) a copy of Sanad issued by a Bar Council.
ix) a copy of Certificate of Practice issued by the Bar
Council of India, who obtained law degree in the academic
year 2009-2010 and onwards.
x) income tax returns, if any, in respect of the immediate
preceding three years.
xi) the candidate belonging to backward class must also
produce a certificate to the effect that he/she belongs to a
community recognised as backward for the purpose of
recruitment to the services under the Government of
4) Certificates under Clause No. 3(iii) and (v) above may be signed
in the case of candidates practising in the High Court, by the Registrar
CJudicial-I), High Court, Appellate Side, Bombay or by the
Prothonotary & Senior Master, High Court, Original Side, Bombay or
the Registrars of the High Court Benches at Nagpur, Aurangabad or
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Registrar, Porvorim-Goa, as the case may be and in case of the Courts
other than the High Court by the Principal District Judge of the
District or by the Principal Judge of the Court where the candidate
has practised. The certifying Authority should state the period during
which the candidate has actually practised.
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Explanation For the purpose of this clause, where a couple has only
one child, any number of children born out of a single subsequent
delivery shall be deemed to be one child.
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6) Preliminary Written Examination :- For the purpose of
short-listing the candidates, the High Court may, if necessary, hold a
Preliminary Written Examination comprising of multiple choice
objective type questions which can be scrutinized by computers and
call upon the candidates obtaining the cut off marks, as may be fixed
by the High Court, to appear for Main Written Examination,
maintaining the ratio of 1:10 of the available vacancies to the
successful candidates. Provided that if there are more than one
candidates who secure identical cut-off marks as fixed by the High
Court for maintaining ratio of 1:10, all such candidates will be called
upon to appear for Main Written Examination. The marks secured by
the candidates in the Preliminary Written Examination will not be
taken into consideration for final selection and will not be displayed
or communicated to the candidates.
Provided that the High Court may call the candidates for
Viva-voce in the ratio of 1:3 of the available vacancies to the
successful candidates. Provided that if there are more than one
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■ ■ 1
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10) The decision of the High Court as to the eligibility or otherwise of
a candidate for admission to the Preliminary Written Examination,
Main Written Examination and Viva-voce shall be final.
13) The selected candidate will have to execute a Bond in the sum of
Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) to work on the post for a
period of 3 years from the date of joining, in default the candidate
himself/herself, his/her legal heirs, legal representatives, executors
and assignees will be liable to pay/forfeit to the Government of
Maharashtra the said amount.
15) The candidates shall submit their applications On-line only in the
prescribed format through the High Court website i.e.
Page 8 of 19 The link will open from
30.09.2023 after 10.30 a.m. till 20.10.2023 upto 04.30 p.m. only.
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candidate should mention the generated SBCollect Reference
Number correctly in the Column No. 38 of the on-line application
d) Only successful payment transactions shall be considered for
the acceptance of the on-line application.
e) The candidates are directed to submit copy of receipt/e-Challan
regarding fees payment, alongwith printout of on-line application.
f) High Court Registry does not take any responsibility of the
rules/terms and conditions framed or will be framed by
'SBCollect'. So also the Registry will not entertain any
inquiry/claim in any form whatsoever in respect of payment
through 'SBCollect' facility. The Registry does not take any
responsibility of security/claims etc. while making payment
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fee payment, superscribed with the words “Application for the post of
District Judge-2022”, is to be sent by Registered Post A.D./Courier
only, so as to reach the Office of “The Registrar General, High Court,
Fort, Mumbai - 400 032” on or before 31.10.2023.
23) The selection will be made strictly on merit on the basis of the
marks secured by the candidates in the Main Written Examination
and Viva-voce.
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24) Success in the examinations and resultant selection shall confer
no right of appointment to the candidate and unless the Government,
in consultation with the High Court, is satisfied, after such enquiry as
may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all
respects for appointment, he/she will not be appointed to the post.
25) The High Court reserves its right of short-listing at the time of
scrutiny of applications by applying uniform and reasonable norms.
Date: 30.09.2023 (R. N. Joshi)
Registrar General,
High Court, Bombay.
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FORM - “A”
Date: (Name and Signature of Applicant)
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FORMAT No. ■ n
(Details of courts and name of Judges before whom you have practiced
during the period of three years immediately preceding the date of the
publication of the Advertisement.)
Sr. Period Name of the Court Name of the Judge Case No.
Date: (Name and Signature of Applicant)
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Date: (Name and Signature of Applicant)
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10 The candidates should submit copy of printout of on-line
application form duly filled and signed alongwith (a) copy of
Certificate of Practice, (b) annexures in prescribed Format Nos. II
& III, (c) declaration as to Small Family as appended to the
Advertisement (Fonn-A), and (d) receipt/e-Challan regarding fee
11 No complaint/grievance of the candidate shall be entertained or
heard by the High Court in case of their failure to see the Admit
Card/call letter on their e-mail accoimt within stipulated time.
12 Period of practice will be counted from date of enrollment till
date of Advertisement.
13 Admit Cards for Preliminary Written Examination and Main
Written Examination, will not be sent by post. The candidates
should download the Admit Cards from their respective profile.
The candidate must carry hard copy of Admit Card at the time of
14 The candidate shall follow the procedure for on-line payment of
fees as mentioned in Clause No. 17 of the Advertisement. It is
made clear that on-line payment shall be accepted through
Internet Banking / Credit Cards / UPI / payment through
e-Challan only. No other mode / means of payment will be
accepted. The candidate should mention the SBCollect Reference
Number correctly, after making successful payment of fees, in the
Column No. 38 of the on-line application form.
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