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Scenario Pack 3048-3050 - Operational Turning Points - REVIVAL Trials

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A CALL FOR UNITY.......................

THE HALL OF KHANS The hall descended into cacophony as every khan—every one
KATYUSHA but Cassius and his loyal saKhan—tried to clamor for attention.
STRANA MECHTY Cassius felt the need to speak, but not now, not yet.
13 DECEMBER 3048 Showers quieted the mob with an upraised hand. “The Grand
Kurultai recognizes saKhan Elias Crichell of Clan Jade Falcon.”
Clan Star Adder Khan Cassius N’Buta was certain this war council Cassius would have mistaken the husky man for an overindulged
would not end well, but he sat up straight and tall regardless, as merchant if not for Crichell’s confident, regal bearing in his crisp
befit his station. The other thirty-five individuals in the assembly Jade Falcon uniform and ceremonial, gold-and-malachite falcon
hall—sixteen khans, seventeen saKhans, and the Loremaster of the mask. Cassius already guessed what Crichell would say, but he
Clans—waited for Leo Showers, the new ilKhan, to call the Grand listened with intent, regardless.
Kurultai to order. Cassius watched Showers with benign interest. “IlKhan, members of the Grand Council,” Crichell began, “as the
An ilKhan had not presided over the Clans for just over a century; foremost flagbearer of the Crusader movement, Clan Jade Falcon
they had prospered long enough without one. What mattered now believes the toumans of two Clans will be sufficient to bring the
was whether Showers, former khan of Clan Smoke Jaguar and the Inner Sphere to heel.”
seventh ilKhan in Clan history, would live up to the reputation of Cassius allowed himself a little smirk. Both the Falcons and the
the Founder Nicholas Kerensky’s ideals. The muscular MechWarrior Smoke Jaguars spearheaded the Crusader movement that itched
certainly had vision for the Clans, which had earned Cassius’s own to invade the Inner Sphere. Crichell’s claim that the Falcons led the
vote and the vote of his saKhan, Tabitha Paik. movement had to rankle the new ilKhan.
At the back of the uppermost tier of seats leading down to the The floor turned to heated debate on Crichell’s bid.
ilKhan’s dais, Cassius waited through all of the pomp and circumstance “The Grand Kurultai recognizes saKhan Pazi Tchernovkov of Clan
that opened the kurultai. All the while he kept a close eye on individuals Coyote,” said the ilKhan.
he did not see very often. The presence of the Blood Spirit khans for the “Esteemed Grand Council,” declared Tchernovkov, outspoken
invasion vote and the ilKhan’s election still amazed him. Throughout the member of the opposing Warden faction, “two Clans will not be not
previous thirteen years, he had never once seen Khan Karianna Schmitt enough. If invade we must, I foresee we will need the resources of at
or her saKhan in the flesh, and he could vividly recall only one time she least five Clans in order to be successful.”
had appeared virtually in the Grand Council, via real-time HPG to vote Interesting, Cassius thought, drumming his fingers atop the arm
down a measure. The Fire Mandrill khans’ presence also surprised him, of his chair. Perhaps we are more alike than I first thought, Warden.
given their current state of internecine conflict. The Mandrill leadership Another round of debates touched off, which culminated in
seldom deigned to grace the Grand Council with their presence, but the Falcon and Coyote khans arguing like usual. Cassius tuned
whenever they did the Mandrill khans that visited Strana Mechty were them out; he had heard it all before and would doubtless hear it
always different from the previous set of Mandrill khans Cassius had again before the kurultai adjourned. All the while, he kept watch on
seen. And the mismatched pair had been at each other’s throats the Ulric Kerensky, who had remained unusually silent throughout the
moment they walked into the Hall of Khans for the invasion vote. The proceedings thus far. The entire Warden movement seemed to pivot
Ghost Bear leadership had also changed. Khan Ulric Kerensky of Clan around the influential Wolf, yet he had not acted the same since the
Wolf had killed both previous Ghost Bear khans during his unsuccessful Crusaders recently defeated him in his long-odds Trial of Refusal
Trial of Refusal over the invasion vote. Neither of their replacements had over the invasion vote. Silent and stoic, Kerensky had to be plotting
been elected from either the Tseng or Jorgensson Bloodname Houses, something; that much Cassius was certain. But what?
who had led the Ghost Bears for countless decades. “Three Clans, then,” newly elected Smoke Jaguar Khan Lincoln
This whole string of events—from the arrival of a wayward Osis countered, without waiting for official recognition by the
ComStar vessel in Clan space, to the invasion vote and the current ilKhan. “The assets of three Clans should be sufficient to reach Terra
war council—had been one string of surprises after another. Perhaps and restore the Star League.”
this ilKhan will surprise me as well, Cassius thought. Steel Viper Khan Natalie Breen shot to her feet. “Neg. The
Discussion quickly turned to the matter at hand as the ilKhan Wardens have the right of it this time. Five Clans must go.”
addressed every member of the Grand Kurultai. “There is no doubt Cassius knew Breen—neither Warden nor Crusader—only
that all of those among us are mighty and have earned their felt this way to pave her own Clan’s path to the Inner Sphere. The
rightful place in the Unity.” Showers’s commanding voice echoed more Clans chosen, the higher chance the Vipers would have to
throughout the chamber. “Each touman represented in this hall is be included in the invasion force. Breen had the right attitude, he
worth far more than the military might of a single Great House of decided, but her motives were not as pure as his own.
the Inner Sphere, but the Founder taught us the value in conserving “Clan Burrock bids that four Clans must represent Kerensky’s legacy,”
our resources and steered us away from the sin of squandering our said Jocelyn Siddiq, a khan currently subscribing to the Crusader camp.
limited assets. He also instilled in us the virtue of prudent bidding, Karianna Schmitt from Clan Blood Spirit jolted to her feet and
so that we might win with a skillful dagger thrust what the foolish stared daggers at the Burrock khan. “What I believe Khan Siddiq
would hope to win with the wild swing of an ax. means to say is the Burrocks do not believe enough in their own
“Members of the Grand Council, I ask you this: how many of us strength and, should they gain a place in this invasion—via perfidy,
need carry the illuminated banner of Kerensky into the corruption most likely—they must rely on the might of three other Clans to
of the Inner Sphere? How many of us shall bring to heel the diseased remind them that they are the Burrocks’ betters. Khan Siddiq’s Clan
militaries of those who tore the Star League apart and drove the does not embrace the Founder’s vision of self-sufficiency. Clan
Great Father into exile?” Blood Spirit bids for three Clans to participate in the invasion.”


A CALL FOR UNITY.......................

“Three is not nearly enough,” replied Snow Raven Khan Lynn “My fellow khans,” Cassius said, “if we are to have any hope
McKenna, who was a Warden when the movement’s politics suited of achieving our goal, we will need all of us, working together in
her goals. “If we must continue with this charade, I call to reinstate solidarity. To confront the corruption of the Inner Sphere with only
the Coyote bid at five Clans.” three or four facets of our total strength, as the rest of you advocate,
The Hall of Khans once more devolved into argument. The Nova is to embrace madness and invite our own eventual destruction.
Cat khan Severen Leroux shouted at Jaguar saKhan Sarah Weaver. To go to war with only archers and footmen and leave behind our
Hell’s Horses Khan Malavai Fletcher and Ghost Bear Khan Karl cavalry and siege engines is utmost folly. We must face this threat
Bourjon nearly had each other by the throat. The Goliath Scorpions, together, with one mind, as the Founder’s Unity intended.”
the Cloud Cobras, and even the Diamond Sharks all added their Silence reigned for a few more moments. Then Diamond Shark
voices to the din. Khan Ian Hawker said, “It seems in your call for Unity, N’Buta, you
Only Cassuis—and his saKhan, at his silent urging—remained have left out your own Clan.”
quiet. The Hall of Khans exploded into laughter. From all sides, the
Children, he thought. All of them. They cannot see past their own wall of derision struck Cassius like a Gauss rifle slug right through
noses, and the Unity is all the poorer for it. his midsection. He glared wordlessly out at the assembly, fixating
Once he could no longer pick out individual words from the his gaze on each khan in turn. Besides saKhan Paik, of the entire
noise, Cassius decreed he had finally heard enough. Unlike the Grand Council, he saw only Ulric Kerensky had maintained his stoic
other khans who all spoke without the ilKhan’s leave, he pressed a composure. Did Kerensky see wisdom in his plan, or did he have
button on his seat’s console and petitioned for the official right to something else in mind?
be heard. “My Clan…” Cassius began. His voice faltered. He had envisioned
Showers raised his fist and cut through the dissonance with a Clan Star Adder taking up a leadership role in the invasion. After
resounding war cry that startled even Cassius with its volume and all, with so many different kinds of troops, an army still needed a
abruptness. The kurultai became a tomb as all eyes focused on the guiding hand to ensure the war machine’s many, disparate cogs
ilKhan’s ferocity. performed their proper functions. The ilKhan could not do this
“The Grand Kurultai formally recognizes Khan Cassius N’Buta of alone, and Cassius wanted to position his Clan to be of service in
Clan Star Adder,” Showers said. administering the invasion.
Cassius cleared his throat politely and smoothed the front of his Ian Hawker turned away, a smirk plastering his face. “Four Clans,”
plain, unadorned uniform as he rose amid the deafening silence. he said, raising his hand toward the ilKhan.
He did not smile beneath his black onyx mask. He did not frown. Cassius sank back into his seat without another word. Something
Instead he faced his peers with honesty. Upon his hesitation, saKhan died within him. At that moment, drinking in the laughter and the
Paik offered him a subtle nod of encouragement. bickering, he believed he would never see the Inner Sphere.
“Trothkin,” he began, sweeping his gaze across the khans of all Right then, the ilKhan called the assembly to silence once more.
sixteen other Clans, “this is a momentous time in our history. Not “The Grand Kurultai formally recognizes Khan Ulric Kerensky of Clan
since the days when we descended upon the Pentagon worlds to Wolf,” Showers said.
right the wrongs visited upon them have we contemplated such a Kerensky rose with fire in his eyes. As he did so, Cassius swore he
monumental military undertaking such as this. I argue not about saw Ulric direct the smallest of nods his way. “Four Clans,” announced
returning to the cradle of humanity and extinguishing the flames of the Wolf Khan. “And… a fifth Clan to act as a mobile reserve, to be
war with the light of our purity, as the Great Father once wrote. Instead, activated at the ilKhan’s order.”
I argue that we do ourselves a gross disservice by dividing our assets “Aff, four Clans and a reserve Clan,” Tchernovkov declared.
piecemeal. In the ancient days of Terran warfare, armies consisted of “Four Clans and a reserve,” echoed Crichell.
many different troop types—footmen, archers, halberdiers, cavalry… “Bargained well and done,” the ilKhan announced. “The motion
To underutilize one troop type was to court disaster. In this invasion, has been seconded. All in favor, vote aff.”
we will need all of our troops if we are to succeed. Kerensky sat down as the votes were tallied. Cassius had to hand
“Nova Cats,” he said, pointing to Khans Leroux and Carns, “you are it to him. Without Ulric’s compromise, the Crusaders would likely
our archers, capable of efficiently dispatching foes before they can have had their way and prosecuted an invasion with as few Clans
close.” He gestured to Falcon Khans Yvonne Hazen and Elias Crichell. as their pride would let them get away with. At least five Clans—
“Falcons, you are our light horse; Jaguars, you are our heavy horse. reserve status notwithstanding—would be better than four. But it
The Ice Hellions are our skirmishers, the Coyotes our heavy armor, would not be enough. It would not be nearly enough.
the Hell’s Horses, our light armor, the Ravens our siege engines, the Cassius sat back and observed the planning of Operation
Cloud Cobras our scouts and observation towers. The Burrocks will REVIVAL. In lieu of participating in the invasion, he would have to
be our spies; the Ghost Bears, our shield wall; the Fire Mandrills, our make other plans, form political alliances the Star Adders had never
demoralizers. The Diamond Sharks will bring diplomacy during the formed before.
day, while the Goliath Scorpions become our nocturnal assassins. While all of you are off forsaking the Unity in the Inner Sphere, he
The Steel Vipers will give us vision; the Blood Spirits, our morale; the thought, we shall remain here to watch you fall. And fall you shall. We
Wolves, our conscience. will make certain of that.



W elcome to the next installment in the series of Operational Turning

Points campaign books, designed to give players the opportunity
to fight in a landmark series of combat trials that determined
which Clans would carry the torch of Kerensky’s legacy back to the Inner
Sphere. Operational Turning Points: REVIVAL Placement Trials allows players
The Combatants section gives details of the units who participated
in the Placement Trials, Clan Wolf’s Trial of Refusal, and the Hellions’ Fury
campaign and can be used by players who wish to add authenticity to
their game. This allows the players to pursue the mini-campaign tracks
with different forces as they wish. For the mini-campaigns, the rough
different options surrounding the Placement Trials, including individual ratio of forces on each side is provided as a guideline. Players should feel
player campaigns, guidelines for running a multiple-player tournament, free to balance the forces in these tracks as they see fit, whether by battle
and two mini-campaigns that bookend the trials themselves. value, tonnage, total number of ’Mechs, or whatever else suits them.
The general information contained in the Atlas and Combatants The Placement Trials Tournament Rules section provides guidelines
sections gives players the tools needed to fight in these engagements, for running the trials as a multi-player tournament with up to 14
while the Tracks section details pivotal battles of the campaign. participating players.
The Tracks sections can also be used with stand-alone games set in The Tracks section is broken into three different sections. The Placement
3048–3050. Trials section includes tracks for use in either a solo or tournament version
The Atlas section presents a global overview followed by some quick of playing through the Placement Trials. The next two sections are mini-
facts about the planets visited during the Placement Trials and the mini- campaigns that bookend the Placement Trials: Clan Wolf Trial of Refusal
campaigns. Included in this section you will find terrain tables broken and the Hellions’ Fury campaign. A general guideline for how to begin
into various categories. These tables can be used as a random chart to fighting the Placement Trials or the historical mini-campaigns is included
determine the maps used in the tracks, or simply as a guide to give you in How to Use the Campaign. The Touchpoint tracks cover several key
ideas of the types of terrain found on the world. This section also contains battles that occurred during the mini-campaigns, though they are not the
a list of various additional terrain types, environment and other rules that only ones. Players wishing to incorporate these mini-campaign tracks into
can be used to enhance your game experience. All players should agree a Chaos Campaign should use the Warchest Points (WP) or Support Points
whether or not to use any or all of these features before play begins. (SP) listed in the brackets. Optional points are awarded only if the group
The Tactical Guide section provides flavor for each Clan involved and achieves at least one Objective while using the listed option. Objective
lists notable personalities that players may choose to incorporate into points are cumulative as they are achieved, unless otherwise noted.
their games. (Further information for some of the selected personalities The Annex section contains the Placement Trials Player Sheet,
may be found in Field Manual: Crusader Clans, Field Manual: Warden Clans, which an individual player can use to track their progress through the
and Era Report: 3052.) Placement Trials.

Project Development: Ben H. Rome we know of…). To be given the chance to document this event is a
Writing: Philip A. Lee great honor. My thanks go to: the fans who vocally rally behind their
Production Staff favorite Clan(s); Ben, for voting aff on the “go vote” for this project;
Cover Design: Ray Arrastia Herb, for advice and for not declaring a Trial of Refusal on the idea;
Layout: Kara Hamilton Paul, for rules and suggestions; and as always to my Significant Other,
Map and Record Sheets: Ray Arrastia Carrie, for her continuing support.
For more information about the Placement Trials, please see Wolf Clan
Factchecking/Playtesting: Roy Carl, Brent Ezell, Jason Paulley, Luke
Sourcebook, Jade Falcon Sourcebook, Invading Clans, Field Manual: Warden
Robertson, Eric Salzman, Elliotte C. Want, Matt Wilsbacher
Clans, Field Manual: Crusader Clans, and The Clans: Warriors of Kerensky. For
Special Thanks: I love all of Nicholas’s Clans—be they great or small, those interested in continuing a campaign beyond the Placement Trials
loveable or unlovable, dead or alive—and for this reason, I’ve always and playing on through the Clan invasion, please see Era Report: 3052.
believed this particular period in their history has always held a vast
wealth of potential. Outside of Operation KLONDIKE, the Placement ©2014 The Topps Company Inc. All rights Reserved. Historical Operations Turning Points: REVIVAL trials,
Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech, and WK Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks
Trials for Operation REVIVAL is perhaps the only time in Clan history of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the
that a multi-Clan endeavor of this scale has taken place (at least, that Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC.




STRANA MECHTY Terrain: Ultra-Heavy Woods modification (see p. 40, TO).
Star Type (Recharge Time): G3VI (184 hours) Weather: Weather Table 3: Rain (see p. 69, TO).
Position in System: 4 (of 7) Result Map

Time to Jump Point: 8.53 days 1 Open Terrain #1 (MS5, MSC1)
Number of Satellites: 2 2 Open Terrain #2 (BT, MS5, MSC1)
Surface Gravity: 1.1 3 Desert Hills (MS2, MSC1)
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable) 4 CityTech* (MS2, MSC1)
Equatorial Temperature: 25º C
5 Rolling Hills #2 (MS3, MSC1)
Surface Water: 70 percent
6 Scattered Woods (MS2, MSC1)
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population (3048): 130,000,000 *Treat Paved hexes as Clear terrain.
First discovered in 2792, Strana Mechty was the most Terrain: Rapids modification (see p. 50, TO).
promising system in the Kerensky Cluster. Aleksandr Kerensky’s Weather: Weather Table 1: Light (see p. 69, TO).
wife Katyusha named the Terra-like planet, which means “Land Result Map

of Dreams” in Kerensky’s native Russian. The system was not 1 Scattered Woods (MS2, MSC1)
colonized until 2795, and by the outbreak of the Pentagon Civil 2 Woodland (MS6, MSC2)
War in 2801, Strana Mechty became a thriving colony world 3 River Valley (MS2, MSC1, HPLR)
capable of sustaining several adapted Terran species which 4 Desert Mountain #2 (MS3, MSC1)
would become Clan totems. This stability led Nicholas Kerensky 5 Open Terrain #2 (BT, MS5, MSC1)
to choose this world as the destination for the Second Exodus 6 Mountain Lake (MS2, MSC1)
and the eventual capital of his Clans.
Strana Mechty is home to four major continents, the Terrain: Swamp modification on Water hexes (see p. 51, TO).
land of which are evenly distributed between all seventeen Weather: Weather Table 2: Wind (see p. 69, TO).
Clans. McKenna straddles the equator and consists mostly of Result Map
tropical jungles and rainforests. Cameron, along the southern

1 River Delta/Drainage Basin #1 (MS4, MSC1)

hemisphere, is icy, mineral poor, and as a result has a sparse
2 River Delta/Drainage Basin #2 (MS4, MSC1)
population. The desolation is well-suited for combat trials, and
3 Scattered Woods (MS2, MSC1)
consequently many important trials, such as the Operation
REVIVAL Placement Trials, were waged here. Kerensky Prime, 4 Rolling Hills #1 (MS3, MSC1)
one of the two temperate landmasses, also hosts several neutral 5 Open Terrain #1 (MS5, MSC1)
proving grounds used to settle inter-Clan disputes. 6 Lake Area (BT, MS2, MSC1)
The main attraction on Strana Mechty is the continent of BLOODY BASIN (CAMERON)
Novy Terra, where Katyusha, the Clans’ capital city is located. Terrain: Sand modification (see p. 39, TO).
Aside from quarters for each of the five castes of Clan society, Weather: Extreme Temperatures: –40C (see p. 62, TO).
Katyusha features the master genetic repository, the Hall of Result Map

Khans, and the sprawling park of Svoboda Zemyla, which 1 Rolling Hills #1* (MS3, MSC1)
incorporates Clan Cloud Cobra’s largest Honorarium. 2 Desert Hills (MS2, MSC1)
Notable features in Strana Mechty space include the 3 Desert Sinkhole #1 (MS3, MSC1)
geostationary McKenna’s Pride, the flagship of both Kerenskys 4 Desert Sinkhole #2 (MS3, MSC1)
and the site of Aleksandr’s tomb; Prinz Eugen, the Clans’ prison 5 Desert Mountain #1 (MS3, MSC1)
ship at the outer reaches of the system; and Unity Station, a 6 Desert Mountain #2 (MS3, MSC1)
recharge station located at the system’s zenith jump point.
*Treat all Woods hexes as Clear terrain.
MARSHALL Terrain: Ice modification (see p. 50, TO).
Weather: Weather Table 4: Snow (see p. 69, TO).
Star Type (Recharge Time): F4V (175 hours)
Result Map
Position in System: 3 (of 3)

Time to Jump Point: 16.10 days 1 Lake Area (BT, MS2, MSC1)
Number of Satellites: 2 2 River Valley (MS2, MSC1, HPLR)
Surface Gravity: 1.1 3 Scattered Woods (MS2, MSC1)
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable) 4 River Delta/Drainage Basin #2 (MS4, MSC1)
Equatorial Temperature: 30º C 5 BattleForce* (MS6, MSC2)
Surface Water: 50 percent 6 Open Terrain #1 (MS5, MSC1)
Highest Native Life: Reptiles *Treat Paved hexes as Clear terrain.
Population (3050): 16,700,000


Star Type (Recharge Time): M7V (208 hours) Result Map
Position in System: 1 (of 2) 1 Scattered Woods (MS2, MSC1)
Time to Jump Point: 2.22 days

2 Open Terrain #1 (BT, MS5, MSC1)
Number of Satellites: 1
3 Open Terrain #2 (BT, MS5, MSC1)
Surface Gravity: 1.0
4 Desert Sinkhole #1 (MS3, MSC1)
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
5 Desert Mountain #2 (MS3, MSC1)
Equatorial Temperature: 25º C
Surface Water: 50 percent 6 Rolling Hills #1 (MS3, MSC1)
Highest Native Life: Amphibians
Population (3050): 10,300,000 Result Map
1 Rolling Hills #2 (MS3, MSC1)

HOMER 2 Lake Area (BT, MS2, MSC1)

3 Wide River (BT, MS6, MSC2)
Star Type (Recharge Time): G8V (189 hours) 4 River Valley (MS2, MSC1, HPLR)
Position in System: 2 (of 3) 5 River Delta/Drainage Basin #1 (MS4, MSC1)
Time to Jump Point: 6.19 days
6 River Delta/Drainage Basin #2 (MS4, MSC1)
Number of Satellites: 0
Surface Gravity: 1.4
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable) NOTE: MAY USE DEEP SNOW MODIFICATION (SEE P. 41 TO).
Equatorial Temperature: 30º C Result Map
Surface Water: 30 percent 1 Desert Hills (MS2, MSC1)
Highest Native Life: Amphibians 2 Desert Mountain #2 (MS3, MSC1)

Population (3050): 31,700,000 3 Desert Sinkhole #1 (MS3, MSC1)

4 Scattered Woods* (MS2, MSC1)
HOARD 5 Rolling Hills #1 (MS3, MSC1)
6 BattleTech* (BT, MS2, MSC1)
Star Type (Recharge Time): A2V (163 hours)
*Treat all Water hexes as Clear terrain.
Position in System: 2 (of 5)
Time to Jump Point: 43.02 days NOTE: MAY USE THIN SNOW MODIFICATION (SEE P. 52, TO).
Number of Satellites: 0
Result Map
Surface Gravity: 0.8
1 Desert Sinkhole #2 (MS3, MSC1)
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Toxic)
Equatorial Temperature: 15º C 2 Moonscape #1 (MS5, MSC1)

Surface Water: 50 percent 3 Large Lakes #2* (MS4, MSC1, HPLR)

Highest Native Life: Plants 4 Desert Mountain #2 (MS3, MSC1)
Population (3050): 6,000,000 5 Desert Hills (MS2, MSC1)
6 Archipelago #1* (MS7)

LONDERHOLM *Treat all Water hexes as Ice (frozen solid). See p. 50, TO.

Star Type (Recharge Time): K7V (198 hours) Result Map

Position in System: 2 (of 8) 1 City Ruins (MS2, MSC1)

Time to Jump Point: 3.70 days 2 Woodland (MS6, MSC2)

Number of Satellites: 0 3 Coast #2 (MS7)
Surface Gravity: 1.5 4 CityTech (MS2, MSC1)
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable) 5 River Delta/Drainage Basin #1 (MS4, MSC1)
Equatorial Temperature: 30º C
6 City (Suburbs)* (MS6, MSC2, HPCR)
Surface Water: 70 percent
Highest Native Life: Birds *Treat all Building hexes as Rubble terrain.
Population (3050): 7,200,000


Barcella Hoard

Paxon Strato Domingo Tiber

Londerholm Roche


Grant’s Station Kirin Glory

Marshall Tathis Sheridan
Delios Priori
Albion Gatekeeper Strana Mechty New Kent
Kerensky Lum
Brim Huntress Hector
Foster Bearclaw

Clan Homeworlds (3050)


Nation Capital Hellions’ Fury Attack

0 10 20 30 40 50 lightyears


Deep Periphery
0 100 200 300 400 lightyears
Pentagon Worlds Homeworlds

Pentagon Worlds

Eden Circe Exodu

s Roa
Veil of the Protector (Caliban Nebula)
Operation Revival Route

Nueva Ghent
Castile St-Jean
Transfer Station P9 Ctesiphon
Suda Bay
Santiago IV Attenbrooks Trelleborg Salonika

Transfer Station P3 Nouveaux Paris

League Trinity Harris Gwithian
Wark Wolf Orbital 82 Transfer Facility 4
Cambridge Perimeter Columbus
Defense Station Transfer Station J239H2
Chainelane Bandit
Isles Kingdoms


The Random Assignment Tables are meant to be used by players wishing to determine their forces randomly, or help them determine
the likely equipment used by each side during the campaign. Players are not required to use these tables, especially when using player-
group units. To randomly assign pilot quality, see the appropriate tables in Total Warfare (see p. 273, TW).
Some results have two units listed. Consult the table header and use the appropriate unit for the faction listed. [Example: Nathan is
rolling a Light ‘Mech for his mercenary Lance. His roll results in a 4. Consulting the table, he notes that there are two ‘Mechs listed, a HTN-171
Hornet and a LCT-3M Locust. Because he is rolling for a mercenary force, he uses the Locust result, as “Mercenary” is to the right of the slash in the
table heading. If he had been rolling for a Dragoons force, he would instead use the Hornet result.]

2D6 Blood Spirit Burrock Cloud Cobra Coyote Diamond Shark Fire Mandrill
2 Incubus [30] Howler [20] Arctic Cheetah [30] Arctic Cheetah [30] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30]
3 Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Adder [35] Adder [35] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25]
4 Incubus [30] Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Adder [35]
5 Kit Fox [30] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25] Arctic Cheetah [30] Kit Fox [30]
6 Adder [35] Arctic Cheetah [30] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25]
7 Kit Fox [30] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25]
8 Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Adder [35] Fire Moth [20] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30]
9 Adder [35] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25]
10 Arctic Cheetah [30] Horned Owl 2 [35] Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25] Arctic Cheetah [30] Adder [35]
11 Horned Owl [35] Incubus [30] Mist Lynx [25] Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Mist Lynx [25]
12 Locust IIC [25] Locust IIC [25] Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25]

2D6 Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Nova Cat
2 Horned Owl [35] Horned Owl [35] Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Incubus [30] Mist Lynx [25]
3 Mist Lynx [25] Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30]
4 Kit Fox [30] Kit Fox [30] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30] Fire Moth [20] Arctic Cheetah [30]
5 Adder [35] Jenner IIC [35] Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Fire Moth [20]
6 Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Arctic Cheetah [30] Arctic Cheetah [30] Kit Fox [30] Arctic Cheetah [30]
7 Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35]
8 Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35] Adder [35] Kit Fox [30]
9 Adder [35] Arctic Cheetah [30] Adder [35] Fire Moth [20] Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35]
10 Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25] Fire Moth [20] Arctic Cheetah [30]
11 Kit Fox [30] Incubus [30] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30] Howler [20] Mist Lynx [25]
12 Mist Lynx [25] Horned Owl [35] Fire Moth [20] Arctic Cheetah [30] Locust IIC 2 [25] Kit Fox [30]

2D6 Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder Steel Viper Wolf
2 Arctic Cheetah [30] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30] Fire Moth [20] Locust IIC [25]
3 Locust IIC 3 [25] Fire Moth [20] Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30]
4 Adder [35] Adder [35] Kit Fox [30] Arctic Cheetah [30] Mist Lynx [25]
5 Mist Lynx [25] Adder [35] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25]
6 Fire Moth [20] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35]
7 Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30] Mist Lynx [25] Fire Moth [20] Adder [35]
8 Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30] Adder [35] Arctic Cheetah [30] Adder [35]
9 Arctic Cheetah [30] Kit Fox [30] Fire Moth [20] Arctic Cheetah [30] Mist Lynx [25]
10 Mist Lynx [25] Mist Lynx [25] Arctic Cheetah [30] Mist Lynx [25] Kit Fox [30]
11 Adder [35] Mist Lynx [25] Fire Moth [20] Kit Fox [30] Fire Moth [20]
12 Horned Owl 2 [35] Mist Lynx [25] Arctic Cheetah [30] Adder [35] Locust IIC [25]

2D6 Cloud Cobra Fire Mandrill Hell’s Horses Smoke Jaguar

2 HSR-200-D Hussar [30] MCY-97 Mercury [20] THE-N Thorn [20] Locust IIC [25]

3 Horned Owl 2 [35] HER-1S Hermes [30] Howler [20] HSR-200-D Hussar [30]

4 Horned Owl [35] Locust IIC [25] Locust IIC [25] Incubus [30]
5 Jenner IIC [30] Howler [20] Locust IIC [25] Jenner IIC [30]
6 Locust IIC [25] Jenner IIC [30] MCY-97 Mercury [20] Horned Owl 2 [35]
7 Incubus [30] Mandrill [30] Locust IIC [25] Jenner IIC [30]
8 Incubus 2 [30] HSR-200-D Hussar [30] Jenner IIC [30] Jenner IIC [30]
9 Jenner IIC 3 [30] Locust IIC [25] Jenner IIC [30] Horned Owl [35]
10 Locust IIC [25] Mandrill [30] Incubus [30] Locust IIC [25]
11 MON-66 Mongoose [25] Howler [20] HER-1S Hermes [30] Horned Owl [35]
12 Howler [20] Locust IIC [25] Horned Owl [35] Incubus [30]



2D6 Blood Spirit Burrock Cloud Cobra Coyote Diamond Shark Fire Mandrill
2 Conjurer [50] Wyvern IIC [45] Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40] Hunchback IIC [50] Stormcrow [55]
3 Conjurer [50] Battle Cobra [40] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Hunchback IIC [50]
4 Battle Cobra [40] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40] Ice Ferret [45] Shadow Cat [45]
5 Stormcrow [55] Viper [40] Viper [40] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45] Nova [50]
6 Nova [50] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55]
7 Stooping Hawk [55] Hunchback IIC [50] Battle Cobra [40] Stormcrow [55] Shadow Cat [45] Nova [50]
8 Nova [50] Viper [40] Viper [40] Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Nova [50]
9 Stormcrow [55] Shadow Cat [45] Nova [50] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Shadow Cat [45]
10 Griffin IIC [40] Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Ice Ferret [45] Nova [50] Stormcrow [55]
11 Battle Cobra [40] Ice Ferret [45] Viper [40] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Nova [50]
12 Hunchback IIC [50] Wyvern IIC [45] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45] Ice Ferret [45] Shadow Cat [45]

2D6 Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Nova Cat
2 Griffin IIC [40] Battle Cobra [40] Ice Ferret [45] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45] Hunchback IIC [50]
3 Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Nova [50] Nova [50]
4 Stooping Hawk [55] Nova [50] Ice Ferret [45] Viper [40] Ice Ferret [45] Ice Ferret [45]
5 Nova [50] Stormcrow [55] Viper [40] Viper [40] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45]
6 Viper [40] Vapor Eagle [55] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40] Stormcrow [55]
7 Viper [40] Viper [40] Nova [50] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Shadow Cat [45]
8 Viper [40] Viper [40] Stormcrow [55] Shadow Cat [45] Stormcrow [55] Nova [50]
9 Nova [50] Battle Cobra [40] Nova [50] Ice Ferret [45] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45]
10 Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Ice Ferret [45]
11 Ice Ferret [45] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Shadowhawk IIC [45] Nova [50]
12 Shadow Hawk IIC 2 [45] Battle Cobra [40] Viper [40] Ice Ferret [45] Conjurer [50] Nova [50]

2D6 Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder Steel Viper Wolf
2 Shadow Cat [45] Nova [50] Viper [40] Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40]
3 Nova [50] Viper [40] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40]
4 Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Nova [50] Nova [50] Stormcrow [55]
5 Viper [40] Viper [40] Viper [40] Viper [40] Nova [50]
6 Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45 Battle Cobra [40] Ice Ferret [45]
7 Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Nova [50] Battle Cobra [40] Ice Ferret [45]
8 Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Ice Ferret [45]
9 Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Shadow Cat [45 Stormcrow [55] Nova [50]
10 Ice Ferret [45] Viper [40] Stormcrow [55] Nova [50] Viper [40]
11 Stormcrow [55] Ice Ferret [45] Nova [50] Shadow Cat [45] Stormcrow [55]
12 Shadow Cat [45] Viper [40] Viper [40] Ice Ferret [45] Hunchback IIC [50]

2D6 Cloud Cobra Fire Mandrill Hell’s Horses Smoke Jaguar

2 CRB-27 Crab [50] Conjurer [50] Hunchback IIC [50] WVE-5N Wyvern [45]

3 Griffin IIC [40] Conjurer [50] STN-3L Sentinel [40] CRB-27 Crab [50]

4 Shadow Hawk IIC [45] WVE-5N Wyvern [45] Conjurer [50] Shadow Hawk IIC [45]
5 Vapor Eagle [55] STN-3L Sentinel [40] Shadow Hawk IIC [45] Conjurer [50]
6 Griffin IIC [40] Shadow Hawk IIC [45] Shadow Hawk IIC [45] Griffin IIC [40]
7 Great Wyrm [45] Griffin IIC [40] Shadow Hawk IIC [45] Shadow Hawk IIC [45]
8 Griffin IIC [40] Griffin IIC [40] KTO-19 Kintaro [55] Hunchback IIC [50]
9 Hunchback IIC [50] Shadow Hawk IIC [45] Griffin IIC [40] Wyvern IIC [45]
10 Vapor Eagle [55] Hunchback IIC [50] WVE-5N Wyvern [45] Hunchback IIC [50]
11 Great Wyrm [45] STN-3L Sentinel [40] Vapor Eagle [55] Shadow Hawk IIC [45]
12 Wyvern IIC [45] Vapor Eagle [55] Vapor Eagle [55] KTO-19 Kintaro [55]



2D6 Blood Spirit Burrock Cloud Cobra Coyote Diamond Shark Fire Mandrill
2 Thresher [60] Glass Spider 2 [60] Thresher [60] Mad Dog [60]f Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60]
3 Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Summoner [70]
4 Crossbow [65] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70]
5 Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60]
6 Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60]
7 Crossbow [65] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60]
8 Crossbow [65] Crossbow [65] Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75] Summoner [70] Summoner [70]
9 Grizzly [70] Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Summoner [70] Crossbow [65] Summoner [70]
10 Crossbow [65] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60]
11 Rifleman IIC [65] Grizzly [70] Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60]
12 Grizzly [70] Thresher [60] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60]

2D6 Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Nova Cat
2 Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65]
3 Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60]
4 Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70]
5 Mad Dog [60] Glass Spider 2 [60] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75]
6 Summoner [70] Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75
7 Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Summoner [70]
8 Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75]
9 Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60]
10 Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75] Summoner [70]
11 Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75]
12 Grizzly [70] Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60]

2D6 Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder Steel Viper Wolf
2 Rifleman IIC 2 [65] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65]
3 Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Summoner [70] Crossbow [65] Timber Wolf [75]
4 Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Crossbow [65] Mad Dog [60]
5 Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Guillotine IIC [70] Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75]
6 Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65]
7 Timber Wolf [75] Timber Wolf [75] Mad Dog [60] Crossbow [65] Timber Wolf [75]
8 Mad Dog [60] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Timber Wolf [75]
9 Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65] Summoner [70] Timber Wolf [75] Summoner [70]
10 Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Timber Wolf [75] Crossbow [65] Timber Wolf [75]
11 Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Mad Dog [60] Hellbringer [65] Hellbringer [65]
12 Summoner [70] Hellbringer [65] Mad Dog [60] Summoner [70] Glass Spider 2 [60]

2D6 Cloud Cobra Fire Mandrill Hell’s Horses Smoke Jaguar

2 Rifleman IIC [65] Guillotine IIC [70] GLT-3N Guillotine [70] CHP-1N Champion [60]

3 Guillotine IIC [70] BMB-12D Bombardier [65] Thresher [60] EXT-4D Exterminator [65]

4 FLS-8K Flashman [75] FLS-8K Flashman [75] CHP-1N Champion [60] Glass Spider [60]
5 Thresher [60] Thresher [60] Glass Spider [60] Guillotine IIC [70]
6 Glass Spider [60] Rifleman IIC [65] Grizzly [70] Guillotine IIC [70]
7 Rifleman IIC [65] Rifleman IIC [65] Rifleman IIC [65] Glass Spider [60]
8 Thresher [60] LNC25-01 Lancelot [60] GLT-3N Guillotine [70] FLS-8K Flashman [75]
9 Guillotine IIC [70] LNC25-01 Lancelot [60] Rifleman IIC [65] Grizzly [70]
10 Glass Spider [60] EXT-4D Exterminator [65] Thresher [60] Rifleman IIC [65]
11 Grizzly [70] Rifleman IIC [65] Guillotine IIC [70] Thresher [60]
12 LNC25-01 Lancelot [60] Thresher [60] Guillotine IIC [70] GLT-3N Guillotine [70]



2D6 Blood Spirit Burrock Cloud Cobra Coyote Diamond Shark Fire Mandrill
2 Blood Kite [85] Marauder IIC [85] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95]
3 Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95] Executioner [95]
4 Blood Kite [85] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Dire Wolf [100] Warhawk [85]
5 Kingfisher [90] Kingfisher [90] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85]
6 Blood Kite [85] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95] Dire Wolf [100] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80]
7 Kingfisher [90] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85]
8 Blood Kite [85] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85]
9 Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Dire Wolf [100] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80]
10 Blood Kite [85] Kingfisher [90] Dire Wolf [100] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95]
11 Kingfisher [90] Dire Wolf [100] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80]
12 Dire Wolf [100] Stone Rhino [100] Executioner [95] Kingfisher [90] Dire Wolf [100] Gargoyle [80]

2D6 Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Nova Cat
2 Marauder IIC [85] Dire Wolf [100] Dire Wolf [100] Naga [80] Executioner [95] Executioner [95]
3 Dire Wolf [100] Executioner [95] Kingfisher [90] Gargoyle [80] Marauder IIC [85] Dire Wolf [100]
4 Gargoyle [80] Kingfisher [90] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Warhammer IIC [80] Executioner [95]
5 Kingfisher [90] Executioner [95] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80]
6 Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85]
7 Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85]
8 Executioner [95] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Kingfisher [90]
9 Kodiak [100] Dire Wolf [100] Naga [80] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95] Executioner [95]
10 Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Dire Wolf [100] Kingfisher [90]
11 Dire Wolf [100] Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85]
12 Kingfisher [90] Executioner [95] Dire Wolf [100] Naga [80] Bane [100] Dire Wolf [100]

2D6 Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder Steel Viper Wolf
2 Stone Rhino [100] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95] Naga [80] Naga [80]
3 Executioner [95] Executioner [95] Executioner [95] Kingfisher [90] Warhawk [85]
4 Warhawk [85] Naga [80] Kingfisher [90] Warhawk [85] Dire Wolf [100]
5 Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Naga [80] Gargoyle [80] Executioner [95]
6 Warhawk [85] Kingfisher [90] Executioner [95] Warhawk [85] Dire Wolf [100]
7 Dire Wolf [100] Dire Wolf [100] Kingfisher [90] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80]
8 Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80] Gargoyle [80]
9 Dire Wolf [100] Gargoyle [80] Warhawk [85] Executioner [95] Executioner [95]
10 Warhawk [85] Warhawk [85] Dire Wolf [100] Dire Wolf [100] Dire Wolf [100]
11 Warhammer IIC 2 [80] Dire Wolf [100] Gargoyle [80] Kingfisher [90] Gargoyle [80]
12 Kingfisher [90] Naga [80] Warhawk [85] Dire Wolf [100] Marauder IIC [85]

2D6 Cloud Cobra Fire Mandrill Hell’s Horses Smoke Jaguar

2 ANH-1X Annihilator [100] Stone Rhino [100] Supernova [90] ANH-Annihilator [100]

3 Stone Rhino [100] Phoenix Hawk IIC [80] Stone Rhino [100] Warhammer IIC [80]

4 Bane [100] THG-11E Thug [80] HGN-732 Highlander [90] Marauder IIC [85]
5 Bane [100] KGC-000 King Crab [100] Warhammer IIC [80] KGC-000 King Crab [100]
6 Marauder IIC [85] Warhammer IIC [80] Warhammer IIC [80] Stone Rhino [100]
7 Supernova [90] Phoenix Hawk IIC [80] Marauder IIC [85] Marauder IIC [85]
8 Phoenix Hawk IIC [80] THG-11E Thug [80] CRK-5003-1 Crockett [85] Warhammer IIC [80]
9 Highlander IIC [90] Bane [100] Bane [100] Supernova [90]
10 Marauder IIC [85] Warhammer IIC [80] Thunder Stallion [85] THG-11E Thug [80]
11 CRK-5003-1 Crockett [85] HGN-732 Highlander [90] Thunder Stallion [85] Supernova [90]
12 Phoenix Hawk IIC [80] Bane [100] CRK-5003-1 Crockett [85] THG-11E Thug [80]



2D6 Blood Spirit Burrock Cloud Cobra Coyote Diamond Shark Fire Mandrill
2 Avar [35] Vandal [30] Visigoth [60] Avar [35] Bashkir [20] Batu [40]
3 Vandal [30] Batu [40] Turk [50] Scytha [90] Jagatai [70] Avar [35]
4 Visigoth [60] Avar [35] Jagatai [70] Jagatai [70] Batu [40] Jagatai [70]
5 Turk [50] Turk [50] Bashkir [20] Batu [40] Turk [50] Visigoth [60]
6 Batu [40] Visigoth [60] Batu [40] Jengiz [80] Scytha [90] Bashkir [20]
7 Visigoth [60] Jagatai [70] Turk [50] Visigoth [60] Visigoth [60] Sulla [45]
8 Jengiz [80] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Visigoth [60] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60]
9 Turk [50] Turk [50] Sulla [45] Kirghiz [100] Visigoth [60] Jengiz [80]
10 Jagatai [70] Jengiz [80] Avar [35] Jengiz [80] Jengiz [80] Turk [50]
11 Kirghiz [100] Scytha [90] Jengiz [80] Turk [50] Avar [35] Kirghiz [100]
12 Sulla [45] Kirghiz [100] Vandal [30] Bashkir [20] Vandal [30] Scytha [90]

2D6 Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Nova Cat
2 Bashkir [20] Vandal [30] Jengiz [80] Scytha [90] Vandal [30] Jengiz [80]
3 Turk [50] Batu [40] Batu [40] Bashkir [20] Visigoth [60] Visigoth [60]
4 Kirghiz [100] Bashkir [20] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Bashkir [20] Jagatai [70]
5 Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Visigoth [60] Turk [50] Batu [40] Scytha [90]
6 Jengiz [80] Jagatai [70] Jengiz [80] Jagatai [70] Scytha [90] Sulla [45]
7 Visigoth [60] Avar [35] Sulla [45] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Batu [40]
8 Sulla [45] Turk [50] Turk [50] Avar [35] Jagatai [70] Visigoth [60]
9 Visigoth [60] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Batu [40] Scytha [90] Turk [50]
10 Turk [50] Jengiz [80] Jagatai [70] Visigoth [60] Jagatai [70] Scytha [90]
11 Jengiz [80] Visigoth [60] Avar [35] Turk [50] Kirghiz [100] Batu [40]
12 Kirghiz [100] Kirghiz [100] Scytha [90] Jengiz [80] Jengiz [80] Kirghiz [100]

2D6 Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder Steel Viper Wolf
2 Kirghiz [100] Avar [35] Vandal [30] Scytha [90] Visigoth [60]
3 Jagatai [70] Turk [50] Bashkir [20] Jengiz [80] Avar [35]
4 Xerxes [85] Avar [35] Sulla [45] Sulla [45] Batu [40]
5 Turk [50] Bashkir [20] Avar [35] Batu [40] Scytha [90]
6 Sulla [45] Jengiz [80] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Visigoth [60]
7 Jagatai [70] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Batu [40] Jagatai [70]
8 Batu [40] Batu [40] Jengiz [80] Sulla [45] Jengiz [80]
9 Sabutai [75] Bashkir [20] Sulla [45] Visigoth [60] Jagatai [70]
10 Xerxes [85] Visigoth [60] Turk [50] Batu [40] Kirghiz [100]
11 Visigoth [60] Jagatai [70] Scytha [90] Jagatai [70] Bashkir [20]
12 Jengiz [80] Jengiz [80] Jagatai [70] Avar [35] Vandal [30]

2D6 Clan (Any)

2 Donar [21]V
3 Shamash [11]H
4 Mithras [25]T
5 Oro [60] T

6 Ku [50]T
7 Athena [75]T
8 Ares [40]T
9 Ishtar [65]W
10 Hachiman [50]T
11 Svantovit [35]H
12 Mars [100]T
Key: HHover TTracked VVTOL WWheeled



year 3000, the Wardens and Crusaders reached a compromise
Return to the Inner Sphere is impossible
which resulted in dispatching advance scouts in the guise of a
for us. Our heritage and our convictions
mercenary unit named Wolf’s Dragoons. Grand Council debates
are different from those we left behind.
over invasion died down until 3048, when a ComStar explorer
The greed of the five Great Houses and the
vessel jumped into Clan Space.
Council Lords is a disease that can only
The Outbound Light brought the Clans’ greatest fears to the
be burned away by the passing of decades,
fore: if ComStar could find the Kerensky Cluster, so could the
even centuries. And though the fighting may
Successor States, who might one day bring the fight to the Clans’
seem to slow, or even cease, it will erupt
front door before they were ready. Emphasizing these concerns,
again as long as there are powerful men
to covet one another’s wealth. We shall
Khan Leo Showers of Clan Smoke Jaguar once more brought the
live apart, conserving all the good of the invasion vote to the table. Out of the seventeen remaining Clans,
Star League and ridding ourselves of the sixteen—including the Coyotes—voted in favor of the proposal
bad, so that when we return, and return we on 21 November 3048. (Weary of calls for invasion, the Warden
shall, our shining moral character will be khans of Clan Goliath Scorpion made a point to cast their vote
as much our shield as our BattleMechs and by flipping a coin in the Grand Council chambers.) Only Clan
fighters. Wolf voted against. The measure passed.
—Excerpt from General Order 137 As was his Clan’s right, Khan Ulric Kerensky immediately
demanded a Trial of Refusal against the vote. The initial sixteen-
to-one odds fell to four-to-one as the Crusaders bid amongst
In isolation for more than two hundred years, the Clans of themselves for the right to uphold the vote. On Strana Mechty’s
Founder Nicholas Kerensky had split into two different political Mars Field Proving Ground, Ulric led the Wolves’ Third Battle
camps. At the core of the primary ideological divide between Cluster against Clusters from Clans Burrock, Ghost Bear, Jade
these parties lay a disagreement over interpretation of the Great Falcon, and Smoke Jaguar. Ulric split the Wolves’ forces into
Father Aleksandr Kerensky’s General Order 137, the Hidden three parts and engaged each Clan’s troops individually. The
Hope Doctrine. Third Battle Cluster’s 313th Assault Trinary caught the Gyrfalcon
One group, the self-styled Crusaders, believed Kerensky’s Guards in a trap and destroyed enough of its members that the
words meant the Clans were to one day return to the Inner Falcons were forced to decommission the Cluster and strike
Sphere in conquest, after the fires of war had burned out the it from their rolls. The Wolves paid dearly for the temporary
Successor States. Spearheaded by Clans Smoke Jaguar and victory, however, as the Burrocks blindsided the Trinary’s few
Jade Falcon, the Crusader movement believed they were meant survivors and crushed them against the Wolves’ central column
to reestablish the vaunted Star League and rekindle the spark of advance. The Jaguars and Ghost Bears also suffered high
that had led to one of the greatest periods of technological and casualties—including both of the Ghost Bears’ khans, killed
economical renaissance in all of human history. Warriors from by Ulric in single combat—but not even the Wolves’ fierce
Crusader Clans held the conviction that Kerensky gave them determination could overcome the steep odds and halt the
a mandate to save the corrupt and war-torn remnants of the Crusader resolve.
Inner Sphere from themselves and restore order. Based on an In a near-unanimous vote on 12 December 3048, Leo
obscure piece of the Founder’s writings, the Crusaders spurred Showers was voted ilKhan, a post that had remained dark since
themselves onward with the idea that the first Clan to set foot 2947. During the Grand Kurultai during which ilKhan Showers
on Terra, the birthplace of humanity, would be christened the and Jade Falcon saKhan Elias Crichell began planning Operation
ilClan—the Clan of Clans. The sitting khan of the ilClan would REVIVAL, the Crusaders asserted that only two Clans would be
then become ilKhan in perpetuity and would be able to appoint necessary to conduct an invasion of the Inner Sphere. Wardens
his or her successor. felt the assets of at least five Clans would be needed. The
The opposing party, however, called themselves Wardens. Crusaders claimed five Clans would be overkill, but at Warden
The Warden Clans interpreted the Hidden Hope not as a license insistence, the kurultai compromised on sending four Clans
for conquest but as an extension of the original SLDF’s initial to the Inner Sphere, with a fifth Clan that would act as a ready
purpose: defense and peacekeeping of the Inner Sphere. reserve to be activated as necessary.
According to them, Kerensky had meant for the Clans to stand Invasion planning established four operational corridors
watch over the beleaguered peoples of the Inner Sphere and that would cut a wedge into the coreward quadrant of the
protect them from something that would threaten the very Inner Sphere. Corridor Alpha would run through the recently
existence of humanity itself. At the head of the Warden voting formed Federated Commonwealth. Beta consisted of a portion
bloc stood Clan Wolf, Nicholas Kerensky’s chosen Clan, and their of the Federated Commonwealth and the militarily weak
staunch allies, Clan Coyote. Free Rasalhague Republic. Gamma would straddle the Free
The Crusader Clans initiated several votes favoring invasion, Rasalhague Republic and the Draconis Combine border, and
the first occurring in 2980. With the Wolves and Coyotes holding Delta would drive through the Draconis Combine. Both the Alpha
dominance in the Grand Council, each vote failed to pass. In the and Delta theaters were considered the best opportunities for



glory in combat since those Clans would protect the invasion’s When the Ravens brought the issue before the Grand Council,
flanks and would fight against the AFFC and DCMS rather than the Council voted that the Snow Ravens bidding an invasion force
Rasalhague’s less-prestigious Kungsarmé. of any appreciable size would render the Ravens’ enclaves in an
Khan Robin Steele of Clan Coyote addressed the kurultai untenable defensive position. By placing a bid, the Ravens would
and said, “Through the blood of Wolf flows the blood of the effectively make themselves targets for a Trial of Absorption.
Kerenskys,” he said. “It is only right that they participate as Thus the Snow Ravens were disqualified from participating in the
the conscience and living soul of the Clans.” Clan Wolf was Placement Trials. (The Ravens would not sit out of the invasion
unanimously granted one of the four corridors. The kurultai entirely, however. For Operation REVIVAL, they lent part of their
decided the three remaining invasion slots and the reserve Clan fleet to Clan Jade Falcon.) The Star Adders, however, took an
status would be granted to the top contenders in a series of opposite approach. Where other Clans had bid a portion of their
combat trials. As an honorary recipient of an invasion slot, Clan touman with the intent of leaving some of their strength behind
Wolf presided over the bidding and the Placement Trials. to defend their interests in the Clan Homeworlds, the Adders
For the first round of bidding, sixteen Clans retreated to their shocked the assembly when they bid their entire touman. Their
respective Clan Councils and deliberated over their bids for the bid was meant as a political statement to back up their assertions
forces they would commit to a prospective invasion corridor. Most raised during the Grand Kurultai: they believed any invasion would
Clans’ opening bids offered few surprises as to their intentions, be successful only if all seventeen Clans pooled their forces to
the exceptions being the Snow Ravens and Star Adders. The mount a combined offensive. When the other Clans rebuffed the
Ravens had recently suffered heavy materiel losses at the hands Adders’ offer of cooperation, Adder Khan Cassius N’Buta publicly
of Clan Coyote, which put a drastic strain on their resources. announced his Clan would take no further part in the bidding.



Notable developments in the second round included Jaguars were happy to claim Delta corridor, where they would
actions by Clans Cloud Cobra, Blood Spirit, and Diamond face the Great House that had aided the Usurper; the Steel
Shark. The Cloud Cobra Clan Council had met in the interim Vipers then accepted reserve Clan status.
and witnessed several bitter Trials of Grievance between their The Nova Cats, having felt cheated at taking fifth place after
warriors over the Clan’s future. To the outrage of several pro- a commendable showing in the trials, challenged the Grand
Crusader Cloisters, Khan Din Steiner decided that invasion Council to a Trial of Refusal and won the right to be a second
was not in the best interest of the Way and thus withdrew the reserve Clan. Seeing how well this approach worked for the Nova
Cobras from of the bidding so that his Clan might better focus Cats, the Diamond Sharks also declared and won their own Trial
on their direction. of Refusal to earn their rightful place as the third reserve Clan.
The Blood Spirits’ second-round bid proved laughably On 21 February 3049, the premier Clusters from the four
conservative to their opponents. This new bid matched the primary Clans left Clan Space for advance operations in the
lowest bid from the first round rather than trying to best it. The Periphery. Four months later, the rest of the Jade Falcon,
Diamond Sharks’ bid, however, pushed the competition to a Smoke Jaguar, Ghost Bear, and Steel Viper fleets departed for
surprising low until the Smoke Jaguars bested it by dropping the Inner Sphere with the hopes of Kerensky’s vision riding on
from eleven Galaxies to a mere three. Both the Sharks and their shoulders.
Jaguars’ drastic bids forced the remaining Clans to rethink their Not every Clan was pleased with the Placement Trials’
bids for the final round. outcome, however. The Blood Spirits, claiming their loss
The third round ended with thirteen Clans bidding right at confirmed their belief that the time for invasion wasn’t right,
the established cutdown. The Wolves then established a series retreated to their enclaves and resumed their isolation. The Fire
of combat trials to determine who would win the top honors. Mandrills, having lost two khans to Kindraa partisanship during
Combatants were limited to three Trinaries of troops in order the trials, limped away from Strana Mechty with the knowledge
to limit bloodshed and preserve the invasion’s forces; once that their divisiveness along Kindraa lines had cost their Clan
the participating Trinaries were established, they could not dearly. The Star Adders were disappointed that their fellow Clans
be altered. Since these trials would involve an odd number of disagreed with their vision of inter-Clan cooperation, so they
competitors, Star Adder Khan Cassius N’Buta offered up his began quietly amassing materiel, as they believed eventually
troops to fight as a proxy and thus allow his Clan the honor of their military might would be necessary in the future.
“removing the unworthy” from the running. This would ensure Not until after the invasion force left for the Inner Sphere did
no Clan would get a bye that others could construe as a free win. the most disgruntled of the losing Clans make their displeasure
The ilKhan rejected the measure, but the Adders won a short known. In late May 3050, after more than a year of planning
Trial of Refusal for the honor. and coordination, Clusters from Clan Ice Hellion struck several
The Placement Trials themselves were broadcast live to every different planets at once. Hellion Khan Stephen Tyler, rankled at
Clan enclave. All across Clan Space, spectators from the warrior having been denied the chance to reach for the alleged paradise
and civilian castes alike cheered their Clan’s forces along. The and untold riches of the Inner Sphere, decided his Clan would
Ghost Bears, Smoke Jaguars, and Jade Falcons quickly emerged instead take what they deserved from Clan Space.
as frontrunners in the competition. The Burrocks, Hell’s Horses, The Hellions hit a Snow Raven research outpost on Marshall;
and Fire Mandrills all suffered shattered aspirations when they Coyote and Smoke Jaguar bases on Londerholm; Hell’s Horses
were all eliminated in the second round of combat. mining complexes on Hoard; a Cloud Cobra aerofighter factory
After an energizing first-round win against their bitter rival on Homer; and several Kindraa enclaves on Foster. Most of these
Clan Burrock, the Blood Spirits ultimately lost to the Nova raids caught the targets unawares and resulted in the Hellions
Cats in the third round. Other third-round casualties included gaining a significant amount of territory, raw resources, and
Clans Coyote, Fire Mandrill, and Goliath Scorpion. (The Goliath materiel. Only on Londerholm, where the Coyotes and Jaguars
Scorpions’ hopes of seeing the Inner Sphere did not end here, set aside their political differences for a joint counterattack, did
however, as saKhan Ren Posavatz won a Trial of Possession for the the Hellions suffer their worst defeat.
right for a Star of Scorpions to accompany Steel Viper invasion The success of the Hellions’ Fury campaign—or the Hellions’
forces. Unfortunately, Posavatz and his Star disappeared during Tantrum, as other Clans dubbed it—cost them their senior
the fighting on Tukayyid in 3052.) leadership and their reputation among their fellow Clans.
In the final rounds, six Clans faced off for the top four Shortly after the campaign’s conclusion, Khan Tyler was killed in
places. The Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks found themselves a bandit caste raid on Londerholm, and saKhan Danielle Lienet
eliminated first, making them ineligible for any of the available was also grievously injured in the attack and had to step down.
honors. The Ghost Bears bested the Steel Vipers to secure one In early November, news arrived in the Clan Space that
of the coveted invasion theaters but lost out on the two most- ilKhan Leo Showers had been killed on 31 October 3050 during
prestigious slots and had to settle for the Gamma corridor. In the attack on the Free Rasalhague Republic world of Radstadt.
the final battle of the Placement Trials, the Jade Falcons’ Third The Homeworlds fell silent in shock over their slain warlord, and
Falcon Talon narrowly defeated the Smoke Jaguars’ Sixth Jaguar the leadership of the invading Clans returned home to elect a
Dragoons to take the ultimate prize of the Alpha corridor. The new ilKhan and determine the future of Operation REVIVAL.



Clan Faction Invasion Vote 1st Round Bid 2nd Round Bid 3rd Round Bid
Blood Spirit Crusader Aff 9 Galaxies 7 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Burrock Crusader Aff 9 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Cloud Cobra Warden Aff 7 Galaxies withdrew —
Coyote Warden Aff 9 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Diamond Shark Crusader Aff 7 Galaxies 4 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Fire Mandrill Crusader Aff 7 Kindraa 5 Kindraa 3 Kindraa
Ghost Bear Crusader Aff 12 Galaxies 6 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Goliath Scorpion Warden Aff (coin toss) 7 Galaxies 6 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Hell’s Horses Crusader Aff 9 Galaxies 6 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Ice Hellion Crusader Aff 7 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Jade Falcon Crusader Aff 10 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Nova Cat Crusader Aff 9 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Smoke Jaguar Crusader Aff 11 Galaxies 3 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Snow Raven Warden Aff Did not qualify — —
Star Adder Crusader Aff Entire touman — —
Steel Viper Warden (nominal) Aff 9 Galaxies 5 Galaxies 3 Galaxies
Wolf Warden Neg Did not compete — —


Clan 1st Opponent Outcome 2nd Opponent Outcome 3rd Opponent
Blood Spirit Burrock* Win Jade Falcon Loss Nova Cat
Burrock Blood Spirit* Loss Steel Viper Loss —
Coyote Fire Mandrill* Win Smoke Jaguar Loss Steel Viper
Diamond Shark Star Adder (proxy) Loss Hell’s Horses Win Goliath Scorpion
Fire Mandrill Coyote* Loss Ice Hellion Win Star Adder (proxy)
Ghost Bear Hell’s Horses* Win Goliath Scorpion Win N/A
Goliath Scorpion Ice Hellion* Win Ghost Bear Loss Diamond Shark
Hell’s Horses Ghost Bear* Loss Diamond Shark Loss —
Ice Hellion Goliath Scorpion* Loss Fire Mandrill Loss —
Jade Falcon Steel Viper* Win Blood Spirit Win N/A
Nova Cat Smoke Jaguar* Loss Star Adder (proxy) Win Blood Spirit
Smoke Jaguar Nova Cat* Win Coyote Win N/A
Steel Viper Jade Falcon* Loss Burrock Win Coyote
Star Adder (proxy) Diamond Shark Win Nova Cat Loss Fire Mandrill
*Denotes a bitter rivalry


Clan 1st Opponent Outcome 2nd Opponent Outcome Standing Record Awarded by Grand Council
Diamond Shark Steel Viper Eliminated — — 6th 2-2 Reserve (via Trial of Refusal)
Ghost Bear Smoke Jaguar Loss Steel Viper Win 3rd 3-1 Gamma corridor (FRR/DC)
Jade Falcon Nova Cat Win Smoke Jaguar Win 1st 4-0 Alpha corridor (FedCom)
Nova Cat Jade Falcon Eliminated — — 5th 2-2 Reserve (via Trial of Refusal)
Smoke Jaguar Ghost Bear Win Jade Falcon Loss 2nd 3-1 Delta corridor (DC)
Steel Viper Diamond Shark Win Ghost Bear Eliminated 4th 3-2 Reserve


TACTICAL GUIDE...........................
The elite warriors of the Blood Spirit The Wardens of Clan Coyote are
touman employ a brilliant defensive aggressive warriors, which lends to a
strategy borne of their determination to steady assault tempered by caution.
protect their holdings. Due to their limited Coyote tendency toward heavy and assault
resources compared to other Clans, they OmniMechs often gives them an offensive
favor the use of cheaper BattleMech advantage, but their pragmatic approach
technology over OmniMechs. While this leads them to only declare batchalls for trials they believe they
might be seen to limit their tactical options, the Spirits use this can win without too much difficulty while still preserving their
preconception to their advantage. Their biggest weakness, honor. As the first to embrace the concept of the Honor Road
however, is an overreliance on a strict chain of command and during KLONDIKE, Coyote warriors will adhere to the tenets of
a lack of individual initiative: in the event of a high ranking zellbrigen in almost every circumstance except when it is wise to
warrior’s death on the battlefield, subordinates often falter and fight without these constraints.
hesitate without orders from their superior. Notable Personalities: Khan Robin Steele, saKhan Pazi
Notable Personalities: Khan Karianna Schmitt, saKhan Tchernovkov
Daryl Keller
BURROCK As Clan Diamond Shark’s merchants
Ever since the battles of Operation are always keeping an eye on market
KLONDIKE, Clan Burrock’s touman has fluctuations, the Clan’s warriors likewise
been difficult for outsiders to pin down. place a good deal of emphasis on military
During KLONDIKE, they employed slow intelligence. This leads to sharp bidding
and methodical tactics that produced practices that often leave an opponent off-
exceptional results, but afterwards, they guard and ensure a Diamond Shark victory.
shifted into a more mobile style of combat that revolved around The Sharks search for any weakness in their
hit-and-fade strikes. Once the their peers grew accustomed enemies and exploit it in any way they can, often treating
to this style, the Burrocks shifted their tactics once again. In zellbrigen as a recommendation rather than a requirement. As
addition to keeping other Clans on their toes, the Burrocks’ such, they espouse no reluctance to attack supply caches or use
protean tactics have made them some of the best bandit hunters aerospace bombing runs against hardened defenses because
in all of Clan Space. Modern Burrock combat philosophy seems they consider these targets of opportunity as having been
to embrace electronic warfare combined with mobile, heavy- included in the defenders’ bid.
hitting firepower, but time will only tell how long this will last. Notable Personalities: Khan Ian Hawker, saKhan Kaija Horn,
Notable Personalities: Khan Jocelyn Siddiq, saKhan Orrel Star Colonel Angus Labov
CLOUD COBRA As a fragmented and often schizophrenic
Due to unfortunate losses in KLONDIKE Clan, the battlefield ideologies of Clan
and their first saKhan being one of the Fire Mandrill vary greatly between each
Clans’ naval commanders, Clan Cloud Kindraa. Kindraa Sainze, for example, places
Cobra evolved into a small, aerospace- great importance on honorable combat,
heavy Clan with few ground forces. While whereas Kindraa Payne emphasizes ’Mech
embracing honorable combat when they combat to the near-complete exclusion of every other branch
can, their warriors most often fight to preserve the Way rather of its military. The Faraday-Tanagas like to confuse enemies
than fighting for personal glory. This method involves the usage with their battlefield movements, the Mattila-Carrols favor
of aerospace fighters and even artillery when the situation headhunting missions, and the Beyl-Grants prefer aerospace
warrants, but does not allow them to easily take and hold assaults. Regardless of Kindraa affiliation, Fire Mandrill warriors
territory. Unlike most Clans, the Cobras keep on hand a ready all fight with unbridled passion and incredible skill.
reserve of warriors that can immediately take the place of an Notable Personalities: Khan Eudora Payne, saKhan Naresh
active-duty warrior who is wounded or killed in battle. Sainze, Star Captain Garret Sainze
Notable Personalities: Khan Din Steiner, saKhan Leighton


TACTICAL GUIDE...........................
For outsiders to call the Ghost Bears Clan Ice Hellion units believe in the raw
ponderous would be an understatement. power of speed and hit-and-fade maneuvers.
Never one for rash action, Ghost Bear Since Hellions generally eschew heavier
warriors study a situation before ’Mechs, they are always on the move, often
determining their course of action. Once circling around opposing units and cutting
that decision is made, however, the sleeping them off from the rest of their advance in
bear awakens and attacks its targets with order to isolate and destroy them. They also
unrelenting ferocity, heavy-hitting firepower, and fast strikes. embrace the mentality of their Clan totem
The Ghost Bears place a great deal of respect in their Elementals, by following a strange doctrine of “pack zellbrigen,” wherein a
often pairing them with fast-moving OmniMechs such as Fire single light or medium Star will simultaneously duel the same
Moths or Vipers in order to deploy them as far forward into heavier ’Mech until it is weakened, and then the Star’s members
the battle as quickly as possible. These Elementals are usually will bid amongst themselves for the right to make the kill.
supported by heavier ’Mechs that make their steady, inexorable Notable Personalities: Khan Stephen Tyler, saKhan
advance towards the enemy. Danielle Lienet
Notable Personalities: Khan Nornian Tseng (KIA), saKhan
Ursula Jorgensson (KIA), Khan Karl Bourjon, saKhan Theresa JADE FALCON
DelVillar The most conservative of the Crusader
Clans, Clan Jade Falcon prides itself on
GOLIATH SCORPION upholding Clan traditions and battlefield
Like their Clan’s namesake, Goliath philosophies. They believe the manner in
Scorpions prefer to inflict damage at a which a battle is fought is just as important
critical place in an enemy formation with as its outcome. As such, Jade Falcons will
a lightning-fast strike. Rather than brutal honor zellbrigen in all but the most extreme
frontal assaults or unfocused missile cases. On the battlefield, Falcon warriors lean toward a style that
barrages, they respect and value the finesse employs mobile yet aggressive firepower. Like their Clan totem,
of the “perfect shot.” Scorpion warriors also Jade Falcons will swoop into battle and strike with a tenacity
embrace the principles of combined-arms few Clans can match. Falcon MechWarriors are also adept at the
tactics, often by using “pincer” units to pin down opponents or Roshak Maneuver, where a lighter ’Mech will constantly circle a
distract them from the swiftly approaching “stinger.” heavier ’Mech while keeping their opponent in their sights.
Notable Personalities: Khan Nikolai Djerassi, saKhan Ren Notable Personalities: Former Khan Yvonne Hazen,
Posavatz Khan Elias Crichell, saKhan Timur Malthus, Galaxy Commander
Mar Helmer
Since the Hell’s Horses believe the warrior NOVA CAT
is far more important than his or her service Regarding unit organization, battlefield
branch, their Clan places far more emphasis honor, and many other Clan military
on conventional forces than any other Clan. doctrines, Clan Nova Cat remains almost
Due to this philosophy, it is common to as traditional as the Jade Falcons. One idea
see armor or conventional infantry even in that sets them markedly apart, however,
the Horses’ frontline units. As the progenitors of the Elemental is the concept of battlefield adaptability.
phenotype, the Horses expertly deploy more concentrations of When confronted by opponents who use
battle armor than other Clans, often incorporating them into unexpected strategy, Nova Cat warriors will
Novas and other mixed-unit formations wherever possible. change their approach and conduct the battle using the best
Notable Personalities: Khan Malavai Fletcher, saKhan Tanya counteraction method. Nova Cats also excel at low-altitude
DeLaurel, Star Colonel James Cobb combat insertion and remain the only Clan capable of firing
upon ground targets during their descent from a DropShip.
Notable Personalities: Khan Severen Leroux, saKhan
Lucian Carns


TACTICAL GUIDE...........................
SMOKE JAGUAR screens and thus never reaching the battlefield. Dirtside, nearly
One word typifies the Smoke Jaguar every Snow Raven Cluster relies on close air support and aerial
warrior’s fighting style: brutality. In combat, reconnaissance in order to prevail.
Smoke Jaguars throw themselves into the fray Notable Personalities: Khan Lynn McKenna, saKhan Joseph
in order to inflict the most savage punishment Crow
upon all opponents. The Strana Mechty smoke
jaguar grabs prey by the throat and clamps STAR ADDER
down until the prey is dead; likewise the Smoke While most Clans relax the standards of
Jaguar warrior will find the nearest enemy— zellbrigen when engaging dezgra units or
regardless of weight class—and harry it until bandit castemen, the warriors of Clan Star
it goes down. Then she will move right on to Adder uphold the strictures of honorable
the next target. Despite how visceral their tactics may be, Smoke combat, regardless of their opponent.
Jaguars still prosecute each duel with honor and respect. Only in the face of overwhelming odds
Notable Personalities: Khan Lincoln Osis, saKhan Sarah will the Adders forego zellbrigen. As a
Weaver pragmatic people, Star Adder warriors lean towards a well-
thought overall strategy rather than reckless battlefield tactics
SNOW RAVEN that could endanger a trial’s outcome. Because of this, Adders
Although Clan Snow Raven possesses tend to only be as aggressive in combat as their current
one of the smallest ground-based toumans strategy dictates.
among the Clans, its aerospace and naval Notable Personalities: Khan Cassius N’Buta, saKhan
assets more than make up for the deficit. Tabitha Paik
The Ravens’ lack of ground strength prompts
them to eschew granting safcon to attacking STEEL VIPER
units, which results in many opposing The Steel Vipers will generally use
DropShips falling prey to aerospace fighter zellbrigen against most foes but will
abandon it when facing dezgra units
or bitter rivals. In other respects,
they follow a practical approach
and—despite their partially accurate
classification as a Warden Clan—can
oftentimes match the battlefield
fanaticism of most Crusader Clans.
A common Steel Viper tactic is the Viper’s Maw: two
different OmniMech units—“fangs”—will hit the enemy
line in different places and drop Elementals, and a
second group, the “maw,” moves in to trap the confused
Notable Personalities: Khan Natalie Breen, saKhan
Perigard Zalman

Before any Clan Wolf warrior
sets foot on the battlefield, one
can be certain his commanding
officer has prepared for this battle
with military intelligence, a clear plan, and a strategic bid
designed to maximize his unit’s combat effectiveness. In
effect, Clan Wolf strives to “win” the trial before a single
shot is even fired. Once on the battlefield, however, Wolf
forces espouse among the most adaptable and flexible
battlefield philosophies of the Clans. Other Clans may
view the Wolves’ relaxation of various Clan traditions
as a dishonor to the Founder’s memory, but Clan Wolf’s
victories speak for themselves.
Notable Personalities: Khan Ulric Kerensky, saKhan
Garth Radick



This section lists the combat units employed during the THIRTY-EIGHTH ASSAULT CLUSTER
Placement Trials for Operation REVIVAL. The Experience Level CO: saKhan Pazi Tchernovkov
indicates which column to roll on the Random Skills Table (see p. Average Experience: Veteran
273, TW) to determine each unit’s skills. Unit Abilities are special Unit Abilities: The Thirty-eighth fields
game rules that apply to that unit in combat. Keep in mind only OmniMechs and may not deploy any
these rules are optional, and all players should agree to their light ’Mechs. One Star per track may use the
use before gameplay begins. The Notes section gives in-universe Brawlers special ability (see p. 193, TO).
details on the unit to help give players a “feel” for the command Notes: The Faithful embraces a hard-
during the Placement Trials. hitting, frontal approach. Under normal
circumstances, Star Colonel Maisie Nash
RED GUARDS leads this Alpha Galaxy Cluster, but saKhan Tchernovkov
CO: Star Colonel Lorraine Keller assumed temporary command for the Placement Trials. He
Average Experience: Elite seeks to lead his Clan to victory and thus prove they deserve
Unit Abilities: Designate one unit to fight alongside Clan Coyote’s longtime Clan Wolf allies in
in each deployed Star as that Star’s Operation REVIVAL.
commander; for the entire deployed
force, designate one unit as the overall TWENTY-FIRST ASSAULT CLUSTER
force commander (Star Captain or higher CO: Star Colonel Angus Labov
rank). A Star’s units gain a +1 bonus to Average Experience: Elite
their To-Hit rolls until their corresponding Unit Abilities: At least one-third of
Star Commander unit is crippled or the Twenty-first’s available force must
destroyed. If the force commander’s unit is destroyed or consist of aerospace fighters; no bombs
crippled, however, all remaining units suffer a –1 Initiative may be mounted, as they are seen as a
modifier and command disruption for the remainder of the breach of zellbrigen for the Placement
track: roll 1D6 for each Star at the beginning of each turn, and Trials. Due to the Twenty-first’s logistical
on a 5 or 6, that Star may only expend Walking/Cruising/Safe connections, the cost for rearming units
Thrust during the Movement Phase. between tracks is waived.
Notes: The Red Guards are the pride of Clan Blood Spirit’s Notes: Formerly known as Nagasawa’s
Alpha Galaxy. Although in recent years they have mostly Foxes before the Clan changed its name in 2985, Nagasawa’s
undertaken defensive campaigns, the Guards’ retaliation against Sharks can trace its roots back to the leadership of Sea Fox
Burrock enclaves overrides any doubts that they have lost their founder Karen Nagasawa. The unit’s close ties with the Clan’s
offensive edge. Recent trials have Khan Schmitt worrying that merchant caste means the Cluster always has more than ample
the Cluster places an overreliance on its command structure, so supplies on hand.
she has recommended the Red Guard warriors start showing
more personal initiative in combat. PROVISIONAL ASSAULT CLUSTER
COs: Kindraa Leaders Khan Eudora Payne, saKhan Naresh
206TH HUSSAR CLUSTER Sainze, and Loremaster Ethan Faraday
CO: Star Colonel Jorrik Van Houten Average Experience: Veteran (Beyl-Grant units), Elite (all
Average Experience: Veteran other units)
Unit Abilities: The 206th may only Unit Abilities: To reflect the lack of
field light or medium ’Mechs (of any cooperation, at the beginning of each turn,
speed) or heavy ’Mechs with at least 5 roll 2D6: on 9+, one random Star may only
Walking MPs. Due to their skill at keeping expend Walking MP. Due to inter-Kindraa
their opponents off-balance, on any turn trials occurring between each Placement
that the 206th wins Initiative, they may Trial round, at the beginning of each track,
choose to move and fire one unit during assign 1D6 damage to each unit (re-roll
the Movement Phase, before any other damage that would cripple or destroy the unit). Upon force
units move. creation, designate the Kindraa affiliation of each Star in the
Notes: Hailing from Clan Burrock’s Beta Galaxy, the 206th force (see Notes below). Each Kindraa conveys the following
Hussars revel at maneuvering around to an opponent’s exposed abilities. Payne units excel at attacking Elementals and ignore
flank whenever possible. The Cluster often hones its aggressive the +1 penalty for firing on battle armor. Sainze light and
skills with regular raiding on the Blood Spirit enclaves of York medium units may use Off-Map Movement (see p. 192 TO).
and Arcadia. Faraday-Tanaga units may, once per track, re-roll one failed To-
Hit roll. Mattila-Carrol units gain a +1 bonus for To-Hit rolls when
making weapon attacks against enemy commanding units (Star
Commander rank or above). Beyl-Grant units receive a +1 bonus
for To-Hit rolls when attacking aerospace units and may only
load LB-X autocannon with cluster rounds.



Notes: The Provisional Assault Cluster is an ad hoc Fire places it at odds with Galaxy Commander Nobel DeLaurel,
Mandrill unit consisting of representatives from five different the Eleventh’s tenacious combat record speaks for itself, and
Kindraa. The roster comprises the following: First Battle Payne (2 DeLaurel personally nominated the unit to represent the Clan in
Stars); Third Sainze Honor Guard Battle Cluster (2 Stars); Faraday- the Placement Trials.
Tanaga’s First Battle Cluster (2 Stars); Mattila-Carrol’s Sixty-first
Firestorm (2 Stars); and Beyl-Grant’s Forty-second Battle Cluster SEVENTH ATTACK CLUSTER
(1 Star). While nominally under command of Khan Payne, both CO: Khan Stephen Tyler
the saKhan and Loremaster appear to have near-equal weight in Average Experience: Elite
the leadership of this disparate collection of forces. Unit Abilities: As a fast assault unit, the
Seventh may only field light- and medium-
THIRD BEAR GUARDS class ’Mechs. The Seventh receives +1 on all
CO: Star Colonel Hunter Tseng Initiative rolls.
Average Experience: Elite Notes: As an ardent Crusader unwilling
Unit Abilities: For the duration of the to let the fate of his Clan rest in another’s
track, the enemy force suffers a –1 Initiative hands during the Placement Trials, Khan
modifier and loses any terrain-based special Stephen Tyler chose to lead the Seventh
unit abilities. into battle himself. During Tyler’s tenure as Khan, the Seventh
Notes: When Nicholas Kerensky visited has racked up some impressive and swift victories, and its
Ghost Bear territory, the Third Bear Guards warriors champing at the bit to repeat these exploits in the Inner
acted as his honor guard. The combat record Sphere.
of the ilKhan’s Shield is honorable and untarnished, leading
other Clans to fear and respect the Third as one of the most elite THIRD FALCON TALON CLUSTER
Clusters in the Clans. The Third’s 219th Assault Trinary has been CO: Galaxy Commander Mar Helmer
noted for besting enemy formations nearly twice its size. Average Experience: Elite
Unit Abilities: Halve the penalties
FIRST CATERAN CLUSTER (rounding up) when fighting in adverse
CO: Star Colonel Gunnar Myers or nighttime conditions. When randomly
Average Experience: Elite determining units, if a rolled unit does not
Unit Abilities: As a special forces unit, possess Jumping MP, the unit may be re-rolled; keep the second
the First Cateran is adept at maneuvering roll.
through difficult terrain to get where they Notes: With saKhan Timur Malthus’s blessing, ristar Galaxy
need to be. For ’Mechs, reduce the total Commander Helmer took direct command of the Third Falcon
MP cost to enter a hex by 1 (to a minimum Talon Cluster for the Placement Trials, winning a Trial of Refusal
of 1 MP). For swarm and leg attacks, First called by current leader Star Colonel Gran Newclay. Under
Cateran Elementals reduce their To-Hit Newclay’s administration, the Third Talon earned a reputation
modifier by 1. for “falling out of the sky” in order to swiftly strike its targets.
Notes: One of the few Placements Against unwary bandits, dezgra units, bitter enemies, the Jade
Trials combatants to be selected from a Clan’s Beta Galaxy, the Claymores enjoy conducting death from above attacks.
Heartvenom Cluster is the Goliath Scorpions’ special forces unit.
As the unit responsible for training the Wolf’s Dragoons before FIRST NOVA CAT GUARDS
they departed Clan Space, the First Cateran values finesse and CO: Star Colonel Kothinur Gritas
precision over brute strength. Average Experience: Elite
Unit Abilities: The First
ELEVENTH MECHANIZED CAVALRY Nova Cat Guards receive a –1
CO: Star Colonel James Cobb To-Hit modifier whenever making an aimed
Average Experience: Elite shot; this modifier is cumulative with a
Unit Abilities: The Eleventh favors a Targeting Computer, both for making
combined-arms approach. OmniMechs, aimed shots or when using the Targeting Computer to attack a
Elementals, and combat vehicles each specific location.
comprise one-third of the player’s pool Notes: One of the first Nova Cat units to form in the wake of
of total force. Units from the Eleventh are Operation KLONDIKE, the Hand of Fate prides itself on elevating
skilled at anticipating enemy movement marksmanship to entirely new heights. Its MechWarriors are
and thus receive a –1 to a target’s movement modifier when capable of striking any part of an enemy ’Mech seemingly
making weapon attacks. without thought. Some warriors claim the perfect shots came
Notes: Despite the Crusader leadership helming the as a result of a dream or a revelation they had during their Rite
Hell’s Horses, the Blackhorse Cluster of Alpha Galaxy strongly of the Vision. Regardless of the veracity of these claims, the
embraces Warden leanings. While the unit’s politics often reputation of the First Guards stands firm.



CO: Khan Lincoln Osis
Average Experience: Elite
Unit Abilities: When acting as the
Attacker/Hunter, the Sixth receives the Force
the Initiative and Overrun Combat special
abilities (see pg. 192–193, TO).
Notes: The Wolf Slayers, renowned
for winning schematics for the Dire Wolf
OmniMech from Clan Wolf, are capable of
leveraging their considerable firepower both
at range and in short-range brawls. Lincoln
Osis, who won the senior khanship after Leo
Showers was elected ilKhan, opted to command his former unit
during the Placement Trials, which gave the Cluster’s morale a
much-needed shot in the arm.


CO: Star Colonel Imelda Talasko
Average Experience: Veteran
Unit Abilities: Because the Fifth is a
proxy force for the Placement Trials, it does
not adhere to the restrictions that other
Clans follow and cannot claim warchest
rewards for winning a track. All units
are considered automatically repaired
and rearmed between tracks, and each
MechWarrior heals one point of pilot damage.
Notes: Since the Star Adder khans chose to bow out of the
bidding, the Fifth Assault Cluster acted as a proxy force to keep
the competition fair and honorable. Though not fighting for
an invasion corridor, Star Colonel Talasko is determined to win
every trial in which the Fifth participates, in order to ensure only
the best forces the Clans have to offer will move forward in the


CO: Khan Natalie Breen
Average Experience: Elite
Unit Abilities: When creating forces for
the Fourth Viper Guards, at least one Star in
each Trinary must be an Elemental Star.
Notes: Though the Deadly Venom
leans more towards a Crusader mindset
than standard Steel Viper doctrine, Khan
Natalie Breen believed she needed to fight
fire with fire in order to overcome the fanaticism of the average
Crusader Clan’s aggressive tendencies. For her Clan’s unique
vision to succeed and pave the way for the future, the Vipers
needed to secure a spot in the invasion. To ensure their victory,
Breen took command of the Fourth in the Placement Trials and
let loose their Crusader fury.



This section lists the combat units employed during Clan GYRFALCON GUARDS
Wolf’s Trial of Refusal. CO: Star Colonel Gina Buhallin
Average Experience: Elite
FIFTEENTH RAPIER CLUSTER Unit Abilities: Gyrfalcon Guards units
CO: Star Colonel Torrance Marghar receive a +1 on their To-Hit rolls for energy
Average Experience: Veteran weapons. When rolling Hit Locations, the
Unit Abilities: A maximum of one- player may choose to add or subtract 1
fourth of the Fifteenth’s units may be heavy from the roll to get a different location. This may not be used to
’Mechs; no assault ’Mechs may be fielded. change the hit location to the Head or the Center Torso.
The Fifteenth may use the Brawlers special Notes: As the flagship Cluster of Gyrfalcon Galaxy, the
ability (see p. 193, TO). Gyrfalcon Guards were the natural choice for Khan Yvonne
Notes: From Clan Burrock’s Beta Galaxy, Hazen to include in the Grand Council’s bids for the Wolves’
the Fighting Gurkhas embody their Clan Refusal. Crusader to the core, the Cluster espouses a propensity
totem by finding their way through even the most rock-hard toward brutal but precise violence. Star Colonel Buhallin utilizes
defenses. Unlike many light, mobile units, the Fifteenth Rapier the Guards as a scalpel rather than a sledgehammer.
does not rely on hit-and-run tactics as most might expect. They
move in, strike, and surprise the enemy by either staying at FOURTH JAGUAR DRAGOONS
the enemy line or pushing through entirely rather than falling CO: Star Colonel Aaron Showers
back to regroup when the pressure turns up. Many Clan forces Average Experience: Elite
have written off the unit as not being a credible threat, but Unit Abilities: When making weapons
the Fifteenth has proven time and again that anything poked attacks against a unit from a lighter weight
enough times by a swordpoint will still bleed out. class, a Fourth Dragoons unit gains a +1
bonus to its To-Hit rolls.
FIRST BEAR GUARDS Notes: The Fourth Jaguar Dragoons
COs: Khan Nornian Tseng and saKhan of Delta Galaxy are fond of dueling lighter
Ursula Jorgensson units, a practice which some outside the
Average Experience: Elite Clan view as dishonorable. However, Star Colonel Showers takes
Unit Abilities: The First Bear Guards gain issue with those who decry his tactics. “A MechWarrior is under
+1 to all Initiative rolls, and the commander no obligation to accept a duel with a larger opponent,” he is fond
of each Star may choose any OmniMech of saying. “A warrior who chooses to show off against a heavier
in any configuration without needing to ’Mech will gain great glory if he wins, but if he loses he has only
randomly roll. himself to blame.”
Notes: As the Clan’s first unit, the First Bear Guards of Alpha
Galaxy rank among the best-equipped and adaptive Clusters of THIRD BATTLE CLUSTER
the Ghost Bear touman. The Rage is known for using OmniMechs, CO: Khan Ulric Kerensky
Elementals, and aerospace fighters in seamless, combined-arms Average Experience: Elite
tactics. Normally commanded by Star Colonel Justin Gurdel, the Unit Abilities: As long as the Third
Ghost Bear khans chose to humiliate Ulric Kerenksy themselves. Battle Cluster is outnumbered, they
The Cluster’s Great Work is a giant marble cenotaph at the gain the following: a +1 Initiative bonus; the Brawlers special
Ghost Bear’s Arcadia enclave. Each time the Cluster wins a trial, ability (see p. 193, TO); MechWarriors may reroll their first failed
the participants carve a scene from the battle and etch their Consciousness Roll in a track, keeping the second result.
names below it. Over the years, the pillar ran out of room; each Notes: Beta Galaxy’s Silver Devils perform admirably under
time this occurs, another blank pillar is added to the monument’s pressure. Even against seemingly insurmountable odds, the
height. warriors of the Third Battle Cluster conduct themselves with an
unnaturally calm detachment. Warriors that show any hint of
restraint, cowardice, or timidity under fire are quickly assigned
to lesser Clusters. For this reason, Ulric Kerensky chose to lead
the Third against the Grand Council’s forces in his Trial of Refusal
over the invasion vote.



This section lists the combat units employed during the again by creating seemingly impenetrable defenses. The Cluster
Hellions’ Fury campaign. employs a Binary of conventional troops to secure territory and
distract the enemy’s attention away from the true threat.
Average Experience: Veteran CO: Star Colonel Porthos Houan
Unit Abilities: Units from the 254th will Average Experience: Green
always operate under Forced Withdrawal rules Unit Abilities: A unit designated as a Star
(see p. 258, TW), even if a track’s special rules Captain (or higher) possesses Regular skills
do not require it (although the 254th will and may roll on the OmniMech RAT rather
ignore this requirement if a track expressly than the Second-line RAT for their unit. The
forbids withdrawal). Each crippled unit that Fifty-third also gains a +2 bonus when making
leaves the battlefield under Forced Withdrawal Piloting/Driving Skill checks to see if a unit is Bogged Down (see p.
conditions confers an additional +1 Initiative 62–63, TO) or to escape from being stuck in such terrain.
bonus that is cumulative with all other Initiative bonuses. Notes: The Fifty-third BattleMech Cluster of Theta Galaxy is a
Notes: Of all the Cloud Cobra units stationed on Homer, the training Cluster intended to give fresh sibko graduates experience.
Ivory Guard of Gamma Galaxy sees combat most often due to Star Mediocre warriors eventually move on to second-line units, but
Colonel Telinov’s shrewd bidding practices. She walks a fine line exceptional warriors are often reassigned to fill billets in frontline
between the number of units deemed necessary to win a trial and Clusters. The SweepForce practices several uncommon maneuvers,
ensuring the Cobras’ already small touman does not unnecessarily including how to respond to a combat drop, the best way to handle
shrink further. This sentiment has filtered throughout the Cluster: bandit forces, and navigating hazardous terrain.
though well-seasoned and often victorious, the 254th knows when
it is prudent to walk away from a fight in progress and prevent 212TH JAGUAR RESERVE CLUSTER
needless casualties. CO: Star Colonel Chase Corbett
Average Experience: Regular
SIXTY-SEVENTH ASSAULT CLUSTER Unit Abilities: Since the 212th are
CO: Star Colonel Pillan Levine accustomed to fighting bandits, they do not
Average Experience: Veteran follow zellbrigen under normal circumstances. If
Unit Abilities: A maximum of one-third of special rules require them to use zellbrigen, they
the Sixty-seventh’s forces may consist of light will do so but will suffer a –2 Initiative penalty.
or medium ’Mechs. Due to the Sixty-seventh’s The 212th also enjoys using ammunition-based
intimidating nature, any unit participating in weapons. Each non-missile ballistic weapon
single combat with a member of the Sixty- fired receives receive a –1 To-Hit modifier.
seventh suffers a –1 penalty to any Piloting Notes: A Jaguar garrison Cluster, the
Skill rolls that unit must take. This effect lasts 212th often exercises its restlessness and lack
until the dueling unit from the Sixty-seventh is of combat by searching for bandit caste cells
destroyed or violates zellbrigen. to raid. Competition to participate in these raids leads to ruthless
Notes: From Beta Galaxy, the Devastators are one of the Clan’s bidding and the highest rate of Trials of Grievance among any other
reputable demoralizers. Although the Cluster’s warriors adhere Jaguar garrison unit.
to Beta Galaxy’s standard parade scheme, they have adopted a
practice of painting garish faces and nightmarish images on their FIFTH RAVEN AUXILIARIES
’Mechs. These images do not truly frighten hardened Clan warriors, CO: Star Colonel Yelena Chand
but the macabre stylings serve to distract the unwary just enough Average Experience: Regular/Green
to make them falter. Unit Abilities: Aerial units from the Fifth
possess Regular skills and receive a –1 To-Hit
TWENTY-FIRST VANGUARD BATTLE CLUSTER modifier when strafing ground targets. Ground
CO: Star Colonel Lavender Kline units from the Fifth are considered of Green skill
Average Experience: Veteran level.
Unit Abilities: The Twenty-first receives Notes: The Fifth favor using their aerospace
a +3 Initiative bonus when they are the forces to locate and assault incoming ground
Defender, but they receive a –1 Initiative forces before their own ground forces engage.
penalty when they are the Attacker. The In many instances, the Fifth’s aerospace Trinaries
Cluster may only field Adder, Summoner, and have managed to eradicate enemy units and
Warhawk OmniMechs, but MechWarriors win the trial before their groundpounders can
receive a +1 bonus to Piloting Skill rolls when fire a single shot. Because of this, their ground
piloting these three chasses. All other ’Mechs units lack the experience that their aerial
must be second-line. brethren possess. The Fifth Raven Auxiliaries were initially assigned
Notes: The Twenty-first Vanguard Battle Cluster is one of Kindraa to Kappa Garrison Galaxy until the Marshall incident. After losing
Kline’s prominent defensive formations. Highly skilled at fending off the only Raven foothold on the planet, they were reassigned to
hard-hitting assaults, Hades’ Gate has proven its nickname time and Delta Garrison Galaxy.




CO: Star Colonel Samantha Hordwon CO: Star Colonel Karlotte
Average Experience: Veteran Average Experience: Regular
Unit Abilities: When resolving damage Unit Abilities: Since the freeborns of the
against an enemy unit that was previously Forty-sixth are constantly trying to prove
damaged by a different friendly unit themselves, they are more resilient.
that turn, a unit from the Thirty- MechWarriors may reroll any failed
third may choose to re-roll the Consciousness Roll; the second result
Hit Location result for a single must be kept. Elementals ignore 1
successful weapon attack per turn; point of armor damage per track.
the second result must be kept. Vehicle crews ignore the first crew-
Notes: The shock troops of based critical hit they receive in a
Delta Galaxy, the Thirty-third has track (Driver Hit, Commander Hit,
developed a successful but ques- Crew Stunned), but a Crew Killed
tionable battlefield strategy. The result always resolves as normal.
Cluster’s lighter ’Mechs will trail- Conventional infantry ignore the
blaze their way into battle and then first 5 casualties they receive.
disengage, allowing the Cluster’s Notes: The only trueborn
heavier ’Mechs to smash into the currently serving in Delta Galaxy’s
remaining enemy force. The lighter Forty-fifth Strikers, Star Colonel Karlotte
’Mechs then circle around to close out is a veteran of an unprecedented six Trials
any gaps and hunt down stragglers. Al- of Bloodright for the Riedel Bloodname.
though the lighter Stars abandon zellbrigen She came in second place in the first five
when they disengage, all of the Thirty-third’s heavier and survived the Grand Melee of the sixth
’Mechs embrace honorable combat and excel at exploiting the attempt only to be eliminated in the final round once again.
damage their less-honorable compatriots have already inflicted. As a testament to her tenacity, she was given command of
the Forty-fifth. To show her chalcas disdain for the Bloodname
SEVENTY-EIGHTH HELLION LANCERS system and to keep her freeborns in fighting shape, she has her
CO: Star Colonel Grace Lienet Cluster regularly engage in mock Trials of Bloodright during
Average Experience: Veteran downtime. The “winner” earns a derogatory nickname from the
Unit Abilities: When randomly determining Star weight class, Star Colonel and a week’s worth of extra rations.
add +1 to the roll.
Notes: The Seventy-eighth Hellion Lancers are considered one 150TH HELLION LANCERS
of the heaviest units in the Ice Hellions’ touman. Due to its inability CO: Star Colonel Phillepe Lienet
to keep pace with other Alpha Galaxy units on the battlefield, the Average Experience: Elite
Cluster often operates by itself. Its lack of relative speed forces its Unit Abilities: Elemental units of the 150th receive a
MechWarriors to adopt a slower and more relaxed combat style –1 To-Hit modifier for anti-BattleMech Leg and Swarm attacks.
compared to the highly mobile focus of other Ice Hellion Clusters. Notes: Star Colonel Lienet makes judicious use of Elementals
in his battle strategies. Most of his lead Trinaries are organized
NINETIETH STRIKER IRREGULARS into Nova formations. The light OmniMechs will drop their battle
CO: Star Colonel Cadence Klien armor cargo right at the front lines then circle back around and
Average Experience: Veteran pick up the survivors (if any). This tactic often throws enemies
Unit Abilities: During the Movement Phase, a ’Mech from the into disarray, because most opponents expect deposited
Ninetieth Strikers may change facing by 2 hexsides without needing Elementals to fend for themselves and do not expect their
to spend MP to do so; these two free facing changes do not need to carriers to return in short order.
occur in the same hex. Additional facing changes for this turn cost
Notes: Warriors from Beta Galaxy’s Ninetieth Striker Irregulars CO: Khan Stephen Tyler
tend to be twitchier than the average Ice Hellion. This paranoia Average Experience: Elite
stems from the Cluster’s hazing tradition of fellow members of the Unit Abilities: See Combatants: Placement Trials section.
Ninetieth dumping a live ice hellion (or three) into an unsuspecting
MechWarrior’s cockpit during downtime and welding the hatch
shut for at least five minutes. Cluster veterans proudly bear a
number of scars from each experience, but the less hardy—and
thus, the unworthy—either do not survive the first experience or
are injured badly enough that they are reassigned to lesser duties
in a different unit upon recovery.



The Placement Trials can be played in a few different ways. Campaign Placement Trials players may begin the campaign
First, it can be played as a solo campaign, with one player pitting with one of the following tracks: Preliminary Round or Grudge
their chosen Clan force against the Opposing Force for each Match. When determining Opposing Forces, the rolling
round until the player’s force is either victorious or eliminated player may choose from the Clan Random Assignment Tables
from the contest. Second, the Placement Trials can be fought (see pp. 7-11).
with up to 14 people as a modified double-elimination A Tournament Placement Trials player is pitted against a
tournament with a gamemaster presiding: see the Placement different player for each track and begins the tournament with
Trials Tournament Rules section. A third option is that players the track Preliminary Round (or Grudge Match, if both combatants
may play through one of the mini-campaigns presented using qualify for it).
standard Chaos Campaign rules.
Players are welcome to supplement or expand on the rules THE SETUP: WOLF REFUSAL
listed with those from Total Warfare (TW), Tactical Operations
(TO), Strategic Operations (SO), or A Time of War (AToW). An ideal
example is using the buildings rules from Total Warfare during CAMPAIGN RULES
certain tracks, or the advanced weather and environment Players may use Clan Wolf forces for this campaign and have
rules from Tactical Operations and Strategic Operations. If using access to all of the units as listed on the Clan Wolf Random
additional rules not presented in this product, all players must Assignment Tables (see pp. 7-11).
agree to their use. Any questions that arise from using those Clan Wolf players begin the campaign with the track
rules should be decided by either group consensus or by a Touchpoint: Wolf Refusal (Part 1). When determining Opposing
neutral gamemaster. As a last resort, players may simply roll the Forces for each track, the rolling player should choose from the
dice to settle an issue. appropriate Clan’s Random Assignment Tables (see pp. 7-11).
To give an idea on how these campaigns can be run, the
following examples are provided.
Players may use Clan Ice Hellion forces for this campaign and
CAMPAIGN RULES have access to all of the units as listed on the Ice Hellion Random
Whether playing through the Placement Trials as a campaign Assignment Tables (see pp. 7-11). However, if the player unit is
or as a tournament participant, a player starts with 500 Support already constructed beforehand, they may elect to use their
Points (SP). They choose a Clan Force that participated in the initial units and use the RATs to supplement repair or expansion.
Placement Trials and have access to all of the units listed on their Ice Hellion players may begin the campaign with the track
faction’s Random Assignment Tables (see pp. 7-11). Touchpoint: Marshall or Touchpoint: Foster. When determining
The player begins with a pool of 3 Trinaries of total force—a Opposing Forces for each track, the rolling player should choose
sum total of 45 ’Mechs, Elemental Points, aerospace fighter from the appropriate Clan’s second-line Random Assignment
Points, and/or combat vehicle Points in any configuration, Tables (see pp. 7-11).
restricted only by their Clan’s profile in the Combatants section
and their columns on the Random Assignment Tables. Units RUNNING YOUR GAMES
from these 3 Trinaries may be reconfigured (if Omni), repaired, or While players and gamemasters are free to design and play
rearmed between rounds by spending SP, but they may not be these tracks however they wish, a basic method may be used to
replaced, substituted, or otherwise altered once the Placement give players some feel for the actual events of each campaign.
Trials begin. A unit that is destroyed—either by Head or Center The beginning enumerated in The Setup above offers one way
Torso destruction, or 3 Engine or 2 Gyro critical hits—may not be to launch your player groups into these campaigns; certainly
used again in subsequent tracks, since time constraints between enterprising gamemasters and players can find their own ways
trial rounds is considered insufficient to restore the unit to in, and the Next Track section of each track offers suggestions of
fighting shape in so short a time. Killed MechWarriors also may where to take the player-character groups after they’ve finished
not be replaced between rounds, but wounded MechWarriors that track.
may be healed by spending SP as normal. For the mini-campaigns, it is recommended that players
For each Star in the player’s force, one unit must be designated proceed through the Touchpoint tracks in order, however, since
as a Star Commander. For the deployed force during a track, one each corresponds to a notable engagement of the campaign.
of these commanding units must be designated as the overall The tracks are presented roughly in chronological order.
force commander. Star Commander and force commander units
will retain these positions until the unit is destroyed. When the
unit is destroyed another must be chosen for subsequent tracks.



OVERVIEW that won their first round but loses this round moves into the Loser’s
The Placement Trials are fought according to a modified double- Bracket for the third round of combat.
elimination tournament style. For the Preliminary Rounds, all Players who lost their first round will be randomly matched with
players start in the Winner’s Bracket. Those that win will remain in other players who lost their first round; use a proxy force as necessary.
the Winner’s Bracket and in the second round will only fight other Winners of the second round proceed to the third round but remain
players that also won their first round. Those that lose in any round in the Loser’s Bracket; losers of the second round are eliminated from
fall into the Loser’s Bracket and from then on will only fight other the running.
players that have at least one loss under their belt. Third Round
Once the Preliminary Rounds are over, the remaining players face Recommended Tracks: Preliminary Round, Grudge Match
off in the Final Rounds, until the top four players are determined, Players in the Loser’s Bracket will be randomly matched with
either by score or—in case of a tie—a championship round. other remaining players in the Loser’s Bracket; use a proxy force
Each player may keep track of their individual progress with the as necessary for uneven numbers. Winners of the third round will
Placement Trials Player Sheet in the Annex section. proceed to the Finals; losers are eliminated from the running.
The winner in any given round is the player who has the
highest score based on kills. Tabulate each side’s score based on the First Round
following table: Recommended Tracks: Finals Round, Grudge Match
Determine first round match pairings randomly; use a proxy
force as necessary for uneven numbers. A player that wins the first
KILL VALUES round continues on to the second round. A player that loses the first
round is eliminated if that is their second loss overall. (Note: There is
Unit Type Crippled* Destroyed*
no Winner’s/Loser’s Bracket for the final rounds.)
Light ’Mech 1 2
Medium ’Mech 2 3 Second Round
Heavy ’Mech 3 4 Recommended Tracks: Finals Round, Grudge Match
Tabulate the score for each player based on the Tournament
Assault ’Mech 4 5
Scoring table below. Pair the lowest-scoring players together and
Elemental Point§ 1 2
pair the highest-scoring players together. Use a proxy force as
Combat Vehicle Point§ 2 3 necessary. A player that loses this round is eliminated if that is their
Aerospace Fighter Point§ 2 3 second loss overall, but their tournament score may still qualify them
Star Commander unit +1 +2 for a place in the top four after final scores are tabulated.
Force commander unit +3 +4 As an option, the top two players may instead choose to play in
Destroyed over 50% of total a championship round for this round instead of the standard round
— 5 (see Championship Round below). If more than two players are tied
enemy force‡
Destroyed over 75% of total for first, this option cannot be taken.
— 10
enemy force‡
*These two do not stack. A player may only earn points for either crippling
or destroying a unit, but not both.
Overall performance is scored based on the following results
§All elements of the Point must be crippled or destroyed in order to earn of each round:
the full value.
‡These two do not stack. A player may only be awarded one or the other, CHAMPIONSHIP
but not both. ROUND (OPTIONAL)
Winner’s Bracket Point Value
First Round Win 5 Recommended Tracks:
PRELIMINARY ROUNDS Championship Round,
Second Round Win 5
First Round Grudge Match
Recommended Tracks: Preliminary Round, Grudge Match Loser’s Bracket Point Value
Once overall tournament
To assign first round pairings, either use a random method or scores have been tabulated,
Second Round Win 4
consult the Placement Trial Results table (see p. 15); use a proxy force if there is a tie for first place,
Third Round Win 2 the top two players face off
with an odd number of competitors.
A player that wins the first round remains in the Winner’s Bracket. in the track Championship
A player that loses the first round moves to the Loser’s Bracket. Final Rounds Point Value Round. The winner receives
First Round Win 3 first place; the loser receives
Second Round Second Round Win 2 second place.
Recommended Tracks: Preliminary Round, Grudge Match If players would prefer not
Players who won their first round will be randomly matched with to play a final round (due to
other players who won their first round; use a proxy force as necessary time constraints or other factors), add up the players’ performance
for uneven numbers. Players from the Winner’s Bracket who also win scores from each individual round. The player with the higher ag-
this round will automatically move on to the Final Rounds. A player gregate score is declared the first place winner.


PLACEMENT TRIALS.....................
Trothkin, this day marks our historic first step towards our destiny as the ilClan!
—Khan Stephen Tyler, addressing Clan Ice Hellion’s Seventh Attack Cluster

May your deeds in this battle be worthy of immortalizing in the Remembrance.

—saKhan Pazi Tchernovkov, addressing Clan Coyote’s Thirty-eighth Assault Cluster


Recommended Terrain: Any. See Strana Mechty terrain tables The following rules are in effect for this track:
on p. 4.
Randomly select one player; this player is the Hunter Zellbrigen
(Attacker). The other player is the Hunted (Defender). Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
The Hunted player chooses the trial’s venue, places the rolled at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).
mapsheets in any legal configuration, and designates one edge
as their home edge.
NEXT TRACK Dossiers/Clan Jade falCon
Preliminary Round, Grudge Match (if not previously taken), or
Hunter (Attacker) Finals Round (see Tournament Rules section)
CLan JaDe FaLCon
The Hunter chooses a maximum of 3
Stars from their pool of available units and
may choose which map edge to enter on.
This edge is then designated the Hunter’s
home edge.

Hunted (Defender)
The Hunted chooses a maximum of 3 Stars
from their pool of available units and enters
from their home edge.

Track Cost: 25 SP
Optional Bonus:
+50 SP. Difficult terrain: Use the listed
terrain modification for the chosen venue (see
p. 4) and apply the effect to the battlefield. In
tournament play, both players must agree to
use this option.

Advancement. Cripple or destroy more
opposing units than the opposition within
15 turns (for solo play) or before time expires
(for tournament play). See Round Scoring, p.
26. [100 SP]
naTar sHieLD sysTeM sCanner (version 2.7.14)

0 1

seCUriTy LeveL: ToPaz


GRUDGE MATCH..........................
After we claim victory on this proving ground, we will no longer need to reclaim Tokasha
from your clutches. Each Inner Sphere world we conquer shall drive yet another dagger into
your flank, and we shall revel in your downfall.
—Khan Karl Bourjon, Clan Ghost Bear

Khan Fletcher, there are two things we will never forget: our greatest shame and our greatest loss. The
first we will atone for; the second we will avenge.
Today, we remember the day you stole our most beloved khan from us. Today, we will make you regret
ever having heard the name Kilbourne Jorgensson, and you will slink back into your dark holes and bother
us no more.


Recommended Terrain: Any. See Strana Mechty terrain tables The following rules are in effect for this track:
on p. 4.
Randomly select one player; this player is the Hunter NEMESES
(Attacker). The other player is the Hunted (Defender). This track is not repeatable and thus may only be taken once.
The Hunted player chooses the trial’s venue, places the rolled Regardless of which Clan is the Hunted or Hunter, this track
mapsheets in any legal configuration, and designates one edge may only be taken when one of the following matchups occurs:
as their home edge.
Blood Spirit vs. Burrock
Hunter (Attacker) Coyote vs. Fire Mandrill
Recommended Forces: See Special Rules section below Goliath Scorpion vs. Ice Hellion
The Hunter chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool Hell’s Horses vs. Ghost Bear
of available units and may choose which map edge to enter on. Jade Falcon vs. Steel Viper
This edge is then designated the Hunter’s home edge. Smoke Jaguar vs. Nova Cat

Hunted (Defender)
Recommended Forces: See Special Rules section below Clan Diamond Shark does not have any true enemies
The Hunted chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool of participating in the Placement Trials and thus may not take
available units and enters from their home edge. this track. Clan Star Adder, as a proxy force, also may not take
this track.
Track Cost: 50 SP for a Preliminary Round; 75 SP for a Finals Round; Zellbrigen
100 SP for Championship Round Due to the level of animosity between the participating
Optional Bonus: Clans, Clan Honor rules are relaxed for this track. Physical attacks
+50 SP. Mother Nature: Roll on the appropriate Weather are permitted unless the player is deploying a Jade Falcon force.
Table for the chosen venue (see p. 4) and apply the result to the
battlefield. In tournament play, both players must agree to use NEXT TRACK
Preliminary Round, or Finals Round (see Tournament Rules
this option.
Retribution. Cripple or destroy more opposing units than
the opposition within 15 turns (for solo play) or before time
expires (for tournament play). See Round Scoring, p. 26. [200 SP
for a Preliminary Round; 300 SP for Finals Round; First Place
for Championship Round]


FINALS ROUND............................
We are but a single battle away from seeing our Clan’s future with unmistakable clarity.
—Khan Severen Leroux, addressing the First Nova Cat Guards

My fellow Vipers, if we are to witness the revival of the Star League—via the fist of conquest and the
open hand of cooperation—we must win this trial. We alone can guide the Inner Sphere away from corruption,
for there is no one else willing to take up the banner of our crusade. For the sake of humanity’s future, we
cannot fail! We must not fail!
—Khan Natalie Breen, addressing the Fourth Viper Guards

Recommended Terrain: Any. See Strana Mechty terrain tables
on p. 4.
Randomly select one player; this player is the Hunter
(Attacker). The other player is the Hunted (Defender).
The Hunted player chooses the trial’s venue, places the rolled
mapsheets in any legal configuration, and designates one edge
as their home edge.

Hunter (Attacker)
The Hunter chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool
of available units and may choose which map edge to enter on.
This edge is then designated the Hunter’s home edge.

Hunted (Defender)
The Hunted chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool of
available units and enters from their home edge.

Track Cost: 150 SP
Optional Bonus:
+100 SP. Mother Nature: Roll on the appropriate Weather
Table for the chosen venue (see p. 4) and apply the result to the
battlefield. In tournament play, both players must agree to use
this option.

Prove your worthiness. Cripple or destroy more opposing
units than the opposition within 15 turns (for solo play) or
before time expires (for tournament play). See Round Scoring,
p. 26. [200 SP]

The following rules are in effect for this track:
Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).

Finals Round, Grudge Match (if not previously taken), or
Championship Round (see Tournament Rules section)


CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND................
On this day, we will validate the strength of our conviction and prove that our rightful
place lies at the vanguard of the largest military undertaking in Clan history.
—Khan Elias Crichell, addressing the Grand Council

I shall litter the ground with your feathers and claim this contest’s greatest glory for my Clan.
—Khan Lincoln Osis, to Khan Elias Crichell

Recommended Terrain: Any. See Strana Mechty terrain tables
on p. 4.
Randomly select one player; this player is the Hunter
(Attacker). The other player is the Hunted (Defender).
The Hunted player chooses the trial’s venue, places the rolled
mapsheets in any legal configuration, and designates one edge
as their home edge.

Hunter (Attacker)
The Hunter chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool
of available units and may choose which map edge to enter on.
This edge is then designated the Hunter’s home edge.

Hunted (Defender)
The Hunted chooses a maximum of 3 Stars from their pool of
available units and enters from their home edge.

Track Cost: 200 SP
Optional Bonuses: None

The greatest glory. Cripple or destroy more opposing units
than the opposition within 15 turns (for solo play) or before time
expires (for tournament play). [First Place]

The following rules are in effect for this track:

A Difficult Fight
Apply the chosen venue’s Terrain effect and roll on the
appropriate Weather Table for the chosen venue (see p. 4). Apply
both results to the battlefield.

Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).

The winners have been declared. The Clans are now prepared
to commence Operation REVIVAL.



A thousand times, neg. This is not the path to the Inner Sphere. This is not the Founder’s
dream. By the sacred rede of combat, I call for a Trial of Refusal, so that we might once more
rediscover our true purpose.
—Khan Ulric Kerensky, addressing the Grand Council

Open up elections. Destroy or cripple one of Ghost Bear
WOLF REFUSAL (PART ONE) khans’ units. [200]
SITUATION “New situations require new thinking.” Destroy or cripple
MARS FIELD PROVING GROUND both Ghost Bear khans’ units. [300]
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Ghost Bear Leadership
In the wake of the invasion vote, Clan Wolf declared a Trial Khan Nornian Tseng and saKhan Ursula Jorgensson are both
of Refusal. The Grand Council’s forces have bid down from participating in the battle. Designate one unit as Khan Tseng
staggering odds to a more palatable four-to-one ratio. This will and another as saKhan Jorgensson. Both of these units possess
be a tough battle. Whether the Wolves win or not, Khan Ulric Elite skills. One of the two khans will enter with the Defending
Kerensky is determined to leave a lasting impression that will units on Turn 1; the other will accompany the Defending units
make the opposition doubt their own resolve. To this end, that enter on Turn 3.
Kerensky has split up his forces and sent them on headhunting
missions. The Ghost Bears are the first of the Grand Council’s Wolf Leadership
troops to wander into Ulric’s crosshairs. Designate one Attacking unit as Khan Ulric Kerensky. Ulric
has Elite skills and possesses the Blood Stalker and Sniper special
GAME SETUP pilot abilities (see p. 219 and 221, ATOW). As long as Ulric remains
Recommended Terrain: Mars Field Proving Ground (see p. 4) on the battlefield, Clan Wolf forces may use Overrun Combat
The Attacker places mapsheets in any configuration and (see p. 193, TO). However, if Ulric is killed or incapacitated, the
designates one edge as their home edge. The Defender chooses Attacker receives a –2 Initiative penalty for the remainder of the
their own home edge but this is kept secret until their units track.
enter the map at the beginning of Turn 1. Zellbrigen
Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
Attacker at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).
Recommended Forces: Clan Wolf’s Third Battle Cluster
The Attacker chooses his forces first and may field up to three AFTERMATH
Stars of any composition. Attacking units enter the battlefield Ulric Kerensky led a detachment of the Third Battle Cluster
from their home edge on Turn 1. into a running engagement with the First Bear Guards. His
purpose however, was not outright victory against a larger
Defender force. Ulric specifically called out the Ghost Bear khans one at
Recommended Forces: Clan Ghost Bear’s First Bear Guards a time and bested them both in single combat. With this one
The Defender’s force should be 150 percent of the Attacker’s action, the Wolf khan decapitated the Bears’ senior leadership
deployed force. Half of the Defending units enter from their and threw the rest of the First Bear Guards—and, ultimately, the
secretly designated home edge on Turn 1. The remainder enter rest of the Clan—into a tailspin from which they would not soon
from that same edge on Turn 3. recover. Then, Ulric ordered his troops to withdraw and regroup
for the next engagement.
Track Cost: 200 WP NEXT TRACK
Optional Bonuses: Touchpoint: Wolf Refusal (Part Two)
+100 New day dawning: Apply the effects of Dawn/Dusk
(see p. 58, TO) to the battlefield.



Your foolish attempts at evading my warriors are not going to stop us from bringing this
invasion to fruition.
—Star Colonel Gina Buhallin, Gyrfalcon Guards

Embarrassment. Destroy or cripple three-fourths of the
WOLF REFUSAL (PART TWO) Defending force. [500]
SITUATION Utter Shame. Destroy or cripple all of the Defending force.
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Wolf Leadership
After the Wolves robbed the Ghost Bears of their Clan Designate one Attacking unit as Khan Ulric Kerensky. Ulric
leadership, Ulric led the Third Battle Cluster into action against has Elite skills and possesses the Blood Stalker and Sniper
the Gyrfalcon Guards, the preeminent Cluster from the Jade special pilot abilities (see p. 219 and 221, ATOW). As long as
Falcons’ Delta Galaxy. Using a series of sacrifice plays and careful Ulric remains on the battlefield, Clan Wolf forces may use
maneuvers, the Third has goaded the unwary Falcons into Overrun Combat (see p. 193, TO). However, if Ulric is killed or
perfect position. incapacitated, the Attacker receives a –2 Initiative penalty for
the remainder of the track.
Recommended Terrain: Mars Field Proving Ground (see p. 4) Zellbrigen
The Defender places mapsheets in any legal configuration Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
and designates one edge as their home edge. at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).

Recommended Forces: Clan Wolf’s Third Battle Cluster The Gyrfalcon Guards, so single-minded in their quest
The Attacker chooses his forces first and may deploy a towards the Inner Sphere, ran right into Ulric’s carefully
maximum of 5 Stars in any configuration. Up to 5 units may be orchestrated trap. Appearing seemingly from nowhere, Wolf
set up according to the rules for Hidden Units (see p. 259, TW). units lunged at the Falcons from three different directions and
Half of the non-hidden Attacking units enter from one map edge did not let up on their attack. Amid a cascading series of lost
perpendicular to the Defender’s home edge; the other half enter duels, the Falcons routed under the pressure, and the Third
from the opposite edge as the first group of Attacking units. chased them down while fending off peripheral advances
from the Burrock and Smoke Jaguar troops. Less than a single
Defender Trinary of the Gyrfalcon Guards survived the engagement.
Recommended Forces: Clan Jade Falcon’s Gyrfalcon Guards Rather than allow the Cluster to endure such crippling shame,
The Defender’s force is determined after the Attacker has Khan Elias Crichell decommissioned the unit and assigned its
chosen their forces and should be 125 percent of the Attacker’s survivors to second-line Clusters that would not participate in
deployed force. The Defending units enter the battlefield from the invasion should the Falcons win an operational corridor in
their home edge. the Placement Trials.


Track Cost: 300 WP Touchpoint: Wolf Refusal (Part Three)
Optional Bonuses:
+100 Seasonal windstorm: Apply the effects of Moderate
Gale (see p. 61, TO) to the battlefield.
+150 Could not outmaneuver them all: The Defender
fields a force that is 150 percent of the Attacker’s deployed force.



Trothkin, our victory might not occur today, in this Circle of Equals, but I promise you
it shall come sometime hence. We have already shamed the Ghost Bears and the Jade Falcons,
but on the day of our ultimate victory, our honor alone shall shame all of our rivals for
forsaking the words of the Founder and the Great Father.
—Khan Ulric Kerensky

Stand firm. At least half of the Defending units survive until
SITUATION Show your resolve. At least half of the Defending units
MARS FIELD PROVING GROUND survive until Turn 20. [750]
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Burrock Leadership
Ulric’s striving to overturn the invasion vote has come down Designate one Attacking unit as Burrock Khan Jocelyn Siddiq,
to a critical point. Although the Ghost Bears have scattered and with Veteran skills. As long as Siddiq is on the battlefield, Burrock
the Jade Falcons have routed, these small victories came at great units receive a +1 to their Initiative rolls.
cost. Attrition is beginning to take its toll, and as the last of the
Grand Council’s forces moves in for the kill, Ulric begins to see Smoke Jaguar Leadership
the writing on the wall. But neither he nor his warriors are about Designate one Attacking unit as Smoke Jaguar Star Colonel
to give up just yet. Aaron Showers, with Elite skills. As long as Showers is on the
battlefield, Smoke Jaguar units receive a +1 to their Initiative rolls.
GAME SETUP Wolf Leadership
Recommended Terrain: Mars Field Proving Ground (see p. 4) Designate one Defending unit as Khan Ulric Kerensky. Ulric has
The Defender places mapsheets in any legal configura- Elite skills and possesses the Blood Stalker and Sniper special pilot
tion and designates any two map edges as the Attacker’s abilities (see p. 219 and 221, ATOW). As long as Ulric remains on
home edges. the battlefield, Clan Wolf forces may use Overrun Combat (see p.
193, TO). However, if Ulric is killed or incapacitated, the Defender
Attacker receives a –2 Initiative penalty for the remainder of the track.
Recommended Forces: Clan Burrock’s Fifteenth Rapier Cluster
and Clan Smoke Jaguar’s Fourth Jaguar Dragoons Zellbrigen
The Attacker’s force equals 200 percent of the Defender’s Clan Honor rules are considered to be in effect for this track
deployed force. When using Recommended Forces, half of the at Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW).
Attacker’s units are Burrock, and the other half are Smoke Jaguar.
Half of the Attacking units enter the battlefield from one of their AFTERMATH
home edges; the other half enter from the other home edge. Despite the odds stacked against them, Ulric and his Wolves
fought as though the Founder himself stood amongst them.
Defender Pushed into a corner and surrounded, the Third Battle Cluster
Recommended Forces: Clan Wolf’s Third Battle Cluster held their ground. The Fourth Jaguar Dragoons and the Fifteenth
The Defender may deploy their forces anywhere on the Rapier Cluster drove a wedge between the remaining Wolves
battlefield. and separated them, allowing them to be eliminated piecemeal.
In his tattered Gargoyle, Ulric, one of the last Wolves to remain
WARCHEST standing, challenged Star Colonel Showers’s nearly untouched
Track Cost: 500 WP Warhawk to single combat. In defense of his Clan’s vote, Ulric
Optional Bonuses: fought like a man unhinged and came within a whisper of
+200 Win at any cost: Under direct orders, Smoke Jaguar claiming a Pyrrhic victory with a missile strike that momentarily
units have been freed from the constraints of zellbrigen. disoriented Showers. However, a blind-fired PPC strike from the
+200 Unrelenting pressure: At the beginning of the track, Warhawk forced Ulric to punch out and forfeit the Trial of Refusal.
apply 2D6 damage in 5-point clusters to all Defending units. Re-
roll any damage that would cripple or destroy a unit. NEXT TRACK
The Trial of Refusal is over. Time to rest and refit before the
Placement Trials begin.



Look alive, Pilots! Hellions are approaching via sector 27! Let us give them the formal
welcome of the Unkindness!
—Star Commander Peyton, Fifth Raven Auxiliaries


Track Cost: 100 WP
SITUATION Optional Bonuses:
POLAR BASE 531-ALPHA-SR +100 Training Regimen: The Fifth Raven Auxiliaries pilots
MARSHALL have been anticipating some kind of attack and so have been
26 MAY 3050 hitting the simulators nonstop for several months. Increase the
Defender’s experience level by one.
In the planning stages ever since Clan Ice Hellion lost in the
Placement Trials and was denied a spot in Operation REVIVAL, OBJECTIVES
the orchestrated Hellions’ Fury campaign launched on 26 May. Survive the Unkindness. At least half of the Attacking units
The Clan-wide celebrations of Liberation Day caught most of leave the battlefield through their home edge. [300]
their targets completely off-guard, even the vigilant garrison Swat the flies. Shoot down the Defending units. [25 per
forces of a Snow Raven research outpost in the polar regions destroyed fighter]
of Marshall. The Thirty-third Striker Irregulars thought the lone
Snow Raven presence on this world would be easy pickings, but SPECIAL RULES
Star Colonel Hordwon had not counted on the strength of the The following rules are in effect for this track:
defenders’ air cover.
Polar Conditions
Treat all Water hexes as Ice (see p. 50, TO). Apply the effects
of Thin Snow (see p. 52, TO) to the battlefield. Moderate Snowfall
Recommended Terrain: Marshall (see p. 4)
(see p. 60, TO) will last for the first 5 turns.
The Defender places three mapsheets in chase format, with
all of the short sides connected. The Attacker declares their AFTERMATH
home edge. As the Snow Ravens do not often grant safcon, the aero-
space Trinaries of the Fifth Raven Auxiliaries began pounding
the Thirty-third Striker Irregulars before their DropShip could
Recommended Forces: Clan Ice Hellion’s Thirty-third Striker
land, which forced the Ice Hellions to employ a combat drop
into the snow. Before they could even engage the Ra-
The Attacker chooses their forces first
vens’ meager ground troops, the Thirty-third
and enters from the map edge opposite
had to run for cover from the Ravens’ aer-
their home edge.
ial hail. Although the Thirty-third suf-
Defender fered nearly catastrophic losses
Recommended Forces: Clan along the way, they managed
Snow Raven’s Fifth Raven Aux- to reach the research facility
iliaries and overpower its hand-
The Defender’s force is ful of ground-based de-
determined after the At- fenders.
tacker has chosen their For losing the Ra-
forces and should be 100 vens’ only asset on
percent of the Attack- Marshall, the Fifth
er’s deployed force. All Auxiliaries were re-
Defending units must assigned to garri-
be aerospace fighters son duty on Lum.
and have a starting ve-
locity no higher than
To u c h p o i n t :
4. Defending units en-
Foster or Touchpoint:
ter from the Attacker’s
home edge.



Kline: Attention, all Kindraa enclaves: This is the Twenty-first Vanguard Battle Cluster. We have just
received a batchall from the Seventy-eighth Hellion Lancers. Do any of you cowards wish to add your
strength to our bid?
Payne: Assuming this is not a Liberation Day prank, you tied your own rope, Kline. Go hang yourselves
with it.
Beyl-Grant: We shall rejoice watching the Hellions oust you from this planet. No hard feelings, quiaff?
Payne: When you lose your enclave, Kline, feel free to challenge us for one of our broom closets.
Beyl-Grant: [chortles] And our merchants might have some beachfront property they would be willing
to—Hold a moment… Incoming transmission… [extended silence] Stravag! The Fortieth Hellion Lancers have
just issued us batchall!
Payne: [extended silence] …Us also, from the 200th Attack Cluster. Looks like you got your wish, Kline.
—Transcript of communications between Fire Mandrill enclaves on Foster, 26 May 3050


No one is coming to help you. Destroy at least 75 percent of
SITUATION the Defender’s forces [500]
THE CAULDRON Pack honor. Show the power of Ice Hellion tactics. See
FOSTER Special Rules below [50 for each unit destroyed using “pack
26 MAY 3050 zell” tactics]

In coordination with other Ice Hellion units across Clan The following rules are in effect for this track:
Space, multiple Hellion Clusters have issued simultaneous Trials
Forced Withdrawal
of Possession for different Fire Mandrill assets on Foster. Rather
To preserve their assets in this campaign, all Attacking units
than pool their assets together, each Kindraa is left to fend
are operating under Forced Withdrawal rules (see p. 258, TW) and
for itself. Kindraa Kline is at a severe disadvantage compared
will fall back as normal.
to other Kindraa, however, because they have less territory to
defend. The Klines are a few bad Trials of Possession away from Honor of the Pack
losing their place on Foster altogether, and the Hellions hope to The Attacker’s light and medium ’Mechs will follow a
exploit this to the fullest. modified version of zellbrigen. A single Star of light and/or
medium ’Mechs may concentrate fire on a single target. Once
that target has suffered any 3 critical hits, only one unit from the
Recommended Terrain: Foster (see p. 5)
Star may continue to duel that unit on subsequent turns.
The Defender places the mapsheets in any legal configuration
All of the Attacker’s heavy and medium ’Mechs will adhere
and designates one edge as their home edge.
to zellbrigen (see p. 273–275, TW) as long as the Defenders do.
Recommended Forces: Clan Ice Hellion’s Seventy-eighth
In the swampy basin of the Cauldron, the Seventy-eighth Hellion
Hellion Lancers
Lancers descended upon Kindraa Kline’s defenders. The marshes
The Attacker chooses their forces first and chooses their
claimed many victims among both Clans, but Star Colonel Grace
home edge. On Turn 1, one Star of Attacking units enters the
Lienet was not among them. In mid-duel with Star Colonel Kline,
battlefield from the Attacker’s home edge. On Turn 2, the
Lienet’s Hellbringer managed to get stuck in the swamp. Unable to
Attacker’s second Star enters; continue each turn until all of the
move, Lienet weathered the incoming blows and punched a Gauss
Attacker’s chosen force has been deployed.
rifle slug through Kline’s cockpit before freeing herself. Though the
Defender Ice Hellions won this first trial shortly thereafter, a resurgence swept
Recommended Forces: Kindraa Kline’s Twenty-first Vanguard through Kindraa Kline’s forces at the slaying of their commander.
Battle Cluster The Hellions immediately issued another Trial of Possession for
The Defender’s force is determined after the Attacker has another portion of Kline territory, but they were quickly rebuffed
chosen his forces and should be 75 percent of the Attacker’s and decided to cut their losses. For their initial failure, the Twenty-
deployed force. The Defender’s units may deploy anywhere on first Vanguard was ultimately reassigned to Dagda.
the mapsheets opposite from the Attacker’s home edge. Hellion attacks on the other Kindraa enclaves prompted the
Fire Mandrills to discuss launching a multi-Kindraa endeavor to
WARCHEST punish the Hellions for claiming so much of the Clan’s assets on
Track Cost: 250 WP Foster. However, factionalism again prevented any cooperative
Optional Bonus: effort at retaliation, and the Ice Hellion gains remained.
+200 That sinking feeling: Treat all Water hexes as Swamp
(see p. 51, TO).
Touchpoint: Homer or Touchpoint: Hoard



Star Colonel Klien, your entire Clan shames itself. At least you received the chance to
compete in the Placement Trials, quiaff? My Clan was denied the opportunity before any shots
could be fired.
Allow me to show you just how well you would have performed in the trials had you gone up
against the Crusader might of the Josian Cloister!
—Star Colonel Moira Telinov, 254th Cobra Guards


Track Cost: 300 WP
SITUATION Optional Bonuses:
ORTIN WASTES +200 Dust devil: Apply the effects of Blowing Sand (see p.
HOMER 62, TO) to the battlefield.
26 MAY 3050 +100 To preserve the Way: The Cloud Cobras have 3 Long
Tom artillery tubes that are considered 9 mapsheets away for
purposes of flight time, and they have enough ammunition to
The Cloud Cobras were spending Liberation Day in quiet last for the duration of the track. See Artillery rules, p. 179, TO.
contemplation of their Clan founders’ exploits in the Pentagon
when the Ice Hellions arrived in orbit around Homer. The 254th OBJECTIVES
Cobra Guards, dominated by the Crusader-focused Josian Pheasant hunt. Destroy or cripple half of the Defender’s
Cloister, rose to the challenge of defending the batchall. The aerospace forces. [300]
Hellions knew they would have no hope of holding territory Snake hunt. Destroy or cripple half of the Defender’s ground
on the Cobra’s capital world, so instead they declared a Trial of forces. [400]
Possession for six months’ production from El Ghaza’s primary
OmniFighter factory. SPECIAL RULES
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Recommended Terrain: Homer (see p. 5) Ortin Wastes
The Defender places the mapsheets in any legal configuration Treat all Clear hexes as Sand (see p. 39, TO).
and designates one edge as the Defender’s home edge. The Zellbrigen
opposite edge is the Attacker’s home edge. Since the Cloud Cobras are fighting to preserve the Way
rather than pursue individual glory, Clan Honor rules are not in
Attacker effect for this track.
Recommended Forces: Clan Ice Hellion’s Ninetieth Striker
Irregulars AFTERMATH
The Attacker chooses his forces after the Defenders have Unwilling to lose such a large aerospace production run, the
been determined and equals 75 percent of the Defenders total Cloud Cobras tore into the Ninetieth Strikers and buried as many
deployed force. The Attacker enters through the Attacker’s of the Hellions in the sand as they could. The battle seemed
home edge. to be turning in the Cobras’ favor until an unremarkable Ice
Hellion MechWarrior shot down Star Captain Khalid Kardaan—
Defender ristar, commander of the 254th’s lead aerospace Trinary, and
Recommended Forces: Clan Cloud Cobra’s 254th Cobra Guards prominent Fellow in the Josian Cloister. After Kardaan’s Turk
The Defender’s force is determined first. At least one-third crashed, the rest of the 254th turned to careless tactics, allowing
of the Defender’s force must consist of aerospace fighters. The the Hellions to claim victory. Josian Fellows wished to declare a
aerospace forces enter from the Defender’s home edge on Turn Trial of Refusal to attempt winning back some the production
1. The Defender’s ground forces enter from their home edge on run they had lost and avenge Khalid Kardaan, but saKhan Khatib
Turn 2. forbade the action in hopes of preventing further losses to the
Cobras’ touman for the time being.

Touchpoint: Hoard or Touchpoint: Londerholm



As a show of respect to your defense, I lead a Cluster composed solely of freeborn warriors.
My intention is to settle a wager: does an Ice Hellion freebirth still rank superior to a
Hell’s Horses trueborn?
—Star Colonel Karlotte, Forty-fifth Striker Irregulars


Partial payout. Destroy three-fourths of the Defender’s
SITUATION force. [300]
MINING COMPLEX HH-EPSILON-12 Settle the bet. Destroy all of the Defender’s force. [700]
The following rules are in effect for this track:
Honor of the Pack
The Ice Hellions included Hoard in their Fury campaign
The Attackers’ light and medium ’Mechs will follow a
not only for the planet’s mineral wealth but because of its
modified version of zellbrigen. A single Star of light and/or
defenders. The Horses had left their holdings on Hoard relatively
medium ’Mechs may concentrate fire on a single target. Once
undefended, leaving only a training Cluster of recently Blooded
that target has suffered any 3 critical hits, only one unit from the
trueborns in its defense. As an insult to the Horses, Khan
Star may continue to duel that unit on subsequent turns.
Tyler chose to attack the Horses’ mining capability with a unit
All of the Attacker’s heavy and medium ’Mechs will adhere
composed mostly of freeborns.
to zellbrigen (see p. 273–275, TW) as long as the Defenders do.
GAME SETUP Forced Withdrawal
Recommended Terrain: Hoard (see p. 5) Units from both sides are operating under Forced Withdrawal
The Defender places the mapsheets in any legal configuration rules (see p. 258, TW) and will fall back as normal.
and designates one edge as the Defender’s home edge. The
opposite edge is the Attacker’s home edge. AFTERMATH
Not only did the Forty-fifth Striker Irregulars catch the
Attacker Horses’ training Cluster unaware with their batchall, the Hellions
Recommended Forces: Clan Ice Hellion’s Forty-fifth Striker performed a combat drop into the Circle of Equals, which
Irregulars scattered the Horses across the battlefield. Star Colonel Karlotte
The Attacker chooses his forces after the Defenders have realized too late that the Horses’ supposed rout was a preplanned
been determined and equals 100 percent of the Defenders total response maneuver to a combat drop. The Horses regrouped at
deployed force. Attacking units may perform a combat drop a designated rendezvous point, and when the Hellions chased
onto the battlefield using the Dropping Troops rules (see p. 22, them down, the recently graduated MechWarriors, Elementals,
SO). Otherwise, they enter the battlefield from their home edge. and tank crews of the Fifty-third BattleMech Cluster began
challenging Ice Hellions to single combat. The Hellions, surprised
at the audacity of unproven troops, began to fall one by one and
Recommended Forces: Clan Hell’s Horses’ Fifty-third
were quickly driven off-planet.
BattleMech Cluster
The Defender’s force is determined first and may be deployed
anywhere on the battlefield.
Touchpoint: Homer or Touchpoint: Londerholm
Track Cost: 500 WP
Optional Bonus:
+150 Moral high ground: All Attacking units are required to
adhere to standard Clan Honor rules at Level 1 (see p. 273–275,
TW) instead of using “pack zell” (see Special Rules).



Star Colonel Pillan Levine: The Hellions have insulted us and the glorious memory of Operation
KLONDIKE with these Liberation Day batchalls. We have already lost one outpost to their nonsense.
Shall we pool our resources and teach them a lesson they will not soon forget, quiaff?
Star Colonel Chase Corbett: Aff. My ’Mechs and air support are already en route. If you can
catch up, you are more than welcome to join us so long as you do not steal all of our glory…
—Communication between Coyote and Smoke Jaguar enclaves on Londerholm


Defend the khan! Khan Tyler’s unit must survive the track. See
SITUATION Special Rules below. [700]
RUINS OF VOSTOK Hold them off! Destroy half of the Attacking units. [500]
LONDERHOLM Secure the gains. Destroy three-fourths of the Attacking units.
2 JUNE 3050 [700]

The Hellions’ Fury finally bit off more than they could chew. What SPECIAL RULES
began on Londerholm as a promising, two-pronged offensive against The following rules are in effect for this track:
a Smoke Jaguar base and a Coyote outpost has devolved into several Ice Hellion Leadership
days of frantic cat-and-mouse games. The Ice Hellion survivors of The Defender secretly designates one Defending ’Mech from
both counterattacks have managed to reconnect near the outskirts the Seventh Attack Cluster as Khan Stephen Tyler. Khan Tyler has
of a sordid monument to the Jaguars’ past. From the ruins of Vostok, Elite skills. As long as he remains on the battlefield, he conveys a
which was burned to the ground during the infamous Londerholm +2 Initiative bonus to all Defending units, in addition to any other
revolt, Khan Stephen Tyler hopes to turn the battle around. Initiative bonuses already in effect.
GAME SETUP Enduring Memories
Recommended Terrain: Londerholm (see p. 5) The Smoke Jaguar warriors would prefer to forget the
The Defender places the mapsheets in any legal configuration. Londerholm revolt ever happened. Any time an Attacking Smoke
Place 2D6 buildings of random type on Paved areas; these buildings Jaguar unit chooses to enter a Building or Rubble hex, they must
have half of their standard CF. If there are no Paved areas on the spend an additional +1 MP to enter the hex. Any Piloting Skill rolls
chosen maps, distribute the buildings using any random method. made while a Smoke Jaguar unit occupies a Building or Rubble hex
Designate 3D6 Rubble hexes per mapsheet. The Defender choses suffer a –1 penalty.
their home edge; the opposite edge is the Attacker’s home edge. Clinging to Honor
The Coyotes wish to teach the Ice Hellions a lesson in proper
Attacker honor. For this track, Attacking Coyote units must adhere to Clan
Recommended Forces: Clan Coyote’s Sixty-seventh Assault Cluster Honor Level 1 (see p. 273–275, TW) even if the Defending units do
and Clan Smoke Jaguar’s 212th Jaguar Reserve Cluster not honor it in return.
When using recommended forces, each Clan comprises half
of the Attacker’s deployed force. The Attacker’s forces equal 150 AFTERMATH
percent of the Defender’s deployed force. Half of the Attacking units Once the Smoke Jaguar garrison troops realized the Ice Hellions
(Smoke Jaguar) deploy within 4 hexes of the Attacker’s home edge. were leading them to the ruins of Vostok, they approached the
On Turn 2 the remaining half (Coyote) enter from any map edge ruins with a caution bordering on superstition. In the driving rain,
perpendicular to the Attacker’s home edge. a detachment of Coyotes joined them. Unlike the Jaguars, the
Coyotes harbored no such compunctions over the locale and took
Defender the battle straight to their agitators. Together the Coyotes and
Recommended Forces: Clan Ice Hellion’s Seventh Attack Cluster Jaguars pressed the attack, intending to make the Ice Hellions pay
and 150th Hellion Lancers dearly for costing them territory. The Seventh and the 150th suffered
When using recommended forces, each Cluster comprises half high casualties, but Khan Tyler, saKhan Lienet, and several Hellions
of the Defender’s deployed force. One-fourth of the Defender’s managed to slip away to their enclaves once the rain turned into
units may be set up according to the rules for Hidden Units (see p. torrential downpour.
259, TW). The remainder enter the battlefield from the Defender’s Some believe the Smoke Jaguars got their ultimate vengeance
home edge on Turn 1. in a different way. A few weeks afterward, a bandit raid on the
Ice Hellions’ new Londerholm possessions killed Khan Tyler
WARCHEST and maimed saKhan Lienet. Although proving that the Jaguars
Track Cost: 750 WP purposely leaked intelligence to bandit caste cells operating on
Optional Bonuses: Londerholm is difficult, the timing of the attack seems far too
+200 Hard rain: Apply the effects of Moderate Rainfall coincidental to ignore.
(see p. 59, TO).
+100 Air support: The Attackers may call in a Point of second- NEXT TRACK
line aerospace fighters for air support (see p. 160–171, Tech Readout/ The Hellions’ Fury campaign is over.
Record Sheets: 3067). These will arrive on Turn 2 and may make a total of
3 passes over the battlefield before needing to return to base to refuel.



Unit Name: Clan:

Unit Abilities:



Alpha Star 1 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Alpha Star 2 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Alpha Star 3 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Alpha Star 4 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Alpha Star 5 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:



Beta Star 1 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Beta Star 2 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Beta Star 3 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Beta Star 4 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Beta Star 5 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:



Charlie Star 1 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Charlie Star 2 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Charlie Star 3 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Charlie Star 4 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


Charlie Star 5 Type: ’Mech Aerospace Infantry Mixed/Other Commanding Unit:


© 2014 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc.
All rights reserved.Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Unit Name: Clan:

Unit Abilities:


Opponent: Clan: Opponent: Clan:

Starting SP: Track Cost (SP): Starting SP: Track Cost (SP):

Round Score: Won Lost Round Score: Won Lost

Tournament Points Earned: Total Score: Tournament Points Earned: Total Score:

Options Used +/- Options Used +/-

Objectives Gained +/- Objectives Gained +/-

Repair/Healing Costs +/- Repair/Healing Costs +/-

Final SP: Final SP:


Opponent: Clan: Opponent: Clan:

Starting SP: Track Cost (SP): Starting SP: Track Cost (SP):

Round Score: Won Lost Round Score: Won Lost

Tournament Points Earned: Total Score: Tournament Points Earned: Total Score:

Options Used +/- Options Used +/-

Objectives Gained +/- Objectives Gained +/-

Repair/Healing Costs +/- Repair/Healing Costs +/-

Final SP: Final SP:


Opponent: Clan:

Starting SP: Track Cost (SP):

Round Score: Won Lost

Tournament Points Earned: Total Score:

Options Used +/-

Objectives Gained +/-

Repair/Healing Costs +/-

Final SP:

© 2014 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc.
All rights reserved.Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

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