Best Green Drinks
Best Green Drinks
Best Green Drinks
However, neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the
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with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the author nor the
publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion
in this book.
The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The
publisher is not responsible for any adverse reaction to the recipes contained in this book.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means
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Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
ISBN 978-1-581-57227-8
Photo credits: Roald van Wyk: 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 33, 34, 53, 56, 64, 65, 66, 70, 72, 76, 78, 82, 86, 89, 90,
95, 96, 102, 110, 116, 119, 120, 123, 124, 128, 130, 132, 136, 139, 140, 143, 155, 156, 159, 162, 166, 176, 180,
185, 186, 192; Katrine van Wyk: 29; Patryce Bak: 9, 10, 63, 68-69, 106, 182; Even André Rygg: 16-17; Winnie
Abramson,, 55, 101
PREFACE: My Green Journey
Immunity Green Smoothie
Bittersweet Symphony
Coconut Greens
Pineapple Greens
Grapefruit Greens
Refresh Smoothie
Green Power Bliss
OJ and Greens
Greenest Green
The Green Master
Dandelion Detox
Dandelion Bliss
Fall into Winter Greens
Green Goddess Smoothie
Jicama-Cilantro Slush
Cilantro Fiesta Juice
All Greens Juice
Beet It Juice
Green Monster Juice
C Booster
Seeds of Change
Açai Green
Power Breakfast
Purple and Green
Whey to Go!
PB and Jelly
Winter Wonder
Jessica Rabbit Juice
“V8” Garden Juice
Peachy Green
Hail to the Kale
Kiwi, Spinach, and Avocado
Apple Pie
Sweet Almond Kale
Green Mojito
Banana Chard
Morning Sun
Frozen Green Lemonade
Mango Madness
Northern Lights
Red and Ready
The Kiwi
The Bee-utiful
Watermelon Medley Juice
Cucumber Cooler Juice
Skin Tonic Juice
Good Greens Juice
The Green Kiss
Mint Chocolate Chip Shake
Go-Go Goji
Strawberry Fields
Spiritual Gangster
Matcha Shake
Super Brazilian
Cool It Green Juice
Kale Energizer Juice
Fiber Blend
Piña Colada
Belly Soother
Blueberry Lassi
Pineapple Express Juice
Green Juice Light
Fine Fennel Juice
L ose weight! Boost immunity! Improve your love life! If there were a pharmaceutical
drug that did all three, there’d be a stampede to the pharmacy, but for now, no such
pill exists. My advice? Build your own—not a pill, but a plan, an eating strategy that
packs power, nutritional value, and a host of benefits into every bite. Best Green Drinks
Ever can be your first step to making such a plan.
I practice what I call “good medicine,” combining the best of modern contemporary
medicine with the best of alternative and complementary medicines. This is where
Katrine van Wyk and her delicious recipes come into play. Food is critical in building
and sustaining a healthy lifestyle—it’s an easy first step, in fact, as we all need to eat.
Calorie for calorie, leafy greens deliver more nutrients than just about any
other food on the planet.
Smoothies and fresh vegetable juices give you a direct shot of vitamins, minerals,
phytonutrients, and enzymes. Juicing will give you a boost of energy like no other,
while giving your digestion a break at the same time. Smoothies provide a steady
supply of energy, and keep you satisfied with fiber, protein, and the addition of
superfood boosts.
Leafy greens are behind the vivid color pop for these drinks, but don’t let that scare you
off. Fruits, herbs, and other ingredients help make these green drinks easy to add to
your diet. And the leafy greens are what make these drinks truly the best.
Calorie for calorie, leafy greens deliver more nutrients than just about any other food
on the planet. Loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, leafy greens
stock your body with the artillery needed to fight off potential killers like heart disease
and cancer. Simply put: leafys benefit virtually every cell you’ve got!
Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, mustard, and dandelion greens rock because
they’re both nutritious and delicious.
Katrine uses lots of my favorite leafy greens in Best Green Drinks Ever. Kale, spinach,
Swiss chard, mustard, and dandelion greens rock because they’re both nutritious and
delicious. By juicing them or tossing them into a smoothie, you’ll be receiving health-
sustaining doses of vitamins A, C, and K, folate, potassium, and calcium. Katrine also
provides the option of an easy added boost with greens powder added to your
At the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, we encourage our patients to become proactive
in their own health, and partner with them as they journey towards true health and
optimal wellness. With her book Best Green Drinks Ever, Katrine van Wyk helps guide
her readers to good health.
Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, where his personal brand of healing has helped thousands of people reclaim their vitality and recover their zest
for life.
PREFACE: my green journey
I came to New York City from Norway eight years ago as a model. I walked the
streets and catwalks of this big city, constantly being judged on my size, appearance,
skin, hair, and overall “look.” Yet I didn’t feel all that well on the inside. I was careful
about what I ate, to a point of obsession, and exercised way too much. I knew that
eating healthy was important—but I was confused about what that really meant. I
relied on caffeine and sugar to get me through the long days, and couldn’t help but
count the calories of everything I ingested. Not so fun!
I was a young girl, but I was not healthy—yet there I was, supposedly a model and
image of what was considered ideal. I just did not feel good about all of that. And so, I
I went back to school to finish my undergrad degree in Media Science and finally
freed myself from all the judging eyes of the fashion industry. And so a journey began
to figure out who I was, what I liked, and what made me feel good. After depleting
my body of all the nutrients it needed, it was time to rebuild and restore. Nutrient-
dense foods like leafy greens became an important part of my diet, and I finally
pinpointed a few food intolerances. At first my new lifestyle made me feel restricted
and deprived, but with the help of a health coach I discovered many other healthy
foods. It was like a whole new world opened up to me—a delicious world filled with
kale, green juices, and colorful smoothies.
Once I removed those damaging foods from my diet and forgot about dieting and
restriction, I started feeling better. I gained back my energy, and then some, once I
started including more nutrient-dense foods into my life. It turned out that my body
had been worn down and depleted after all those years of modeling, traveling, and
overworking. I felt incredibly empowered knowing that I could change the way I felt
through what I ate. I had gained control of my wellness.
I learned that a calorie is not a calorie and that the quality and wholesomeness of the
food I eat matters the most. It is important to eat real foods that contain nutrients
instead of just counting calories. A 100-calorie snack of an organic apple is going to
nourish you, giving you sustainable energy and nutrients, while the same amount of
calories coming from a bag of mini cookies will cause your blood sugar to spike and
then come crashing down. I learned that real foods are always superior and that fat is
good for me. Now I have a newfound love affair with avocados, coconuts, and real
butter. I learned that pleasure, fun, and enjoyment are part of a healthy life and that
the setting where we eat and share a meal matters a lot. And I learned that food can
be medicine and that the body can heal itself. I found foods that I love and that love
me back. And, finally, I learned that I’ll always keep learning, exploring,
experimenting, and evolving. It’s what it’s all about!
And so I knew that I wanted to be part of the solution—to share what I had learned
and help others feel the best they could. I went back to school again, this time to the
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and got certified as a Holistic Health Coach. I
started working with people one-on-one—watching them learn, grow, and feel better.
One client managed to stop her diet-soda addiction (she used to drink twelve cans a
day!) and lost ten pounds in the process. Another woman discovered that gluten had
been one of the big culprits for her declining health, her heartburn, her debilitating
headaches. I started doing consulting work and training for juice and smoothie bars. I
joined Dr. Frank Lipman’s wellness practice, where I keep meeting inspiring people,
hearing incredible stories of recovery, and continuing to dig deeper into the holistic
health world.
I am a lucky girl who grew up with a mom who cooked and included me and my
sister in the kitchen activities. We were allowed to participate and experiment, and
my mom never used a recipe. A little bit of this and little bit of that—and voilà!
Cut to twenty years later and I’m back in the kitchen experimenting, this time with all
things leafy and green and some fun gadgets to turn solids into liquids. My love for
leafy greens—and my blender and juicer—led me to write this book. I truly hope you
find it inspiring, fun, and delicious. My goal is to inspire you to have fun in the
kitchen and enjoy healthy food simply because it tastes so good. Healthy living should
be fun and rewarding, jam-packed with beautiful and nutritious food. I hope you find
as much fun and enjoyment in trying these recipes as I had in making them. Here’s to
you and to no more diets!
Full disclosure: Vitamix is the blender I used when developing all the recipes in this
book and is without a doubt my blender of choice. It is extremely powerful, fast, and
easy to use. What makes the Vitamix (and other powerful, high-speed blenders like it)
so special is its ability to finely blend hard fruits such as apples, ice, and leafy greens
such as kale. I have friends who swear by Blendtec, however. It’s a matter of personal
preference and the size of your wallet—high-power blenders can range in price from
about $200 to over $1,000. You might also look into refurbished blenders sold by the
manufacturer. If you know you are going to make a lot of green smoothies and enjoy
cooking, consider a high-speed blender as a long-term investment. Buying smoothies
and juices soon adds up to the cost of one of these blenders. If those aren’t an option,
less expensive Ninja blenders work very well for the price.
These are super convenient, small, and travel-friendly blenders such as the NutriBullet
and Magic Bullet. They are usually quite powerful blenders, despite their size, and
perfect for making a single serving. If you have a very small kitchen, live in a dorm, or
travel a lot and still want to have your green drinks, bullet blenders are perfect. They
are usually much less expensive than the other options.
There are lots of options for good kitchen blenders in all price ranges, colors, sizes, and
powers. I personally like to avoid plastic as much as possible, so I look for a blender
that comes with a glass container. If you already have a blender you’re happy with,
there’s no need to toss it. If it ain’t broke … Know that because standard kitchen
blenders are less powerful, smoothies can come out a little thicker. You can always add
more liquid to your smoothies if you’re using a regular blender. For the very “green”
drinks, a more powerful blender is preferable, as it does a better job at finely chopping
up tough greens such as kale.
This is a great beginning juicer. It’s easy to use and clean and quite affordable, with
some models as low as $99. It has a fast-spinning blade that spins the produce against a
mesh filter to separate juice from pulp by utilizing centrifugal force. One concern with
this method is that the centrifugal spinning generates heat. The heat destroys some of
the enzymes, as well as oxidizing and destroying some of the nutrients in the fruits and
vegetables you are juicing. So, juice from a centrifugal juicer is less nutritious than
juice made in a cold-press juicer. Make sure to drink your juice right away because the
juice oxidizes and loses a lot of its nutritional power quickly. If you plan to try juicing
but don’t expect to make gallons of juice every day, a centrifugal juicer is a great
You certainly don’t need one of these, but it does come in handy, especially if you like
making your own nut milks or want to make juices using your blender. A nut-milk bag
is simply a fine mesh cloth or nylon bag with a string for closing it at the top. Just pour
your blended liquid into the bag, let it strain off, and use some squeezing muscle power
to “milk” the bag of all its liquids. The pulp remains inside the bag, while you’re left
with pure liquid goodness! You could also use a sock or folded cheesecloth for the same
Glass jars or jugs such as Mason or Ball jars are great for drinking and transporting
your green drinks! Because they have a nice wide opening, they are easy to fill, drink
from, and clean.
Sure, you do not need to drink your green drinks with a straw, but it can be helpful in
order to avoid a green mustache. I like glass or stainless-steel straws that I can wash in
the dishwasher and use over and over again. Paper straws are also great, and
I tell all my clients to eat more leafy greens. A lot of us forget about this large group of
delicious vegetables and get stuck in a rut with just baby carrots and tomato sauce as
our main vegetable sources. Focus especially on the dark, leafy greens like kale, Swiss
chard, dandelion (who knew?), spinach, and mustard greens. These dark and leafy
greens are high in micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, folate, and vitamins A,
C, and K, and if you’re blending, not juicing, fiber.
Greens are especially beneficial in the spring as they aid in the body’s natural detox
process—out with the old, in with the new!
Surprisingly romaine lettuce contains quite a bit of protein, about 7 grams
per head, and it’s a complete protein with all eight essential amino acids that
our bodies can’t make on their own. It also contains plenty of vitamins A, C,
and B and some healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It’s also worth mentioning that
if you need to limit your intake of oxalic acid (due to calcium oxalate kidney
stones, for example), romaine is a good choice.
Spinach is Popeye’s fuel of choice for good reason. In addition to being high
in the nutrients mentioned above, spinach contains high levels of betaine,
which regulates proper homocysteine levels and supports the liver. It is also
a good source of zinc and iron.
Kale has been celebrated as quite the superfood recently and for good
reason! This cruciferous family member contains many cancer-fighting
nutrients. The high level of vitamin A is great for our lungs and skin, while
vitamin C boosts our immune system and K protects our bones. Kale also
contains plenty of glucosinolate and cysteine sulfoxide, which can help
switch on the liver’s detoxifying enzymes. Pretty cool stuff!
swiss chard
This relative of the beet and spinach is high in vitamin K, a nutrient many of
us just don’t get enough of. Vitamin K plays an important role in protecting
our bones, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and helps
cool down inflammation. Swiss chard often has a bright pink or yellow stem,
which can add a pretty color to your plate or juice.
Although not a leafy green vegetable, cucumbers are still green and a great
addition to green juices and drinks. Cucumber is known for its hydrating and
cooling benefits. And cucumber does more than just hydrate. Its high level of
silica (a mineral) does wonders for our connective tissue—especially our
skin, both when ingested and when used topically.
ECONOMY: It’s simply supply and demand. When there’s an abundance of a product,
such as watermelons in the summer, the prices go down. Seasonal food is much
cheaper to produce for the farmers, who would rather sell their products for a lower
price than not at all. Cash in on the seasonal bounty.
ENVIRONMENT: Seasonal produce can grow without too much added human
assistance such as pesticides and genetic modification. We know how the toxic
compounds in pesticides and insecticides can contaminate the water and soil and also
our health. Seasonal food is more likely to be locally produced as well, which
reduces the load on our environment due to transport, or “food mileage.”
COMMUNITY: Getting to know where your food is coming from, who is growing
your food, and how they do it also makes you feel more connected to that whole
process. Community-supported agriculture farms (CSAs) and farmers’ markets create
communities around food that encourage us all to share our knowledge, ask
questions, and engage in our own local environment. Together we are more powerful
and that’s when big change can happen.
HOME COOKING: Eating seasonally also encourages you to cook more—and there
really is nothing better you could do for your health. When you start to take back
control of what you put into your body—which oil you choose to cook with, how
much sugar you add to your food, etc.—you are consciously making better choices
for yourself. Cooking is also a great activity to do with your whole family and your
friends. What better way to show your love than with a home-cooked meal?
CREATIVITY AND VARIETY: Whether you shop at the market or you’re part of a
CSA, eating seasonally keeps challenging your creativity to come up with new, fun,
and delicious dishes based on what you find. Maybe you choose to search for a recipe
online, look through some cookbooks, or go to sites like Pinterest (I’m obsessed with
it, and you can find me and follow my boards if you’re into that kind of thing!) to
find new inspiration and ideas about what to do with all that kale. Variety is also
healthy for our bodies; by changing your menu according to what’s available
seasonally you are less likely to develop food intolerances.
SUPPORT OF YOUR SEASONAL NEEDS: The natural cycle of produce is perfectly
designed to support our health. Apples grow in the fall and they are the perfect
transition food, helping the body get rid of excess heat and cool down before winter.
In the spring the abundance of leafy greens helps us alkalize, detox, and lose some
extra pounds after a long winter of heavier foods. In the summer we need to cool
down and stay hydrated by eating more juicy fruits, antioxidant-rich berries, and
hydrating cucumber and watermelon, to name just a few. Building a lifestyle around
seasonal food facilitates the body’s natural healing process.
ORGANIC AND FREE OF PESTICIDES: Food grown outside of its season or natural
environment needs a lot more human assistance in the form of pesticides, waxes,
chemicals, and preservatives to grow and look appealing to us as consumers. So, by
instead opting for local and seasonal food, you are also more likely to get a cleaner
product! Many small family farms cannot afford to go through the organic
certification process, but still follow very natural and sustainable growing practices.
So, when shopping at the farmers’ market, you don’t have to be as careful about
finding the organic-labeled produce as you are when shopping at the supermarket.
HARMONY: Living in tune with nature’s rhythm makes us more aware and
appreciative of the beauty around us. We can live in balance with our surroundings
instead of constantly butting up against and living in conflict with nature. Embracing
the natural rhythm of things also helps simplify our lives. The options are limited
and we can trust that our food is nourishing and good for us!
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Cherry tomatoes
4. Cucumbers
5. Grapes
6. Hot peppers
7. Nectarines
8. Peaches
9. Potatoes
10. Spinach
11. Strawberries
12. Sweet bell peppers
These you don’t have to buy organic:
1. Asparagus
2. Avocados
3. Cabbage
4. Cantaloupe
5. Eggplant
6. Grapefruit
7. Kiwi
8. Mangos
9. Mushrooms
10. Onions
11. Papaya
12. Pineapple
13. Sweet corn
14. Sweet peas
15. Sweet potatoes
As a general rule, buy organic if you are going to eat (or juice) the peel of the fruit or
vegetable. You can be more lenient with fruits and vegetables with thick skin that
you will peel away. Fruits with thin or porous skin, such as berries, peaches, and
grapes, as well as leafy greens, are the ones it is most important to buy organic.
Remember, organic frozen fruits and vegetables are a great option. Whenever I shop I
always make sure to grab a bag of organic blueberries and another fruit I’m in the
mood for so that I always have something healthy and delicious ready in the freezer.
Dairy is certainly a hot topic in the health-food world, and there are a lot of
heated opinions out there. I personally believe that everyone is different, and
each individual has to find out what works for his or her body. Some people
find that they can’t tolerate cow’s milk well, but that goat or sheep milk
products work fine. Others do well eating all kinds of dairy while some prefer
sticking to fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir. Whatever you
choose, make a conscious choice and go for organic grass-fed/pastured dairy
products. Also, always buy full-fat dairy products. That’s right! The fat in dairy
is saturated, but it’s still good for you. We need the fat to absorb the nutrients
that are in the dairy. Also, keep in mind that low-fat or nonfat dairy products
are even more processed and are often sweetened to compensate for the lack of
delicious-tasting fat.
If you are lucky enough to live near a farm or a farmers’ market where you can
get raw dairy, that’s even better. Raw dairy has not been pasteurized, and
therefore all the enzymes are still intact, including lactase—the enzyme needed
to digest (you guessed it!) lactose.
Good Sources of Healthy Fats
The low-fat diet days are long gone. We know better now—our bodies need fat in order
to function. Fat is the brain’s preferred fuel and does absolute wonders for our skin. Fat
also makes our food taste more delicious and helps us feel satisfied and full for longer.
Fat is crucial for the absorption of certain vitamins known as fat-soluble vitamins.
Studies have even shown that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are better absorbed
by the body when combined with some fat—think salad with full-fat dressing or
broccoli with a dollop of butter. By adding healthy fats to our drinks we improve
nutrient absorption and satiety, help curb cravings, and aid our body in keeping our
blood sugar levels stable. However, not all fats and oils are created equal. And no one
needs huge amounts of it—a little goes a long way. Think of a quarter of an avocado as
a serving, or 1 tablespoon of nut butter or coconut oil as a good healthy dose for most
of us. On the chart on page 42, I’ve listed the fats I like and use in my drinks.
Most vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains contain good amounts of fiber.
And for an added boost to your drinks, I’ve listed good sources of fiber that you can
add to your drinks on page 44.
“Superfoods” is a term that refers to foods that are particularly nutrient dense. We can
reap great benefits by adding just small amounts of these foods to our diet. Most of
them are loaded with free radical–fighting antioxidants believed to protect our body’s
cells from damage, premature aging, and even cancer. You’ll find many of these
superfoods already added to recipes throughout the book, but feel free to add them to
whichever drink you want to gain some extra superpowers. Check out the chart on
page 46–50 for more details.
pea protein
Pea protein powders are derived from peas and are completely vegan and
hypoallergenic. They’re a great choice for anyone who has allergies or
follows a vegan diet. The powder is usually easily digestible by the body and
is therefore great for using while doing a detox.
hemp protein
Hemp protein powder is made from ground-up hemp seeds. Although not as
high in protein as some of the other options, it’s a great choice for a real
purist as it is usually the least processed of protein powders. As an added
bonus, it also contains plenty of fiber and some healthy fats.
whey protein
Whey is a protein found in milk. It is especially beneficial for those looking
to build some muscle or who are healing from injury. Whey protein has the
correct density to provide support for human muscles and provides a broad
range of amino acids that the body can use in healing itself. Look for the
whey isolate powders, which are the purest, most expensive, and best
absorbed. And if the whey is derived from grass-fed cows, that’s even better.
Even if you are lactose intolerant you should be fine digesting whey, but try
it out and see how you feel.
Proteins to Avoid:
Avoid all protein powders and blends that contain soy or soy protein isolate.
Soy proteins are highly processed and far removed from any natural
products. Soy is also fairly hard to digest unless it has been fermented (such
as in tempeh and miso). Much of the soy found on the market today is
derived from GMO crops, which are genetically altered and foreign to our
bodies. Another thing to keep in mind about soy is that it contains
phytoestrogen that can mimic estrogen in the body. It also contains
goitrogens that can cause thyroid imbalances. For all these reasons you
won’t find soy milk or proteins in any of the recipes in this book, nor in my
fridge at home.
Also, I recommend that you stay away from any powders with high levels of
fructose or endless ingredient lists full of unpronounceable words. A
general rule of thumb is to keep all the ingredients for your drinks as close
to nature as possible.
coconut oil
Coconut oil is a great source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which get
turned directly into energy in the body rather than being stored as fat. It is
also easy to digest and is known to increase metabolism, so it can aid with
weight loss.
Coconut oil is also high in lauric acid, which supports a healthy immune
system due to its very powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral
properties. Besides in coconut oil, lauric acid is only found in breast milk.
Coconut oil also helps repair and protect your skin from within.
Avocado is a great source of healthy fat. The fatty acid called oleic acid
found in avocados has been shown to lower bad cholesterol. Together with
the high level of fat-soluble vitamin E, which can help reduce blood clots,
avocados are great food for your heart! Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that
helps protect your skin cells from damage. All the good fats in avocado also
moisturize the skin from within—or you can mash it up and make a face
mask with it. It’s all good!
chia seeds
These tiny seeds look a lot like poppy seeds, but pack way more of a
nutritional punch. You see, this is the richest plant source of those essential
omega-3 fatty acids! We need omega-3s for proper brain and nerve function,
yet most of us just don’t get enough. Chia seeds are also packed with
minerals and contain a lot of fiber, helping to keep you regular. They also
have another very cool added benefit—they swell up to five times their size
when added to liquid, so they can help you feel full faster and for longer.
flax seeds
Flax seeds are another good source of both omega-3 fats and fiber. Just like
avocados, flax seeds contain plenty of vitamin E, making them a great choice
for your skin. Flax seeds are readily available almost anywhere these days,
and very affordable, too! I recommend grinding the flax seeds to make the
fats and nutrients more available to your body. However, if you have a
powerful blender, it will do that work for you while it’s blending your
smoothie. Easy!
hemp seeds
Hemp seeds are a good source of both protein and fat! They contain all
essential amino acids and the essential omega-3 fatty acids, which does
wonders for both the heart and skin. Hemp seeds contain the minerals
magnesium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus as well as a fat called GLA, believed
to balance hormones. By blending hemp seeds and water together you can
make a simple milk, too.
Every single smoothie in this book contains greens in some form, so you’ll
always get some fiber from them. They also provide you with a bunch of
minerals and antioxidants! It’s a win-win.
flax seeds
As discussed on page 42, you can buy whole or ground flax seeds, and they
are an easy and tasteless addition to any shake. Flax also contains omega-3
fatty acids, something that’s hard to find in high doses in plant foods.
chia seeds
As discussed on page 42, chia seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids than
any other food in the plant world. By adding chia seeds to your drink you get
both a healthy dose of essential fatty acids and lots of fiber.
psyllium husk
Another powerful seed, psyllium husk is a seed from the plant Plantago ovata
from India. When soaked in liquid it turns into a solid gel-like consistency.
It’s often described as having the ability to sweep your intestine clean. This
is a really potent fiber with strong cleansing benefits, so make sure to start
with a low dose and drink lots of water. (I would only recommend using
psyllium husks over short periods of time. Save it for when you do a detox or
really need some added fiber after a few weeks of eating poorly.)
fiber powders
Fiber powders are usually made up of a mix of plant-based sources of fiber
and many contain both psyllium husk and flax meal (ground flax seeds).
Some also contain probiotics and other nutrients that support your digestion.
These powders can be a convenient way to get a concentrated dose of fiber in
one product, for those times when you really need it, but it’s certainly not a
necessary addition if you eat lots vegetables and drink your green smoothies!
nut butters
In addition to being a good source of protein and healthy fats, nuts are a
good source of fiber. Nut butters are great to add to smoothies because they
blend up easily and make the drink richer, creamier, and more filling.
• Improve digestion
• Aid in proper nutrient absorption
• Boost the immune system
• Helps with overall well-being
The word probiotic literally means “for life,” and it refers to good bacteria
that populate our gut. Without taking care of our gut flora, we can eat well
and still not feel great. So trust your gut, and nourish it with lots of healthy
Probiotics can be found in lactofermented foods and beverages such as
sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir. You can try adding some goat kefir or
coconut-water kefir to your smoothies for an extra boost. The probiotic
drinks tend to have a refreshing, sour taste, so keep that in mind when
adding them to your smoothies. You can also get probiotic supplements in
the form of powders and capsules. Probiotic supplements are tasteless, so
you can easily add them to any smoothie you’re making without changing
the taste at all.
bee pollen
• High in protein
• Energy booster
• Helps lower cholesterol
• Nutritional powerhouse full of antioxidants and vitamins
These bright yellow and golden pearls are a nutrient powerhouse and
contain virtually all the nutrients you need to live. Bee pollen is rich in
folate, amino acids, vitamins B, C, D, and E, and many more.
Bee pollen is believed to be the fountain of youth and has been used as a
folk remedy for both PMS and enlarged prostate. Today it is most commonly
used as an energy booster. Bee pollen can also help fight seasonal pollen
• Great detoxifier
• Good brain food
• Energy booster
Spirulina is a micro-algae rich in nutrients, omega-3s, vitamin B, iron, and
magnesium. It also contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that has been shown
to protect our skin and eyes against UV radiation. Spirulina can help
encourage and support the growth of a healthy bacterial flora in our gut,
helping boost our immune system.
Spirulina does have a slightly green and fishy taste, so start with a small
dose and see how it makes you feel. Try adding it to smoothies with banana,
coconut water, and other greens to mask the flavor. You can slowly increase
the dosage up to 2 tablespoons per serving.
• Loaded with antioxidants
• Protection from free-radical damage
• Contains essential healthy fatty acids
This South American berry with a deep, rich purple color is loaded with
beneficial antioxidants. In its pure form it is low in sugar too. You can find it
in frozen or freeze-dried form and both are easy and absolutely delicious in
goji berries
• Helps eyesight
• Improves sexual function and fertility
• Boosts immune function
• Promotes longevity
This bright little red berry has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries
and grows in China and Tibet.
Goji berries are on top of the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)
list, which measures the free radical–destroying potential of a particular
food. They are also a complete protein, containing all the essential amino
acids that we need.
• Powerful anti-inflammatory
• Improves digestion
• Relieves nausea
Ginger is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods out there. Its
potent and spicy oils can actually interrupt some of the chemical reactions
that happen in our bodies when inflammation is triggered. Its nice spicy kick
helps heat the body and is a great addition to juices and smoothies in the
colder winter months.
DATES: Dates are great for sweetening smoothies! They are rich in antioxidants,
iron, minerals, and tannins, too, so you get a lot of added nutrients with all that
STEVIA: Stevia is actually a green leaf (part of the chrysanthemum family) found in
South America, and it’s reassuring to know that it’s been used for centuries! Stevia
is not a sugar and it’s believed that it does not feed yeast (or candida) or raise the
blood sugar.
RAW HONEY: Honey is an ancient food and energy source that has antibacterial
and antiviral properties and actually supports our immune system. It even contains
antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation.
MAPLE SYRUP: Maple syrup is another natural alternative to sugar, loaded with
vitamins and minerals. I love the taste and it works well in creamy smoothies with
almond milk. Make sure you get the real deal and not the diluted, processed stuff.
COCONUT SYRUP: sweetener derived from coconut contains plenty of nutrients and
is rich in enzymes, which can help slow down the absorption of sugar into the
bloodstream. Coconut sweeteners (you can find nectar and sugar versions) are
produced from the sweet juices of coconut palm sugar blossoms and have long been
a staple in Southeast Asia.
Beware of Agave!
I can’t mention sweeteners without adding a few words about agave. Although
this has been touted as a health food in the last few years, it turns out it’s
everything but. Most of the agave “nectar” found on the market is actually a
highly refined sweetener made from the starchy root of the agave plant, in a
process very similar to making high-fructose corn syrup from cornstarch. Agave
nectar also contains more fructose than high-fructose corn syrup, and we know
that high-fructose sweeteners can make us crave and eat more. So stay clear and
choose one of the more natural sweeteners listed above.
What’s That You Say? You Just Don’t Have the Time?
Challenge number one for most of us is time. We always feel stretched for time,
running from one thing to the next and just feeling that there simply aren’t enough
hours in the day. But what if you prioritized a little differently? Or what if you chose to
put your own health first, knowing that in the long run, it will pay off? Or what if you
planned things a little more ahead of time? Whatever it is that will make you find the
time to eat more fresh, whole foods and drink some green drinks, write it down and
start today. Make a commitment and prioritize yourself: You can do pretty much
anything you put your mind and effort into.
On the next page, you’ll find some tricks I use to help me put my health first.
Creating a Healthy Habit
Eating healthy and feeling good go hand in hand. By creating small, healthy
habits you also create an overall lifestyle that supports who you are, what you
most desire, and what is important to you. It doesn’t have to feel like a struggle
or a fight. It should feel right, intuitive almost, and certainly doable, easy, and
fun. The key is time and a step-by-step approach. You don’t have to start by
making green juices and smoothies every single day, if you’ve never made them
at all before. Even having a green drink once a week will be a huge step in the
right direction. Once you notice how great you feel after drinking one of them,
chances are you’ll want to do it again. You don’t have to force it, punish
yourself, or feel guilty. Those emotions are just a waste of time and energy!
Time Savers
MAKE A GROCERY LIST: Be prepared. Write down what you need for making some
green drinks during the week ahead. Bring your list to the store and get your stuff!
Nothing more, nothing less.
MAKE A BIGGER BATCH: Green smoothies will last fine in the fridge for a couple of
days. If you’re making a smoothie, double or triple up the serving. Pour yourself a
nice big glass and store the rest in the blender or in a glass jug in your fridge for an
afternoon snack or tomorrow’s breakfast. It will last at least a day. Just stir it up and
serve! If you want to store a freshly made juice or a smoothie for a longer period of
time, freezing it is the way to go. If you have it handy, add some vitamin C powder
to your drink to help preserve the nutrients better. Use ice-cube trays or even freezer
bags. (Avoid storing drinks with protein powders or chia seeds, which will usually
thicken up too much over time. Instead, blend all the other ingredients and then just
stir in your chia seeds or protein powder right before drinking.)
PREP AHEAD: Wash all your greens at once and store them in the salad spinner or
another airtight container in your fridge. Wash all your green apples, celery, and
cucumber together ahead of time too so that they’re ready to go. Same goes for fruits
like melon, pineapple, or papaya—peel, cut into cubes, and store in your fridge for
easy snacking and smoothie making. Fresh herbs are also easy to clean in a salad
spinner. Store unused herbs wrapped in a damp paper towel in an airtight container
in your fridge.
SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES: Does your partner, roommate, spouse, or child also
like green drinks? Take turns making them. Maybe you each make drinks every other
day, or get the family together for a massive cook-off every Sunday, prepping
vegetables and cooking some dishes for the week.
IN A PINCH, MAKE A SMOOTHIE: There is no denying it—making a juice takes a bit
longer, mainly because you have to clean your juicer straight away. So, when in a
hurry, throw your favorite foods in the blender, mix it up, pour it into a glass jar,
rinse the blender, and run out the door with drink in hand.
WITHIN REACH: When you’re getting into the swing of things and find yourself
making a green smoothie every morning, rearrange your kitchen so that all your go-
to ingredients, boosters, and protein powders are right within reach.
GLASS BOTTLES OR JARS: Always serve your drinks in glass instead of plastic. The
acid from fruits, lemons, and limes releases the toxins from plastic into the drink.
GLASSWARE: Get yourself some nice glass storage containers. They are great for
storing all kinds of leftovers, not just drinks! Mason jars are so charming, and I
always wash and reuse pickle, jam, or tomato jars.
MINI COOLER BAG: If you want to bring your green drinks to work (a great idea)
but have a bit of a commute, get yourself a mini cooler bag. The juices and
smoothies stay fresh and cool all the way to the office and you’ll have an afternoon
snack sure to beat any 3 p.m. snack attack. Vending machines be gone!
LEMON AND LIME: Lemon and lime juice contains citric acid, a natural preservative
that helps maintain the nutrients and freshness of your drinks. If you plan to save
your drink for later, make sure it has some citric acid from one of these fruits.
Money-Saving Tips
FROZEN: Frozen berries, fruits, and vegetables are a good, nutritious alternative to
fresh. In fact, testing shows that they contain nearly the exact same amount of
vitamins and minerals as fresh produce. Often organic frozen berries cost a lot less
than fresh ones and are convenient to keep on hand. They keep a lot longer, and you
may even discover how frozen spinach blends almost tastelessly into a smoothie.
SEASONAL: Food that’s in season is often in abundance and so the prices go down.
Choose foods that are from your local area and in season. Chances are you’re getting
a good deal!
FARMERS’ MARKET: The farmers’ market is a great place to shop for what’s local
and in season. The produce also tends to cost less because the middleman is
removed. You are buying straight from the producer!
BUY IN BULK: supermarkets often sell lemons, limes, apples, and avocados in pre-
assembled bags. The price of these is usually a lot lower than if you were to buy each
item one by one. Don’t worry about the larger amount; you’ll work your way through
a bag of lemons or apples quickly once you start making a green juice every day.
CELERY: Celery is generally a very affordable vegetable. Use a couple of stalks of
celery as a base for your green juices and you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck.
BANANAS: Bananas tend to turn brown and mushy very quickly. Once you start
seeing signs of deterioration, peel the banana and freeze it. Frozen bananas are
delicious in smoothies, making them a little more lush and creamy.
FLAVORED ICE CUBES: If you’ve made a large batch of almond milk that you just
know you won’t use up before it’s too late, freeze half of it in ice-cube trays. These
ice cubes will be a great addition to smoothies later. The same goes for coconut
water, coconut milk, or any other nut milk.
To make a creamy and delicious smoothie we need to add something liquid to the
blender too! While plain water is totally fine, and will do the trick, there is a whole
range of other options that also add nice richness, taste, and, most importantly,
nutrients. Here are some of my go-to favorites that you’ll also see showing up in the
recipes throughout the book.
Nut Milk
Nut milks contain a nice dose of healthy fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals and are
excellent for using in smoothies. Cashews are high in vitamin B, while Brazil nuts are
one of the best sources of selenium. Almond milk contains plenty of vitamin E and
calcium. Coconut milk contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial, antiviral, and
antifungal benefits. I honestly prefer the taste of nut milks to regular cow’s milk!
There’s a variety of nut and seed milks on the market now. I personally prefer
almond and coconut milk, but feel free to play around and replace the nut milk variety
suggested in each recipe with your own favorite, or whatever you happen to have on
hand. When buying these milks at the supermarket, make sure to look for an
unsweetened variety, and if you can find it, organic is always best. Also, if you have
any digestive issues or find yourself sensitive to a lot of foods, you might want to stay
clear of carrageenan, a common additive in most nut milks. I prefer to make my own
nut milk, and it’s a lot easier than it sounds. Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and Brazil
nuts all work well.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is quite different from the other nut milks. Coconut milk is made by
blending the meat of the coconut with the water inside the nuts. Coconut milk used to
be available only in a can, but now you can find a thinner version in cartons along with
all the other dairy-free milk alternatives. Both kinds are great for using in smoothies.
The coconut milk from a can is thicker and more concentrated and therefore also
contains more calories and fat. But fear not, this fat is good for you. In fact, it has been
shown to aid weight loss. The fatty acids in coconut milk are medium-chain
triglycerides and burn faster than other fats. These fatty acids get converted to energy
in the liver instead of being stored as fat in the body.
In most of my recipes I use coconut milk from cartons, as it is a bit thinner and works
better in smoothies. However, if you can only find canned coconut milk, or you prefer
it, you can use it in any recipe. Just dilute the thicker coconut milk with a bit of water.
For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup coconut milk, substitute a mixture of ½ cup
canned coconut milk and ½ cup water.
Coconut Water
Coconut water has a naturally sweet taste and is great for adding some additional
sweetness and hydration to your drinks. Coconut water is high in electrolytes
(potassium and sodium) and has been called nature’s own sports drink exactly for that
reason. It can help fight off muscle cramps and dehydration. Coconut water is high in
potassium—an important nutrient for heart health and regulating blood pressure.
Whenever possible, make sure to get raw, unpasteurized coconut water, or even better,
water from a fresh, young coconut (the ones with the white, stringy shells). The
pasteurization process, used in most bottled or canned coconut water, kills most of the
naturally occurring enzymes in the water. I love using coconut water as a base in my
really green shakes for a little added sweetness. However, if your drink already
contains a lot of sweet fruits, I would avoid adding even more sweetness through
coconut water.
Fruit Juice
Fruit juice can be used as a liquid base for your smoothies. Grapefruit, orange, and
apple juice work well, but watch out—they are high in naturally occurring sugar.
Cranberry, cherry, blueberry, and black currant juices are high in antioxidants and also
work well, especially in smoothies where you are also adding these berries whole.
Ideally, use freshly made juices instead of the pasteurized or from-concentrate juices
found at the supermarket.
A few words about measuring: The recipes in this book all include suggested
measurements for each ingredient. Just keep in mind that an apple is not an apple
—some apples are large, some are small, some are sweet, and others are tart.
Therefore, no one drink will taste exactly the same each time you make it, and
really, that’s part of the fun and appeal! Making smoothies is not like baking, and
you really don’t have to measure out every ingredient exactly. You can simply
“eyeball” the measurements and even add more of the ingredients you love and
less of the stuff you don’t. Customize each drink to your liking and if you don’t
have one of the required ingredients on hand, don’t worry—just switch it out for
something similar. Don’t have any pears? Use apple. Don’t have romaine lettuce?
Use spinach! Ran out of blueberries? Well, blackberries will do just fine. You get
the idea.
Along those lines, the amount of juice or smoothie is also variable. You should
get about 16 ounces of juice for each recipe, a good size for one person or even
enough to share if you’re so inclined.
E ven if we do our best with our own diets and our own homes, we inevitably get
exposed to environmental toxins from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and,
yes, even the food we eat. Our bodies can handle some of it, but once it gets
overwhelmed and the liver has too much work to do, we start feeling sluggish,
tired, and unwell. That’s when it’s time to lighten the load and do some internal
By switching to smoothies and juices as our main source of nutrients for a few
days, we take the pressure off our digestive system, which can then deal with some
of the built-up problems it hasn’t been able to attend to for a while. The juices help
provide an instant nutrient boost and support for the liver to do its job. The
smoothies, although blended well, still provide fiber, which helps sweep the
intestine clean, keeps the bowels regular, and helps move the toxins out of the
body once they’ve been processed by the liver. We know that our liver needs
protein to properly detox, so it’s good to include some easily digestible pea protein
powder (or another vegan protein that you like) in your shakes a few times a day.
I have also included some recipes in this section that are low in sugar and fruit.
Fruit is loaded with nutrients that are good for us, but for people with yeast
overgrowth (such as candida) the naturally occurring sugar in fruit can be a
problem. The yeast feeds on sugar, so the more sugar we feed it, the harder it is to
get rid of it. These low- or no-sugar recipes are great for anyone to enjoy, whether
you’re on a cleanse, dealing with yeast, or not. I personally love my green juices
slightly tart anyway!
green smoothie
This drink is packed with hydrating and immune-boosting properties, without too much
sweetness and sugar that can compromise an already weakened immune system. Ginger is
known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is a great digestive aid, while the probiotics
add healthy bacteria to your gut. Despite their acidic taste, lemons are alkaline forming in the
body and contain a good dose of antioxidants and vitamin C. Drink up and you’ll be fit to
1 cup coconut water
¼ cucumber
¼ avocado, peeled
½ lemon, peeled
Add all ingredients to the blender, except ice. If you have a high-speed blender you can
leave the peel and core on the apple and cucumber. If not, you might want to remove
them. Blend on high until all the ingredients have turned into a smooth liquid. Add ice
cubes (if using) and blend for another 10 seconds. Serve and enjoy!
You might think of honey as just another sweetener, but honey has a lot to offer
beyond its sweet taste. Raw honey is a whole and natural food, as opposed to processed
white sugar. Honey also has antibacterial and antiviral properties and supports our
immune system. It even contains antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation. I
prefer using raw and local honey, which can also act as a booster to fight off seasonal
allergy symptoms.
A detox can be bittersweet sometimes. The moments of not indulging in our guilty pleasure
can be both sad and rewarding all at once. So in honor of all things detox, here is a
nutritious green smoothie with bitter grapefruit, rewarding greens, and sweet, sweet honey!
1 cup water
½ grapefruit, peeled
3 ice cubes
Hack open the coconut and pour all the liquid inside it straight into your blender.
Scoop out the meat from the coconut (a melon baller works well, but any spoon will
do) and add the meat to the blender. Add kale and blend until everything is well
mixed. Stop the blender, add the ice, and blend again for another 20 seconds or so. Sip
slowly with a straw and dream your way to a tropical beach.
pineapple greens
This is a super refreshing, light, and hydrating summer drink packed with enzymes and
electrolytes. The romaine provides a little dose of protein too, making this a great, light snack.
½ cucumber
3 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to the blender, except ice. Blend until all the ingredients have
turned into a smooth liquid. Add the ice cubes and blend for another 10 seconds or
until the ice is crushed and well blended into the drink.
I love grapefruit as part of my breakfast, so here I’ve added it to a luscious green smoothie!
Lime and cilantro give this drink an exotic flair, and with grapefruit and lime as the only
fruits, this is a drink that’s also very low in sugar.
1 cup water
1 stalk celery
⅓ cucumber
½ grapefruit, peeled
½ lime, peeled
⅓ cup cilantro
Cilantro has so much more to offer than its controversial taste (either you love it or
you hate it). This is a detoxing herb that helps chelate toxic metals from the body.
Now that is one powerful herb! It also acts as a natural antiseptic and can help
wounds heal. This delicious herb is also rich in minerals, including iron and
magnesium—two minerals many of us lack. So if you’re among us cilantro lovers,
drink up! And if you’re a hater, substitute parsley.
If you’re looking for a light and refreshing drink without too much sugar, this is the one. The
Refresh Smoothie would make for a perfect pre-workout snack because it’s packed with
electrolyte power from the coconut water and replenishing minerals from the greens.
1½ cups coconut water
½ cup kale
½ cup spinach
½ lime, peeled
power bliss
On a detox we still need healthy fats, protein, and fiber! I use pea protein here because when
you’re detoxing, it’s nice to choose the most easily digestible and gentle proteins possible. The
chia seeds add fiber to keep you all sorts of regular, and there’s plenty of sweetness from
coconut and pear to make this an absolute crowd-pleaser.
½ pear
¼ avocado, peeled
1 scoop pea protein powder (or substitute hemp or brown rice protein)
Blend all ingredients, except water, until smooth. Then put the blender on slow and
pour in water until the smoothie reaches desired consistency. You can make it so thick
you’ll eat it with a spoon, or as thin as a juice.
oj & greens
This is a potent anti-inflammatory drink packed with the antioxidants beta-carotene and
vitamin C! It will do wonders for aching joints and boost your immune system during the cold
and flu season.
½ lemon, peeled
Start by squeezing the oranges to create 1 cup orange juice. Add the juice and the
remaining ingredients to the blender and blend very well until everything is smooth.
Serve at room temperature or pour over a few ice cubes if you prefer.
Carrots are high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, also known as vitamin A. When
you slice a carrot you notice a perfect circle at the core—it looks like a human eye!
And wouldn’t you know it—carrots are great for eyesight.
This is for the dedicated and, dare I say, more advanced green drink drinkers. Without any
sweet fruits, this drink is as green as they get, yet refreshing and deliciously cleansing.
1½ cups water
1 stalk celery
½ cucumber
½ avocado
⅓ cup parsley
½ lemon, peeled
Also known as an alligator pear, the avocado is actually not a vegetable but a fruit,
and contains about 20 percent fat, more than any other fruit. Avocados are loaded
with vitamin E and great for protecting both our skin and our heart. Their high
level of oleic acid—a fatty acid—can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL). And did
you know avocados actually contain the same amount of potassium as two to three
the green master
Have you ever considered doing the hard-core cleanse known as the Master Cleanse? Well,
I’ve done it, and I do not recommend it to anyone. It puts your body in starvation mode,
which makes you gain back all the weight you lose and then some. Also, for most of us this
kind of extreme detoxing ends up dumping too many toxins on our poor liver at once.
Instead, add this drink to your healthy-habit regimen. It’s packed with cleansing nutrients and
fiber to help sweep you clean.
1 cup or 3 leaves kale
¼ green apple
½ lemon, peeled
½ cup water
Add all ingredients to your blender, pouring the liquids over the top. Blend until
everything is smoothly mixed. Sip it slowly!
Whenever we are detoxing we have to make sure to look after the liver—the body’s main
detoxing organ. It is hard at work processing all the toxins that enter our body, whether we
like it or not. This smoothie should provide your hardworking liver with some well-deserved
¼ avocado, peeled
This bitter, green, and wild leaf is packed with minerals, including calcium and
iron, of which so many of us need more. Dandelion is also packed with
antioxidants and chlorophyll. What makes dandelion different from the other leafy
greens (and I love ‘em all!) is that it’s wild. It’s easily found in nature or in your
own garden, which makes it free! Wild weeds also carry a unique energy of, well,
let’s call it fierceness!
This smoothie is hydrating and a little tart, with just a touch of sweetness. Dandelion is a
powerful wild weed with a slightly bitter taste, so the apple and lemon help round out the
flavors nicely.
1 cup water
1 cup chopped cucumber
½ green apple
½ lemon, peeled
fall into
winter greens
This is a fall- and winter-friendly recipe packed with fiber and flavor. Fennel adds a slight
licorice taste, and pear adds just enough juicy, honey-sweet flavor. Bosc pears work well in
smoothies; they are usually a little more soft and juicy. Kale is a great wintery green and
usually available year-round.
⅓ bulb fennel
½ pear
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well.
Fennel contains oils that help relieve cramps and spasms in the digestive tract.
These oils can even help dispel gas to ease uncomfortable bloating.
green goddess smoothie
This is a great, light breakfast option when you’re doing a little internal cleansing. Pineapple
contains natural enzymes, and cilantro is a natural chelator that helps draw out and get rid
of toxins. And all the fiber from the greens helps finish the job.
2 leaves kale
½ lime, peeled
¼ cup cilantro
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well.
This is a smoothie very low in sugar yet very high in nutritional value. The starchy tuber
jicama and the fatty avocado make this drink nice and creamy, while the cilantro and lime
add a powerful detox effect.
¼ cucumber, cubed
¼ cup cilantro
¼ avocado, peeled
½ lime, peeled
Jicama is a tuber, just like yam, and is high in carbohydrates. It tastes slightly
sweet but is crunchy like a water chestnut. It is native to Mexico but has now
spread to Asia too; you often find it in Vietnamese cuisine. Jicama is packed with
dietary fiber to help move things along and prevent blood sugar spikes. It has
plenty of potassium, a mineral many of us don’t get enough of, as well as vitamins
C, A, and B. I’ll drink to that!
fiesta juice
Cilantro makes me happy! This juice is ready to party, and if you’re opting out of the
margaritas for a while, it makes for a very good substitute.
½ cup cilantro
½ lime, peeled
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between the pineapple and romaine
to help move everything through smoothly.
all greens
All greens, all good! This juice is nicely tart and very green, in the best ways possible.
Without any added sweet fruits, this is a great choice for anyone who wants to cut back on
all sugars and still drink their juice.
4 stalks celery
½ cucumber
2 leaves kale
1 handful of spinach
½ cup parsley
½ lemon, peeled
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like celery and
cucumber, and the leafy greens to help move everything through smoothly.
Ginger is one of the absolute most powerful anti-inflammatory agents out there. It
is even used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and osteoporosis. Ginger has also
been shown to decrease muscle pain and soothe stomachaches, nausea, and
flatulence. Bonus: Ginger has been celebrated as an aphrodisiac for centuries. So
go ahead and turn up the heat!
beet it juice
Boost your detox with some potent and bright beet juice. I love the pretty color of beets and
their sweet and earthy flavor. The ginger adds a kick and some anti-inflammatory benefits.
The lemon makes it all come together. And don’t worry; I didn’t forget about the greens
either. A cup of kale should round things off perfectly. To good health!
2 beets
1 lemon, peeled
1 carrot
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like beets and
carrots, and kale to help move everything through smoothly.
As you can see from the beet’s incredibly bright color, this root vegetable is loaded
with antioxidants. The purple pigment in beets is called betacyanin and can have
great liver benefits—it actually helps increase the level of detoxifying enzymes in
the liver. This certainly makes beet juice the perfect hangover helper! Recent
studies are also confirming that beets can have a nice blood pressure–lowering
effect. So, go ahead and chill out with a glass of beet juice.
monster juice
When I grab a green juice at a juice bar in the city, this is usually what I ask them to make.
Yes, it’s very green, but with just enough apple and lemon to make it absolutely delicious.
Every single ingredient helps boost detoxification and provides your body with a multitude of
1 stalk celery
2 leaves kale
½ cucumber
½ apple
½ lemon, peeled
2 stems parsley
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like celery and
cucumber, and the leafy greens and herbs to help move everything through smoothly.
Apples are a great source of pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to help
lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Apples contain lots of flavonoids that help protect our
body against heart disease. There is also research pointing to apples’ ability to
stabilize blood sugar and our healthy gut flora. Apples have great cleansing
properties, especially when consumed in the fall, helping our bodies expel excess
heat and cool down before winter.
S ometimes we need a little extra love. We’ve worked out hard and need to refuel,
or we’re a little under the weather and need to slow things down, take a break,
and drink some healing tonic. In this chapter I’ve gathered recipes that are perfect
for those times when you need to recharge your batteries. Whether you are feeling
fatigued and depleted or just in need of some tender loving care, you will find a
nourishing drink for yourself here.
Many of the drinks in this chapter have some added protein and are perfect after
a hard workout session or a long hike. Others are boosted with a little honey and
ginger to fight off a stubborn cold. There are also great breakfast-of-champions
smoothies in this chapter for those days when you know you’re going to need that
little extra (and maybe for you, that’s every day!). With protein, vitamins,
minerals, and fats, many of these drinks even work well as a complete meal.
Kick back, sip slowly, and recharge the batteries.
c booster
Feeling a little under the weather? Well, I’ve got just the right elixir for you. This smoothie is
packed with vitamin C and anti-inflammatory ginger as well as honey, which has powerful
antimicrobial properties. Nip that cold in the bud once and for all.
1 cup kale
½ lemon, peeled
Oranges have long been celebrated for their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is
an antioxidant that helps protect our cells from free-radical damage and so it’s a
serious cancer fighter! Oranges are also high in potassium, an electrolyte that
protects our heart and helps prevent muscle cramping. Since oranges are pretty
sweet and high in sugar, I prefer to eat them whole or blended into smoothies to
maintain all the fiber intact.
If you feel passionate about coconut’s deliciousness, you’re going to love this drink. It’s so
incredibly simple, refreshing, and delicious—you wouldn’t know there was anything healthy
about it. But there is! Coconut’s water and flesh contain potassium and healthy fats that help
restore lost fluids and energy. No wonder it’s the one food easily available on desert islands.
1 whole coconut
1 cup spinach
1 frozen banana
Hack open the coconut and pour all the water inside straight into your blender. Scoop
out the meat from the coconut (a melon baller works really well, but any spoon will
do) and add the meat to your blender. Add spinach and frozen banana and blend it all
of change
This is a creamy, rich, and immensely satisfying shake packed with healthy fats. This shake
may just change your life for the better.
1 cup spinach
1 frozen banana
açai green
I love this smoothie! It’s refreshing, energizing, and packed with antioxidants. The added fats
and protein also make this one an easy meal replacement, especially for breakfast. You can
make it thicker by using a little less liquid and serve it in a bowl with a sprinkle of your
favorite seeds, coconut flakes, and fresh berries.
½ cup blueberries
1 pack (about 3.5 oz) frozen unsweetened açai
1 cup spinach
¼ avocado, peeled
Place all ingredients in a blender, blend everything well, and sip it slowly.
Yum! This is a whole breakfast meal blended into one delicious shake. Pour it into a jar and
take it to go, or make it so thick and luscious that you can eat it with a spoon. The green tea
and fiber should keep you full and fueled for hours!
1 cup cold green tea (unsweetened)
¾ cup kale
½ banana
Add all ingredients to the blender, except the date or honey, and blend well. Taste for
sweetness and add a little honey or a date if you like your breakfast a little sweeter.
1 cup spinach
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ avocado
1 scoop pea protein
Water (optional)
Add all the ingredients to the blender, except water, and blend well. Some protein
powders thicken the drink, so you might need some additional water. Check the
consistency before adding any extra liquid. It’s easy to add more water to make a drink
thinner, but not so easy to make a drink thicker if it’s too thin.
to go!
This shake provides your body with healing superfuel to help you recharge the batteries and
restore your muscles after some heavy lifting, long-distance running, or a tough day. Whey
(pun intended!) better than anything you can buy!
1 cup nut milk of your choice
1 cup kale
3 ice cubes
Add all the ingredients to the blender, except ice. Blend well, then add ice and blend
for another few seconds.
pb & jelly
Chances are the kid in you still loves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a milkshake.
Well, here you’ve got it all in one healthy concoction! Nut butter loaded with healthy fats and
antioxidant-packed raspberries—all in a creamy shake!
1 cup spinach
Add all ingredients to the blender, except maple syrup, and blend well. Taste test
before adding the maple syrup. You may not even need it!
winter wonder
This is true comfort food, packed with warming and sweet winter spices and persimmon—a
bright orange winter fruit with a delicious sweet taste.
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp cardamom
1 medjool date
I didn’t grow up eating persimmon, or ever even tasting it, so to me it’s an exotic
fruit. I love its bright orange color and the glossy skin—not to mention its
supersweet and luscious flesh. Persimmons contain pectin, a fiber that helps
regulate blood sugar and lower LDL cholesterol. So, despite its sweet flavor, it
contains enough fiber to curb cravings and keep you feeling full for longer. It is
also rich in minerals and high in antioxidants and both vitamins C and A.
rabbit juice
Carrot juice is a true and trusted staple, but have you ever tried it mixed with kale and olive
oil? The olive oil doesn’t just add a nice flavor, it also aids the absorption of the fat-soluble
3 carrots
½ apple
Put all ingredients through a juicer, except olive oil. Alternate between harder foods,
like apple and carrots, and kale to help move everything through smoothly. Stir in the
olive oil at the end.
2 tomatoes
¼ cucumber
Handful of parsley
2 stalks celery
½ bulb fennel
1 carrot
½ lemon
Sea salt and fresh pepper to taste
Put all the ingredients through a juicer, except salt and pepper. Alternate between
harder foods, like celery and cucumber, and tomatoes and parsley to help move
everything through smoothly.
Add a little sea salt and freshly ground pepper. And for full Bloody Mary effect, serve
garnished with a celery stick, two green olives, and a slice of lemon.
Jalapeños are rich in potassium, which helps fight muscle cramping—perfect after
a long night of dancing. They also contain capsaicin, which is believed to boost
metabolism. Spicy foods in general help curb the appetite slightly and speed up the
metabolism, so hot peppers can be helpful for people trying to lose weight.
L ooking for an overall uplifting boost of well-being? Well, then this chapter is
packed with recipes for you. Longevity is about more than just living longer—it’s
about improved quality of life! And quality is all about healthy, nutritious food
and delicious flavor. I sure would rather have my healthy food also taste good.
Wouldn’t you? Delicious food brings us pleasure, joy, and satisfaction—all good
things to experience as often as possible. So, here you’ll find a variety of delicious,
refreshing, and wellness-boosting recipes.
And did I mention that these drinks also bring with them some fantastic benefits
for your skin? They are jam-packed with antioxidants—the powerful free-radical
warriors that help fight skin-cell damage from sun and pollution! The healthy fats
from avocados, coconuts, and almonds, added to many of the drinks in this
chapter, help to moisturize your skin from within. And the collagen boost you’ll
get from consuming plenty of vitamin C from both the greens and citrus is better
than any antiaging cream I’ve ever tried.
Cheers to good health and a long, rich life filled with joy!
Summer peaches are oh-so-sweet and delicious, but their season is oh-so-short. Make sure to
take advantage of it while it lasts. Make this refreshing and simple summer drink packed with
vitamin C and peachy goodness!
Juice of 1 orange
1 cup kale
½ pear
¼ avocado, peeled
½ cucumber
½ lemon, peeled
Handful of cilantro
Add all ingredients to the blender, except the water, and blend well. Check the
consistency and add a little more water if needed.
Curly kale, ornamental kale, purple kale, dinosaur kale, lacinato kale: many
varieties and names, one incredibly healthy vegetable. In fact, kale is one of the
most nutrient-dense vegetables. Kale is very high in chlorophyll and carotenes. It’s
also packed with calcium, making it a great vegetable for our bones. Kale, as well
as all other members of the cabbage family, has anticancer properties.
& avocado
This smoothie is creamy, green, slightly sweet, and a little sour, yet very low in sugar! It’s an
excellent afternoon snack with vitamin C, healthy fat, and hydrating electrolytes to keep you
charged for the whole afternoon.
1 cup spinach
2 kiwis, peeled
½ avocado, peeled
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well. For an even more filling and
boosting drink, add a scoop of plain or vanilla-flavored pea protein powder.
Kiwi is high in vitamin C for skin health and immunity, and potassium for sodium
balance. It also contains the enzyme actinidain, which helps with the digestion of
protein. Kiwi is one of the fruits lowest in sugar and highest in fiber, so you won’t
get the insulin rush you might experience from some other fruits.
apple pie
There is something incredibly comforting about a piece of homemade apple pie. I took all that
warm goodness and transformed it into a smoothie perfect for fall, with walnuts, apples, and
cinnamon. And, of course, a handful of kale for good measure.
1 apple, peeled
1 cup kale
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ lemon, peeled
¼ cup walnuts
Take a close look at a shelled walnut. Does it remind you of something? it looks
like a little brain! And go figure—this nut is loaded with brain food in the form of
omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s also help fight inflammation and balance the
cholesterol in the body. Walnuts also contain vitamin E, which has a slight blood-
thinning effect and can help protect against strokes and heart attacks.
almond kale
This creamy and sweet smoothie feels like nothing less than an indulgence. Yet it packs a real
nutritional punch! Almonds are rich in vitamin E (an antioxidant) and contain a good dose
of monounsaturated fats, which help keep your heart healthy. Kale is king, with forty-five
different antioxidants to help fight cancer.
1 cup kale
1½ cups almond milk
¼ tsp cinnamon
Add kale to the blender and add the almond milk. Blend for a few seconds before
adding remaining ingredients. Blend everything together for about 30 seconds, or until
you have a smooth drink. Cheers!
You may think cinnamon is just another holiday cookie ingredient, but did you
know this potent brown bark also helps fight inflammation? in fact, cinnamon has
been shown to help lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol. Chinese medicine also
describes cinnamon’s warming properties—no wonder I love to sprinkle it on
everything during the cold winter months.
Sometimes all you want is a summery cocktail without the hangover. With this drink you can
have your cocktail and drink it too, guilt-free! This is also a perfect crowd pleaser at any
summer BBQ. No one will miss the rum.
1 cup water
½ lime, peeled
6 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to the blender, except the ice, and blend well. Add ice cubes and
blend for another few seconds until everything is well mixed.
Sweet bananas and tangerines, mixed with hydrating coconut water and Swiss chard! So
incredibly simple and yet a total taste explosion! I hope you like it too.
1 banana
Rise and shine with this delicious green drink packed with vitamins and minerals for lasting
vitality throughout the day. A little orange adds a familiar morning touch, and the nut milk
provides satisfying, healthy, and glow-promoting fats!
¼ mango, peeled
1 cup or 3 large leaves kale (stem removed) or any other greens you
have on hand
½ banana
½ cup spinach
5 leaves mint
1 lemon, peeled
1 cup ice
Add all ingredients, but only ½ cup ice, to the blender and blend well. Then add
remaining ice and blend for a few more seconds.
Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which is crucial for proper immune function
and is a great antioxidant. Lemon also stimulates the liver to detoxify. And no
wonder lemonade is the beverage of choice on hot summer days: Lemons are a
good source of electrolytes!
Mango and greens is a match made in heaven. The juicy sweetness of mango balances out
any green taste of the leafy greens. The coconut adds lots of satisfying healthy fats that also
aid with the absorption of all the good beta-carotene from the mango!
1 cup water
1 mango, peeled and pit removed (1 cup frozen mango works too!)
⅓ cup cilantro
4 ice cubes
Add all ingredients, except ice, in a blender. If you don’t have coconut manna, you can
substitute 1 cup coconut milk instead of water and manna.
Blend until nice and smooth, then add ice and blend a few more seconds. Enjoy as soon
as possible.
Mangos are loaded with nutrients: carotenoids, vitamin C, copper, and vitamin A,
to name just a few. They have cancer-preventing properties and can protect against
infections, too! Mangos are also rich in enzymes that improve digestion. Their high
content of carotenoids makes them a great skin food. No wonder this is one of the
most commonly consumed fruits in the world!
This smoothie is a humble ode to my Nordic roots. Dairy is a staple in the Norwegian diet,
and our summer berries are, dare I say, the best-tasting berries in the world. I spent summers
picking and eating sweet cherries next to the fjord. Here I’ve combined all these sweet
memories with a dash of fresh spinach.
½ cup water
Just like other dark blue or purple fruits, cherries are loaded with flavonoids—
antioxidants that help protect us from inflammation and cancer. Cherries have also
been found to help relieve symptoms associated with gout—a form of arthritis—by
lowering uric acid levels.
1 cup spinach
½ tsp cinnamon
4 ice cubes
Blend everything together, except ice, in a blender. Blend until smooth, then add ice
and blend a few more seconds. Pour into a tall red-wine glass for a proper, grown-up
the kiwi
Kiwis are a fun and unexpected addition to smoothies. Here I’ve mixed kiwi with some
creamy avocado, refreshing lime, and, of course, some leafy greens. It makes for a pretty
darn delicious green smoothie!
1 kiwi, peeled
¼ avocado, peeled
Juice of ½ lime
½ cup spinach
With both bee pollen and honey, we’re harvesting some energizing and immune-boosting
powers from our buzzing friends. And did you know bee pollen is 40 percent protein?
½ avocado, peeled
½ cup kale
medley juice
I just love watermelon and mint together. I toss it in my summer salads or serve it as a simple
snack. But then I thought, why not blend it all into a juice? So here it is, watermelon, mint,
and some green goodness with a little ginger surprise. So incredibly good, it makes me long
for a hot summer’s day.
1½ cups watermelon
½ cucumber
6 leaves mint
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like cucumber,
and kale and mint to help move everything through smoothly.
Watermelon, as the name implies, is packed with hydrating water. It’s also a
diuretic and the perfect food in hot summer weather. Watermelon also contains
plenty of antioxidants, including vitamin C.
cooler juice
This is the juice to serve yourself on a hot summer day or after a sweaty yoga class. Cooling
mint and cucumber will hydrate and calm you down, bringing your body right back to its
comfort zone in no time.
1½ cucumbers (or 1 English cucumber)
1 lime, peeled
6 leaves mint
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Sneak the mint leaves in with some cucumber
to help them move through the juicer easily.
tonic juice
Here’s a delicious juice that promotes healthy, dewy, and glowing skin. The cucumber is
hydrating and contains silica, known for its amazing skin-toning benefits.
1 cucumber
½ lemon, peeled
1 cup purslane
Handful of cilantro
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between the cucumber, the mango, and
the purslane and cilantro to help move everything through smoothly.
Purslane is a green weed high in essential omega-3 fatty acids. The body does not
produce omega-3s on its own and needs to get them through food. Omega-3s help
lower inflammation. With skin issues such as acne and eczema, it is important to
get enough of this anti-inflammatory fatty acid. This juice is for you!
greens juice
This juice is easy, light, and absolutely delicious. I love using romaine in my juices. It has a
smooth and delicious flavor that is perfect for anyone who’s a little new to the whole green
juice craze.
4 leaves romaine lettuce
½ lemon, peeled
½ cucumber
½ apple, peeled
½ cup basil
Put all the ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like apple, and
the pineapple, basil, and romaine to help move everything through smoothly.
A ll my clients come to me wanting more energy. Our lives are busier than ever,
our jobs demand more and more of our time, and yet we still want to have fuel left
over to enjoy our friends, family, and (in my case) yoga!
A well-fed and nourished body should be able to enjoy this busy, exciting life
without crashing and burning. However, often we are so stretched for time we
don’t think we have enough time to cook and eat as well as we’d like to. That’s
exactly why green drinks are so great—they are quick to make, loaded with
nutrients, and easy to take with you on the go. I mean, we’re talking real fast food
I’ve gathered all my favorite energy-boosting drinks in this next chapter. Some
are even boosted with a bit of caffeine from green tea or cacao. And if that, along
with all the uplifting and energizing greens, isn’t enough, I’ve also thrown in some
energizing superfoods here and there for good measure. So go ahead: blend, chug,
work it out, and repeat.
Keep in mind, a well-nourished body is an energized body!
green kiss
The avocado adds healthy fat and makes this smoothie super creamy, and the coconut water
adds delicious hydrating sweetness. Pear is an underutilized fruit in the smoothie world, but
for no good reason. It’s deliciously sweet and adds a nice thick and creamy texture.
½ pear
½ avocado, peeled
1 cup spinach
I love coconut water as a natural, hydrating sports drink on hot and sweaty
summer days. Even though I prefer mine straight out of the nut, it’s still pretty
darn good in this smoothie! Coconut water contains plenty of electrolytes, which
help hydrate and restore the body. Its high potassium level also helps relieve
hypertension and muscle cramps.
mint chocolate
chip shake
I am so thrilled to have come up with this super energizing and cooling shake! Seriously, just
try this and I promise, you will never bother to reach for a milkshake or Frappuccino again.
1½ cups almond milk
1 cup spinach
4 ice cubes
Blend almond milk, spinach, cacao powder, vanilla, mint, and stevia until smooth. Add
ice and blend until crushed, then add cacao nibs and blend for few more seconds. You
want the nibs to give you a chocolate chip feeling in the shake, so don’t crush them
Cacao is the highest antioxidant food on the planet, with tons of magnesium,
chromium, iron, and manganese—and most importantly, it’s totally delicious!
Chocolate can improve cardiovascular health and helps build strong bones. Bonus
point: Chocolate leaves us feeling good, too—it is an aphrodisiac and a mood and
energy enhancer!
go-go goji
Goji berries are referred to as “happy berries” by Tibetans, who believe that a handful of
these bright red berries in the morning will keep you feeling happy all day long. So drink it up
and smile like you mean it!
1 banana
½ banana
½ cup blueberries
1 tsp spirulina
Spirulina is one of the few plants that are high in B vitamins, the compounds
responsible for turning the food that you need into energy. So if you’re running
low, fuel up with some spirulina, either in a smoothie like the one above, or in
chewable pills to take on the go. Spirulina is about 60 percent pure protein, so it’s
a great vegan source of complete protein. It is also a good source of GLA, the fat
our brain most desires. So, I think it’s safe to say we have a real superfood on our
This smoothie is like a greener, healthier version of strawberries and cream. And with the
added boost of green tea and honey, it will provide you with plenty of energy! Try it instead
of your afternoon coffee.
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup strawberries
⅓ cucumber
½ cup romaine
Boost yourself with plenty of hydrating electrolytes and energizing spirulina. Sweet and
viscous, nutritious and delicious. Just how I like it!
1 cup kale
1 banana
10 green grapes
⅓ cucumber
5 mint leaves
1 tsp spirulina
2 ice cubes
Blend everything together, except ice, in a blender. Blend until nice and smooth, then
add ice and blend a few more seconds.
This drink is close to a green tea latte, but with even more benefits. Try this shake on a day
when you know you need to focus, perform, and deliver!
1 frozen banana
1 cup spinach
Matcha green tea is a great metabolism booster due to a component called EGCG.
As opposed to green tea that you steep, matcha is a finely ground powder, so you
actually consume the entire leaf, making it nutritionally superior to other green
teas. It is loaded with protective antioxidants and can help fight signs of aging.
Matcha green tea also contains caffeine, providing focused energy that can help
with performance and concentration.
The combination of Brazil nuts, Amazonian berries, and raw chocolate makes this an exotic,
energizing, and nutrient-dense smoothie! The nuts are loaded with selenium, and just a few
nuts will cover your daily need. The açai berries are packed with antioxidants, and the cacao
provides energy and a little aphrodisiac boost.
½ cup spinach
1 medjool date
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well. Add a little water if needed.
½ lime, peeled
½ cucumber
3 stalks mint
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like apple and
cucumber, and the romaine to help move everything through smoothly.
Mint symbolizes hospitality and wisdom. It contains oils that help relieve digestive
discomforts. Mint helps relax and soothe tense muscles. Mint is also cooling, so
enjoy it on a hot summer day, or if you’re feeling a bit hot-tempered.
energizer juice
Here we’re talking some serious energy boosting! All the kale in this juice might make you feel
like you’ve just had an IV vitamin injection. Vitamins, enzymes, and minerals—it’s all there,
with the smooth flavor of apple to tie it all together.
2 cups kale
1 stalk celery
½ lemon, peeled
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like apple and
cucumber, and kale to help move everything through smoothly.
O ur digestive systems are incredibly important to our overall health and well-
being. The digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food that we eat
into fuel for our cells and getting rid of toxins. A well-functioning digestive system
should technically not be felt at all—it should just be doing its thing quietly while
we go about living our lives. However, for most of us this is not how we feel. I
have yet to meet a client who doesn’t experience some constipation, bloating,
discomfort, gas, and/or heartburn. So what gives?
Due to the common use of antibiotics, found in our food and prescribed as
medication, the balance of our intestinal flora can be disturbed. Without enough
good bacteria in our gut, we are more susceptible to overgrowth of bad bacteria,
fungus, and yeast, as well as being more likely to develop food sensitivities and all
kinds of digestive problems.
Whether you’re looking for some relief after a less-than-healthy meal, or would
like to boost your gut flora, this chapter’s for you. Probiotics are the good gut
bacteria and can be found in fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir (both dairy and
coconut varieties), and pickled vegetables (don’t worry—I didn’t create a smoothie
with sauerkraut!). Adding these foods to your diet, as well as taking a probiotic
supplement, is a great preventative measure as well as treatment for digestive
problems. The good bacteria also need the right fuel, and getting enough prebiotic
foods is crucial for a healthy gut—think fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
Good thing the smoothies in this book are all loaded with that!
Some fruits (pineapple and papaya in particular) contain useful enzymes that
can help us digest protein better, so I’ve included some drinks with these
ingredients, too. I’ve also come up with some delicious drinks with soothing
stomach benefits from ingredients such as mint, fennel, and ginger.
So go ahead—go with your gut!
Is your digestive system weighing you down and making you feel sluggish? It’s time to up the
1 cup almond milk
1 cup kale
½ cup blueberries
¼ avocado, peeled
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well. Add a little water if needed.
Remember, the chia seeds expand, so the longer you wait to drink this, the thicker it
Chia seeds have been used for centuries for endurance and sustenance. These tiny
gray seeds are also known to lubricate dryness and are high in fiber, making them
great for fighting and relieving constipation.
Piña coladas are dreamy, creamy, and deliciously sweet. Here I’ve added something green
and removed the rum, but you might not even notice.
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend well. If you don’t have a high-speed
blender, grind or finely chop the ginger before adding it to the blender. That way it
will blend up more easily.
Ate too much? This smoothie will help your body break down the food with healthy probiotics
and enzymes.
1 cup papaya
Juice of ½ lime
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is greatly beneficial for our
digestion. It’s helpful both if you’ve eaten too much or something heavy (such as a
big steak), or if you’re feeling bloated and having overall digestive discomfort,
because it literally helps your body digest and break down food. Papaya is also
believed to alleviate coughing and moisten the lungs.
Lassi is an Indian yogurt drink celebrated for its digestive and cooling benefits. It’s perfect
after a heavy, spicy meal as a light dessert, or even as breakfast! Here I swapped out the
traditional cow’s milk yogurt with coconut kefir. This is a perfect probiotic boost for those of
us who don’t tolerate dairy.
1 cup spinach
express juice
Pineapple and greens work so well together. The sweet, juicy pineapple makes up for any
bitterness that the greens might add. Who knew something so delicious could also be so very
good for you?
2 stalks celery
½ lime, peeled
¼ cucumber
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like celery and
cucumber, and kale and pineapple to help move everything through smoothly.
Pineapples contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that not only increases your
body’s ability to digest food well but is also believed to help destroy worms(!).
Pineapple eases digestive discomfort, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is said
to help remove “the summer heat,” making it one very powerful fruit!
juice light
I call this Green Juice Light—although it is a pretty hard-core green juice, the romaine and
fennel give this drink such a smooth and delicious flavor, you’ll forget all about the fact that
you’re actually drinking a healthy green juice! It’s just that good.
¼ bulb fennel, with the stalk and green herbs
½ lime, peeled
Put all ingredients through a juicer. Alternate between harder foods, like apple and
fennel, and the romaine and herbs to help move everything through smoothly.
fennel juice
The fennel gives this juice a refreshing and slightly licorice-y flavor that I absolutely love. (We
Northern Europeans take licorice very seriously!) With both cucumber and pear, you end up
with a super-smooth and delicious drink that is perfect even for the most skeptical of juice
1 cucumber
1 pear
½ lime, peeled
Pear contains water-soluble fibers such as pectin, which has been shown to help
lower cholesterol and tone the intestines. In Chinese medicine, pear is considered a
cooling fruit—perfect for people who tend to overheat, both physically and
Açai, 48, 177
Açai Green, 114
Super Brazilian, 177
Agave, note about, 52
Apples, 93
Apple Pie, 137
Cool it Green Juice, 179
Dandelion Bliss, 93
Good Greens Juice, 161
Green Juice Light, 193
The Green Master, 91
Green Monster Juice, 104
Immunity Green Smoothie, 74
Kale Energizer Juice, 180–81
Avocado(s), 42, 88
The Bee-utiful, 152
Greenest Green, 88
The Green Kiss, 164
Spinach, & Kiwi, 134
Chard, 142
Copacabana, 111
Go Go Goji, 168
Matcha Shake, 175
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Spiritual Gangster, 174
Bee pollen, 46
The Bee-utiful, 152
Beet It Juice, 103
Beets, 103
Berries. See also specific berries
Northern Lights, 148
Whey to Go!, 121
Blenders, 23–25
Blueberry(ies), 117
Açai Green, 114
Dandelion Detox, 92
Fiber Blend, 184
Hypnoparadise, 170
Lassi, 189
Power Breakfast, 117
Purple & Green, 118
Brown rice protein, 40
Cacao, 48, 167
Chocolate Mint Chip Shake, 167
Dandelion Detox, 92
Super Brazilian, 177
Carrots, 126
Jessica Rabbit Juice, 126
Cayenne pepper, 91
Celery, 30
All Greens Juice, 100
Cherries, 149
Northern Lights, 148
Red and Ready, 149
Chia seeds, 42, 44, 184
Açai Green, 114
Fiber Blend, 184
Green Power Bliss, 84
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Super Brazilian, 177
Chocolate Mint Chip Shake, 167
Cilantro, 99
Fiesta Juice, 99
Jicama Slush, 98
Mango Madness, 146
Cinnamon, 138
Coconut kefir
Belly Soother, 188
Blueberry Lassi, 189
Coconut meat
Coconut Greens, 79
Copacabana, 111
Coconut milk, 62
Coconut oil, 42
Coconut syrup, 52
Coconut water, 62, 174
Cucumber(s), 30
All Greens Juice, 100
Cooler Juice, 157
Dandelion Bliss, 93
Fine Fennel Juice, 194
Good Greens Juice, 161
Greenest Green, 88
Skin Tonic Juice, 158
Watermelon Medley Juice, 154
Dairy products, note about, 37
Dandelion Bliss, 93
Dandelion Detox, 92
Dandelion greens, 92
Dates, 52
Fats, healthy, 38, 42, 129
Fennel, 94
Fall into Winter Greens, 94
Green Juice Light, 193
Juice, Fine, 194
“V8” Garden Juice, 127
Fiber, 38, 44, 73
Flax seeds, 42, 44
The Green Kiss, 164
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Fruit juice, for smoothies, 67
Fruits. See also specific fruits
organic, buying, 34–35
seasonal, benefits of, 32–33
Ginger, 50, 87
Glass jars, 26
Goji berries, 50
Go Go Goji, 168
Bittersweet Symphony, 77
Green, 80
Green juices and smoothies
blenders for, 23–25
health benefits, 20, 23
juice compared with smoothie, 20
juicers for, 25–26
measuring ingredients for, 71
money-saving tips, 58
nutritional benefits, 19–20, 23, 55, 64
preparing juices, 27
preparing smoothies, 24
smoothie base liquids, 60–67
storing, 58
time-saving tips, 54, 57
Greens. See also specific greens
fiber in, 44
health benefits, 28, 30
Mango Madness, 146
raw, and thyroid issues, 33
Hemp protein and seeds, 40, 42
Dandelion Detox, 92
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Honey, raw, 52, 77
Jalapeños, 127
Jicama, 98
Jicama Cilantro Slush, 98
Juicers, types of, 25–26
Kale, 30, 133
Apple Pie, 137
The Bee-utiful, 152
Beet It Juice, 103
C Booster, 108
Coconut Greens, 79
Energizer Juice, 180–81
Fall into Winter Greens, 94
Fiber Blend, 184
Go Go Goji, 168
The Green Master, 91
Hail to the Kale, 133
Jessica Rabbit Juice, 126
Morning Sun, 142
Piña Colada, 187
Pineapple Express Juice, 190
Power Breakfast, 117
Refresh Smoothie, 83
Spiritual Gangster, 174
Sweet Almond, 138
Watermelon Medley Juice, 154
Whey to Go!, 121
Kiwi, 134
The Kiwi, 151
Spinach, & Avocado, 134
Lemonade, Frozen Green, 145
Lemons, 145
Maca, 48
Mango(s), 146
Madness, 146
Morning Sun, 142
Skin Tonic Juice, 158
Sweet Almond Kale, 138
Maple syrup, 52
Matcha green tea, 67, 175
Matcha Shake, 175
Mint, 179
Chip Shake, Chocolate, 167
Cucumber Cooler Juice, 157
Green Mojito, 141
Nut butters, 44
Fiber Blend, 184
PB & Jelly, 122
Sweet Almond Kale, 138
Nut milk, 60–63
Nut milk bags, 26
Nuts, protein in, 40
Power Breakfast, 117
Oranges, 108
C Booster, 108
Morning Sun, 142
OJ and Greens, 87
Peachy Green, 130
Papaya, 188
Belly Soother, 188
Peaches, 130
Peachy Green, 130
Pea protein powder, 40
Pears, 84
Fall into Winter Greens, 94
Fine Fennel Juice, 194
Green Power Bliss, 84
The Green Kiss, 164
Hail to the Kale, 133
Persimmon, 125
Winter Wonder, 125
Pineapple, 190
Cilantro Fiesta Juice, 99
Express Juice, 190
Good Greens Juice, 161
Green, 79
Green Goddess Smoothie, 97
Green Mojito, 141
Piña Colada, 187
Probiotics, 46, 183
Immunity Green Smoothie, 74
adding to drinks, 36, 73, 107
types of, 40
Protein powder
Açai Green, 114
Green Power Bliss, 84
Hail to the Kale, 133
Hypnoparadise, 170
PB & Jelly, 122
Purple & Green, 118
types to avoid, 41
Psyllium husk, 44
Purslane, 158
Skin Tonic Juice, 158
PB & Jelly, 122
Romaine lettuce, 30
Belly Soother, 188
Bittersweet Symphony, 77
Cilantro Fiesta Juice, 99
Cool it Green Juice, 179
Frozen Green Lemonade, 145
Good Greens Juice, 161
Grapefruit Green, 80
Greenest Green, 88
Green Goddess Smoothie, 97
Green Juice Light, 193
Green Monster Juice, 104
OJ and Greens, 87
Peachy Green, 130
Pineapple Green, 79
Refresh Smoothie, 83
Salad spinners, 26
Seeds. See also specific seeds
protein in, 40
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Spinach, 30
Açai Green, 114
All Greens Juice, 100
Blueberry Lassi, 189
Chocolate Mint Chip Shake, 167
Copacabana, 111
Frozen Green Lemonade, 145
Green Mojito, 141
Green Power Bliss, 84
The Green Kiss, 164
Kiwi, & Avocado, 134
The Kiwi, 151
Matcha Shake, 175
Northern Lights, 148
PB & Jelly, 122
Purple & Green, 118
Red and Ready, 149
Refresh Smoothie, 83
Seeds of Change, 112–13
Super Brazilian, 177
Winter Wonder, 125
Spirulina, 46, 170
Hypnoparadise, 170
Spiritual Gangster, 174
Stevia, 52
Go Go Goji, 168
Strawberry Fields, 173
Straws, 26
Superfoods, 39, 46–50
Sweeteners, 52
Swiss chard, 30
Banana Chard, 142
Banana Chard, 142
Tea, 67, 175
Matcha Shake, 175
Thyroid issues, 33
Vegan protein blends, 40
Vegetables. See also specific vegetables
organic, buying, 34–35
seasonal, benefits of, 32–33
“V8” Garden Juice, 127
Walnuts, 137
Apple Pie, 137
Watermelon, 154
Watermelon Medley Juice, 154
Whey protein, 40
Whey to Go!, 121
Belly Soother, 188
Northern Lights, 148
It takes tasters, shakers, movers, and makers to make an entire book loaded with smoothie
and juice recipes. I would never have been able to complete this project without help and
support from all these amazing people.
Also, thank you to my baby boy who grew inside me throughout this whole process—thriving
and growing on all the greens I fed him over the months of recipe testing. Thank you for your
patience and for allowing me to have all the energy I needed to complete this book before you
arrived into the world.
I also want to thank my dear friends and family for all their encouragement, curiosity, and
faith in me. Thank you for bearing with me throughout all my passionate health talk, green
juice pushing, and smoothie tasting.
Thanks to Ann Treistman for bringing this whole concept to life and all the other fine people
at Countryman Press for their outpouring of excitement, enthusiasm, and total belief in this
Last, but not least, thank you to all the juice bars and smoothie shacks that I’ve visited
around the world. Thanks for all your inspiration and recipe ideas. Your dedication to
healthy living is truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your love for real food with the world.