M2 - Tax Laws and Tax Administration
M2 - Tax Laws and Tax Administration
M2 - Tax Laws and Tax Administration
TAXATION LAW refers to any tax laws that arises from the exercise of the taxation power
of the State.
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) – agency in charge with the collection of national
taxes. It considers to following administrative issuances:
1. Revenue Regulations – issuances signed by the Secretary of Finance upon the
recommendation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) that specify,
prescribe, or define rules and regulations for the effective enforcement of the
provisions of NIRC and related statutes. They are issued to clarify or explain the tax
law and carry into effect its general provisions by providing details of
administration and procedures.
6. BIR Rulings – official positions of the BIR to queries raised by the taxpayers and
other stakeholders relative to the clarification and interpretation of tax laws.
TAX ADMINISTRATION refers to the management of the tax system. Bureau of Internal
Revenue, under the supervision of the Department of Finance is in charge or the
administration of the tax system in our country. It is managed by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue together with the four Deputy Commissioners who are designated to the
1. Operations group
2. Legal enforcement group
3. Information system group
4. Resource management group
7. To prescribe presumptive gross sales and receipts for a taxpayer who failed to issue
receipts and when he believes that the books or other records of the taxpayer do not
correctly reflect the declaration in the returns
8. To terminate tax period when the taxpayer is retiring from business; intending to
leave the Philippines; intending to remove, hide or conceal his property; or
intending to perform any act tending to obstruct the proceedings for tax collection
or render the same ineffective
9. To prescribe real property values
10. To compromise tax liabilities of taxpayers
11. To inquire into bank deposits under the following circumstances:
a. determination of the gross estate of a decedent;
b. to substantiate taxpayer’s claim of financial incapacity to pay the tax in an
application to compromise.
12. To accredit and register tax agents
13. To refund or credit internal revenue taxes
14. To abate or cancel tax liabilities in certain cases
15. To prescribe additional procedures or documentary requirements
16. To delegate his powers to any subordinate officer with a rank equivalent to a
division chief of an office