2023 NDA Wizquiz Rules English
2023 NDA Wizquiz Rules English
2023 NDA Wizquiz Rules English
Rules and
WIZQUIZ 2023 The quiz is open to all students enrolled in classes IX to XIl in
National Defence Academy schools in India.
is celebrating 75 glorious Each team must comprise two team members
years of its existence at the Both students must be enrolled in the same school
time when the country is Inter-class teams are allowed. E.g., a team can consist of a Class IX
celebrating Azadi ka Amrit student and a Class XIl student
Mahotsav which marks 75
years of India’s
As part of its Glorious Years Prior online registration is mandatory to take part in the quiz.
to present Wizquiz 2023, an Registration must be done by the school staff only
competition. The
commemoration of the QUIZ THEME & PREP
National Defence Academy’s
75 years of glory, together The theme of the quiz is "India"
with the quiz competition, Participants will be tested on their general
will serve as a reminder of knowledge and other areas such as current affairs,
the institution’s vital role in sports, science, entertainment, the history of the
shaping India’s defence NDA and India’s Armed Forces
forces. The quiz requires no specific preparation
A team may be disqualified at any stage if found using unfair
means to answer questions
Prizes worth Rupees One Lakh Twenty thousand will be
awarded to the finalists
E-participation certificate will be awarded to all registered
Wizquiz 2023
STAGE 2 & 3
These rounds will be conducted online on Zoom and Kahoot and
will be hosted by a quizmaster
ZONAL Detailed information regarding these rounds will be
19-20 AUG communicated only to the teams that qualify for this stage
Both members of the team must join the Zoom session from the
SEMIS same location, using a single laptop or desktop computer
26 AUG
STAGE 4 The top six teams from the national semi-finals will qualify
for the grand finale
The Grand Finale will be held at the National Defence
Academy campus in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra
FINALE Details of the finals will be communicated through SMS
28 OCT and email