DM Assignment

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CURES _# & J OF 50, + A%5 20 G00 Aprst Spy + 8Ay- o> “que Arak ag=0, = + Given Recurrence aelalton 19 Apso POOH FAAS ale bts of U) ond ere We in p=p-g 4o oa Ly O49 +3Cy yy +2An=0, + 20, =O, n-ab0 3 7 Qy-nigt On an 2O0b8 Qui, 20 » DAO “ig fe OF the Foo CpOpt Cpa Apa + Onan a IF Oe Cpe dy Ch 8s Cog a y The cuntltony equation 19 oni Cpa kt yg Wroh+9=0 ‘ 2) aGoey Sheety® Rooks, ave “veal ond ets Ten a! ch), ARDS BRE Poach eeP+@Q aro Grneral ealalion of RROD fe ae = > DLO Oo» DLO , tod a e feplece PHOHR > dopa aug cP? Siena Pee = 139° a) ww) aoe ae Ong. Te? ae) \ oe cP) let On® Sn BG RiS Tres one gob, these 10 (2) we ae ( ow (P) » cP) Apa FEA FAG “= BP_y oF Ago a ASO 9 AnD Ny S45 AOS HAAS = wD? 4 Ag® [ax998] =P iy pol gol=a = Ao= aa cub. Ap in @) ®) + Ones a 40) Heub. Recut &'@.© © on= ACTF BERD Le ve | wub.n=0 t2 ©, . | © (iso) | = AC BCD +20 & Pecliveky v6, (> qQ, De a SMT Minn eelt) awawiui,yie ag be 3 OO | cub n=1 to ©, | , ‘ a 1 Oy= ALA + BCRd+ 55.5 =~ A-QB42- “ ' =A 8B AvQBe Sa =~ - S52 ge ie | Aree a sohfng equaltons ® ond ©, 3 2 Ae Ss Be“ One SEW 4 OE) Cay+E- 0? fo the wequtioed, Slale Molberraltea! “Induclton. Using M:= prow orn posthue Inkoger D, Mean 16 dutetble b Mathematteal » igchese men +O 1 |" prove that elalement %6 toue Sor naked eae pre dhok_ pls) © doue f pdcos | echirrala at ep «0-28 ge sas dee! gqntee plete): Cray ake) © divietble b« pie se erp he T’ coptaine all uezlices op Gy. “Jp otberceorde 0 Spanring tece.c® a connected sp G vo 0 epanstog. subqrap thal ts clos a Lae. ro} Minirsal @poootog freee Retro ad ree 16 7 eee fo which tke eam of cosigbls ob ale ag vg cf & Wotan. Gen, geoph a {a © 6 8 oe p 3 karcbhal’e. gosta Kose Glepe Remove all loops ond parce! ones From the posh: Ip cose’ oP parcel edges » Keep he one ustich hos. mintnam woeight asecctoled and aemove all oles | Slop-8- Taookty Jhe iniam -coeight of edge “7 pepe , Wok ave gp(a)» DEC®) > add them fio pan 4 [ta ehh do ob ion | fom a cule: : | ae : eR ate sano memo Awa. = a v- sagpts oF edges pS | ovatlel © [oe = “dent ‘dhe nook “totam ta eg qr Ypok edges are Ke, co cath wéibtroum gy * hor, each do tok fom a eysle- Add these sags 40 te S |chove “Yaee. 3 a! ye | L- | aes | Glep-4:- “ty = peat minimum xetght of ed oe eat fom 0 cys seghee graph that edge we | re minfroam coet 4 +. Add thte ede AF to the tee. A 8 7 | Fi 5 al ae F i |_A soo by c 3 ° Tho ® requioed Spansing tree exhich conletns 6 and 5 eda adit midimum cost. 4. Minimum weight = 8+ 24545+4.<14 urls ene wb min. ~ Wletgbk = unite. 2, 20 staat Pre Alten aida. eae ean Slep=li- ee a \ 1 4 1 4 > the oich hoes re || apallel edges en ea | 5 8 + 7 = 3 (aigeskay Se re Bl agers j~a Clot hgaamars Glep-a* Choose Sep vedlest 08 tool. vertace —— collen chan ep 0B the wok verler oP Yhe Hee. “A Shep 3 Check outasing edge OF vestes: “A” ath mictnum cook etich do pot foam a cycle « {ook edges owe ABC), ho(@>, AFG), omong these ‘chooee edge Ac, fe cook te \ecoes than -the other. AY | 3 | Sigs Cheol col nq, edge oP vertices Asc usth mipin- Ee, cost, exbtch do pot fourm 0 oye. Ledges: AoW), cB Cay] , we dhoove edge cp, He AFG» CF (8), 60 (>> | oot $9.3, obich fo leeser A atpon the oben: [gp 6 Geck ool dps oP werlices ecbich do not fem a cycle esl raiptrsam Coot efoto Codk, Gh do bok Fost (ol cele. olhe. sj } / ® . c f | a | Bee eS sehen bis | | Add 4hte 40 the 4000. | noc, D AES ON het | Letse: ABC: NEED, CEB), ©6049. cow, 02t6 FT +e we claves edge DB» ale cool 1 8 tehith 18 5g poe thar the olher: cpt. A, ‘L see 3| \2 eat | | Bete gs 3 D ¥ a Glep-ct- Check alge eaepe oP veskices A, B5Cs0 cotth [Bikes AB(e), AEC), CELB), 08 (4), OEC8), BEC) (Ine choove edge DE, we coe! 12 @ which te [ese shan the Glep-43- Check oulgsng eget oP eelrose'’ AB, C+D od E est mfotmure ‘cock,’ eabteh do not foams j a. cyele, |i AF $e cost 6 + which to lescey than the OPOT eT ere A, Ta a ¢ “The te req | ona 5 edges w \ 2. Miotrnum a | | |) Lerce the abe ath Wp. coat 1 | Oetive Chao || Pekewsen rer “ee| Chromalta. g '@ to deno purokes ob | Notes IF Peleseen gu Oy ereraratyy 5 8 | 3| | | ‘| AE | sae eee CRS ab “Be te wQpFeed parsing Anee, which: conlatns ond & edges ust mfefmann ‘cost. on F 2. Mioimaure desis = Q4RTSTOHY = 1 url enoe the above tree fe reg itoed wiotneal Sporrtng ee with TIP ewig = + unite. uotth \ ty | Define: Chroormate Number. Fiod the Chromolte numbss of Pelereen por ond Kb. ie gt Crone pumbsas- “The dremaltc number ot 0 gor gt te denoted by 7L(@) ard 1 defined 09 Abe miotan | nur ob cde needed 40 label the veatioes. hues UG | Pelesoen genpb ) ond E | Pelerear conkdins 10 ve i oe vce) =k» then Gi fe, \e chromate. jeokgces ond 16 edees Pel exeer grep (@) corkane 10 vyesttces Ur Ua» Ugo Vas Vas Va» Vo | ee ap dhe color 6 40 he veo'toss Vis U2 Vy tng «,| Sle Sag 33 me Satan VWFVLULVAivi - — fits a | <.7Tbe wioimum ‘Suppoee casek J ug whe Gae nob axfacert, ord j tat -Aasign the gold Co, fo the verkces U5 > Vera eBtfchs Gos | wey ® nak adjacent epi] Gla009 Tks and assign the color | ove not adjacert. “The idiom 0-08 colors assigned to the graph is |uey=2 a | bie + a i Gyraph yb? Cg to the vertices Ug> Var Vio cobith mark PON (edue “16(0) all postive | He Gogh 18 cleo ‘caled Kenalaskt’e Fook graph: “| Ko gop conloine 5 vevices Uns Ua, Ugo Vigo Vo + pli) © ey hep (he ] Aecign pe color 0, fo the vevlex Up eub. p= Aeatqo the color Oo. 4o te vertex Us: 2 plo: 7 Assign he color Cg fo the uerkex Uy | + poo) :54 Aestge the color Cy 40 the verter iF ie Aestqn the cole Cy 0 he ueelen U,. sais J e — — > ae The rolotmum no. oF ecloxe Qesfqned 10 tbe graph ts ed=® > Nees aM +7 Ug Qhd ,, | Slate Skrenq Aduckton. Prove by Malbemabtoal todech USMON nie aot APY SP to dntotble by oF for ecch pop om eet och Coe qrkege? lr Ger00g Toduclions 0 Cobfab “The pumcige of oheong ‘induction choles that a proportional Ryaton PC fo true fou oll posrltue tkenere ‘1? [based op ee co cleps, four. hepttds “Inductive | | -rerk [PONISI ae all poatve ioleqee 4e Co pup Lie tue Sor all 12 44K] pa | (na) 7 fave, then pO? fe rue Ro all postive tolaes | i Basie elepi- (0) f te | cleptor Baste eps verity gud ped ae Brn we a | ptop: 3°44 po ee Feros: othe ee cleps- verity tak the proposttion pu % ope Show thot the condiltondl tabe- — -nplW] —+ pliers) 4 true for oat + (0) 6 4oue- sesame that ptt fs doue | - a oo) gob. nek we ge | te | pews oat oe bmue |: pore): 4 trot meone trek Ge dhuttble by OF Vip seer [sath el oem, gs chm ment | yrene phe) 1 pepo thal pki) fe tone APIO | oxb, oolatee ek : \ m | pues: yee athe hes | alts “4 i+ pure aie 8 fel page a Bt quan that 0 HS. 5nd | Given Recur A i.e, To prove that plkrt): 4 pehet): yerye okt3, heat ee a os eet ¥ coer) ; ales ft? og ee ae ig a we ae a oo oe? he co [eore] Seam! pehee netmegl te y a pckee): BMS _ cy.) 93 1h? 55. davtetble by o* Hence ples) Te {ouie 1 60) P42 fe annetble by ot Be every pop negalve inkeger ‘0 i g, Gove the Revrrsence aelalon Anton (+40n ce pea eye that Op=t » Ay=2 aie, Given Recurserrce wlation Anh4Oy,+40-a=8> Psa a ad Hee HD~8 | sake b-Hs® OF © ond eguols' to, ger Ont 4Opa thea Oo» D=8 a. “fre fe of the -foom CpG +Ep-4 Ans +En-2. Oma" 0L.PES =) yet Cpa = 49 Chaar Fe cul é uation ob © 6 cok So kten-27° |e Ka ght ¢ =O | \e-@s8 ‘ ; | Rooks ase ved! ord equals geome’: Tor = (HOOK | Se POSES ag Oe Z } Ap= BA, y+ BAp o> PLR ‘ | eub. these tr | <é 3 =0, Pxat+O | 4 O57 50, 4 BAn-9= O» | p= Ete ee te 0 be oem CoAn+Cy Spat Cranes ODES al Give Recers |? Opes Op-at-8> Cpar-S : |peo- fae a curathoay equalien oF RRL) V6 CRIC+CHART SPAN | Revive |> ie bk-6-0 Runckon 4 | ke Gad aule for « | Poole ce wea) and dietinck a vlog “poo Ope ARPA Bk [ keds heed Seren Qn= Aeyx8e I +O Here 9 arb. neo ty ux get Eee age ACEC AS ca) a= AtS ond | Reuntle AB=L +@ = cab. pet 1 @ he ipa ay= AST ¥ BC) 3= GA-8 ae a ) Rewntle GA-B=s 1@ AERES oe eub. these tp (2), We e One £ (8% ECAP te the wequteed exlulon. 8 Give Recewetue definition of a Runclgon. Chace dhol Ped= CQL 18 O(97) eq Rouretue deftettion ot 9 Auodtens: A defkstion oP a Ryockion took epentties an iniliol eet of udlues ond a apule Tor oblotring dikes dleme values of Jos Panction lok inlegere Prom ite values at emaller velsaae le Gen Ofo) = 0 Qe eam Heve qee- oe By Ye defnikion of ee \2eo] é c. }q(s0| where atk and $= alge) aC) | too= oe ~ vaajepelielel jax toll = \e = € ” [seal ‘ yotle lasts to s ae, | 2 Pra ee . qa” > when as

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