Suci Annisa Tiara, 150203150, FTK, PBI, 082360782890
Suci Annisa Tiara, 150203150, FTK, PBI, 082360782890
Suci Annisa Tiara, 150203150, FTK, PBI, 082360782890
Submitted by:
Alhamdulillah, all Praises are due to the Almighty Allah SWT, The Most
Gracious The Most Merciful who has guided me in every step, blessed and given
me the chance, inspiration, and power to finish this thesis. Peace and salutation is
being upon to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the
darkness into the lightness, who has shown us the perfect example of the greatest
human being.
to Drs. Ayyub AR, M.Ag as my main supervisor and Dr. T. Zulfikar, S.Ag., M.Ed
as my co- supervisor that always been patiently guided me, for their valuable
lecturers at Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Ar-Raniry. Especially for all the lecturers and
staffs of English Department who have taught, helped and guided me during my
study in English Language Education Department. Thank you so much for all the
wonderful beloved father Bachtiar M. Yunus and my lovely beloved mother Mutia
whose selfless sacrificial life and their great efforts with pain, tears and unceasing
prayers has enabled me to be in this position right now. Thank you for the patience
and trust you gave me all the time. Also, to my beloved sisters Sharah Tiara, Nina
Isnani Tiara and my beloved brother Ilhamna Tiara for their love, understandings,
Next, my thanks are also addressed to my best friends Siti Yauma Fitrah,
Ibnatur Rahmina, Dian Azmi and Umairahayu Sabrina who are always by my side,
supported and encouraged me all the time when I was sad and having a hard time
during my study. Thank you for the inspiration and happiness that we shared
together all this time. Also, special thanks to Unit 5 and 4, PBI students batch 2015
and for all of my friends that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you for all of
your companions all this time. May Allah Almighty bless all of you.
In this era social media are currently used by many people, including students.
Tandem application is one of social media as the valuable resource to support their
educational communication and collaboration. This research was conducted to find
out students’ perception on the effectiveness of tandem application in developing
students’ speaking skill which conveyed one research question in the research. The
data were collected from interviews and conducted two times on week one and
week two after the students used the application to find out the comparison of their
answers. The participants taking part in this research are 4 students in English
Department of UIN Ar-Raniry. Students are motivated in using tandem as media
for learning language and develop their speaking skill. The students’ partners in
tandem application are American Native speaker which Indonesian language is one
of their target language learning. The students’ and their partners will exchange and
learning their target language together. However, the interview result showed that
the students perception towards tandem application in developing their speaking
skill were not really effective based on students’ answers and their conversation
with their partners in tandem application.
A. Research Plan ............................................................. 18
B. Research Participants .................................................. 20
C. Methods of Data Collection ........................................ 20
D. Methods of Data Analysis .......................................... 21
A. Conclusions ................................................................. 57
B. Suggestions .................................................................. 58
REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 59
Language Education
4. Interview Guidance
5. Autobiography
uses to communicate with each other around the world and in every aspect of
the learning environment can be evidenced in the growing popularity in the use
English language learning there are four aspects of language skills; listening,
speaking, reading and writing. All of these four aspects of language skills,
speaking skill is the one aspect of language skills that are productive and
individual life strongly. Speaking is the same as an oral skill which are
meaning through the use of verbal or oral form (Chaney, 1998 and Gebhard,
1996). Everyone able to speak naturally, but not everyone able to speak
skillfully and regularly. For some students, who are non-native in English faced
difficulties when they have to speak English. They found that speaking
activities cause nervousness because their environment does not support them
to speak English. They do not have any confident to speak English and shy to
start the conversation in English. However, there are many methods that can be
used to improve students speaking ability, one of them is through media called
prefer to use media or application to learn and develop their ability, such as
online discussion boards, Skype, blogs, and others. These new applications
allow users to interact and collaborate with one another via social media in a
virtual community (Sa’aleek, 2015, p.60). Students spend more attention and
learning a language. It helps the learners to develop their skills and confidence.
It gives the learners to link and communicate with other people around the
Baumann et al., 1999; Macaire, 2004); then it spreads to other countries, first
to Spain, where it was given its present form. Today, Tandem language
want to learn, improve and develop their language. Tandem is really easy to
use. Through tandem, the learner has a chance to talk to native speakers of the
language that they want to learn. Each learner learns to understand the foreign
language better and to express themselves more easily, and this is an authentic
pair up with native speakers of the target language they are learning in order to
tongues work together in order to learn from each other”. (Brammerts, 2003,
exchanging the target language, each person is expected to give the other
learner feedback and correct the mistake that each learner made.
where students meet in physical meetings and e-tandem where they meet
virtually in different forms, such as oral (audio call, video call, voice message)
and written (text message) which provide in the tandem application. In tandem,
“each tandem learner decides what they want to learn, how and when, and what
kind of help they would like from their partner”.(Brammerts. 2001, p.10)
B. Research Question
research question; What are the fifth year students’ of English department UIN
C. Research Aim
English department UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh and to make the learning and
also want to see their perception whether it will be effective and helpful or not
will contribute some positive benefits to students and the researcher. It might
offer new knowledge about other media for the English learning process. It also
encouraging the student to speak. Therefore, they can get better in speaking
E. Research Terminologies
1. Students’ Perception
through the five senses and then analyzed (organized), interpreted and then
respond about what they see, listen and hear, and fell in the environment.
2. Tandem
languages work along to assist each other learning they target language.
who are learning each other’s language work together to help one another
their partner’s mother tongue. The fifth year of English department students'
3. Speaking
(2004) states that speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and
compromises the dependability and also the validity of oral production tests.
So, in this research speaking is study oral English with American Native
Speaker involving audio call; video call; and voice messages according to
1. Definition of Speaking
Furthermore, all people in the world have their speaking skills, when
people hear someone speak they pay attention to what the speaker says and
always do every time in their daily life to communicate with other people.
speaking is to send the message for the other one or to be able to communicate
their ideas, feeling, and thoughts by using oral speech in which is usually
involves the speaker. Not only used in conversation, but speaking also used
2. Function of Speaking
aspects of people lives engage speaking as the priority in almost all contexts
of lives, people communicate with each other to express their ideas, feeling,
thought, and etc. According to Brown and Yule in Richards (2008, p.21-28)
the functions of speaking are classified into three; they are speaking as
a. Speaking as interaction
b. Speaking as transaction
and Jones (2006, p.14) clarified that "in this type of spoken
c. Speaking as performance
a. Comprehension
the fact that participants fully understand the nature of the research
b. Grammar
is a theory of grammar.
c. Vocabulary
d. Pronunciation
e. Fluency
that “the signs indicate that the speaker does not have to spend a lot
C. Tandem
1. Definition of Tandem
their knowledge and learn from one another, guided by the principles of
learners autonomy and reciprocity (Vassallo & Telles, 2008). Tandem allows
someone to decide individually what and how they wish to learn. In tandem,
both users can find a native speaker of their target language, so they can both
develop and improve their skills in speaking, not only both people have to
meet in person, but they can learn by text, audio messages, video, and audio
calls. For students, it can make them easier to learn without having to meet
the speaker in person and both of them are exchange and learning the
especially for foreign language learners. They need to practice their speaking
two people who are native in their language to interact and learn each other
interaction and link in with a native speaker and thus get opportunities to
tandem than in larger groups as the participants themselves can decide what
practicing speaking and listening skills, because they need to focus on what
the speaker said to understand of what the native said, as well as receiving
supportive feedback and corrections from their partners. Tandem may help
calls with the native speaker of the target language, so they will not be bored
in learning when they learn with the native speaker. When learning in tandem,
both partners alternate between learning a foreign language and acting not as
tandem. Baker (2013, p.64) states that “In informal tandem, there is no
teacher or other target language learners present, the learner has strong learner
focus on”.
3. Advantages of Tandem
people who are learning each other’s language work together to help one
• to get to know their partner better and learn about his or her
cultural background;
4. Disadvantages of Tandem
have some positive and negative side according to the situation and condition
working at a distance from one another rather than face-to-face. This means
that each learners remains in his or her own environment, with different
However, the distance separating the two partners makes it easy for
specific to tandem language learning application arises from the fact that it
partner lives in different areas and country which means they have different
time and they need to arrange first when the two of them can practice together.
5. Summary
the research relevant to this study. This chapter discussed about the nature of
for speaking practice are also discussed in this chapter. However there are
some advantages and disadvantages of tandem. The next chapter discuses the
This chapter is describing the research plan, research participant, method of data
A. Research Plan
- two weeks
- One hour/day
- Each participant has his/her
tandem account
- He/she has to reach his/her
learning target 2. Students' doing
6. Evaluation - Each of them have different conversation with American
Native Speaker.
learning target.
- Students speaking - Free to choose their
improvement between partner among American
day 1 and 2 on the first Native Speaker consisting
week with day 13 and 14 student or non-student
on the second week. who want to learn
Indonesian language.
5. Researcher provide
written question related to 3. Students' doing
research question and doing conversation through audio
an in-depth interview to get call; video call or voice
relevant answer. message from tandem.
McTaggart as cited in Burns (2010: 7-9) which consists of four main steps:
B. Research Participants
The participants of this research are the fifth year students from the
speaker (American Native Speaker) of their target language related to daily life
conversation and time that agreed by both speakers. Thus, in this research
of the population that are of interest, which will best enable the researcher to
is not based on the level or area, but it is taken based on the specific purpose”.
However, in the research, the researcher invited four students who used the
a specific idea, program or situation” (Boyce and Neale, 2006, p.3). In this
research, the researcher will provide some written questions to get detail
Each participant was asked the same questions, using the same wording, yet
the only differentiation was in following up questions that were used to clarify
their responses. While interviewing the participants, the researcher would ask
recorded the whole interview to support the researcher to obtain the data.
range of processes and procedures whereby we moved from the qualitative data
research, to report the result of the data, the researcher analyzed the data using
themes within qualitative data. As stated by Clarke and Braun (2013, as cited
in Maguire & Delahunt, 2017) thematic analysis aimed to identify themes, such
as patterns data that are important and use the themes as address the research.
transcribed interview, to simplify the data , the researcher used students’ name.
After collecting the data, the data was organized according to the questions and
it would be transformed and analyzed from the interview based on what the
participants said about their perception of the effectiveness of using the tandem
application to develop their speaking skills. Then, the data analysis was
This chapter discussed the result from the data interview analysis.
In this section, the researcher would elaborate the data analysis from
in-depth interview. The interview was conducted two times by the researcher,
first interview was conducted on day 1 and 2 in week one and second interview
was conducted on day 5 and 6 in week two in order to compare and see the
similiarities and differences of the answers from the participants about the
students from fifth year of English department UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh .
The researcher addresses six main questions for each week to get students
advantages that they got from the tandem application. The answer from
each participant is similar. Most of the participant said that one of the
advantages of the tandem is they can get to know not only a native but also
Shinta said that one of the advantages that she got from tandem was
she could get to know various people from other countries and learn
Similarly, Dara continued that the advantages that she got from
tandem were she could find new friends to learn with and found out
answered: “... one of the advantage is to find your friend for practice
English and also I know the culture of the native speaker and I can
Uly said that she got the advantages to increase her self-confident
influence our speaking skill because we met the native one and also
She said that it was just little advantages that she got from tandem. As
such as engage the students with people from other countries and
students found that it was just little advantages that she got from using
speaking skill have a lot of disadvantages, all the students argued that there
Shinta explained that she faced the difficulties in finding the native
..., as far as I used this application, I still did not find any
people from American, my purposes is want to improve my
English language especially America. Because I did not find
many American people, so it is kindly hard actually.
b. Poor connection
be hard when they want to communicate with each other via video call
c. Slow respond
Dara said that she had to wait for a long time to get a reply from
the native for her messages. Because the native here often gave a late
d. Building a distance
Moreover, Tami exclaimed that the native looks like build some
distance when she communicates with them. She thinks that the native
having a distance between Indonesia and United State that could make the
students having a slow response from their learning partners to reply their
messages and also because the poor connection that they had. Also, the
difficulties to find American native partner who wants to learn each other
Because Shinta just used the application for about a week, she still
did not have the courage to do any voice communication with her
because I just used this application in a week I did not use a voice
b. Lack of vocabulary
using tandem application. She said that because her vocabulary is still
limited, it makes her nervous and took some time to communicate with
As Uly stated:
d. Building a distance
replied that one of the challenges that she faced is also about the
distance that built by her learning partners. She explained: “yeah, like
that. Because they think we are not their friend it has a distance”.
courage in using voice communication, also because they are still lacking
them which made the students need to find other partners who want to
media for one week to develop their speaking skill, they gave various
tandem, it might have some progress in her speaking skill, because she
answered: “we have to voice note sometimes and also or do video call
d. Not effective
their speaking skill. Also, they assumed that if they need to have a strong
that she did not find any effectiveness yet on using tandem for develop her
tandem application was not really good. After using the application after
Uly stated that before she used tandem, she felt did not confidence
to speak English. However, she got some new vocabulary from her
Moreover, Dara said that she had limited vocabulary before using
tandem, and it makes her not brave yet to speak in English. As Dara
However, the other two participants think that there were not any
big differences in their speaking before and after they used tandem
c. No big differences
target language learning. So, it did not make any big differences before
and after she used tandem, because most of her partners are non-native.
She exclaimed:
Similarly, Tami added that her speaking before and after using
tandem application also did not have any big differences. As she
that they get their speaking improved after using tandem application,
is not really had any improvement in their speaking before and after using
the application.
From the interview, most students did not get too much
in tandem.
6.1. Comprehension
their comprehension.
a. No big improvement
Shinta said that she just used the application for a week, so it
tandem are non-native, so the words that they used are the same,
she said:
still studying and they are still studying also. So, the
comprehension just make us understand each other, but
not to improve.
understand what they said that made her could reply to their
6.2. Grammar
All the students answered that there was also no big improvement
in their grammar. Because most of their partners did not really focus
a. No big improvement
most of her partners did not correct her grammar. Uly stated:
For Dara, she did not really focus on grammar because she
did not really care about grammar as long as they speak and
From the explanation above, all of the participants did not get
the same reason, such as their partners on tandem did not really
6.3. Vocabulary
vocabulary was the most improved. Because she could know the
vocabulary that she has never known before from her partners.
As she stated:
meaning of it.
had the same skill in speaking as her. So, her partners also used
the same vocabulary as her that could not make her vocabulary
that their vocabulary was the most improved one. Because they
could get many new vocabularies that they never knew before
6.4. Pronunciation
the students did not find any improvement yet on their pronunciation,
little bit.
a. No big improvement
pronunciation. Because they did not talk to each other yet. As she
yet, maybe is also because I just use this app in a week thought”.
partners, she heard how they pronounce the words. As she said:
learning partners.
6.5. Fluency
For fluency, all the students answered that they did not find any
improvement in their fluency yet. Because as they said, they rarely did
a. No big improvement
Shinta said that her fluency did not improve a lot, because
For Uly, her fluency also did not improve yet. Because she
just used the application for about a week, and also because her
lack in vocabulary”. Dara continued, she also did not have any
assumed that she has better fluency than her partners in tandem.
She claimed that: “for fluency. I think I can said that I am more
improved one is vocabulary. They got some new vocabulary from their
partners’ pronunciation and learned how to pronounce the words. But, for
one of the students said that their skill in vocabulary is equal with her
learning partners, they had the same level of vocabulary, which means
one, the research conducted the second interview in week two with the
same questions in order to compare and see the differences and similarities
of the first answers with the second answers. In the second interview, all
the participants’ answers are still similar as their answers on week one.
She said that the big advantages that she got were she got to a lot
assumed that she got some advantages after using the application
for more than a week. She could learn various languages from her
gave similar answers as week one that they can get to know a lot of people
around the world from the other countries. Furthermore, one of the
students gave the different answers as week one. She argued that after
more than a week she used the application, she found some advantages in
Based on the interview result, most of the participants still find many
As Shinta said before, after more than a week she used tandem
application. She still hard to find any American native who wants
Similarly with her answered as week one. Uly stated that the
disadvantages that she faced were about the distance that she had
Dara still had the same answer as week one. The disadvantages
that she faced were about she often got a late reply from her
she said: “like I said, it is still slow respond from them to reply
From the explanations above, all of the students had similar answers
as week one, the disadvantages that most students faced are about the
distance between two countries that could make the students having a slow
response from their partner to reply to their messages and also because the
All participants argued that they faced some challenges in using the
application, such as the native prefer doing text messages than voice
messages or they do not really understand what the native said in voice
It similar to last week, Shinta said that the challenges that she
that Dara faced, and the answer also similar to last week. She
As for Uly, the challenges that she faced in week two were
about the pronunciation that her partners had. Sometimes she did
As she stated:
a native without doing voice messages is not really develop their speaking
because the native prefers to reply by text. Also, most of the natives just
replied to the students’ messages at first, then they never reply or message
them anymore.
After Shinta used the application for more than a week, she
assumed that tandem application was not too effective for her
As Uly stated last week if she used the focus on using the
said that: “I think not too much, but I feel it is more effective in
effective for her speaking, she also could have an interaction with
Because the native prefers using text which means they did not interact
through their voice. Also, one of the students said it was more effective to
evolve their writing than their speaking because like they said before, the
native prefers using text. However, most of the students argued that the
application more effective on other things like, making friends and having
Most of the participants answered that their speaking skill is still the
same as before when they used the application on week one, they just get
Shinta assumed that her speaking before and after using the
application was still the same. It did not have any big difference.
As she said: “it does not increasing too much, it just still like this
As for Tami, she stated that her speaking before using tandem
was better. Because she could practice directly with her local
English was a bit good because she had basic English in her
answers. Two students said that their speaking skill before and after using
tandem is still the same. It means that their speaking skill did not have any
local friends. However, the other two students answered that they already
have basic skill in speaking because they are an English students, but when
they used the application it helps them to discuss something with the native
6.1. Comprehension
Similarly, like last week, most of the students still had the same
a. No big improvement
As Shinta said before, she did not really get any improvement
long as I try to use this tandem in the second week, I think I have
after she used the application more than a week. But, similar as
with them”.
6.2. Grammar
Most of the students claimed that there were not any big
little bit. Because most of her partners prefer to text than voice
Uly gave a similar answer as last week, she said that most of
Because, even their partners prefer to text, but most of them did not
6.3. Vocabulary
improve one out of the other components. She got to know some
Similiarly Uly added: “... for vocabulary, yeah, I got some new
tandem, because when I do not know the message that the native
claimed as last week that, their vocabulary was the most improved
one. They got many new vocabulary when communicating with their
partners on tandem.
6.4. Pronunciation
The student sstated that there were not any big improvement in
As for Dara, different from her answer last week, after she
used it for more than a week, she claimed that the application
imitate what her partners said and tried to pronounce it that made
6.5. Fluency
week that they did not find any improvement in their fluency yet.
Because as they said, they rarely did a voice communication with their
partners in tandem.
a. No big improvement
Shinta assumed, she still did not get any improvement in her
Then Dara added: “like two weeks ago my fluency is not still
Based on the explanation above, all the students stated that it did
not have any big improvement in their fluency. Because most of their
most of the students still have the same answers and perceptions as week
one. Their components of speaking did not have any big improvement.
However, it was still the same as week one most of the students stated that
vocabulary has the most improve one out of the other components of
week, she also agreed that vocabulary was the most improve one after she
B. Discussion
students’ speaking skill. The research question of this research is what are the
two weeks, most of the students give answers about not effective is tandem
application for developing their speaking skill. Most of the students having
difficulties and challenges when using tandem for speaking with American
natives. However, the native prefers to do text messages than voice messages
which means in students opinion their writing skill is more evolved than their
speaking skill. The students’ answers after one week and two weeks using the
application are similar, most of the students give perception about many of the
disadvantages and challenges they faced in using tandem for developing their
speaking skill. Such as, no responses from the native and the native prefer to
do text messages than voice messages that can not develop students speaking
skill. Also, most of the students’ partners in tandem are non-native where
and week two about the improvement of their components of speaking is also
similar. In week one most students answered that the speaking component that
most improves one is vocabulary. As well as week one, after two weeks using
tandem, most of the students stated that in their five components of speaking
their vocabulary is the most improved one. The answer is still the same,
because like they said before, whether the native or non-native in tandem prefer
their speaking skill. The application can become effective if the students and
their partner really focus and seriously on helping each other to exchange
common objective of learning from each other”. Brammerts also defines that
“each of the two partners is responsible for his own learning. He decides what,
how and when he wants to learn and what kind of help he would like to have
from his partner” (p.10). “language learning in Tandem occurs when two
another sharing the However, in this research the researcher get the answers
from the students about how difficult are them to find a native one of their
target language to communicate and learning from each other, also having
slow respond from the native to reply their messages, so that most of the
A. Conclusion
concluded that the use of tandem application in developing speaking skill not
partner have some interest in using tandem application merely for developing
their speaking skill, it can be enjoyable and fun because they can get many new
friends from the other country and sharing each other interest.
improves from the five components of speaking after using tandem application.
application is not really effective for speaking development, but rather more
effective to evolve their writing skill based on students’ answers and students’
conversation with their partners who are mostly used text to communicate.
B. Suggestion
give some suggestions that would be useful in the future, especially for future
The researcher considers that there is a limitation of this research. Using media
researcher to investigate its potential in other ways related to these issues. Also,
the researcher hopes that this research can be references or sources to the next
research with the issue and other purposes to make this application more
effective for students in learning languages. The researcher also hopes that this
tandem application is better widely known and used by students to improve and
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1. What do you think about the advantages of using tandem application in your
2. What do you think about the disadvantages of using tandem application in your
3. What challanges do you face when using tandem application in developing your
speaking skill?
1. What do you think about the advantages of using tandem application in your
2. What do you think about the disadvantages of using tandem application in your
3. What challanges do you face when using tandem application in developing your
speaking skill?