Rghioui 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1743 012035
Rghioui 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1743 012035
Rghioui 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1743 012035
1. Introduction
The technologies of the Internet of objects and their applications have made a great development by
becoming in these days more accessible and more available, allowing a large number of objects to be
interconnected via the Internet in several fields that are the field of health, home automation, industrial
manufacturing, etc [1]. In the field of intelligent health, there are several applications that aim to improve
care and improve the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases. Using IoT, the mobile health
service becomes more important as it plays a very important role in monitoring and controlling patients
who suffer from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes [2][3]. In the field of
intelligent health and more precisely in the part of patient monitoring, we find that patient data is very
useful. Indeed to realize an IoT application in this field, the one must have assured the recording of a
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The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
large amount of data collected by using measurements of the medical signs on the patients. Analyzes
can be applied to identify people who need "proactive care" to avoid worsening their condition. For
example, patients in the early stages of certain diseases (for example, heart failure often caused by
certain risk factors such as hypertension or diabetes) should be able to benefit from preventive care
thanks to big data [4]. To improve the health of patients, some of them shared their private details to
save lives in return [5].
Nowadays, there are several chronic illnesses, for instance, heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic
respiratory disease, and diabetes. This is a dangerous disease that is lately becoming one of the leading
causes of death in the world, and which requires a lot of careful monitoring to keep patients healthy.
Diabetes are caused by insulin resistance, and insufficient insulin production can lead to either an
increase or decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, therefore the main challenge of the diabetic
patient is to maintain the glucose level stable within a specific interval. If they can no longer comply
with these conditions, some patients require urgent care to avoid worsening [6].
The growth of diabetic patients in the world implied an increase the use of continuous glucose
monitoring devices (CGM) to control diabetic patient, these devices become the new method of
continuous monitoring. They provide real-time information about the glucose level.
In this article, we present an intelligent system for monitoring diabetic patients using Node MCU
and Machine Learning algorithms. The MCU node is connected with the glucometer to periodically
record the glucose level in a diabetic patient. Using this collected data, patients can be monitored
remotely by caregivers (patients, researchers, and doctors). As a result, patients and doctors alike have
to process multiple records and interpret the huge amount of data to adjust insulin doses and keep blood
sugar as close to normal as possible. An intelligent algorithm is implemented in our system, which is
able to send the data to caregivers, to store them in a database as positive or false positive after being
validated (or not) by the doctor. In our case study, the included sensors facilitate the monitoring of
diabetic diseases.
The rest of this paper is organized in the following: Section 2 presents the related work. Section 3
describes our proposed diabetic monitoring system. Section 4 details analyses Data Pre-Processing.
Section 5 describes the experiments’ setup, as well as the results of our practical evaluations. Finally,
Section 6 concludes this paper.
2. Literature Review
This section discusses the literature review analysis of some papers in relation to mobile application for
diabetic patient monitoring using machine-learning algorithms. A description of the proposed systems
and the used the used algorithms in this work are given. In their work, the authors presented an intelligent
architecture for the surveillance of diabetic disease that monitor the health of diabetic patients through
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
sensors integrated into smartphones [7]. In another work, the prediction of the diabetes types using
analysis algorithms and Hadoop map-reduce, prediction of complications, and the prediction of the type
of treatment have been investigated [8], while in [9], the authors proposed a system that can perform
predictions for Mellitus which is a type of diabetes using Hadoop/MapReduce. A new system for the
prediction of the glucose concentration has been proposed in [10]. Where the data generated by the
Continuous Glucose Monitoring can be analyzed by the glucoSim software using the Kalman Filter (KF)
to reduce the noise.
Regarding Many researchers have developed and implemented various analysis and prediction
models using different data mining techniques. In [11], the authors used a classification technique with
Naive Bayes and Decision Tree algorithms by using the Weka tool to find out patterns from the diabetes
data sets.
In [12] authors use Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees in one model classification technique to study
hidden patterns in the diabetes dataset. Authors in [13] used the C4.5 decision tree algorithm, Neural
Network algorithm, K-means clustering algorithm, and Visualization to predict diabetes for patients.
In this paper, we are using four machine learning algorithms, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, OneR,
and J48 classification algorithm from the diabetes data set, to test the most powerful algorithm to
determine the patient’s level of risk. No one of the revised systems is specially designed and developed
for diabetic patient monitoring. This work develops a new application using IoT for monitoring diabetic
patients via Wi-Fi, but we are not limited to the monitoring, but we added the application of machine
learning algorithms to classify the data generated by sensor and recovered by our application to classify
and analyze it.
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
4. Data Pre-processing
Due to the serious impact of diabetes on human health, it is relevant to predict diabetes early to better
manage the disease. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are used widely for data
classification and mainly for prediction. In our paper, we use machine learning to predict the state of
diabetes in diabetic patient. Using machine learning, one can only predict with the data collected from
the glucometer whether the diabetic patient is in the normal state or not without making the direct
medical diagnosis. Therefore, our proposed system uses a supervised classification machine learning
approach that captures the data set collected by the glucose sensor and makes the final decision on
diabetes. Fig. 3 shows the proposed model.
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
5. Experimental Results
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
In this section, we treat the experimental results obtained after the simulation of diabetic data with the
classification algorithms Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Simple CART.
The purpose of this simulation is to evaluate the performance of the classification algorithms that we
use and to recommend the best suitable algorithm for prediction. Using the confusion matrix, we
evaluate the prediction results using various evaluation measures such as the accuracy, classification
accuracy, sensitivity, and the F-Measure.
Confusion matrix: is a matrix composed of the true value of a positive rate (TP), the true value of a
negative rate (TN), the false value of a positive rate (FP), and the false value of a negative rate (FN).
Table2. Confusion Matrix
Positive (1) Negative (0)
Precision: It is the ratio of predicted positive instances and the total of all predicted positive instances.
Table. 3 represents the experimental classification accuracy results and the training time of different
Table.3. Correctly and Incorrectly Classified Instances
Algorithms Correctly Classified Incorrectly Classified Time (S)
Instances (%) Instances (%)
Naive Bayes 90.23 12.03 0.05
Random Forest 96.45 0.97 0.02
OneR 55.17 60.33 0.03
SMO 7.14 5.09 0.03
Fig. 5 shows the classification accuracy value of all classifiers.
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
Precision= (2)
Sensitivity= !"#$% (3)
Specificity= !%#$" (4)
Recall= (5)
F-Measure = ")*+,-,./#0*+122
Table 4. Values of Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision, Recall, and F-measure for algorithms.
Algorithms Precision Recall F-measure
Naive Bayes 0.91 0.85 0.83
Random Forest 0.56 0.67 0.56
OneR 0.78 0.58 0.91
SMO 0.89 0.92 0.77
Fig. 7 shows the performance results of each classifier in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
Figure. 8 represent the performance results of Sensitivity, Specificity and Accuracy for each classifier.
The International Conference on Mathematics & Data Science (ICMDS) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1743 (2021) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1743/1/012035
In this experimental study, four machine-learning algorithms were used Random Forest, OneR,
SMO, and Naive Bayes. All these algorithms were applied to the diabetic patient dataset. Predicting
accuracy is the main evaluation parameter that we used in this work. From Table. 5, we can notice that
the precision obtained by the Random Forest (98.56%) is better than the precision obtained by SMO,
OneR, and Naive Bayes. It is also easy to see that the Random Forest has the highest value of the
correctly classified instances and the lowest value of the incorrectly classified instances compared to
other classifiers (see Fig. 8).
The accuracy of the algorithms was measured and presented in Fig. 8. OneR gives 70.40% accuracy,
SMO gives 89.62% accuracy, 96.05% accuracy was achieved by Random Forest, and Naive Bayes gives
85.11 %. Therefore, Random Forest achieved the highest accuracy, which is 96.05%. From the
experimental results obtained. Therefore, the study leads us to conclude that the Random Forest
algorithm achieves the best performance in terms of precision and accuracy.
6. Conclusion
In this study, several machine-learning algorithms are applied for classification on a data set. So, in this
study, we have employed four main algorithms: OneR, Random Forest, SMO, and Naive Bayes on the
diabetic datasets. These algorithms have been used for experimentation on WEKA tool to predict
Diabetic patient data. We tried to compare the efficiency and the effectiveness of the cited algorithms
in terms of accuracy, precision and sensitivity. The most objective is to choose the best classification
accuracy. The overall performance of the Random Forest algorithm to predict diabetes disease is better
than SMO, OneR, and Naive Bayes algorithms. In the future work will focus on the integration of other
methods into the used model for tuning the parameters of models for better accuracy.
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