Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
What is an OID?
An OID is an “object identifier”. In computer networking the OID is used to identify an object that is
stored in a Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB is a database that manages the devices
used in a network setup. In this case, the OID’s are used to identify the objects, such as sensors, that
are connected to your unit. Roughly speaking, each OID identifies a variable that can be read or set
via an SNMP command.
What is SNMP?
SNMP is the most popular network management protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite.
It is a simple request/response protocol that communicates management information between two
types of SNMP software entities: SNMP applications (also called SNMP managers) and SNMP
agents (AKCP base units and sensors).
SNMP applications run in a network management station (NMS) and issue queries to gather
information about the status, configuration, and performance of the AKCP devices and sensors. For
example, this very simple diagram belows shows this concept of how WhatsUp Gold software, a
network management station, and an AKCP securityProbe 5ES, sensorProbe2 or sensorProbe+
communicate via SNMP accross the TCP\IP network:
A list of all of the options that are available for use from a command can be printed by passing "-h" on
the command line to any of the commands.
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
This manual aims to provide the user with a guide on how to use SNMP commands and the AKCP
OID’s. It does assume you have previous knowledge through completion of previous tutorials on our
If you have any difficulty viewing the screen shots or the text in this manual, you can use the “Zoom
In” feature of your document reader.
Please also note the “Quick Tips” in each section and also the “Quick Facts & FAQ” at the end of
this manual for more information on SNMP commands and OID’s.
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
Important note: if a sensor is in error, there is no SNMP response for its OID requesting its value.
sensorProbe OIDs
For the sensorProbe units, all of the AKCP intelligent sensors are divided into three groups, as listed
below. All of the sensors in the same group have the same OID.
The securityProbe and sensorProbe+ units support a wider range of sensors and therefore have
more sensor groups with different OIDs. You’ll need to use the MIB browser or the unit’s Web UI to
find the correct OID. An example is shown for SP+ units at the end of this manual.
sensorProbeTempDegree =
sensorProbeTempStatus =
2. The second group includes all analog sensors such as humidity, airflow, 4-20mA, and DC Voltage,
excluding the temperature sensor:
sensorProbeHumidityPercent =
sensorProbeHumidityStatus =
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
3. The third group includes all switch-type sensors such as water sensor, dry contact, security, motion
sensor, AC Voltage Detector, relay, and siren & strobe light.
sensorProbeSwitchStatus =
Note: The dual temperature and humidity sensor consists of a temperature sensor (group1) and a
humidity sensor (group2).
This shows the OID value for a temperature sensor connected to each port. As you can see the final
digit changes from 0-7 showing the 8 ports of an SP8 unit.
As noted earlier, the securityProbe and sensorProbe+ units support a wider range of sensors and
therefore have more sensor groups with different OIDs. You’ll need to use the MIB browser or the
unit’s Web UI to find the correct OID. An example is shown for SP+ units at the end of this manual.
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
OID’s can be used to set a switch output to high. For example, if you wished to remotely activate a
device then you could use an OID. The status of a switch (high/low) can be found using the following
OID (sensorProbe only):
Where “x” is the value (0-7 on 8 port unit) that the switch is connected.
If you wish to set the status of the switch to high then you can use the following OID (sensorProbe
Again the “x” value is the port to which the switch is connected.
This can now be used for remote activation of a device. If a temperature sensor, for example, is
connected on port 1 and a dry contact cable is connected on port 2, and the temperature exceeds the
threshold, then the management software can send an SNMP Set to the dry contact on port 2 with
the following command:
snmpset <ipaddress> <password> . i 1
The i denotes an integer value
i can take 2 values: 1 = output high, 2 = output low
If set to high it will make the dry contact pins output +5V which can turn on a relay.
Quick Tip:
If you want to control an output of a Dry contact, DO NOT use online/offline to switch the dry contact
on and off. Leave the Dry contact output online and use 'sensorProbeSwitchOutputLevel OID'
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
sensorProbeSwitchManualRelayAction = .
Where: x is a port number from 0 to 7 for SensorProbe (SP2, SP8, SP8L and CP8)
Integer Value :
1 = allow-sensor-control
3 = relay-turnon
4 = relay-turnoff
7 = cycle Off-On-Off
8 = cycle On-Off-On
Here is SNMP OID for reading the dry contact status: .
sensorProbeSwitchStatus =
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
This SNMPwalk command . can also be used for checking all of the sensors
on the securityProbe 5ES.
The OID's for checking the status of the sensors on the unit are as follows:
These are the OID's which detect if there’s a warning/critical on a particular module:
. get number of sensor that the status is not normal
. get number of sensor status is Critical and Error
. get number of sensor status is Error
The OID's for Virtual Analog Sensors on the securityProbe 5ES are:
Current Reading
Unit Text
In recent firmware the securityProbe has been updated to use the sensorByPort branch OIDs. This
will allow you to keep using the same OIDs for multiple units, which is very useful for mass
deployments (using configuration backups). The compound ID format is used, similarly as on the
sensorProbe+ units. This index is dependent on the sensor location.
Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
You can either use the unit’s Web UI (the Get SNMP OID
button) or the MIB browser (see an example at the end of
this manual) to find your correct OIDs.
You can check the OID's of each sensor connected to the expansion units by using this snmpwalk
snmpwalk -v1 -c<community> <ipaddress>
This will show the list of all the sensors descriptions on unit.
The expansion unit will keep the sensor with the sensor ID. The last number of the result of each OID
will be the sensor ID that you can use for getting the other values.
You can use this command below for getting the sensor readings on expansion units:
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
The OID architecture is a little different on the SP+ family than on the SEC & SP2/8 family.
2: the sensor index (compound ID): this index is dependent on the sensor location as following:
expansionPort (COM port), boardPosition (Board), personalityCardPosition (Module),
sensorPort, sensorPosition (Subport)
for example: - on SP2+ is internal com, main board, main module, RJ45 port 4,
subport 4
You can either use the unit’s Web UI (the Get SNMP
OID button) or the MIB browser (see an example at
the end of this manual) to find your correct OIDs.
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
The OID architecture of the wireless sensors are similar to the SP+ family, and contains a compound
The MIB file only contains the static part of the OID, since each and every wireless sensor have a
unique network address, and it is not possible to include them in the MIB. You would either need to
calculate the OID using the details below, run SNMP Walk or use the “Get SNMP OID” button on the
device’s WebUI to find the necessary OID.
We will explain the structure of the OID using this BOS LBTH TemperatureDegree OID:
424739607 is a decimal representation of the wireless sensor’s network address - you would need to
convert the address HEX to decimal to get this value.
To get this value take the Device Network Address (Hex) from the sensor, ex.: 19510317
Convert the HEX value to Decimal (using Windows Calculator for example): 424739607
0.0 is the compound index from the wireless sensor’s internal mapping.
It will be different for all wireless sensors, in this format: 3.0.<NetworkAddress>.<Port>.<Subport>
For example, for a WTTH sensor, the last 2 number of the OID is referencing to:
0.0 for temperature
1.0 for humidity
We will list the compound index value below for all currently released wireless sensors (as of 2021
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
BOS Sensors
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
63.0: MCU voltage
1.0: Dry contact input (port 1)
1.1: Edge counter (port 1)
2.0: Dry contact input (port 2)
2.1: Edge counter (port 2)
3.0: Dry contact input (port 3)
3.1: Edge counter (port 3)
4.0: Dry contact input (port 4)
4.1: Edge counter (port 4)
5.0: Dry contact input (port 5)
5.1: Edge counter (port 5)
63.0: MCU voltage
1.0: Current 4..20 mA (port 1)
2.0: Voltage 0..5 V (port 2)
3.0: Current 4..20 mA (port 3)
4.0: Voltage 0..5 V (port 4)
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Dry contact input
0.1: Edge counter
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Dry contact input
0.1: Pulse counter
1.0: Flow
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
2.0: Dry contact input
2.1: Edge counter
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Fluid height
1.0: Fluid volume
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Temperature front top
0.1: Temperature front middle
0.2: Temperature front bottom
0.3: Humidity front middle
1.0: Temperature difference top
1.1: Temperature difference middle
1.2: Temperature difference bottom
2.0: Temperature rear top
2.1: Temperature rear middle
2.2: Temperature rear bottom
2.3: Humidity rear middle
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Water Detector
0.1: Edge counter
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: LoRa SNR
1.0: LoRa RSSI
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Temperature front top
0.1: Temperature front middle
0.2: Temperature front bottom
0.3: Humidity front middle
1.0: Temperature difference top
1.1: Temperature difference middle
1.2: Temperature difference bottom
2.0: Temperature rear top
2.1: Temperature rear middle
2.2: Temperature rear bottom
2.3: Humidity rear middle
3.0: Differential pressure
4.0: Dry contact input (port 1)
4.1: Edge counter (port 1)
5.0: Dry contact input (port 2)
5.1: Edge counter (port 2)
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Dry contact input (port 1)
0.1: Edge counter (port 1)
1.0: Dry contact input (port 2)
1.1: Edge counter (port 2)
2.0: Dry contact input (port 3)
2.1: Edge counter (port 3)
3.0: Dry contact input (port 4)
3.1: Edge counter (port 4)
4.0: Dry contact input (port 5)
4.1: Edge counter (port 5)
5.0: Dry contact input (port 6)
5.1: Edge counter (port 6)
6.0: Dry contact input (port 7)
6.1: Edge counter (port 7)
7.0: Dry contact input (port 8)
7.1: Edge counter (port 8)
8.0: Dry contact input (port 9)
8.1: Edge counter (port 9)
9.0: Dry contact input (port 10)
9.1: Edge counter (port 10)
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: MCU voltage
0.0: Differential pressure
63.0: MCU voltage
1.0: Modbus analog (port 1)
2.0: Modbus analog (port 2)
3.0: Modbus analog (port 3)
4.0: Modbus analog (port 4)
5.0: Modbus analog (port 5)
6.0: Modbus analog (port 6)
7.0: Modbus analog (port 7)
8.0: Modbus analog (port 8)
9.0: Modbus analog (port 9)
10.0: Modbus analog (port 10)
11.0: Modbus analog (port 11)
12.0: Modbus analog (port 12)
13.0: Modbus switch (port 1)
14.0: Modbus switch (port 2)
15.0: Modbus switch (port 3)
16.0: Modbus switch (port 4)
17.0: Modbus counter (port 1)
18.0: Modbus counter (port 2)
19.0: Modbus counter (port 3)
20.0: Modbus counter (port 4)
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
WTS Sensors
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
63.0: Battery voltage
1.0: Dry contact input (port 1)
1.1: Edge counter (port 1)
2.0: Dry contact input (port 2)
2.1: Edge counter (port 2)
3.0: Dry contact input (port 3)
3.1: Edge counter (port 3)
4.0: Dry contact input (port 4)
4.1: Edge counter (port 4)
5.0: Dry contact input (port 5)
5.1: Edge counter (port 5)
63.0: Battery voltage
1.0: Current 4..20 mA (port 1)
2.0: Voltage 0..5 V (port 2)
3.0: Current 4..20 mA (port 3)
4.0: Voltage 0..5 V (port 4)
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Dry contact input
0.1: Edge counter
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Dry contact input
0.1: Pulse counter
1.0: Flow
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature (RTD PT100)
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
2.0: Dry contact input
2.1: Edge counter
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Fluid height
1.0: Volume
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature front top
0.1: Temperature front middle
0.2: Temperature front bottom
0.3: Humidity front middle
1.0: Temperature difference top
1.1: Temperature difference middle
1.2: Temperature difference bottom
2.0: Temperature rear top
2.1: Temperature rear middle
2.2: Temperature rear bottom
2.3: Humidity rear middle
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Water Detector
0.1: Edge counter
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: LoRa SNR
1.0: LoRa RSSI
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Differential pressure
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: Battery voltage
1.0: Modbus analog (port 1)
2.0: Modbus analog (port 2)
3.0: Modbus analog (port 3)
4.0: Modbus analog (port 4)
5.0: Modbus analog (port 5)
6.0: Modbus analog (port 6)
7.0: Modbus analog (port 7)
8.0: Modbus analog (port 8)
9.0: Modbus analog (port 9)
10.0: Modbus analog (port 10)
11.0: Modbus analog (port 11)
12.0: Modbus analog (port 12)
13.0: Modbus switch (port 1)
14.0: Modbus switch (port 2)
15.0: Modbus switch (port 3)
16.0: Modbus switch (port 4)
17.0: Modbus counter (port 1)
18.0: Modbus counter (port 2)
19.0: Modbus counter (port 3)
20.0: Modbus counter (port 4)
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Pressure
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Fluid height
2.0: Fluid volume
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Operable sensors count
2.0: Calibration status
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
2.0: Operable sensors count
3.0: Calibration status
63.0: Battery voltage
0.0: Temperature
1.0: Humidity
2.1: Particle number concentration PM0.5
3.0: Particle mass concentration PM1.0
3.1: Particle number concentration PM1.0
4.0: Particle mass concentration PM2.5
4.1: Particle number concentration PM2.5
5.0: Particle mass concentration PM4.0
5.1: Particle number concentration PM4.0
6.0: Particle mass concentration PM10
6.1: Particle number concentration PM10
7.0: Typical particle size
8.0: Air quality VOC index
63.0: Battery voltage
1.0: Dry contact input/output (port 1)
1.1: Edge counter (port 1)
2.0: Dry contact input/output (port 2)
2.1: Edge counter (port 2)
3.0: Dry contact input/output (port 3)
3.1: Edge counter (port 3)
4.0: Dry contact input/output (port 4)
4.1: Edge counter (port 4)
5.0: Dry contact input/output (port 5)
5.1: Edge counter (port 5)
6.0: Dry contact input/output (port 6)
6.1: Edge counter (port 6)
7.0: Dry contact input/output (port 7)
7.1: Edge counter (port 7)
8.0: Dry contact input/output (port 8)
8.1: Edge counter (port 8)
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
What is the OID for the 8 port relay box on the sensorProbe?
In an NMS (like PRTG or Cacti) I need to fill an OID to get a graph. Which OID do I have to use for
this? How can I translate the output of the snmpwalk command to a usable OID for graphing?
On the sensorProbe units you can run an SNMPwalk of:
iso. --> this gives the description
iso. --> this is the OID that belongs to the description above
iso. --> this give the description
iso. --> this is the OID that belongs to the description above
Do you have an OID for the securityProbe and securityProbe 5ES that will tell me if any of my
sensors connected to any of the RJ-45 sensor ports is in an alarm state?
Yes, we do. You can use this OID here: .
This OID will return the worst case status of the SEC or SEC 5ES. So, for example you have a sensor
in a normal, a warning state and a sensor in a critical state, the OID will return that a sensor on the
unit that is in the critical state.
From here you can do an SNMPwalk on all the OID’s to determine which sensors are in what status.
This can be utilized by say a NMS for example.
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
Do you have an OID that will return what the MAC ID of my unit is on the sensorProbe units?
Yes, we do. You can use this OID here:
I have used the web interface to configure the sensorProbe device. In particular, I have used the web
interface to set temperature thresholds; can these thresholds be set via SNMP commands?
Yes, you can use the following SNMP set commands for changing your temperature\humidity
thresholds for sensorProbe units.
snmpset -m all -v 1 -c <community> <IPAddress> .<port> i
<High Warning value>
snmpset -m all -v 1 -c <community> <IPAddress> .<port> i
<High Warning value>
snmpset -m all -v 1 -c <community> <IPAddress> .<port> i
<High Critical value>
snmpset -m all -v 1 -c <community> <IPAddress> .<port> i
<Low Warning value>
snmpset -m all -v 1 -c <community> <IPAddress> .<port> i
<Low Critical value>
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
What is the OID for the daisyTemp temperature string sensor on sensorProbe?
You can use the following SNMP Set commands for the daisyTemp sensor on SP units.
For the daisyTemp sensors and Relay Array the port starts at "1" thresholds.
For checking it the SNMP command is:
snmpget -m all -v1 -c <community> <IPaddress> .
For setting it the SNMP command is:
snmpget -m all -v1 -c <community> <IPaddress> . i <start port>
Do you have an OID for checking the sensor type, or what type of sensor is connected to my
sensorProbe base unit?
Yes, you can use the SensorType OID for checking the sensor type on each port and also use the
Sensor Online OID again for making sure that sensor is online.
. for checking the type of sensor
When polling this for all sensors on your unit you will get this displayed:
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
A MIB Browser is a tool that allows you to pull out data from SNMP enabled devices such as routers,
switches, and servers. In addition to pulling out data, a MIB Browser may also perform the following
Retrieve and display MIB data in a human readable form
Allows you to make it smarter by compiling in additional MIB definitions
Set MIB variables, create, modify or delete conceptual table rows
Basic alarm ( trap ) management
View the MIB text file in a graphical manner usually featuring a MIB tree
Support all versions of SNMP including SNMPv3 security
You can download this tool for free from iReasoning’s web site here:
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
After opening the MIB browser, first load the AKCP.MIB file using the File menu / Load MIBs option.
Then you can navigate the tree view (per product family) and find all base OIDs from the MIB browser
navigation tree, as in the example screenshot below for SP+ temperature sensors:
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
temperatureDegree : .
temperatureUnit : .
tempertureStatus : .
humidityPercen: .
humidityUnit : .
humidityStatus : .
Then, you have to add the sensor Index, which depends on the sensor position (module, port and its
subport), in our example means: module 1, port 1, subport 2.
The subport index is for multiple sensors connected to a physical port. For example, the THS sensor
has 2 sensors (temperature and humidity) connected to one port, their subport would be respectively
1 and 0.
Using the MIB browser, you can quickly get the sensor indexes by double-clicking on the
commonDescription OID in the navigation tree. This will display the descriptions of all sensors
connected to your SP+, and their corresponding OID+index as in the screenshot below:
Due to the very flexibility of our units, we can't give you directly a specific OID for each sensors
connected to your unit as it depends on the units configuration and on the sensor location and type.
That is why we have this architecture with the combination of the OID from the MIB + the sensor
Index because every user configuration is different from one to another.
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Using AKCP OID's & SNMP commands
Please contact [email protected] if you have any further technical questions or problems.
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