Syllabus of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
Syllabus of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
Syllabus of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
Ju r i s p r u d e n c e a n d L e g a l T h e o r y
Ms. Soumya Rajsingh and
Dr. Ashok P. Wadje
(Faculty In-Charge of the Course)
1. Dias on Jurisprudence (1994), (First Indian Reprint)
2. Fitzgerald (ed.) Salmond on Jurisprudence (1999)
3. HLA Hart, The Concepts of Law (1970) Oxford, ELBS
4. Dhyani S.N., Jurisprudence: A Study of Indian Legal Theory (1985) Metropolitan,
New Delhi
5. V.D. Mahajan, Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, (1996 re-print), Eastern, Lucknow
6. Paton G.W. Jurisprudence (1972) Oxford, ELBS
7. W. Friedman, Legal Theory (1999) Universal, Delhi
8. Nomita Aggarwal, Jurisprudence-Legal Theory (1996 re-print), Eastern Book
Company, Lucknow.